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Current Politics and Religious Topics
Mother said to never discuss politics and religion at the dinner table, so take it here. Members must register to post here.
This is an index of topics from the Current Politics and Religious Topics topic on the inthe00s
February 2005
- When a TV show is going down the tubes, they add a child actor by ChuckyG - 02/28/2005
- Get too popular on a conservative radio channel and you'll get booted by ChuckyG - 02/28/2005
- When did the language-hating, gun carrying PC rules become the don't offend, by Full_House_Fan - 02/27/2005
- What's worse: Old School (pre-90s I guess) or New School (post-1980s I guess) PC by Full_House_Fan - 02/27/2005
- I will no longer post at the politics board by Full_House_Fan - 02/26/2005
- What year did our Education system decline? by Indy Gent - 02/26/2005
- train derailer wanted to die, why not kill people who shoot at others? by saver - 02/25/2005
- Republicans: In favor or against doctor/patient privacy? by ChuckyG - 02/25/2005
- Ashcroft by ChuckyG - 02/25/2005
- Is Athiesm a lie? by GoodRedShirt - 02/24/2005
- Who wants to read a book where W goes to hell next year and stays there? by EthanM - 02/24/2005
- Per il signore... by Alchoholica - 02/24/2005
- Does the Universe revolve around the Earth in a spiritual way? by Full_House_Fan - 02/24/2005
- What year are we technologically to 1930s scifi writers? by Full_House_Fan - 02/24/2005
- Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct? by Full_House_Fan - 02/24/2005
- "Song of the South" to be on DVD in 2006... Your thoughts by woops - 02/23/2005
- Which came first? by Mister C - 02/23/2005
- IT'S ALL A LIE by Leo Jay - 02/22/2005
- Full_House_Fan.... by GWBush2004 - 02/22/2005
- Assuming Reincarnation is real, what were you in your past life? by Full_House_Fan - 02/22/2005
- The Meaning Of Life (pick up to five) by Full_House_Fan - 02/22/2005
- Airport Security - Racial Profiling by Full_House_Fan - 02/22/2005
- Is Islam a lie? by Full_House_Fan - 02/22/2005
- Is the Universe a Matrix? by Full_House_Fan - 02/22/2005
- Is Mormonism all just a lie? by Full_House_Fan - 02/22/2005
- What will Global Warming be in 2040? by Full_House_Fan - 02/22/2005
- Full House Fan by Trimac20 - 02/22/2005
- Hunter S Thompson - RIP by UKVisitor - 02/21/2005
- Is this true? by neebs25 - 02/21/2005
- STOP KISSING DEAD PRESIDENT'S ARSES!!!! by Full_House_Fan - 02/21/2005
- Does LWP or Death Penalty REALLY deter crime besides preventing further offense by Full_House_Fan - 02/21/2005
- When will partial or total Armageddon occur? by Full_House_Fan - 02/21/2005
- Black Reparations by Full_House_Fan - 02/21/2005
- Canada will be sending 30 soldiers Iraq by GWBush2004 - 02/21/2005
- "Zippity Do Dah"? being covered...Wasn't that song banned? by woops - 02/20/2005
- Let's Discuss Whaling by Full_House_Fan - 02/20/2005
- Drilling in Alaska? by Full_House_Fan - 02/20/2005
- Do do feel Hate for anyone? by Full_House_Fan - 02/20/2005
- Defiant British Hunters To Run Hounds Despite Ban by GWBush2004 - 02/20/2005
- Reports of Air America's death have been greatly exagerated... by ChuckyG - 02/18/2005
- Fox News to reveal Deep Throat's identity! by GWBush2004 - 02/18/2005
- illegal Mexicans by pimpinsteelersfan - 02/18/2005
- Are Animals Equal to People? by Full_House_Fan - 02/18/2005
- Forget it by ElDuderino - 02/18/2005
- Why is this board so liberal? by Full_House_Fan - 02/18/2005
- Kyoto by GWBush2004 - 02/18/2005
- Decentcy Bill Passed Iin The Staes by JamieMcBain - 02/17/2005
- Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes? by Full_House_Fan - 02/17/2005
- Liberal or Conservative, Part 2 by Full_House_Fan - 02/17/2005
- US Supreme Court to Consider Petition to Reverse Abortion Law Roe v Wade by GWBush2004 - 02/16/2005
- Frist has necessary votes to change filibuster rules by GWBush2004 - 02/14/2005
- Worst Threat by Full_House_Fan - 02/14/2005
- Gays in the Military, now we need you by danootaandme - 02/12/2005
- Do you believe in ghosts? by Full_House_Fan - 02/12/2005
- Same-sex marriage fight still alive in Massachusetts by GWBush2004 - 02/11/2005
- Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami by ChuckyG - 02/10/2005
- Save The Rainforest for Free! by Full_House_Fan - 02/10/2005
- human cloning-scientists given the green light by whitewolf - 02/09/2005
- Chronological list of Fox's "news" during the Iraq war by ChuckyG - 02/09/2005
- Ward Churchill: right or wrong by MaxwellSmart - 02/09/2005
- Budget Cuts, What Say You Bush Fans by danootaandme - 02/08/2005
- Georgia state supreme court upholds life sentence for 13-year-old boy by GWBush2004 - 02/08/2005
- Prevalance of Molestation by danootaandme - 02/08/2005
- Deep Throat by Alchoholica - 02/08/2005
- Immigration Bill May Settle Fence Fight by GWBush2004 - 02/07/2005
- Prayer and government meetings by MooRocca - 02/07/2005
- Environment by Full_House_Fan - 02/06/2005
- Death Penalty by Full_House_Fan - 02/06/2005
- Tobacco wins big by GWBush2004 - 02/05/2005
- Worst Crime by Full_House_Fan - 02/04/2005
- Are you Christian? by Full_House_Fan - 02/04/2005
- Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questions by ChuckyG - 02/03/2005
- Gallup Poll: Bush's state of the union speech wins converts, was a big hit by GWBush2004 - 02/03/2005
- uterus removal for criminals! by saver - 02/03/2005
- MOVED: Animal Emotions by ChuckyG - 02/03/2005
- Just in..."Grading the states," 2005 edition by GWBush2004 - 02/02/2005
- For or against the Bush by Full_House_Fan - 02/02/2005
- Newest Iraq Kidnapping by Mushroom - 02/02/2005