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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/24/05 at 11:05 pm
I'll say Buddhism. That belief makes more sense than any other to me, though I choose not to "follow" it.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: sputnikcorp on 02/24/05 at 11:10 pm
how can a faith be correct? i don't think God or any other supernatural being is going to come down from heaven and tell us the right answer so it's all up to us and a hunch.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/24/05 at 11:18 pm
how can a faith be correct? i don't think God or any other supernatural being is going to come down from heaven and tell us the right answer so it's all up to us and a hunch.
Well, what do you think is most plausible as to the real religious state of the Cosmos, that is what will we find out, if anything, when we die?
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: sputnikcorp on 02/24/05 at 11:26 pm
personally, i think each faith has it's own version of the afterlife. i'm a sin loving christian so i'm going to a burning hell. a buddhist is going to get reincarnated or end up in nirvana. the afterlife, i believe has no definable boundries limited by one encompassing ethos.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/24/05 at 11:31 pm
personally, i think each faith has it's own version of the afterlife. i'm a sin loving christian so i'm going to a burning hell. a buddhist is going to get reincarnated or end up in nirvana. the afterlife, i believe has no definable boundries limited by one encompassing ethos.
Interesting. That like the "the universe is created by the observer, not vice versa" right? I'll be reincarnated as something I think. But I'm not sure.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: sputnikcorp on 02/24/05 at 11:38 pm
something like that.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/24/05 at 11:39 pm
something like that.
Do you want to burn in Hell?
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: sputnikcorp on 02/24/05 at 11:41 pm
Do you want to burn in Hell?ÂÂÂ
i'm born into my faith but i want the good life so i'll pay for my selfish life in hell. most people are in denial, i choose to accept my fate.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/24/05 at 11:42 pm
i'm born into my faith but i want the good life so i'll pay for my selfish life in hell. most people are in denial, i choose to accept my fate.
I see. ;)
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: EthanM on 02/25/05 at 12:49 am
I find it all pretty hard to believe, so i made up my own theory which i don't believe either. But i still like the idea better than anything that i know of out there now. You can see some of it in the preview here:
and maybe if you like that you can consider buying the book.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: McDonald on 02/25/05 at 12:18 pm
how can a faith be correct? i don't think God or any other supernatural being is going to come down from heaven and tell us the right answer so it's all up to us and a hunch.
I agree. A faith of this caliber cannot be proven correct or incorrect. Besides... these are just a bunch of religions with one exception -athiesm. I didn't participate in the pole because it seems like either one has to choose a religion, or he is an Athiest.
There are a myriad of beliefs which simply denote the possible nature of a divine existence (i.e. panthesim, animism, atheism, theism, duotheism, polytheism, monotheism, deism, agnosticism... etc.). None of these are religions, but approaches on what the nature of God is (if it even exists). Out of all these, I think that IF there is a God, pantheism (the belief that god is the collective spirit of all things in existence) seems most plausible. I, however, am an unbudging agnostic.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: Tanya1976 on 02/25/05 at 5:04 pm
Neither. They all have issues.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: AL-B on 02/25/05 at 9:10 pm
I think Christianity, as Jesus had originally intended it, was supposed to be filled with a message of peace and love and hope, and would have been a more noble and honorable religion. Then he died, and something happened along the way. A lot of people like to say that what's in the Bible has been used to justify the deaths and enslavement and suffering of millions of people over the last 2 millenia. I don't think that's quite true. I think that what's NOT in the Bible (particularly in the New Testament) is what has screwed everything up for all this time.
   This is only a gut feeling--I have no way to substantiate this claim, but I can't help but think that underneath the Vatican (or in some secret temple somewhere) there's this vast library of lost documents and chapters of the Bible that were deliberately left out for political purposes. (Kind of like in The DaVinci Code, I suppose.) The New Testament skips over so much of Jesus' life that basically we're supposed to believe that he was born on Christmas and was crucified 33 years later, and aside from a few miracles and sermons apparently he didn't do anything in between that was important enough for anyone to take the trouble to write about. I believe that there were many other great stories about Jesus' life that were written down, but these writings were intentionally repressed and possibly even destroyed by the Church in later years because they contradicted some of the Church's more treacherous policies. Perhaps Jesus may have even warned of the danger of following organized religion without question.ÂÂÂ
   And it is well-documented that Jesus sought out not the rich and the powerful and the pious, but instead he embraced the beggars and prostitutes. What about the homosexuals? If Jesus was truly a man of compassion as the Bible depicts him, than surely he reached out to the gays and lesbians of his day as well. But I don't think we''l be reading THAT chapter of the Bible anytime soon.
   Remember that scene in "History Of The World Part I" when Mel Brooks, as Moses, stands on the mountain holding 3 tablets and shouts out, "My people, I bring to you these FIFTEEN..." (and then he accidentally drops one of the tablets and it shatters into pieces) "...TEN! I bring you these TEN commandments!" That's kind of what I think happened to the Bible.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: EthanM on 02/25/05 at 9:16 pm
anyone ever read Lamb by Christopher Moore? It's supposed to be the years of Jesus' life that weren't mentioned in the bible, and it's a really funny book.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: AL-B on 02/25/05 at 9:28 pm
anyone ever read Lamb by Christopher Moore? It's supposed to be the years of Jesus' life that weren't mentioned in the bible, and it's a really funny book. ÂÂÂ
Does it go into detail about Jesus' modestly successful career as a Pro Stock drag racer? Not many people know about that. ;)
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 02/26/05 at 3:31 pm
I don't know, but I can tell you which one is NOT....Mormonism ::) I've known many nice people that were Mormon...it's not them that is bad, it's the "Foundation" of thier "Church" which was concieved by con artist Joseph Smith :P
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/26/05 at 4:28 pm
I don't know, but I can tell you which one is NOT....Mormonism ::) I've known many nice people that were Mormon...it's not them that is bad, it's the "Foundation" of thier "Church" which was concieved by con artist Joseph Smith :P
Somebody agrees with me! ;)
-FHF :)
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 02/26/05 at 4:31 pm
Somebody agrees with me! ;)
-FHF :)
So do the people who had relatives who were murdered by his order in 1800's Illinois :-\\
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/26/05 at 4:36 pm
I think most people will vote for their own faith with a question like this (as I did). The fact that people follow a faith USUALLY means that it holds some kind of truth for them. It wouldn't make any sense for anyone to say that their faith is NOT correct but otherwise, why would they follow it.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/26/05 at 4:37 pm
So do the people who had relatives who were murdered by his order in 1800's Illinois :-\\
Really?  :\'(  That's a shame.  Well at least it was a long time ago.  :-\\
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: Don Carlos on 02/26/05 at 6:12 pm
As a non-believer, I had to vote atheism. But I would observe that that some of the fdaiths listed are "revealed religions, which claim to speak for God, and others, like Buddhism and Hinduism, have leaders who do not claim a connection to the devine. I think you are mixing apples and oranges with your choices. Maybe you should read about the great religions of the world before asking questions like this. OPmly a suggestion, and no hurt intended.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: Indy Gent on 02/26/05 at 11:14 pm
Christianity. How is atheism considered a "faith"? A more correct term would be a "belief" or a "theory"? If that is true, maybe Darwinism should be included here.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: Don Carlos on 02/27/05 at 5:21 pm
Christianity. How is atheism considered a "faith"? A more correct term would be a "belief" or a "theory"? If that is true, maybe Darwinism should be included here.
Good point. Atheism is not a faith as such, but, one might say, the absense of faith, or, one might say, the rejection of the verasity of someone's revelation. As I said above, I am a none-believer. When God reveals itself to me, then I will believe. Until then, I will not place my trust in those who claim to have communed with the devine.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: Miss Tainted on 03/13/05 at 12:32 am
I pick Christianity. It just makes more sense to me than anything and I'm not gonna risk my soul by saying "There is no God" so Atheism is the last thing I would pick.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: ADH13 on 03/13/05 at 12:37 am
Maybe you could tell me... :)
I believe in God as the creator of all things... I am thankful to God for my existence, the fact that I have all the necessary body parts and they all work...
I have never gone to church except for weddings and baptisms of friends, I have never read the bible, I don't pray except at family gatherings before dinner.
I celebrate Christmas.
I eat meat on Fridays, I do not give up anything for Lent.
I really don't think I have a religion. I think that's called non-denominational?
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: jiminy on 03/13/05 at 12:46 am
Buddism, we all have good and evil inside us, we just need to balance the two forces
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: ADH13 on 03/13/05 at 3:30 pm
Christianity. How is atheism considered a "faith"? A more correct term would be a "belief" or a "theory"? If that is true, maybe Darwinism should be included here.
Atheism, as it was explained to me, is faith in one's own self instead of a superior being or God.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: ElDuderino on 03/13/05 at 4:16 pm
Atheism, as it was explained to me, is faith in one's own self instead of a superior being or God.
You were explained to wrong.
The only thing Atheism means is a lack of belief in any deities. Thats it. There are no other beliefs attached to it whatsoever. Being an atheist is not a form of nihilism, meaning you don't believe in anything. It doesn't necessarily mean that you see the universe as nothing more than a void, or think science is absolutely everything. All it means is you don't believe in any gods or goddesses. Some Atheists have a religion, such as Taoists or Mahaya Buddhists, some do not.
Subject: Re: Out of these faiths, which is MOST LIKELY correct?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/14/05 at 2:37 am
how can a faith be correct? i don't think God or any other supernatural being is going to come down from heaven and tell us the right answer so it's all up to us and a hunch.
If you can be the one to demonstrate how a faith can be "correct," then you can be the one passing judgment at Armageddon!
The fundamental Bhuddist understandings of energy-process-change-renewal were always a good corollary to the Einstein-era understanding of the universe.
It may be the only faith that can bring any comfort in the atomic age.