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Current Politics and Religious Topics
Mother said to never discuss politics and religion at the dinner table, so take it here. Members must register to post here.
This is an index of topics from the Current Politics and Religious Topics topic on the inthe00s
March 2005
- Breaking news: Terri Schindler-Schiavo has died by GWBush2004 - 03/31/2005
- TOUGH QUESTION GAME: by saver - 03/31/2005
- 3rd Largest Oil Spill in Alaska's Northwest Fields - "liberal" media nowhere by ChuckyG - 03/31/2005
- US Intelligence DEAD WRONG on Iraq weapons by ChuckyG - 03/31/2005
- Pope is not doing to good by whitewolf - 03/30/2005
- Foster Homes,both good and bad by Tony20fan4ever - 03/30/2005
- Torture ok'd by top US Commander. Republicans strangely silent. by ChuckyG - 03/30/2005
- Michael Moore was right about Saudi's leaving the country. by ChuckyG - 03/29/2005
- It's about time! by GWBush2004 - 03/29/2005
- The fall of a giant by Don Carlos - 03/27/2005
- Jeb tries to send in state agents to take Terri by bbigd04 - 03/26/2005
- Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP by Indy Gent - 03/25/2005
- Look out Easter Bunny... Here Comes The Chocolate Cross!!!! by JamieMcBain - 03/25/2005
- Re: Florida anti-education legislation (was "...feeding tube...") by MooRocca - 03/25/2005
- I hate political labels by jiminy - 03/24/2005
- Why do we Fight? A new film about war and what drives it by UKVisitor - 03/23/2005
- Do Muslims really want to kill non-Muslims? by Full_House_Fan - 03/22/2005
- Are Christians anti-forgiveness? by Full_House_Fan - 03/22/2005
- c'mon psychics help Terry!! by saver - 03/22/2005
- What does the Easter weekend mean to you? by whitewolf - 03/22/2005
- Enlistment age going up by ChuckyG - 03/21/2005
- Yet another high school shooting spree...this time in Minnesota... by Tony20fan4ever - 03/21/2005
- John Bolton...could there have been a better pick? by GWBush2004 - 03/20/2005
- Bush says Iraq attack made America safe by GoodRedShirt - 03/20/2005
- Shape and Size of the Universe, your opinion on what it probably is by Full_House_Fan - 03/20/2005
- Religion by Pink Kitty - 03/19/2005
- Second Anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq War (3-19-05) by bbigd04 - 03/19/2005
- USA, a Chinese dependancy? by Don Carlos - 03/18/2005
- Justice Scalia gets it right! by GWBush2004 - 03/18/2005
- My Rant for the Week by CatwomanofV - 03/18/2005
- Terri Schiavo's Feeding Tube Removed by Apricot - 03/18/2005
- life in prison worse? OH REEEALLLY!!! by saver - 03/17/2005
- Rush Limbaugh is saving Social Security by ChuckyG - 03/17/2005
- Union...Yes or no? which one? by danootaandme - 03/16/2005
- Love her hate her, Anne speaks the truth! by BodaciousBoy - 03/16/2005
- More Trouble Brewing in Northern Ireland, Just in Time for St. Patrick's Day. by McDonald - 03/15/2005
- A question for the accountants and tax preparers. . . by Allie Fox - 03/15/2005
- The fat American, huh? by GWBush2004 - 03/15/2005
- California judge strikes down state law barring same-sex marriage by bbigd04 - 03/14/2005
- Most people dislike Bush's "plan" for Social Security by bbigd04 - 03/13/2005
- Is it me or is this contrey getting to conservite by 90s boy - 03/13/2005
- How can we solve this country's out of control crime? by ADH13 - 03/12/2005
- Teen protests pledge being said in different languages by Jessica - 03/11/2005
- Why a lack of British identity in America? by ElDuderino - 03/11/2005
- The Best thing about America is... by UKVisitor - 03/11/2005
- Worst Crime Revisited by Full_House_Fan - 03/10/2005
- ANWR....here we come! by GWBush2004 - 03/10/2005
- Novella with political and religious themes needs reviews by EthanM - 03/10/2005
- Syrians try to pull out of Lebanon by saver - 03/09/2005
- End of suburbia draws nigh by ElDuderino - 03/09/2005
- What are the biggest differences between Conservatives and Liberals? by ADH13 - 03/09/2005
- Best Deed by Full_House_Fan - 03/08/2005
- No minimum wage increase? No problem! by GWBush2004 - 03/08/2005
- Who's Worse: Osama or Saddam by Full_House_Fan - 03/07/2005
- Is CD burning immoral? by Full_House_Fan - 03/07/2005
- What should Michael Jackson be sentenced to? by Full_House_Fan - 03/07/2005
- What should OJ have been sentenced to? by Full_House_Fan - 03/07/2005
- Teen arrested for writing story about zombies. by JamieMcBain - 03/07/2005
- For All You Clinton Haters.... by CatwomanofV - 03/07/2005
- The United States of Europe ? by UKVisitor - 03/06/2005
- Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush by Full_House_Fan - 03/05/2005
- What were these US Troops thinking? by Indy Gent - 03/05/2005
- Dollar collapsing? by ElDuderino - 03/04/2005
- US Senate votes to keep Canada's beef out of America by GWBush2004 - 03/04/2005
- South America Swinging Left and Toward EU by ElDuderino - 03/04/2005
- Should cat declawing be legal? by Full_House_Fan - 03/03/2005
- Teacher pulls chair away from student who doesn't stand for Anthem by ChuckyG - 03/03/2005
- Love Americans Style by saver - 03/01/2005
- LOST needs to get lost by GWBush2004 - 03/01/2005
- US Supreme Court throws out all death penalty cases involving people under 18 by GWBush2004 - 03/01/2005