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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Jeb tries to send in state agents to take Terri
Written By: bbigd04 on 03/26/05 at 12:15 pm
Here is a yahoo news link.
Here is the text of the article, you have to create an account to see it, but it is free. Jeb tries to send in state law enforcement agents who came to the hospice but pulled back in order to avoid a "showdown" with local law enforcement agents who said they would enforce Judge Greer's ruling, unbelieveable. Jeb is trying to rule like a military dictator and have no regard for the law.
Police 'showdown' averted
Hours after a judge ordered that Terri Schiavo was not to be removed from her hospice, a team of state agents were en route to seize her and have her feeding tube reinserted -- but they stopped short when local police told them they would enforce the judge's order, The Herald has learned.
Agents of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement told police in Pinellas Park, the small town where Schiavo lies at Hospice Woodside, on Thursday that they were on the way to take her to a hospital to resume her feeding.
For a brief period, local police, who have officers at the hospice to keep protesters out, prepared for what sources called ``a showdown.''
In the end, the squad from the FDLE and the Department of Children & Families backed down, apparently concerned about confronting local police outside the hospice.
''We told them that unless they had the judge with them when they came, they were not going to get in,'' said a source with the local police.
''The FDLE called to say they were en route to the scene,'' said an official with the city police who requested anonymity. ``When the sheriff's department and our department told them they could not enforce their order, they backed off.''
The incident,known only to a few and related to The Herald by three different sources involved in Thursday's events, underscores the intense emotion and murky legal terrain that the Schiavo case has created. It also shows that agencies answering directly to Gov. Jeb Bush had planned to use a wrinkle in Florida law that would have allowed them to legally get around the judge's order. The exception in the law allows public agencies to freeze a judge's order whenever an agency appeals it.
Participants in the high-stakes test of wills, who spoke with The Herald on the condition of anonymity, said they believed the standoff could ultimately have led to a constitutional crisis and a confrontation between dueling lawmen.
''There were two sets of law enforcement officers facing off, waiting for the other to blink,'' said one official with knowledge of Thursday morning's activities.
In jest, one official said local police discussed ``whether we had enough officers to hold off the National Guard.''
''It was kind of a showdown on the part of the locals and the state police,'' the official said. ``It it was not too long after that Jeb Bush was on TV saying that, evidently, he doesn't have as much authority as people think.''
State officials on Friday vigorously denied the notion that any ''showdown'' occurred.
''DCF directed no such action,'' said agency spokeswoman Zoraya Suarez.
Said Bush spokesman Jacob DiPietre: ``There was no showdown. We were ready to go. We didn't want to break the law. There was a process in place and we were following the process. The judge had an order and we were following the order.''
Tim Caddell, a spokesman for the city of Pinellas Park, declined to discuss Thursday's events.
The developments that set Thursday morning's events in motion began the previous afternoon, when the governor and DCF chief Lucy Hadi held an impromptu news conference to announce they were considering sheltering Schiavo under the state's adult protection law. DCF has been besieged, officials say, by thousands of calls alleging Schiavo is the victim of abuse or neglect.
Alerted by the Bush administration that Schiavo might be on her way to their facility, officials at Morton Plant Hospital went to court themselves Wednesday, asking Circuit Judge George Greer, who ordered the removal of Schiavo's feeding tube last week, what to do.
''It's an extraordinary situation,'' said Beth Hardy, a hospital spokeswoman. ``I don't think any of us has seen anything like it. Ever.''
Greer signed an order Wednesday afternoon forbidding DCF from ''taking possession of Theresa Marie Schiavo or removing her'' from the hospice. He directed ''each and every and singular sheriff of the state of Florida'' to enforce his order.
But Thursday, at 8:15 a.m., DCF lawyers appealed Greer's order to judges at the Second District Court of Appeal in Lakeland.
That created the window of time to seize Schiavo. When DCF filed its appeal, it effectively froze the judge's Wednesday order. It took nearly three hours before the judge found out and canceled the automatic stay, shortly before 11 a.m.
Administrators of the 72-bed hospice, who have endured a withering siege of their facility by protesters since Greer ordered Schiavo's feeding tube removed on March 18, declined to discuss Thursday morning's events in any detail.
''I don't really know, or pretend to know, the specifics of what is going on behind the scenes,'' said Mike Bell, a spokesman for Hospice of the Florida Suncoast, which operates Woodside.
According to sources, DCF intended to take Schiavo to Morton Plant Hospital, where her feeding tube had been reinserted in 2003 following a previous judicial order allowing its removal. But hospice officials were aware that the hospital was not likely to perform surgery to reinsert the tube without an order from Greer.
''People knew that taking did not equate with immediate reinsertion of the feeding tube,'' a source said. ``Hospital officials were working with their legal counsel and their advisors, trying to figure out which order superseded which, and what action they should take.''
Hardy, the hospital spokeswoman, said she does not believe the hospital was made aware Thursday morning that DCF and state police planned to bring Schiavo in. ''We were not aware of that three-hour period,'' she said. ``It's not a discussion we even had, really.''
George Felos, Michael Schiavo's attorney, said he does not think DCF officials knew of the window of opportunity they had created until well after they filed their appeal.
''Frankly, I don't believe when they filed their notice of appeal they realized that that gave them an automatic stay,'' Felos said. ``When we filed our motion to vacate the automatic stay . . . they realized they had a short window of opportunity and they wanted to extend that as long as they could.
``I believe that as soon as DCF knew they had an opportunity, they were mobilizing to take advantage of it, without a doubt.''
Herald staff writers Phil Long and Marc Caputo contributed to this story.
Subject: Re: Jeb tries to send in state agents to take Terri
Written By: JamieMcBain on 03/26/05 at 2:34 pm
Jeb seems like a real jerk... ::)
Subject: Re: Jeb tries to send in state agents to take Terri
Written By: Don Carlos on 03/26/05 at 4:49 pm
Jeb seems like a real jerk... ::)
The real tragedy for most of us (excluding the family) is that this woman is being used as a political football. It just shows how little regard these neocons have for real life people and how willing they are to take advantage of every opportunity to inflame their fundamentalist base. They are such hypocrites. Just look at all the cuts Bush is proposing, like to Medicaid, education, environmental protection, food stamps, public housing. All programs designed to make life better foir hundreds of thousands of poor people, many of them women and kids. Yet more tax cuts for his rich buddies. Compassionate conservatism mean comp[assion for the rich, and let the rest flounder. Sorry for the political rant, but I think there is a relationship. If the neocons can distract us with this, along with Michael and Martha, we might not notice the stuff that they are pulling, to all of our detriment. Unfortunately, the main stream media goes along with this focus. Bernsteine and Woodward, where are you when we need you?
Subject: Re: Jeb tries to send in state agents to take Terri
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/26/05 at 4:51 pm
Jeb seems like a real jerk... ::)
More political grandstanding.  This is an element of fascism.  Us versus them, God's people of goodness and life versus the degenerate scoundrels bureaucratic judiciary and the secular humanism.
The Bush brothers knew it was part of the media circus, all the cops knew it too.  The question is, do you?
Suppose they hooked Schiavo back up.  She could go on for another five years, ten years, possibly even another fifteen years exactly as she has for the past fifteen.  Only a few naive cranks think she's in for a miracle, and I guarantee the Bushes aren't among them.
The Bushes are doing exactly what the Right has whined the Left does for decades.  They are trying to get the people to believe they are kind and compassionate men via a melodramatic pose.
But from the observant the truth cannot be hid--they are killers.
Subject: Re: Jeb tries to send in state agents to take Terri
Written By: saver on 03/28/05 at 2:05 am
Does everyone forget the uproar of the Elion Gonzales case..there seems to be some HYPOCRITES...back then they were shouting "Give him back to Cuba"
we have no right to call him ours..and here they want Flor. gov. to take custody!!! What a hoot!