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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 03/05/05 at 5:25 pm
I pick Anti-War because of Bush. I disliked Bush way before Iraq. The War seemed reasonable to me, I'm against it mainly because Bush is in charge.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: bbigd04 on 03/05/05 at 5:37 pm
I pick Anti-War because of Bush. I disliked Bush way before Iraq. The War seemed reasonable to me, I'm against it mainly because Bush is in charge.
Where's the anti-bush before war option, I was anti-Bush while he was running in 2000, maybe not as much as today though. Originally I supported the war, but now seeing that it has accomplished nothing and was unnecessary, I am against it. There are a few things I agree with Bush on, though they are few. Overall I don't like his policies though.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: Leo Jay on 03/05/05 at 5:43 pm
I used to think he was an intellectually unsophisticated but good-minded guy whose political orientation I by and large disagreed with. I now think of him as smug, self-satisfied, narrowminded and intellectually bankrupt.
But I still don't think he's a 'bad person' -- he's just a product of his experience, as we all are. But he's wrong about pretty much everything.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: bbigd04 on 03/05/05 at 5:47 pm
I used to think he was an intellectually unsophisticated but good-minded guy whose political orientation I by and large disagreed with. I now think of him as smug, self-satisfied, narrowminded and intellectually bankrupt.ÂÂÂ
But I still don't think he's a 'bad person' -- he's just a product of his experience, as we all are. But he's wrong about pretty much everything.
I don't think he's a bad person either, he's just not very smart and arrogant.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/05/05 at 6:46 pm
I don't think he's a bad person either, he's just not very smart and arrogant.
I think there is a good chance Dubya is a genuinely bad person.
You cannot separate this war from Bush, my friend.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/05/05 at 6:50 pm
I was anti-Bush from the very beginning. I am also very anti-war-even though I believe there are some cases where war is necessary BUT, this isn't one of them.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: ElDuderino on 03/05/05 at 7:11 pm
I am both anti-war and anti-Bush, but they are unrelated.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: bbigd04 on 03/05/05 at 7:57 pm
I think there is a good chance Dubya is a genuinely bad person.
You cannot separate this war from Bush, my friend.
He may be, we really don't know Bush personally so I don't know.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/05/05 at 8:10 pm
He may be, we really don't know Bush personally so I don't know.
You can surmise these things from a person's actions. You don't have to know the bad man personally. We are clear on Hitler by his deeds.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 03/05/05 at 8:29 pm
You can surmise these things from a person's actions. You don't have to know the bad man personally. We are clear on Hitler by his deeds.
Agreed. Hilter was psychotic and sadistic though, I think Bush is simply a sadist.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: Jeffpcmt on 03/05/05 at 11:40 pm
Ive always been anti-Bush even before 9/11 or the war. Ive always considered him to have a dispicable demeanor, a cocky "Im better than you/I know more than you" elitist attitude, a bully and he portrays a too low intelligence level to be a governor or president. Plus, I consider that he has never really earned anything in life. It was all handed down to him.
I guess I just dont connect on his wavelength.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 03/05/05 at 11:43 pm
Ive always been anti-Bush even before 9/11 or the war. Ive always considered him to have a dispicable demeanor, a cocky "Im better than you/I know more than you" elitist attitude, a bully and he portrays a too low intelligence level to be a governor or president. Plus, I consider that he has never really earned anything in life. It was all handed down to him.
I guess I just dont connect on his wavelength.
I agree with every word you said :) As soon as I knew what he stood for I despised him (as a President and I do dislike him as a human being). What got me off about him was his lack of respect for the environment and anthrocentric views. The War was only icing on the cake in the sense of me disliking Bush.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: bbigd04 on 03/05/05 at 11:53 pm
I agree with every word you said :) As soon as I knew what he stood for I despised him (as a President and I do dislike him as a human being). What got me off about him was his lack of respect for the environment and anthrocentric views. The War was only icing on the cake in the sense of me disliking Bush.
I don't like Bush first of all because he's a republican, and I don't like what they stand for, second I think he's stupid, third I don't like his attitude, fourth I don't like Cheney, and finally I don't like the Bush family.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: Tanya1976 on 03/06/05 at 11:19 am
I don't care for the Bush family at all, including the Bush in office now. I didn't vote for him in both elections.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: Don Carlos on 03/06/05 at 3:33 pm
I think there is a good chance Dubya is a genuinely bad person.
You cannot separate this war from Bush, my friend.
True enough, as is what most everyone else has said. In the past I have suggested several books on this Bush and on his family. These are
nice people. They are arrogant crony capitalists who relied on connections, corruption, and insider dealing to get where they are, and continue to do so.
This Bush is the worst of a bad lot. He deserves to be indicted and spend several years in jail - maximum security, with the father rapers and pedophiles. He once said something like - there is nothing wrong with dictatoirship as long as I'm the dictator. A truely dangerous man.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: danootaandme on 03/06/05 at 3:40 pm
I don't care for the Bush family at all, including the Bush in office now. I didn't vote for him in both elections.
In the early seventies I had a friend who had spent his summers vacationing in Kennebunk. The bush
family were unlikable, and unliked. It was then I began to keep an eye on them and it seems that they
haven't changed much except they have aquired more power. >:(
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/06/05 at 3:45 pm
True enough, as is what most everyone else has said. In the past I have suggested several books on this Bush and on his family. These are
nice people. They are arrogant crony capitalists who relied on connections, corruption, and insider dealing to get where they are, and continue to do so.ÂÂÂ
This Bush is the worst of a bad lot. He deserves to be indicted and spend several years in jail - maximum security, with the father rapers and pedophiles. He once said something like - there is nothing wrong with dictatoirship as long as I'm the dictator. A truely dangerous man.
Bravo, Don Carlos!
If he made that quip about "boy, this would be easier if we had a dictatorship" (or something to that effect) only once or twice, I could see it as just a quip.  Unfortunately, he made that particular reference to dictatorship about a dozen times publically until (I guess) his handlers told him to cease and desist.
The Bush family had fought to the top of the military-industrial complex for the four generations before Eisenhower coined the term.  In the generations since then, the Bushes have fought their way to the top of the military-industrial-media-political complex.*  They now hold a delusional belief they are the new corporate royalty and are entitled to rule the world.
Those of you putting in an honest day's work for an honest day's dollar and getting by on assets worth under a million dollars really bought yourselves a pig in a poke when you voted for this ^ssh@le!
"Oh, I'm not gunna lose."
--George W. Bush, 2003, in re 2004 elections
*for want of a better term and definitely in that order.
Danoota wrote:
In the early seventies I had a friend who had spent his summers vacationing in Kennebunk. The bush
family were unlikable, and unliked. It was then I began to keep an eye on them and it seems that they
haven't changed much except they have aquired more power.
That report would be surprising only if your friend's name was Condoleezza. What did the rabble vacationers of Kennebunk think the Bushes were going to do? Break lobster with them?
:D :P
Not to be partisan about it, I've heard some not-so-favorable reviews of the Kennedys from Cape Codders (I mean residents of Cape Cod, not the beverages that send Teddy crashing to the flagstones on warm summer evenings).
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: Don Carlos on 03/06/05 at 4:04 pm
Bravo, Don Carlos!
Not to be partisan about it, I've heard some not-so-favorable reviews of the Kennedys from Cape Codders (I mean residents of Cape Cod, not the beverages that send Teddy crashing to the flagstones on warm summer evenings).
Thanks Max.
As you have pointed out many times, the difference between these rich bas74rd3 is only one of degree. The only thing we have in common with them is that we all put our pants on one leg at a time, and maybe that as kids we all played with blocks. Mine were small wooden thing, while theirs were 42nd st, Wall st., Madison Ave. Same thing though.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/07/05 at 2:33 am
oh, and i couldn't vote because there was no "Anti- Bush & War" option.
Same here!
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: Ashkicksass on 03/07/05 at 1:27 pm
oh, and i couldn't vote because there was no "Anti- Bush & War" option.
I voted "Anti Bush Because of the War." I never liked Bush either, and I've never voted for him, but the war pushed me from exhausted semi-tolerance right over into all-out disgust. When he first announced we were going to war, I was devastated, but still somewhat believed that there was at least some reason other than greed, for going to Iraq. You know, like Weapons of Mass Destruction? Or perhaps that America actually cared about the Iraqi people? But then no one ever found any weapons, and people kept dying, and there was no sign of the war ending, even though Bush told us it was going to end. And then my Senior Class President was killed. And I still don't have a clue what he died for. Freedom? Whose freedom? Terrorism? Well, Osama's still out there. Bushes idiocy and greed? I'm going to have to pick that one...
As long as I live on this green earth, I will never, ever understand how that man was re-elected.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: Leo Jay on 03/07/05 at 1:32 pm
As long as I live on this green earth, I will never, ever understand how that man was re-elected.ÂÂÂ
Because greed and myopia are not the exclusive province of members of the Skull and Bones society. That's how.
And who said the earth was green? Have you ever heard of the 'Big Green Marble'? I think not. Silly bastard.
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 03/07/05 at 1:34 pm
Because greed and myopia are not the exclusive province of members of the Skull and Bones society. That's how.ÂÂÂ
And who said the earth was green? Have you ever heard of the 'Big Green Marble'? I think not. Silly bastard.
I'd say it's 71% blue, 15% green, 8% yellow, 5% brown, and 1% grey. :)
Subject: Re: Were you Anti-Bush because of the War or Anti-War because of Bush
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 03/08/05 at 5:21 am
Anti-war 'cause of war
Anti-Bush 'cause of Bush
Make sense?