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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: Indy Gent on 03/25/05 at 6:00 pm
Our gas prices are up to as much as $2.25 for REGULAR gas. Our state is 15 cents higher than the National average. And BP didn't help much with that oil spill. I'm not saying BP is totally responsible for our climbing rates, but a country that depends so much on foreign petroleum can't catch a break. >:(
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: Don Carlos on 03/25/05 at 6:22 pm
Our gas prices are up to as much as $2.25 for REGULAR gas. Our state is 15 cents higher than the National average. And BP didn't help much with that oil spill. I'm not saying BP is totally responsible for our climbing rates, but a country that depends so much on foreign petroleum can't catch a break. >:(
I think thanks are better directed toward the administration, with its pro-oil agenda, the auto industry, for pusjing those SUV's on us. More oil isn't the answer. Alternative energy is. Oil is to valuable to burn.
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: Indy Gent on 03/25/05 at 6:43 pm
Not only this administration, but the high spending administration of Ronald Reagan. And the SUV's. But BP's disaster will surely precipitate another hike. Just wait until the summer, when $2.50 a gallon will be the norm for America. :(
I think thanks are better directed toward the administration, with its pro-oil agenda, the auto industry, for pusjing those SUV's on us. More oil isn't the answer. Alternative energy is. Oil is to valuable to burn.
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: MooRocca on 03/25/05 at 8:40 pm
This administration's stockpiling of reserves has also contributed substantially to inflated prices.
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: AL-B on 03/25/05 at 9:06 pm
I just paid $32 to fill my car up. It almost makes me wish it had 2 less cylinders.
(Indy--I'll bet you're really glad you bought that Civic right now! ;))
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: danootaandme on 03/26/05 at 12:57 pm
It also should be noted that the sales of SUVs took off after the OJ Simpson escapade, when he was
in his Ford Bronco on the highway. They couldn't keep Broncos in stock. Just a wierd observation.
The Texas oil men must be patting each other on the back as they see their dividends shoot up and. Yes
there is a lot of laughter in Midland today.
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: UKVisitor on 03/26/05 at 10:31 pm
Hey try the UK where its $1.60 a LITER !!! A gallon over here is around $8-9 - guess its no wonder we have so many small engined cars.
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: Indy Gent on 03/27/05 at 1:36 am
I'm pretty sure it's more expensive overseas. We've been spoiled and are used to fuel being less than $2.00 per gallon. And gas prices are still not as bad as, say, heating gas? ;)
Hey try the UK where its $1.60 a LITER !!! A gallon over here is around $8-9 - guess its no wonder we have so many small engined cars.
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: Jessica on 03/27/05 at 4:05 am
Quit yer b*tching, Indy Gent. :P ;D
Our gas prices were just raised another ten cents, which brings it to $2.39. :D
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: GWBush2004 on 03/27/05 at 8:33 am
This administration's stockpiling of reserves has also contributed substantially to inflated prices.ÂÂ
You can also blame it on the kook environmental movement whiched has forced different parts of the United States to make different kinds of gas. Over 50 different blends nationwide. That contributes big time to the high gas prices. Also the left refuses to allow new oil to be tapped in Texas and Alaska (though ANWR is opening soon.)
And Indy, it wasn't an oil spill. The BP plant in Texas exploded. Fifteen people died. I doubt they really wanted that to happen.
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: Don Carlos on 03/27/05 at 4:28 pm
You can also blame it on the kook environmental movement whiched has forced different parts of the United States to make different kinds of gas. Over 50 different blends nationwide. That contributes big time to the high gas prices. Also the left refuses to allow new oil to be tapped in Texas and Alaska (though ANWR is opening soon.)
And Indy, it wasn't an oil spill. The BP plant in Texas exploded. Fifteen people died. I doubt they really wanted that to happen.
So you seem to be saying that we should just go on nurturing our oil dependancy, polluting our air and water, and do everything we can to protect the interests of BIG OIL. Now that sounds like a plan -
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: Indy Gent on 03/28/05 at 12:24 am
Yeah, like that's supposed to make me feel any better, Jess. ::) 8) ;)
BTW, there is still talk of a gas increase for gas in Indiana. At least California has those electronic hybrid cars. ;D
Quit yer b*tching, Indy Gent. :P ;D
Our gas prices were just raised another ten cents, which brings it to $2.39. :D
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: saver on 03/28/05 at 3:55 am
for whoever this may concern:
Anyone who believes prices will go down if we drill in our own country doesn't have a good handle on economics....
I am not worried on the terms of drilling..reports have stated how it is NOT a major hurting the animal problem -
the economics of it is..We are currently sending OUR oil elsewhere..So, we drill here and economics state..whoever the company is DOESN'T have to lower our prices..it's a vapid thought...they would still charge us whatever they want---(or the reason why we pay so much now ..) they will charge us whatever we will feel okay with until we REALLY complain..
Don't think because we may have our own backyard fields it will be that cheap...also do you know even if we started a plan TODAY..we would not have the oil ready for at least 10 years..maybe the next generation may have some hope....
Class dismissed... :P
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/28/05 at 4:20 am
for whoever this may concern:
Anyone who believes prices will go down if we drill in our own country doesn't have a good handle on economics....
I am not worried on the terms of drilling..reports have stated how it is NOT a major hurting the animal problem -
the economics of it is..We are currently sending OUR oil elsewhere..So, we drill here and economics state..whoever the company is DOESN'T have to lower our prices..it's a vapid thought...they would still charge us whatever they want---(or the reason why we pay so much now ..) they will charge us whatever we will feel okay with until we REALLY complain..
Don't think because we may have our own backyard fields it will be that cheap...also do you know even if we started a plan TODAY..we would not have the oil ready for at least 10 years..maybe the next generation may have some hope....
Class dismissed... :P
I say, old boy, now you're talking some sense!
Unfortunately, we can complain until we're blue in the states but the oil cartels won't care. This is their country, and they'll charge what they like. Of course, we could revolutionize the election system by giving third parties and independent candidates equal time and media access with the Dems and the Repubs. Both major parties are beholden to the petroleum-industrial complex. Some campaign finance reform and ballot access initiatives would allow the less oily candidates to become viable. Then it might be the people's republic and not the billionaires' republic. Of course, it's too late for that, so we will have to resort to tactics that would get me questioned by the FBI if I mentioned them here.
The John Birch Society weighs in:
This is Free Market Capitalism, is it not? So if you don't like what BP and Exxon charge START YOUR OWN D*MN OIL COMPANY!
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: saver on 03/28/05 at 4:29 am
Whatever the case would be...the gov. just CAN'T make whoever owns an American oil for gas co. NOT charge whatever they'd like so..unless someone has better ways to figure it out...work on HOW things can be changed for the better in that instance...
Just opening some eyes out there... :o
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/28/05 at 4:36 am
Whatever the case would be...the gov. just CAN'T make whoever owns an American oil for gas co. NOT charge whatever they'd like so..unless someone has better ways to figure it out...work on HOW things can be changed for the better in that instance...
Just opening some eyes out there... :o
I dunno, maybe invest in other ways of getting around besides the internal combustion engine? Nah, that stuff's for commies and European sissies.
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: saver on 03/28/05 at 5:00 am
Or did the Chinese have it right to begin with using BIKE power..now they have an incredible pollution problem with all the families owning 2 cars and it is reversing!
Some genie we have here out of the bottle :-[
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: GWBush2004 on 03/28/05 at 5:04 am
Our gas prices are up to as much as $2.25 for REGULAR gas. Our state is 15 cents higher than the National average.
Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
It's amazing ain't it? People in this country get so worked up over an increase in the price of a gallon of gasoline. While at the same time the government takes 20% of their paychecks every single week and rolls it down a rat hill and that doesn't bother them. But let the price of a gallon of gas go up a quarter...now that's troubling.
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: saver on 03/28/05 at 5:17 am
Gotta let them hear we don't like them using our social security money either...it's all gone and they didn't even ask us!
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: Don Carlos on 03/28/05 at 4:57 pm
It's amazing ain't it? People in this country get so worked up over an increase in a gallon of gasoline. While at the same time the government takes 20% of their paychecks every single week and rolls it down a rat hill and that doesn't bother them. But let the price of a gallon of gas go up a quarter...now that's troubling.
As IU said on another thread, so will not elaborate here,
and whether it "rolls it down a rat hill" or not is very much debateable. Feeding kids so they can do well at school, or providing (minimal) health care, to families that otherwise would use the emergance room, or providing housing for the homeless could be seen as wastefull by some but to me, these programs insure some sembelance of social peace, and a minimal commitment to a decent and humane society. I am willing to pay a few bucks in taxes to achieve those goals. I just think that the fat cats, who are exporting our goiod paying jobs to Asia, whould be more willinbg to pay their fair share to maintain what they have.
There is an old socialist tradition that says "if you don't work, you don't eat". I have no problem with it. But I also believe in the correlaries - "If you do work, you should eat", and "if you can work, you should be able to".
Some time ago I met a doctor who treated gurilleras in El Salvador. He asked one old timer why he had joined the revolution. The resposnde was, "well, my job at the hacienda was to care for the patron's dogs. I fed them meat whiloe I fed my kids tortillas and beans. When the dogs got sick, I took them to the vet. When my kids got sick I buried them.
There's an old union song, "which side are you on?" I, like a much more important historical figure, chose the side of the meek and humble of the earth, the ones who generate "the wealth of nations".
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/28/05 at 10:53 pm
As IU said on another thread, so will not elaborate here,
and whether it "rolls it down a rat hill" or not is very much debateable. Feeding kids so they can do well at school, or providing (minimal) health care, to families that otherwise would use the emergance room, or providing housing for the homeless could be seen as wastefull by some but to me, these programs insure some sembelance of social peace, and a minimal commitment to a decent and humane society. I am willing to pay a few bucks in taxes to achieve those goals. I just think that the fat cats, who are exporting our goiod paying jobs to Asia, whould be more willinbg to pay their fair share to maintain what they have.
There is an old socialist tradition that says "if you don't work, you don't eat". I have no problem with it. But I also believe in the correlaries - "If you do work, you should eat", and "if you can work, you should be able to".
Some time ago I met a doctor who treated gurilleras in El Salvador. He asked one old timer why he had joined the revolution. The resposnde was, "well, my job at the hacienda was to care for the patron's dogs. I fed them meat whiloe I fed my kids tortillas and beans. When the dogs got sick, I took them to the vet. When my kids got sick I buried them.ÂÂ
There's an old union song, "which side are you on?" I, like a much more important historical figure, chose the side of the meek and humble of the earth, the ones who generate "the wealth of nations".
Don't scab for the bosses,
don't listen to their lies,
Us poor folks haven't got a chance
unless we organize!
--Which Side Are You On
"If you don't work, you don't eat" means something very different in a socialist context than in a corporatist context. The social darwinists on the Right love that sentiment as they slash away at social programs. However, they defend to the death the right of corporations to render as many workers "redundant" as possible. Likewise, they defend the right of corporations to pay workers wages so low workers can barely feed their families no matter how hard they work.
The socialist use of "if you don't work, you don't eat" assumes there will be work for every able-bodied adult and it is work in which we all commonly share and distribute resources as needed. The only way you're going to go hungry is if you refuse to cooperate.ÂÂ
Although this ideal has gone terribly awry in socialist societies, it is still an ideal worth fighting for. However, I'm not entirely comforatble with the motto given the nuances of human motivations and pathologies. It smacks too much of coercion.
Anyway, I have long argued that these "bums on welfare" the Right spits on would much rather work than lay about.* Not all work is created equal. If you work at Wal-Mart or Denny's and they pay you slave wages and denigrate your sense of dignity, your cynicism will rise and your motivation will drop. Who wants to be a peon? If the most market-vulnerable among us could get a decent wage, comprehensive healthcare, cooperative childcare, and a contract with some bargaining power, only the mentally ill would refuse to work.
Mind you, mental illness runs very high among the lumpen proletariat. They get mistreated day-in-day-out as the fascist media finger-wags them about how it's all their fault. That'll drive anybody nuts!
*and very few welfare recipients actually have any time to "lay about." In most of America, if you don't have a car, it takes all day just to take shop for daily provisions and tend to your children's needs. I have never had children, nor have I ever received welfare. However, I have been dirt-effing-poor with no car. Daily life in those circumstances consists of much waiting about for bus service and scrambling to put food in your mouth. If you get sick, it can be devastating. You lose your low-wage McJob with no benefits. You are then threatened with homelessness and hunger. From their you have to run a maze of humiliating government bureaucracy. I have never had to apply for food stamp benefits, but I know people who have. You have to show up at the office at 7:00 a.m. sharp or they won't even let you in. Not that they see you at 7:00. You might have to wait until 3:00, and they are still likely to tell you to go to h*ll because you didn't fill out some form correctly. The real face of poverty in America is not romantic. It is fascist and ugly.
Sorry to go so far off topic. However, I will remark that their are tens of millions of Americans who are barely afford to keep their cars. They know how much harder life will be without one. These are the people a rise in gas prices really hurt. The rich guys with the shiny new SUVs complain about gas prices just like they complain about taxes because the rich in America learn from Rush Limbaugh a boundless sense of self-pity!
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: saver on 03/28/05 at 11:30 pm
Some of your off track comments ring true about the HARD work there is to do out there..then again look at the illegal border worker problem..they are given the jobs in most cases because as the hirers put it SOME Americans don't want to do the work they are doing..how many unemployed really WANT to work? Pick up the classifieds, do you see how many jobs are listed and how many continue to go unfilled?
Have you seen beggers at the side of the freeway off ramps holding a sign how they are homeless? A local big city newspaper(LA TIMES) investigated some of these pathetic looking street people and found they may be making as much as $300 a DAY!!!!
Maybe for 4 hours time.
Not sure of your education(whether it really applies),how many professional businesses would LOVE to have a real thinker, doer, mover and shaker/go-getter..
education is one part of the key..yes there are many 'educated' people out of work..then...it's time to hone your skills, come up with a new one, who is holding you back??
The words from one of the songs in Jesus Christ Superstar has the Jesus character singing 'There will be poor always, pathetically struggling,..think of the good things you've got!'
This just reminds me, maybe,yes, there will be poor always...but there is no reason a healthy WILLING person could not get work.
The hand outs is the part I agree with as well..if there was no gov. help do you know how many people on such programs would get off their butts every morning to find work?
I might also suggest referring to a radio talk host named Larry Elder who has a lot to say on this subject to those who feel held back by 'the MAN'..
(look up larryelder.com )Here is an excerpt:QUOTE:
So-called liberals no longer demand equal rights, but equal results. Thus the call for affirmative action, set-asides, and race and gender based schemes to level the playing field. Discrimination as an antidote to discrimination.
The question is not whether we should help those who, through no fault of their own, cannot cope. The question is how should we help?
I believe that individuals can and will help other individuals with more efficiency and compassion than can the government. But how do you expect people to be generous when the government already takes away 40% of the earnings of a typical middle wage earner?
If you haven't already, take a look at The Ten steps to fix America and let me know what you think.
End Welfare, Entitlements and Special Privileges
Welfare for the poor works out to a national average of $12,000 to $13,000 a year (cash and non-cash) per recipient. Why work at minimum wage? Why worry about impregnating someone when the government shields you from financial responsibility? But welfare for the non-poor, or entitlements, are five times as bad. This includes Social Security (the average recipient has put in fifteen cents for every dollar he or she takes out), Medicare, tuition tax credits, farm and dairy subsidies, tobacco subsidies, as well as government ownership or control of airports and utilities.
4) Abolish the Minimum Wage
A low-paying job remains the entry point for those with few marketable skills. The minimum wage hurts the so-called hard-core unemployable by forcing an employer to pay more than the fair value of labor. Every time the government raises the minimum wage, thousands of entry-level jobs get destroyed.
They don't want the Denny's jobs, good..some young kid may want to use it for extra arcade money...apply yourself and find that job from the multitude of offers available..if you can't find something in the area you live..move that mountain to Muhammed..the only restrictions(of course if you're tied down with a family..it may take more effort)..life is full of opportunities....stop the complaints, they'll only drag you down..
Oh yeah..read all about how the economy is bad and you'll believe it...tell that to Bill Gates ÂÂ
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/29/05 at 12:29 am
Some of your off track comments ring true about the HARD work there is to do out there..then again look at the illegal border worker problem..they are given the jobs in most cases because as the hirers put it SOME Americans don't want to do the work they are doing..how many unemployed really WANT to work? Pick up the classifieds, do you see how many jobs are listed and how many continue to go unfilled?
You don't know your want-ads.  The only jobs advertised inthe papers are jobs they companies can't fill via in-hous hiring or word-of-mouth references.  There may be anywhere from 50 to 500 applications for each job in the want-ads, depending on the market.  Employers can cherry-pick from scores or hundreds of applicants.  If you look at 'em cross-eyed during the interview, forget it!  You're toast.  Often times companies won't hire candidates who are "overqualified" because they are harder to exploit if they have somewhere else to go.  Employers use their economic influence to insure there is always a buyers market.  Many of those ads you see in the papers have no active job search behind them.  The companies like to keep a backlog of qualified applicants so they can more easily threaten their current employees.
Have you seen beggers at the side of the freeway off ramps holding a sign how they are homeless? A local big city newspaper(LA TIMES) investigated some of these pathetic looking street people and found they may be making as much as $300 a DAY!!!!
Maybe for 4 hours time.
This is more nonsense the rightwing media likes to repeat to assuage the conscience of the nation.  It is true certain panhandlers can make surprising amounts of cash, though I doubt $300 a day is a reliable figure for any.  Even so, what do you think would happen if you tried to rent an apartment and you put your occupation as "panhandler" on the application?  Ditto opening a bank account, buying a car, getting a loan, or anything else requiring financial credentials.
If you have no phone number, you can't get hired for jack squat.  If you look like you even might be homeless, potential employers treat you like an infectious disease.
Not sure of your education(whether it really applies),how many professional businesses would LOVE to have a real thinker, doer, mover and shaker/go-getter..
education is one part of the key..yes there are many 'educated' people out of work..then...it's time to hone your skills, come up with a new one, who is holding you back??
Oh, sure, yeah, Ronald Reagan "morning-in-America" rose-colored glasses jive!  I'm not talking about me personally, btw.  If you can't answer this question yourself, you are paying no attention to your fellow humans and how the world really works.  Either that, or you're in a Limbaugh-esque state of denial.  Try to figure it out, "what holds a person back?"  Don't answer me, I don't want to argue the point.  Answer it for yourself.
The words from one of the songs in Jesus Christ Superstar has the Jesus character singing 'There will be poor always, pathetically struggling,..think of the good things you've got!'
Please don't quote Tim Rice, it really grosses me out!
This just reminds me, maybe,yes, there will be poor always...but there is no reason a healthy WILLING person could not get work.
Again, I could argue around in circles with you about this.  Either you are willing to give up the right-wing dogma and understand humanity, or you are not.  If you are, you can open your eyes to the world tonight and start figuring out why the above statement is rubbish.
The hand outs is the part I agree with as well..if there was no gov. help do you know how many people on such programs would get off their butts every morning to find work?
You wanna see what a country with "no government hand-outs" is really like?  Take a trip to Central America!
I might also suggest referring to a radio talk host named Larry Elder who has a lot to say on this subject to those who feel held back by 'the MAN'..
(look up larryelder.com )Here is an excerpt:QUOTE:
I scanned that quote and saw right away it was corporate propaganda.
Again, you can get your beliefs from fascist talk radio programs who are there to help the ruling class get the working class to go compliantly into the cattle cars, or you can can read non-Regnery books and learn something. ÂÂ
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: saver on 03/29/05 at 12:55 am
Corp. propaganda...if that is what you call it? Everyone has a story and from Mr. Elders' experience, he talks the talk....he made his way up the ranks and has made a fairly decent living off of it and is trying to 'SPREAD THE WORD' ways people can advance.
If the jobs in the classified are to 'scare' the current workers, having 100's on file ready to take the job when it opens, do you really think that is how someone applying wants to work?
There isn't enough room in the offices of all those places looking for workers...and temp agencies are CONSTANTLY trying to fill in the openings with willing and qualified workers.
 In answer to answering the questions myself...am I really in a minority thinkng I would love having someone of great brains working for me?
A go -getter who had to CONVINCE ME why they wanted to work for me? THEY came to me with something another failed to do...what company WOULDN'T want someone like that on their team?? And you say thatis REAGANESQUE...?? RON R. sure had the country pumped up and that is the similarity of that reasoning..
If you could pull in $300 a day for panhandling WHY would you need an apartment..you sure can do pretty well in a hotel/motel until you get on track...
Then if a job is something to strive for and have some decent background to show, it begins one step at a time...there are MANY outlets that FOR FREE will coach you on your interview skills, show you how to 'build' a steady background from right where you are....they have job fairs assistances that will answer your questions if you're hitting walls...
9Although this may not be your field-) from reading about Academy Award winner Hillary Swank...starting her career, she live apparently in a trailer, then her car, she 'accomplished' various positions..WHAT YOU THINK IF YOU LIVED IN A CAR OR LOW RENT MOTEL YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO WORK??
Even when she went on to win the 'GOLDEN GOOSE-ACADEMYTOP HONOR' and needed a medication/perscription, which you would think she can afford but tried to get a discount...SHE DIDN'T EVEN QUALIFY FOR MEDICAL INSURANCE!
I'm not here to tell anyone HOW TO get a good start from where they are BUT THEY CAN....(one last tip- no phone...GET AN ANSWERING SERVICE,
you don't need a home phone unless you plan to stay home all day and wait for it to ring).
Good luck..
It is better than you think...
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: Tam on 03/29/05 at 1:14 am
BP = British Petroleum
US backed by UK in OIF = promise to UK that they can raise gas prices in US
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/29/05 at 1:15 am
Saver, whoah! I said not to answer me.  Go out and expand your mind.  I'm not interested in debate on these matters.  They're too important.  Gainsaying me gets you nowhere.  I don't make this sh*t up, I just call it like I see it.
There are no right and wrong absolutes here. It's not a math problem.
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: saver on 03/29/05 at 1:31 am
Allright then...I thought I was just clarifying the points that you made..I have too opened my mind and all that I mentioned has come from MY experiences
i.e. when times were tough for me and no doors opened, I took the responsibility to FIND A WAY to improve my lot.
Short of writing a book, I speak with many who say much of what you speak and my goal was to start them to get what it is they really want...
If you say to open my mind, I have,did, and proven to those looking for the solution and not accepting the I CAN'T/victim way of living.
Yes, I do too take it as a math problem in some cases because if you do THIS,THIS, AND THIS...there should be no reason why it doesn't= SUCCE$$.
I do hope your life is giving you what you ask forand it is more happy than most out there.
One of my purposes is to spread that hope around on this big Blue Marble.
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: MooRocca on 03/29/05 at 1:24 pm
I dunno, maybe invest in other ways of getting around besides the internal combustion engine? Nah, that stuff's for commies and European sissies.
Here's a novel idea that is actually based on some pretty sound and simple principles...
Now, if they could just get manage to employ an aesthetic design team... ::)
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: Alicia on 03/29/05 at 11:32 pm
Our gas prices are up to as much as $2.25 for REGULAR gas. Our state is 15 cents higher than the National average. And BP didn't help much with that oil spill. I'm not saying BP is totally responsible for our climbing rates, but a country that depends so much on foreign petroleum can't catch a break.  >:(
I can give you some gas for free :D
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/29/05 at 11:40 pm
Here's a novel idea that is actually based on some pretty sound and simple principles...
Now, if they could just get manage to employ an aesthetic design team...  ::)ÂÂ
Hmmm...interesting. The model on the site is no uglier than many of the late-model cars people are buying left and right (which is not to see it is aesthetically pleasing).
Remember, though, any model for a car that doesn't burn fossil fuels is a threat to the petroleum-industrial complex. The Bush family is an oil family. They will work on the side of big oil to suppress such designs as long as possible.
Subject: Re: Thanks A Lot For Raising Our Gas Prices, BP
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/30/05 at 1:23 am
they are up to about $2.15/gallon here in western Pa
Erin :)