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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/17/05 at 6:04 pm
I vote "HELL NO!". Even if they haven't changed. Torture is sick and NEVER helps at all.
If it deterred crime than I might support it but I don't think it does.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: ElDuderino on 02/17/05 at 6:09 pm
Under no circumstances.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Bobby on 02/17/05 at 6:14 pm
I agree with you guys entirely ('Hell no' category).
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Tanya1976 on 02/17/05 at 6:42 pm
Depends on the circumstances. My heart does not go out to murderers, terrorists (domestic or international), pedophiles, rapists, or the like. So, I don't feel pity to say no torture for them.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: ElDuderino on 02/17/05 at 6:54 pm
Depends on the circumstances. My heart does not go out to murderers, terrorists (domestic or international), pedophiles, rapists, or the like. So, I don't feel pity to say no torture for them.
Its not about pity for them, it is about maintaining the standards and principles of our nation. One of the things this nation was founded upon, along with things like freedom of the press, freedom of religion, right to trial by jury, due process etc. is that NOONE will recieve cruel and unusual punishment.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: jaytee on 02/17/05 at 7:04 pm
I voted "Hell No" but if anyone did anything to my family maybe that opinion would change >:(
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/17/05 at 7:21 pm
Hell no! Just because "the other guy did it first" doesn't make it right.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Dagwood on 02/17/05 at 8:12 pm
Not only no, but hell no. Torture is wrong.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Tanya1976 on 02/17/05 at 8:29 pm
Its not about pity for them, it is about maintaining the standards and principles of our nation. One of the things this nation was founded upon, along with things like freedom of the press, freedom of religion, right to trial by jury, due process etc. is that NOONE will recieve cruel and unusual punishment.
Idealistically, you're correct. But, this country is based on hypocrisy. Just speak to those inmates of Attica.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/17/05 at 9:16 pm
I can't really vote in good conscience....I'd like to think "Hell No!", but like jaytee said, if someone did something to a member of my family (my kids in particular) I can't say that I would be totally against them "getting theirs". Thank god I've never had to decide that, but can't honestly say what I would feel/think if something were to happen ???
I'd like them to "get theirs" ... but here I'm talking about ripping flesh and the like.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Apricot on 02/17/05 at 10:35 pm
I'd prefer it over the death penalty. Old school torture, you know?
I think it should be done in public too. Announce it like they did hangings or whippings {you know, to keep the children away}. How's THAT for a deterrent.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/17/05 at 10:45 pm
I'd prefer it over the death penalty. Old school torture, you know?
I think it should be done in public too. Announce it like they did hangings or whippings {you know, to keep the children away}. How's THAT for a deterrent.
I guess that way they wouldn't have to kill people. If its deterrent it's a great idea, but I doubt it is somehow. Is there any evidence it does stop crime? If yes then I support it. Esp. over death sentence, I support DP being an option for the worst of crimes, but it's so final and irreversible.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: sputnikcorp on 02/17/05 at 10:54 pm
as a form of punishment, no. personally, if someone did my family harm and i caught them before the police did, yes.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/17/05 at 10:57 pm
as a form of punishment, no. personally, if someone did my family harm and i caught them before the police did, yes.
I'd just stun or kill their a*s.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Apricot on 02/17/05 at 10:59 pm
I guess that way they wouldn't have to kill people. If its deterrent it's a great idea, but I doubt it is somehow. Is there any evidence it does stop crime? If yes then I support it. Esp. over death sentence, I support DP being an option for the worst of crimes, but it's so final and irreversible.
I never support death penalty. I think that life without parole isn't that great either. Torture could elimate long sentences and death, and it'd be a Hell of a better deterent.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/17/05 at 11:02 pm
I never support death penalty. I think that life without parole isn't that great either. Torture could elimate long sentences and death, and it'd be a Hell of a better deterent.
You know I hadn't thought of that. ??? After all life without parole is pretty much a death sentence when you think about it, isn't it (I think it's a harsher penalty actually)?
I'm not sure anything could deter the most "determined" of criminals, but torture may defer some. hmmm...
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/18/05 at 12:07 am
I'd prefer it over the death penalty. Old school torture, you know?
I think it should be done in public too. Announce it like they did hangings or whippings {you know, to keep the children away}. How's THAT for a deterrent.
Nothing deters the desperate and the insane. Not the threat of incarceration, not the threat of execution, and not the threat of torture.
Terrorists tend to be desperate and collectively mad. You have to address the root of the problem in order to quell it.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/18/05 at 12:10 am
Nothing deters the desperate and the insane. Not the threat of incarceration, not the threat of execution, and not the threat of torture.
Terrorists tend to be desperate and collectively mad. You have to address the root of the problem in order to quell it.
I must sound like a flip-flopper, but I don't think I support torture. I don't know the facts, but I believe criminals should get whatever keeps society safe, but no more. If torture does deter then all the way. But I doubt it, death penalty, or LWP do. They might prevent further crime. I respect their rights as people even if I don't respect their actions. :)
Anyone seen "Minority Report"? Pre-crime sounds like an awesome idea. If only we could find legit psychics to do it. Most famous psychics aren't real.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/18/05 at 12:53 am
IMO, you don't sound like a "flip flopper". You sound like someone who's willing to consider all the facts & opinions of those willing to give them and make up your own mind. In my book, that's a great asset to have.....an open mind :)
Thanks, Crazymom :)
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/18/05 at 12:58 am
For "high" crimes? Certainly not!
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Powerslave on 02/18/05 at 1:06 am
Torture itself is a crime, one of the worst in fact. Society shouldn't lower itself to the level of its enemies by the use of cruel and unusual punishments. So, no, basically.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/18/05 at 1:10 am
Torture itself is a crime, one of the worst in fact. Society shouldn't lower itself to the level of its enemies by the use of cruel and unusual punishments. So, no, basically.
Would it be a "worst crime" category? The ones I chose were Murder, Rape, Child Molestation, and Treason. High-scale terrorism is a given, although high-level ecological destruction is arguably as bad or worse.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Leo Jay on 02/18/05 at 12:26 pm
Torture satisfies the natural human desire for vengeance.
But do we really want to use law to validate our basest human impulses and desires? One of the primary functions of law in a civilized society should be to protect us from our most destructive human impulses.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/18/05 at 4:47 pm
Torture satisfies the natural human desire for vengeance.
But do we really want to use law to validate our basest human impulses and desires? One of the primary functions of law in a civilized society should be to protect us from our most destructive human impulses.
Agreed. The reason I'm against torture isn't because of pity. Why the hell should I feel sorry for someone who's chosen to commit a crime? It's their own d*mn fault. Besides pitying someone is really just thinking they're inferior anyways. It's reason of dignity and respect. Not for their actions, but for them as sentient beings and for our nation. Not to mention it's simply barbaric and a step back.
-FHF ;)
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: AL-B on 02/18/05 at 4:56 pm
Although I don't believe in torture, I happen to think that public floggings would be an effective deterrent against crime. Snatch an old lady's purse? 10 lashes. Driving while intoxicated? 30 lashes. Smack your wife around? 50 lashes. Yes it may sound barbaric, but I'll bet after someone gets tied to the whipping post once they'dl think twice about committing the same crime again.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/18/05 at 5:03 pm
Although I don't believe in torture, I happen to think that public floggings would be an effective deterrent against crime. Snatch an old lady's purse? 10 lashes. Driving while intoxicated? 30 lashes. Smack your wife around? 50 lashes. Yes it may sound barbaric, but I'll bet after someone gets tied to the whipping post once they'dl think twice about committing the same crime again.
It sounds better than decades of prison. But I can't speak on deterrance. I don't know what drives criminals away from crime, if anything does. You can't judge 'em all the same in that aspect, though. Whipping might drive some away, but I doubt it would be too many.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Don Carlos on 02/18/05 at 5:10 pm
Torture? by all means. Lets go back to the style of execution used in medeival times. Draw and quarter them. Tie their limbs to four hourses and let them by tugged apart. Break them on the wheel. Burn them at the stake. And as in medeival times, lets do it regardless of the seriousness of the crime - steal a crumb, steal a quarter, steal a million, DIE
And so much for religions that claim to be based on love and mercy (do the word "Christianity" ring a bell?).
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/18/05 at 5:13 pm
Torture? by all means. Lets go back to the style of execution used in medeival times. Draw and quarter them. Tie their limbs to four hourses and let them by tugged apart. Break them on the wheel. Burn them at the stake. And as in medeival times, lets do it regardless of the seriousness of the crime - steal a crumb, steal a quarter, steal a million, DIE
And so much for religions that claim to be based on love and mercy (do the word "Christianity" ring a bell?).
In most (but not all) cases I oppose the death penalty, but if they do death sentence it should always be lethal injection. Nothing gory or mind-breaking.
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Don Carlos on 02/18/05 at 5:22 pm
In most (but not all) cases I oppose the death penalty, but if they do death sentence it should always be lethal injection. Nothing gory or mind-breaking.
I hope you realize that my last post was pure sarcasm ;)
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/18/05 at 5:25 pm
I hope you realize that my last post was pure sarcasm ;)
I knew ;) I just thought the sarcasm may of been directed to me. But I don't think it was. :)
Subject: Re: Do you support Torture as punishment for high crimes?
Written By: Indy Gent on 02/18/05 at 11:27 pm
Every other country is doing it and getting results. Wake up American, UK, Canada, etc. :-X