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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questions
Written By: ChuckyG on 02/03/05 at 9:08 am
I found this tidbit somewhere else:
Talon News registers its domain name March 29, 2003. The site goes live April 1, 2003, and on April 3, 2003, the pseudonomic "Jeff Gannon," with no journalism experience and with a $50, two-day seminar at a right-wing propaganda institute under his belt, is seated four rows away from where the most powerful - and most guarded - person on the planet makes his pronouncements.
boy, I should be able to land a press pass easily
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questio
Written By: danootaandme on 02/03/05 at 9:26 am
I am not surprised, the problem I have is the people who listen to him and fall for his quips.
One day the level of media manipulation by bush/cheney/rove will be apparent to even the
dimmest of lightbulbs.
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questions
Written By: GWBush2004 on 02/03/05 at 10:21 am
Is this from the Onion? The Boston Globe calling someone biased? After running a picture in their paper saying it was a torture picture, but it was really a Russian porn picture?
I don't get it. Can't Bush have one person in the group that voted for him? The white house press corps sure kissed Clinton's as*.
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questio
Written By: ChuckyG on 02/03/05 at 11:04 am
Is this from the Onion? The Boston Globe calling someone biased? After running a picture in their paper saying it was a torture picture, but it was really a Russian porn picture?
I don't get it. Can't Bush have one person in the group that voted for him? The white house press corps sure kissed Clinton's as*.
Sure, he can have anyone from Washington Times and Fox News there, unless you think they're part of the vast liberal conspiracy too. Do you think he excludes them? Give me a break. They were both there during the Clinton era too.
Did you even read the other bit that isn't from the Globe? He has ZERO credentials. NO formal training. He was awarded a press pass two days after setting up his first website. If I set up a new website tomorrow, and ask for a press pass, what is the likelihood that I would get one? Not one single blogger for either side, has one right now, yet this guy with a fake newsite does?
Combined with the admissions that the administration has been paying for fake newscasts, paying off pundits to hype their positions, I find it hard for anyone to think this is some sort of "liberal conspiracy"
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questions
Written By: Don Carlos on 02/03/05 at 3:56 pm
This is characteristic of an administration, and especially a president, that can't stand to be critisized, and that can't think on its feet. Soft ball anyone? Or should we see this as just one more Carl Rove move to pull the wool over people's eyes?
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questio
Written By: ChuckyG on 02/09/05 at 3:18 pm
"journalist" no more... his gay lifestyle didn't jibe too well with the Talon "News" folks
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questio
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/09/05 at 4:15 pm
"journalist" no more... his gay lifestyle didn't jibe too well with the Talon "News" folks
:-real good.
A lot of the things Bush says don't make any sense, but neither Bush 41 nor Bush 43 has ever managed the sounding good part.
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questio
Written By: Don Carlos on 02/12/05 at 3:47 pm
A lot of the things Bush says don't make any sense, but neither Bush 41 nor Bush 43 has ever managed the sounding good part.
Unfortunately, you don't have to make sense to convince lots of people to support you. All you need to do is streacth the truth a bit, lie a little, and hard on God, guns, and gays and you get all the support you need. Of course hiring a few "jourtnalists" doesn't hurt either, especially if you use tax payers' $$$.
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questions
Written By: Alchoholica on 02/12/05 at 4:13 pm
Or have friends who between them own around 15% of the whole U.S Economy ::)
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questions
Written By: Alchoholica on 02/12/05 at 5:41 pm
True.. true.. considering that bandar & Co... have way over a trillion dollars floating around there
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questions
Written By: Tanya1976 on 02/12/05 at 7:12 pm
I'm not surprised of the plant. He's an idiot. Thus, he doesn't want to answer the hard stuff. Dick handles that! (How I wish I could emphasize that).
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questions
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/12/05 at 7:16 pm
I've had plants that could answer questions better than Dubya!
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questions
Written By: Alchoholica on 02/12/05 at 7:20 pm
I've had plants that could answer questions better than Dubya!
dead ones at that ;D
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questions
Written By: JamieMcBain on 02/13/05 at 10:43 am
Bush has alot of reporters that are his puppets, (Fox News not withstanding), is their any reporter that isn't biased, or has "ties to the government?'
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questions
Written By: MooRocca on 03/02/05 at 2:56 pm
Good follow-up article:
Christian right mum on Gannon Affair
"Why have the 'traditional family values' folks erected a wall of silence around the Gannon scandal?"
-- Bill Berkowitz, workingforchange.com
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questio
Written By: ChuckyG on 03/02/05 at 3:40 pm
Good follow-up article:
Christian right mum on Gannon Affair
"Why have the 'traditional family values' folks erected a wall of silence around the Gannon scandal?"
-- Bill Berkowitz, workingforchange.com
What's really surprising, is just how very little has been written by the "liberal" press on the subject. Most of the investigative work was done online by bloggers, and several news outlets haven't even mentioned the story.
This guy has ties to the Valerie Plume affair, gay prostitution, fake reporting credits, etc. Imagine if this had been during the Clinton administration. The drumbeat would be quite loud on it.
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questions
Written By: MooRocca on 03/02/05 at 4:15 pm
What's really surprising, is just how very little has been written by the "liberal" press on the subject. Most of the investigative work was done online by bloggers, and several news outlets haven't even mentioned the story.
This guy has ties to the Valerie Plume affair, gay prostitution, fake reporting credits, etc. Imagine if this had been during the Clinton administration. The drumbeat would be quite loud on it.
What liberal press? ;) It's pretty sad (at least, I think it is) when you get more news on The Daily Show than you do on the real news. Can't even blame this one on news being a business -- this little gem would be a real ratings grabber, it's got all the right elements.
Yes, it would have been handled quite differently had it happened on Clinton's watch. It's just the sort of scandal Starr was salivating for... and the stain on Monica's dress would have been nothing compared to the stain on his own clothing if something like that had fallen in his lap.
*Heavy sigh*
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questions
Written By: AL-B on 05/16/05 at 3:03 pm
While doing some research on another seemingly unrelated topic, "Jeff Gannon's" name came up and I came across a theory about his possible true identity that is so chilling that I'm not really sure if I want to go there for fear of sounding like a "conspiracy nut." But I'll go ahead: "Jeff Gannon" is rumored to actually be Johnny Gosch, a paperboy who was kidnapped from Des Moines, IA in 1982. (Gannon vehemently denies this, but has also refused to take a DNA test at the request of Gosch's mother.) The details of what may have happened between now and then are so disturbing and beyond belief that I'll leave it up to you to research it on your own, but suffice it to say that since I'm roughly the same age as Johnny Gosch, and that I was not only a paperboy but also an altar boy at my local Catholic Church, I feel incredibly fortunate that I was never sexually molested.
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questions
Written By: JamieMcBain on 05/16/05 at 3:24 pm
Go figure.... ::)
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questions
Written By: GWBush2004 on 05/16/05 at 3:31 pm
While doing some research on another seemingly unrelated topic, "Jeff Gannon's" name came up and I came across a theory about his possible true identity that is so chilling that I'm not really sure if I want to go there for fear of sounding like a "conspiracy nut." But I'll go ahead: "Jeff Gannon" is rumored to actually be Johnny Gosch, a paperboy who was kidnapped from Des Moines, IA in 1982. (Gannon vehemently denies this, but has also refused to take a DNA test at the request of Gosch's mother.) The details of what may have happened between now and then are so disturbing and beyond belief that I'll leave it up to you to research it on your own, but suffice it to say that since I'm roughly the same age as Johnny Gosch, and that I was not only a paperboy but also an altar boy at my local Catholic Church, I feel incredibly fortunate that I was never sexually molested.
April 23, 2005
Not Johnny Gosch!
It's official! The tin-foil hat crowd's favorite conspiracy theory has been soundly debunked. Not a single person who has been making appearances talking about how certain they were about me being this kidnap victim even showed up on the show.
Link: www.jeffgannon.com
Subject: Re: Bush has a plant in the press corps. so he can avoid answering tough questio
Written By: ChuckyG on 05/17/05 at 11:30 am
if you want to bring up Gannon again, why not mention his ability to check into the White House even when there were no scheduled press conferences. Or maybe the fact that he didn't even need to check out half the time.