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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/17/05 at 4:49 pm
I'm a Liberal :) I despise Bush as a president. I also don't like the way the Right kisses up to religion, but I don't like the hypocrisy and cowardlyness of the Left either.
But I'm liberal, mostly for Environmental and Freedom-related reasons.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: Don Carlos on 02/17/05 at 4:58 pm
I'm not sure what you mean by "the left" and I'm not sure what you mean by its "hypocicity and cowardis". Please explain.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/17/05 at 5:47 pm
I'm not sure what you mean by "the left" and I'm not sure what you mean by its "hypocicity and cowardis". Please explain.
I'm talking about the "bad apples" like Michael Moore who give libs a bad name. Cowardice, I'm speaking up how some extremists want to give special rights to minorities, etc, as opposed to equal. In general the left's mint with me. 8)
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: bbigd04 on 02/17/05 at 5:51 pm
I'm in the center, but I'd say I lean liberal. I'm really don't like Bush. But liberals and their political correctness bs annoy me as well. I think the liberals have this little fantasy idea that they want to try to make everybody happy and not offend anybody, not going to happen guys. I also this liberals are too extreme on the enviroment, and I support drilling in the artic, we can't depend on the arabs anymore in this day and age. On the other hand conservatives are too business orinented, and could care less about regular people. They also want to ram their religion down other people's throats. I'm pro-choice (as long as it's done early, but I think abortion should be discouraged and other options promoted, regardless a woman should have the right to make her own choice). I think Bush's social security plan is nothing but a sham, so is the medicare plan. It's all structured to benefit the rich the most, just like his tax cuts, and you conservatives know that very well. Republicans want to get rid of most social programs and send all our tax dollars to Iraq. We pay the government tax to provide service to the people, according to republicans we pay tax to support big business (Halliburton). Iraq war is another failure of the Bush administration, they said imminent threat, and Saddam had all these chemical weapons, etc. All mis-information (lies). Yeah, Saddam was a bad guy, but so is the Iranian leader, Saudi leaders, Kim Jong Il, etc. I hope Bush isn't planning to take all them out as well. So billions down the drain for halliburton, instead of using that money to benefit the american people, oh well that's how the republican party operates.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/17/05 at 5:53 pm
I cannot stand "Political Correctness". All politicians are guilty of it. I would not have so much a problem with it if it wasn't such a double standard. You blur out crap, but you can eat deer dongs and turn people into piles of gore. wtf?
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: Tanya1976 on 02/17/05 at 6:36 pm
I'm a Liberal :) I despise Bush as a president. I also don't like the way the Right kisses up to religion, but I don't like the hypocrisy and cowardlyness of the Left either.
But I'm liberal, mostly for Environmental and Freedom-related reasons.
You're 15, right? Wait until you actually vote in an election and then declare what you think. At this age, you're not as adamant about it yet (trust me). No disrespect intended, btw. :) I thought I was completely liberal as a teen. However, as I started voting and really affected with issues as a tax-paying individual, my thoughts weren't so black and white. I noticed many great areas as I matured and my life experiences changed. It was easy for me to make opinions because I was living with my parents and only working an after-school job. When I paid for college on my own, had a child, and got married, things became less cut and dry. You may surprise yourself as you get older.
I'm centerfield. Fiscally conservative, but socially liberal.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/17/05 at 7:19 pm
You're 15, right? Wait until you actually vote in an election and then declare what you think. At this age, you're not as adamant about it yet (trust me). No disrespect intended, btw. :) I thought I was completely liberal as a teen. However, as I started voting and really affected with issues as a tax-paying individual, my thoughts weren't so black and white. I noticed many great areas as I matured and my life experiences changed. It was easy for me to make opinions because I was living with my parents and only working an after-school job. When I paid for college on my own, had a child, and got married, things became less cut and dry. You may surprise yourself as you get older.
I'm centerfield. Fiscally conservative, but socially liberal.
I was a conservative teen and now I'm a liberal.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: Tanya1976 on 02/17/05 at 8:28 pm
Cat, so you know what I mean!
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/17/05 at 9:27 pm
You're 15, right? Wait until you actually vote in an election and then declare what you think. At this age, you're not as adamant about it yet (trust me). No disrespect intended, btw. :) I thought I was completely liberal as a teen. However, as I started voting and really affected with issues as a tax-paying individual, my thoughts weren't so black and white. I noticed many great areas as I matured and my life experiences changed. It was easy for me to make opinions because I was living with my parents and only working an after-school job. When I paid for college on my own, had a child, and got married, things became less cut and dry. You may surprise yourself as you get older.
I'm centerfield. Fiscally conservative, but socially liberal.
I'm 15 :) I'm also fiscally conservative, actually. But right now society and the environment need more focus then our economy does. It's not that the economy isn't important, but other things can mean the world whereas economy can be fixed more easily and doesn't mean the world. I'll be able to vote in the next presidential election! Class of 08 rules!
Right now, in today's age and in the states of both parties, I tend more with the liberals, although to be honest I hate both parties right now. Liberals are just less scummy. In the 1800s I would be a Conservative.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 02/17/05 at 9:36 pm
I consider myself Left-Libertarian (see site below)
I suggest (if you haven't already) taking this small test:
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/17/05 at 9:49 pm
I consider myself Left-Libertarian (see site below)
I suggest (if you haven't already) taking this small test:
Taken it :) I'm about 3-3.5 points to the Left too. Although I think that test is a tad left-biased.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: sputnikcorp on 02/17/05 at 10:57 pm
moderate liberal. i believe in harsh punishments for criminals but i'm pretty left in most other things.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/17/05 at 11:00 pm
moderate liberal. i believe in harsh punishments for criminals but i'm pretty left in most other things.
I'm in the same boat, except I'm fiscally conservative and I don't believe penalties should be any harder than they have to be to protect society (I believe in hard punishments since that's what I think it takes to keep the streets safe).
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: GWBush2004 on 02/17/05 at 11:11 pm
Freedom-related reasons.
What economic freedom and non-government increasing bill have the liberals been promoting lately?
As for me, I'm mostly your standard issue small government America-first conservative. Less taxes, less government spending, secure borders, personal responsibilty, tough law enforcement, pro-police, pro-military, and pro-capitalist.
If not for one issue, gay marriage, I'd be a libertarian.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/18/05 at 12:02 am
If not for one issue, gay marriage, I'd be a libertarian.
You know what the Libertarian Party in America has become? An order of fascism for one. In other words, most Libertarians I see out there have all the same attitudes of the fascists of yore--social darwinism, white male privilege, obessession with surveillance and punishment, paranoia, sadism, savage nationalism--except they don't want to cooperate with the state. Instead each one of them wants to be Il Duce himself.
I understand there are "leftist" libertarians out there, but they are an endangered species and never get any press.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/18/05 at 9:55 am
I consider myself Left-Libertarian (see site below)
I suggest (if you haven't already) taking this small test:
I have taken this test before. Today I scored Economic Left/Right: -8.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.82
My scores back on 8 Mar 03 I scored -7.50 and -6.82 I guess I moved more to the left in the past two years.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: bbigd04 on 02/18/05 at 12:33 pm
Here's what I scored, fairly centrist, but I lean to the left.
Economic Left/Right: -2.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.38
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: Tanya1976 on 02/18/05 at 4:03 pm
Economic Left/Right: -3.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.36
I must admit there are some topics I am still very much of the fence about. They include child adoption with same sex couples and gay marriage (though I'm for civil unions, I still believe marriage is a spiritual union).
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/18/05 at 4:42 pm
Economic Left/Right: -3.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.36
I must admit there are some topics I am still very much of the fence about. They include child adoption with same sex couples and gay marriage (though I'm for civil unions, I still believe marriage is a spiritual union).
I'm on the same boat with you in gay marriage. I don't even think straight couples should get "marriage" recognized by state, because like you said marriage is a religious think. Both should get civil unions though.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: Tanya1976 on 02/18/05 at 4:45 pm
I'm on the same boat with you in gay marriage. I don't even think straight couples should get "marriage" recognized by state, because like you said marriage is a religious think. Both should get civil unions though.
Though it's more on the religious side (IMHO), I do want state recognition to protect the interests of the generations stemming from the union. I get peeved b/c some states and localities won't recognize common law marriage, but want to jump the gun for same sex marriage.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/18/05 at 4:50 pm
Though it's more on the religious side (IMHO), I do want state recognition to protect the interests of the generations stemming from the union. I get peeved b/c some states and localities won't recognize common law marriage, but want to jump the gun for same sex marriage.
Absolutely :) I support equal rights 100%, but special rights reeks of hypocrisy.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: Don Carlos on 02/18/05 at 5:46 pm
While I moved a point or 2 to the "libertarian right" I may have answered one or 2 questions wrong - caught several time when I did. I remain a true leftist. I'm not going to define that right now, but here's a hint. Michael Moore is no leftist.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/18/05 at 5:48 pm
While I moved a point or 2 to the "libertarian right" I may have answered one or 2 questions wrong - caught several time when I did. I remain a true leftist. I'm not going to define that right now, but here's a hint. Michael Moore is no leftist.
Is he a righty? I think he helps more than hurts the Republican Party. If he was more honest perhaps Kerry would of won.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: GWBush2004 on 02/18/05 at 9:42 pm
You know what the Libertarian Party in America has become? An order of fascism for one. In other words, most Libertarians I see out there have all the same attitudes of the fascists
The libertarians are fascist? Are you kidding? The party of pure freedom, socially and economically?
Let's see:
Economic issues:
Supports full private healthcare (like we have in America.)
Supports full privazation of social security.
Supports the fair tax (national sales tax)
Low, low taxes.
Less government spending.
Support tort reform.
Social issues:
Supports gay marriage.
Supports full drug legalization.
Mostly (not always) supports abortion.
Supports polygamy.
Supports full private gun ownership (wants to repeal ALL of the nation's gun laws.)
Again, only gay marriage and maybe abortion really gets me and makes me the proud conservative that I am instead of a libertarian. But what is wrong with human freedom?
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/18/05 at 10:25 pm
The libertarians are fascist? Are you kidding? The party of pure freedom, socially and economically?
Let's see:
Economic issues:
Supports full private healthcare (like we have in America.)
Supports full privazation of social security.
Supports the fair tax (national sales tax)
Low, low taxes.
Less government spending.
Support tort reform.
Social issues:
Supports gay marriage.
Supports full drug legalization.
Mostly (not always) supports abortion.
Supports polygamy.
Supports full private gun ownership (wants to repeal ALL of the nation's gun laws.)
Again, only gay marriage and maybe abortion really gets me and makes me the proud conservative that I am instead of a libertarian. But what is wrong with human freedom?
In a rather opaque manner I was saying libertarianism has great appeal to the "haves" who feel threatened by government taking action on behalf of "have-nots." Libertarians bellyache about taxation, regulation, and affirmative action from government. They have no complaints about gigantic tax loopholes, massive subsidies to giant corporations, and bloated Pentagon budgets. When prompted, they may make a nominal objection, but that's about it. They also give a nod to drug legalization and gay marriage. However, I find the main libertarian emphasis is on taxation, regulations, and anti-affirmative action.
I told the marijuana legalization people at UMass they shouldn't support the libertarians for their snag in ideological principle. Libertarians would legalize drugs but they would do nothing to stop corporations from drug-testing. Your company could tell you, "marijuana may be legal, but you're not gonna smoke it if you work here!" The Libertarians would say, "that's their right, they are a private company. The government can't tell them what to do. You don't like it, don't work for that company."
You see, all down the line in every issue regarding personal freedom, the corporate bosses would be allowed to overrule the government. Unless you are independently wealthy, you have to work for a buck. That usually means submitting to a corporate authority for part of your life each day.
Do we want corporations to be able to regulate hour off-hour activities? What if a company said, If you work here, no caffeine, and started testing for caffeine every day, the libertarians would say that's OK.
While we are on the subject, why should the government be able to tell you, the owner of a company, he can't refuse to hire someone on the basis of race?
On the other hand, why shouldn't an African-American have the "freedom" to be able to pursue jobs where he wants?
The libertarians routinely come down on the side of "haves," the employer, the capitalist, and against "freedom" as the labor movement and racial minorities determined it.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: GWBush2004 on 02/18/05 at 10:47 pm
They also give a nod to drug legalization and gay marriage. However, I find the main libertarian emphasis is on taxation, regulations, and anti-affirmative action.
I told the marijuana legalization people at UMass they shouldn't support the libertarians for their snag in ideological principle
Maybe because taxes and regulations are more important than weed. Neal Boortz, the #5 biggest radio host in America, and the #1 libertarian on the radio wrote an article on this....read it, it's very good:
Blowin' smoke
Neal Boortz
I know that it might not have been number one on your list of things to pay attention to, but the Libertarian Party recently held its 2004 presidential nominating convention in Atlanta. As with the past three Libertarian conventions, I was invited to speak. This time things were a bit different. There was an organized Boot Boortz petition drive to have me removed from the speaker s list. It seems that some fellow Libertarians didn t exactly approve of my support for the liberation of Iraq. The quest for Libertarian ideological purity raises its ugly head.
As I spoke to a standing-room only gathering the Boot Boortz crowd was relegated to meandering about the ballroom lobby handing out their cheap computer-printed anti-Boortz stickers. Hint: If you can t afford real buttons or good printing, find another cause
OK I took the heat and made my speech. Now that the convention has gone virtually unnoticed to the vast majority of Americans, it s time for me to get a few things off my chest.
Libertarians! You blew it. You had the chance to make an impression on the media and the American people, and you blew it.
I ve been promoting the libertarian philosophy for many years on talk radio, and I ve won a lot of converts. I believe to this day that if individualism, freedom, economic liberty and constitutional government are to be restored and preserved in the United States it will be the libertarianism, if not the Libertarian Party, that gets the save. The way the party is playing right now, that save looks in doubt.
It is all-too common for people, when they discover that I m a card-carrying member of the Libertarian Party , to respond with Oh, you re the people who want to legalize drugs. Now if you give me 10 minutes of quality time with any person reasonably capable of rational thought, I will convince them that the most sensible way to combat drug usage in the United States would be to end the war on drugs and move to a treatment-centered drug policy. I need those ten minutes though, and those ten minutes usually aren t there.
I ve found that when I m trying to sell someone on the libertarian philosophy I usually have around 10 seconds to make that first impression. If I say the wrong thing in those 10 seconds, I ve lost them. If someone asks me what do you people believe in? and I respond, Legalizing marijuana! I m written off as a kook. One convert lost.
But what if I respond to that initial query with something like; Well, Libertarians believe that if you make $1000 a week your paycheck every other Friday should be for $2000. OK now you have their attention. That idea has universal appeal, and you have just been granted an extra few minutes to make the sale. Or you could respond; Libertarians believe that the government shouldn t be allowed to condemn your home, seize it, and turn it over to a developer for a fancy new condo project. Once again, you have their attention. People actually still believe that a man s home is his castle, and you now have an audience that will listen to your libertarian pitch for at least a few more minutes.
This brings us to the Sunday of the Libertarian convention. It s time for the candidates for the presidential nomination to make their pitch to the delegates, and for the delegates to then cast their votes. C-Span is carrying the entire thing on live national television for anyone interested in watching. After the nominating speeches are concluded, and after the delegations present their votes in writing, there s a lull in the action while votes are tabulated. This is a prime opportunity for the Libertarian Party to sell itself to the C-Span viewers. So, what do we get? Do we see a well-produced feature on eminent domain abuse? Nope. How about a feature on the Fair Tax plan (http://www.fairtax.org/), a plan to eliminate all federal income, Social Security and Medicare taxes and replace them with a simple national retail sales tax? Nope again. Predictably, some rocket scientist at the Libertarian Party decides to fill this void with a feature on what else! medical marijuana! Here comes that legalize drugs thing again. This was a complete validation for those out there who think that, first and foremost, the Libertarian Party is about drug legalization.
The Libertarian Party is the party of individual responsibility, personal freedom and limited government. These ideas appeal to the vast majority of Americans, yet the Libertarians literally don t seem to be able to draw flies to a dump. It is obscene that Ralph Nader can get more attention with his message of big government and economic fascism than Libertarians can get with their message of freedom. That s how it goes, though, when you re viewed as the marijuana party.
Well, folks. That should about do it. My string of addressing Libertarian Party conventions has, I think, come to an end. You folks keep dressing up in your nifty hemp jackets and preaching drug legalization, and I ll keep doing my bit on the radio trying to convince Americans that there s more to libertarianism than smoking weed. In the meantime, let me know when the next convention is so that I can make some alternative plans.
In the meantime, see if you can spend a bit of time trying to develop a message for people who are interested in things other than mind-altering drugs.
Neal Boortz is a lawyer and nationally syndicated radio talk show host.
Link: http://www.townhall.com/columnists/nealboortz/nb20040618.shtml
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: GWBush2004 on 02/20/05 at 1:19 am
Is he a righty? I think he helps more than hurts the Republican Party. If he was more honest perhaps Kerry would of won.
No, he is a leftist who wants a 70% top tax rate. He supported Ralph Nader during the 2000 general election. And he thinks his lies help democrats!
"What Fahrenheit 9/11 and Bruce Springsteen and MoveOn and all the other people that were working during this election, what we did was we prevented a Bush landslide." -Michael Moore, Reuters. ::)
Imagine if Michael Moore was one of the US founding fathers:
We hold these truths feelings to be self evident valid, that all men some people are created more equal than others, that they are endowed by their Creator government with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty free health care, access to abortions, and the pursuit of happiness gay marriage.
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/20/05 at 1:35 am
Maybe because taxes and regulations are more important than weed. Neal Boortz, the #5 biggest radio host in America, and the #1 libertarian on the radio wrote an article on this....read it, it's very good:
It is a matter of principle not an either/or situation. And thanks but no thanks on Neal Boortz!
Subject: Re: Liberal or Conservative, Part 2
Written By: RockandRollFan on 02/20/05 at 1:51 pm
There's good and bad on both sides...so I comfortably sit on the fence :-\\