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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami
Written By: ChuckyG on 02/10/05 at 8:49 am
yup... very christian >:(
hopefully an exception and not the norm.
Subject: Re: Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami
Written By: philbo on 02/10/05 at 8:51 am
Well, historically very Christian (no sarcasm intended)
But yes, it's got to be an exception.
Subject: Re: Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami
Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/10/05 at 10:55 am
This kind of thing really p!sses me off. That is why when I chose what orginazation that I donated to, I made sure that they included the fact that it did not matter what religion someone was to recieve help and that most of their $$ didn't go for administrative costs. BTW, the one I picked was Mercy Corp.
Subject: Re: Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/10/05 at 12:08 pm
Any group that has any kind of quid-pro-quo conditions in Tsunami relief work ought to be chucked out of the country. Conditions are too dire over there for that kind of monkying around.
Subject: Re: Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami
Written By: Ashkicksass on 02/10/05 at 12:18 pm
Yeah...that's just disgusting.
And LOL on your comment, Philbo. Sad, but true...
Subject: Re: Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami
Written By: McDonald on 02/10/05 at 1:38 pm
This is why I am weary about organisations like Christian Children's Fund and even faith-based organisation here in the US who are receiving federal aid. I am afraid that they will turn away people for not accepting religious lessons.
Subject: Re: Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami
Written By: Chrisrj on 02/10/05 at 7:09 pm
>:( >:( >:(
After reading that, I think even JESUS would stop being Christian after that!
That's just me, though.
Subject: Re: Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/10/05 at 7:20 pm
This is why I am weary about organisations like Christian Children's Fund and even faith-based organisation here in the US who are receiving federal aid. I am afraid that they will turn away people for not accepting religious lessons.
I think it's OK for faith-based relief groups to receive federal funds, as long as they are conducting relief work without missionary work.
Subject: Re: Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami
Written By: sputnikcorp on 02/10/05 at 7:26 pm
these "christians" seem to forget their bible. matthew 22:39...love thy neighbour as you love thyself.
Subject: Re: Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/10/05 at 7:31 pm
these "christians" seem to forget their bible. matthew 22:39...love thy neighbour as you love thyself.
The first thing an evangelical would say to that is, "If you were me, I would want you to bring me to Jesus to save my eternal soul!"
Subject: Re: Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami
Written By: Averageguy on 02/10/05 at 11:01 pm
Just a few comments about the story. First, I find it extremely hard to believe this is a factual story. Sounds like some things were greatly exagerated. Second, since there were "nuns" requiring conversion, it is most likely a Catholic organization, not an evangelical organization. Third, this is another unfortunate example of a fringe element of the "Christian" segment, wherebye judgement is made upon all Christian relief organizations by the general public. Believe me, true Christians would not refuse someone aid for not converting, and would most likely never ask someone in need to do so.
Subject: Re: Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami
Written By: McDonald on 02/11/05 at 2:45 pm
>:( >:( >:(
After reading that, I think even JESUS would stop being Christian after that!
That's just me, though.
It's my understanding that Jesus never was a Christian in the first place, but a Jew. Even the early Christians still considered themselves to be Jewish. The Jesus that supposedly lived was a reformer, not a seperatist.
Subject: Re: Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami
Written By: ChuckyG on 02/11/05 at 2:49 pm
Just a few comments about the story. First, I find it extremely hard to believe this is a factual story. Sounds like some things were greatly exagerated.
After I had posted this, a few people where I found this, pointed out there were a lot of discrepnecies with the story. If the media indeed showed up, why are there no pictures of fleeing workers? More details like which relief organization? It supposedly came from an Indian paper, but no real verifable source for it anywhere.
It's interesting to see how people initially react to the story though.
Subject: Re: Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami
Written By: McDonald on 02/11/05 at 2:50 pm
Just a few comments about the story. First, I find it extremely hard to believe this is a factual story. Sounds like some things were greatly exagerated. Second, since there were "nuns" requiring conversion, it is most likely a Catholic organization, not an evangelical organization. Third, this is another unfortunate example of a fringe element of the "Christian" segment, wherebye judgement is made upon all Christian relief organizations by the general public. Believe me, true Christians would not refuse someone aid for not converting, and would most likely never ask someone in need to do so.
I don't see the relevence in pointing out whether they were Catholic or Protestant. Be that as it may, it is foolish for anyone to judge an entire religion based on the behaviour of one of its subdivisions. I frequently criticise the Conservative Evangelical Fundamentalist movement, but that isn't to say that all Christians (and that term does apply to Catholics) are akin to such behaviour. I wouldn't judge all Catholics by the actions of a few nuns. That would just be ridiculous.
Subject: Re: Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami
Written By: Don Carlos on 02/11/05 at 3:32 pm
I find it hard to believe this story. If it is true it is appauling, and I would side with the villagers in sticking to their Hindu faith, an old and interesting religion that is not "revealed". But this just sounds too heavy handed for Catholic missionaries.
Subject: Re: Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami
Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/12/05 at 2:42 am
>:( >:( >:( >:(
Subject: Re: Christian relief groups in areas hit by Tsunami
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 02/12/05 at 4:21 am
Careful who (releif groups) you give money to
This is sad... >:(