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Current Politics and Religious Topics
Mother said to never discuss politics and religion at the dinner table, so take it here. Members must register to post here.
This is an index of topics from the Current Politics and Religious Topics topic on the inthe00s
November 2004
- Tom Ridge Resigns by McDonald - 11/30/2004
- Iraq adopts terror alert system by AL-B - 11/30/2004
- Gooood Moorrrrning Iraq Naaaammmmm! by danootaandme - 11/30/2004
- 77 out of the 88 counties have counted the provisional ballots in Ohio, and.... by GWBush2004 - 11/30/2004
- A Huge "Thanks" To The Whiny Liberals! by BodaciousBoy - 11/30/2004
- Make war and not love by GoodRedShirt - 11/28/2004
- So, they stole the election again! by MaxwellSmart - 11/28/2004
- What is killing this man? by GWBush2004 - 11/28/2004
- Why don't parents teach their kids VALUES or TOLERANCE? by Tony20fan4ever - 11/28/2004
- Red Sox Hero Schilling Even Endorses Bush! by BodaciousBoy - 11/27/2004
- Um....Mr. President, your fly is open. by GWBush2004 - 11/26/2004
- Baby gap: Red states having more babies than blue states. by GWBush2004 - 11/26/2004
- My favorite red vs. blue map by MaxwellSmart - 11/25/2004
- Is this going to far? by GWBush2004 - 11/24/2004
- Again from the idiots at PETA? Celebrates the deaths of 6 hunters in Wisconsin. by GWBush2004 - 11/23/2004
- Morals and Mr President by danootaandme - 11/22/2004
- Too much SALT kills 3-year-old. by GWBush2004 - 11/22/2004
- A 14 year old boy is sentenced to 85 lashes, and dies! by GWBush2004 - 11/21/2004
- Unprecendented ''no confidence'' vote of Kofi Annan at the UN by GWBush2004 - 11/19/2004
- Fox News coming to Canada. by GWBush2004 - 11/19/2004
- How Bush Widened the Wealth Gap by MaxwellSmart - 11/19/2004
- Liberal Party Sacks Anti-Bush Legislator. by McDonald - 11/18/2004
- Felons in the House? by CatwomanofV - 11/18/2004
- Iran, Iraq, what's the difference? by ChuckyG - 11/18/2004
- Disgusting, grotesque, racist Condi Rice cartoons. by GWBush2004 - 11/17/2004
- We're Sorry, World... by Davester - 11/17/2004
- State of Alaska votes down Ballot measure 2, which would make pot legal. by GWBush2004 - 11/16/2004
- Ohio recount gets a green light by MooRocca - 11/16/2004
- Man just shouted ALLAH and torched himself in front of White House by GWBush2004 - 11/15/2004
- States Health Rankings by danootaandme - 11/15/2004
- This guy is probably quite upset with the election results. by GWBush2004 - 11/15/2004
- Enviro nuts are gonna have siezures at this one!!! by GWBush2004 - 11/15/2004
- Colin Powell To Resign by Indy Gent - 11/15/2004
- Scott Peterson trial by 80s_cheerleader - 11/12/2004
- Iris Chang, "The Rape of Nanking" author. by zcrito - 11/11/2004
- Ohio... just think, these are the people who helped decide the election by ChuckyG - 11/11/2004
- Red state, Welfare state by MaxwellSmart - 11/11/2004
- Isn't this special? by GWBush2004 - 11/11/2004
- Yasser Arafat Dead at 75 by Indy Gent - 11/11/2004
- ASHCROFT AND EVANS RESIGN! by CatwomanofV - 11/09/2004
- Instant Runoff Voting by Don Carlos - 11/09/2004
- Bush considers Clarence Thomas for chief justice on the US Supreme court. by GWBush2004 - 11/08/2004
- Audit-trail-free voting machines by philbo - 11/08/2004
- Right-wing media bias by MaxwellSmart - 11/08/2004
- Man kills self over Bush's reelection. by GWBush2004 - 11/07/2004
- Glitch gave Bush extra votes in Ohio by McDonald - 11/07/2004
- BREAKING NEWS!!! BUSH ORDERS DRAFT!!!!!!!! by GWBush2004 - 11/07/2004
- Schwarzenegger Calls Calif. Dems 'Losers' by GWBush2004 - 11/06/2004
- One last flip-flop. by GWBush2004 - 11/06/2004
- 337,000 new jobs created in October. by GWBush2004 - 11/05/2004
- light bulbs and George Bush by marthadtox3 - 11/05/2004
- FarenHype 911...ALL THOSE LIES! by RockandRollFan - 11/05/2004
- Why 'Legalized' Marriage, Anyway? by Leo Jay - 11/05/2004
- AOL Blocks Anti-Kerry Sites, But not Anti-Bush Sites...They STILL SUCK! by RockandRollFan - 11/05/2004
- Bush campaign website blocks overseas visits by McDonald - 11/05/2004
- Post election pick me up-gotta keep that sense of humor by danootaandme - 11/05/2004
- 2008 Republican Candidates by Indy Gent - 11/05/2004
- 2008 Democratic Candidates by Indy Gent - 11/05/2004
- Post election San Francisco by GWBush2004 - 11/05/2004
- Red states not as red as they appear by ChuckyG - 11/05/2004
- Michael Moore's relevance on sale at eBay. by GWBush2004 - 11/04/2004
- Just made a bet with a former co-worker. by ChuckyG - 11/04/2004
- Elizabeth(Mrs. John) Edwards has cancer by danootaandme - 11/04/2004
- How will Bush spin this? by ChuckyG - 11/04/2004
- New map of the United States by Satish - 11/04/2004
- California running short on anti-depressants by LyricBoy - 11/03/2004
- kerry loses LMAO by saver - 11/03/2004
- Possible new job for John Kerry by Mushroom - 11/03/2004
- OK, DEMOCRATS... by MaxwellSmart - 11/03/2004
- I call the election by MaxwellSmart - 11/03/2004
- Time for CIVIL WAR! by JFK-2004 - 11/03/2004
- KERRY CONCEDES! by GWBush2004 - 11/03/2004
- The fall of communism?? by AL-B - 11/03/2004
- Has "Politically Correctness" Gone Overboard? Your Thoughts... by woops - 11/03/2004
- Valuable Minds by Uly - 11/03/2004
- New Heinz Slogans, Hey Theresa, you really ARE #1 (on this list)! by BodaciousBoy - 11/03/2004
- Fellow conservatives:There is some a bright side to this election, win or lose. by GWBush2004 - 11/02/2004
- Jokes gets DJ in trouble with humour impared party (guess which one) by ChuckyG - 11/02/2004
- Pollster John Zogby: ''Winner of Florida wins the election.'' by GWBush2004 - 11/02/2004
- Let’s flex our muscles tomorrow! by Uly - 11/01/2004
- To Be Silenced, Or Not to Be: That is the Question by CatwomanofV - 11/01/2004
- CAMEC predicts Bush wins 311 to 227, Computer Analysis Model Electoral College. by GWBush2004 - 11/01/2004
- Electoral-vote.com guy comes foward. by GWBush2004 - 11/01/2004