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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Isn't this special?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 11/11/04 at 10:15 am
Had the shoe been on the other foot, the Republican students would be charged with "hate" crimes. Get these terrorist bas***** out of our country!!!!!
From Worldnet Daily:
Arab students rage
at College Republicans
Protest on San Francisco campus prompts police intervention
Posted: November 10, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern
2004 WorldNetDaily.com
Over 300 Arab student protesters surrounded the table of the local College Republican Club at San Francisco State University, prompting 13 campus police officers to protect the political organization's property and volunteers.
According to columnist Lee Kaplan writing in FrontPage Magazine, the protesters "Palestinian, Arab, Muslim and radical leftist students" surrounded the outdoor table the morning after President Bush's re-election victory, when the Republican activists had hoped to recruit more members.
"The police officers were forced to surround the CR's table both in front and in back in order to protect the conservative students' safety," Kaplan wrote.
The protesters were members of the General Union of Palestinian Students
Two days earlier, Arab students confronted members of the Republican club who were distributing Bush-Cheney flyers on campus, with one woman reportedly slapping one of the conservative students. The columnist says the Republicans were accused of the "murder of Palestinian babies" due to their support for Bush.
Wrote Kaplan:
"Lee Wolf, another College Republicans member, described one of the women on Monday as shouting, 'The only way we can defeat you is to kill as many as possible! I'd rather die a suicide bomber's death than to call myself an American!' He continued, 'In my opinion, these were terrorist threats.'"
According to the report, the Arab protesters have called for the Republican club to be banned from campus. Flyers were even distributed at the university that said: "Don't Let the College Republicans Commit Racism and Bigotry Against Arab Women."
Chris Finarelli, vice president of the club described the protesters at Wednesday's disturbance.
"They were all around us wearing black and white kafiyahs like Arafat wears," he said.
"We don't even deal with the Israel/Palestinian dispute that much in our discussions and materials," CR member Derek Wray told Kaplan. "We don't even have any Jewish members as far as I know, although we do promote a conservative political agenda.
"We're going to the police again to ask for protection. They say they're going to have another demonstration and drive us off campus."
--Can you say D-E-P-O-R-T!?
Subject: Re: Isn't this special?
Written By: Alchoholica on 11/11/04 at 10:36 am
This is the thing i have noticed.. now i don't want to sound like a Bigot (im sure i will though)
But answer me this.. how can they get away with that, and how can Colleges have strictly Black 'clubs'... yet a conservative club is basically attacked and nothing has of yet been done.
See, if i decided to make a white 'club' then i would be branded a Racist.. well whats up with that. There are some things that only affect specific Racial groups.
One more thing, i hear the term Multi Cultural banded around a lot right, so here is my question..
If we are Multi Cultural we should all be allowed to do what our culture deems correct, we allow arranged marrigies etc, yet we aren't allowed to support the President in what he deems is right, see i don't like Bush, but i do support Isreael, if he wants to give them Money good, Palestine is a terrorist state and needs taking out.
I know my views are very black and white on this subject, but it really gets under my skin that the Palestinians can murder and attack who they want, yet Israel takes out a known terrorist and is called a terrorist state???
Subject: Re: Isn't this special?
Written By: Tanya1976 on 11/11/04 at 12:28 pm
Give me a break. White clubs exist everywhere on college campuses. They are disguised better with names like The Young Republicans. In fact, African-American, Asian, and Hispanic sororites/fraternities were created b/c of all-white fraternities/sororities not accepting of them. I'm a member of an all-white sorority myself, so I know. So, get off this "whoa is me kick" and open your eyes. You will see more than you know.
As far as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, both sides are equally dirty and negative. So, the opportunity to take sides is just not available to me.
Subject: Re: Isn't this special?
Written By: Alchoholica on 11/11/04 at 12:30 pm
I see your point, but what i was trying to get to is that although like the young Republicans club wont accept memebers from minorities, they don't activley like, say.. NO BLACKS! whereas that basically is what some of the minority ones do, say NO WHITEYS!
Subject: Re: Isn't this special?
Written By: McDonald on 11/11/04 at 12:35 pm
Palestine is a terrorist state and needs taking out.
There is no such state as Palestine, there was at one point, but it ended in the 40s when the UN made it their business to throw everyone out of there homes and move a truckload of foreigners in so that they could have their own country, thus displacing millions of Palestinian citizens. And though I do agree that the State of Israel, at this point, has a right to exist as it is, I don't think their hysterical tactics in dealing w/ 'terrorists' are admirable or acceptable. There are three facts about the Palestinian people...1) Most of them are not terrorists, 2) Some of them are, 3) Most that are not terrorists still hate Israel. It doesn't matter that most Palestinians hate Israel, hating something doesn't make you a terrorist. This word is getting thrown around a lot, and frankly it scares the hell out of me. It's reminiscant of times when anyone who disagreed with the powers that be was branded "witch" or "communist."
Israel's policy in protecting Jews from what is a fraction of the Palestinian people, are harmful to ALL Palestinians and it's only serving to incite more hate within the Palestinian community and to convince more Palestinians that terrorism is their only hope. It's basically hysteria, and both parties are guilty of taking part in it. Innocent Palestinians are getting killed every day by the Israeli military police, and they don't really have to answer to anyone. I know that terrorist organisations kill innocent Israelies every day as well, but that is what is expected of a terrorist group, not a responsible government. The Israeli government needs to find a responsible, and humane way to deal with the Palestinians, and to weed out the terrorists and bring them to justice, otherwise they will remain an equally guilty party in the big mess that is Irsael/Palestine.
Subject: Re: Isn't this special?
Written By: Alchoholica on 11/11/04 at 12:39 pm
I hate to say it, but The Israeli government does need to give the Palestinians some of the land back, and truth be told, they are, just slowly. However so many times the Israeli's have tried to reach a settlement with Palestine, or sorry, the Palestinians, and so many times it has been thrown back at them.
Yes it isn't a Terrorist state, it is just a group of people in which Terrorsits are in control. I don't agree with banding the word terrorist around either.. (Mr Ashcroft).. but the Palestinians were for a long time led by Arafat who is indeed, or was, the Leader of the PLO, a Terrorist organisation. He was behind the killings at the Berlin Olympics, and the bus thing i can't pronounce.
Subject: Re: Isn't this special?
Written By: McDonald on 11/11/04 at 12:53 pm
I hate to say it, but The Israeli government does need to give the Palestinians some of the land back, and truth be told, they are, just slowly. However so many times the Israeli's have tried to reach a settlement with Palestine, or sorry, the Palestinians, and so many times it has been thrown back at them.
Yes it isn't a Terrorist state, it is just a group of people in which Terrorsits are in control. I don't agree with banding the word terrorist around either.. (Mr Ashcroft).. but the Palestinians were for a long time led by Arafat who is indeed, or was, the Leader of the PLO, a Terrorist organisation. He was behind the killings at the Berlin Olympics, and the bus thing i can't pronounce.
I realise that, but I have a problem with the fact that the entire Palestinian population is treated as though they were all terrorists, and that is wrong. Especially when it leads to a lot of unwarranted death.
Subject: Re: Isn't this special?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/11/04 at 1:21 pm
I generally agree with McD, here. Again, I have to ask what GWB wants me to say about news story about some Arab students behaving badly. Young people tend to let righteous indignation fulminate into counterproductive rage. I've seen it happen many times on the UMass campus. Obviously the Arab students see the Republican Club as representatives of the oppressive white power structure...and, guess what, they're right! In my experience, college Republicans have a particularly ridiculing and smug manner about them that will provoke the easily provoked.
The behavior of the Arab students gove the Republicans precisely what they wanted, an excuse to further ridicule Arabs and Muslims, and a chance to play their coved role as conservative victims on campus.
"If the shoe was on the other foot..." is a compelling argument regarding raging minorities on campus. I agree with it philosophically, you know, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Of course, the shoe was on the other foot for most of this country's history.
As to Alcoholica's argument about minority-exclusive orgainizations at colleges, I agree they are philosophically divisive. I'd rather see a more embracing attitude. However, it is important to bear in mind that no organization is allowed to exclude others on the basis of race or ethnicity. The Supreme Court determined the 14the Amendment forbids this. Of course, by the time Bush gets done with the Court, we may be back to Plessy vs. Furgeson!
Subject: Re: Isn't this special?
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/11/04 at 3:52 pm
A bit of a history lesson. Between 1918-19 and 1947 Palistine was governed as a British "mandate". After the war, Jews argued that anti-semitism prevented them from integrating into most societies, especially in Europe (actually Zionism started earlier in the Century). Given the holocost, they got great sympothy, and Britain issued the Balfour Declaration pledging to build a state for Jews in Plaistine. The Jewish saying at the time was "a people without a land, a land without people" to describe Palistine. Unfortunately, there WERE people there, who WERE displaced by the creation of Israel and were not even compensated. And Israel has expanded from the boundaries initially established, mostly through (defensive) wars, but also by aggressively occupying Palistinian territory in violation of numerous UN resolutions (as in the west bank and Gaza settlements). These settlements, and the disposition of refugees are 2 of the 3 major stumblimg blocks remaining, the Palistinians having agreed to Israel's right to exist. The last stumbling block is the disposition of Jersuselum, which Israel insists on controlling because thats where the "Wailing Wall" is. But there are also sites equally important to Muslims and Christians - the spot where Mohammed assended to heavan, the tomb of Jesus, and Calvary, the site of the crucifiction. Some have proposed that Jeruselum become an international city, governed by its people under UN supervision, but Israel as rejected that idea (I don't know the PLO or Pal. Authority's position on this, but I heard the idea advanced by a Palistinian scholar. The situation is far from black and white, good vrs bad, but it seems to me that, as in Iraq now, the military solution is no solution at all, and will only create deeper animosities with the accompanying destableization, violance, and death. As I said in another thread, I just hope Araft's death will not further destablize things.