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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: McDonald on 11/30/04 at 8:40 pm
It's all over the news. Tom Ridge has resigned his position as Secretary of Homeland Security... Anyone feel different? Perhaps, a little less secure? Me neither.
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: Tanya1976 on 12/02/04 at 1:06 am
Please, he sucked as PA governor. Does anyone really believe he added security to our homeland? If so, just ask the cargo shipping yards, chemical plants, and nuclear plants. Oh, and really check into those borders!
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/02/04 at 1:35 am
Please, he sucked as PA governor. Does anyone really believe he added security to our homeland? If so, just ask the cargo shipping yards, chemical plants, and nuclear plants. Oh, and really check into those borders!
Are you kiddin'? Since old Tom resigned, I'm too scared to leave the house!
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: JamieMcBain on 12/02/04 at 12:52 pm
Wow... I am surprised by the number of people leaving Bush's staff. First iColin Powell and John Ashcroft, and now Tom Ridge, do they know something that we don't? It's almost like the passengers leaving the Titanic, before the Titanic actually sinks!
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: GWBush2004 on 12/02/04 at 12:58 pm
Oh, and really check into those borders!
Oh thank God.  A liberal I can agree with.  This is one of the two problems I have with President Bush, and this is the main one.  Mr. Bush is simply selling our country out.  Selling it out it and raising the white flag to corrupt bas****s like Fox over there in Mexico.  Bush will not secure out borders, not with more border patrol, not with the national guard, and not with the army.  Bush continues to allow illegals from Mexico to flood in here, and make the taxpayers pay the bill for their healthcare, we lose billions a year to that.  We leave the borders pretty much open in a post 9/11 world, which is not only a security threat, but it makes it easier to smuggle in illegal narcotics.  That would be one way to win the war on drugs.  Illegals also take up 30% of our jail cells.  Bush is selling our country out, money-wise, nationalist-wise, and workers' wise, and it makes me sick.  Wheather your congressman or senator is a republican or a democrat, write them and tell them to at least support more border security, if not a full shut down of illegal immigration.  What can you say when Hillary Clinton is to the right of Bush on immigration, she knows what the majority of Americans want, but not Bush, and not Kerry.
www.house.gov and www.senate.gov, find out your reps. postal address and e-mail address and write them, and tell them not sell our country out anymore.
Or write President Bush like I have done, tell him no amnesty for illegals, and to at least close the borders more than they are now:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington DC, 20500
"Borders, language, and culture" as Michael Savage would say.  That is what defines a nation.
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: GWBush2004 on 12/02/04 at 5:58 pm
Wow... I am surprised by the number of people leaving Bush's staff.
No more than when Clinton won/stole (just kidding, just felt like acting like a democrat for a second) reelection in AD 1996.
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: Tanya1976 on 12/03/04 at 7:08 pm
Oh, GW, we can agree on many things. It's just the level of such things we may disagree. But, as far as the borders go, it's asinine to think that the borders are continously unguarded while the main focus is on the airplanes. Hello, they don't do the same thing twice!
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: GWBush2004 on 12/04/04 at 6:37 am
Oh, GW, we can agree on many things. It's just the level of such things we may disagree. But, as far as the borders go, it's asinine to think that the borders are continously unguarded while the main focus is on the airplanes. Hello, they don't do the same thing twice!
Yeah I know. What can I say? When it came to immigration and border-security, it was between Kerry and Bush. Basically spit and sand on this issue. Just for an increase in vote, from 35% to 44% in the hispanic community, Bush is selling our country out to people who come here to work the system. He has nothing to worry about anymore, no VP to set up for a run in 2008, he himself doesn't have to worry about another election. CLOSE THE BORDERS, PRESIDENT BUSH!
When it came to voting, I saw it was a lose-lose on this issue, and just voted for other issues of concern.
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: Tanya1976 on 12/04/04 at 4:26 pm
Yeah I know. What can I say? When it came to immigration and border-security, it was between Kerry and Bush. Basically spit and sand on this issue. Just for an increase in vote, from 35% to 44% in the hispanic community, Bush is selling our country out to people who come here to work the system. He has nothing to worry about anymore, no VP to set up for a run in 2008, he himself doesn't have to worry about another election. CLOSE THE BORDERS, PRESIDENT BUSH!
When it came to voting, I saw it was a lose-lose on this issue, and just voted for other issues of concern.
I can't help but agree with you on that. My husband and I always say that he's willing to sell everyone else out for the sake of some votes.
I'm scared because we are agreeing on something! ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: GWBush2004 on 12/06/04 at 2:37 am
I can't help but agree with you on that. My husband and I always say that he's willing to sell everyone else out for the sake of some votes.
I'm scared because we are agreeing on something! ;) ;D
Eh...both sides are doing. I just expect the republicans and Bush to be the ones to take this issue on, but gotta keep that dam* hispanic vote. Who knows? Maybe the legal hispanics want border security.
If Hillary Clinton, who has been talking about border security and national guard to keep illegals out, runs in 2008, and promises that, while the republican candidate doesn't, i'll vote for her. I swear it. Next to terrorism, border security is the most important thing, and I'll even vote for Hillary Clinton if I think she will secure the borders. The republicans are going to screw themselves if Hillary does that in 2008, unless, of course, they promise even more border security. I fear the border security, if the republicans don't secure it, will be the republicans' downfall.
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/06/04 at 2:47 am
Eh...both sides are doing. I just expect the republicans and Bush to be the ones to take this issue on, but gotta keep that dam* hispanic vote. Who knows? Maybe the legal hispanics want border security.
If Hillary Clinton, who has been talking about border security and national guard to keep illegals out, runs in 2008, and promises that, while the republican candidate doesn't, i'll vote for her. I swear it. Next to terrorism, border security is the most important thing, and I'll even vote for Hillary Clinton if I think she will secure the borders. The republicans are going to screw themselves if Hillary does that in 2008, unless, of course, they promise even more border security. I fear the border security, if the republicans don't secure it, will be the republicans' downfall.
If Hillary gets elected president I'll eat my sneakers!
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: GWBush2004 on 12/06/04 at 3:08 am
If Hillary gets elected president I'll eat my sneakers!
She'll get the nomination, if she runs, no-doubt. But she could never win, not in her lifetime. I'm just saying, if she promises border security, and the republican candidate doesn't, I will vote for her. Though she'll never take the state of Georgia.
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/06/04 at 3:28 am
She'll get the nomination, if she runs, no-doubt. But she could never win, not in her lifetime. I'm just saying, if she promises border security, and the republican candidate doesn't, I will vote for her. Though she'll never take the state of Georgia.
What if Hillary promises border security AND nationalized healthcare?
I just hope a Democrat doesn't have to be a Southern Conservative Protestant in order to get white guys to vote for him/her. Red/Blue is the new color line.
I'd vote for Hillary, but the prejudice against liberals, Democrats, and northerners has been so successfully sold I don't see her being able to win. The past election is evidence. Americans of red persuasion are deep in denial about what a disaster Bush is. It's like a man being in denial about his own gangrenous leg.
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: Alchoholica on 12/06/04 at 6:46 am
The Treasury secretary is off as well.. something snow... not sure how important his job is but hey.. it's relevant.
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: GWBush2004 on 12/06/04 at 12:07 pm
What if Hillary promises border security AND nationalized healthcare?
I think she knows that Hillary Care failed badly last time, and that it was probably the second biggest thing that helped the republicans take back the US House in 1994.
If Hillary runs, it will be a moderate, maybe even center-right campaign. With border security, tax cuts for the middle class (hence John Kerry,) promises to fight the war on terrorism like a hawk, and opposed to gay marriage and partial birth abortion. You wait and see.
The scary part is, if she promises all that and the republican candidate stays even with her, or even to the center of her, I may vote for her. Hell if she stays moderate on the other issues, but promises border security and the republican candidate doesn't, I will vote for her. But, if she stays far-left and promises border security and the republican candidate doesn't, I'll suck it up and vote for the republican, to get my vote she HAS to promise border security (and the republican candidate doesn't,) and stay MODERATE on almost everything else.
But, no way in hell she will win. Not another northern liberal, PLEASE.
"Again? America rejects yet another Massachusetts candidate." -The Boston Globe (a headline.) November 04, 2004.
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/06/04 at 2:35 pm
But, no way in hell she will win. Not another northern liberal, PLEASE.
"Again? America rejects yet another Massachusetts candidate." -The Boston Globe (a headline.) November 04, 2004.
We haven't had a northern liberal president since Kennedy. It's like I say, the prejudice against the Northeast and "liberals" has been a fabulous success. The "Southerning" of American politics is a backlash against the social progress of the 20th century. There's no one better at rolling back the social contract than Conservative Evangelical Republicans from the South.
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: GWBush2004 on 12/06/04 at 3:48 pm
We haven't had a northern liberal president since Kennedy. It's like I say, the prejudice against the Northeast and "liberals" has been a fabulous success. The "Southerning" of American politics is a backlash against the social progress of the 20th century. There's no one better at rolling back the social contract than Conservative Evangelical Republicans from the South.
Maybe the northeast just sucks. Notice how the red states got more electoral votes this time around? Why is that? Population shift. People running away from the northeast and moving to the south and the midwest. It's a better place to live. The culture, the people, the way of life. God, guns, and apple pie; some liberals may spit on it, but people down here certainly don't. And I love it. Also, ever think it could be that the people in the midwest and south see the social status up north, and want to vote republican to avoid it? Maybe more Americans think the north is the one rolling back social progress. mASSachusetts is the one with gay marriage, not allowed in most of todays' modern countries, but allowed back in the middle ages...and Canada. Good job, mASSachusetts, you brought us back to the 15th century and Canada.
And before any of the liberal mafia people get in here, no I don't hate gay people...stop being so sensitive. I do however, oppose same-sex marriages, along with about two-thirds of the American public.
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: Tanya1976 on 12/06/04 at 8:31 pm
I lived in Atlanta as a college student for four years. I can't say that I would want to return as a citizen. It certainly didn't have any benefits to living there.
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: GWBush2004 on 12/07/04 at 5:10 am
I lived in Atlanta as a college student for four years. I can't say that I would want to return as a citizen. It certainly didn't have any benefits to living there.
I don't live in Atlanta.
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/07/04 at 1:14 pm
Maybe the northeast just sucks. Notice how the red states got more electoral votes this time around? Why is that? Population shift. People running away from the northeast and moving to the south and the midwest. It's a better place to live. The culture, the people, the way of life. God, guns, and apple pie; some liberals may spit on it, but people down here certainly don't. And I love it. Also, ever think it could be that the people in the midwest and south see the social status up north, and want to vote republican to avoid it? Maybe more Americans think the north is the one rolling back social progress. mASSachusetts is the one with gay marriage, not allowed in most of todays' modern countries, but allowed back in the middle ages...and Canada. Good job, mASSachusetts, you brought us back to the 15th century and Canada.
And before any of the liberal mafia people get in here, no I don't hate gay people...stop being so sensitive. I do however, oppose same-sex marriages, along with about two-thirds of the American public.
Well you just made my point better than I ever could. You won't see why, but others will!
Thanks for pointing that out about gay marriage and the middle ages. That's why I'm against allowing gay marriage. If Massachusetts allows gay marriage, Alabama will use the middle ages precedent to fight for the right to do something else allowed back then--burn pagans at the stake. Once Bush appoints his horrible four to the Supreme Court, who knows what might be possible?
:o :o :o
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: Tanya1976 on 12/07/04 at 2:35 pm
I don't live in Atlanta.
I didn't say you did, sweetheart. I was just proving a point that I lived there on my own for some years and while I liked aspects of it, there were others I didn't care for.
Subject: Re: Tom Ridge Resigns
Written By: GWBush2004 on 12/07/04 at 2:41 pm
I didn't say you did, sweetheart. I was just proving a point that I lived there on my own for some years and while I liked aspects of it, there were others I didn't care for.
I know, I know. I hate urban living, hence why I live in rural, sunny, north Georgia.