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Current Politics and Religious Topics
Mother said to never discuss politics and religion at the dinner table, so take it here. Members must register to post here.
This is an index of topics from the Current Politics and Religious Topics topic on the inthe00s
April 2011
- Indiana to defund Planned Parenthood by LyricBoy - 04/29/2011
- Union Busting, Massachusetts Style by LyricBoy - 04/29/2011
- Would you re-elect Barack Obama? by SuperDude526 - 04/29/2011
- Race Card Played Once Again by LyricBoy - 04/27/2011
- Massachusetts Legislature Votes to Limit Collective Bargaing Rights by LyricBoy - 04/27/2011
- Delhi Commonwealth Games chief Suresh Kalmadi arrested by Philip Eno - 04/25/2011
- Michael Sheen's Port Talbot Passion play 'crucifixion' by Philip Eno - 04/25/2011
- Government Pro-Muslim Bias in Detroit by LyricBoy - 04/22/2011
- What Part of this Article is Most Ridiculous? by LyricBoy - 04/22/2011
- NLRB Sticks its nose into a hopeless case... by LyricBoy - 04/22/2011
- $25 MILLION in aid on its way to Libya by Dude111 - 04/22/2011
- 1984 Redeioux by Don Carlos - 04/22/2011
- Pennsylvania Needs More Felons in Government Jobs by LyricBoy - 04/20/2011
- What is better - forgiveness, or righteous indignation? by youngerderek - 04/16/2011
- Is it possible for China to become the number one world power soon? by 80sfan - 04/15/2011
- Free will and Dualism - Christian or Cartesian? by youngerderek - 04/14/2011
- Republican Budget proposal by Don Carlos - 04/14/2011
- Does race exist? by youngerderek - 04/12/2011
- Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust? by youngerderek - 04/11/2011
- Wisonsin is broke! Well.. maybe not so much... by ChuckyG - 04/11/2011
- OPERATION NORTHWOODS by Dude111 - 04/10/2011
- TruTV's "Bait Car"... Racist? by LyricBoy - 04/10/2011
- Latest Fox News outrage? multi-cultural markers by ChuckyG - 04/08/2011
- Do you believe there's a new world order? by youngerderek - 04/04/2011
- Church Burns a Koran, Muslims Blow Themselves Up... by LyricBoy - 04/02/2011
- Drug gangs moving on to internet, claims Manchester (UK) study by Philip Eno - 04/02/2011