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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: youngerderek on 04/11/11 at 7:17 am
It is kind of worrisome to me because I see a lot of parallels between the lead-up to the Jewish Holocaust and what's currently going on in Europe. It's kind of controversial to say, but just like the Muslims in Europe today aren't totally blameless for the disdain native Europeans have for them, neither were the Jews in Europe and neither are the Mexicans in America, to some degree, all three groups did have a large number of individuals who exploited the economy of the native population and committed crimes. Genocide usually happens when a minority becomes powerful and numerous and the majority fears this and overreacts.
The fear that led up to the Jewish Holocaust was the paranoia about the Jewish people trying to enforce their own laws and culture, as well as Communism, on the white population. Today, there is a fear that Muslims want to enforce Sharia Law on the white Europeans and forcibly convert the population through terrorism. There was/is a small degree of truth to both of these fears, but they are vastly overblown and certainly don't warrant mass murder.
The hatred one reads on the Internet towards Muslims, which is largely due to anger over September 11, Bali, etc, is so strong I would suspect a shocking number of people would actually want to do to Muslims what Hitler did to Jews.
With the European economy faltering, masses of African immigrants coming to Europe fleeing the civil war in Libya and unrest elsewhere, and widespread hatred of Muslims due to 9/11 and other events, are we at risk of repeating history?
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: philbo on 04/11/11 at 4:58 pm
Sorry, but that's hyperbolic rubbish.
Simple answer: no chance.
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/11/11 at 5:40 pm
I don't believe that the Mexicans or the Jews (well, outside of Israel) were busy commiting terror, blowing themselves up to kingdom come, flying planes into civilian office buildings, or self-ghettoizing, unlike the European Muslims.
Europe welcomed the Muslim community with open arms (in most cases) and got a good swift kick in the 'nads in return.
I do not think we will see a Muslim Holocaust, but I think the Europe has finally woken up and is not gonna keep putting up with the crap. If people want to immigrate to a country so much, then they should assimilate.
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/11/11 at 6:47 pm
Some people (usually white racists) like to get whipped into a lather about the Muslims outpacing Europeans in European population growth. There are others who blame Muslims and Islam for violence in the world, sometimes rightly, sometimes wrongly. However, I see no evidence for a holocaust imminent upon Muslims in the sense there was a holocaust against the Jews in WWII.
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: gibbo on 04/12/11 at 2:32 am
Short answer...NO!! As a collective group, the people of Islam have shown they can retaliate.
Basically, many western countries are realizing, too late, that Muslims do not assimilate well into Western cultures. When people migrate to another country, they normally are willing to adopt that countries ways (and Muslims do this to certain extent). However, their religion comes first and foremost and this means that wearing the burka is mandatory for some Muslim women. Because western countries prize freedom of expression and religion, they are caught out by changing their ways to suit the Muslim people. The muslims meanwhile are patiently awaiting the day (many years in the future) when they will be the majority and Sharia law will be voted in.
I find it difficult to classify people of Islam into countries (Afganis, Iraqis, Saudis etc) when they tend to band together ans call all Islamic peoples to arms. Basically, I see the Muslim religion as one large entity. That's fine...as long as the hard liners aren't as influential. But then, that's what hard liners do....they get into positions of power and this normally translates to 'absolute' power and terrifying consequences to those who do not obey. Bali is nowhere near the Middle East....but they are connected anyway!
There is also growing concern for how Islam (read Islamic men) use their religion to control their women. I'd love to know how many Islamic women would not were the burqa if they had a real choice. It also does not help assimilation issues when 'The West' appears more sleazy these days than ever before. But surely there is an 'in between' when talking about appropriate, modest attire.
The hard thing for Western countries is that they take in refugees from Islamic countries...the refugees practically demand citizenship...and then some of them turn around and use our own laws against us. The question of the burka being worn is a tough one as it is also a security issue...
I have no answers and I think it will get worse before it gets better....and I have no doubt that many people would like to see harm come to muslims. But that's not the answer either....
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: youngerderek on 04/12/11 at 3:02 am
I find it difficult to classify people of Islam into countries (Afganis, Iraqis, Saudis etc) when they tend to call all Islamic peoples to arms. Basically, I see the Muslim religion as one large entity. That's fine...as long as the hard liners aren't as influencial. But then, that's what hard liners do....they get into positions of power and this normally translates to 'absolute' power and terrifying consequences to those who do not obey. Bali is nowhere near the Middle East....but they are connected anyway!
in a way, you could almost say Indonesia is middle eastern since it's Islamic, couldn't you?
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: Henk on 04/12/11 at 5:26 am
in a way, you could almost say Indonesia is middle eastern since it's Islamic, couldn't you?
It's Islamic, thus it's middle eastern..? What kind of rubbish generalization is that? :-\\ Israel is in the middle east (well it was, last time I checked), and you wouldn't wanna call them Islamic, would you? ???
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: youngerderek on 04/12/11 at 7:22 am
It's Islamic, thus it's middle eastern..? What kind of rubbish generalization is that? :-\\ Israel is in the middle east (well it was, last time I checked), and you wouldn't wanna call them Islamic, would you? ???
Well you could include Jews and Christians in the Mideast too of course .. im just saying since Indonesia is Muslim, a large portion of its culture is Arabic.
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: philbo on 04/12/11 at 9:58 am
Short answer...NO!! As a collective group, the people of Islam have shown they can retaliate.
But that's not why there's not going to be some kind of anti-Islam holocaust: it's not that we're not killing them all because we're afraid of reprisals.. though as a collective group, there are some groups of Muslims have shown they can retaliate remarkably stupidly to the silliest of things (think cartoons, or burning korans).
It's also a mistake to think of Islam as being one monolithic entity: there are many different flavours of Islam, and many different cultures which lead to a considerably different interpretation of what is religiously "correct".
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: youngerderek on 04/12/11 at 10:08 am
But that's not why there's not going to be some kind of anti-Islam holocaust: it's not that we're not killing them all because we're afraid of reprisals.. though as a collective group, there are some groups of Muslims have shown they can retaliate remarkably stupidly to the silliest of things (think cartoons, or burning korans).
It's also a mistake to think of Islam as being one monolithic entity: there are many different flavours of Islam, and many different cultures which lead to a considerably different interpretation of what is religiously "correct".
Hopefully, we have gone past the days of genocide (at least in the West) ....
I don't deny the culture clash between Islam and the West is a problem, but I definitely don't think we should kill Muslims to save our own race. I feel that part of the reason the Holocaust happened was because Europeans feared that Jewish people would overpower whites eventually.
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: Don Carlos on 04/12/11 at 10:46 am
Hopefully, we have gone past the days of genocide (at least in the West) ....
I don't deny the culture clash between Islam and the West is a problem, but I definitely don't think we should kill Muslims to save our own race. I feel that part of the reason the Holocaust happened was because Europeans feared that Jewish people would overpower whites eventually.
Jews ARE white
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: youngerderek on 04/12/11 at 10:52 am
Jews ARE white
Well yes, they are partially white (white meaning of European descent). Genetic testing shows Ashkenazi Jews are a mix of European and Middle Eastern. Essentially halfway between Germans and Arabs. Which would make them Caucasian yes, but a mix of White and Middle Eastern (which imo, is close to white, but not the same). Not to sound racist or anything, I definitely don't think there's anything special about being white - I'm just saying Jewish people are mixed-race unless they are entirely descended from converts. But of course, all races are mixed to some degree, if there ever was a such thing as a pure race, it hasn't existed for centuries. so the concept of race is very subjective. some people would even say race doesn't actually exist aside from in people's heads.
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: Don Carlos on 04/12/11 at 10:56 am
Well yes, they are partially white (white meaning of European descent). Genetic testing shows Ashkenazi Jews are a mix of European and Middle Eastern. Which would make them Caucasian yes, but a mix of White and Middle Eastern (which imo, is close to white, but not the same). Not to sound racist or anything, I definitely don't think there's anything special about being white - I'm just saying Jewish people are mixed-race unless they are entirely descended from converts. But of course, all races are mixed to some degree, if there ever was a such thing as a pure race, it hasn't existed for centuries. so the concept of race is very subjective. some people would even say race doesn't actually exist aside from in people's heads.
And I'm one of them. Race is a socially constructed phenomenon.
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: youngerderek on 04/12/11 at 11:04 am
And I'm one of them. Race is a socially constructed phenomenon.
I think what 'race' is is actually a pretty complex issue. Take Hispanics for example, seen as a race, but definitely NOT a race. There are hispanics of every color - there are even Hispanics of Chinese descent. Regardless of your background, if your native language is Spanish (or arguably, also Portuguese), you are Hispanic/Latino, even if you are an Argentine of German descent.
Native Americans, on the other hand, you could make a case are more of a legit 'race', because most of them (with the exception of the Inuit and some northern Canadian tribes) have a common root in an original founding population (the word 'race' means root) and thus share a lot of genes. Of course, you have many people who consider themselves Indians but are mostly white or black, so this is becoming blurried as well.
The classification of people into 'white' and 'black' is overly simplistic too of course. Blacks in Southeast Asia are genetically closer to European whites than they are to black Africans. I would say in a sense race does exist, but our concepts of race are mostly biologically incorrect and based upon culture and outward appearance.
This really deserves a topic of its own!
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: philbo on 04/12/11 at 11:39 am
I feel that part of the reason the Holocaust happened was because Europeans feared that Jewish people would overpower whites eventually.
No, I don't believe there was ever that fear. You might want to try reading a bit more deeply: it's really quite stomach-turning in places, but if you're wanting to draw historical inferences, it helps to know the history.
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: youngerderek on 04/12/11 at 12:04 pm
No, I don't believe there was ever that fear. You might want to try reading a bit more deeply: it's really quite stomach-turning in places, but if you're wanting to draw historical inferences, it helps to know the history.
Are you sure there was never that fear? I mean, because the Holocaust was SO BAD we have kind of written the entire Jewish populace as angelic victims, but there were reasons they were disliked, just as there are reasons Muslims and Mexicans are disliked today. Not saying they are good reasons of course.
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: Henk on 04/12/11 at 12:30 pm
Well you could include Jews and Christians in the Mideast too of course .. im just saying since Indonesia is Muslim, a large portion of its culture is Arabic.
So now you're saying Muslim and Arabic are the same? :-\\
Well yes, they are partially white (white meaning of European descent). Genetic testing shows Ashkenazi Jews are a mix of European and Middle Eastern. Essentially halfway between Germans and Arabs. Which would make them Caucasian yes, but a mix of White and Middle Eastern (which imo, is close to white, but not the same). Not to sound racist or anything, I definitely don't think there's anything special about being white - I'm just saying Jewish people are mixed-race unless they are entirely descended from converts. But of course, all races are mixed to some degree, if there ever was a such thing as a pure race, it hasn't existed for centuries. so the concept of race is very subjective. some people would even say race doesn't actually exist aside from in people's heads.
I think what 'race' is is actually a pretty complex issue. Take Hispanics for example, seen as a race, but definitely NOT a race. There are hispanics of every color - there are even Hispanics of Chinese descent. Regardless of your background, if your native language is Spanish (or arguably, also Portuguese), you are Hispanic/Latino, even if you are an Argentine of German descent.
Native Americans, on the other hand, you could make a case are more of a legit 'race', because most of them (with the exception of the Inuit and some northern Canadian tribes) have a common root in an original founding population (the word 'race' means root) and thus share a lot of genes. Of course, you have many people who consider themselves Indians but are mostly white or black, so this is becoming blurried as well.
The classification of people into 'white' and 'black' is overly simplistic too of course. Blacks in Southeast Asia are genetically closer to European whites than they are to black Africans. I would say in a sense race does exist, but our concepts of race are mostly biologically incorrect and based upon culture and outward appearance.
This really deserves a topic of its own!
Are you sure there was never that fear? I mean, because the Holocaust was SO BAD we have kind of written the entire Jewish populace as angelic victims, but there were reasons they were disliked, just as there are reasons Muslims and Mexicans are disliked today. Not saying they are good reasons of course.
Please...You're digging yourself a hole the size of Alaska.
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: MrCleveland on 04/12/11 at 1:22 pm
in a way, you could almost say Indonesia is middle eastern since it's Islamic, couldn't you?
No, it isn't.
Indonesia is South-East Asian with Islamic/Arabian Influence.
I think what 'race' is is actually a pretty complex issue. Take Hispanics for example, seen as a race, but definitely NOT a race. There are hispanics of every color - there are even Hispanics of Chinese descent. Regardless of your background, if your native language is Spanish (or arguably, also Portuguese), you are Hispanic/Latino, even if you are an Argentine of German descent.
Native Americans, on the other hand, you could make a case are more of a legit 'race', because most of them (with the exception of the Inuit and some northern Canadian tribes) have a common root in an original founding population (the word 'race' means root) and thus share a lot of genes. Of course, you have many people who consider themselves Indians but are mostly white or black, so this is becoming blurried as well.
The classification of people into 'white' and 'black' is overly simplistic too of course. Blacks in Southeast Asia are genetically closer to European whites than they are to black Africans. I would say in a sense race does exist, but our concepts of race are mostly biologically incorrect and based upon culture and outward appearance.
This really deserves a topic of its own!
I will Karma you for that because...
There are THREE True Races! European, African, and Asian.
European is basically a mixed-bag. They range from the Blonde-Haired Scandanavians to the Dark-complexed Asian Indians. The Semetic people too share the same blood as Europeans!
African is usually from Africa, of course!
Asian is not only people from China and Japan...but Native Americans as well!
There's also people who are mixed, which I believe will be the major minority in the 22nd Century America.
So now you're saying Muslim and Arabic are the same? :-\\
They aren't!
When Islam was young, Arabians let Christians and Jews have their religions stay intact. But it was when the Turks who invaded Arabia in the 1000's when things changed, that was when The European Christians tried to save Jerusalem...but when the Crusades were unsuccessful, The Europeans went west to America!
Short answer...NO!! As a collective group, the people of Islam have shown they can retaliate.
I have no answers and I think it will get worse before it gets better....and I have no doubt that many people would like to see harm come to muslims. But that's not the answer either....
Maybe not now, but I have a cousin in Germany who says that there's a lot of pressure with The Turks who's the vast minority in Germany.
Basically, The Turks in Germany don't talk to the Germans because The Germans there are prejudice with The Turkish and Turkish-Germans!
So maybe not now, but soon...there may be an uprising in Europe!
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: youngerderek on 04/13/11 at 5:49 am
What I am saying is ... just because there has been the occasional terror attack doesn't mean we should hate all Muslims. Any more than we should hate all Mexicans just because some of them are in gangs and behead people, or any more than we should hate Jews because some of them defrauded people of money. Is there anything about that statement that is unreasonable? :-\\
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: Don Carlos on 04/13/11 at 10:27 am
I think what 'race' is is actually a pretty complex issue. Take Hispanics for example, seen as a race, but definitely NOT a race. There are hispanics of every color - there are even Hispanics of Chinese descent. Regardless of your background, if your native language is Spanish (or arguably, also Portuguese), you are Hispanic/Latino, even if you are an Argentine of German descent.
Native Americans, on the other hand, you could make a case are more of a legit 'race', because most of them (with the exception of the Inuit and some northern Canadian tribes) have a common root in an original founding population (the word 'race' means root) and thus share a lot of genes. Of course, you have many people who consider themselves Indians but are mostly white or black, so this is becoming blurried as well.
The classification of people into 'white' and 'black' is overly simplistic too of course. Blacks in Southeast Asia are genetically closer to European whites than they are to black Africans. I would say in a sense race does exist, but our concepts of race are mostly biologically incorrect and based upon culture and outward appearance.
This really deserves a topic of its own!
First off, lets get one thing straight. There is only one race, the HUMAN race, which originated in Africa about 100,000 years ago. Every woman alive today shares mitochondrial DNA with a common "race mother", and every man shares Y chromosome DNA with a common "race father". The way various peoples define themselves and others is in no way biological, but 100% social. The biological, genetic, historical and sociological evidence for this is overwhelming and the literature is extensive.
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: philbo on 04/13/11 at 11:13 am
Are you sure there was never that fear? I mean, because the Holocaust was SO BAD we have kind of written the entire Jewish populace as angelic victims, but there were reasons they were disliked, just as there are reasons Muslims and Mexicans are disliked today. Not saying they are good reasons of course.
Absolutely positive: there was never a burgeoning Jewish population which people thought was going to take over. What the Jews (especially in central/Eastern Europe) did that is more similar to Muslims today was to keep themselves apart, and identifiably so.
If you want to know why Jews were (and to a lesser extent still are) disliked, this page says it rather forcefully (if not in a particularly politically-correct manner).. it also has a (rather large) graphic showing which should demonstrate beyond all reasonable doubt why there was no "the Jews are going to take over our country" sort of rationale behind the holocaust.
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: youngerderek on 04/14/11 at 3:02 am
Absolutely positive: there was never a burgeoning Jewish population which people thought was going to take over. What the Jews (especially in central/Eastern Europe) did that is more similar to Muslims today was to keep themselves apart, and identifiably so.
If you want to know why Jews were (and to a lesser extent still are) disliked, this page says it rather forcefully (if not in a particularly politically-correct manner).. it also has a (rather large) graphic showing which should demonstrate beyond all reasonable doubt why there was no "the Jews are going to take over our country" sort of rationale behind the holocaust.
It wasn't so much the Jewish population as it was their economic power. To some degree of course, that's not a fair reason to blame Jews, since they were in some cases FORCED to be bankers. Though I'm sure some white Europeans, disgustingly, did hate Jews merely because of the slightly darker color of their skin and for their faith.
But you have a point, a large part of the reason is because their population is so small, which is mostly because the Jewish faith tries its hardest to keep only people of the Jewish bloodline in the faith, unless they are extremely sincere (not sure if it is true, but I have heard that if you ask a rabbi to baptize you and make you Jewish, they will turn you away twice and then finally do it the third time because of the proof of your devotion).
Subject: Re: Are Muslims in Europe in danger of becoming victims of another Holocaust?
Written By: philbo on 04/14/11 at 4:08 am
Psst.. it's not "baptism" to become Jewish. But yes, it isn't like one of the proselytizing religions where they actively try to bring in new recruits. Becoming Jewish is decidedly non-trivial
In pre WWII Germany, Hitler came to power in the middle of an economic crisis far worse than anything we've seen - not only was the economy blown to bits by WWI, but Germany had to pay huge reparations. Jews en masse had no economic power, but were useful scapegoats for why things were so bad: there is no suggestion that the German people felt threatened by Jews either by population growth or economic power.
Wiki"]The 500,000 Jews in Germany, who accounted for only 0.76% of the overall population, were singled out by the Nazi propaganda machine as an enemy within who were responsible for Germany's defeat in the First World War, and for her subsequent economic difficulties, such as the 1920s hyperinflation and Great Depression
..basically Hitler and co were blaming Jews for things that they had not even the tiniest bit of influence over. He wasn't unique in this - my great-grandparents were refugees from Eastern Europe long before then, but for much the same sort of reason.