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This is a topic from the The Writing on the Walrus forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/05/08 at 12:12 pm
cute monkey!
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/05/08 at 12:32 pm
Wow. Lucky me. Anymore it seems that I get to call people out in this thread - becaue pm's just don't seem to work anymore.
I apologize if I offend anyone with this post, but it is honestly about time a mod steps in and says exactly what should be said. I'm tired of having to read and re-read semi-slander posts. I tried to wait for Bobo, but my time is limited today and conversing with him probably isn't going to change the way I perceive this entire situation. Goading of members, in serious nature, is not appreciated. (I have to differentiate here, because goading of Howard is an entirely different thing.) Not to mention that it is the perfect way as well to burn bridges.
Hey I know I've never posted here, but since i've been mentioned, let me just say one thing (or ten, lol).
When I say this stuff about middle aged people, it's not MY thoughts, its just a more often than not thing I've kinda noticed in society. On the board when I say it's unappealing to hear about their dirty talk or fantasies it's basically the Tia, Midas, lyricboy "I'd hit this/party with that" types. Hell I think that's offensive even if you're 17! (even if more understandable). I think Jason gets carried away with it too, but at least there's certain things about him I do like.
Its just that usually when people reach ABOUT 40 it gets to the point where you could be the parent of a teenager and it wouldnt seem out of place (even if it's still a bit on the young side), so that tends to put you into the group of authority figures or establishment types. Of course that doesn't mean everyone acts like that or will be seen this way, its just a general thing, but I certainly didnt mean to apply it on everyone, sorry if i've come off that way before. :)
Paula Abdul is 46 now and she's a cutie and still seems youngish. There's actually lots of older women I think are quite attractive, and I've always related well to people older than myself (especially because they usually tend to be good listeners and conversationalists). Lots of people in my family act and come off young for their age too, so I grew up being very used to that.
Jesse - let me show you what you just basically said.
Those who like young women/chicks/hotties are old perverts, unlike you who is a Cougar Lover and a MILFer. People have fetishes and they are allowed to have them. Would I have the balls to sit here and call them on it personally? Hell nah!
It's not just celebrities either - there's real life people I'm friendly with that are in their 40s/50s and I think they're really cool and I wouldnt consider it offensive to have them talk about dirty stuff or whatever. It more depends on HOW you do things, the way you carry yourself and just your overall attitude, that's what defines us the most. Whether its fair or not, some people can get away with stuff that just would seem wrong on the next person.
You just took the words right out of my mouth. Everything you have said and done in the past two weeks has netted you what you are getting from members here now. Does it semm fair to you? Probably not, but it wasn't fair of you to call any of them out either. I sent you messages saying you needed to apologize and mean it. Those apologies should have went through pm, and if they did then awesome. But I also told you that you couldn't expect everyone to forgive for easily and quickly. When you offend someone, it takes a lot to work back to where you started. I know this to the core of my being. I have told you that it took me well over a year to work back some of my friendships here - because of actions that needed to be taken as a Moderator. It doesn't matter 'what' you are, it is your actions that do speak for who you are, and this post has just bought you more hassle than it was really worth.
It's difficult to describe, I can't pigeonhole it exactly, but it really just depends on the person. I think there's a clear difference between a CEO/your science teacher/a PTA soccer mom-type and the entertainer types. There's some people who no matter how old they get, they just seem like big kids (with their personality and how they act), and you can tell it's not because they're trying to be cool or fit in, but it's just "them".
Hey I think a 57 year old Jay Leno talking about sex or acting like a big kid is pretty damn funny/cool. It's much better than a fat balding slob who looks like someone you wouldn't want hanging around a school doing the same thing. See what I mean now?
I don't see what you mean about Jay Leno. Everything he says is very similar to the things a lot of the guys around here say. There is no difference because one is a celebrity and the others aren't.
This whole thing you are going through, it's hard for others to understand because we all don't see the logic the same as you do. Obviously, you need an outlet, but I honestly don't think out loud on the boards is the right place for you to let it out. You have hurt other's feelings, and that is not fair. Granted, they have probably hurt yours in return, but what would you do if the roles were reversed? I know I wouldn't take it laying down.
Perhaps you need a break from the boards.
Tam 8)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Bobo on 12/05/08 at 12:36 pm
I'm around, for sure, but I, like you, am slightly limited for time right now. I will assess the situation and act as I should. Soon.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/05/08 at 12:52 pm
Oh...I see it now. He's cute.
you're way to polite Harry looks like a chimp in the mouth and a dog in the face... maybe Harry's a rare breed of chimp-dog or is it chimp dog?
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/05/08 at 12:59 pm
you're way to polite Harry looks like a chimp in the mouth and a dog in the face... maybe Harry's a rare breed of chimp-dog or is it chimp dog?
oh wow, snoz just totally went there! :o
i actually think the chimp-dog photo is misleading because it's so brightly lit it makes the fur seem light. chimps don't usually have light fur.
update! googling "chimp dog" yields quite a lot of deeply upsetting image results.
i would NOT party with that. :o
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/05/08 at 1:16 pm
I smite everyone who responded to Marty (yes even you Tam) but I only smite you because you all failed to mention rules 1, 6 & 7
1st rule: You do not talk sheesh about the Smite Club!
6th rule: If you didn't agreed to be part of this you cannot smite or post asking why you were smitten.
7th rule: If you participate you get to confront the ones who smote you any way you like but don't forget the general boards rules.
And i think making a post in some lame attempt to defend your actions is a round-about way of questioning your smite.
I also smite Marty.
You know what Jesse- you and I have agreed to disagree about a lot of topics and I suppose your opinion of how people act here is going to be another one.
You are bashing people because their personality doesn't jive with yours. No one here, until your "What happened to inthe00s" thread) ever treated you the way you've been treating them. Not even in your abortion thread. We had a discussion there people disagreed but no one attacked you or personality (at least I didn't feel that they did) yet you keep creating posts that people are immature and not sensitive the way you are... Its a total turn off man.
I was bothered by the tone of the what happened to ..... thread....
I've been completely offended by the middle aged at 40 remarks you make
but I have to say....for the first time in 3 years Marty... I really don't like you very much today and that saddens me.
I hope when you grow up...because you may be old for your age but your actions tell me that you are not yet a man... so once you become a man I hope you learn to accept people as they are and I hope you get treated with the respect that you deserve.
You seem so fond of saying you're a gentleman who respects women...what happened to being a kid who respects his elders? What happened to that?
You keep saying if we knew you we'd know that you are not the prude that you appear to be but you know what? Its your fault we don't know because you don't let us see whoever the real you is that you claim to be.
Also, I personally am sick and tired of all the whining ..... I am sick of you whining about the so-called perverts on this board... I say so called perverts because really- I think the women here (myself included- maybe even especially) are more guilty of raunchy posts than many... maybe even any of the men.
I am also sick of the whining on the other side people who can't let their disdain of McFly go... you know what everyone needs to grow up and let it go I don't want to read about it in every other friggin' post. I'm tired and I want Andria to come back so I have someone I can take my frustrations out on and not feel bad about it.
I think I'm done now.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/05/08 at 1:18 pm
oh wow, snoz just totally went there! :o
i actually think the chimp-dog photo is misleading because it's so brightly lit it makes the fur seem light. chimps don't usually have light fur.
update! googling "chimp dog" yields quite a lot of deeply upsetting image results.
i would NOT party with that. :o
I'd tpta;;u [artu wotj a dpg tjat cam jig bacl/ :-\\ I guess my fingers moved ;D
I'd totally party with a dog that can hug back.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/05/08 at 1:57 pm
I am also sick of the whining on the other side people who can't let their disdain of McFly go... you know what everyone needs to grow up and let it go I don't want to read about it in every other friggin' post. true, that. my basket-and-hose post was particularly childish and uncalled for, i think. :-[
okay, actually i don't really think so.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Jessica on 12/05/08 at 2:10 pm
oh wow, snoz just totally went there! :o
i actually think the chimp-dog photo is misleading because it's so brightly lit it makes the fur seem light. chimps don't usually have light fur.
update! googling "chimp dog" yields quite a lot of deeply upsetting image results.
i would NOT party with that. :o
WTF is wrong with people?! :o
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/05/08 at 2:28 pm
I smite everyone who responded to Marty (yes even you Tam)
I will gladly accept that smite.
And give ya one back in return!!!!! ;D ;D 8)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Gis on 12/05/08 at 2:34 pm
you're way to polite Harry looks like a chimp in the mouth and a dog in the face... maybe Harry's a rare breed of chimp-dog or is it chimp dog?
Smite! for upsetting my poor chimpy.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/05/08 at 4:00 pm
I still smite death though.
smite to the death too. >:(
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/05/08 at 4:34 pm
true, that. my basket-and-hose post was particularly childish and uncalled for, i think. :-[
okay, actually i don't really think so.
to be honest I wasn't talking about you or Rice or anyone else who has posted here...
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/05/08 at 4:35 pm
I smite death too.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/05/08 at 4:36 pm
I smite death too.
I'll smite life as well.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: gibbo on 12/05/08 at 4:37 pm
Just 5 words....we reap what we sow!
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/05/08 at 4:38 pm
Just 5 words....we reap what we sow!
Sow what!
Smite Gibbo and I don't have to say why because he hasn't joined the club yet ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/05/08 at 4:39 pm
I'll smite SSI! >:(
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/05/08 at 6:00 pm
Well ... I'm not a member .... nor do I seek / intend to seek membership of this club. I've told some of you .... that I would NEVER post here. However ... when you get the recent turn of events we've had in this thread ::) .... it's so hard not to stick in your 2 cents too ?
So .... he ends up with TTT ....his own playground .... make that non playground ..... coz playing (like most kids play) don't seem to be in his vocabulary ... he gets his own 'I can be serious' outlet ... you will stay on topic .... you will not joke about 'vee haf vays of making you comply' etc; spot (well, created with HIM in mind .... but for any like minded individuals, who want on topic etc)
His BIGGEST contribution to that area to date ?
I think this is a great idea guys, thanks. :)
For the record, I've got nothing against threadjacking in general (I've done it myself, especially when I'm talking with people I get along with and maybe I get all excited and want to comment on a certain thing they said, then that leads to another discussion). I also like smalltalky joking around about just everyday stuff people talk about, so I'm not knocking that. I think it just got a bit overboard - which is understandable when friends talk.
I guess I just didnt like how it seemed to overtake every thread, where you had to weed through spam to get to anything with substance. Yeah I was a jerk in how I said it and that was uncalled for, but hopefully thats all over now. Both sides can kinda co exist now.
When I read through that earlier .... I restrained myself from replying to the jibe about 'weed (ing) through spam to get to anything with substance' (SPAM .... this is 'SPAM' ??? ::) ).
He notes he WAS a jerk .... yet less than two hours later (having signed off 'Both sides can kinda co-exist now') .... he's at it AGAIN (?) WTF .... who / what .... provoked him going back down this tired old road ... back on his soapbox ... to now post in THIS thread ..... within the realm of 'PLAYFUL penguin place' . If he was gonna be so irritating / annoying to make such remarks as
When I say this stuff about middle aged people, it's not MY thoughts, its just a more often than not thing I've kinda noticed in society. On the board when I say it's unappealing to hear about their dirty talk or fantasies it's basically the Tia, Midas, lyricboy "I'd hit this/party with that" types. Hell I think that's offensive even if you're 17! (even if more understandable).
WTF ... saying 'I'd party with that' ... is 'OFFENSIVE' ..... ??? ??? ::)
I think it was Tia that replied how puritanical this member (for want of a better word ... I'm exercising MASSIVE restraint right now) ... comes across to the rest of us ? Man ... he is STIFLING to me. If he gets banned / takes a long break ... whatever ... I for one ... will not be sorry to see that happen now.
He had his SPECIAL area ... but INSTEAD of getting on with even starting a NEW topic there .... (which to date, he's failed to do ... 'McFly failure' :P ) .... testing us out / the concept .... to see if it WILL really work .... he finds it a 'better use' ??? of his time ... to make his new infamous remarks to this never posted in before thread. ::)
I'm not allowed to 'smite' (do not actually agree with the concept also) so I won't . You're ALL doing an EXCELLENT job in this case .... please feel FREE to do it UNOFFICIALLY on my behalf ! :D 8)
:D ;D
P.S The 'edit' to this post: ... If he WAS gonna make those wonderful NEW observations ::) .... why the hell did he post them in THIS thread / in PPP .... why not start some topic in TTT. Is this guy 'attention seeking' BIG time ... or just enjoys stirring the pot. Who knows how the mind of a 'deep thinker' ::) really works. We are just 'mere mortals' ::) :-[ :(
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/05/08 at 6:13 pm
I gotta SMITE Mr. Mister and i can't even say why cuz he ain't a member. just join Al, and then you'll know why you got smited
being the equitable guy that I am, I also SMITE Marty Mcfly
I SMITE Dizzy for her Christmas avatar which is making it hard ::) to choose any of the other cute ones ;D
I SMITE Howard for not reading posts clearly before replying and someone should Smite me for I am guilty of the same thing at times.
I SMITE Quirk for not making her lil sis come back here
I SMITE Belle du Jour for not making her big sis come back here
I SMITE Tia for not posting in his Classic Rock thread, the thread he "once owned" ::)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/05/08 at 6:23 pm
Okay Mike I'll smite ya because you asked for it! ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/05/08 at 6:24 pm
I gotta SMITE Mr. Mister and i can't even say why cuz he ain't a member. just join Al, and then you'll know why you got smited
being the equitable guy that I am, I also SMITE Marty Mcfly
I SMITE Dizzy for her Christmas avatar which is making it hard ::) to choose any of the other cute ones ;D
I SMITE Howard for not reading posts clearly before replying and someone should Smite me for I am guilty of the same thing at times.
I SMITE Quirk for not making her lil sis come back here
I SMITE Belle du Jour for not making her big sis come back here
I SMITE Tia for not posting in his Classic Rock thread, the thread he "once owned" ::)
yeah i have been negligent. weird coinkidink, though, i just got the album with "too many people" on it a week or two ago. 8)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/05/08 at 6:50 pm
Okay Mike I'll smite ya because you asked for it! ;D
in this case, I feel it's better to give than receive so I SMITE Q for her very rare moment of movie character inaccuracy
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/05/08 at 7:09 pm
in this case, I feel it's better to give than receive so I SMITE Q for her very rare moment of movie character inaccuracy
Hey, I was just checking to see if people actually read what I post. ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/05/08 at 7:11 pm
Hey, I was just checking to see if people actually read what I post. ;D
good idea, that's pretty sly of you. and now you must be satisfied that we do read your posts.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/05/08 at 7:34 pm
I Smite Cat for having a pic of a big gigantic spider in her flickr site :o
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/06/08 at 6:57 am
SMITE Howard for not reading posts clearly before replying and someone should Smite me for I am guilty of the same thing at times.
Ok,smite away.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: 2kidsami on 12/06/08 at 7:14 am
I smite Howard for talking smak about ho ho hottie >:(
;) ;D ;D ;D
And I smite Mr. Mister and I don't have to say why ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Dagwood on 12/06/08 at 10:07 am
Howard talked smack about ho ho hottie? Well then I must smite him as well. That's just not right. >:(
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: 2kidsami on 12/06/08 at 3:44 pm
Howard talked smack about ho ho hottie? Well then I must smite him as well. That's just not right. >:(
I feel he is a tad jealous ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/06/08 at 3:46 pm
I feel he is a tad jealous ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D
with good reason.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/06/08 at 4:16 pm
Howard talked smack about ho ho hottie? Well then I must smite him as well. That's just not right. >:(
I'm sorry for smiting the hottie. ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/06/08 at 4:17 pm
I'm sorry for smiting the hottie. ;D
whoa! you just called a dude a hottie :o
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/06/08 at 4:19 pm
whoa! you just called a dude a hottie :o
So what should I call him,Sir? ::)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/06/08 at 4:22 pm
So what should I call him,Sir? ::)
too late, you already called him a hottie.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/06/08 at 4:28 pm
too late, you already called him a hottie.
Btw the proper response to this
So what should I call him,Sir? ::)
That's Sir Billzy to you Howard.
now we're just waiting for Alan to break the rules one more time and post here.... a pic of Sir Billzy photoshopped on the Hottie. ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/06/08 at 4:38 pm
a pic of Sir Billzy photoshopped on the Hottie.
Nooo!,please don't! >:(
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: 2kidsami on 12/06/08 at 5:29 pm
Btw the proper response to this
That's Sir Billzy to you Howard.
now we're just waiting for Alan to break the rules one more time and post here.... a pic of Sir Billzy photoshopped on the Hottie. ;D
NO MESSING WITH MY HOTTIE >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
He's mine, all mine, not your's, stay off, don't touch, just look, just wish, just marvel at the beauty, imagine what you could do, imagine what heee could do ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: 2kidsami on 12/07/08 at 8:19 am
And this is MY Hottie! ;D ;)
NOW where is that Sir Billzy pic?????
Smite to Howard to post this pic in the smite club!
Smite to Snoz for mentioning messing with my ho ho hottie :\'( :\'( :\'( and causing Howard to defend his masculinity with a pin up ;) ;) ;)
;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/07/08 at 8:20 am
NOW where is that Sir Billzy pic?????
Smite to Howard to post this pic in the smite club!
Smite to Snoz for mentioning messing with my ho ho hottie :\'( :\'( :\'( and causing Howard to defend his masculinity with a pin up ;) ;) ;)
;D ;D ;D
Hey I'm defending myself! ;) ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/07/08 at 1:19 pm
NOW where is that Sir Billzy pic?????
Smite to Howard to post this pic in the smite club!
Smite to Snoz for mentioning messing with my ho ho hottie :\'( :\'( :\'( and causing Howard to defend his masculinity with a pin up ;) ;) ;)
;D ;D ;D
smite deserved 8)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/07/08 at 4:21 pm
New Update!!!
2kidsami 24
Al-B 27
Babooshka 33
Badfinger-Fan 81
Belle du Jour 83
Bobo 18
Bookmistress4ever 96
Dagwood 111
Foo Bar 71
Gis 82
greenjello 19
Henk 100
Howard 385
JamieMcBain 7
Jessica 104
Karen 97
Ladybug316 123
MaxwellSmart 31
Meat 71
Midas 239
Quirk 45
Red Ant 79
Reynolds1863 113
Rice Cube 78
seamermar 24
snozberries 158
stepchan 18
Thereshegoes being all Dizzy 74
Tia 123
Tam 128
Everyone else:
80sfan 1
Adagio 9
agoraphobicwacko 1
Arc 2
Australian80schild 2
azx1210 1
Bill 1
BlueMolly2006 1
Big Nasty 2
Bobby 4
Bobby36 1
Bobo 1
Brian 2
Catwoman 5
ChuckyG 6
claybricks 1
Coco pup 4
Davester 2
Davey Thrashmister 1
DD (?) 8
Debbie 3
DelRio 1
Doc Brown 4
digger 4
Dude111 6
Frenchie/Arc/Denise/Zap/Jack/Tami 2
gibbo 17
Good Gal 1
guest cassie or whatever 7
GWBush2004 1
gypsy road 2
hawktheslayer 2
jacks 1
jessssbeans 2
johnny5alive 4
Johnny_D 2
ladyhawk 1
lyricboy 3
Macphisto 3
Marian 3
Marty McFly 28
Mickey D 2
midnite 4
Mr. Mister 17
Nally 39
Never Duplicated 2
Ninny 9
philbo 1
philip eno 46
robocopth1 6
Sammy Reed 2
Satan’s Dad 8
saver/iquestion ∞ 23
seeburg220 1
Sharky 2
Son of Tam 1
Star500 2
sweet illest baby 11
Tanya1976 1
Trimac20 2
whistledog 9
woops. 7
VegettoVa90 8
walmart 4
someone on another forum who stole karen's sig line
Al-B's asscrack
Pathmark for forgetting Howard had a check coming? (Shouldn't Howard know if he has a check coming?)
the smilies because there is never one that encompasses everything I am feeling all at once!
The finger
The Oakland Raiders
stupid piece of sh*t crappy assed collection agency, ASShole Acceptance
those drunken buffoons in The Black Hole
the town council (or whoever else decided today was a holiday and closed the dump)
Gwyneth Paltrow and Robert Downey, Jr. Iron Man SUCKS!
The Frogs 2
wildfires 5
The Beavers
Whomever made karen miss all the fun
Miss Piggy
Warner Brothers Movie Productions or whatever the hell they are called
Jess' hands and feet
Obama 1
people who try to fix their computers who have no idea what they are doing!
The U Scan Machines
customers who keep throwing carts instead of handng it to Howard
wii fit
the greedy shoppers who only cared about getting "great deals"..and didn't value someone's life 4
the Signature Bar - 2kidsami can not get her ho ho hottie in full detail
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Henk on 12/07/08 at 4:32 pm
Henk 100
Now where did that come from...? ???
Who's to blame...? ???
...I know. ::) It must be...
Kathie. :P Here's smite for you. I know, not nearly enough, but it's a start.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/08/08 at 8:15 am
Howard 385
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/08/08 at 9:29 am
no one ever smited andria? well, i smite her.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Dagwood on 12/08/08 at 9:48 am
I thought she was smited. Maybe Tam wiped away her smites since she is gone.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/08/08 at 9:49 am
well if so then i smite tam. :P
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/08/08 at 9:50 am
which is incredibly ungrateful for me since tam is taking over my smite tabulation duties, so therefore i smite myself.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/08/08 at 9:56 am
which is incredibly ungrateful for me since tam is taking over my smite tabulation duties, so therefore i smite myself.
You can't do that therefore I smite you for breaking that rule. :D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Jessica on 12/08/08 at 11:11 am
I smite Marty McFly.
I smite my ankles. :P
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/08/08 at 11:22 am
I thought she was smited. Maybe Tam wiped away her smites since she is gone.
well if so then i smite tam. :P
which is incredibly ungrateful for me since tam is taking over my smite tabulation duties, so therefore i smite myself.
You can't do that therefore I smite you for breaking that rule. :D
Obviosuly, she was a member, but upon meltdown, I removed any and all evidence of her. Except of course for the posts that rocked this joint.
I'll gladly take your smite Tia - so long as you take mine! Ah who am I kidding! You have to take it!
So..... smite me! ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/08/08 at 11:31 am
Obviosuly, she was a member, but upon meltdown, I removed any and all evidence of her. Except of course for the posts that rocked this joint.
I'll gladly take your smite Tia - so long as you take mine! Ah who am I kidding! You have to take it!
So..... smite me! ;D
I smite Tam 'cuz it's Monday and she was askin' for it :D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/08/08 at 8:05 pm
I smite the cold weather.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: ladybug316 on 12/08/08 at 8:45 pm
I smite Reynolds for suggesting I always smite her :P
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/08/08 at 9:41 pm
I smite Billy Blanks for kicking my ass last night! >:(
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: karen on 12/08/08 at 11:53 pm
I smite snoz for doing something even though I have asked people not to and expalined why I don't like it.
I smite Howard for the same thing
I smite Mr Mister
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/08/08 at 11:56 pm
I smite snoz for doing something even though I have asked people not to and expalined why I don't like it.
I smite Howard for the same thing
I smite Mr Mister
sorry I missed why you don't like... funny the more it annoys you the funnier it becomes... plus you gotta admit.. That song was pretty good. :P
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: karen on 12/08/08 at 11:58 pm
and read the first five or six replies
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/09/08 at 12:04 am
aw I'm sorry karen. I rarely (if ever) go into that topic... I swear, like Badfinger, I thought I was laughing with you... I would never laugh at you. Well maybe if you tripped and fell but didn't hurt yourself I might laugh but I wasn't doing the Bobby thing to annoy you honest I just thought it was funny... cuz you know... some people just keep bringing it up even when they say they won't or agree with you in the very same thread you referenced that it was getting old and out of hand now ::) I'll let it go but forgive a little slip now and then like when I am sleep deprived. ;)
but wasn't my song kind of funny? :-\\
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/09/08 at 12:20 am
I smite Mr. Mister and Foo Bar.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: karen on 12/09/08 at 12:21 am
I smite Mr. Mister and Foo Bar.
Foo Bar is a member of the club so I think you are supposed to say why.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/09/08 at 12:28 am
Foo Bar is a member of the club so I think you are supposed to say why.
because I felt we needed to include him in on the fun. ;)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: karen on 12/09/08 at 12:33 am
I smite Howard for his remark in the Howard Fun Club
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Gis on 12/09/08 at 4:10 am
I smite karen for not finding Snoz's song funny.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/09/08 at 7:50 am
I smite Howard for his remark in the Howard Fun Club
what remark,Hey it's my Fun Club,not The Karen Fun Club. :P
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Dagwood on 12/09/08 at 9:53 am
Add me to that Howard smite.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/09/08 at 10:02 am
I smite Tia for not hanging out by the schoolyard with me.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Dagwood on 12/09/08 at 10:13 am
I smite Midas for being a pervert. ;)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/09/08 at 10:20 am
I smite Dagwood for letting out the IS. :D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Dagwood on 12/09/08 at 10:37 am
I gladly accept that smite...the IS can't be kept inside at all times. ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: karen on 12/09/08 at 1:22 pm
I smite karen for not finding Snoz's song funny.
I don't think you'll find that I said the song wasn't funny.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/09/08 at 2:16 pm
I don't think you'll find that I said the song wasn't funny.
but you never said it was either....
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/09/08 at 2:29 pm
I smite everyone in the club for not recognizing that I did an update and thanking me!!!
Bow to me!!! ;D ;D
(except for Tia because he kinda did, in an out of the way sort of way!!)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: karen on 12/09/08 at 2:31 pm
But its your job.. ;)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/09/08 at 2:40 pm
^ another smite coming your way tomorrow!!!! ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/09/08 at 2:59 pm
I smite Tia for being a kiss up!
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/09/08 at 3:11 pm
I smite everyone in the club for not recognizing that I did an update and thanking me!!!
Bow to me!!! ;D ;D
(except for Tia because he kinda did, in an out of the way sort of way!!)
I smite Tam for not recognizing she has a thankless job! :D ;D (she'll get karamel later ;) )
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/09/08 at 3:19 pm
Add me to that Howard smite.
Whatever! ;D :P
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: thereshegoes on 12/09/08 at 3:36 pm
I smite Cat :(
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/10/08 at 9:43 am
I smite Howard 'cuz I'm sure he has it coming :D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/10/08 at 11:12 am
I smite Dude111
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: ladybug316 on 12/10/08 at 11:24 am
I smite the economy >:(
I shall also smite Midas because it's been a while :P
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/10/08 at 8:15 pm
I smite Howard 'cuz I'm sure he has it coming :D
no I don't.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/10/08 at 8:16 pm
Yes you do... I smite Howard for picking on me in my birthday thread :\'(
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/10/08 at 8:19 pm
Yes you do... I smite Howard for picking on me in my birthday thread :\'(
I'm sorry,here's some Karma. :)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/10/08 at 8:25 pm
I'm sorry,here's some Karma. :)
thank you Howard.. I still have to wait to return the favor.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/10/08 at 8:26 pm
thank you Howard.. I still have to wait to return the favor.
About How Long?
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/10/08 at 8:29 pm
About How Long?
I think 5 hours.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/10/08 at 8:30 pm
I think 5 hours.
5 hours from now?
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/10/08 at 8:34 pm
5 hours from now?
something like that yeah
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: 2kidsami on 12/10/08 at 9:49 pm
Smite Marty McFly ;D ;D ;D (I am laughing to hard I can not say, and I do not have to anyway)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/10/08 at 10:00 pm
I'll see that smite and raise you.......
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/11/08 at 12:18 am
I smite Mr. Mister...because he holds too many grudges.
I smite 2kidsami...for laughing at Marty McFly.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 12:26 am
I smite Mr. Mister...because he holds too many grudges.
I smite 2kidsami...for laughing at Marty McFly.
I smite Quirk for giving an explanation for smiting Mr. Mister when he isn't in the smite club. ;)
I smite Rice for trying to instigate me
I smite Midas because he likes it the kinky man that he is
I smite Howard for the hell of it
I smite Red Ant cause it has been too long since he has been in the thread
And I smite Kraft, Utz and Sonic!
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/11/08 at 12:31 am
I smite Tam 'cuz it's been a day since I smotesmat her last. :D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/11/08 at 12:31 am
I smite Quirk for giving an explanation for smiting Mr. Mister when he isn't in the smite club. ;)
he totally needs to be!
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/11/08 at 12:36 am
I will make an exeception ... to my code ... and smite McFly (a 'phantom smite') coz not being a member ... I CAN'T smite ..... BUT ....
He made a NEW thread today.
He's a 'Deep thinker' ::)
No pressure .... to start that thread .... just take your own sweet 'deep thinking' time ::)
What does he do ?
Does he look for the 'good' in Eno, Howard (don't even worry about me ... I'll live) .... does he use this new thread as an opportunity to build bridges ?
Not to MY mind.
Instead ... he tries to build some sorta support ... after hardly being karma'd for weeks (?). It seems to be working ?
What he SHOULD have done .... to MY mind ..... is used that thread as an opportunity to say nice things about Eno / Howard.
Instead, he .. by omission ... continues the snub ... and .... if anything, I find that thread divisive.
Now ... SMITE away at me .... you ... and whoever else wants to.
I'll live !
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 12:38 am
^ I smite Mr. Mister
(Can't explain why either dagnabit!) ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/11/08 at 12:39 am
I will make an exeception ... to my code ... and smite McFly (a 'phantom smite') coz not being a member ... I CAN'T smite ..... BUT ....
He made a NEW thread today.
He's a 'Deep thinker' ::)
No pressure .... to start that thread .... just take your own sweet 'deep thinking' time ::)
What does he do ?
Does he look for the 'good' in Eno, Howard (don't even worry about me ... I'll live) .... does he use this new thread as an opportunity to build bridges ?
Not to MY mind.
Instead ... he tries to build some sorta support ... after hardly being karma'd for weeks (?). It seems to be working ?
What he SHOULD have done .... to MY mind ..... is used that thread as an opportunity to say nice things about Eno / Howard.
Instead, he .. by omission ... continues the snub ... and .... if anything, I find that thread divisive.
Now ... SMITE away at me .... you ... and whoever else wants to.
I'll live !
Holy hell..get over it, man. I have never seen anyone hold a grudge as you do. I would hate to see if he REALLY did something horrible. ::) Remind me to never piss you off...that is unless I want an enemy for life. ::)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/11/08 at 12:42 am
Holy hell..get over it, man. I have never seen anyone hold a grudge as you do. I would hate to see if he REALLY did something horrible. ::) Remind me to never piss you off...that is unless I want an enemy for life. ::)
Do not ... repeat DO NOT ever piss me off ! >:( >:(
Unless you WANT an enemy FOR LIFE ! >:( >:( >:(
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Jessica on 12/11/08 at 12:43 am
I smite everyone on this page. Now shush. ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/11/08 at 12:43 am
Do not ... repeat DO NOT ever piss me off ! >:( >:(
Unless you WANT an enemy FOR LIFE ! >:( >:( >:(
meh...I wouldn't lose sleep over it. ;)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Marty McFly on 12/11/08 at 12:45 am
No offense was ever intended. I just wanted to say nice things about people I get along with as opposed to negative things about those I disagree with. And if something about a person annoyed me I'd simply avoid them and not say anything. Its that whole motherly idea of "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything".
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: 2kidsami on 12/11/08 at 12:46 am
I smite everyone on this page. Now shush. ;D
I smite Jessica for shushing me -how rude (NOT TACTFULL) ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Jessica on 12/11/08 at 1:09 am
No offense was ever intended. I just wanted to say nice things about people I get along with as opposed to negative things about those I disagree with. And if something about a person annoyed me I'd simply avoid them and not say anything. Its that whole motherly idea of "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything".
Not to be mean or bitchy or anything, but perhaps you should have taken your own advice when writing some of your more....uhhhh....memorable posts on here.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/11/08 at 1:11 am
There's just way too much talking, not enough SMITING
of course there are many that deserve it, but when in doubt, SMITE Howard ;)
I also SMITE M M & M.M
I SMITE everyone who's asked the question Where's Bobby? ::)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Jessica on 12/11/08 at 1:12 am
There's just way too much talking, not enough SMITING
of course there are many that deserve it, but when in doubt, SMITE Howard ;)
I also SMITE M M & M.M
I SMITE everyone who's asked the question Where's Bobby? ::)
I smite Badfinger-Fan for being a rule enforcer. :D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 1:15 am
Not to be mean or bitchy or anything, but perhaps you should have taken your own advice when writing some of your more....uhhhh....memorable posts on here.
I smite Jess because .... aw hell do I even really need a reason? ;D
There's just way too much talking, not enough SMITING
of course there are many that deserve it, but when in doubt, SMITE Howard ;)
I also SMITE M M & M.M
I SMITE everyone who's asked the question Where's Bobby? ::)
BFF smite too - rule enforcing freak! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/11/08 at 1:29 am
I SMITE Tam & Jessica for forgetting I have been declared the calm voice of reason ::)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 2:14 am
^ mental note to self, smite BFF tomorrow for leaving Lady Di 2 weekends in a row after Julie was born in order to go to ball games! ;)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/11/08 at 2:18 am
^ mental note to self, smite BFF tomorrow for leaving Lady Di 2 weekends in a row after Julie was born in order to go to ball games! ;)
I so deserve a SMITE for that. :-[
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/11/08 at 2:27 am
I smite non members of the club who have posted in our thread... if you wanna post here join the club and start smiting damnit!
I smite BFF because now Tam is gonna have to go research that particular subject and I seem to recall you posing the question at least once and you, my friend, cannot smite yourself.
I smite Sami because she likes it... and I like typing Sami. ;D
I smite Quirk because he really did deserve that smite he was given....
I smite Tam because I don't want her to feel left out.
I smite Henk because he missed my birthday
I smite Reynolds, ladybug and bookmistress but I'm not sure why ;)
I smite Midas because he enjoys a party and that's definitely what I have going on here.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/11/08 at 3:50 am
I smite non members of the club who have posted in our thread... if you wanna post here join the club and start smiting damnit!
I smite Mr. Mister for being a rebel / maverick ... for refusing to 'sign up' OOzeficially for giving the reasons for smiting himself ... (which he can't do anyway ... (smite himself) ... and for his insistence that he WON'T join .... so THERE ! :P
P.S. ..... I don't 'smite' ........... except in EXCEPTIONAL circumstances ::) :-X ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Gis on 12/11/08 at 3:53 am
It must be bad i can't even be arsed to smite.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/11/08 at 3:57 am
I smite Mr. Mister for being a rebel / maverick ... for refusing to 'sign up' OOzeficially for giving the reasons for smiting himself ... (which he can't do anyway ... (smite himself) ... and for his insistence that he WON'T join .... so THERE ! :P
P.S. ..... I don't 'smite' ........... except in EXCEPTIONAL circumstances ::) :-X ;D
To be fair, I'm a member of the smite club and I rarely smite anyone. And as a general rule, don't smite anybody that could get offended by it.
Smiting means about as much as karma, so either way, life goes on.
Having said that, I smite Snoz, just because. ;)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/11/08 at 6:44 am
To be fair, I'm a member of the smite club and I rarely smite anyone. And as a general rule, don't smite anybody that could get offended by it.
Smiting means about as much as karma, so either way, life goes on.
Having said that, I smite Snoz, just because. ;)
Damn ... almost wish I hadn't started ... coz I don't really wanna spoil the fun of you folks ..... you've been managing just FINE without my input ... I don't need to taint every thread. Hopefully, I'll abstain henceforth ?
I understand that SOME of you .... it's a way of 'letting off steam' ?
Some of you ... I think ... wanna correct 'offenders' ::) to this board. Definitely one of the reasons I don't post here. I'm NOT for being 'corrected' ::) .. e.g smilies, spaces, postwhoring, one liners, mentioning Bobby, and the like ::)
There are 'standing jokes' (Howard and Billzy, Bobby) ... which maybe a few of you are sick of .... but .... I intend to milk them ... for all they're worth, until the cows can no longer come home ~ :P ;D
To me ... this whole smiting thing ... is kinda NOT what I'm about. Someone said ... if you can't say anything nice .... (etc;) ... well, whilst I don't really love EVERYBODY on this board ... the ratio is very high ... and has definitely grown/growing (?) , in a SURPRISING way, ... even to me, over this past coupla months.
When you guys smite for obviously jokey reasons ... I think ... GREAT. 8) ;D The 'irritation' side of it, it's where I have less comfort. I am the sort of guy .... if you get under my skin .... I will bite back MEGA .... with everything in my arsenal. I don't wanna be goaded/lose to much control .... so, I abstain from this club.
Just wanted to give the main reasons (anyone who's curious /cares) ... apart from some old fashioned ideas I have (too many Moody Blues ?) about TRYING to 'love everybody, and make them, your friends' ('The Candle of life' .... from my fave album, maybe ever ... 'To our Children's Childrens' Children'). Certainly, the sentiment is far easier said than done, and maybe somewhat, naive ? ) . :-[ :(
I look forward to being 'smited' heavily .... for my audacity, and further unwanted intrusion, to YOUR space ! 8) ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/11/08 at 7:40 am
I smite Howard for the hell of it
Oh Really? >:(
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/11/08 at 10:11 am
No offense was ever intended. I just wanted to say nice things about people I get along with as opposed to negative things about those I disagree with. And if something about a person annoyed me I'd simply avoid them and not say anything. Its that whole motherly idea of "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything".
hmm, this reminds me of that time i took an AK-47 and 3000 rounds of ammunition, shot up an elementary school, a nursing home and a McDonald's, and then after my deeds of infamy made me famous i went on the talk show circuit to talk about how we have to stop all the violence. ::)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/11/08 at 10:14 am
No offense was ever intended. I just wanted to say nice things about people I get along with as opposed to negative things about those I disagree with. And if something about a person annoyed me I'd simply avoid them and not say anything. Its that whole motherly idea of "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything".
Too late, Cubby. You've already said it. Towards specific people too, myself included. And no direct apologies were offered up from you.
I obviously annoy you yet you had no problem holding back in this particular thread (which you really have no business in) and stereotyping me as someone who likes to party with way younger women by checking out schoolyards and such. That's a pretty low blow from someone who barely knows me. I don't know you that well either, but during your existence in my life this is what I do know about you:
- You tend to dish things out but can't seem to respond when someone responds back to you about it.
- You claim you don't get enough attention here on this board yet some of your more recent posts are garnering a lot of attention.
- You say things like the above quote yet you've already done the opposite.
And since you've already chosen to ignore that motherly idea, allow me to do the same:
Jesse, you're a hypocrite and a coward.
I smite you. And I probably will daily. Because I can.
I also smite Quirk because for the life of me I can't seem to figure out what she sees in her...pretty much boyfriend.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/11/08 at 10:18 am
hmm, this reminds me of that time i took an AK-47 and 3000 rounds of ammunition, shot up an elementary school, a nursing home and a McDonald's, and then after my deeds of infamy made me famous i went on the talk show circuit to talk about how we have to stop all the violence. ::)
I smite Tia for making me shoot coffee out my nose!
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/11/08 at 10:19 am
you had no problem holding back in this particular thread (which you really have no business in) and stereotyping me as someone who likes to party with way younger women by checking out schoolyards and such. That's a pretty low blow from someone who barely knows me. it's a particularly low blow from someone like McF, who puts off a bit of that air himself, you know?
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/11/08 at 10:25 am
it's a particularly low blow from someone like McF, who puts off a bit of that air himself, you know?
Someone needs to smite us. We fed the troll.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/11/08 at 10:31 am
i smite midas! smidas!
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: karen on 12/11/08 at 10:33 am
I smite Midas and Tia for not letting it go like Tam asked
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/11/08 at 10:36 am
it's tricky when one is profoundly insulted on a personal level and then the person who delivered the insult tries to act like he's made of sugar and spice. it's rather sickening, frankly, and i'm not sure i'm inclined to let it go in the absence of a personal, and credible, apology. i understand that tam asked me to let it go but i don't think that's her, or anyone else's matter to decide. jesse can arrange it so i'll let it go but no one else really can, not in a way that lets me keep my self-respect.
how about someone calls YOU a fat middle aged creep, basically to your face, refuses to apologize, and then YOU can let it go? how would that suit ya? because that's how it went down.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/11/08 at 10:44 am
I smite Midas and Tia for not letting it go like Tam asked
Karen, I let it go as long as I could. I really did. I even talked to Tam about it. Put yourself in my position for a moment. That libelous label isn't cool and certainly not deserved.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: karen on 12/11/08 at 10:58 am
I smite stupid sticky price tickets on gifts
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: karen on 12/11/08 at 11:05 am
how about someone calls YOU a fat middle aged creep, basically to your face, refuses to apologize, and then YOU can let it go? how would that suit ya? because that's how it went down.
Karen, I let it go as long as I could. I really did. I even talked to Tam about it. Put yourself in my position for a moment. That libelous label isn't cool and certainly not deserved.
O.K. not quite the same insult but I have also been called "outdated", "stuck in the past" and uncool by the same person. I did think of some smart remarks but resisted the urge to post them because Tam askedm e to stop stirring things up
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/11/08 at 11:08 am
O.K. not quite the same insult but I have also been called "outdated", "stuck in the past" and uncool by the same person. I did think of some smart remarks but resisted the urge to post them because Tam askedm e to stop stirring things up
hmm, yeah, i hear you and it's good you've shown a restraint i've maybe not shown. at the same time, though, there's a price to be paid in one's own self-respect from letting personal insults go and i've done a lot of that in my life.
tangentially, i too am rather outdated and stuck in the past but i'm sorta proud of it. i mean, look at the present!
i smite the present! :D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/11/08 at 11:10 am
O.K. not quite the same insult but I have also been called "outdated", "stuck in the past" and uncool by the same person. I did think of some smart remarks but resisted the urge to post them because Tam askedm e to stop stirring things up
Was it a general insult or made directly towards you?
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: KKay on 12/11/08 at 11:12 am
I smite the cheerful holiday atmosphere I feel around here.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/11/08 at 11:13 am
tis the season for seasonal affective disorder! :) hooray!
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: ladybug316 on 12/11/08 at 11:16 am
A smite to the whole club and a monkey dance http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/09/shakin.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/09/shakin.gif
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: karen on 12/11/08 at 11:17 am
Was it a general insult or made directly towards you?
It's more of a general insult. Which is weird coming from someone who hates generalisations.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Jessica on 12/11/08 at 11:18 am
I SMITE Tam & Jessica for forgetting I have been declared the calm voice of reason ::)
You have? Where the hell was I?
hmm, this reminds me of that time i took an AK-47 and 3000 rounds of ammunition, shot up an elementary school, a nursing home and a McDonald's, and then after my deeds of infamy made me famous i went on the talk show circuit to talk about how we have to stop all the violence. ::)
I smite Tia and Midas for not waiting for me. Damn it all, I miss all the fun. I knew I shouldn't have gone to sleep. :D
It's more of a general insult. Which is weird coming from someone who hates generalisations.
Hey, at least you're not mean and bitchy. ;)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/11/08 at 11:26 am
It's more of a general insult. Which is weird coming from someone who hates generalisations.
Just don't wear your ballcap backwards - you'll be pegged as someone who thinks it's 1995. ::)
I smite Tia and Midas for not waiting for me. Damn it all, I miss all the fun. I knew I shouldn't have gone to sleep. :D
I smite Jessica as it was only an hour ago. :P ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Jessica on 12/11/08 at 11:27 am
Just don't wear your ballcap backwards - you'll be pegged as someone who thinks it's 1995. ::)
I smite Jessica as it was only an hour ago. :P ;D
I was asleep. :D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Ashkicksass on 12/11/08 at 11:56 am
Hey I know I've never posted here, but since i've been mentioned, let me just say one thing (or ten, lol).
When I say this stuff about middle aged people, it's not MY thoughts, its just a more often than not thing I've kinda noticed in society. On the board when I say it's unappealing to hear about their dirty talk or fantasies it's basically the Tia, Midas, lyricboy "I'd hit this/party with that" types. Hell I think that's offensive even if you're 17! (even if more understandable). I think Jason gets carried away with it too, but at least there's certain things about him I do like.
Its just that usually when people reach ABOUT 40 it gets to the point where you could be the parent of a teenager and it wouldnt seem out of place (even if it's still a bit on the young side), so that tends to put you into the group of authority figures or establishment types. Of course that doesn't mean everyone acts like that or will be seen this way, its just a general thing, but I certainly didnt mean to apply it on everyone, sorry if i've come off that way before. :)
Paula Abdul is 46 now and she's a cutie and still seems youngish. There's actually lots of older women I think are quite attractive, and I've always related well to people older than myself (especially because they usually tend to be good listeners and conversationalists). Lots of people in my family act and come off young for their age too, so I grew up being very used to that.
It's not just celebrities either - there's real life people I'm friendly with that are in their 40s/50s and I think they're really cool and I wouldnt consider it offensive to have them talk about dirty stuff or whatever. It more depends on HOW you do things, the way you carry yourself and just your overall attitude, that's what defines us the most. Whether its fair or not, some people can get away with stuff that just would seem wrong on the next person.
It's difficult to describe, I can't pigeonhole it exactly, but it really just depends on the person. I think there's a clear difference between a CEO/your science teacher/a PTA soccer mom-type and the entertainer types. There's some people who no matter how old they get, they just seem like big kids (with their personality and how they act), and you can tell it's not because they're trying to be cool or fit in, but it's just "them".
Hey I think a 57 year old Jay Leno talking about sex or acting like a big kid is pretty damn funny/cool. It's much better than a fat balding slob who looks like someone you wouldn't want hanging around a school doing the same thing. See what I mean now?
Ok, I just saw this post for the first time, and I have to say it is VERY offensive. >:(
Offensive in the first place, because I consider Tia, and Midas both good friends and very attractive men.
But mostly offensive, because I really don't understand what gives you or anyone else the right to dictate who gets to talk about sex and who doesn't. You say that you're only stating YOUR opinion, but your opinion basically states who is and isn't allowed to share theirs. I just don't get it. How can you be mystified at the negative attention you're getting when you write things like this?
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Ashkicksass on 12/11/08 at 11:57 am
Oh, and hello, can I please join the Smite Club?
What exactly is the smite club? Is it like the fight club?
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/08 at 11:58 am
Oh, and hello, can I please join the Smite Club?
What exactly is the smite club? Is it like the fight club?
Rule #1....you DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE SMITE CLUB!!!! >:(
Ask Dizzy, I think she runs it, or maybe Tam does, but you're always welcome :)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/11/08 at 11:58 am
Oh, and hello, can I please join the Smite Club?
What exactly is the smite club? Is it like the fight club?
as dizzy's unofficial smiteclub second in command i hereby annoint you a member of smite club.
and i smite you. :P
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: karen on 12/11/08 at 11:59 am
welcome smite to Ash.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Ashkicksass on 12/11/08 at 12:00 pm
as dizzy's unofficial smiteclub second in command i hereby annoint you a member of smite club.
and i smite you. :P
To hell?
welcome smite to Ash.
Thanks Karen!
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/08 at 12:03 pm
Too bad Chucky doesn't just activate the board smite function, then Tam wouldn't have to tally it up manually. Or Tamually.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: ladybug316 on 12/11/08 at 12:12 pm
Welcome Ash. I smite thee :)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Ashkicksass on 12/11/08 at 12:15 pm
Welcome Ash. I smite thee :)
Thanks. I just accidentally gave you karma. :-[
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Jessica on 12/11/08 at 12:19 pm
Too bad Chucky doesn't just activate the board smite function, then Tam wouldn't have to tally it up manually. Or Tamually.
It wouldn't work. You'd have people bitching about how those smites took away from their post counts and stuff. Mayhem would ensue!
Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...
The dead rising from the grave!
Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: KKay on 12/11/08 at 12:23 pm
i smite this thread.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/08 at 12:27 pm
It wouldn't work. You'd have people bitching about how those smites took away from their post counts and stuff. Mayhem would ensue!
Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...
The dead rising from the grave!
Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!
I didn't know smites dropped post counts too, that's wack.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/11/08 at 12:29 pm
I didn't know smites dropped post counts too, that's wack.
it's totally unjust! i smite it!
and then i... smite... in... my pants.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: ladybug316 on 12/11/08 at 12:29 pm
Thanks. I just accidentally gave you karma. :-[
That's quite alright. I've Karma'd you back. If you'd like, you may smite me so we're all square!
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/11/08 at 12:30 pm
it's totally unjust! i smite it!
and then i... smite... in... my pants.
Dammit I can't get that song out of my head neither! ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Dagwood on 12/11/08 at 12:33 pm
It wouldn't work. You'd have people bitching about how those smites took away from their post counts and stuff. Mayhem would ensue!
Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...
The dead rising from the grave!
Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!
;D ;D I love Ghostbusters.
Welcome smite to Ash.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Jessica on 12/11/08 at 12:40 pm
I didn't know smites dropped post counts too, that's wack.
I think that's how it works. You have your karmas and your smites, and you subtract, that way it's more balanced.
;D ;D I love Ghostbusters.
Welcome smite to Ash.
That last line cracks me up, especially the way Bill Murray delivers it. ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Ashkicksass on 12/11/08 at 12:44 pm
That last line cracks me up, especially the way Bill Murray delivers it. ;D
It's kind of how life is right now. A self fulfilling prophesy by the makers of Stay Puff.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/08 at 12:45 pm
I think that's how it works. You have your karmas and your smites, and you subtract, that way it's more balanced.
Oh, you mean karma count...karma count doesn't mean jack anyway, just based on how "popular" someone is and not so much post quality for the most part :P
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 1:01 pm
I didn't know smites dropped post counts too, that's wack.
They don't.
On another board when you "poke" someone, it just increases their 'poke' count. It doesn't affect their "stroke" count at all.
I wish we could activate the smite option. It would be so much easier than tabulating this thread. We could still obviously keep the thread but then everyone could smite, and give or not give an explanation.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Jessica on 12/11/08 at 1:11 pm
They don't.
On another board when you "poke" someone, it just increases their 'poke' count. It doesn't affect their "stroke" count at all.
I wish we could activate the smite option. It would be so much easier than tabulating this thread. We could still obviously keep the thread but then everyone could smite, and give or not give an explanation.
Ah so. I was thinking of another board a long time ago that had the smite option in play. It did take away from the good points, so people would get really pissed if you smited them for no reason or whatever.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 1:19 pm
Ah so. I was thinking of another board a long time ago that had the smite option in play. It did take away from the good points, so people would get really pissed if you smited them for no reason or whatever.
Yep - I am on another forum where they deactivated the entire process. Seems silly, but lots of people were fuming over getting smites. It seemed kind of silly to me that they would get so upset, cause the more upset they got the more smites they got. Who cares if you get a smite. Shoot, I actually like it when someone smites me for real in here - because at least I know I have touched a nerve with them instead of them just being sheep and following the herd. ;)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/11/08 at 1:24 pm
i smite sheep who follow the herd! >:(
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: karen on 12/11/08 at 1:25 pm
i smite sheep who follow the herd! >:(
because they'd be following cows. :P
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 1:26 pm
i smite sheep who follow the herd! >:(
because they'd be following cows. :P
Ok ok obviously I got the wrong word!!!!
Tell me what it is.
I was gonna say flock but that is for birds....
I yam wee todd did
Sofa king wee todd did
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/11/08 at 1:28 pm
actually, i guess that means a sheep who followed the herd would be a Maverick (tm), as popularized by sarah palin.
what's a herd of mooses called? of meese, i mean?
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: karen on 12/11/08 at 1:29 pm
it is a flock or a drove of sheep
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 1:29 pm
actually, i guess that means a sheep who followed the herd would be a Maverick (tm), as popularized by sarah palin.
what's a herd of mooses called? of meese, i mean?
MEESE!!! ;D ;D ;D
I smite you for that one Tia!!!
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Ashkicksass on 12/11/08 at 1:42 pm
I smite all the Mavericks, so I guess I smite tia.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 1:48 pm
it is a flock or a drove of sheep
Thanks again Karen!!!
Where do you get all of this wisdom from?
Every time I (or anyone for that matter) have a question..... you know the answer!
Are you the Great and Powerful Oz?
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: karen on 12/11/08 at 1:59 pm
Thanks again Karen!!!
Where do you get all of this wisdom from?
Every time I (or anyone for that matter) have a question..... you know the answer!
Are you the Great and Powerful Oz?
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I know lots of trivia stuff and for everything else remember: GIYF
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 2:06 pm
I know lots of trivia stuff and for everything else remember: GIYF
;D ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 2:33 pm
If it was GFIY I could understand - go find it yourself.
Now I am really confused! hahaha
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/11/08 at 3:04 pm
get it yourself? that's what i thought of.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: ladybug316 on 12/11/08 at 3:06 pm
Maybe it stands for "Google it, you fool!" ?
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 3:08 pm
Hahaha! So obvious! I am an idiot! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: karen on 12/11/08 at 3:09 pm
Maybe it stands for "Google it, you fool!" ?
Google is your friend 8)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 3:10 pm
Google is your friend 8)
Thank you!!!
I don't think I will ever get or understand all the acronyms! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/11/08 at 7:04 pm
I look forward to being 'smited' heavily .... for my audacity, and further unwanted intrusion, to YOUR space ! 8) ;D
technically its a new day for me since my last smite was at 11pm PST so since he asked for it....
I smite Mr Mister ;D
Generally I tend to smite out of fun... on rare occassions I get annoyed and the smites come out.... having said that. I'm holding the rest of my smites until later. ;)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/11/08 at 7:12 pm
Ok, I just saw this post for the first time, and I have to say it is VERY offensive. >:(
Offensive in the first place, because I consider Tia, and Midas both good friends and very attractive men.
But mostly offensive, because I really don't understand what gives you or anyone else the right to dictate who gets to talk about sex and who doesn't. You say that you're only stating YOUR opinion, but your opinion basically states who is and isn't allowed to share theirs. I just don't get it. How can you be mystified at the negative attention you're getting when you write things like this?
an odd thing just occurred I went to smite *Ash* and accidentally clicked karma instead....WEIRD ;)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/11/08 at 7:16 pm
They don't.
On another board when you "poke" someone, it just increases their 'poke' count. It doesn't affect their "stroke" count at all.
I wish we could activate the smite option. It would be so much easier than tabulating this thread. We could still obviously keep the thread but then everyone could smite, and give or not give an explanation.
but the fun is in the explaining....plus how could I ever smite my driver's side mirror if we had a smite button?
for the record.... I smite the driver's side mirror on my car.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: karen on 12/11/08 at 7:17 pm
There are 'standing jokes' (Howard and Billzy, Bobby) ... which maybe a few of you are sick of .... but .... I intend to milk them ... for all they're worth, until the cows can no longer come home ~ :P ;D
Then you are being rude. When someone has asked people to stop doing something and explained more than once their reason for asking for you to deliberately carry on shows a distinct lack of concern for the feelings of others.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/11/08 at 8:26 pm
I'll smite the next person who asks me Is It Raining Yet? >:(
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 8:48 pm
Is it raining yet Howard?
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/11/08 at 8:50 pm
Is it raining yet Howard?
*throws a bucket of water on Tam*.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 8:52 pm
*throws a bucket of water on Tam*.
Thanks Howard!!! ;D ;D ;D
Do I get the smite too?
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/11/08 at 8:53 pm
Thanks Howard!!! ;D ;D ;D
Do I get the smite too?
yeah,smite to you.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Marty McFly on 12/11/08 at 9:58 pm
I get misunderstood all the time (although this time it was probably at least partially my fault for not explaining myself).
Here's what happened --snozberries was getting all butthurt about me insinuating 40 was midaged and uncool. I was merely trying to explain that an age doesn't define someone as much as how they act, look, dress and stuff like that.
I admit that was a disrespectful way of saying it (especially since it could be construed as being directed at people on here), but the point I was trying to make is.....a 40-year old entertainer youthful type is obviously gonna seem WAY different than a CEO or something. So it's not an age thing. :) Please understand that.
That WAS NOT directed at anyone on here, it was just an "in general" thing (pointing out two extremes of how people at the same age can sometimes be).
Do I think some of your comments are a little distasteful or carried away at times? Yes. But it sure as hell isn't criminal or in the same boat as some creepy criminal types, heck no.
Even the people I may not like as much, I would never want to hurt your feelings in a way like that. I truly apologize there (believe me or not, but I mean it). :)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 10:08 pm
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Jessica on 12/11/08 at 10:13 pm
Jesus Christ in a chariot driven sidecar.....
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/11/08 at 10:15 pm
I get misunderstood all the time (although this time it was probably at least partially my fault for not explaining myself).
Here's what happened --snozberries was getting all butthurt about me insinuating 40 was midaged and uncool. I was merely trying to explain that an age doesn't define someone as much as how they act, look, dress and stuff like that.
I admit that was a disrespectful way of saying it (especially since it could be construed as being directed at people on here), but the point I was trying to make is.....a 40-year old entertainer youthful type is obviously gonna seem WAY different than a CEO or something. So it's not an age thing. :) Please understand that.
That WAS NOT directed at anyone on here, it was just an "in general" thing (pointing out two extremes of how people at the same age can sometimes be).
Do I think some of your comments are a little distasteful or carried away at times? Yes. But it sure as hell isn't criminal or in the same boat as some creepy criminal types, heck no.
Even the people I may not like as much, I would never want to hurt your feelings in a way like that. I truly apologize there (believe me or not, but I mean it). :)
butthurt? nice... thanks Jesse.
I've told you many times over the last few years that the way you use the term middle aged is disrespectful. You use it the way people say other derogatory terms (think of any related to race, gender or sexuality)
the way you write about middle aged you act like we're all but one step away from being senior citizens...then you try to back peddle only to making things worse.
the worst part of it is...and I've I have said this to you before as well - is that you always say you hate it when people generalize...like you're a straight guy but you hate the rep straight guys get especially since you're more sensitive like a gay guy or a woman...only straight.... you know what you are the worst offender at generalizing... either people from your age group are too immature or don't appreciate the past...and us middle aged folk are don't appreciate how cool it was to be old enough to remember the 80s
All you do... in almost every post is generalize then you get mad at people for responding to it.
You can't have it both ways son...either you want people to have a dialogue in your threads or you want us to ignore them...please choose one and let us all stick with it.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/11/08 at 10:25 pm
I truly apologize there (believe me or not, but I mean it). :)
someone just pointed out to me that your post was an apology...not me I reckon maybe to *Ash*\
whatever... I got three words for you man...
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 10:32 pm
I get misunderstood all the time (although this time it was probably at least partially my fault for not explaining myself).
Here's what happened --snozberries was getting all butthurt about me insinuating 40 was midaged and uncool. I was merely trying to explain that an age doesn't define someone as much as how they act, look, dress and stuff like that.
I admit that was a disrespectful way of saying it (especially since it could be construed as being directed at people on here), but the point I was trying to make is.....a 40-year old entertainer youthful type is obviously gonna seem WAY different than a CEO or something. So it's not an age thing. :) Please understand that.
That WAS NOT directed at anyone on here, it was just an "in general" thing (pointing out two extremes of how people at the same age can sometimes be).
Do I think some of your comments are a little distasteful or carried away at times? Yes. But it sure as hell isn't criminal or in the same boat as some creepy criminal types, heck no.
Even the people I may not like as much, I would never want to hurt your feelings in a way like that. I truly apologize there (believe me or not, but I mean it). :)
You know.... things could be so much different.
Erin - I apologize Girl if I upset you with this. I hope we can get past it.
Jesse - Bobo and I both sent you a message in regards to your posts lately on the forum. We have been very lenient with the 'recommendation' that we gave you. However, you have chosen to not even remotely consider what we asked of you. So now I am going to tell you, openly, to take a break from the forum before you find you have no choice but to not come here.
1. Snoz is right about you generalizing. I am 37 years old and find a lot of your middleaged crap just that - crap.
2. You were completely disrespectful in calling out names on the forum. You neatly defamed several people in one swoop, trying to dress it up pretty like, so that you would not be in violation of the rules. Not cool.
3. When pointed out to you, you still refuse to apologize and let it drop. By your own hand, you keep the masses talking about what you said and did. Not their fault when they are prodded into defending themselves at every turn.
4. Members are trying to follow the unwritten rules - they are/were trying to stay away from you and not converse, because they know it would lead to this. Just because some don't respond, that doesn't give you the right to try and goad them in order to participate with you. And finally.....
5. Get out of this thread. You talk about wanting threads to stay on topic and the hijacking of threads being one of your biggest complaints! Guess what? You just did that! No matter your justification, people don't want to hear it anymore. Period.
Again, I recommend that you take a break Jesse.
Or if you prefer, I could help you take a break.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/11/08 at 10:35 pm
You showed more decorum than I ever could
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Green Lantern on 12/11/08 at 10:41 pm
You know.... things could be so much different.
Jesse - So now I am going to tell you, openly, to take a break from the forum before you find you have no choice but to not come here.
An Error Has Occurred!
Sorry, you can't repeat a karma action without waiting 24 hours.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/11/08 at 11:26 pm
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/11/08 at 11:29 pm
apparently! I'd smite you for it but I'm still impressed by your post...
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/11/08 at 11:30 pm
I smite my cat because all she does is meow and stare intently at me (as if I'm supposed to know what she wants - it's not food, just fed her.)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/11/08 at 11:33 pm
I smite my cat because all she does is meow and stare intently at me (as if I'm supposed to know what she wants - it's not food, just fed her.)
Just remember... it's okay to love your cat...just don't love your cat ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/11/08 at 11:33 pm
not like he will be effing missing much.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/11/08 at 11:35 pm
not like he will be effing missing much.
he started Erin I was trying to play nice but I won't sit by when someone calls me out publicly.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/11/08 at 11:40 pm
he started Erin I was trying to play nice but I won't sit by when someone calls me out publicly.
the thing is....at this forum...once you eff up...it's like there is no point of return. That's what isn't really fair. There have been people here who have said MUCH worse..who have done MUCH worse...and they aren't chastised nearly as much.
Ah well...I'm not gonna say anything more about it..I really don't feel like getting into shit right now. I'm already having a sucky night as it is..I don't want to end up saying things that I might regret saying tomorrow.
night all.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/11/08 at 11:44 pm
the thing is....at this forum...once you eff up...it's like there is no point of return. That's what isn't really fair. There have been people here who have said MUCH worse..who have done MUCH worse...and they aren't chastised nearly as much.
Ah well...I'm not gonna say anything more about it..I really don't feel like getting into shit right now. I'm already having a sucky night as it is..I don't want to end up saying things that I might regret saying tomorrow.
night all.
I'm sorry you're having a bad night but you know... I'd be willing to let it go if he didn't keep sticking his foot in it in every other post he makes.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Red Ant on 12/11/08 at 11:56 pm
I smite Dude111. I hereby register a smite every 24 hours for Dud111. Please increase his counter accordingly. Thank you for your support.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: ladybug316 on 12/12/08 at 12:20 am
I smite Dude111. I hereby register a smite every 24 hours for Dud111. Please increase his counter accordingly. Thank you for your support.
It seems you have inadvertantly changed his name to DUD111, which I'm finding quite amusing right now :)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/12/08 at 12:22 am
I smite Dude111. I hereby register a smite every 24 hours for Dud111. Please increase his counter accordingly. Thank you for your support.
I smite Jack for trying to make me tally count for x number of days!!!
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Red Ant on 12/12/08 at 12:42 am
It seems you have inadvertantly changed his name to DUD111, which I'm finding quite amusing right now :)
I would never intentionally mistype someone's name!! :snicker:
I smite Jack for trying to make me tally count for x number of days!!!
The ∞ symbol is your friend!
Love the avatar and sig, Tam!
If I may go off-topic here for a moment:
Recently, I've been spending a fair amount of time on two other forums. They are fun, informative and fairly tight knit, kinda like this place here is most of the time. The one major exception here is the:
It seems a lot of disagreements get blown into frickin' WW3. Seriously, someone call NBC or ABC, we have a hit series here.
Collective smite for the drama queens and kings.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/12/08 at 12:46 am
I would never intentionally mistype someone's name!! :snicker:
The ∞ symbol is your friend!
Love the avatar and sig, Tam!
Thanks - since it was your idea and I stole it! 8)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Red Ant on 12/12/08 at 12:52 am
Thanks - since it was your idea and I stole it! 8)
You can't steal what is freely given away...
.... at least that's what I told the judge. :D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/12/08 at 2:35 am
You can't steal what is freely given away...
.... at least that's what I told the judge. :D
And you know I will gladly take ANYTHING that is free ;)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/12/08 at 7:46 am
Ah, a new day.
I smite Red Ant for going off topic and using a colour for his marquee that hurts my eyes in the morning :D
I smite Cubby.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/12/08 at 7:55 am
I smite my cat because all she does is meow and stare intently at me (as if I'm supposed to know what she wants - it's not food, just fed her.)
You smote the pussy? ;D :o
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/12/08 at 8:06 am
I smite my cat because all she does is meow and stare intently at me (as if I'm supposed to know what she wants - it's not food, just fed her.)
maybe she wants to be smited. in which case it all works out. :D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/12/08 at 8:11 am
I smite the woman worker at KFC who took a bath in the company sink,bikini clad. :o
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/12/08 at 9:22 am
I smite the woman worker at KFC who took a bath in the company sink,bikini clad. :o
wow, that was back in the day. i remember that story.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/12/08 at 9:51 am
You smote the pussy? ;D :o
I smite Howard for giving us other mature grownups a bad rep. :D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/12/08 at 12:10 pm
I've gotta do one more and then I swear I'll let it go....
Since I didn't do it last night...
I smite McFly for not being sensitive enough to women's feelings and recognizing that we are touchy when it comes to the discussion of age.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/12/08 at 12:14 pm
^ ope! you're not allowed to say why. although he shouldn't have posted in this thread in the first place so i think as self-appointed acting smite club moderator i'm gonna allow it. :D
and i smite marty mcfly, for no particular reason.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/12/08 at 12:16 pm
^ ope! you're not allowed to say why.
I'm a rebel I like breaking the rules! Smite me for it... ; )
although he shouldn't have posted in this thread in the first place so i think as self-appointed acting smite club moderator i'm gonna allow it. :D
thanks! O0
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tam on 12/12/08 at 12:24 pm
^ ope! you're not allowed to say why. although he shouldn't have posted in this thread in the first place so i think as self-appointed acting smite club moderator i'm gonna allow it. :D
and i smite marty mcfly, for no particular reason.
I smite Tia - because he told snoz she couldn't give explanation but he allowed it then he gave explanation for smiting McFly anyway, when clearly McFly is not a member of the smite club, and no reason is supposed to be given EVER! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/12/08 at 12:27 pm
i smite tam because i hate being held accountable! >:(
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Midas on 12/12/08 at 12:31 pm
I smite Tam 'cuz my mama don't like drama. Save the drama for Robot Llamas! :D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/12/08 at 4:11 pm
wow, that was back in the day. i remember that story.
It happened just last week.^
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Tia on 12/12/08 at 4:14 pm
It happened just last week.^
ah, my fault. i was thinking about the burger king story, which they mentioned on the bottom.
anyway, the moral of the story is, whether you're eating a drumstick or a cheeseburger, chances are, someone's bathed in it. 8-P
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/12/08 at 4:39 pm
ah, my fault. i was thinking about the burger king story, which they mentioned on the bottom.
anyway, the moral of the story is, whether you're eating a drumstick or a cheeseburger, chances are, someone's bathed in it. 8-P
just don't order the breasts or thighs. ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/12/08 at 4:51 pm
just don't order the breasts or thighs. ;D
But those are my favorite... :(
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/13/08 at 2:44 am
I smite my cat because all she does is meow and stare intently at me (as if I'm supposed to know what she wants - it's not food, just fed her.)
You smote the pussy? ;D :o
I did indeed!
maybe she wants to be smited. in which case it all works out. :D
It truly must have been what she wanted...after I smote her, she stopped bugging me! ;D
I smite cold, ice and snow (all of which I've had more then enough of, and winter hasn't even technically started yet.) :\'(
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Gis on 12/13/08 at 6:31 am
I smite Midas because it's saturday, I wasn't on yesterday so I miised his friday smite.
I smite Howard for talking like Mrs Slocombe.
and I know I shouldn't explain why but I smite McFly for putting Erin in such an awkward position on these boards.
Oh and I smite the headaches I have had everyday this week though admittedly todays is probably due to all the wine I drank last night! ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/13/08 at 6:32 am
But those are my favorite... :(
I'm a breast and thigh person. ;)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/13/08 at 6:33 am
smite Howard for talking like Mrs Slocombe.
Who? ???
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Henk on 12/13/08 at 10:02 am
I smite Howard for talking like Mrs Slocombe.
Who? ???
Mrs Slocombe, a character from the British sitcom "Are You Being Served?".
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/13/08 at 3:55 pm
Mrs Slocombe, a character from the British sitcom "Are You Being Served?".
man, That is funny. ;D,
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Ashkicksass on 12/13/08 at 4:48 pm
I smite myself for joining smite club.
I keep trying to smite people, but I just can't do it.
I'm a lover, not a smiter.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/13/08 at 4:51 pm
I smite myself for joining smite club.
I keep trying to smite people, but I just can't do it.
I'm a lover, not a smiter.
I smite *Ash* because she cannot smite herself...plus I still owe her one from the other day! ;D And....she needs to learn to embrace the smite! 8)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: 2kidsami on 12/13/08 at 4:55 pm
Smite Lice >:( >:( >:(
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/13/08 at 4:57 pm
Smite Lice >:( >:( >:(
you have lice? ???
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: 2kidsami on 12/13/08 at 4:59 pm
you have lice? ???
FOUND A KID WITH IT >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
:o :o :o :o :o
:P :P :P :P :P
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/13/08 at 5:00 pm
FOUND A KID WITH IT >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
:o :o :o :o :o
:P :P :P :P :P
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
oh man that sucks! Shave them bald...no more lice!
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: 2kidsami on 12/13/08 at 5:16 pm
oh man that sucks! Shave them bald...no more lice!
Where's DDT when you need it ;D ;D ;D ;D Safe on Humans - just breaks the eggs of a few birds ;) ;) ;)
I wish I could shave them, but Christmas pictures would really suck........ Oh the memories (look this is the year we had lice :-[ :-[ :-[)
The worst part, my head keeps feeling like it is crawling and I am washing everything in the house 8-P 8-P 8-P
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/13/08 at 5:28 pm
Where's DDT when you need it ;D ;D ;D ;D Safe on Humans - just breaks the eggs of a few birds ;) ;) ;)
I wish I could shave them, but Christmas pictures would really suck........ Oh the memories (look this is the year we had lice :-[ :-[ :-[)
The worst part, my head keeps feeling like it is crawling and I am washing everything in the house 8-P 8-P 8-P
that really does suck...I'll smite lice too.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: 2kidsami on 12/13/08 at 5:51 pm
Karma my friend, no smite for you ;) ;) ;)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/13/08 at 5:59 pm
Karma my friend, no smite for you ;) ;) ;)
thanks for the reminder! ;)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: 2kidsami on 12/13/08 at 8:16 pm
Smite Mr. MIster and I don't have to say why ::) ::) ::)
;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/14/08 at 12:16 am
I'll add a smite to lice too.
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/14/08 at 12:25 am
Karma my friend, no smite for you ;) ;) ;)
I SMITE 2kidsami for giving karma in SMITE CLUB
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/14/08 at 12:52 am
I smite Oklahoma for NEVER ENDING :P
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Henk on 12/14/08 at 2:31 am
I smite Oklahoma for NEVER ENDING :P
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/14/08 at 2:33 am
I SMITE Henk for making me laugh in the SMITE CLUB thread
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Howard on 12/14/08 at 7:59 am
I smite Mrs.Slocombe's pussy. ;D
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Gis on 12/14/08 at 4:33 pm
I smite Mrs.Slocombe's pussy. ;D
Oh dear god what have I started..............
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 12/14/08 at 4:44 pm
I smite Mrs.Slocombe's pussy. ;D
I smite Mrs. Cabobble's caboose. :o :o :o
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: Ashkicksass on 12/14/08 at 5:56 pm
I smite Al-B for starting to play World of Warcraft. I freaking hate that stupid game. :P
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: statsqueen on 12/14/08 at 6:22 pm
Oh dear god what have I started..............
lol I know I'm not a member, I just got so excited that there was a reference to a show that I actually got to watch (for a short time).
And to say, jokingly, to Gis....yeah, what were you thinking?????? ;D (just kidding, I swear)
Subject: Re: 00zeFICIAL SMITE CLUB
Written By: snozberries on 12/14/08 at 6:24 pm
lol I know I'm not a member, I just got so excited that there was a reference to a show that I actually got to watch (for a short time).
And to say, jokingly, to Gis....yeah, what were you thinking?????? ;D (just kidding, I swear)
no you're right... I smite Gis! SMITE! Because... sheesh it's Howard... you might as well have put a big old flashing neon sign on that one! ;D