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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Mushroom on 12/15/05 at 10:33 am
Well, it seems that Stem Cells may not be the cure-all that a lot of their proponents think it is:
It seems that the scientist that earlier released such promising data faked his research. The claims that he cloned embryonic stem cells is fale, and all of the cells and embrios died.
But there are some who claim that the research is valid, even though he admitted that it was faked.
And he also violated ethics guidelines by useing eggs harvested from subordinate female researchers.
Maybe some of these researchers will back off of embryonic stem cells, and give more attention to umbilical stem cells. As far as I know, there are no large protests against the use of those (unless you take people like Tom Cruise seriously).
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/15/05 at 2:10 pm
Well, it seems that Stem Cells may not be the cure-all that a lot of their proponents think it is:
It seems that the scientist that earlier released such promising data faked his research. The claims that he cloned embryonic stem cells is fale, and all of the cells and embrios died.
But there are some who claim that the research is valid, even though he admitted that it was faked.
And he also violated ethics guidelines by useing eggs harvested from subordinate female researchers.
Maybe some of these researchers will back off of embryonic stem cells, and give more attention to umbilical stem cells. As far as I know, there are no large protests against the use of those (unless you take people like Tom Cruise seriously).
There was something about this on CNN a few days ago. They highlighted the ethics violations, but not the faked research bit. Nevertheless, just because 1 scientist screwed up doesn't invalidate all the other research, which looks promising.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Mushroom on 12/15/05 at 3:27 pm
There was something about this on CNN a few days ago.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/15/05 at 9:11 pm
It's unfortunate when a scientist resorts to fakery. Now the scientific community must deal with it. I hope the theocratic zealots don't see this as a green light to start another reactionary sh*tstorm. But they will. The religious right spawns more sh*tstorms than the Great Plains spawn tornadoes!
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Mushroom on 12/16/05 at 9:43 am
It's unfortunate when a scientist resorts to fakery.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: McDonald on 12/16/05 at 9:49 am
To my understanding, the scientific community recognises embryonic stem cells as unique for their indefinite progenetive potential... that is, they can continue to divide for a virtually unlimited number of times. This is what makes them so useful in research, and what will make them so useful in applied health science. I don't think they have found another type of stem cell with this same quality. A fictitious example would be if they were using stem cells to grow a new liver for someone... an embryonic stem cell is guaranteed to finish the job, while a stem cell from, say, your hypodermis, would probably stop dividing sometime before the heart is complete.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/16/05 at 9:27 pm
I hope you do not think of me in that way Maxwell.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Mushroom on 12/23/05 at 3:03 pm
Well, the professor who did the research has now resigned. It appears that at least 9 of the 11 strains he claimed to have cloned do not exist. They are now doing research to see what other studies over the years he has faked, including his claim to have cloned the first dog earlier this year.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/23/05 at 7:30 pm
Well, the professor who did the research has now resigned.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Harmonica on 12/24/05 at 12:18 am
Well, it seems that Stem Cells may not be the cure-all that a lot of their proponents think it is:
It seems that the scientist that earlier released such promising data faked his research.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/24/05 at 2:00 am
"But there are some who claim that the research is valid, even though he admitted that it was faked."
You don't say
In the sense that a teenager's fake ID is valid. If he says it's valid, and the bouncer says it's valid, and the bartender says it's valid, then I guess it must be valid. My anology goes nowhere. Sorry.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Harmonica on 12/25/05 at 4:23 pm
In the sense that a teenager's fake ID is valid.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/25/05 at 11:23 pm
No no, your anology like many of the other ones you and a lot of liberals make on this board goes a long ways.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Harmonica on 12/25/05 at 11:54 pm
That's what Sean Hannity always says, "YOU LIBERALS!"
I heard a certain conservative saying in defense of ID, "consensus doesn't equal truth in science--look at the opposition Einstein's theories got."
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/26/05 at 2:48 pm
I don't have many complaints about Einstein. Infact I liked the guy, a lot. Many ignorant people believe that because he was the lead to the bomb that indeed he must support it. Well I did a little research on Einstein last year. Actually a little reasearch is an understatement, I did a lot of research. Ever heard of a play called, "Picasso at the Lapin Agile"? Well anyway it's a play written by Steve Martin about the fictional meeting between Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso at France's Lapin Agile. In a class last year I was the dramaturg and I saw it only fit to learn as much about these real life characters as I could. Einstein spoke out against the bomb and he wasn't quiet about it. Einstein was a good guy, I like him.
Shall it not always be unexplainable? If we end up explaining everything one of these days then what's left to wonder and ponder about? Sure we all say we want answers but do we? I don't know, I don't have the answers, but I'm willing to bet that once we answer all the questions, they're be new ones to answer. You can quote Rowdy Roddy Piper on that!
Science and Religious faith can go hand in hand. God could have created evolution! Oh..can't deny what you can't prove anymore than you can deny what you can!
Actually, when I was a little boy I met Einstein. I heard about him, and that he taught at Princeton, and asked my parants to take me there. I knocked on his front door, shook hands with him, and gave him a picture of a space ship I had drawn. He took it, smiled, and thanked me, looking a bit bewildered. My dad appologized for the intrusion and we left. A very nice old guy.
As I said on the ID thread, why wouldn't God create evolution? A static world would be very uninteresting.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: LyricBoy on 12/26/05 at 4:28 pm
In my opinion, those who are "anti embryonic stem cell" and who profess their position by stating that "stem cells are ineffective" are disingenuous and off the point. The whole "embyonic stem cells really don't work" is a red herring.
I am anti-embryonic-stem cell, vehemently. But I am against it for moral reasons. Do embryonic cells represent a possible way to save material lives? Maybe, I don't know. I'm not a biological researcher. But the issue is not one of "effectiveness". It is one of "morality".
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/26/05 at 5:19 pm
[quote author=Ły
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Harmonica on 12/26/05 at 7:21 pm
Actually, when I was a little boy I met Einstein.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Harmonica on 12/26/05 at 7:24 pm
It's not an individual human being, it's a microscopic blob of undifferentiated cellular matter.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/27/05 at 5:05 pm
You can't make that claim on lyricboy anymore than I can make the claim on you being heartless or unmoral. You want fair, I'll give you fair, but Your gonna give me fair too. This isn't a bargain where I walk my distance down the street and you sit on your butt way on the other end. You're gonna meet me half way or the deals off.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/27/05 at 5:12 pm
Actually, when I was a little boy I met Einstein.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Harmonica on 12/27/05 at 8:45 pm
I said IF, and that's a big IF, and I stand by it's conditions 110%!
I wasn't referring to that statement. "It's not an individual human being, it's a microscopic blob of undifferentiated cellular matter" I was referring to this one that does not have the saving "I believe, or according to world renouned scientist".
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Mushroom on 07/18/06 at 4:52 pm
There are 2 things going on in the news that I thought were newsworthy in the debate about Stem Cells.
First off, you have Congress passing a bill to provide funding for embryonic stem cell research. However, it is unlikely that thiss will happen. That is because it passed by a slim margin, and will not be able to over-ride the threatened Presidential veto.
However, there is something else that is being talked about even less. I am not sure if anybody else out there reads the "Scientific American" magazine, but the cover and leading article of the July issue is Stem Cells and a link to cancer.
It seems that there are several forms of cancer that can be traced to Stem Cells. This can explain why people can go into remission, then months or years later come back with the cancer again. While the active tumor is destroyed or removed, the "genetic code" of the cancer lives on in the body, stored in Stem Cells. And at a later date, these cells get triggered and the cancer returns. This seems to be the dominant case of the return of some forms of cancer, including cancer of the blood and skin.
Here is a paragraph from the article:
Indeed, stem cells' longevity would explain why many cancers develop decades after tissues are subjected to radiation--the initial injury may be only the first in a series of mutations required to transform a healthy cell into a malignant one. In addition to accumulating and preserving these oncogenic scars, a stem cell's enormous proliferative capacity makes it an ideal target for malignancy. Because nature so strictly regulates self-renewal, a cell population already possessing that ability would need fewer additional mutations for malignant transformation than would cells lacking that capacity.
Here is the entire article if anybody else is interested in reading it. I warn you now, it is quite long, and somewhat technical.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/18/06 at 5:46 pm
The stem cell debate is going exactly like the global warming debate.
Journals will publish findings of studies in all scientic fields. When the American Right, beholden to corporate greed and religious fanaticism, can find an article contradictory of a scentific consensus, they will showcase the article in attempt to discredit scientific consensus in public opinion. Cherry-picking for political favorability, if you will.
I did not see any reason from the article's conclusion to ban the federal funding of stem cell research. I saw no conclusion from S.A article to suggest Clarke and Becker don't believe stem sells are not medically useful for treating a whole myriad of diseases and injuries. They are looking at evidence indicating stem cells may turn malignant in certain cancer treatments. The article presented indication that stem cell research may help scientists hunt down the carconogenic "killer cells." I am not a microbiologist, I am not an oncologist, so I am not qualified to critique the study , but Clarke and Becker's work should receive vigorous peer review. Neither Clarke nor Becker, nor their peers in the scientific community, will caution the medical establishment on when and when not to use stem cell therapy because stem cells make Baby Jesus cry.
Unfortunately, the funny-mentalists in charge of the political purse strings will. Bush is not one of them, however. He is a total cynic. He cares nothing for life. He could not sign enough death warrants when he was Texas governor to satiate his passion for homicide solutions. Bush has shows no remorse--or even awareness--for the excruciating deaths occurring every hour of the day because of his futile occupation of Iraq. Bush cast his first veto in six years of his ill-gotten presidency as just another political grandstanding technique.
Sick and wrong.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/20/06 at 2:19 am
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Mushroom on 10/25/06 at 2:22 pm
The stem cell debate is going exactly like the global warming debate.
Journals will publish findings of studies in all scientic fields. When the American Right, beholden to corporate greed and religious fanaticism, can find an article contradictory of a scentific consensus, they will showcase the article in attempt to discredit scientific consensus in public opinion. Cherry-picking for political favorability, if you will.
Actually, my concern is that Stem Cells simply are not fully understood. And it seems that every time they find a condition that it may help, they then find something else that it may make even worse.
Hey look, Stem Cells cured my Parkinsons! Gee, to bad I now have a brain tumor.
Myself, I have no problem with Stem Cell research per se. However, I think it would be much more usefull (and less controversial) to investigate other ways to obtain and work with them. Umbilical Stem cells are thrown away every day in this country, and almost no research is done there. The same thing with Adult Stem Cells. In fact, some researchers are starting to concentrate on the Adult variations, because they seem to have a much lower risk of changing into cancer cells.
And with anything "genetic", we can be opening a Pandora's Box if we are not careful. I find it interesting that a lot of the same people that protest genetic engineering of plants and animals turn right around and endorse it in people. Maybe they would stop if we started to endorse cannibalism. :D
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 10/25/06 at 4:57 pm
A lot of research in immunology and cancer biology is done with cord blood.
I would advocate stem cell research if I were in a position of power, but I can understand how it would be weird for people to balk at it since the only method of getting stem cells is from an aborted fetus or a miscarriage...icky.
The adult human has very few cells that actually present totipotency, so adults wouldn't actually be a good source.
But even if you advocated stem cell as a viable research tool, don't you think it's kinda weird to say, "Hey, they're gonna toss out these fetuses anyway, why not use them for some good?" It's for a good cause, it just sounds WEIRD.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Mushroom on 10/25/06 at 5:20 pm
I would advocate stem cell research if I were in a position of power, but I can understand how it would be weird for people to balk at it since the only method of getting stem cells is from an aborted fetus or a miscarriage...icky.
Actually, that is not true. The Umbilical Cord and placental blood is also full of Stem Cells. And currently, it is just thrown away as "medical waste". This is a potentially huge source of Stem Cells, which does not involve any of the "distastefull practices" that cause a lot of people to oppose Stem Cells.
There is also Adult Stem Cells. The biggest difference is that in Adults, they are basically tissue matched, so have the same chances (currently) of being rejected, just like any tissue donation. However, one of the largest advantages of Adult Stem Cells is that they are also "mature", and less likely to cause tumors in use.
Everybody has Stem Cells. It is a key part of our genetic code. However, embryos have a larger percentage of them, because they are still developing. The Stem Cell is part of the basic building block of a person (or any other living creature). A Stem Cell for the kidney for example is responsible for making all of the other cells that will become a kidney. It is possible (theoretically) to implant a kidney stem cell, and regrow a diseased kidney. Theoretically, this can also be done with neurological diseases and injuries like paralysis, Parkinsons, and Alzhimers. It may even be possible to regrow teeth with Stem Cells.
But this is all a long ways off. And like I said earlier, the thought that in some dystopian future we may have "Embryo Farms" disturbes the frack out of me. Because of this, I do not want to see the use of Embryonic Stem Cells. Because if a way is found useing them, I am sure that people will encourage the continued use of them because they are easy.
From then, it is only a matter of time until countries with overpopulation and a poor economy may resort to selling embryos for medical purposes. My opposition to Embryonic Stem Cell research has nothing to do with politics or religious beliefs. I simply look 20-30 years into the future to see what may become of it, and it disturbs me greatly. I would be very comfortable however and support research into Adult and Umbilical (and placental) Stem Cell research. I find very few ways this can be exploited in that way.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 10/25/06 at 5:26 pm
Ah, stem cells on the black market. That is pretty wacky, although it does sound feasible :o
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Foo Bar on 10/25/06 at 8:43 pm
Actually, that is not true. The Umbilical Cord and placental blood is also full of Stem Cells. And currently
But this is all a long ways off. And like I said earlier, the thought that in some dystopian future we may have "Embryo Farms" disturbes the frack out of me. Because of this, I do not want to see the use of Embryonic Stem Cells. Because if a way is found useing them, I am sure that people will encourage the continued use of them because they are easy.
From then, it is only a matter of time until countries with overpopulation and a poor economy may resort to selling embryos for medical purposes. My opposition to Embryonic Stem Cell research has nothing to do with politics or religious beliefs.
Serious question: What creeps you out about it?
Silly question: China is now our "Body Bank" (Episode 3, 1987). "Baby Growbags" (Episode 14, unaired in North America until 1997) is one of the few Max Headroom Episodes that has yet to come true in real life. (By my count, Episode 10 and Episode 14, and maybe Episode 12 are the only ones that haven't come true in some form or another.)
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/25/06 at 11:51 pm
What "fracks me out" is how a cabal of superstitious medieval clerics is informing my government about what medical research it may or may not fund.
These far-right Mammon-worshipping antinomians pervert the Christian faith. They promote war, greed, and capitalism--all antithetical to everything Jesus taught. They love social Darwinism and hate real Darwinism. The biology that demonstrates the Theory of Evolution is sinful. The physics that inform the building of atomic weapons is God's own. WTF? Sick of this rubbish!
"Embryo farms"? Talk about your right-wing scare tactics. How about let's get this country back on track so China doesn't own us, so we don't have to work three jobs to make ends meet, so we can save the middle class, so all citizens get the basic healthcare they need, and so there are no American children going to bed hungry? How about dismantling our useless and deadly occupation of Iraq? How about tweaking our neo-con governance just a bit to get those things done, then maybe we talk a bit about whether the feds should fund stem cell research, eh?
I mean, Jesus H.P. Lovecraft!
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Mushroom on 10/26/06 at 9:52 am
Serious question: What creeps you out about it?
Silly question: China is now our "Body Bank" (Episode 3, 1987). "Baby Growbags" (Episode 14, unaired in North America until 1997) is one of the few Max Headroom Episodes that has yet to come true in real life. (By my count, Episode 10 and Episode 14, and maybe Episode 12 are the only ones that haven't come true in some form or another.)
That is right, in a way.
Now remember, I am not a conspiracy believer. But think about this: What would a Hitler or Stalin done with some of his "undesirable population" with this sort of technology? How about Saddam Hussein or the differing sides in the former Yugoslav war? Hey, what is better? Killing your undesired population and burrying them in pits, or harvesting parts of their bodies and making money?
I really am very pessimistic about the dark side of humans. If this becomes a mature technology, and the only way is to harvest embryos, what is to stop it? Take "undesired females", lock them up in gulags, and then have them repeatedly impregnated in order to harvest the cells. You then have a commodity that you can sell to the "rich Western nations" for cold hard cash.
I got my first exposure to how things like this work in the real world today in High School. In our biology class, we had a real human skeleton. One day somebody asked the teacher where it came from, and we got a real shock as to where our skeleton came from.
He explained that by the bone structure, the skeleton belonged to a young female, probably around 16. By the facial structure, she was probably a caucasian. She had small abnormalities in her bones, common in people that are raised with poor nutrition. She had been in the school for about 5 years by then, so had probably died around 1970-75. And she likely came from India, since that is where the majority of human skeletons came from during that time.
India is still a major exporter of human skeletons, as well as other organs and body parts used in schools. And the vast majority of them are female, and from the poorer rural areas. And the majority are sold to the "body brokers" by their family, normally for around $100 (that is 1981 dollars, but I doubt it has raised much). In recent years, China has become the major source for such skeletons and body parts.
I am not concerned of this type of thing becomming widespread. However, there are sufficient people in power in the poorer countries of the world that would exploit something like this. Hey, they are not of my tribe/region/village/race, so why not? Everybody knows they are only animals anyways, and nobody will miss them.
To me (and a lot of others), it has nothing to do with religion or religious belief. We see something that seems to come right out of "A Brave New World", and we do not like how it could be perverted. And the other side of the debate has still not answered the big question.
If the use of embryonic stem cells becomes a viable treatment, where are they going to get the stem cells from? Right now, mostly they come from donated eggs from ovum banks. Normally excess are taken for IVF treatments and held in storage. When they are no longer needed, some are then donated for research. But if this becomes a treatment for Parkinsons or Alzheimers, then what is the source going to be?
It is illegal to pay more then a token for blood and tissue donations. Do you expect women to go through the painfull and possibly dangerous process of removing their eggs for a hundred dollars or so? Or do we farm out the harvesting to third-world nation, where they may have women lining up for this for $50.
Or is it done by third-world nations that have no compuction about forcing numbers of their population to go through the process? What Would Saddam Do? We have seen the graves. Would it not be more "logical" for him to have killed the men, then saved the more healthy women for harvesting? Think of how much good will he could have fostered with a "life saving medication".
And of course, once the eggs were harvested, he would no longer need to keep the women alive. I don't imagine very many "Western Women" volunteering for this procedure, but I can see it in poor countries, where a couple of hundred dollars can feed a family for months. Or a mother with starving children will go through it, to keep them fed.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 10/26/06 at 10:43 am
Actually, that is not true. The Umbilical Cord and placental blood is also full of Stem Cells. And currently, it is just thrown away as "medical waste". This is a potentially huge source of Stem Cells, which does not involve any of the "distastefull practices" that cause a lot of people to oppose Stem Cells.
There is also Adult Stem Cells. The biggest difference is that in Adults, they are basically tissue matched, so have the same chances (currently) of being rejected, just like any tissue donation. However, one of the largest advantages of Adult Stem Cells is that they are also "mature", and less likely to cause tumors in use.
Everybody has Stem Cells. It is a key part of our genetic code. However, embryos have a larger percentage of them, because they are still developing. The Stem Cell is part of the basic building block of a person (or any other living creature). A Stem Cell for the kidney for example is responsible for making all of the other cells that will become a kidney. It is possible (theoretically) to implant a kidney stem cell, and regrow a diseased kidney. Theoretically, this can also be done with neurological diseases and injuries like paralysis, Parkinsons, and Alzhimers. It may even be possible to regrow teeth with Stem Cells.
Mushroom, I am genuinely curious about these alternatives you speak of, because if they are real, then that is definitely a viable source of stem cells that hopefully won't piss off the GOP. Now, the reason I think that they might not be as commonplace or as feasible as you claim may be because of the fragility or rapid deterioration of said cells, which would make them impractical for experimental purposes. I also don't know how easy it is to grow these guys in culture even though they are self-renewable (I only maintain cell lines that I myself immortalize or that come from previously isolated cancer cell lines). So that might be an obstacle to the use of cord and placental stem cells.
There are a couple of characteristics a stem cell can possibly take: totipotency and pluripotency. A totipotent stem cell, i.e. one from the embryo, can give rise to essentially all lineages of cells in the adult form, whereas a pluripotent stem cell, i.e. a bone marrow derived leukocyte progenitor, can only give rise to certain lineages. My guess is that most stem cells in adults (I don't know this for sure so you can probably educate me on this) are of the pluripotent variety if at all. In fact, I don't think cells can re-achieve totipotency unless they are in a cancerous environment (and you know what happens there).
I think that it's not so much evangelical objection that is keeping these sources off the mainstream, but rather, practicality.
So teach me something new today :)
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Foo Bar on 10/26/06 at 8:24 pm
Now remember, I am not a conspiracy believer. But think about this: What would a Hitler or Stalin done with some of his "undesirable population" with this sort of technology? How about Saddam Hussein or the differing sides in the former Yugoslav war? Hey, what is better? Killing your undesired population and burrying them in pits, or harvesting parts of their bodies and making money?
TV commercial from an alternative history, ca. 2018: "Meet Gunther. One of the last survivors of the heroic campaign to take Moscow, Gunther's a loyal citizen of the purest Aryan blood, but like so many of us, he needs a new heart! Over here, we see the place where we harvest ova from the ovaries of Gypsies, and across the hall is the farm where we incubate the developing embryos in the wombs of Jews..."
I can't tell you what Hitler would have done with bioengineering technology, but I don't think that commercial would go over very well in his focus group. :)
Barring a breakthrough in cloning (hmm, if I freeze a few cells at age 30, I suppose it doesn't matter if my shortened telomeres would condemn my clone to a lifespan of 30 years -- the clone isn't gonna be raised to term anyway!), it's too late for those of us alive today. But wouldn't it be neat if IVF were the default mode of fertilization, and just before implantation, a few undifferentiated cells got harvested from each blastocyst, reproduced for a few generations, and deep-frozen before differentiation? By the time anyone actually needed a spare part from their frozen clone, we'd have probably figured out how differentiation worked, and would be able to just grow a new heart, liver, or kidney in a vat. (or even grown inside your own body... imagine something like a teratoma, but instead of growing into a furball/cyst inside you, it grows into a kidney which can then be transplanted for one of your own.)
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/26/06 at 11:07 pm
I definitely agree with Mushroom about the dark side of humanity. The grisly examples Mushroom illustrates about organ harvesting, body parts selling, and the destruction of so-called "undesirables" are all big problems in the world. Today I see this happening in countries with a tiny corps of rich people and millions upon millions of desperately poor. If the U.S. ends up with the same wealth distribution as India, I can see the bio-ethics of India coming our way. We're headed in that direction.
If the errors of science in the 19th and 20th century have taught us anything, I think it is "proceed, but proceed with caution." You cannot talk about the legacy of Albert Einstein without talking about the atomic bomb. For every scientific or medical breakthrough that can benefit mankind, there are those dark souls who will plot to use the same breakthrough in sinister ways.
However, I don't see fear of what might be as a reason not to federally fund stem cell research. The Right has made a bunch of specious arguments about how "venture capitalists" won't fund embryonic stem cell research because there's no payoff. What they fail to mention is that it's the same case with most scientific and medical research. The government takes all the risks and incurs all the losses. Then when the publically funded researchers make good, the government turns around and hands the profitable breakthrough to private business. Socialize the science, privatize the technology. Nope, it's still the superstitious medieval whackos who are the driving force against federally funded embryonic stem cell research. The Right is forever beholden to these fascist antinomians.
Back in 1905, a 26-year-old patent clerk named Al Einstein was jotting down some ideas about energy, mass, the speed of light, and the universe. The church used to burn guys like Al at the stake! That's what happens when you let the Christian Right run your society!
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Mushroom on 10/27/06 at 10:01 am
However, I don't see fear of what might be as a reason not to federally fund stem cell research. The Right has made a bunch of specious arguments about how "venture capitalists" won't fund embryonic stem cell research because there's no payoff. What they fail to mention is that it's the same case with most scientific and medical research.
And I can turn this right around. If there are other ways of obtaining Stem Cells that do not involve the killing of "potential" embryos, then why not take that route first? It is not Stem Cells that pisses of a lot of the protestors, it is the use of embryonic stem cells. Why not just concentrate more research on Umbilical Stem Cells? Or Adult Stem Cells?
And the add that Michael J. Fox appeared in? It is in support of a ballot measure to allow "human cloning and embryonic stem cell research". Yes, you read that right. Human Cloning. And who are the big financial backers who want to see this law passed? That's right, major bioengineering firms. In the words of some people around here, "Michael J. Fox is being used as a patsy."
I want to see Stem Cell research. I want to see a lot of it, and hopefully cure some of the worst diseases plauging humans. But I want it done in an ethical manner. I do not want to see young women lining up to donate eggs. Egg donation is very dangerous, with some huge risks involved. I read an estimate, where there is a 5-8% chance of harming the "donor mother". Are we willing to risk harming 5-8% of the young women in this country who donate? I certainly am not. Even if it is something that can cure my stepfather (who I love very much), it simply is not worth it.
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/31/06 at 3:08 pm
And I can turn this right around. If there are other ways of obtaining Stem Cells that do not involve the killing of "potential" embryos, then why not take that route first? It is not Stem Cells that pisses of a lot of the protestors, it is the use of embryonic stem cells. Why not just concentrate more research on Umbilical Stem Cells? Or Adult Stem Cells?
And the add that Michael J. Fox appeared in? It is in support of a ballot measure to allow "human cloning and embryonic stem cell research". Yes, you read that right. Human Cloning. And who are the big financial backers who want to see this law passed? That's right, major bioengineering firms. In the words of some people around here, "Michael J. Fox is being used as a patsy."
I want to see Stem Cell research. I want to see a lot of it, and hopefully cure some of the worst diseases plauging humans. But I want it done in an ethical manner. I do not want to see young women lining up to donate eggs. Egg donation is very dangerous, with some huge risks involved. I read an estimate, where there is a 5-8% chance of harming the "donor mother". Are we willing to risk harming 5-8% of the young women in this country who donate? I certainly am not. Even if it is something that can cure my stepfather (who I love very much), it simply is not worth it.
The bill in question is duplicitous about human cloning. Will have to read up on it more.
I would have to do more research to form a truly educated opinion on embryonic stem cell research versus other kinds of stem cell research. I simply don't know enough from a biological standpoint. I do hear scientists claiming embryonic stem cells have unique properties, but lo and behold, they're the same scientists who want to do embryonic stem cell research. A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. I'm certainly not going to pay any attention to what the right-wing media says about it. I hold to the sentences in all caps above.
I would rather see the debate focus on issues vital for 2007. The Republicans are running away from those as fast as they can because they have made every single facet of American life WORSE in the past six years!
Subject: Re: Stem Cells, Panacea or Propaganda?
Written By: Mushroom on 11/01/06 at 12:35 pm
I would have to do more research to form a truly educated opinion on embryonic stem cell research versus other kinds of stem cell research. I simply don't know enough from a biological standpoint. I do hear scientists claiming embryonic stem cells have unique properties, but lo and behold, they're the same scientists who want to do embryonic stem cell research. A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. I'm certainly not going to pay any attention to what the right-wing media says about it. I hold to the sentences in all caps above.
I was watching something on Discovery Science the other day, and they talked about the various forms of stem cell research. One of the biggest advantages of Embryonic is that it has not developed "tissue types" yet. That means that any cells taken from embryonic stem cells are basically "universal donor".
However, some of the most successfull tests have all involved Adult Stem Cells. There is a clinic somewhere in Russia that has had some amazing results. What they would do is draw some of the patient's blood and bone marrow. They would then extract some of their stem cells, and clone the cells in a lab. These stem cells would then be concentrated and injected back into the patient. They have successfully put over 20 leukemia patients into remission with this technique. And they have had some success with close-relative donors with the same technique.
In short, by advancing Adult Stem Cell research, everybody becomes in effect their own donor. And because the stem cells involved are their own stem cells, there is no risk of rejection or allergic reaction of any kind. It is like people who undergo surgery, and use their own banked blood for transfustions.
I am a strong believer in Stem Cell research. I can't stress that enough. But wy not concentrate on efforts that do not involve intrusive procedures? We all carry around stem cells in our blood, and they van be extracted. The main reason why the "drug companies" do not want to persue this is that they can't be patented as medicine. Something like this falls under a "treatment", like removing an inflamed Apendix. The doctors that are able to perfect a useage like this will get rich, and the drug companies get nothing. And because they involve blood taken from the person, they can not be trademarked or patented. However, a treatment from Embryonic stem cells can be patented, since after all, it is only "donor material". And because it is "universal donor", they can produce it wholesale, and sell it at market prices.