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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: zotsfreak on 12/13/05 at 11:55 am
I wonder how some of you users of this website felt about the rampant misuse of firearms and the lack of punishment for such acts.
I am a responsible owner of firearms that I use for hunting, and recreational shooting. I feel that anyone whom is and has been a law abiding person should have this right; all being subject to background checks and all guns owned by permit. Convicted criminals should be scrutinized as to the nature of their crimes before being granted this privilege. (I mean, why shouldn
Subject: Re: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: IanWinn on 12/13/05 at 2:14 pm
Iggy, if we were to model our laws after the rest of the world's, no one would be allowed to own guns, much less be allowed to own anything that remotely resembles or could be used as a weapon. If you or anyone else would check it out, you would see the truth of the matter.
The ownership of weapons is an extension of the RIGHT to life; it is NOT a privilige, unless you want to put yourself in the position of "Distributor of Priviliges." Anyone who want to revoke your RIGHT to life by declaring illegal anything that promotes your ability is a tyrant. Anyone who tries to revoke your right to life by use of force is a criminal. Both of those types need to be resisted, by any means possible.
Make no mistake: tyrants and criminals prefer you to be unarmed, because it makes working their will upon you much easier. When a criminal breaks into your home to kill you, steal what you own, and destroy what cannot be taken, you need to counter his force with equal or greater force. Such force can only be applied with a firearm (handgun, shotgun, rifle). When a jack-booted thug breaks down your door to take you and yours away for some infraction of the law that you didn't know that you broke, the only way to counter his force is with equal or greater force. Again, such force can only be applied with a firearm.
Please don't tell me that such things don't happen. The do, with surprising regularity in 2nd and 3rd world nations, and are happening with greater frequency in the 1st world.
The purpose of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution is NOT to allow for hunting. It is to guarentee that when (not IF) the government becomes tyrannical, the people will have the recourse necessary to alter or abolish it.
If you want to ensure that misuse of a firearm is NOT EVEN CONSIDERED, then you need to do 3 things: 1) You need to teach the 4 laws of firearm safety (they are
a) Always assume that a firearm is loaded until you have inspected it for yourself and made it safe for others;
b) Always point a firearm in a safe direction;
c) Always be aware of your target AND WHAT IS BEYOND IT;
d) Never put your finger inside the trigger guard until you are ready to fire.);
2) You need to enforce the laws against rape and murder and theft, NOT invent new crimes that are useless against criminals but make life difficult for regular people; 3) You need to get the government out of people's personal lives, interfering ONLY when someone has done something wrong, and then ensuring that punishment will be swift and certain.
Subject: Re: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: zotsfreak on 12/13/05 at 3:15 pm
Iggy, if we were to model our laws after the rest of the world's, no one would be allowed to own guns, much less be allowed to own anything that remotely resembles or could be used as a weapon. If you or anyone else would check it out, you would see the truth of the matter.
The ownership of weapons is an extension of the RIGHT to life; it is NOT a privilige, unless you want to put yourself in the position of "Distributor of Priviliges." Anyone who want to revoke your RIGHT to life by declaring illegal anything that promotes your ability is a tyrant. Anyone who tries to revoke your right to life by use of force is a criminal. Both of those types need to be resisted, by any means possible.
Make no mistake: tyrants and criminals prefer you to be unarmed, because it makes working their will upon you much easier. When a criminal breaks into your home to kill you, steal what you own, and destroy what cannot be taken, you need to counter his force with equal or greater force. Such force can only be applied with a firearm (handgun, shotgun, rifle). When a jack-booted thug breaks down your door to take you and yours away for some infraction of the law that you didn't know that you broke, the only way to counter his force is with equal or greater force. Again, such force can only be applied with a firearm.
Please don't tell me that such things don't happen. The do, with surprising regularity in 2nd and 3rd world nations, and are happening with greater frequency in the 1st world.
The purpose of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution is NOT to allow for hunting. It is to guarentee that when (not IF) the government becomes tyrannical, the people will have the recourse necessary to alter or abolish it.
If you want to ensure that misuse of a firearm is NOT EVEN CONSIDERED, then you need to do 3 things: 1) You need to teach the 4 laws of firearm safety (they are
a) Always assume that a firearm is loaded until you have inspected it for yourself and made it safe for others;
b) Always point a firearm in a safe direction;
c) Always be aware of your target AND WHAT IS BEYOND IT;
d) Never put your finger inside the trigger guard until you are ready to fire.);
2) You need to enforce the laws against rape and murder and theft, NOT invent new crimes that are useless against criminals but make life difficult for regular people; 3) You need to get the government out of people's personal lives, interfering ONLY when someone has done something wrong, and then ensuring that punishment will be swift and certain.
Hei IanWinn!
Were on the same page! I was unclear and I guess you have misunderstood my view. Firstly, I am one of the biggest ultra right wing conservative, anti big government, anti government intervention, and anti over regulation, Richard M. Nixon , Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr. & Jr., Rush Limbaugh, and Seann Hannity LOVING, Bill and Hillary, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Bono, Barbara Streisand HATING, gun toting, lifetime NRA member, Americans you will ever meet!!
I was mainly trying to convey how the left wing liberals are whittling away at the right (and yes, I am aware of the Constitutions intent in reference to the right to bear arms) of gun ownership instead creating severe penalties for the misuse of them by criminals. Here in NY State it is EXTREMELY difficult to obtain a handgun permit. What
Subject: Re: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/13/05 at 3:57 pm
WEll, I guess I'm one of those "left wing liberals" mentioned in Iggy's last post, and I'm here to tell you that I fully support the 2nd Amendment. When it was written, however, your typical hunting rifle (a Kentucky long rifle) was a much better weopon than the muskets supplied to the military, and during that time every able bodied male was required to take military training with his state militia. The result was (in addition to both Shay's and the Whiskey rebellions) that an armed citizenry stood some chance at least of mounting a credible opposition to the armed might of the state. Now a bit more history. Jump to June 1973 in Salvador Allende's Chile. Following a small military uprising, some members of Allende's coalition advocated arming the masses in order to defend their gov't against the coup everyone knew was coming. Allende's rersponse was "how many masses does it take to stop a tank?" I would ask you that same question.
By the way, when my back problems are solved I intend to buy a kit to build a working facs. of a Kentucky long rifle and join a gun club so that I can shoot it (at targets, not people). Might even try a bit of black powder hunting
I also agree that the government should stay out of our personal lives, like our bed rooms (so-called "sodomy" laws) and out of our wallets as much as possible. On the other hand, I do believe that the gov't should be deeply involved in providing for and protecting the basic rights and well being of the average working stiff. How many Enron employees lost their jobs and pensions because Ken Lay & Co. were allowed to pull the crap they did? How about WorldCom or Adelphia? Meanwhile, workers' wages have been stagnant for years while you right wing dudes are more interested in what gays can and cannot do than in the fleecing of the working and professional classes, and the erosion of others of our basic rights which are under attack through the so called Patriot Act. You laud Tricky Dicky, President Jelly Bean, Big and Lil' Georgie, the Gas Bag and the rest of them, but you don't seem to see that they don't give a rat's hind parts about your rights or your well being.
It irks me that seemingly intelligent and knowledgable people can't see through the sham that is right wing politics today. As a leftist (My guess is that I am the most leftist of anyone on this board), I think I am more concerned with the real issues of freedom, liberty, and democracy than all your Limbaughs, Hannitys, Coulters and the rest of them put together.
Subject: Re: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: GWBush2004 on 12/13/05 at 4:53 pm
Stop the killing: ban murder!
Subject: Re: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: IanWinn on 12/13/05 at 5:12 pm
Indeed, you are so right, Don Carlos. Limbo and Vanity used to be voices in the wilderness, calling for reason. Then they sold their souls for fame and fortune and national airwaves.
Government needs to be in the business of protecting EVERYONE'S rights, not just those of the rich. Sadly, the industrialists took power back in the 1850's, and they've had nearly everyone in their pocket since then...or in some cases, they've put themselves BETWEEN THE BACK POCKETS!
As for taking out a tank, you can use napalm in a Molotov cocktail (60 of them should do it), or a thermite charge (creates a mass of molten metal that destroys other metal parts; put a couple of them on the shoes of each tank tread!); OR, you can take it out indirectly (take out the supply line of gas/food/tools/parts, take out the mechanics or even the tankers themselves! As the venerable Kurt Saxon said, "They gotta come out to pee SOMETIME!").
Don Carlos, the best skill that one can develop today is hunting. When the JBT's and/or foreign troops come over here, that skill will be invaluable. You can track a squad, find a straggler, take him out, get his equipment, and move on to the next one. If you have friends, perhaps you could take out a whole squad, and you could get even more goodies. You might win, and you might lose, but either way, you'll make it costly for them.
Subject: Re: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: Skippy on 12/13/05 at 5:49 pm
I feel that anyone whom is and has been a law abiding person should have this right; all being subject to background checks and all guns owned by permit.
What about areas which still have "Frontier Law", where carrying a handgun is allowed without a permit? I lived in one of these areas and the murder rate by guns was almost non-existent. Apparently a bunch of people packing a Colt in their holster is a strong deterent too.
Subject: Re: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: Mushroom on 12/13/05 at 5:51 pm
What about areas which still have "Frontier Law", where carrying a handgun is allowed without a permit? I lived in one of these areas and the murder rate by guns was almost non-existent. Apparently a bunch of people packing a Colt in their holster is a strong deterent too.
Did you know that in most areas of the country, you can carry a firearm?
Subject: Re: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: GWBush2004 on 12/13/05 at 7:36 pm
Did you know that in most areas of the country, you can carry a firearm?
Subject: Re: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/13/05 at 9:25 pm
Subject: Re: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: GWBush2004 on 12/13/05 at 10:28 pm
I think people who use guns in the commission of crimes should be prosecuted to the maximum the law allows.
Subject: Re: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/14/05 at 12:08 am
So what is the solution?
Subject: Re: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/14/05 at 4:08 pm
Indeed, you are so right, Don Carlos. Limbo and Vanity used to be voices in the wilderness, calling for reason. Then they sold their souls for fame and fortune and national airwaves.
Government needs to be in the business of protecting EVERYONE'S rights, not just those of the rich. Sadly, the industrialists took power back in the 1850's, and they've had nearly everyone in their pocket since then...or in some cases, they've put themselves BETWEEN THE BACK POCKETS!
As for taking out a tank, you can use napalm in a Molotov cocktail (60 of them should do it), or a thermite charge (creates a mass of molten metal that destroys other metal parts; put a couple of them on the shoes of each tank tread!); OR, you can take it out indirectly (take out the supply line of gas/food/tools/parts, take out the mechanics or even the tankers themselves! As the venerable Kurt Saxon said, "They gotta come out to pee SOMETIME!").
Don Carlos, the best skill that one can develop today is hunting. When the JBT's and/or foreign troops come over here, that skill will be invaluable. You can track a squad, find a straggler, take him out, get his equipment, and move on to the next one. If you have friends, perhaps you could take out a whole squad, and you could get even more goodies. You might win, and you might lose, but either way, you'll make it costly for them.
Yes, but I find it strange that you agree with the liberal/leftists on the board in analyzing the problem, advocate a cooperative response to tyrrany, but continue to support the very people who are so willing to diusregard our rights and needs - and I'm not talking about the gas bags on the right wing media but the neocons in office. Granted, they talk a good line, but misdirect the focus. For the most part, gov't doesn't invade our personal space. The only cameras in my bed room are the ones Cat and I agree to put there (none :\'( ). I would also suggest that state sanctioned gay relationships have no impact on my life, nor your or anmyone elses, so why should we care?
Ok, 60 molitove cocktails could take out a tank, but that guldarn 50cc mounted on the turret could take out how many pitchers? As we are seeing in Iraq, and as we saw in Vietnam, and during WWII in Europe ... there are lots of examples ... guerrilla warfare can be effective, but I can only think of one case where it actually defeated a regular army, and my guess is you would not like the example. In 1959, a band of ragged guerrilla revolutionaries in Cuba got rid of Batista.
Have you ever seen the movie Patton with George C Scott? Remember his opening speech? He said something like "The idea isn't to die for your country but to make the other poor ba3tard die for his". But frankly, that's not a subject I would want to entertain, since what you're talking about is taking out sons and daughters of our fellow citizens. There must be, there is a better way.
Subject: Re: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: IanWinn on 12/14/05 at 6:21 pm
Don Carlos -
I don't see where you say that I am supporting the neocons. I have never advocated government intrusion into ANYONE'S life, so long as they do not initiate the use of force or fraud against anyone. Help me out, please.
Re: taking out a tank, I have stated that the best way is to take it out indirectly (ie, you take out the fuel trucks, the trucks carrying tools and replacement parts, and the people who operate the tank and/or work to repair it). You only attack a tank directly when it is at rest and away from any support troops.
Sun Tzu said it best in The Art of War: Do what the enemy does NOT expect you to do.
As for taking out the sons and daughters of our fellow citizens, that may happen, but then again, with the advent of foreign troops coming onto our soil (remember the Mexican troops that rode into Texas in the wake of hurricane Rita? That's just the tip of the iceberg), that may not be a problem. Also, do you remember the questionnaire that was given at 29 Palms, the one that asked the question, "Would you fire upon American citizens who refused to surrender their firearms"? That question was asked of everyone in the military, and the response was about 75% NO and 25%YES. The ones who responded NO are the ones that are being sent overseas to be exposed to diseases, mercury-filled vaccines, and Depleted Uranium. The ones who responded YES are still here, and our great and glorious leaders are awaiting the right time to turn them loose upon us, possibly at the head of foreign troops who have no compunctions either about shooting us.
Finally, re: "gay marriage", there was a time when the state had absolutely no say in whatever relationships were happening. Churches married people, but that was because they were part of that church. Those who were not part of a church had what is called a "common-law" marriage. The man and woman presented themselves as a couple, and that was that. It really wasn't anyone's business if a man and woman were married in a church, unless the couple wanted to make it a church wedding. Homosexuals had their "partnerships", but they were never so brazen to say that they were married to each other, at least outside their relationship.
Finally, let it be known that I really don't care with whom anyone shares their bed, so long as their partner is a consenting adult human being. 'nuff said about that.
Subject: Re: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/15/05 at 2:42 pm
First, I must appologize. It was Iggy who voiced support for that list of right wing politicos and the gas bags. I should have checked back, but I am a bit lazy.
For the rest, I just think there are better ways of changing things right now, political ways. Instant runoff voting, for example, could be an important first step to opening the political process. Campaign finance reform would be another, as would proportional representation instead of winner take all. My main point, though, has little to do with gay marriage etc, but with the notion that the government is "on our backs". Given the "Patriot Act" it has become much more intrusive, like with "National Security Letters", no warrent searches, and secret survailance. I oppose all of those police state tactics. But most people who espouse the "get the gov't off our backs" are the fat cats who would prefer not to pay taxes, comply with environmental protection, or respect the rights of working people to act collectively in their own interests. If smashing the state turns out to be the only way to get it back into the hands of regular folk, I'll be there, for what its worth, but there are other ways to try first.
Subject: Re: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: IanWinn on 12/15/05 at 4:05 pm
I would too, Don Carlos. I prefer a peaceful solution over a violent one. Sadly, though, with all the shenanigans by the government agents (Federal Marshalls shot a man for panicking on a plane, lied about their victim having a bomb, and now they want to put themselves on trains and ships to do exactly the same thing) are goading us into a violent reaction. I remember all too well the school bullies who would goad someone into a fight, and then run and tell school authorities that they got punched "for no reason at all." These creatures, these orcs, know what they are doing, and they do it for their own pleasure, as well as in service to their masters.
The time is coming for all of us. For some of us, it will happen sooner rather than later. Do as you think best.
Subject: Re: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: Mushroom on 12/15/05 at 5:55 pm
I would too, Don Carlos.
Subject: Re: Firearm Ownership and Laws
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/15/05 at 9:04 pm
There's one "L" in "marshal," unless you're using the proper name "Marshall."