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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/07/05 at 10:32 pm
Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Baby Jesus says: "You people are missing the whole point!
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: Gis on 12/08/05 at 2:25 am
Ahh but the irritating thing is when the politically correct brigade tell you you can't call you tree a 'christmas' tree or you must have 'winter celebrations' incase you offend ethnic minorities and none of them could give a stuff what you call it anyway !!
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: danootaandme on 12/08/05 at 7:17 am
When I was growing up we lived in a neighborhood that was about 50/50 jewish/christian so we grew up
saying Happy Holidays, not because we didn't want to offend, but because we wanted to make sure we
had it right. Personally, I am sick of having Christmas shoved down my throat and wish the whole thing
could be scaled back. All you strict constructionists should take a look back, Christmas wasn't declared a
federal holiday until 1870. I am also tired of Christians who whine "they are taking away our traditions" Oh
boo hoo, a good portion of the loudest see church once or twice a year, they have taken the Christ out of
their own christmas. You have a home, you have a church, you have the legal holiday, but for whatever
reason that is not enough.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: zotsfreak on 12/08/05 at 8:02 am
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: GWBush2004 on 12/08/05 at 8:13 am
It's not so much people who say "Merry Christmas" or "happy holidays" as it is the PC-crowd who insist on calling Christmas trees; "holiday trees." That is where I draw the line.
What's next? The "holiday candle holder" for Jews?
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: zotsfreak on 12/08/05 at 8:25 am
It's not so much people who say "Merry Christmas" or "happy holidays" as it is the PC-crowd who insist on calling Christmas trees; "holiday trees." That is where I draw the line.
What's next? The "holiday candle holder" for Jews?
Come On!! Don't you like the idea of baking and frosting "Winter Holiday Cut-Out Cookies" with your children? Or a "Spring Holiday Egg Hunt"?? "Spring Holiday Bunny"?!! "Spring Holiday Break" in Ft. Lauderdale?!! Well, I've gotta run, time to to put up my Winter Holiday Lights on the Holiday Tree in my front yard!!
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: wsmith4 on 12/08/05 at 8:43 am
this is such bullcrap. Don't let anyone take the holiday from you.
Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Christmas. I want to decorate my CHRISTMAS tree and make CHRISTMAS cookies and see CHRISTMAS lights everywhere!
People can go on saying "happy holidays" and stupid crap like that so no one is "offended". I don't care if they are! I'm thrilled it's CHRISTMAStime and I will say it f'ing proudly...
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: witchain on 12/08/05 at 8:44 am
What I don't get is why now? Political correctness has been around for quite a while, are they just running out of things to whine about? The hypocritical hollywood crowd goes home and celebrates christmas with their families just like everyone else. It's just another smokescreen to make them feel better about themselves.
Christ was taken out of christmas a long time ago. It's just a commercial money-spending event like so many other things in society. Minorities don't get their sympathy anyways, and the only people who give a rat's ass about christmas are the ones who want to know what satan put under the holiday tree for them.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: GWBush2004 on 12/08/05 at 10:16 am
....the holiday tree for them.
The holiday tree huh? Can you name me one other holiday, besides Christmas, that involves a tree wrapped in colored lights with ornaments and a(n) star/angel at the top?
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: witchain on 12/08/05 at 11:52 am
I was being sarcastic, GW. ;)
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: ADH13 on 12/08/05 at 12:40 pm
When I was growing up we lived in a neighborhood that was about 50/50 jewish/christian so we grew up
saying Happy Holidays, not because we didn't want to offend, but because we wanted to make sure we
had it right.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: thenewwavechick on 12/08/05 at 12:47 pm
Does anyone realize the Christmas Tree, mistletoe, holly and other Christmas symblos are actually Pagan? Just thought I would bring that up.
I don't like how we have to call our Christmas Trees "Holiday Trees" and stuff like that. I'm agnostic but Christmas is Christmas and nothing can change that.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/08/05 at 1:43 pm
Does anyone realize the Christmas Tree, mistletoe, holly and other Christmas symblos are actually Pagan? Just thought I would bring that up.
Actually, it most of the "stuff" we think of as Christmas is based on the ancient celebration of the Winter Solstice (Dec. 21st) including the idea of a birth (the Goddess giving birth to the God).
There are many holidays in Dec.-Christmas, the Solstice, Hannikah, Boxing Day, Kawanzza, New Year's Eve and sometimes Romadan. To me, saying "Happy Holidays" means you are wishing them happiness for whatever holiday(s) they choose to celebrate But, I will say "Happy Solstice" on Dec. 21st or "Merry Christmas" on Dec. 25, etc.
Personally, I think this entire argument is totally ridiculous when there are many more important issues we can be arguing about. ;)
I need to drag out the Solstice decorations so we can be ready to put up our Hannikah Bush. ;) ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: danootaandme on 12/08/05 at 4:35 pm
Well, this is an obviously uneducated rant. The founders of this country did not celebrate Christmas. Hell, Washington mustered his men out and had them row him across the Potomac, (I believe it was snowing). Not even a cessation of fighting then. The first states to celebrate Christmas were Alabama and Louisiana( "Dear, I think we will have to sell a couple of the slave babies to pay
for the festivities, sell three, and get yourself something special this year")
The founders also were careful to write in freedom of religion( which has helped to evolve
into freedom from religion) It is another way of protecting the minority from the "tyranny of the majority"
I find people who say 4) ALL PEOPLE IN THIS GREAT LAND ARE FREE, AND HAVE THE CHOICE TO STAY IN AMERICA OR LEAVE!! are also the ones who are quick to say "go back where you came from" even to those of us who were here way before your ancestors showed. So spare us the screed.
I celebrate Christmas, but when out and about I say Happy Holidays if I am speaking to someone I don't know. It is not PC, it is good manners, and not self-centered, as is the idea that everyone is celebrating the way I am. I have a Christmas tree in my home, but don't care if it is called a holiday tree in the city center. The part I am tired about is the decorations up the day after Halloween, the interminable Christmas music being piped in everywhere, and the people who complain about the people who are stealing Christmas away. Like I said, you have your home and church for Christmas, is it such a big
deal to have holidays, outside. What have you got against "holy days" any way, to much of a reminder of what Christmas is supposed to be as opposed to what it is?
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: Mistress Leola on 12/08/05 at 7:06 pm
I celebrate Christmas, but when out and about I say Happy Holidays if I am speaking to someone I don't know.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: Skippy on 12/09/05 at 2:05 am
Um, our local LeSea broadcasting station, a Christian station, in their holiday greetings say "Happy Holidays", no mention of Christmas at all. ;)
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: ktelqueen on 12/09/05 at 2:09 am
Merry Christmas :)
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: whistledog on 12/09/05 at 2:19 am
Bah Humbug ;D
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: IanWinn on 12/09/05 at 3:13 am
I don't care what holiday people celebrate at this time of the year. My wife and I celebrate Christmas, and I will wish people around me, "Merry Christmas", unless I see a Star of David or a yarmulke, and then I say, "Happy Hannukah". If I see someone dressed in a way I don't recognize as either, I will say, "Happy Holidays".
I have inadvertantly said, "Merry Christmas" to someone, who politely replied, "Happy Hannukah", and a look of shock and a sheepish grin, and they know that I meant no harm or disrespect, and none was ever taken.
Point is, most decent and lawful people, whatever their religious or spiritual persuasion, will not be offended by someone who wishes them happiness.
So, whether you celebrate Christmas or Hannukah or the Festival of Lights or whatever, I hope you enjoy your holiday and have it in peace and love for all, and malice toward none.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: danootaandme on 12/09/05 at 6:22 am
Um, our local LeSea broadcasting station, a Christian station, in their holiday greetings say "Happy Holidays", no mention of Christmas at all. ;)
The word holiday is a lazy way of saying holy day, so, unless you don't think Christmas is a holy day, I don't see why anyone would have a problem with it.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: McDonald on 12/09/05 at 11:27 am
What the hell? Saying "Happy Holidays" is just a courtesy for strangers to whom you want to wish a good winter holiday, whichever theirs may be. I am used to living in VERY diverse areas where you have no idea if somemone is a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Pagan, Atheist etc... and to holler a defiant "MERRY CHRISTMAS" at each one of them, indiscriminately, is just rude and tactless.
Also, it's not like every Jew walks around with either a Star of David OR a Yamuhlke on... in fact, most of those I have known personally (and that is a lot, considering I worked for the Sarasota Jewish Housing Council for over two years), do not wear either, especially the youth. So to assume anyone not overtly expressing their difference in religious faith or lack thereof is a de facto Christian is insane and stupid.
This defiant Merry Christmas "movement" is actually something that the Right-wing pundits are encouraging. I have heard it on many a radio show. And why?! It ought not be an issue in such awfult times with other more important things to address.... The reason is to get armchair patriots riled up and to encourage hate against progressive thinking.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: danootaandme on 12/09/05 at 1:30 pm
What the hell? Saying "Happy Holidays" is just a courtesy for strangers to whom you want to wish a good winter holiday, whichever theirs may be. I am used to living in VERY diverse areas where you have no idea if somemone is a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Pagan, Atheist etc... and to holler a defiant "MERRY CHRISTMAS" at each one of them, indiscriminately, is just rude and tactless.
Also, it's not like every Jew walks around with either a Star of David OR a Yamuhlke on... in fact, most of those I have known personally (and that is a lot, considering I worked for the Sarasota Jewish Housing Council for over two years), do not wear either, especially the youth. So to assume anyone not overtly expressing their difference in religious faith or lack thereof is a de facto Christian is insane and stupid.
This defiant Merry Christmas "movement" is actually something that the Right-wing pundits are encouraging. I have heard it on many a radio show. And why?! It ought not be an issue in such awfult times with other more important things to address.... The reason is to get armchair patriots riled up and to encourage hate against progressive thinking.
;D You do have a way of telling it like it is McD
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: ADH13 on 12/09/05 at 1:42 pm
What the hell? Saying "Happy Holidays" is just a courtesy for strangers to whom you want to wish a good winter holiday, whichever theirs may be. I am used to living in VERY diverse areas where you have no idea if somemone is a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Pagan, Atheist etc... and to holler a defiant "MERRY CHRISTMAS" at each one of them, indiscriminately, is just rude and tactless.
Also, it's not like every Jew walks around with either a Star of David OR a Yamuhlke on... in fact, most of those I have known personally (and that is a lot, considering I worked for the Sarasota Jewish Housing Council for over two years), do not wear either, especially the youth. So to assume anyone not overtly expressing their difference in religious faith or lack thereof is a de facto Christian is insane and stupid.
This defiant Merry Christmas "movement" is actually something that the Right-wing pundits are encouraging. I have heard it on many a radio show. And why?! It ought not be an issue in such awfult times with other more important things to address.... The reason is to get armchair patriots riled up and to encourage hate against progressive thinking.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/09/05 at 2:13 pm
The problem which a lot of people don't realize is that Hannikah is a very minor holiday in the Jewish faith. People seem to be turning it into the "Jewish Christmas". I'm not saying it is wrong, I'm just pointing out the fact.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: McDonald on 12/09/05 at 2:48 pm
How can you say it's rude to wish someone a Merry Christmas?? ???
I don't think its rude if someone wishes me a Happy Hannukah, even though I'm not Jewish.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/09/05 at 4:27 pm
You're either missing or ignoring the point I tried to make with this post. Simply wishing someone a Merry Christmas is harmless and a nice-gesture. However, doing it indiscriminately and irrespectively of someone's personal reliious beliefs as an act of social and political defiance toward multi-culturalism, is rude and perhaps even offensive if such an intent is made known or obvious. This is the sort of attitude I have a problem with, not someone who just innocently wants to wish someone a Merry Christmas. I am not a Christian, but I both accept and dole out copious Merry Christmases to those I know to be in the mainstream holiday culture (i.e. those who celebrate Christmas). But to perfect strangers, I always say Happy Holidays because that shows that I respect their choice of winter celebration whether it should be Christmas or something else. It's a small courtesy. If I know someone celebrates Hannukah, I will wish them a Happy Hannukah, etc... But as a waiter who is serving guests who are perfect strangers, I will not presume someone is a Christian and wish them a Merry Christmas. I will say "have a happy holiday." It depends on the situation. In a small homogenous town where everybody knows everybody, a Merry Christmas would be perfectly acceptable in most cases. In the middle of New York City as a Bloomingdale's Sales Associate, it would not be acceptable.
The right-wing pundits who are screaming about how our culture is Christian, and therefore Merry Christmas should be the greeting for everybody because otherwise Christmas will disappear etc... It is their intention to foster hate toward leftists and the progressive tendencies of multi-culturalism and inclusivity. They're modern-day Nazis... more sophisticated, with better disguises.
I wouldn't call it "defiance" for that plays into the right-wing delusion they're being victimized.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: danootaandme on 12/09/05 at 5:04 pm
How can you say it's rude to wish someone a Merry Christmas?? ???
I don't think its rude if someone wishes me a Happy Hannukah, even though I'm not Jewish. I don't think it's rude if someone wishes me a Happy Chinese New Year even if I'm not Chinese. What's wrong with simply appreciating people's good wishes, regardless of their wordage??
You say you are used to living in very diverse areas. So am I, but it had the opposite effect on me. Where I grew up was alot of Christians and alot of Jewish. Jewish kids took part in the Christmas Choir. Christian kids got Rosh Hashana as a holiday. Jewish families gave us Christmas presents. We would go to our Jewish friends' houses and eat kosher food with matzo crackers, and they gave us Happy Hannukah cards. We gave them Christmas cards. It wasn't a big deal for anyone. I guess back then it was more about enjoying the holidays than it was about political correctness.
There is a marked difference in the way a person treats familiars as opposed to how they treat strangers.
I grew up in the same way, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Lent, Ramadan, Easter, Greek Easter, Feast of the Seven Fishes, all of it. As a result I have a respect for other customs. Which is why I say Happy Holidays to people I do not know, It shows my respect for them and their customs by not assuming that they follow mine.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: Dagwood on 12/09/05 at 10:39 pm
Personally, I think this entire argument is totally ridiculous when there are many more important issues we can be arguing about.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/10/05 at 1:27 pm
Well said.
I celebrate Christmas. I know that Jesus probably wasn't born this time of year, but it is they day I celebrate His birth. I prefer Merry Christmas, but that is just me. If someone wants to say Happy Holidays so be it. Heck, Bah Humbug works too. I figure to each his or her own. Nobody can take Christmas away from you, only you can. Just because someone doesn't think you should celebrate it doesn't mean you need to stop. I think people need to just get a grip.
Bah Humbug to you, too. ;) ;D ;D ;D
You are right. I think everyone should celebrate or not celebrate in his/her own way. Just as long as they infringe on other people's rights-i.e. playing Christmas music 24/7 so loud that people in China can hear it.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/10/05 at 4:04 pm
Bah Humbug to you, too. ;) ;D ;D ;D
You are right. I think everyone should celebrate or not celebrate in his/her own way. Just as long as they infringe on other people's rights-i.e. playing Christmas music 24/7 so loud that people in China can hear it.
Knowing my wonderful wife, I'm sure she ment "Just as long as they DON"T infringe on other people's rights.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannuka, Joyous Kwansa, and Rejuvinating Solstice to all (and joy and good wishes to those who celebrate other milestones). Tis the season to be merry. I wish you all Peace, joy, and love. Let the renewal of life begin.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: thenewwavechick on 12/10/05 at 5:27 pm
Happy Festivous!!!!!! ;D Had to get the Seinfeld reference in.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/10/05 at 10:06 pm
Happy Festivous!!!!!!
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/11/05 at 3:06 pm
Merry Chrishanakwanzmas. ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/11/05 at 5:03 pm
Merry Christmas to you ALL. People who want a more tolerant society should just Let it be. For Christians, the more important day of the year is Easter. So what's next, ban the easter bunny because it is a sneaky way of getting people to celebrate the biblical Resurrection of Jesus.
A line from one of my favorite comedies sums it up best for me. "follow your heart, that's what I do".
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: whistledog on 12/11/05 at 5:06 pm
I was just waiting for somebody to mention "Festivus," a festival for the rest of us!
We've got our Festivus poll, now we wrestle to the death!
The Feats of Strength :D
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/12/05 at 12:12 am
I hope they don't remake my favorite Christmas show. "A Charlie Brown Holiday" just doesn't sing I love that poor little scrawny Christmas tree.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: alyceclover on 12/12/05 at 12:36 am
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: ChuckyG on 12/13/05 at 9:52 am
As several people pointed out, it's just something the Republican pundits are getting worked up about. All the scandals are within their own party, so they can't rant and rave about those, they need a distraction.
The liberal blogs are having fun spotting the number of times "holiday" appears instead of Christmas on O'Reilly's website, or the Fox News website (they found one page with 11 instances alone). It's always nice to see them rush to correct it, so they appear to practice what they preach.
Only the Republicans could make the holiday season a huge political issue. It's bad enough I have to hear the same tired, boring Christmas music for over a month every year, now they have to make it a news item too.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/13/05 at 1:38 pm
All I have to say is....
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: cs on 12/13/05 at 4:00 pm
I am Jewish. I was raised by Christian parents who attended church but were certainly not what I'd call religious. I attended a Catholic elementary school for 2 years. I grew up in a Catholic neighborhood. I converted to Judaism after many years of personal reflection, research and my beliefs.
I am not offended by someone saying Merry Christmas. I could care less. To me, it has no meaning, it's like someone saying "Happy shopping", since that is what this holiday has come to be - a shopping extravaganza.
Before I get slammed, let me say I do believe that a man named Jesus existed. I just do not believe the story of the immaculate conception or the resurrection. I do not believe this man had healing powers, could feed a mass of people with a few fish or part a sea. It does not affect me one way or the other if this is something you believe in. Thankfully, we are all able to believe in whatever or whomever we wish and are free to change our minds at any time.
I think that it's absurd to call the trees anything but Christmas Trees. After all, that's what they are. There is no such thing as a Kwanzaa Tree or Hanukkah Tree. Retailers are just trying to maximize their earnings by trying to include every religion in the Christmas frenzy - as ignorant as that is.
Hanukkah isn't even a big "holiday" for Jews. Yes, it symbolizes an important event, but it's not a commercially driven event - none of the Jewish holidays are.
I've rambled long enough.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: thenewwavechick on 12/13/05 at 5:44 pm
This whole PC crap has ruined the holiday season for me this year. I'm agnositc, but I still celebrate Christmas. To me, the big thing about Christmas is the memories I have with family and friends who I love, it's not just giving gifts. This year I have started volunteering at a local agency who helps new immigrants get aclamated to the US, and it's great to see the smiles on their faces when they see the holiday decorations. We are celebrating a Holiday party soon, because we have some clients who are Jewish and some who Muslim and some who are Christian. We're going to celebrate Channuka (sp), Christmas and the other holidays that come around this time of year. To me it's nice to learn more about the different religions. I'm 1/4 Jewish on my Mom's side, so it's especially interesting to learn more about Channuka.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/13/05 at 7:42 pm
I am Jewish. I was raised by Christian parents who attended church but were certainly not what I'd call religious. I attended a Catholic elementary school for 2 years. I grew up in a Catholic neighborhood. I converted to Judaism after many years of personal reflection, research and my beliefs.
I am not offended by someone saying Merry Christmas. I could care less. To me, it has no meaning, it's like someone saying "Happy shopping", since that is what this holiday has come to be - a shopping extravaganza.
Before I get slammed, let me say I do believe that a man named Jesus existed. I just do not believe the story of the immaculate conception or the resurrection. I do not believe this man had healing powers, could feed a mass of people with a few fish or part a sea. It does not affect me one way or the other if this is something you believe in. Thankfully, we are all able to believe in whatever or whomever we wish and are free to change our minds at any time.
I think that it's absurd to call the trees anything but Christmas Trees. After all, that's what they are. There is no such thing as a Kwanzaa Tree or Hanukkah Tree. Retailers are just trying to maximize their earnings by trying to include every religion in the Christmas frenzy - as ignorant as that is.
Hanukkah isn't even a big "holiday" for Jews. Yes, it symbolizes an important event, but it's not a commercially driven event - none of the Jewish holidays are.
I've rambled long enough.
I, too was brought up in a half Jewish household (my father is Jewish) so we celebrated just about everything. ;D Unfortunetly, my parents split when I was 8 and my mother didn't teach us much about the Jewish faith so the most we did was light the candles on Hannikah and once in a great while, we would have a sader dinner for Passover. I do light the candles on Hannikah-not because I am a practicing Jew, but to honor my heritiage.
And I too believe that Jesus did exist but not in terms as the Massiah.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 12/13/05 at 9:00 pm
I call it Christmas. Not for religious reasons (I'm the closest to an agnostic in all my family) but because that's what I celebrate. I really don't see why this whole thing should be an issue. Shouldn't the reason for the season be to "have fun" not "argue over what to call it"? It seems this whole idea of "not offending" everyone is getting way out of hand and is turning into stupidity and making the "Holiday Season" less enjoyable.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/14/05 at 1:46 pm
Welcome back, MooRocca. Long time no see.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/14/05 at 4:34 pm
Merry Christmas,, Happy holidays everyone. Peace, love, and joy to you all - or sex, drugs, and rock & roll, as you chose.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: ChuckyG on 12/15/05 at 2:58 pm
A few thoughts occur to me as I read this thread, listen to the news and try very hard not to overhear all the back-and-forth on this in public.
1. Those of you who are upset that you HAVE to call a Christmas tree a holiday tree... you don't HAVE to and you know that. There's no law against and no penalty for calling it whatever you want to call it. What you don't like is that other people are exercising their right to call it whatever they want (regardless of the reasons behind their choice) and that they didn't choose to call it what you call it. I'm calling miine "Fred," this year. ...and I really need to carve out some free time to decorate Fred before I run out of holiday season to do it in.
Except we're not hearing from people upset they have to call it a Holiday Tree. We're hearing from the crowd who dislike it when people DON'T call it a Christmas tree. So you're just going to upset the people doing all the complaining this year when you call it Fred instead of a Christmas tree. These are the same people who like to ignore the fact that Christmas was once illegal in the USA, and that the bible actually states opposition to the practice of people cutting a tree down to place it in their home.
It's the usual intolerant folks whose voices get to be heard on the evening news causing the fuss. People who would be ignored if the press really was "liberal", but instead get air time because it makes for "good TV" and they have to show both sides of the argument, THEY CREATED.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/15/05 at 9:40 pm
Except we're not hearing from people upset they have to call it a Holiday Tree.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 12/15/05 at 10:32 pm
I don't understand people who get offended over a simple greeting, if you REALLY want to get traditional about what the greeting you use is, then:
Happy Saturnalia!! :D
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/15/05 at 11:47 pm
I don't understand people who get offended over a simple greeting, if you REALLY want to get traditional about what the greeting you use is, then:
Happy Saturnalia!!
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: 80s gail on 12/19/05 at 10:56 am
I always wish people Merry xmas! The pc brigade are strangling Britain too, Don't give a stuff who I offend, and the twist is wish an asian Merry xmas and they don't care, hell, most asians over here, celebrate christmas with us, cook a turkey and have a tree etc. I, likewise, have no problem with anyone celebrating diwali or other festivals, it should be live and let live. So may I wish all people around the world, whatever their colour or religion, it really doesn't matter to me what colour or religion a person is,so MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ONE AND ALL!
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: darktower on 12/19/05 at 11:13 am
"It would be entirely unseemly and inappropriate for me to attempt to dictate to you in any way my own personal views or convictions regarding such an intimate and personal concern as your own emotional or affective state with regard to any particular day or series of days which you may or may not choose to observe as distinctive, special, or "sacred", either as an autonomous individual or as a self-determined part of a collective community, whether faith-based or not!" --suggested Midwinter Greeting (no...wait...that's Northern-hemispheric in orientation). --suggested Late-December Greeting (oops..Georgian-calendric...hm...).
Suggested Greeting for Any Time: I'm sorry I've offended you by being me.
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: danootaandme on 12/20/05 at 7:18 pm
I was listenting to a short slurp on the news today, and they had a bit about the etiquette of tipping
for Christmas, and etiquette dictates that Christmas tips are
to be given by all. Now that is troubling to me. So I called a friend who is Jewish and asked her about
receiving tips at Christmas and she said that she has received some, but people who know that she
is Jewish do not tip her because they know she doesn't observe Christmas, and she
never expects a Hanukkah tip because that is not what Hanukkah is all about. So here we are
with a Christmas Holiday, Christians and non Christians are obligated to give Christmas tips
to Christian workers, but Christians are afraid that Christmas is being taken away. Methinks
thou dost protest too much!
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: ADH13 on 12/21/05 at 1:30 am
Just to clear up something about the spelling... not to correct, but because I've seen quite a few (sp?)'s following the word...
There are, for some reason unknown to me, two correct spellings.
Hanukkah and Chanukah
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: danootaandme on 12/21/05 at 8:27 am
Just to clear up something about the spelling... not to correct, but because I've seen quite a few (sp?)'s following the word...
There are, for some reason unknown to me, two correct spellings.
Hanukkah and Chanukah
Hanukkah is spelled a few different ways. I think because of regional ways of pronouncing it, The
word in Hebrew is pronounced with a guttural sound, which is where you get the "Ch" at the beginning,
whereas some forego the guttural and us the soft "H". There isn't a hard and fast rule on the pronunciation or spelling. The thing that is that important is to know that what the word means, Hanukkah means "dedication"
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/21/05 at 12:55 pm
In honor of today:
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 12/22/05 at 5:51 pm
^ Today is 4 seconds shorter than yesterday. :-\\
Not that you'd notice it!
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/22/05 at 8:56 pm
Oh, wait a sec, did you see the stop press?
"There will be no Christmas this year. Mary fell off the donkey."
Sorry, folks!
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: McDonald on 12/22/05 at 11:48 pm
In honor of today:
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: danootaandme on 12/23/05 at 5:11 am
Oh, wait a sec, did you see the stop press?
"There will be no Christmas this year. Mary fell off the donkey."
Sorry, folks!
I heard she is going on Jerry Springer to force a DNA test for the Dad
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/23/05 at 12:16 pm
Good Yule, Cat.
Thanks. This other Pagan I know asked me if I did anything for Yule. I told her, "Yeah, getting ready for Christmas". lol
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays
Written By: YWN on 12/31/05 at 10:30 pm
Ah, this trivial debate. Both sides who take this issue seriously are too involved with petty issues.
I'm sure that an Orthodox Jew isn't going to be horribly offended if someone says "Merry Christmas" in a country where the majority of people are Christians, and I also have my doubts that Jesus is having a fit that stores like Target are saying "Happy Holidays".