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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: McDonald on 11/21/05 at 11:06 am
It's getting to be that time again... AND I'M ALREADY SICK OF IT!!!!! >:(
The Xmas commercials and adverts have already started, and with each passing plug, I grow more agitated. Christmas really has been bought out by the market, and I know someone says that every year, but I still don't think it is said enough. Instead of celebrating togetherness, family, the season of winter, or (I haven't forgotten) the birth of Christ, Xmas is now a celebration of materialism in its worst form.
I know I am not the only one who feels this way, and this is not a partisan concern. Right, Left or in between, you have to admit it's gotten out of conrtol.
So rather than spend the next two months bitching like I normally do, I think that this year I am finally going to DO something about it. First of which is to warn family and close friends that I'll not accept any useless gifts this year, so they can save their money. If someone wants to get me something for Christmas, I'd rather it be something simple and useful (like shaving cream, or a pair of good socks) than something I never needed in the first place (like a stupid iPod - and that one goes out to the kid on the "Anyone got any money" thread). Likewise, I'm only giving gifts of the same nature. Simple, like a book, a CD, a fruit basket. Giving gifts at Christmas is not about breaking the bank, it's about showing someone else you care.
Also, I am going to use the free time I will have this season as an opportunity to go out of my way in order to help other people. I am going to volunteer at a soup kitchen or something, and I am going to try to hook some of my friends into doing the same thing.
Between dec. 15 and jan. 5, I'll be on vacation from both school and work, and back in Sarasota, FL visiting my family. Without the hassle of school and work, I can do something to help, and to personally take part in the struggle against materialism. Perhaps some of you would like to join me this year (and maybe some of you already do this and it is I who will be joining you!) by doing the same thing and setting an example for your friends and family in your respective communities. Explain to your children what the holiday season is SUPPOSED to be about, and do something to fight its commercialisation... Invite a lonely friend or co-worker to Christmas/Hannukah/Kwaanza/Yule dinner, or to a New Year's party. Volunteer for a good cause. I don't know, you think of something.
I decided to make this a thread so that other people could do any number of things.
1. Join me in bitching about materialism.
2. Tell us about past anti-materialistic holiday activities you have done in the past.
3. Keep us updated on what you're doing this year in order to take back the holidays.
4. Tell me to shut the hell up.
5. Tell us why you agree with and enjoy the materialism of the modern holiday season.
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: Harmonica on 11/21/05 at 11:49 am
It's getting to be that time again... AND I'M ALREADY SICK OF IT!!!!! >:(
The Xmas commercials and adverts have already started, and with each passing plug, I grow more agitated. Christmas really has been bought out by the market, and I know someone says that every year, but I still don't think it is said enough. Instead of celebrating togetherness, family, the season of winter, or (I haven't forgotten) the birth of Christ, Xmas is now a celebration of materialism in its worst form.
I know I am not the only one who feels this way, and this is not a partisan concern. Right, Left or in between, you have to admit it's gotten out of conrtol.
So rather than spend the next two months bitching like I normally do, I think that this year I am finally going to DO something about it. First of which is to warn family and close friends that I'll not accept any useless gifts this year, so they can save their money. If someone wants to get me something for Christmas, I'd rather it be something simple and useful (like shaving cream, or a pair of good socks) than something I never needed in the first place (like a stupid iPod - and that one goes out to the kid on the "Anyone got any money" thread). Likewise, I'm only giving gifts of the same nature. Simple, like a book, a CD, a fruit basket. Giving gifts at Christmas is not about breaking the bank, it's about showing someone else you care.
Also, I am going to use the free time I will have this season as an opportunity to go out of my way in order to help other people. I am going to volunteer at a soup kitchen or something, and I am going to try to hook some of my friends into doing the same thing.
Between dec. 15 and jan. 5, I'll be on vacation from both school and work, and back in Sarasota, FL visiting my family. Without the hassle of school and work, I can do something to help, and to personally take part in the struggle against materialism. Perhaps some of you would like to join me this year (and maybe some of you already do this and it is I who will be joining you!) by doing the same thing and setting an example for your friends and family in your respective communities. Explain to your children what the holiday season is SUPPOSED to be about, and do something to fight its commercialisation... Invite a lonely friend or co-worker to Christmas/Hannukah/Kwaanza/Yule dinner, or to a New Year's party. Volunteer for a good cause. I don't know, you think of something.
I decided to make this a thread so that other people could do any number of things.
1. Join me in bitching about materialism.
2. Tell us about past anti-materialistic holiday activities you have done in the past.
3. Keep us updated on what you're doing this year in order to take back the holidays.
4. Tell me to shut the hell up.
5. Tell us why you agree with and enjoy the materialism of the modern holiday season.
Have I rubbed off on you? You a changed man or what?
1. Although I do buy gifts and I do recieve them I'm against the idea that the United States has made by making christmas a material holiday. I have my priorties straight with love, celebration of Christ Birth and caring about other people.
2. Always get a kid's list at Wal-Mart and buy him/her things they need/want but parents can't afford. Also took part in operation Christmas child for kids who go nuts over the 10 bucks I spent on them.
3. yeah
4. with pleasure, a lot of pleasure.
5. In all sense of reality I like giving things to people who appreciate them and know i do it out of love. I also like recieving things from people out of love and whether it's something that cost a crap load of money or someone just took a piece of paper to write me a letter, either way it's the love behind it that counts.
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: Ophrah on 11/21/05 at 12:24 pm
I don't buy Christmas gifts anymore except for my aunt, grandma and mother. I got tired of all the running around and stressing out trying to find the right gift for everyone. But I don't have a problem with people buying gifts, the only things I think are a shame are:
People spending money they can't really afford. :-[
People buying gifts because they think they "have" to. :-\\
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/21/05 at 12:47 pm
Bah Humbug!
Carlos and I stop exchanging gifts many years ago. But we will buy a joint gift for the house- (DVD player, dish, etc.-this year may be a new bathtub). I hate giving/getting gifts just for the sake of giving/getting gifts. If I give a gift, it is because I know that person truly wants/needs it. I used to do a lot of volunteer work-a few years ago, I put together over 100 holiday baskets for families in need (as in ordering the food and orginizing voluteers to but them together). I don't do it any more because of personal reasons but I still feel a bit guilty about not being out there helping our neighbors. But, now I give $$$ to different charities-instead of giving my time.
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: Rice_Cube on 11/21/05 at 12:54 pm
Jessica and I are sending a care package to combat troops tomorrow. It's a cool program she heard about from a customer where an organization sponsors gifts to our troops, and they;ll be getting stuff like toiletries and playing cards from us.
I keep sarcastically referring to the fact that it is not December yet. I hate the fact that they are starting to play Xmas tunes BEFORE Thanksgiving.
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: danootaandme on 11/21/05 at 1:02 pm
I get gifts for the family and try very hard to get something they like, and have fun doing it. Other than that
they can take all these Christmas Carols they pipe in the store, and the Christmas packaging for everthing from toys to condoms and get rid pf it. It's so obnoxious, but people buy into it and try to outdo each
other, not with what they gave, but with how much they spent. I believe there should be a 2 week rule, the week before, and the week after, for all the decorations and cheer and baloney that goes with it.
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/21/05 at 4:44 pm
I still get gifts for my kids, but I ask them what they need. And of course gifts for the little grand kids, but none of the extravagant "gotta have it" stuff. Books, educational toys, stuff like that. And yes, I hate all the hyp.
By the way, there is no evidance that Jesus was born on what is now Dec. 25th. But that date is very close to the winter solstic, a holiday that pagans around the world celebrated (the Sweedish St. Lucia celebration comes closest to a pagan rite). So just as churches were built on pagan holy cites, the church tried to take over pagan holidays. Another example is Beltain (May Day) and Easter.
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/21/05 at 8:11 pm
Happy Isaac Newton's Birthday!
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: Harmonica on 11/21/05 at 9:27 pm
I still get gifts for my kids, but I ask them what they need.
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 11/21/05 at 11:42 pm
Every year, since I was young...I pick a name off of the tree at a department store..and buy a gift for an unfortunate child. I wish I could do more (financially)..but we are just not able to do that currently.
A few years ago...I volunteered with "Angel Tree", and what we did was wrap gifts that people donated and then deliver them to children of inmates...it was a very emotional experience.
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: karen on 11/22/05 at 5:15 am
I buy presents for the children in the family but not the adults. I got fedup of working out what to buy them, especially my sister in law who is really awkard but likes the presents.
My daughters school collects toys and chocolate selection boxes to give to a local charity which distributes them to needy families. I have also given small gifts to another charity which packs shoeboxes to be sent to orphanages in Romania.
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: McDonald on 11/22/05 at 10:05 am
Wow. I didn't expect such a response.
Harmonica, I'm not exactly a "changed man" from the point where you and I met up until now. Since I began to get a grip on what exactly it is you believed, I recognised this was something we had in common. Materialism has been bothering me for a while, I guess a couple of years now. My parents are huge materialists, and I was the same way for most of my life. It wasn't until I was about 18 that I realised that buying and accumulating things was not a legitimate path to happiness, which was the example my parents had always set for my sister and me. I'm now 20, and significantly more to the left-of-centre, and on my way in that direction I have been fortunate enough to read some books about this sort of thing. Materialism and ravenous consumerism are a huge problem in American society, and a growing problem in other developed countries. I think it's one of the biggest threats we face as a culture, because it grossly distorts people's sense of what matters, and how much is enough. Marketeers and advertisers market an image, a lifestyle that most people cannot comply with even though they want to. And so you have people going into debt to buy crap they don't need, girls (and guys) developing eating disorders or other compulsions because they want to look like the people on TV, and other problems as well, not the least of which is greed and a sense of entitlement.
For all the damage that this sort of marketing does during the 10 other months of the year, it goes into turbo-drive during November and December. Everyone wants the perfect, sterile, happy, Dickensian Christmas. The marketing for it is so effective, even non-Christians feel as though they must participate.
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: Skippy on 11/22/05 at 1:46 pm
My Christmas season officially started last night-saw the first "Clapper" commercial. ;D
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/23/05 at 11:59 am
My Christmas season officially started last night-saw the first "Clapper" commercial. ;D
What about Chia pets? A friend of mine and I always threaten each other with getting the other a Chia pet. ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: Skippy on 11/23/05 at 1:46 pm
What about Chia pets? A friend of mine and I always threaten each other with getting the other a Chia pet.
OooooOOOOOOooooo....totally forgot about ChaChaChaChia Pets.......I want the Scooby Chia ;D
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/23/05 at 5:21 pm
Wow. I didn't expect such a response.
Harmonica, I'm not exactly a "changed man" from the point where you and I met up until now. Since I began to get a grip on what exactly it is you believed, I recognised this was something we had in common. Materialism has been bothering me for a while, I guess a couple of years now. My parents are huge materialists, and I was the same way for most of my life. It wasn't until I was about 18 that I realised that buying and accumulating things was not a legitimate path to happiness, which was the example my parents had always set for my sister and me. I'm now 20, and significantly more to the left-of-centre, and on my way in that direction I have been fortunate enough to read some books about this sort of thing. Materialism and ravenous consumerism are a huge problem in American society, and a growing problem in other developed countries. I think it's one of the biggest threats we face as a culture, because it grossly distorts people's sense of what matters, and how much is enough. Marketeers and advertisers market an image, a lifestyle that most people cannot comply with even though they want to. And so you have people going into debt to buy crap they don't need, girls (and guys) developing eating disorders or other compulsions because they want to look like the people on TV, and other problems as well, not the least of which is greed and a sense of entitlement.
For all the damage that this sort of marketing does during the 10 other months of the year, it goes into turbo-drive during November and December. Everyone wants the perfect, sterile, happy, Dickensian Christmas. The marketing for it is so effective, even non-Christians feel as though they must participate.
Oh my, a lefty, a liberal and a devout Christian all agreeing? Does this signify the Second Coming? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
But seriously. Even though I don't consider myself a Christian, I do hold the message of Christmas as special. Who could argue with "Peace on Earth, Good Will to ALL people"?
It most certainly is a shame that this simple message has been perverted into buying X, Y, Z, or whatever boxes, SUV's wrapped in red ribbons, etc. but that's what keeps China growing. Harry Braverman observed that as unsustainable as the constant growth of materialism, and disregard for human needs is, that's what keeps capitalism alive. So go buy your distant cousin an General Motors car, truck, SUV, whatever, screw the starving masses around the world who can't consume worth a tinker's dam, and forget about all that soopy peace and good will crap. Christmas is about buying things you fools. Patriotism demands no less - or does it?
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: Harmonica on 12/02/05 at 11:36 am
Wow. I didn't expect such a response.
Harmonica, I'm not exactly a "changed man" from the point where you and I met up until now. Since I began to get a grip on what exactly it is you believed, I recognised this was something we had in common. Materialism has been bothering me for a while, I guess a couple of years now. My parents are huge materialists, and I was the same way for most of my life. It wasn't until I was about 18 that I realised that buying and accumulating things was not a legitimate path to happiness, which was the example my parents had always set for my sister and me. I'm now 20, and significantly more to the left-of-centre, and on my way in that direction I have been fortunate enough to read some books about this sort of thing. Materialism and ravenous consumerism are a huge problem in American society, and a growing problem in other developed countries. I think it's one of the biggest threats we face as a culture, because it grossly distorts people's sense of what matters, and how much is enough. Marketeers and advertisers market an image, a lifestyle that most people cannot comply with even though they want to. And so you have people going into debt to buy crap they don't need, girls (and guys) developing eating disorders or other compulsions because they want to look like the people on TV, and other problems as well, not the least of which is greed and a sense of entitlement.
For all the damage that this sort of marketing does during the 10 other months of the year, it goes into turbo-drive during November and December. Everyone wants the perfect, sterile, happy, Dickensian Christmas. The marketing for it is so effective, even non-Christians feel as though they must participate.
you got a good point here.
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: Jessica on 12/02/05 at 12:43 pm
I just had to come back and post on this.
For years now, I was more the material type of person during Christmas....until I started working at the hellhole Target. Good God, why do people spend so much money on cr*p that is going to break in a few days? Or stuff that will be destroyed by a child in a week? Or things that won't be popular in two days? I am APPALLED at what parents will buy for their children. "Mommy, I want this!" "Daddy, I want that!" And you know what? They get what they ask for, every. single. time. I'm disgusted and fed up with this whole holiday marketing scheme. You know when we started preparing for the holiday season? August. Yeah. Four months in advance.
Needless to say, I didn't spend a lot this year and I want NOTHING for this holiday, unless it is something I really need. Like money to pay bills or clothes (I haven't had new clothes in three years). Jason got the lion's share of stuff, but let me say that it is all puzzles or books or eating utensils (he thinks he can feed himself now).
A lot of people need to rethink what this holiday business is all about. Presents are nice, but being with your family and friends is even better.
And even if it kills me, Jason is not going to act like all these ungrateful bratty kids who think the world owes them just for being here.
My two cents. I'm out again for awhile.
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/02/05 at 1:00 pm
Our local paper prints letters to Santa by area kids. I get a kick out of reading them but unfortuately, it is also disturbing. "Dear Santa, I was laptop, a cell phone, an ipod, etc. etc." Some are funny like the one kid who asked for a check book. This year, however, there were a lot who asked for their "daddy to come home" because he is in Iraq. There were a few who actally asked for peace on earth.
We have told the kids that we don't want gifts for the sake of getting gifts. We will accept personal gifts-i.e. photos, or homemade crafts. But we don't want them going out and buying us a gift just to buy us a gift.
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: neebs25 on 12/02/05 at 9:17 pm
For me Christmas is all about family...sadly it's one of the few times each year that my two brothers, two sisters, and myself are all under one roof. I would also much rather receive a gift that is personal and from the heart than something stupid like a candle or bath set. I make sure that the gifts I buy are something that I know will be useful or special. This year I'm taking my mom to see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular with the Rocketts, because shes from the Bronx and has not seen a show since she left New York 30 years ago when she met my dad...I know she'll love it. :)
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/02/05 at 9:58 pm
I just had to come back and post on this.
For years now, I was more the material type of person during Christmas....until I started working at the hellhole Target. Good God, why do people spend so much money on cr*p that is going to break in a few days? Or stuff that will be destroyed by a child in a week? Or things that won't be popular in two days? I am APPALLED at what parents will buy for their children. "Mommy, I want this!" "Daddy, I want that!" And you know what? They get what they ask for, every. single. time. I'm disgusted and fed up with this whole holiday marketing scheme. You know when we started preparing for the holiday season? August. Yeah. Four months in advance.
Needless to say, I didn't spend a lot this year and I want NOTHING for this holiday, unless it is something I really need. Like money to pay bills or clothes (I haven't had new clothes in three years). Jason got the lion's share of stuff, but let me say that it is all puzzles or books or eating utensils (he thinks he can feed himself now).
A lot of people need to rethink what this holiday business is all about. Presents are nice, but being with your family and friends is even better.
And even if it kills me, Jason is not going to act like all these ungrateful bratty kids who think the world owes them just for being here.
My two cents. I'm out again for awhile.
Amen to that!! I totally agree...my eyes opened up totally whenever I worked retail several years back!
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: Dagwood on 12/02/05 at 10:11 pm
I'm sure Jason won't be like that Jess. I can't see you or Rice giving in to his every want and that is what usually creates those little buggers.
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/02/05 at 10:22 pm
Going to the xmas-decked supermarket and hearing "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" makes me wanna woof my cookies!
Bluauh! Bluauah! Get me a barf bag!
http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/wuerg/vomit-smiley-015.gif :)
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: McDonald on 12/06/05 at 12:52 pm
Tell me about it. I've had to listen to the Muzak "Contemporary Holiday" station at work three years running now. And yes, they play the same songs everyday. Just when I thought Nat King Cole was getting on my nerves, in comes a cheery bunch including Christina Aguilara, Britney Spears, NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, and a host of other sh*tty remakes by more nameless figures.
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/06/05 at 1:28 pm
"So here it is,
Merry Christmas,
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas Everybody!!!!
Written By: McDonald on 12/09/05 at 11:13 am
"So here it is,
Merry Christmas,