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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/13/05 at 1:35 am
>:( How dare the ignorant who are claiming Bush lied to start the war in Iraq.
The accusation doesn't hold up when you look at the atrocities involved...what?..he WANTED to send our soldiers in and be killed? He'd have to be pretty SICK to do something like that and if he was that kind of person, would he be in the office he is in?
Kennedy, Kerry, and Clinton sure had a lot to say Saddam should be disarmed(right up to the day before our attack), or face serious consequences!
Just keepin' it real for those who think like the guy I am mentioning below:
Radio talk host 'Bernie Ward' from KGO-AM San Francisco allegedly told a person whose son died in the war 'He deserved it!' ..This guy needs an asylum to do his show.
Carry on American! Bless our vets.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: IanWinn on 11/13/05 at 3:31 am
Dude, then where's the damned WMD's? :o Where's the chemical weapons, other than the ones that our troops are using on Iraqi's? :o
We have been lied to by this President and every other politician who supports this war. They say that there have been 2000 American casualties? That doesn't count soldiers who died on the way from the battlefield to the off-site hospitals. Make it more like 8000-10,000. The information is out there for anyone to find, you just have to dig a little.
If you really support our troops, then you need to call to have them brought home and put on our borders, northern and southern. I find it ironic that our troops are being used for Iraq's "security", but when it comes to our nation's borders, it's, "Come one, come all!"
Sorry to throw a few monkey wrenches into your patriotism machine, but you're patriotic for the wrong thing.
Think about it, dude.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/13/05 at 4:29 am
Well, actually, dude, wasn't trying to DEFEND George however, the comments were to make sure ALL were held to the fire from Clinton to Kerry..Tenet(?) who pressed the news to the senate et al was part of the Clinton machine as well and the list I created were ones who urged to stop Saddam..
how can you say Bush LIED when he used his judgement from info given? Wouldn't YOU move to action if told there was strong evidence the weapons were there and that was cause to stop it..okay maybe you say let's see more reason..so...remember Saddam VIOLATING sanctions? Wouldn't you THEN think he either is bluffing us but good or MUST have something to hide THAT CAN BE USED AGAINST US..What? Do we WAIT for him to attack us?
Yes many were kiled and injured uh...bringing freedom and justice to the area they occupied, yes they DIED giving citizens a right to vote, Yes, they died for freedom to the people there AND need to fight further SO THE IDIOTS DON'T COME HERE- The NUTS from that country THEY ARE DYING IN just bombed Jordan..dig them out and be PROUD of the fight!
They are fighting for US too!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/13/05 at 4:33 am
Well, actually, dude, wasn't trying to DEFEND George however, the comments were to make sure ALL were held to the fire from Clinton to Kerry..Tenet(?) who pressed the news to the senate et al was part of the Clinton machine as well and the list I created were ones who urged to stop Saddam..
how can you say Bush LIED when he used his judgement from info given? Wouldn't YOU move to action if told there was strong evidence the weapons were there and that was cause to stop it..okay maybe you say let's see more reason..so...remember Saddam VIOLATING sanctions? Wouldn't you THEN think he either is bluffing us but good or MUST have something to hide THAT CAN BE USED AGAINST US..What? Do we WAIT for him to attack us?
Yes many were kiled and injured uh...bringing freedom and justice to the area they occupied, yes they DIED giving citizens a right to vote, Yes, they died for freedom to the people there AND need to fight further SO THE IDIOTS DON'T COME HERE- The NUTS from that country THEY ARE DYING IN just bombed Jordan..dig them out and be PROUD of the fight!
They are fighting for US too!
テ窶堙つ テ窶堙つ テ窶堙つ
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/13/05 at 4:39 am
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/13/05 at 11:31 am
>:(テ窶堙つ テ窶堙つHow dare the ignorant who are claiming Bush lied to start the war in Iraq.
The accusation doesn't hold up when you look at the atrocities involved...what?..he WANTED to send our soldiers in and be killed? He'd have to be pretty SICK to do something like that and if he was that kind of person, would he be in the office he is in?
yeah, he'd have to be pretty sick. and apparently, he IS pretty sick. the 2000 soldiers aren't even what bothers me, so much as the 30,000+ iraqi civilians, women and kids disproportionately. the average age in iraq is fifteen. so slap that ribbon on your car, dude.
Kennedy, Kerry, and Clinton sure had a lot to say Saddam should be disarmed(right up to the day before our attack), or face serious consequences!
if you look at the other posts on this topic from me and maxwell and don carlos and other people who are opposed to this BS war (and it's not really a "war," that's more administration rhetoric -- it's a police action. a slow-burn occupation, what they call in the pentagon a "low-intensity conflict" -- and it'll keep roiling like this for decades if we let it....), you'll see we have no truck for the democratic spinelessness in caving in to this war. but you and i both know that once some president starts beating the war drums, everybody but the very few courageous ones gets on board and starts waving the flag for fear of losing votes. that's all the demos were doing, covering their butts. it reflects badly on the demos, yes, but in no way validates this ridiculous "war," conjures yellowcake or WMDs or chemical weapons drones from out of nowhere, or in any other way turns bush's lies into any kind of truth.
Just keepin' it real for those who think like the guy I am mentioning below:
Radio talk host 'Bernie Ward' from KGO-AM San Franciscoテ窶堙つ allegedly told a person whose son died in the war 'He deserved it!' ..This guy needs an asylum to do his show.
Carry on American! Bless our vets.
this sure does sound messed up. of course, it's totally out of context so i don't know what really happened, and anyway, radio talk show hosts tend to be a joke! is this some kinda shockjock? because if so, who cares? we need to start ignoring those clowns and maybe they'll go away.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/13/05 at 11:46 am
and grape was always my favorite flavor, by the way... ;)
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/13/05 at 3:22 pm
Thanks for this discussion..I'm not here to take sides for actions etc..just discussing left over points..as many are feeling bad about the 'reason for war' info that we are getting..they'll need to clean the place up..
Just as we could not tell someone to change their religion because it doesn't make sense and it is dealing with others from another society...in OUR country/society, the members counteract bad behavior when there isn't enough help from the local authorities...such as gunfire in our neighborhood?..Then we move to a better place, but in Iraq or wherever, they run for cover and when the BIG GUNS come through to clear it up, the innocents are part of the casualty.
How many of them are thanking US again for liberation? Ridding them of Saddam and dark aged living..and finally keeping the problems of attacks THERE instead of HERE ?
And peope are focusing on those who died instead of their achievements?
You know they are saying it's just a matter of when it gets here, when nukes go off and drive people away from their comforting styles as they know it...those million$ homes may not be worth it one day can you imagine?
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/13/05 at 6:01 pm
>:( How dare the ignorant who are claiming Bush lied to start the war in Iraq.
The accusation doesn't hold up when you look at the atrocities involved...what?..he WANTED to send our soldiers in and be killed? He'd have to be pretty SICK to do something like that and if he was that kind of person, would he be in the office he is in?
Kennedy, Kerry, and Clinton sure had a lot to say Saddam should be disarmed(right up to the day before our attack), or face serious consequences!
Just keepin' it real for those who think like the guy I am mentioning below:
Radio talk host 'Bernie Ward' from KGO-AM San Francisco allegedly told a person whose son died in the war 'He deserved it!' ..This guy needs an asylum to do his show.
Carry on American! Bless our vets.
Bush DID lie. Paul O'niel, his first treasury secretary, and others have stated that he, Cheney, Rummy (a fitting nickname) and the other neocons had decided on war in Iraq before 9/11, they exagurated (to be charitable) the WMD intelligence and apparantly pressured the CIA to emphasize it, they ignored the CIA sponsored report of Joe Wilson (Valerie Plame's husband) re the "yellow cake" and outed her to "get" him for going public, they constantly tried to like Saddam with 9/11 even though their own intelligance said "no connection" to that or Al Quida in general.
Whether Bush was at the center of this fiasco or not is certainly an open question (I'm not sure he's smart enough. Uncle Dicky always speaks the truth, right?), but what we are now dealing with is a neocon wet dream of world domination through control of Iraqi oil, which they believed would emerge from a compliant Iraqi state that we could to undercut OPEC. The neocons even wrote about this before Lil' Georgie got "elected".
Given the results of our military's search for WMDs (I'm surprised we didn't plant some, sort of - but that kind of conspiracy would quickly unraval - JHC, you just can't trust anybody to keep a secrit, damn), Clinton's willingness to rely on UN inspectors and so maintain the support of the international community, makes sense to me (I'm not sure what Kennedy or Kerry had to do with this). And let me point out that at one time Saddam (with all his faults) was our "good buddy", as many brutal dictators have been (do the name Pinochet ring a bell? or DuBisone (El Salvador - sp), or Noriega, or Somosa, or Marcos...). Dems (with the exception of Jimmy Carter who was torpedoed by RR) have been as guilty of this as Repugs, so the moral argument - rid the world of nasty tyrants - just doesn't hold water.
On the face of it, that radio host is WAY out of line. We hire and train our troops to do what the civilian leadership commands, mostly without question. I don't hold them accountable for following legitimate (as Danial Inoue said at the Irann/Contra hearings) orders. I hate what they are trained to do (kill people), but I don't blame them for doing what they are ordered to do.
When I was protesting Vietnam (and doing my best to avoid the draft, like our Vice President, although I didn't either marry or concieve a child to get a deferment, which he may have done) I had several friends who returned from that meat grinder, and never blamed them for staying alive. So I have no problem saying bless our troops, honor our troops, respect our troops, and I would translate that into providing them with MORE VA benefits, not less, as this administration has proposed. So sure, "bless our Vets" with the assistance they need and the services they have earned.
As to "carry on America", which way? We can be a beacon of freedom and hope for the world, but we are not that now. Now we are the "evil empire" bent on world domination through military strength, and you know what? It has never worked in the past and it ain't going to work this time.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: IanWinn on 11/13/05 at 6:20 pm
SoDamn Insane was supposed to have the materials for making nuclear weapons, including "Yellow Cake Uranium". When they did the actual search, the only containers of "Yellow Cake" that were there had "Betty Crocker" on them! There were also reports of aluminum tubes that were used in the refining process, until, after study, they were found to be the wrong kind of aluminum.
Furthermore, I have to ask, what kind of dictator allows his people to keep firearms? Including full-auto AK-47's? We in the US can't own such weapons, unless we pay the $200 "tax" to the BATFE. And let's not forget RPG's. They had them over there, and still do. We can't have them no matter what.
We HAVE been lied to, about why we are in Iraq, just as we were lied to about why we have troops stationed around the world. We need to have our troops recalled from overseas and placed on our borders, northern and southern. Sadly, I don't see that happening anytime soon.
Don Carlos, you said, "As to "carry on America", which way? We can be a beacon of freedom and hope for the world, but we are not that now. Now we are the "evil empire" bent on world domination through military strength, and you know what? It has never worked in the past and it ain't going to work this time." You are so right. As someone else on the Net has said, "Is it any wonder that I hear The Imperial March (from Star Wars) running through my head?"
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/13/05 at 6:26 pm
I appreciate the comments as I can use them as well when I hear someone trying to skew them their way..I know many now who supported the war to get rid of Sadman and then the other 'friends' we keep...our eternal friends the Saudi's for instance?? The people are fine..I just speak of the machine that needs some looking at but we accept it until enough speak out..enjoy the % of gas money going right back to them to supply the terrorists...then there's V FOX...
The carry on should be a department of people working to find our good and quell the bad テ窶堙つchoices of ours..but then MONEY (bribes-underground clubs), will continue to secretly hurt us.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/13/05 at 6:31 pm
SoDamn Insane was supposed to have the materials for making nuclear weapons, including "Yellow Cake Uranium". When they did the actual search, the only containers of "Yellow Cake" that were there had "Betty Crocker" on them! There were also reports of aluminum tubes that were used in the refining process, until, after study, they were found to be the wrong kind of aluminum.
Furthermore, I have to ask, what kind of dictator allows his people to keep firearms? Including full-auto AK-47's? We in the US can't own such weapons, unless we pay the $200 "tax" to the BATFE. And let's not forget RPG's. They had them over there, and still do. We can't have them no matter what.
We HAVE been lied to, about why we are in Iraq, just as we were lied to about why we have troops stationed around the world. We need to have our troops recalled from overseas and placed on our borders, northern and southern. Sadly, I don't see that happening anytime soon.
Don Carlos, you said, "As to "carry on America", which way? We can be a beacon of freedom and hope for the world, but we are not that now. Now we are the "evil empire" bent on world domination through military strength, and you know what? It has never worked in the past and it ain't going to work this time." You are so right. As someone else on the Net has said, "Is it any wonder that I hear The Imperial March (from Star Wars) running through my head?"
It makes me very sad to say those things. And I want everyone to understand that I love this country both profoundly and deeply. I do hate many of the things that have done in my name as an American and I have protested against them, and will continue to do so. To translate the quote below the Photo of Abisu Compos, "the true patriot is always a critic of his government". We need more patriots. Thanks for your support.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/14/05 at 1:39 am
"I ain't never told the truth, so the how the h*ll can I tell a lie!"
--Tom Waits
So...pour yourself another tall cool pitcher!
What is "Bush Lied" anyway?テ窶堙つ Was that Schubert?
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/14/05 at 2:51 am
"I ain't never told the truth, so the how the h*ll can I tell a lie!"
--Tom Waits
So...pour yourself another tall cool pitcher!
What is "Bush Lied" anyway?テ窶堙つ Was that Schubert?
MMM yum..Kool aid goes great while watching others squirm to find documentation to prove ones accusations... I'll sit back while you look......blah blah blah..he lied, he planned this,uh,... his dad told him to....and bring me some of that pudding the proof is in.....
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: IanWinn on 11/14/05 at 3:49 am
Saver, you've managed to brush aside the evidence presented before you, evidence which is clearly and easily verifiable (ie, the yellow cake uranium, and the aluminum tubes), saying essentially, "It doesn't matter."
Well, here's the root of it all: Bush says that a terrorist cell hijacked the planes, which brought down the Twin Towers. That is the lie that started it all. Here's what a physics professor has to say about the destruction of the WTC.
Y. professor thinks bombs, not planes, toppled WTC
By Elaine Jarvik
Deseret Morning News
The physics of 9/11 テδ「テ「窶堋ャテ「竄ャツ including how fast and symmetrically one of the World Trade Center buildings fell テδ「テ「窶堋ャテ「竄ャツ prove that official explanations of the collapses are wrong, says a Brigham Young University physics professor.
In fact, it's likely that there were "pre-positioned explosives" in all three buildings at ground zero, says Steven E. Jones.
In a paper posted online Tuesday and accepted for peer-reviewed publication next year, Jones adds his voice to those of previous skeptics, including the authors of the Web site www.wtc7.net, whose research Jones quotes. Jones' article can be found at www.physics.byu.edu/research/energy/htm7.html.
Jones, who conducts research in fusion and solar energy at BYU, is calling for an independent, international scientific investigation "guided not by politicized notions and constraints but rather by observations and calculations.
"It is quite plausible that explosives were pre-planted in all three buildings and set off after the two plane crashes テδ「テ「窶堋ャテ「竄ャツ which were actually a diversion tactic," he writes. "Muslims are (probably) not to blame for bringing down the WTC buildings after all," Jones writes.
As for speculation about who might have planted the explosives, Jones said, "I don't usually go there. There's no point in doing that until we do the scientific investigation." (Emphasis by Ian; note: while there have been various whitewashes about the collapse of the WTC buildings, no scientific investigation has happened, as the article will show)
Previous investigations, including those of FEMA, the 9/11 Commission and NIST (the National Institutes of Standards and Technology), ignore the physics and chemistry of what happened on Sept. 11, 2001, to the Twin Towers and the 47-story building known as WTC 7, he says. The official explanation テδ「テ「窶堋ャテ「竄ャツ that fires caused structural damage that caused the buildings to collapse テδ「テ「窶堋ャテ「竄ャツ can't be backed up by either testing or history, he says.
Jones acknowledges that there have been "junk science" conspiracy theories about what happened on 9/11, but "the explosive demolition hypothesis better satisfies tests of repeatability and parsimony and therefore is not 'junk science.' "
In a 9,000-word article that Jones says will be published in the book "The Hidden History of 9/11," by Elsevier, Jones offers these arguments:
テδ「テ「窶堋ャテつ「 The three buildings collapsed nearly symmetrically, falling down into their footprints, a phenomenon associated with "controlled demolition" テδ「テ「窶堋ャテ「竄ャツ and even then it's very difficult, he says. "Why would terrorists undertake straight-down collapses of WTC-7 and the Towers when 'toppling over' falls would require much less work and would do much more damage in downtown Manhattan?" Jones asks. "And where would they obtain the necessary skills and access to the buildings for a symmetrical implosion anyway? The 'symmetry data' emphasized here, along with other data, provide strong evidence for an 'inside' job."
テδ「テ「窶堋ャテつ「 No steel-frame building, before or after the WTC buildings, has ever collapsed due to fire. But explosives can effectively sever steel columns, he says.
テδ「テ「窶堋ャテつ「 WTC 7, which was not hit by hijacked planes, collapsed in 6.6 seconds, just .6 of a second longer than it would take an object dropped from the roof to hit the ground. "Where is the delay that must be expected due to conservation of momentum, one of the foundational laws of physics?" he asks. "That is, as upper-falling floors strike lower floors テδ「テ「窶堋ャテ「竄ャツ and intact steel support columns テδ「テ「窶堋ャテ「竄ャツ the fall must be significantly impeded by the impacted mass. . . . How do the upper floors fall so quickly, then, and still conserve momentum in the collapsing buildings?" The paradox, he says, "is easily resolved by the explosive demolition hypothesis, whereby explosives quickly removed lower-floor material, including steel support columns, and allow near free-fall-speed collapses." These observations were not analyzed by FEMA, NIST nor the 9/11 Commission, he says.
テδ「テ「窶堋ャテつ「 With non-explosive-caused collapse there would typically be a piling up of shattering concrete. But most of the material in the towers was converted to flour-like powder while the buildings were falling, he says. "How can we understand this strange behavior, without explosives? Remarkable, amazing テδ「テ「窶堋ャテ「竄ャツ and demanding scrutiny since the U.S. government-funded reports failed to analyze this phenomenon."(Note by Ian: this process is known as pulverizaton
テδ「テ「窶堋ャテつ「 Horizontal puffs of smoke, known as squibs, were observed proceeding up the side the building, a phenomenon common when pre-positioned explosives are used to demolish buildings, he says.
テδ「テ「窶堋ャテつ「 Steel supports were "partly evaporated," but it would require temperatures near 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit to evaporate steel テδ「テ「窶堋ャテ「竄ャツ and neither office materials nor diesel fuel can generate temperatures that hot. Fires caused by jet fuel from the hijacked planes lasted at most a few minutes, and office material fires would burn out within about 20 minutes in any given location, he says.
テδ「テ「窶堋ャテつ「 Molten metal found in the debris of the World Trade Center may have been the result of a high-temperature reaction of a commonly used explosive such as thermite, he says. Buildings not felled by explosives "have insufficient directed energy to result in melting of large quantities of metal," Jones says.
テδ「テ「窶堋ャテつ「 Multiple loud explosions in rapid sequence were reported by numerous observers in and near the towers, and these explosions occurred far below the region where the planes struck, he says.
Jones says he became interested in the physics of the WTC collapse after attending a talk last spring given by a woman who had had a near-death experience. The woman mentioned in passing that "if you think the World Trade Center buildings came down just due to fire, you have a lot of surprises ahead of you," Jones remembers, at which point "everyone around me started applauding."
Following several months of study, he presented his findings at a talk at BYU in September.
Jones says he would like the government to release 6,899 photographs and 6,977 segments of video footage for "independent scrutiny." He would also like to analyze a small sample of the molten metal found at Ground Zero.
E-mail: jarvik@desnews.com
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/14/05 at 10:42 am
ummmm......MAX is not the one who seems to be squirming ::)
Do you hear ME rustling around TRYING to find news to back up what I laid out...like all others who throw out the same old-
blah blah..I stand firm and say back up what one says (as I have), BEFORE any Kool Aid is poured..
sounds like Sgt. Schulz 'I KNOW NUTTING!'...
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/14/05 at 10:46 am
Do you hear ME rustling around TRYING to find news to back up what I laid out...like all others who throw out the same old-
blah blah..I stand firm and say back up what one says (as I have), BEFORE any Kool Aid is poured..
sounds likeテ窶堙つ Sgt. Schulz 'I KNOW NUTTING!'...テ窶堙つ
seems to me the arguments and evidence were presented here, and you're just ignoring it. :)
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: IanWinn on 11/14/05 at 1:02 pm
That's funny, Saver, because I FOUND information pertinent to the topic (Bush lied), and you have yet to comment on it. You seem to prefer ignoring the facts.
Chug that Kool-Aid. like a good little state-worshipper. Ignore any bitter taste. It's only arsenic, and it's good for you.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/14/05 at 3:38 pm
Saver, you've managed to brush aside the evidence presented before you, evidence which is clearly and easily verifiable (ie, the yellow cake uranium, and the aluminum tubes), saying essentially, "It doesn't matter."
Well, here's the root of it all: Bush says that a terrorist cell hijacked the planes, which brought down the Twin Towers. That is the lie that started it all. Here's what a physics professor has to say about the destruction of the WTC.
E-mail: jarvik@desnews.com
THis is interesting stuff. Hard to concieve of such a enormous conspiracy though.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/14/05 at 3:47 pm
THis is interesting stuff.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/14/05 at 4:36 pm
I see no "news" backing up what you laid out.....ISTM that it's not just "others" who are throwing out the same old "blah, blah."
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Ophrah on 11/14/05 at 4:40 pm
Unless someone has the ACTUAL paperwork/plan that Bush lied to start the war... you can SPECULATE all the theories you want.. Eventually, you'll believe it if you say it enough..I DO work with FACTS..so divert it all you want...Even the President admtted the weapons weren't found..If he was such a liar with a penchant for creating false reasons to attack.. some ooops weapons just 'happened to appear' to prove the whole reason to start a war... He's either SOOO smart or Sooo DUMB ..looks like you're all trying to pin a lie on him but can't find the glue that will hold his feet to the fire...y unless you SHOW a plan or 'conceived' plot or did Bush just KEEP IT ALL IN HIS LIL OLD HEAD...
As to comparing a Clinton 'cause for impeachment' lie to Bush and a SUPPOSED lie..YOU CAN TWIST IT ALL YOU WANT one was a proven lie the other is talk and blah blah..maybe something will stick if you throw enough of it out at him...
I love drinjing the kool aid to clear out the system that gets gunked up by those who chew on the end of strings for fiber to let out one BIG stink pickle.... ;D ;D
Well.... Kennedy had affairs!!!
Oh, I'm sorry - I thought the behavior of past presidents was somehow relevant to today's crises. Excuse my STUPIDITY!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/14/05 at 5:22 pm
I see the point you FEEL he lied, then feel the same about ALL the senators and former Pres. Clinton who strongly backed the need to do it..Bush went by what was given him,he did what he said instead of WAFFLING after his threat...just spread it around that many people wanted this war.. Bush gave the go ahead, based on what was presented as you said..
I would FOCUS on the ones who put that together for him as I have always been the one to shout for DISMISSALS of those who were terribly misleading etc..like Mike Brown(FEMA) and other cabinet members that HE SHOULD have fired but didn't..I once wrote a letter o Pope JP regarding the scum in Boston Cardinal Law- That had divine intervention as the date the letter arrived, he stepped down or whatever they do to end the ruling.
NOTE: Straight from the HORSES MOUTH ....11/14/05
GEORGE BUSH..YAHOO NEWS....or is he STILL lying???
Reasonable people can disagree about the conduct of the war, but it is irresponsible for Democrats to now claim that we misled them and the American people," Bush said in his prepared remarks.
"Only one person manipulated evidence and misled the world テδ「テ「窶堋ャテ「竄ャツ and that person was Saddam Hussein," Bush added.
The president sought to defend himself against Democrats' criticism that he manipulated intelligence and misled the American people about Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction as he sought grounds to go to war against Saddam Hussein in 2003.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: danootaandme on 11/14/05 at 6:04 pm
.I once wrote a letter o Pope JP regarding the scum in Boston Cardinal Law- That had divine intervention as the date the letter arrived, he stepped down or whatever they do to end the ruling.
Actually the Pope brought bernie back to the Vatican and gave him a very prestigious position. He is now
the Cardinal and archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore at the Vatican and conducted one of the nine official Vatican masses said for Pope John Paul. He was also one of the Cardinal Electors who got to pick the new Pope. So much for divine intervention.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/14/05 at 9:44 pm
THis is interesting stuff.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/14/05 at 9:48 pm
Actually the Pope brought bernie back to the Vatican and gave him a very prestigious position.テ窶堙つヲnbsp; He is now
the Cardinal and archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore at the Vatican and conducted one of the nine official Vatican masses said for Pope John Paul.テ窶堙つヲnbsp; He was also one of the Cardinal Electors who got to pick the new Pope.テ窶堙つヲnbsp; So much for divine intervention.
Amusing fact:
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: IanWinn on 11/14/05 at 10:05 pm
Maxwell, Tia, Don Carlos, et al,
I suggest that you go here: http://www.physics.byu.edu/research/energy/htm7.html
This is the official paper that Professor Jones submitted. His online version has links to pictures and unaltered video of the actual collapse of the towers. You can clearly see explosive squib detonating, travelling UP the side of WTC 7 before it collapsed. You can also see similar squibs detonating DURING the collapse of the Twin Towers. The detonations occur just ahead of the collapsing mass of the building. There is no other explanation for why the WTC buildings collapsed so completely upon themselves.
It seems obvious, at least to me, that the people who planned this didn't want any other properties damaged, at least not severely. They wanted just enough destruction that would make people mad, but not so much destruction that it would damage much of the infrastructure. As Professor Jones points out, knocking the buildings down laterally would have done much more damage than a straight-down demolitions job. And let us not forget the pulverization of solid concrete into powder. Falling from a great height will not do such a thing, only the application of tremendous pressure, such as in a grinding setup, or the application of high explosive, will pulverize material into fine powder.
Please don't take my word for it. Investigate it yourselves. The truth is out there, and it doesn't care what your political affiliation is, for it has none.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/14/05 at 10:20 pm
Maxwell, Tia, Don Carlos, et al,
I suggest that you go here:
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/14/05 at 11:26 pm
check out if you have audio to hear Mr. Kerry fighting to take Saddam to task for what information the Senator had..you think the Senators would agree to a majority and go in if they weren't for it?
go to : www.kgoam810.com
search for Bill Wattenburg.click on the audio remarks by Kerry fighting to get Saddam in the most extreme way...
Again if Bush had all that info he wasn't telling anyone about... why didn't he go thru with 'Hey we found WMD'S(after secretly having them put somewhere..Did you know the Iraqis BURIED their planes from their AIR FORCE..hmm where did those WMDS go that he bragged he had???
Also..to be technical Saddam was clearly a WMD..do you know how many people he ruthlessly killed..from a report I take true, he would find a SHIITE camp, and as the people residing would run away from him and his troop, they would OPEN FIRE killing the kids first, then the parents , and let the elderly run as far as possible while that went on and MURDER THEM like a target range seeing if they could hit the OLD PEOPLE at 300 yards like target practice..
Glad the SOB was stopped by US(A) If this makes US look like war mongerers..someone has some real thinking to do about what is right and how to recognize good vs. evil..forget we're there for oil...
Want to lose more sleep.....we can't detect any WMD's precisely which means if they are brought in by shipping crates to our ports...we have NO WAY to know...sleep on that one!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/15/05 at 12:14 am
So, using THAT thinking, then I guess GWB is also a WMD....he killed 30,000+ people in this war
You're absolutely right....BUSH had the intelligence....Clinton and all of the other senators DIDN'T, they were going by what BUSH told them. Is it right? Not really, but what other choice did they have? They based their "backing" on the information available to them at the time Now that the intelligence reports have been released, they are basing their feelings about the war on that.
If you're trying to place Bush as a WMD you now have to ask offensive or defensive!
Was he to call the 30000 in the middle of the war and ask them to stay indoors and away from any armys?All war has casualties...unavoidable as it is...
Losing sleep I am referring to the 'terrorists' who are planning to get US for being who we are...if you haven't heard, it's not a matter of IF but WHEN they will try to come on OUR soil and the weapon of choice will be chemical or biological..so how do you think they can get thiem into our country?? By shipping it to us in crates which we have NO WAY OF DETECTING.. so I say, worry about thatテ窶堙つヲnbsp; while you say your prayers at night....テ窶堙つヲnbsp; we all will need to...
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: McDonald on 11/15/05 at 10:59 am
.....LE VIE
LA vie. N'oubliez pas qu'elle est un nom feminin!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/15/05 at 11:01 am
LA vie. N'oubliez pas qu'elle est un nom feminin!
mais oui!
lmao. as if that were the worst of saver's grammatical challenges. love it!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: McDonald on 11/15/05 at 11:04 am
mais oui!
lmao. as if that were the worst of saver's grammatical challenges. love it!
;D T'as raison!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/15/05 at 1:54 pm
I gave up my French connections long ago.. misspelled only because I don't speak French and want to go to France to put up with the 'attitude'...
Tying up loose ends..
The Divine intervention was taking Cardinal Law away from the US..if the Pope wants to bring someone like that into HIS fold good riddance!.. let him have to deal with the incompetence..I was outraged by that Mass move as well.
I am giving up the political subject at this point and will watch it play out..I guess there wasn't enough interest from the Americans as a whole to say'We don't want Bush in charge of us because of this war incident'..that's why I don't like wasting breath and time talking politics..because valid reasons were made to make changes BUT ..DOES ANYONE CARE?
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/15/05 at 10:48 pm
So who's hiding what? .......crazymom?....
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/15/05 at 11:06 pm
So who's hiding what? .......crazymom?....
If you're going anywhere with Don Rumsfeld and Sean Hannity, don't forget to pack plenty of
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: IanWinn on 11/15/05 at 11:30 pm
Ah, yes, Maxwell! I can just hear it happening now!
glink-glink-glink-glink-glink-glink-glink-glink! (Three Stooges drinking SFX)
And then it's time for a nap!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/15/05 at 11:34 pm
If you're going anywhere with Don Rumsfeld and Sean Hannity, don't forget to pack plenty of
That's EXACTLY what Sean has always said of the Clintonites and some dems...maybe Nestle Quik would be appropriate for others as it wamrs the belly and puts a SMILLLLEEE ON THE FACE!!!
Wriggle now that the word has been spoken so it is not twisted to the way others WANT to believe it..Facts are harder to disprove....
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/16/05 at 12:23 am
That's EXACTLY what Sean has always said of the Clintonites and some dems...maybe Nestle Quik would be appropriate for others as it wamrs the belly and puts a SMILLLLEEE ON THE FACE!!!
Wriggle now that the word has been spoken so it is not twisted to the way others WANT to believe it..Facts are harder to disprove....
Wot fax?
Here is the way a conversation between Hannity and a guy he disagrees with typically goes:
Sean: I'm sick of you and you're party undermining our President while we're at war, you un-American soft-on-terrorism-Godless-far-left traitor,
Now, what about issue X.
Mr. Liberal: First of all I'm a Christian, I was for going into Afghanistant, and if you look at the polls...
Sean: I didn't ask you that! Is Iraq better off without Saddam?
Mr. Liberal: Sean, you asked me about issue X, now if I can just..
Sean: You're dodging, if you liberals had your way Saddam would still be gassing his own people in the rape rooms!
Mr. Liberal: But if...
Sean: You're not going to answer my question?! You on the Left Always Blame America First Name Me A Country In History Who Has Acquired More Power Abused It Less And Liberated More of Human beings From Tyranny in the history of the world!!!!
Mr. Liberal: Uhhh.....that really has no bearing on issue X, I was just trying to say....
Sean: That's why YOU LIBERALS are out of power, you're a bunch of elitist brie-eating, chablis-drinking U.N. appeasers who put our brave fighting men and women's lives at risk and propagandize our children in your government schools with far-left propaganda--HeatherHasTwoMommies!!!!
Mr. Liberal: Now, wait a minute...
Sean: You can't win at the polls so you want to circumvent the Constitution and impose your socialist mandates upon an unwilling people by judicial tyranny!!!
Mr. Liberal: But even the Wall Street Journal editorial page says the Administration didn't tell the truth about issue X!
Sean: No they don't!
Mr. Liberal: Yes they do...John Smith said in his column....
Sean: DON'T INTERRUPT! You always interrupt, you liberals!
Mr. Liberal: But....
Sean: The President was right, Donald Rumsfeld was right, Vice President Cheney was right, Ann Coulter was Right, I was right, and you and all your little liberal friends were wrong wrong wrong worong as usual, you're on the wrong side of the culture war, you're on the wrong side of the Iraq war, you're on the wrong side of history, and you're out of touch with middle America!!!!
Mr. Liberal: But, on issue X.
Sean: Thank you for coming on the program, you're a dumbazz, we're out of time!
Alan Colmes: You know, I'm a liberal and I don't agree with you eitherrrr, so NYAAAAAAHHH!!!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: jaytee on 11/16/05 at 9:02 am
Oh gee - you don't say. Tell us something we don't know.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/16/05 at 11:08 am
^ que? this could be a response to anyone... ???
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: STAR70 on 11/16/05 at 5:32 pm
Dude, then where's the damned WMD's? :o
the only weapons buried in the sands of Iraq were left there by the Crusaders
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: STAR70 on 11/16/05 at 5:35 pm
They are fighting for US too!
how is killing Iraqi babies protecting me here?
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: STAR70 on 11/16/05 at 5:38 pm
MMM yum..Kool aid goes great while watching others squirm to find documentation to prove ones accusations...
Downing Street Memo
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: STAR70 on 11/16/05 at 5:42 pm
Actually the Pope brought bernie back to the Vatican and gave him a very prestigious position. He is now
the Cardinal and archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore at the Vatican and conducted one of the nine official Vatican masses said for Pope John Paul. He was also one of the Cardinal Electors who got to pick the new Pope. So much for divine intervention.
I know it's off-topic, but L.A. District Attorney Steve Cooley tracked down 9 fugitive pedophile priests...in the Vatican. The Church will not extradite them.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/16/05 at 6:38 pm
my favorite part of saver's posts is at the end, he always sums up with the "squirm flourish." and now you will wigglewriggle as you squirm under the power of thinking of something to say to countermand my equisitive argumentitation!
love it! dude should seriously be state dept spokesperson. way better than that guy they got now.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 11/16/05 at 10:22 pm
how is killing Iraqi babies protecting me here?
Yes, that's what US troops are doing. They are going door-to-door just looking for Iraqi babies to shoot. The Muslims with the bomb-belts who blow themselves up in the middle of the city are freedom fighters! ::)
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/16/05 at 10:22 pm
my favorite part of saver's posts is at the end, he always sums up with the "squirm flourish." and now you will wigglewriggle as you squirm under the power of thinking of something to say to countermand my equisitive argumentitation!
love it! dude should seriously be state dept spokesperson. way better than that guy they got now.
You'd figure a self-proclaimed Christian wouldn't want to hitch his wagon to a man who behaves in such an ungodly fashion...but I guess it's better to back your guy than to eat crow.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/16/05 at 10:31 pm
Yes, that's what US troops are doing.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: IanWinn on 11/16/05 at 10:58 pm
Here's something that Dubya would prefer that you not see. Warning: graphic content!
Tell me how killing those people helps protect me.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/16/05 at 11:06 pm
I know about the numbers of those killed...but it IS NOT the intention of the war..NO matter how many times you try to make it the issue....
I do tune out if Hannity steps over the guest, but I heard him corner many who are trying to re-interpret the issue..
The congress ALSO had access to Clintons intelligence reports as well ..and THEY helped move the machine to begin the war...my issue was not to debate whether it was necessary, but many in congress agreed from what was presented or they could have questioned, but all the dems who are calling out today on how it was wrong, they are admitting THEY were duped by Bush..
The words are on record that we have to put an end to the potential threat..we went in and since it didn't work out like Mr. Bill C wanted it to, oh, the uproar!
He did it his way at ther first attack and was fine...
If the mission is to kill anything that moves in Iraq, I think those soldiers coming back would have a story to tell that would ROCK the news/press..seems they are pretty quiet except for the few 'over the line' macho heads beating prisoners...
Hmmm.. ya think we should DIG UP
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/16/05 at 11:22 pm
The priest issue was awful throughout- whatever they are doing shuffling them around..last I heard they were SCREENING out homosexuals from becoming priests?..
Will THAT cause another cry for discrimination?
(Couldn't pull up the actual zephnet story mentioned earlier- but as mentioned, there were 25 MILLION+ people liberated
what are you needing to make you happy?- Are you calling for the RESTRUCTURING of the US PRISON SYSTEM..There are numerous in prison killings, abuse and it's all happening in our country!).
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/16/05 at 11:28 pm
The priest issue was awful throughout- whatever they are doing shuffling them around..last I heard they were SCREENING out homosexuals from becoming priests?..
Will THAT cause another cry for discrimination?
I should hope so! I hope I'm not being a repeater pencil, but homosexual male does not equal pervert child molestor. mmmmkay?
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/17/05 at 8:45 am
i think you have to be a member of one of the intelligence committees. (maybe also the armed services committee, committees?) i'd wondered about that. do you have to get clearance to get on those committees? or do they make an exception? and if you lose your clearance, do you get booted off the committee?
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/17/05 at 3:31 pm
I should hope so! I hope I'm not being a repeater pencil, but homosexual male does not equal pervert child molestor. mmmmkay?
If they bar homosexual priests because they might molest boys, shouldn't the bar heterosexual priests who might molest girls? I guess you would have to be asexual to become a priest then. Could be a good thing.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/17/05 at 3:40 pm
You don't seem to understand that Congress DOES NOT have access to classified information....certain members do, but MOST of them DON'T and those that do, only have access to what the White House lets them have access to
I zapped the orders for brevity.
Clearly, since the executive controls the flow of info to the Congress, it can (has) influenced the decisions congress has made. This, according to lots of people, is the most secritive admin in decades. If they have nothing to hide (yeah right) one has to ask why?
During the Iran/Contra hearings Elliot Abrams suggested that not telling the truth when asked a direct question wasn't necessarilly lying. I guess in that context Bush didn't lie, he just didn't tell the truth.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Ophrah on 11/17/05 at 3:48 pm
The priest issue was awful throughout- whatever they are doing shuffling them around..last I heard they were SCREENING out homosexuals from becoming priests?..
Will THAT cause another cry for discrimination?
I doesn't surprise me at all that bigotry against gays is still rampant, but it amazes me that people shamelessly flaunt it and perpetuate stereotypes.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: STAR70 on 11/17/05 at 4:33 pm
The Muslims with the bomb-belts who blow themselves up in the middle of the city are freedom fighters! ::)
they do this in order to drive out the invading crusaders.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: STAR70 on 11/17/05 at 4:34 pm
I know about the numbers of those killed...but it IS NOT the intention of the war..NO matter how many times you try to make it the issue....
I do tune out if Hannity steps over the guest, but I heard him corner many who are trying to re-interpret the issue..
The congress ALSO had access to Clintons intelligence reports as well ..and THEY helped move the machine to begin the war...my issue was not to debate whether it was necessary, but many in congress agreed from what was presented or they could have questioned, but all the dems who are calling out today on how it was wrong, they are admitting THEY were duped by Bush..
The words are on record that we have to put an end to the potential threat..we went in and since it didn't work out like Mr. Bill C wanted it to, oh, the uproar!
He did it his way at ther first attack and was fine...
If the mission is to kill anything that moves in Iraq, I think those soldiers coming back would have a story to tell that would ROCK the news/press..seems they are pretty quiet except for the few 'over the line' macho heads beating prisoners...
Hmmm.. ya think we should DIG UP Lyn Johnson and impeach HIM for Viet Nam????? ???
can you answer the question?
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/17/05 at 6:08 pm
I guess the topic is if Bush lied....
Heard a debate on should we be at war... Saddam is gone people liberated.. Iraq had nothing to do with this....we may be doing 2 things at once...what's wrong with that?
Just wanted to hear where everyone sat on it...
The political fighters would say get out of it because ...of politics...interesting debate heard today with Dennis Kucinich ..the reason for doing something with Saddam was related on how he had been workingon his weapons and we needed to do it..it wasn't from Bush but from Hillary! Oh..that's different!
who want the world a little better will approve....
I am not going to make decisions on politics...
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/18/05 at 4:03 pm
I agree 100%. However, by Bush saying that there was a STRONG link between AQ and Iraq when the intelligence (both British & US) showed that if there was ANY link, it was VERY WEAK.....that constitutes lying in my book. Now, on the WMD's, I'd say the above applies. The intelligence was that he may have WMD's and he just "exaggerated" the accuracy of that....
I was just trying to clear up the "Congress had the same info as the Pres & his advisors" excuse error ;)
Your post was very informative. OPf course he lied - knowingly made false statements - re Saddam and Al Quida, and exaggerated the WMD issue for political purposes, and kept Congress in the dark. This admin has also tried to limit access to documents that should be available throuth the Freedom of Information Act.
What you don't know WILL hurt you.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/19/05 at 1:45 pm
Your post was very informative.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/19/05 at 3:46 pm
Gee, then shouldn't KERRY be called a liar as well?
He really WANTED us to do what we had to do, I heard that appeal he made. .
OK...Kerry's a liar. Happy now? Oh, wait a minute, Kerry isn't the president and he did not plan or execute this war. No matter, he's still a liar, and you're still happy. Right?
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/19/05 at 4:00 pm
Seems to me that to some extent just about all politicians are liars. Nixon lied about Watergate, Kennedy lied about Cuba, Clinton lied about Monica. Clinton lied, nobody died. Bush lied and the death toll of Americans is almost 2100, not to mention the 1000nds wouded, and the tens of 1000nds Iraqis. Are these moral equivalents?
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/19/05 at 4:06 pm
Gee, then shouldn't KERRY be called a liar as well?
He really WANTED us to do what we had to do, I heard that appeal he made. .
Point made by your response... The President has the FINAL decision as to what to do based on ???
So when the majority..but ESPECIALLY Kerry (as heard in his response) was on the side of using whatever force necessary based on whatever was presented..including back into the Clintons..Of course Bush didn't just listen to Kerry, but put them all in the pot when talking about 'lying' ...So, now we figured someone 'fudged' the info..shouldn't we now GO AFTER them?
THIS is what would make me happy and content.
of course, a lawyer would split hairs with different degree(and damge) of lies...but maybe something better should be done when caught..
Thousands died in the war against..yes terrorists in IRAQ people caught in the middle or even BLOWN UP near US while we were fighting in their area..umm.. how many died in the towers in NY ON PURPOSE?.... How many did Saddam kill for fun of his game?
Our message is to kill the killers, terrorists mission: to kill anyone who doesn't think like them...who's more rational?Is there another way to accomplish this?
Bin Laden was the root..we're going after the offspring, until the root gets tired or uprooted.
The issue might be someone ' isn't utilizing the proper power in that arena.
I'm fine now...
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: IanWinn on 11/19/05 at 4:13 pm
Actually, Bill Clinton sent million-dollar missles from cruise ships to strike various targets, such as the aspirin factory in the Sudan, as well as other items of infrastructure. While he may not have killed anyone directly with his military, he has certainly killed off people who did not get their needed medicines.
It seems that every president of the 20th Century (some will argue that it goes back to Lincoln, or even Alexander Hamilton), has caused needless death and destruction somewhere in the world, on our own soil or abroad.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/19/05 at 4:52 pm
Actually, Bill Clinton sent million-dollar missles from cruise ships to strike various targets, such as the aspirin factory in the Sudan, as well as other items of infrastructure. While he may not have killed anyone directly with his military, he has certainly killed off people who did not get their needed medicines.
It seems that every president of the 20th Century (some will argue that it goes back to Lincoln, or even Alexander Hamilton), has caused needless death and destruction somewhere in the world, on our own soil or abroad.
The missle attack is still contriversial, but was a limited response to a direct attack. Notice that no one has challenged the validity of the overthrow of the Taliban. That was also legit. What you are missing is that several sources, some from within the Bush white house, were determined to invade Iraq before 9/11 and were willing to use every subtrefuge to do so. Certainly Clinton's use of the military lead to deaths, but he didn't lie about why he gave the order, he didn't lie to Congress or the people about the reasons, and his lies didn't lead to a stupid and futile war.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: IanWinn on 11/19/05 at 6:51 pm
The missle attack is still contriversial, but was a limited response to a direct attack. Notice that no one has challenged the validity of the overthrow of the Taliban. That was also legit. What you are missing is that several sources, some from within the Bush white house, were determined to invade Iraq before 9/11 and were willing to use every subtrefuge to do so. Certainly Clinton's use of the military lead to deaths, but he didn't lie about why he gave the order, he didn't lie to Congress or the people about the reasons, and his lies didn't lead to a stupid and futile war.
The benefits to the people of Afghanistan are questionable; many of them don't care too much for Western concepts such as "career advancement over family", a concept that is heavily lauded in many TV shows as successful, but has a devastating effect on children that is NOT revealed.
Clinton's actions may not have led to all out war, but they certainly could have. Bush is succeeding where Clinton failed, in terms of bringing this nation into a fuedalistic society where he and his cohorts rule as absolute despots, much like Idi Amin Dada.
I don't argue your points against Bush, Don Carlos. You are correct in all of them. But Clinton was no better than either one of the Bush presidents. He, like them, is part of the problem. And if the people I read are correct, Hillary (or Hitlary, as she is sometimes called) will be the next president, and she will take us down that path to fuedalism even further, possibly all the way. Along that way, we will be required to submit biometic indicator for our ID cards, and later we will be offered the option of an implanted chip, and then the chip will become mandatory. When you take that chip, you will LEGALLY be property of the State, subject to it's whims. You will be no better than cattle.
I am not anyone's cattle. Neither are you, or anyone else.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/19/05 at 6:56 pm
Point made by your response... The President has the FINAL decision as to what to do based on ???
So when the majority..but ESPECIALLY Kerry (as heard in his response) was on the side of using whatever force necessary based on whatever was presented..including back into the Clintons..Of course Bush didn't just listen to Kerry, but put them all in the pot when talking about 'lying' ...So, now we figured someone 'fudged' the info..shouldn't we now GO AFTER them?
THIS is what would make me happy and content.
of course, a lawyer would split hairs with different degree(and damge) of lies...but maybe something better should be done when caught..
Thousands died in the war against..yes terrorists in IRAQ people caught in the middle or even BLOWN UP near US while we were fighting in their area..umm.. how many died in the towers in NY ON PURPOSE?.... How many did Saddam kill for fun of his game?
Our message is to kill the killers, terrorists mission: to kill anyone who doesn't think like them...who's more rational?Is there another way to accomplish this?
Bin Laden was the root..we're going after the offspring, until the root gets tired or uprooted.
The issue might be someone ' isn't utilizing the proper power in that arena.
I'm fine now...
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/19/05 at 7:00 pm
Along that way, we will be required to submit biometic indicator for our ID cards, and later we will be offered the option of an implanted chip, and then the chip will become mandatory.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/19/05 at 7:20 pm
this is my favorite conspiracy theory. and that's saying something.
"The ultimate goal of this proposed elite group is to bring about a single global marketplace, controlled by a world government, policed by a world army, financially regulated by a world bank via a single global currency, and populated by a microchipped population connected to a global computer, a computer that both monitors and updates our personal location and financial status, and regulates our emotional state via transmitted electrical signals - technology that already exists.
This ambition of thus rendering the Earth a "prison planet" - a self-contained, interactive social structure under total centralized control - is chiefly being pursued via activities in two areas - commerce and culture. In "commerce," the elite group have created the corporations, the vehicles for the planet's enslavement, and in "culture," the elite group have created both the drivers and passengers of those vehicles - us.
The historical roots of this "elite group" stretch back into the mists of time. But the development of the modern banking system in Middle Ages Europe provides a useful starting point for a look at their activities. The reader should note that, in describing the activities of this proposed elite cabal, I have had to give them a name, that name usually being simply "the elite."
"The grabbing hands grab all they can, everything counts in large amounts."
--Depeche Mode
I'm not saying they don't have an evil masterplan hidden away, but the evidence sitting out there in plain sight makes their intentions clear as a mountain stream. The plutocratic elite want control of as much of the world's natural resources, financial capital, and human labor as possible. The the anti-competitive avarice of unregulated capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction, like all evil forces. Unfortunately, humanity will suffer a slow, lingering demise and the the planet will become uninhabitable due to environmental catastrophes before capitalism dies a natural death. That's why we can't affort just let it run its course.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/19/05 at 7:28 pm
"The grabbing hands grab all they can, everything counts in large amounts."
--Depeche Mode
I'm not saying they don't have an evil masterplan hidden away, but the evidence sitting out there in plain sight makes their intentions clear as a mountain stream.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: IanWinn on 11/19/05 at 7:44 pm
There is another part of this conspiracy that I did not notice in the posted link (I will admit that I only glanced through the website) is severe depopulation. The elites apparently plan to decrease the "surplus population" of the earth to about 10% or so of it's current numbers. How this is to be done is subject to conjecture: Some say war, some say famine. some say disease, some say a combination of the above. The why, though, is known: A smaller population is much easier to control, especially when they are concentrated in cities because the laws forbid any venture into "protected wilderness areas" except under special circumstances. And as you can guess, the elites will ALWAYS have special circumstances.
The plans of the evil ones will, unfortunately run their course, but not completely. As a follower of Jesus Christ, YahShua ha Moshiach, I can say that before total destruction comes, God Almighty will intervene and stop their plans. This does NOT mean that we can sit by and do nothing; we will be called to account for what we did and failed to do; but we can know that He has everything in His hands.
Be strong, and have faith in Him, and stand against the evil of this world, not for any reward, but because it is the right thing to do.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/19/05 at 8:00 pm
There is another part of this conspiracy that I did not notice in the posted link (I will admit that I only glanced through the website) is severe depopulation.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: IanWinn on 11/19/05 at 9:28 pm
Mmmmm...I wouldn't run for it. I'd stand and fight, no matter my chances of winning. I just might beat the odds and come out on top. If not, then at least I'd die having fought the good fight, and (hopefully) I'll have reduced the number of tools usable by the elites by at least one.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/20/05 at 1:43 am
Mmmmm...I wouldn't run for it.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: IanWinn on 11/20/05 at 2:54 am
I fight the elites in the best way that I can: I pray to God Almighty, and I spread the word about the elite's machinations (which includes the fact that it was explosives, NOT CRASHED AIRPLANES, that brought down the WTC Twin Towers). However, I know that I'm on a list somewhere, and that my time can come at any time. That's fine. As I said before, I'm not dying until God Almighty says so. I can only hope that the elites will be brought down and we human beings become free again, that I will die peacefully in my sleep in my own bed of extreme old age.
However, that seems unlikely, given the greed of the power-trippers who adopt socialist/fascist/control-freak desires. In such a case, I hope that I can die fighting, whether it be against their minions who will argue, "I vas chust following orders," or if I actually come face to face with the monstrous elites themselves. Whatever is the will of God Almighty, I will do it to the best of my ability.
For those of us who cherish liberty and fight against evil, it is the best we can hope for.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/20/05 at 3:09 pm
Dude, then where's the damned WMD's?
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/20/05 at 4:16 pm
Well, looks like the 'special vote' answered it..STAY IN THE WAR!
I like your rationale, but I look at it from the standpoint of BETTER THERE THAN HERE.
People need to be reminded how the reaction will be IF AND WHEN they set a Nuke off in the ports of the US..EVERYONE WILL SCREAM: 'WE MUST RETAILIATE AGAINST WHOEVER HAD IT IN FOR US'!!
Notice how Khadaffi(?) threw in the towel on HIS program for US to see he gave up his
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/20/05 at 4:26 pm
anyone who sets off a nuke somewhere in the US is probably gonna use one of those russian suitcase nukes that no one knows where they went. (unless that's another urban myth. i never know anymore. summa snopes that for me, woodya? so i can get all mad? :D) it's pretty much a gag that iraq was developing nukes, cuz you need some crazy infrastructure for that, and it's probably gonna be visible by satellite. and besides, they weren't even getting baby formula into the country.
and another thing about that, everybody's assuming that if hussein WERE able to make a nuke it'd be the same thing as those 20 megaton jobbers the russians used to be dangling over us. (and still are, incidentally.) but it would be an atomic bomb rather than a hydrogen one, and probably WAY less powerful than even the one that detonated over hiroshima. not that that's any kind of cakewalk, but everybody's running around talking about, when terrorists destroy chicago, you'll be sorry! and the odds of that are somewhere between zero and none.
but if they manage to fire off some nuke lite and kill a few thousand innocent people, the US government has probably killed a few HUNDRED thousand innocent people since 1991 in its various bombings hither and yon. so, you know, we still come out ahead. honestly, and this is gonna sound bad, but it's just reality, you can't keep exporting this horrific violence all over the world and not have some of it come back on you sometime...
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/20/05 at 7:40 pm
The rationale is if we leave those people alone, they'll plant a nuke at Grand Central?
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/21/05 at 12:15 am
THEY don't want us eliminated for that or we've been at war constantly and on alert since Clintons attack..
THEY are all consummed lunatics looking to take over the world as much as they can, NOT just comiing here because of war'casualties'..Just like Japan has been coming over bombing us since..oh, that's right...we DIDN'T kill any of their children and families...
:o :o
I'm trying to answer this baby, but it's like trying to put put together a Playskool Logic puzzle with four pieces missing!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: IanWinn on 11/21/05 at 1:02 am
Saver, you have an amazing talent for not answering the question. One would think that you might be on the payroll of the Republicans, or maybe even their masters (who are masters of the Democrats, BTW).
Maxwell, the reason that it doesn't come together logically is because it can't. The only explanation that works is that we were set up by our own "leadership". The WTC Towers came down as a result of explosives in the buildings, not the damage done by the planes. A BYU physicist has proved this. Read his paper here: http://www.physics.byu.edu/research/energy/htm7.html
Only the willingly blind will refuse to see this. We have been set up and sold out, time and again by our "government", each time getting worse than before. And to paraphrase the old saying, "The worst is yet to be!"
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, while everyone's attention was on the looters, Blackwater mercenaries and New Orleans police officers when to areas that were unaffected by the storm and raided homes, searching for firearms. The next major terror event, which they keep promising will come, will bring about martial law, which means the end of your rights as a human being, at least in their eyes. This means that they will come to take away your guns, your food stores (they will call it hoarding), and may even confiscate your home if it so pleases them. How will you live? By their good graces, but sadly, they have none.
Those of you with eyes to see and ears to hear, do what you know you have to do while you have the time to do it.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/21/05 at 1:14 am
Saver, you have an amazing talent for not answering the question.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: danootaandme on 11/21/05 at 1:09 pm
How many US citizens did Saddam kill? 0 How many of Saddam's citizens did we kill? Around 30,000.
Again, there is NO LINK between Saddam & Bin Laden. There is MORE of a link between Bin Laden and US than Saddam. So, should we now start killing ourselves?
I've got more to say, but it's just going to be ignored so why do I even bother? ::)
Round of applause for the truth and nothing but the truth. Sadly, it seems you will be ignored, if the
agenda don't fit .....
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/21/05 at 3:01 pm
Round of applause for the truth and nothing but the truth.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/21/05 at 3:03 pm
So unless the killings were Americans the killing of Iraqi's which Saddam killed DON'T COUNT?
After hearing, (how soon we forget),Bubba Clintons remarks FROM THE LATE 90'S, that Saddam had the capabilties of creating WMD'S THAT COULD EASILY BE USED AGAINST US..we needed to getrid of his regime..
After he addressed THE SAME questions being asked about people DYING in the fight..He too pointed out PEOPLE WILL DIE IN A WAR!
After he addressed THE DIFFERENCE from attacking OTHER countries who were a threat he said:
Hmm..when GB wants to do it, it is a lie, cover-up and pre-planned ...
Someone wasn't listening or just wanted to forget....
The terrorists are there now..we need to eliminate them..
Did Bush say we were going for Saddam because he was friends with Bin Laden..he used the WMD info and proceeded...
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/21/05 at 3:58 pm
it's just round and round. yes, saddam gassed his own people. and yes, when he did rummy et al. were in office under reagan and bush sr. and
okay? they DID NOT CARE. so when they say they care now, they're full of it. obviously. whatever their reasons for going to war, WMD and saddam gassng his own people are not it.
Do the word
ring a bell?
Saddam used gas against the rebellious Kurds, who he couldn't controll - gas that Rummy, under reagan, provided him to fight Iran. He was our good buddy. So whatever WMDs he had, we gave him. He got too big for his britches for our taste, so we offed him. All the rest is rhetoric.
Ok, Bush didn't LIE, he cherry picked the intelligance.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/21/05 at 4:13 pm
Do the word
ring a bell?
Saddam used gas against the rebellious Kurds, who he couldn't controll - gas that Rummy, under reagan, provided him to fight Iran.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/21/05 at 5:04 pm
I'll go with PARTIALLY oil being a reason..but maybe we should go after those who are dealing with more wmds to use agaiinst us as Iran could- in a year- get something in the hands of a terroorist..oh, then THAT would be just for 'the money'..
Tia may have said something earlier about not worrying what may come over here, but I can bet EVERYONE will be screaming 'RETALIATE' when something does.
We have no device to detect any portions of possible nuke material coming into our ports...d'you think we should be saying something and worrying about it now?
Iraq didn't attack us...how nice, let's be polite and WAIT for it..that's a crock to anyone who utters those words and that they'll be the first in line screaming 'get' anyone who may have something against us AFTER they attack..I like how those minds work.
Let's let the corrupt UN handle things,...sorry...Why would anyone expect US to deal with a terrorist i.e. Saddam..through negotiations? We just don't do that....
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/21/05 at 5:22 pm
well, about the retaliation thing -- bush pretty much forgot about OBL and no one's screaming that he keep the heat on in afghanistan to find him. and 9/11 was only four years ago. i imagine if a nuke is fired off in the US people will be screaming retaliate for a while but just fight a war of distraction -- any war will do -- and eventually people will forget who we were originally supposed to be tracking down. it's that whole goldstein effect -- all the antagonists start to blend together, and the driving narrative is really just about bull-dumb revenge. and revenge can be enacted on people who are only similar to the original guilty party -- that's why torturing iraqis is good enough for the people who are furious about 9/11. they're by and large innocent of any wrongdoing in terms of the WTC attacks, but to people with vaguely racist sensibilities they look the same, and like the WTC attackers are muslims, and so are effective proxies.
if this were really about keeping america safe don't you think we'd be all about getting OBL instead of cooking up this whole iraq thing because it LOOKS more like a war, LOOKS more like bush is getting "payback" for 9/11? the afghanistan thing just didn't do for that, you know? it was very unsatisfying as wars go.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/21/05 at 8:16 pm
it's just round and round. yes, saddam gassed his own people. and yes, when he did rummy et al. were in office under reagan and bush sr. and
Is that you're Pat Buchanan impression?
(it's in the cadence)
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: danootaandme on 11/22/05 at 8:25 am
So unless the killings were Americans the killing of Iraqi's which Saddam killed DON'T COUNT?
How do you deduce that?
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/22/05 at 2:00 pm
The rationale is if we leave those people alone, they'll plant a nuke at Grand Central?
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/22/05 at 5:07 pm
We have no device to detect any portions of possible nuke material coming into our ports...d'you think we should be saying something and worrying about it now?
Absoulutely right. Everybody says so. And what is our "Homelad Security Dept." doing about it? Nothing. It is something to worry about, but given the fact that Lil' Georgie and his cabal are doing nothing sould give me confidance that there is nothing to fear? At least none of my kith and kin live near a major port of entry.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: IanWinn on 11/22/05 at 6:49 pm
I am responding that :what? they will come after US because we came to their country to liberate them and save their people from a tyrant? That's not right.
If the point you were making is they would want to come after us for going there..
There isn't much wonder behind 'WHY' terroists are after US in the first place..I see it as maniacs who are trying to dominate the world based on their religious beliefs..wanting to guide the world under THEIR banner.
I'm tired of rehashing the subject...so I end it here.
The only people I see who want to dominate the world based on their religious beliefs are the people who currently crawl through the White House, the Senate, and Congress, who want to enforce their satanic beliefs while disguising them with Christian rhetoric. If Dubya and his cohorts are Christians, then I'm the Dalai Lama (and I AIN'T!). Dubya & Co. are running this war for no other reason than to kill as many people as possible under whatever excuse their lackies can find ("We shot up that family because we thought one of the younger children threw a nuclear grenade at us; turns out he only burped and waved at us.") Those with honor and strength who manage to get out of the service are coming forward to tell of the atrocities they have witnessed, especially in regard to the Blackwater mercenaries who take supreme pleasure in shooting down any Iraqis in their sight.
You don't have to believe me. The truth is out there if you want to find it. For those of you who say that I'm wrong, I say, There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/22/05 at 11:14 pm
The only people I see who want to dominate the world based on their religious beliefs are the people who currently crawl through the White House, the Senate, and Congress, who want to enforce their satanic beliefs while disguising them with Christian rhetoric.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/23/05 at 12:33 am
I do find it mildly amusing when Republican blowhards say stuff like, "We're dealing with religious extremists who want to kill as many people as possible and dominate the world with their ideology!"
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/23/05 at 1:52 am
yeah, good thing bush and all those guys are around to protect us from all the weirdo religious EXTREMISTS... :D :D
At least our leaders don't order innocent civilians bombed to smithereens based on some crackpot ideology of world domination!
And if you're gonna tell me all targets in Iraq are military targets and our leaders intend no harm on civilians, I gotta democracy I'd like to sell ya!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/23/05 at 6:08 pm
At least our leaders don't order innocent civilians bombed to smithereens based on some crackpot ideology of world domination!
And if you're gonna tell me all targets in Iraq are military targets and our leaders intend no harm on civilians, I gotta democracy I'd like to sell ya!
Why would imperialists want to buy a democracy? I've got some Cruise missles and a spare nuke sub I could let them have for oh, a song. And its covered by the 2nd amendment (I keep them around for self protection and for deer hunting).
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/23/05 at 6:46 pm
I do find it mildly amusing when Republican blowhards say stuff like, "We're dealing with religious extremists who want to kill as many people as possible and dominate the world with their ideology!"
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/23/05 at 7:42 pm
I'd like a copy of your planets translation manual: 'Death tp the Infidels' means kill those who don't follow our ways as said time after time by the extreme terrorists
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/23/05 at 9:31 pm
Death to the "infidels" who resist U.S. corporations!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/23/05 at 10:56 pm
Which is why we were 9/11 attacked..oh wait that's right... THEY came HERE..guess we HAD to do something...but it doesn't fit everyones picture of how it took place..oh...that's right ...a few years earlier they tried with bombs in the building...wow...it's a good thing Japan didn't resist the US
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/23/05 at 11:40 pm
Japan has technology, manufacturing, and a postmodern economy.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/24/05 at 11:29 am
it's not about getting the oil, it's about controlling the oil. with a flag planted in iraq the u.s. govt gets more control over prices, sticks a thumb in the eye of opec and can regulate china and japan and russia's economic development to a large degree, just by jacking up what they pay for oil.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/25/05 at 11:37 am
well, ain't THIS a kick in the haid?
well, i guess you could say bush didn't lie. depends on what your definition of "truth" is...
"Bush informed in 2001 of lack of Iraq-Qaeda ties Wed Nov 23, 3:39 PM ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President George W. Bush was reportedly informed 10 days after the September 11, 2001 attacks that US intelligence had no proof of links between Iraq and that act of terror.
Citing government documents as well as past and present Bush administration officials, The National Journal said the president was briefed on September 21, 2001 that evidence of cooperation between Iraq and the Al-Qaeda terror network was insufficient.
Bush was also informed that there was some credible information about contacts between Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda that showed that the Iraqi dictator had tried to establish surveillance over the group, according to the report.
Saddam Hussein believed the radical Islamic network represented a threat for his secular regime.
Little additional evidence has emerged over the past four years that could contradict the CIA conclusion about a lack of a collaborative relationship between Al-Qaeda and Iraq, the Journal quotes a high-level government official as saying."
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/25/05 at 10:26 pm
well, ain't THIS a kick in the haid?
well, i guess you could say bush didn't lie. depends on what your definition of "truth" is...
"Bush informed in 2001 of lack of Iraq-Qaeda ties Wed Nov 23, 3:39 PM ET
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/25/05 at 11:02 pm
well, ain't THIS a kick in the haid?
well, i guess you could say bush didn't lie. depends on what your definition of "truth" is...
"Bush informed in 2001 of lack of Iraq-Qaeda ties Wed Nov 23, 3:39 PM ET
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/25/05 at 11:09 pm
Hmmm, did I miss something in this whole 'go to war' conference that STATED we were going in because SADDAM was connected with ALKAIDA?
I thought ..it was because he ignored the UN inspection requests 13 times and he SUPPOSEDLY had WMD'S,at least it was known he had the capabilities to cause havoc BECAUSE HE USED THEM ON HIS OWN PEOPLE(per Bill Clinton reason for first war)..then Bush was appealed to by some of the popular po;iticians in the Senate that something was needed to be done militarily...based on good or bad intelligence, then Bush did it for oil..NOW someone is saying Saddam was falsely linked to ALK...
Iraq may not had anything to do with the original terrorists, we went there anyway to get the possible source of trouble, we flushed him out, many protested, and many are FREE from tyranny...if the cops come to your house to ook for one thing(maybe bomb making equipment)..... and they find something else(you've been beating your kids)... are they supposed to pack up and go away??
??? ??? ???
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 11/25/05 at 11:27 pm
i dunno, y'all's story keeps changing. y'all kept talking about, after 9/11 we can't let tyranny stand and all that blahdeblah, and talking about these fakey meetings between saddam hussein's people and muhammad atta in prague, and WMDs that you knew for certain were there, all that stuff that was pretty much made up out of whole cloth, and now that y'all got your hand caught in the cookie jar, suddenly it's about UN resolutions. i think it's basically that one story didn't take and so y'all are now going with another.
anyway, it's pretty obvious your war is a failure. you'll be pulling out next year. didn't get the big victory parade and the political brownie points you thought you would. too bad, very sad.
it's just unfortunate so many people had to die and are still dying for this deluded nonsense, man. seriously.
And blowing up Japan after Pearl Harbor was just cause we likeD A BIG FIREWORKS SHOW??
Nonsense indeed!
Is the world NOT a BETTER place with Saddam, Oooday and Koosay GONE!
With MILLIONS liberated from having to do what a tyrant wanted... ?
We(US) aren't looking for a victory parade, and does anyone else frealize the BAD MOUTHING the people who are talking up.. how we are so called making 'no progress' and that it is unappreciated this effort is... is the best way to make those who are putting their lives on the line for US feel like a dog with it's tail between it's legs???
That is the best way to lose a fight when you say things to demoralize a person, it's the best defense..it's done in sports and in arguements with others..make them feel like things aren't worth it, it's unjust and a false reason to be there in Iraq..you will then see the papers come out across the world THE U.S. LOSES! I believe we want victory and until we get it we'll stay to avoid that kind of after the war image that will have dictators laughing and wringing their hands ...Don't you want them to cower and their people to cheer when we are mentioned we are possibly on our way to liberate them as well?
For shame!!! Delusional nonsense!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: danootaandme on 11/26/05 at 9:08 am
And blowing up Japan after Pearl Harbor was just cause we likeD A BIG FIREWORKS SHOW??
Nonsense indeed!
Is the world NOT a BETTER place with Saddam, Oooday and Koosay GONE!
With MILLIONS liberated from having to do what a tyrant wanted... ?
We(US) aren't looking for a victory parade, and does anyone else frealize the BAD MOUTHING the people who are talking up.. how we are so called making 'no progress' and that it is unappreciated this effort is... is the best way to make those who are putting their lives on the line for US feel like a dog with it's tail between it's legs???
That is the best way to lose a fight when you say things to demoralize a person, it's the best defense..it's done in sports and in arguements with others..make them feel like things aren't worth it, it's unjust and a false reason to be there in Iraq..you will then see the papers come out across the world THE U.S. LOSES! I believe we want victory and until we get it we'll stay to avoid that kind of after the war image that will have dictators laughing and wringing their hands ...Don't you want them to cower and their people to cheer when we are mentioned we are possibly on our way to liberate them as well?
For shame!!! Delusional nonsense!
Delusional Nonsense
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 11/26/05 at 10:54 am
And blowing up Japan after Pearl Harbor was just cause we likeD A
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 12/01/05 at 4:37 pm
So everyone that doesn't like the situation is screaming Bush lied, Cheney lied...
As O'reilly puts it SHOW US THE PROOF or STUFF IT!!!!
Apparently, he says everyone just is spouting off with NOTHING to show as evidence...
Woodward wrote about it and the majority of the Senate 'had to have been schnookered' let's get some smarter people calling the shots then!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 12/01/05 at 4:38 pm
So everyone that doesn't like the situation is screaming Bush lied, Cheney lied...
As O'reilly puts it SHOW US THE PROOF or STUFF IT!!!!
Apparently, he says everyone just is spouting off with NOTHING to show as evidence...
Woodward wrote about it and the majority of the Senate 'had to have been schnookered' let's get some smarter people calling the shots then!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: STAR70 on 12/01/05 at 5:52 pm
So everyone that doesn't like the situation is screaming Bush lied, Cheney lied...
As O'reilly puts it SHOW US THE PROOF or STUFF IT!!!!
Apparently, he says everyone just is spouting off with NOTHING to show as evidence...
Downing Street Memo
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Powerslave on 12/01/05 at 9:56 pm
Viet War cover-up revealed
By Stephen Collinson in Washington
December 02, 2005
A TOP US spy agency has declassified data showing agents skewed intelligence to back claims of a communist attack on a US destroyer in 1964, an incident which led to the escalation of the Vietnam war.
The National Security Agency (NSA) today admitted defeat in a long battle to keep the explosive article, printed in 2001 in its in-house journal, secret.
Senior NSA officers had apparently feared the findings could prompt comparisons to claims the Bush administration twisted intelligence to justify the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
The article, by NSA historian Robert Hanyok, based on signals intelligence or SIGINT, concludes what historians have long suspected
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 12/01/05 at 10:10 pm
that's crazy. we've always wondered about the gulf of tonkin, i guess now we know.
that's bigger news than deep throat any day of the week, and i bet no one talks about it.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Powerslave on 12/01/05 at 10:13 pm
Maybe I should have posted in it a new thread. :)
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: danootaandme on 12/02/05 at 10:55 am
that's crazy. we've always wondered about the gulf of tonkin, i guess now we know.
that's bigger news than deep throat any day of the week, and i bet no one talks about it.
This probably should be a new thread, but the way the government has gotten us into wars, or
police actions, or whatever they want to call them has been a long, sorry, story, as is the conduct of the military(the way the military has conducted the war, not the actions of the soldiers in arms, though they do not always get a free pass either). The fact that there are elements of the public that accept every war, for whatever reason is even worse. The Panama idiocy stands clearest in my mind, another bush using the military for its own purposes.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 12/02/05 at 3:14 pm
we keep giving you evidence. you keep ignoring it and saying, show me evidence.
I'll agree if the EVIDENCE is enough to impeach Bush..but if there IS evidence why isn't ANYONE going after the whole group involved that's what puzzles my thoughts on what is being SAID and what they have on him??
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/02/05 at 3:58 pm
I'll agree if the EVIDENCE is enough to impeach Bush..but if there IS evidence why isn't ANYONE going after the whole group involved that's what puzzles my thoughts on what is being SAID and what they have on him??
Ok, one more time, and the last for me.
There is clear evidance from at least 2 admin insiders, Treasury Sec't Paul O'Niel and Richard Clarke, director of counterterrorism, the Bush wanted to go after Iraq well before 9/11. Following 9/11, both Bush and Cheney referenced it in speeches about Iraq on numerous occasions, at least implying a connection. Then there was the constant reference to WMD's which inspectors couldn't find, the fabrication of the Niger yellow cake stuff, and Condi's "smoking gun" nonsense, just to skim the surface. We know the vote in Congress was based on "cherry picked" intelligance. So the neocon cabal got its wish as a result of cooking the books. Maybe that isn't sufficient for impeachment (although I think lying to Congress - the State of the Union message - was), and maybe it wasn't lying (in making up stuff), but it sure wasn't telling the truth either.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 12/04/05 at 4:44 pm
I don't think lying in the State of the Union address could be considered an impeachable offense.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/04/05 at 4:52 pm
That's another thing that is in disrepair in our legal system...
I don't think its so much our legal system as our political system. If we had a multi party parlimentary system Lil' Georgie would probably have been voted out by now, as just happened to Martin in Canada.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 12/05/05 at 9:23 pm
So everyone that doesn't like the situation is screaming Bush lied, Cheney lied...
As O'reilly puts it SHOW US THE PROOF or STUFF IT!!!!
Apparently, he says everyone just is spouting off with NOTHING to show as evidence...
Woodward wrote about it and the majority of the Senate 'had to have been schnookered' let's get some smarter people calling the shots then!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: IanWinn on 12/06/05 at 2:32 am
Hey IMO continuing this Iraq war now that we nabbed Saddam is a JOKE. Let the Iraqis give Saddam the punishment he so truly deserves...and let them settle their own squabbles!
(sarcasm)WHAT!?!?!?! Let the Iraqi's settle their own problems?!?! Let THEM decide what to do with Saddam?!?! Why, you labor under the delusion that the Iraqi people actually have intelligence, and are capable of rational decisions! Only the elites have that power, and it is their responsibility to ensure that their desired outcomes, which are the best outcomes, are the ones that happen!
Letting the Iraqi people decide! Harumph! What plane of reality do YOU come from?!?!(/sarcasm)
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/06/05 at 2:49 am
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: IanWinn on 12/06/05 at 12:29 pm
On that note, it boggles my mind why the news media is so indignant about Saddam's arrogance and antics during the trial. The pundits act like it's a personal slap in the face. Uh, hellooooo!!! This is Saddam Hussein. SADDAM F**KING HUSSEIN, the evil dictator, the man who was entitld to have people slaughtered at the snap of his fingers, the man who could get any damm thing he wanted while his people suffered and starved! That's right, Saddam Hussein, one of the most vile narcissists to walk the face of the Earth! So who are you people expecting at trial? Jimmy Stewart! I mean, get some perspective, folks!
Indeed, Maxwell! Who does Hussein think he is...Duh-bya? :D
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: danootaandme on 12/06/05 at 1:02 pm
Well, stooges will be stooges
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: IanWinn on 12/07/05 at 11:50 am
Hey, don't insult the Three Stooges! Those guys were masters of physical comedy, and did great word-play as well! To call Duh-bya and his cronies "Stooges" denegrates three great funnymen!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 12/08/05 at 8:56 pm
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/08/05 at 9:20 pm
No, we are trying Saddam...what I mean is let those in Iraq fight their own battles as far as THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT. Yes, So Dam Insane should HANG for every dam thing him, Uday, and Qusay did to trample down the Iraqi citizens, especially since So Dam Insane GASSED his own citizens...not to mention that the Beast of Baghdad and his two sons had every form of BEASTIALITY and CHILD PORNOGRAPHY in their possession...
True. But the poisons he used were poisons the U.S. government provided him in the war against Iran. Maybe that makes me part of the
"(B)lame America First" crowd, I dunno. And those two psycho sons of his---may Lucifer be babecuing theire azzes at this moment--not only had the worst kiddie and beastie porn, I'll bet they made it and starred in it. Heck, I'll bet they made snuff movies too!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 12/09/05 at 10:22 pm
On that note, it boggles my mind why the news media is so indignant about Saddam's arrogance and antics during the trial.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/10/05 at 4:21 pm
I'd like to divert this into a different direction. Saddam, and other dictators, need to be held accountable for their misdeeds, no question. But
true blue as we are, need to take responsibility for the actions of our government, going back at least as far as Eisenhower. We have sponmsored the overthrow of democratically elected governments in a number of countries, we have financed governments that have supported death squads, we have supplied weopons to tyrants like Saddam, we have trained local police in the most inhumane interogation techniques one could imagine, and I can document every claim made here. our claim to the moral high ground runs very thin, especially when Cheney et al oppose a ban on torture. Not being religios, I may have this wrong, but it seems to me that there is something in scripture about the sins of the father beign visited on the seventh son of the seventh son. We have a long way to go to claim any moral high ground, and Lil' Georgie, with his provarications etc, just adds to the time it will take. But then, its easier to deny than to confront our collective past.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 12/10/05 at 9:11 pm
I'd like to divert this into a different direction.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/10/05 at 9:52 pm
I heard that Saddam told everyone in the courtroom to go to h*ll...Saddam is the one going to the Burning Basement!
Well, that's for Allah to decide, but maybe Saddam figures he hasn't got anything to lose.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 12/10/05 at 11:26 pm
bet you weren't saying this when clinton was president...
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 12/11/05 at 12:51 am
bet you weren't saying this when clinton was president...
Didn't like Clinton from the time he ran for Pres. office...THEN when he hoped we would not find out about the 'dress' and he looked the people in the eye asnd LIED I vowed if the truth came out and he DID have sex..then watched him and his lawyer 'is'ms... try to backpedal..he proved my gut feeling..
I rejected him as I could being one of the many who are part of the govmnt.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: danootaandme on 12/11/05 at 8:21 am
Glad not to be from the early 30's or 40's but from my child-like view and solution, I always wondered if GANGSTERS then like Capone, Segel, Dillinger were so feared and left to run MOBS there were MORE decent people out there, WHY DIDN'T THEY ALL FIGHT TO HAVE BAD PEOPLE SQUASHED INTO THE GROUND LIKE A ROACH!??
Now gangsta have troops of 30thousand putting fear into the good people of the US and we just come up with 'PROGRAMS' to accommodate them, wouldn't it be nice to know we could go outside and not worry about someone trying to by a kingpn and run everything the way they want by fear and intimidation..? WE have to put an end to it but each year the BAD increase because WE don't DEAL with it properly!
Didn't communities suggest killing all gangleaders is a good start! ? JUST ASKING? How do I know what the solution is?
One of glaring reasons the mob was able to thrive(oh, Dillinger wasn't mob, he was an independent conractor), was because
Jedgar Hoover protected them. Probably something to do with his love of horse racing, or maybe he had a thing for
one or more of them. During Hoovers reign he continually denied the existence of la Cosa Nostra, instead he turned his bile on people he deemed dangerous to America, like freedom riders, anti segregationists, and peaceniks, Martin Luther King,
John Lennon, that sort.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tia on 12/11/05 at 1:12 pm
Didn't like Clinton from the time he ran for Pres. office...THEN when he hoped we would not find out about the 'dress' and he looked the people in the eye asnd LIED I vowed if the truth came out and he DID have sex..then watched him
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: saver on 12/12/05 at 12:52 am
yeah, and i reject these oil-company lackey pinheads who are loitering in the white house now as part of the government. i couldn't help but notice, particularly after katrina, that they can't be bothered to govern. it's just a perpetual PR campaign.
anyway, based on what you've said you obviously don't believe that "we are the government" unless your guy's in office.
But THAT'S politics1
It's one group wanting 'THEIR'guy in over the other and whomevers group has more pushgets their choice..can't argue that..However MY government is NOT one who breaks laws without me making a fuss over it ..I can't rally the masses to protest but I can protest with my vote or letter of protest..In one case, when former Gov. Davis was found to allow MTBE to remain in the gasoline that was a KNOWN cancer causing agent, I wrote and asked/maybe demanded he begin to remove it as I KNEW he had the power in one statement to begin its removal, HE at first gave an ambiguous answer to my letter, I wrote back with MY PROOF of his abilities, HE THEN SHUFFLED MY LETTER TO A LEGISLATOR IN D.C. who had NO REASON to have to address it and I wrote again to the governor stating how he skirted the accusations, HE WROTE BACK with his explanation of how he would begin a program to remove it little by little!
I've been part of that system..even the removal little by little was a cheap ploy to please the people who paid him!
Al Gore gave Gov. Davis the right to immediately reduce MTBE yet Gov. tried to act like it was detrimental to the economy when TEXAS had the same proposal and REFUSED its use and is better off!
Now I watch and listen to others going thru all other issues that could use reform and sympathize.
I hate politics!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/12/05 at 3:16 pm
Of all the things listed by DC, what exactly was on OUR behalf? What did Saddam do to US? What did WE have to do with Vietnam? Gulf War I? Everything ELSE we've been involved in during the past 50 or so years? ??? ???
Well, it depends on what you mean by "OUR". To conservatives, for whom class analysis is anathma, we are one big happy family and share all interests in common, what's good for GM is good for America, "shake hands with your boss and look wise" as the old Wobbly song put it. For those of us who do apply a class analysis, as James Madison did, the question of benefits always has to be narrowed down to which people benefit, who wins and who loses. So yeah, Anaconda and Kennicott copper benefited from the overthrow of the Chilean gov't in 1973 etc. but the average working stiff didn't.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 12/12/05 at 7:58 pm
I'd like to divert this into a different direction.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 12/12/05 at 8:05 pm
But THAT'S politics1
It's one group wanting 'THEIR'guy in over the other and whomevers group has more pushgets their choice..can't argue that..However MY government is NOT one who breaks laws without me making a fuss over it ..I can't rally the masses to protest but I can protest with my vote or letter of protest..In one case, when former Gov. Davis was found to allow MTBE to remain in the gasoline that was a KNOWN cancer causing agent, I wrote and asked/maybe demanded he begin to remove it as I KNEW he had the power in one statement to begin its removal, HE at first gave an ambiguous answer to my letter, I wrote back with MY PROOF of his abilities, HE THEN SHUFFLED MY LETTER TO A LEGISLATOR IN D.C. who had NO REASON to have to address it and I wrote again to the governor stating how he skirted the accusations, HE WROTE BACK with his explanation of how he would begin a program to remove it little by little!
I've been part of that system..even the removal little by little was a cheap ploy to please the people who paid him!
Al Gore gave Gov. Davis the right to immediately reduce MTBE yet Gov. tried to act like it was detrimental to the economy when TEXAS had the same proposal and REFUSED its use and is better off!
Now I watch and listen to others going thru all other issues that could use reform and sympathize.
I hate politics!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/13/05 at 4:22 pm
Yeah, we supported nasties like Francisco Franco(Spain) and the Shah of Iran..also Ferdinand "I looted the Phillipines blind!" Marcos and Manuel "Buddies with Mr. Pablo Escobar" Noriega..and yeah we at one time supported the Butcher of Baghdad, Saddam Hussein aka So Dam Insane..
Yes, and those chickens come home to roost, as in Iran. Good Lord, its a wonder the whole world doesn't hate us. Certainly the people of the countries you name, and a good many others could.
As long as the RICH Right-wing elitist snobs are in our government....lower-middle class and poor people get SCREWED OVER while chicken-hawks like Dumbya and his yes-men send our husbands, wives, brothers, sisters and even our KIDS just out of high school to fight stupid, unnecessary wars and get shot at and possibly die...which is not fair. Would rich people like Dumbya go and fight..no, they would weasel out of it somehow!
Not only would they, they did. Patriots one and all.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 01/02/06 at 6:54 pm
I will never, ever vote Republican...or trust any Republican candidate in office. Dumbya should have never been allowed to get away with stealing the second term...I would have loved it if Bush the Second would have been caught with his proverbial hands in the cookie jar....and this wiretapping mess sounds just like the crap Nixon pulled...Nixon got caught, Slickster Dumbya seems to be getting away with it!!
I think Bush the Second should be impeached. But it will never happen because of all the Congressmen who fawn over Dumbya and Cheney.
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 01/02/06 at 6:58 pm
I bet anything that George W. would fail the polygraph test if asked questions about why he sent our soldiers to Iraq and also if he was asked if he won his second term fair and square.
But I know he'd never allow himself to be hooked up to a polygraph machine!
Liar, Liar, pants on fire!
Subject: Re: Bush lied? Yeah..right...!
Written By: nally on 01/02/06 at 7:00 pm
I will never, ever vote Republican...or trust any Republican candidate in office. Dumbya should have never been allowed to get away with stealing the second term...I would have loved it if Bush the Second would have been caught with his proverbial hands in the cookie jar....and this wiretapping mess sounds just like the crap Nixon pulled...Nixon got caught, Slickster Dumbya seems to be getting away with it!!
I think Bush the Second should be impeached. But it will never happen because of all the Congressmen who fawn over Dumbya and Cheney.
I agree with you on all counts! I personally don't understand how anyone would want him in office for eight years, given all the nonsense he caused during his first term.