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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/11/05 at 9:00 pm
Well...not really. But he did say President Bush should withdraw all federal homeland security funds from SF, and Bush should go to SF and say "If Al Qeada attacks the Coit Tower, we're not gonna do anything about it!" O'Reilly was P.O.'d about SF barring military recruiters.
O'Reilly's people did their best to cover up O'Reilly's tantrum, but Keith Olberman (MSNBC) had fun with it on "Countdown." I'll see if I can catch the later broadcast to get the exact quote!
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: danootaandme on 11/12/05 at 8:12 am
Well...not really. But he did say President Bush should withdraw all federal homeland security funds from SF, and Bush should go to SF and say "If Al Qeada attacks the Coit Tower, we're not gonna do anything about it!" O'Reilly was P.O.'d about SF barring military recruiters.
O'Reilly's people did their best to cover up O'Reilly's tantrum, but Keith Olberman (MSNBC) had fun with it on "Countdown." I'll see if I can catch the later broadcast to get the exact quote!
Maybe, if he keeps going on, he will go the way of Jay Severin(have you noticed that he has been blasted off into the unknown?). I am hoping Severins departure is the beginning of a trend towards the normalization of rational debate, as opposed to the Father Coughlinesque buffoonery we have been
subjected to with the Hannitys, Limbaughs, Coulters....
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Mushroom on 11/12/05 at 9:58 am
Well...not really. But he did say President Bush should withdraw all federal homeland security funds from SF, and Bush should go to SF and say "If Al Qeada attacks the Coit Tower, we're not gonna do anything about it!" O'Reilly was P.O.'d about SF barring military recruiters.
O'Reilly's people did their best to cover up O'Reilly's tantrum, but Keith Olberman (MSNBC) had fun with it on "Countdown." I'll see if I can catch the later broadcast to get the exact quote!
Myself, I find it a bit excessive. But then again, I find San Francisco itself to be a "bit excessive".
Now we are talking about a city that hates the military. And at the same time, they got a large percentage of their income for over a century from the military. In the early 1990's, roughly half of the bases in California were in the Bay area. Now, all of those bases are closed. And once thriving towns like Vallejo are virtual ghost towns.
And here is a more complete transcript of his "rant":
Hey, you know, if you want to ban military recruiting, fine, but I'm not going to give you another nickel of federal money. You know, if I'm the president of the United States, I walk right into Union Square, I set up my little presidential podium, and I say, "Listen, citizens of San Francisco, if you vote against military recruiting, you're not going to get another nickel in federal funds. Fine. You want to be your own country? Go right ahead."
And if Al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you, except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead.
I find it rather amuseing myself. It is a great example of his tongue in cheek approach, and shows that there may be consequences for your actions.
And personally, I do not know how San Francisco can forbid military recruiters from a school campus. It is public land, recieves federal funding, and is open to all kinds of other recruiters, from colleges to businesses. Sounds to me like somebody needs to call the ACLU, and complain about this discrimination.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Tia on 11/12/05 at 11:02 am
Now we are talking about a city that hates the military.ÂÂÂ
can a whole city really "hate the military"????
i think as the wacky war-lovin' right goes down, o'reilly is going to be particularly funny to watch. he's just gonna pitch one hissyfit after another. i for one may start tuning in daily just to watch him implode.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: GWBush2004 on 11/12/05 at 2:27 pm
For thing is, the ballot measure in San Francisco doesn't ban military recruiting in any school. A city cannot do that.
Also the other ballot measure, the one of banning handguns, is going to be declared unconstitutional before the end of 2005. Wait and see.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/12/05 at 3:53 pm
Did any of you ever hear of "political theater"? Want attention? Do something outragous and some fool (like O'Rielly) will make an issue of it for you. Sure, the difference between yogart and San Fran is that yogart has culture and the fruits are on the bottom, but don't you think that much of this is done with tongue in cheek?
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Tia on 11/12/05 at 3:58 pm
Did any of you ever hear of "political theater"? Want attention? Do something outragous and some fool (like O'Rielly) will make an issue of it for you. Sure, the difference between yogart and San Fran is that yogart has culture and the fruits are on the bottom, but don't you think that much of this is done with tongue in cheek?
yeah, o'reilly has some theater to him too. i always thought when he walked out of "Fresh air" that was kinda an act. i saw this movie once – can't remember the name of it, maybe someone here knows – a bunch of liberal college kids decide they have to start killing conservatives and burying em in their backyard. So they trick this one right-wing talk radio host over and chat him up for dinner, planning on killing him eventually, and they start talking about politics and he's all, look, I agree with you guys, my whole radio schtick, it's just an act.
But they decide they have to kill him anyway. oh well.
bottom line, with a lot of this stuff it's really hard to tell the act from the reality. with someone like o'reilly, he really could be faking all this just to make a buck.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Tanya1976 on 11/12/05 at 5:00 pm
He has had too much fun with those loofahs b/c he's insane.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/12/05 at 5:02 pm
bottom line, with a lot of this stuff it's really hard to tell the act from the reality. with someone like o'reilly, he really could be faking all this just to make a buck.
Or a sexretary ;)
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/12/05 at 7:17 pm
It just shows me the man is hateful and hysterical like Michael Savage.
Is Jay Severin no longer on WTKK 96.9? I used to tune into him when I was driving out closer to Boston. He's another hate-mongering twerp. Claims to be "libertarian" but he's just a garden variety white supremecist. He also thinks he's a big stud man which is really obnoxious, 'coz when you actually see him, you're first reaction is, "What a geek!"
Anyway, the Right is using the terrorism issue goad the country into becoming ever more militaristic and conformist. It's a conduit for fascism. If you disagree with the bogus "war on terror" or say anything irreverent about the military, the fascists think you deserve to die. That's O'Reilly for you.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: ADH13 on 11/13/05 at 12:27 pm
Myself, I find it a bit excessive. But then again, I find San Francisco itself to be a "bit excessive".
Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm seeing more and more people these days refusing to take responsibility for their own actions. It's always somebody else's fault. So, a parent decides they absolutely do NOT want their child in the military. Fine. They convince their child not to join. Another parent says "Hey, I don't want my child in the military either.. I mean, sure, I want my child to get the education...but he might actually have to SERVE HIS COUNTRY and i don't want that." So this viewpoint begins to spread... and the military has even more trouble recruiting... and the military begins to shrink...
So... a while down the road, something happens. An attack, a hurricane, whatever. And we don't have a sufficient military to deal with it. Are these parents going to say "Oh, wow, I shouldn't have refused to let my child join... now look what happened..." No way! They will point their finger at the president, whoever that may be, and demand to know WHY the military was insufficient to handle any disaster that may occur.
So I do agree that parents/teens who refuse to consider the military need to accept the fact that it may result in an insufficient military, therefore they may not receive military assistance in their times of need.
But I agree that O'Reilly took it a step too far.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Tia on 11/13/05 at 12:34 pm
"So... a while down the road, something happens. An attack, a hurricane, whatever. And we don't have a sufficient military to deal with it. "
we're actually not supposed to use the military domestically in america. because of posse comitatus, which was instituted to reduce the likelihood of a military coup. instead we're supposed to use the national guard.
the bush administration used posse comitatus as an excuse to account for its nonresponse to katrina.
o'reilly's comments illustrate that a lot of times when war supporters talk about "americans," what they really mean is "republicans," in my opinion. people like o'reilly aren't interested in protect america, just themselves and people they agree with. san francisco is a part of america! to just write it off like that is unconscienable. it comes dangerously close to seditious rhetoric.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: ADH13 on 11/13/05 at 12:39 pm
"So... a while down the road, something happens. An attack, a hurricane, whatever. And we don't have a sufficient military to deal with it. "
we're actually not supposed to use the military domestically in america. because of posse comitatus, which was instituted to reduce the likelihood of a military coup. instead we're supposed to use the national guard.
the bush administration used posse comitatus as an excuse to account for its nonresponse to katrina.
o'reilly's comments illustrate that a lot of times when war supporters talk about "americans," what they really mean is "republicans," in my opinion. people like o'reilly aren't interested in protect america, just themselves and people they agree with. san francisco is a part of america! to just write it off like that is unconscienable. it comes dangerously close to seditious rhetoric.
The national guard, as far as I know, is part of our military. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I was not referring to any specific branch of the military in my post.
When you say that when war supporters talk about "americans" what they really mean is "republicans", do you think that terrorists give a damn what political party we are? Do you think they are only going to attack republicans? You don't think any democrats have lost their lives as a result of terrorism???
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Tia on 11/13/05 at 1:30 pm
The national guard, as far as I know, is part of our military. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I was not referring to any specific branch of the military in my post.
When you say that when war supporters talk about "americans" what they really mean is "republicans", do you think that terrorists give a damn what political party we are? Do you think they are only going to attack republicans?  You don't think any democrats have lost their lives as a result of terrorism???
the national guard thing is sorta a semantics game, i suppose. it's weird because the NG is supposed, in part, to fill a gap left by the PC act, but now the adminisrtation is using them in iraq, basically to do jobs that are supposed to be left to the regular army. in any case, if i understand this whole demonsrtation-in-SF issue, the recruiters at issue were recruiting for the regular army, not the national guard. i could be wrong...
as for the whole dem/repub thing, i'm not talking about "the terrorists", i'm talking about bill o'reilly, our own little "foxnews terrorist," who seems to be okay with "terrorists" killing democrats and people who are antiwar but not with "terrorists" killing republicans.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Billy Florio on 11/13/05 at 2:37 pm
yeah, o'reilly has some theater to him too. i always thought when he walked out of "Fresh air" that was kinda an act. i saw this movie once – can't remember the name of it, maybe someone here knows – a bunch of liberal college kids decide they have to start killing conservatives and burying em in their backyard. So they trick this one right-wing talk radio host over and chat him up for dinner, planning on killing him eventually, and they start talking about politics and he's all, look, I agree with you guys, my whole radio schtick, it's just an act.
But they decide they have to kill him anyway. oh well.
bottom line, with a lot of this stuff it's really hard to tell the act from the reality. with someone like o'reilly, he really could be faking all this just to make a buck.
wait, what movie is this? lol...Id like to look into it.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: LyricBoy on 11/13/05 at 2:47 pm
Did any of you ever hear of "political theater"? Want attention? Do something outragous and some fool (like O'Rielly) will make an issue of it for you. Sure, the difference between yogart and San Fran is that yogart has culture and the fruits are on the bottom, but don't you think that much of this is done with tongue in cheek?
Heh heh... Good one, Don Carlos. ;D
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: ADH13 on 11/13/05 at 2:57 pm
as for the whole dem/repub thing, i'm not talking about "the terrorists", i'm talking about bill o'reilly, our own little "foxnews terrorist," who seems to be okay with "terrorists" killing democrats and people who are antiwar but not with "terrorists" killing republicans.
Well, I think his point was that he has a real problem with people who don't want to support the military, yet still expect to be able to reap the benefits of it.
Kinda like those people who never bring anything to the workplace potluck, yet they still want to eat.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Tia on 11/13/05 at 3:09 pm
Well, I think his point was that he has a real problem with people who don't want to support the military, yet still expect to be able to reap the benefits of it.
Kinda like those people who never bring anything to the workplace potluck, yet they still want to eat.
lol at the potluck! funny.
yeah, i guess the point i'm trying to make is that implicit in what bill o'reilly is saying is that the demonstrators are making an attack on america more likely or biting the hand that feeds them somehow. if they are demonstrating against the national guard or the FBI/ATF i can maybe see that point -- these are the entities that would likely respond to any hypothetical paramilitary or terrorist attack on san francisco -- but demonstrating against regular army recruitment, it's much harder to make that argument. because i think it's far from obvious that the war in iraq, for instance, is making a terrorist attack in america any less likely. from where i'm sitting, it's actually making terrorism much more prevalent, the terrorists much more powerful -- for every insurgent getting killed over there, zarqawi and bin laden and the rest of em seem to be getting two new recruits.
and i don't think this is the military's fault, so much as it's the fault of bad policy, but for o'reilly to imply that the war in iraq and the current military policy of the administration are somehow protecting us, i just don't think that's correct.
and by the by, the demonstrators are probably about different issues -- making it obligatory to hand over student info to military recruiters, for instance, which is part of the no child left behind act and is really controversial, and the so-called "poverty draft" -- targeting poor students, minority students, dropouts, etc., kids with limited prospects in civilian life, for military recruitment and misrepresenting the military's ability to better their prospects in life. when i talk to anti-recruitment demonstrators/activists, they're most often not anti-recruitment or anti-military per se, but do have problems with some of the specific tactics the recruiters sometimes use. particularly in a time right now when it's hard to get people to join when they know they might get sent to iraq, and forced to reup two, three, four times in a row... know what i mean?
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/13/05 at 6:21 pm
Let me propose an analogy. From the days of neocon icon RR the repugs have been trying to starve the government of funds to support social programs (like the current budget bill that will confirm tax cuts on capital gains and cut food stamps (let them eat Raman), medicaid (die, poor bast... die), and student loans (we like them ignorant), and they are still at it. "starving" the military of new recruits is the same strategy. When Rummy's kids enlist I might (in a pigs eye) suggest that my daughter could get her RN training for free by enlisting. senice we have no way to recall the pres for misusing our military, we can starve it. I say, "go for it". Our "chickenhawk admin needs to learn that we value our sons and daughters above theiir grandious visions of American hegemony.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Dagwood on 11/13/05 at 7:30 pm
I have to ask one of those "I would rather sound stupid than be stupid" questions. What does this mean?
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Tia on 11/13/05 at 7:41 pm
I have to ask one of those "I would rather sound stupid than be stupid" questions. What does this mean?
the maintenance of control by a minority class without the outright use of physical force. (yup, i had to look it up too! ;))
i think it basically refers to the creation of a culture wherein the people assent to their own subjugation and willingly behave in a way that's beneficial to the established power structure, even when the powers-that-be act counter to the interests of the people.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/13/05 at 7:49 pm
It's my country too, and maybe I don't believe you are "serving" it in a war that is turning into an imperialst debacle of occupation. As long as our government can replenish the soldiery in Iraq, they can keep this holding pattern indefinitely, and postpone for godknows how long the embarrassing reality they got us into another unwinnable Vietnam. The party of "personal responsibility" is trying to blame shaken confidence on our free press!
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Dagwood on 11/14/05 at 1:14 am
the maintenance of control by a minority class without the outright use of physical force. (yup, i had to look it up too! ;))
i think it basically refers to the creation of a culture wherein the people assent to their own subjugation and willingly behave in a way that's beneficial to the established power structure, even when the powers-that-be act counter to the interests of the people.
Thanks, Tia. :)
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: IanWinn on 11/14/05 at 1:24 am
Actually, there doesn't need to be a terrorist attack on SF anymore. The people there just "voted" into law a bill that bans ownership of handguns. Residents in SF have until April to turn them in. It makes me wonder what the city is going to do with people who refuse to turn in their guns. Are they going to break down their doors in the middle of the night, like they did in Stalinist USSR?
I know that laws like this have been passed by SF, only to have the courts later declare them unconstitutional. However, the 9th Jerkit Court of Schlemiels (sp?) is packed with people who fondle themselves and orgasm at the idea of a disarmed citizenry. The US Supreme Court is in disarray at this point that it cannot make a full decision, unless someone decides that the current number of justices (7) is sufficient (it went as low as 5 at one point, iirc).
I don't believe that the NRA lawsuit has a snowball's chance in Hell of succeeding. I believe that come this April, the decent people who live in SF will have left, having found other places more sane (preferably OUTSIDE of Kalifornia). They will be replaced, I'm certain, by people of the criminal persuasion, who will look upon the people of SF as a smorgasbord.
In the meantime, I'm sure that other cities will put the same law "to the vote of the people", and they will miraculously pass, and denigrate into more havens of criminals. Such a shame.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/14/05 at 3:52 pm
Actually, there doesn't need to be a terrorist attack on SF anymore. The people there just "voted" into law a bill that bans ownership of handguns. Residents in SF have until April to turn them in. It makes me wonder what the city is going to do with people who refuse to turn in their guns. Are they going to break down their doors in the middle of the night, like they did in Stalinist USSR?
I know that laws like this have been passed by SF, only to have the courts later declare them unconstitutional. However, the 9th Jerkit Court of Schlemiels (sp?) is packed with people who fondle themselves and orgasm at the idea of a disarmed citizenry. The US Supreme Court is in disarray at this point that it cannot make a full decision, unless someone decides that the current number of justices (7) is sufficient (it went as low as 5 at one point, iirc).
I don't believe that the NRA lawsuit has a snowball's chance in Hell of succeeding. I believe that come this April, the decent people who live in SF will have left, having found other places more sane (preferably OUTSIDE of Kalifornia). They will be replaced, I'm certain, by people of the criminal persuasion, who will look upon the people of SF as a smorgasbord.
In the meantime, I'm sure that other cities will put the same law "to the vote of the people", and they will miraculously pass, and denigrate into more havens of criminals. Such a shame.
Frisco's gun law will be found to be unconstitutional, as it should be.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/14/05 at 10:01 pm
In spite of what the Bushies think, the U.S. miitary is not a mercenary army-for-hire. They are Constitutionally obligated to protect all Americans and all alike regardless of whether a specific individual, group, or community "supports" the military. San Franciscans can say "We hate the army, the navy blows, down with the marines" day in and day out, but if SF gets attacked, the U.S. military must protect SF with all the same vigor it would protect Houston, Milwaukee, or Baltimore.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: IanWinn on 11/14/05 at 10:08 pm
Frisco's gun law will be found to be unconstitutional, as it should be.
Here's hopin'!
Until then, as Spike Jones would say, "Clink-clink, another drink!"
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/14/05 at 10:13 pm
Here's hopin'!
Until then, as Spike Jones would say, "Clink-clink, another drink!"
Can you put away that gun when you're clinking that drink. You're makin' me very nervous here!
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: McDonald on 11/15/05 at 10:57 am
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: danootaandme on 11/15/05 at 11:47 am
It isn't the parents' fault that they are too worried about their kids to let them enlist. Should the status of the military be more important to them than the lives of their children? This is the fault of the federal government's abuse of the military over the last 40 years. People lost their trust for the government when it came to the military in Vietnam, they're losing it even more now with the second Iraq war. If anyone should have the blame for a dwindling military, it is the warhawks in Washington who have abused the privelege of a good military, not an apprehensive mom and pop in San Francisco.
One day integrity will arrive in the halls of congress, when that happens can I come to your
Presidential Inauguration?
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Mushroom on 11/15/05 at 11:48 am
we're actually not supposed to use the military domestically in america. because of posse comitatus, which was instituted to reduce the likelihood of a military coup. instead we're supposed to use the national guard.
OK, and then what is the problem with how slow the Military responded to Katrina?
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Mushroom on 11/15/05 at 11:51 am
Well, I think his point was that he has a real problem with people who don't want to support the military, yet still expect to be able to reap the benefits of it.
Kinda like those people who never bring anything to the workplace potluck, yet they still want to eat.
How about another example that those on "the left" might understand.
In an "open shop", the workers who are not a member of the union reap the benefits, without having to pay for them. Think of the US as the ultimate "open shop" workplace.
But if nobody ever joins the union, then they loose their effectiveness.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Tia on 11/15/05 at 11:54 am
OK, and then what is the problem with how slow the Military responded to Katrina?
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Mushroom on 11/15/05 at 11:56 am
I know that laws like this have been passed by SF, only to have the courts later declare them unconstitutional.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Mushroom on 11/15/05 at 12:02 pm
holy gawd, this is awful long! i rather suspect an effort to obfuscate here.
No, it is simply trying to be factual.
I do not play word games, especially when it comes the the Military.
But to many people, the way the military works might as well be Sanskrit.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Tia on 11/15/05 at 12:08 pm
You are wrong.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Mushroom on 11/15/05 at 12:20 pm
OK, now I am going to stand up on a soapbox for just a few minutes.
One thing I run into all the time in here is that people really don't understand the Military.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: GWBush2004 on 11/15/05 at 12:21 pm
Or as we called it. "The 9th Circus Court".
Did you know that the 9th Circut has the highest number of appealed overturned at the Supreme Court level than every other court in the US combined?
It is strange, but a city is allowed to forbid handgun ownership.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Tia on 11/15/05 at 12:22 pm
"Well, I am sorry I do not give "10 second sound bites".
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Tia on 11/15/05 at 12:26 pm
lol at "ninth circus." y'all have your moments, that's for sure. ;)
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: GWBush2004 on 11/15/05 at 12:36 pm
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Mushroom on 11/15/05 at 12:42 pm
yeah, i dunno, man. to me what you wrote above sounds like a lot of blather, an attempt to point your fingers in a trillion irrelevant directions at once and inundate the thread with pointless facts -- which you seem to have copied and pasted whole out of wikipedia or somewhere -- in order to apologize for the fact that the adminisrtation sat on its hands during the worst natural catastrophe in history. the adminisrtation is doing much the same stuff -- you know, if you look at 49CFR subpart b, subsection q, you'll read that it turns out the federal government has no responsibility to its citizens unless the party of the second part has submitted a duly filled in form 41-dash-R in triplicate.... blah blah blah. it's all smoke and mirrors.
Oh my God, I absolutely love it!!!!
Look, all I was trying to do is point out to you that you do not understand the National Guard.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Mushroom on 11/15/05 at 12:47 pm
"Well, I am sorry I do not give "10 second sound bites".
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Tia on 11/15/05 at 12:52 pm
hey, no hard feelings, mushroom. It's just politics.
That said, I notice none of your posts seem to mention Katrina at all. Subject successfully changed, eh? And that was my point originally: obfuscation to distract from a subject that's causing the right immense difficulty at the moment.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Mushroom on 11/15/05 at 2:11 pm
hey, no hard feelings, mushroom. It's just politics.
That said, I notice none of your posts seem to mention Katrina at all. Subject successfully changed, eh? And that was my point originally: obfuscation to distract from a subject that's causing the right immense difficulty at the moment.
Scrolls back through the previous several posts made:
OK, and then what is the problem with how slow the Military responded to Katrina? According to your line of reasoning, the Military had no right to be in there in the first place.
National Guard: These are troops who work through 2 chains of command. Their first one is the State leval. They are commanded and comissioned through the respective Governor of the state they are stationed in. All pay comes from their home State. They are trained by the US Army and US Air Force. For the most part, they are activated by the states Governor, and respond to Domestic issues (floods, riots, hurricanes, etc). In this way, they are the "shotgun" of the Governor. They can also be "Nationalized". This happens for many reasons, like during Hurricane Katrina, when they were Nationalized to help take the financial strain off of the States, and shift it to the Federal level, which had more funds to pay the costs associated with them.
The posse comitatus statue you list is not quite right. The Federal Government is not allowed to move troops into a state without the permission of the Governor of the state. And this also covers troops from the Texas National Guard who need to enter Mississippi for a hurricane. The Governors of the 2 states have to sign formal agreements before this can take place. The Governor also has to give permission to the Federal Government to move in any troops who are not stationed in that state.
And there are ways around that. One reason that Naval personnel (Navy and Marine Corps) can enter an area without this permission is that there are already agreements in place for ships and troops at sea. This is why after a hurricane in the mid 1990's (I forget which one), the first Federal Troops on the ground was a Regiment of US Marines, and their Navy support. The unit was on the way back from a Deployment, and instead of landing in Virginia, landed in Florida to help the cleanup and recovery. Because they were at sea, the already standing agreements for "Troops Afloat" was used, and no other permission was needed.
That was from my very first post. And ironically, in a response you listed the first line. And you claim I never mentioned Katrina? I mentioned Katrina, and several other disasters.
Not mention Katrina? Hardly. Want to bring up the truth? Naturally.
It is interesting that you claim I did not mention it, while I mentioned it (and other similar events) several times in that post. And yet you claim I tried to change the subject?
Now once again, how did I "obfuscation to distract from a subject that's causing the right immense difficulty at the moment"? If anything, I have been trying to clarify things. As I stated, most civilians really do not understand the Military. I do not mean that as an insult or a put-down, it is simply a fact. I doubt that more then 20% of people without a Military background can explain the differences between a Battalion, a Regiment, or a Division, let alone a Corps or an Army. And most have no idea how the various Guard, Reserve, and Active Duty components work. As I said, I was simply explaining how they worked, and giving some examples. And as you should be able to see, I gave several examples.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Tia on 11/15/05 at 2:23 pm
i meant your following posts. Frankly I didn't read that first one. It was too long, and I read abstruse organizational stuff all day long for work. I was noticing though that as your posts went on, slowly the subject was being changed from Katrina to esoteric facts about the NG hierarchy, and pulling the whole false-appeal-to-authority I-was-a-veteran-and-you-weren't-so-nyaah-nyaah thing. And that's what I'm referring to, this effort whenever the subject of Katrina comes up for the right to change the subject and make the conversation needlessly complex, to avoid the obvious fact that the federal government was responsible for responding competently to Katrina, and it fell down on the job, and we know why -- it was because incompetents were appointed to FEMA and DHS, based on their personal connections with bush and his pals. No amount of elaborate esoterica about the national guard hierarchy is going to account for that, sorry.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: ADH13 on 11/15/05 at 5:12 pm
It isn't the parents' fault that they are too worried about their kids to let them enlist. Should the status of the military be more important to them than the lives of their children? This is the fault of the federal government's abuse of the military over the last 40 years. People lost their trust for the government when it came to the military in Vietnam, they're losing it even more now with the second Iraq war. If anyone should have the blame for a dwindling military, it is the warhawks in Washington who have abused the privelege of a good military, not an apprehensive mom and pop in San Francisco.
Sure, the parents have a right to be worried about their kids. And luckily, there is no draft, so they also have the right to influence their kids not to join. But regardless of whether the parents believe in the Iraq war, or whether they believed in World War I, or whether they believe in the Revolutionary War, the fact still remains that without people joining the military, one of two things will happen. Either the military will become insufficient, or there will be a draft. Both of these scenarios would be a direct result of the lack of recruitment. If the parents are willing to accept responsibility for these consequences, by all means, they have no obligation to enlist their kids. But you and I both know that they won't... it will be somebody else's fault, as always.
I do appreciate, however, your comment about the Federal government's abuse of the military over the last 40 years. I appreciate the fact that you are holding past governments equally accountable, including the Democrats.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Mushroom on 11/15/05 at 6:08 pm
i meant your following posts. Frankly I didn't read that first one. It was too long, and I read abstruse organizational stuff all day long for work. I was noticing though that as your posts went on, slowly the subject was being changed from Katrina to esoteric facts about the NG hierarchy, and pulling the whole false-appeal-to-authority I-was-a-veteran-and-you-weren't-so-nyaah-nyaah thing. And that's what I'm referring to, this effort whenever the subject of Katrina comes up for the right to change the subject and make the conversation needlessly complex, to avoid the obvious fact that the federal government was responsible for responding competently to Katrina, and it fell down on the job, and we know why -- it was because incompetents were appointed to FEMA and DHS, based on their personal connections with bush and his pals. No amount of elaborate esoterica about the national guard hierarchy is going to account for that, sorry.
I was long-winded. I was wrong. I do not know what I am talking about. I was off-topic.
And you did not even read it.
And the topic here was Military recruiting in High Schools. Not how FEMA (or the military in general) responded to Katrina.
You go on about these shadow conspiracy theories. But to you, facts do not matter. You have your mind made up, and no amount of facts are ever going to make you change your mind that Military and Bush are wrong, and you are right.
I am sorry that I am unable to over-simplify the truth of the matter. Some things are simply unable to be explained in simple 1-2 phrase explanations. I was simply trying to help you to understand how the military works. But since the facts get in the way of your beliefs, I guess it really is unimportant.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: ADH13 on 11/15/05 at 7:11 pm
I was long-winded.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Tia on 11/15/05 at 8:17 pm
I was long-winded.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Mushroom on 11/16/05 at 10:24 am
well, yes, the topic was originally about military recruiting in schools, but if you'll recall, odyssey, i think it was, brought up the issue of whether protesting the military amounted to biting the hand that protected you, and i said that if you were protesting the national guard you could maybe make that argument because it was the national guard who would protect us, supposedly, in the event of a hurricane. then suddenly i got this wikipedia -- sorry, mushroompedia -- entry about the natiional guard and why it wasn't bush's fault he didn't do anything about katrina.
Let me say it yet again.
My post was politically neutral. It was simply correcting a mistake you had made about how the National Guard functioned and was organized.
I did not say anything about how Bush was right, wrong, indifferent, or anything else. You had made a mistake in when and how the Military (and National Guard) can respond inside (and outside) the United States, and I corrected it.
we're actually not supposed to use the military domestically in america. because of posse comitatus, which was instituted to reduce the likelihood of a military coup. instead we're supposed to use the national guard.
I simply explained in what ways you were wrong, then backed up my case by trying to show in what ways you were right (and almost right). So forgive me if I like to make myself clear. I am not just another "political pundit" in here. Sure, I like to make jokes and have fun. But when somebody is mistaken, I try to politely correct them, and give them the information they need so it will not be repeated.
If it helps any, all of your posts made sense to me. :)
Thank you Odyssey. And I will say it one more time, the post was intended to be "Politically Neutral". Looking back through it again, I still do not see anything that states anything about Bush being right, wrong, or anything else. It was simply an explanation of how the Guard operates, and when/how they can be used.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly calls for terrorist attacks on San Francisco
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 11/24/05 at 11:19 pm
Bill O'Reilly is a looney-tuney...like every other 'reporter' on Fake News Channel!