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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: STAR70 on 11/10/05 at 7:46 pm
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/10/05 at 9:12 pm
When are the people of small town America going to realize Pat Robertson's a spiteful old armageddonist and crazy as a road lizard? When are they going to stop sending money to his phoney-baloney "700 Club," and stop buying has assanine books? When are they going to stop inviting him to speak at this and that? If the American people would be willing to do thise things, Pat would go away!
He'd have to take his snake oil medicine show to Liberia where he has his diamond mines, and they'd just eat him alive over there!
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 11/10/05 at 9:13 pm
What I just read in that Yahoo! article confirms what I feel about the mind of Pat Robertson..HE'S GONE OFF THE EVANGELICAL DEEP END!!
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: McDonald on 11/10/05 at 9:50 pm
Early stages of Alzheimer's, definitely. Either that or just good, old-fashioned dementia.
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: Dagwood on 11/10/05 at 10:40 pm
He has definately gone off the deep end.
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/10/05 at 10:45 pm
He's a nutjob..... ::)
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/10/05 at 11:44 pm
"Off the deepend," "Alzheimer's," and "nutjob" let him off too easy. Robertson is a wicked old business executive who uses religion as a cover-up. He is sadistical, sociopathic, and megamaniacal. He revels in the notion he can judge who's naughty and nice, and God will agree. He exploits the insecure, the gullible, the elderly, the lonely, and the fearful in order to collect money. He's a con artist.
We don't say Osama Bin Laden is a nutjob, we say he is evil It is high time we start applying the word "evil" to pseudo-Christian phoneymentalists such as Robertson, Fallwell, and Graham who pervert the Christian religion for political and financial gain. The only reason Pat Robertson and his ilk don't foster "terrorism" among their congregants is they don't yet have to in order to get what they want.
For suggesting a town who voted against the teaching of Biblical creationism* will be visited by disaster is a rotten and thuggish thing to do. Pat Robertson is a piece of sh*t, though that's insulting to the other pieces of sh*t. Time to throw the God bullies out of the public square.
*and the intention IS to teach Biblical creationism, not some vague "intelligent design" theory. If it were not purported Creationism, Robertson wouldn't have stuck his big nasty schnozz into the affair to begin with!
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/11/05 at 3:37 am
Sayeth Pat:
"God is tolerant and loving, but we can't keep sticking our finger in his eye forever," Robertson said. "If they have future problems in Dover, I recommend they call on Charles Darwin. Maybe he can help them."
Now, Patrick, let's take our Clozaril like a good boy!
This fruitcake is acting like a jealous ex-wife! "Oh, why don't you get your Charles Darwin to fix the snowblower!" :D
This line of thinking is neither scientific nor theological, it's narrow-minded and daft. Look, the biology departments at Notre Dame and Holy Cross don't seem to be having this problem!
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: Harmonica on 11/11/05 at 11:52 am
Even I can't stand him
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: Tia on 11/11/05 at 12:04 pm
yeah, pat robertson's cool, but for sheer in-your-face mr.pibb-fueled
no one can beat, who was it, oral roberts? who holed up in his space needle that time and said he needed a million dollars or else god was gonna kill him? and he didn't get the million dollars, and god totally didn't kill him, and he just kinda shrugged and said, hmm, guess i was wrong. my bee. anyway, thanks for playing. and thanks for all the COLD CASH, baby.
even i had to begrudgingly respect the sheer audacity of that.
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 11/11/05 at 6:15 pm
Sayeth Pat:
"God is tolerant and loving, but we can't keep sticking our finger in his eye forever," Robertson said. "If they have future problems in Dover, I recommend they call on Charles Darwin. Maybe he can help them."
Now, Patrick, let's take our Clozaril like a good boy!
This fruitcake is acting like a jealous ex-wife! "Oh, why don't you get your Charles Darwin to fix the snowblower!" :D
This line of thinking is neither scientific nor theological, it's narrow-minded and daft. Look, the biology departments at Notre Dame and Holy Cross don't seem to be having this problem!
Robertson needs Thorazine rather than Clozaril. The Thorazine in high doses would make him sleep all the time...and he'd be too dam tired to do the 700 Club anymore!
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: Tanya1976 on 11/11/05 at 6:50 pm
Complete loon. If this is what being Christian is, I'll revoke my membership.
No, I won't. I will just revoke him.
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/11/05 at 9:03 pm
Robertson needs Thorazine rather than Clozaril. The Thorazine in high doses would make him sleep all the time...and he'd be too dam tired to do the 700 Club anymore!
Hey, that would be a bonus benefit!
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/12/05 at 5:50 pm
Even I can't stand him
Well, its vert clear. According to P.R, God speaks to Lil' Georgie, ans Lil' Georgie speaks to us. So to disagree with Lil' Georgie is to disagree with God. The logic is clear, although the factual evidance s lacking.
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 11/12/05 at 6:59 pm
Yes Pat Robertson is nuttier than a fruitcake...but remember Jim Jones and his People's Temple down in Guyana....'oh drink the Kool-Aid, folks, and you will be SAVED!' 900-some people believed his looney tuney stuff and died because of it!
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 11/12/05 at 7:05 pm
Jerry Falwell is off his rocker too..."Tinky Winky is GAY because he carries a purse" Oh jeezus, please save us from Nutjob Jerry..remember this is the guy who started the FARCE that was the Moral Majority!
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/12/05 at 7:22 pm
Yes Pat Robertson is nuttier than a fruitcake...but remember Jim Jones and his People's Temple down in Guyana....'oh drink the Kool-Aid, folks, and you will be SAVED!' 900-some people believed his looney tuney stuff and died because of it!
Jim Jones' problem is he was a small fry. If a congressman interferes with Pat Robertson, Pat can buy him off. When Representative Leo Ryan posed a threat to Jim Jones, Jones' panicked and had his henchmen gun down Ryan on the tarmac. That's what precipitated the whole Kool-Aid-drinking finale. It was only a question of time before there was some kind of massacre in Guyana. Jones was prepping the whole cult for the end.
Then again, the Christian funny-mentalists who follow your Robertsons and Fallwells are always getting an earful about "end times" and "armageddon." People who think the end is a done deal already are extremely dangerous!
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: saver on 11/13/05 at 9:51 pm
And who (pays) and lets him on tv for EVERYONE to hear?
If Robertson makes an ass of himself with no one around to hear him..Is he still an ass? ??? ???
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: EthanM on 11/14/05 at 12:32 am
And who (pays) and lets him on tv for EVERYONE to hear?
If Robertson makes an ass of himself with no one around to hear him..Is he still an ass? ??? ???
Most definitely yes. And if a tree falls in the forest, it makes a sound regardless of who or what is around.
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: saver on 11/14/05 at 12:51 am
Most definitely yes. And if a tree falls in the forest, it makes a sound regardless of who or what is around.
Wouldn't someone have to BE THERE to HEAR the tree fall to ACKNOWLEDGE a sound was made?
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/14/05 at 1:14 am
Wouldn't someone have to BE THERE to HEAR the tree fall to ACKNOWLEDGE a sound was made?
I would like Pat Roberston to be around for the treet fall on HIM!
Watch out Pat! Watch out, watch out, watch out! Awww, splat!
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: McDonald on 11/15/05 at 11:41 am
I heard a recording of these comments a few days ago, and you really have to hear them said to receive the full effect. This guy is... I can't even think of the proper word.
He actually thinks that Jesus was a capitalist. "Den of thieves..." HELLO? Moron!
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: Tia on 11/15/05 at 11:48 am
I heard a recording of these comments a few days ago, and you really have to hear them said to receive the full effect. This guy is... I can't even think of the proper word.
He actually thinks that Jesus was a capitalist. "Den of thieves..." HELLO? Moron!
oo! is there a wav file on the 'net? i wanna hear it!
if they did a poll asking whether jesus was an american, i wonder how many people would say yes.
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: McDonald on 11/15/05 at 11:57 am
oo! is there a wav file on the 'net? i wanna hear it!
if they did a poll asking whether jesus was an american, i wonder how many people would say yes.
I heard it on the radio, but there probably is a .wav somewhere.
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/15/05 at 3:57 pm
He actually thinks that Jesus was a capitalist.
It's a free country. You can think Jesus was android from Crypton. You can make up all the whacky bullshirt you want! Look at what L. Ron Hubbard wrote, and there are how many Scientologists out there? 200,000? The problem is, people listen to Pat. People who know neither who Jesus was, nor know what capitalism is, will begin to bleat, "Jesus was a capitalist." Ignorance is the idealogue's best friend.
This is why I have more respect for the Ayn Rand devotees. I mean, they're full of sh*t and so was Rand, but at least they don't hitch their wagon to Jesus (who said "give all your possessions to the poor and follow me) and say "Jesus was a capitalist." DUH!
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/15/05 at 4:00 pm
I think it's still a free country, but maybe I haven't seen the "Martial Law Declared" headlines today!
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/15/05 at 4:02 pm
I heard it on the radio, but there probably is a .wav somewhere.
Hey, baby, Jim Morrison was the American Jesus. Jim died for our sins, man!
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 11/16/05 at 8:24 pm
And who (pays) and lets him on tv for EVERYONE to hear?
If Robertson makes an ass of himself with no one around to hear him..Is he still an ass? ??? ???
I don't send any money to Pat (the Wacko) Robertson.........he's still an ass for not getting that people are NOT interested if people ever WAKE UP and stop watching CBN/the 700 Club and it's extreme right-wing end-times drivel!!
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: Tia on 11/16/05 at 9:44 pm
It's a free country.
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/16/05 at 9:59 pm
you mean he's NOT an android from crypton?
the funny thing is, jesus was a total hippie. he's all, hey, man, hang out, let's work miracles, let's give our money away. dude. he even LOOKS like a hippie!
one of life's great ironies, that, all these crewcut guys in flannel with gunracks on their 4x4s, worshipping a scraggly peacenik with long hair... very odd.
Well, what about Ted Nugent? "God, Guns, and Rock & Roll" was his book!
Subject: Re: Pat Robertson threatens town with imminent doom!!!!
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 11/17/05 at 11:16 am
Well, what about Ted Nugent? "God, Guns, and Rock & Roll" was his book!
I'm not so sure about the God part..Nuge was a serious SEX ADDICT!