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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: Tia on 11/01/05 at 4:02 pm
demanding answers on the war and on intelligence failures.
did they borrow somebody's backbone for a minute? color me impressed, definitely. 8)
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/01/05 at 4:30 pm
Hooray for the Dems! Nice to see they still gotta pair! Harry Reid is about to be named the new Satan by the right-wing media. Reid needs to get on the tube at every opportunity and flip 'em all the bird, "We may be down by eleven seats, but we're not gonna let a bunch of dirty crooks run roughshod over the people!"
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/01/05 at 4:34 pm
On second thought...
Maybe it's time to shut down the entire phony operation for good...
Heh heh!
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: danootaandme on 11/01/05 at 4:43 pm
2000+ American and unknown tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis dead, and the creation of a
terrorist nation state-but better late then never
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/01/05 at 4:50 pm
Yeah, but the Republicans can still open it back up with a majority vote, which I'm sure they will ::)
You know, the Republicans and their media minions already decry the Dems as attackers and obstructionists. Maybe it's time they live up to that name. You know, growing up as a little guy among big bullies, I learned when it ain't a fair fight, sometimes the best thing to do is hit 'em by surprise, hit 'em below the belt, and hit 'em without mercy, and then bust a bottle over their heads when they double over!
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: Tia on 11/01/05 at 4:52 pm
yeah, the repubs will probably just steamroll with their majority. but they already look like warmed-over crap and this will just be more egg in their face. talk about looking like you've got something to hide!
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: Tia on 11/01/05 at 4:55 pm
You know, the Republicans and their media minions already decry the Dems as attackers and obstructionists. Maybe it's time they live up to that name. You know, growing up as a little guy among big bullies, I learned when it ain't a fair fight, sometimes the best thing to do is hit 'em by surprise, hit 'em below the belt, and hit 'em without mercy, and then bust a bottle over their heads when they double over!
yeah! dems: bite! scratch! kick! pull hair! kneesb**lsandeyesbaby! the repubs have been fighting dirty since '95, at least.
c-span sounds like the WWF at the moment. lol.
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: danootaandme on 11/02/05 at 6:49 am
On the news the talking heads for the Repubs were Frist and Lott. They are the best that they could
come up with to talk about the ethics behind the Dems closure of the senate. Anyone see a paradox
in that?
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 11/02/05 at 8:36 am
Good lord people. The democrats pull a stunt and some act as though they just voted in an exit plan for Iraq. It's sad to see how many people can get excited over nothing.
Leave it to Neal Boortz:
Faced with their own political irrelevancy and unable to capitalize on the perceived troubles of the Bush administration, the Democrats in the Senate decided yesterday to throw a temper tantrum.
Like a 5-year-old in need of attention, Harry Reid invoked Rule 21 and closed down the Senate, forcing it into closed session. The reason given for their manufactured outrage? They were supposedly upset about an investigation into pre-Iraq war intelligence not being started. Yep....another one of those. How many more 'Bush lied, people died' commissions do we need? Evidently if you're Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin, that's all you care about. What's the limit? 5? 10? Who knows.
What possible useful outcome could be realized from another investigation? Not a thing we haven't heard many times before. The 911 Commission already investigated this issue and found that intelligence information was NOT manipulated by the Bush Administration. So .. when one study doesn't develop the results you want - or demand - just shut down the Senate and demand another study! What this is really about is the Democrats running completely out of ideas. The war in Iraq is all they have. With gas prices headed downward across the country, the left has to demonize something....and Iraq is it.
But we've heard it all before. This was rehashed for a year during the presidential campaign, and they lost. The fact of the matter is most reasonable people believe Saddam Hussein should have been removed from power. Democrats, however, despite voting to give George Bush the power to wage the war, want Saddam back. They wrongly say he had no weapons of mass destruction.
So here we are in the year 2005, one year before the mid-term elections. A senior White House official has just been indicted and George Bush's presidency is supposedly at a low point. And just what do Democrats do to capitalize? Shut down the Senate and demand yet another Iraq WMD probe. What a strategy!
With the sheer incompetence of their leadership, Democrats increasingly have no chance of retaining power. All they have to do is keep talking.
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: Tia on 11/02/05 at 8:49 am
"Good lord people. The democrats pull a stunt and some act as though they just voted in an exit plan for Iraq. It's sad to see how many people can get excited over nothing."
yeah, i dunno, i think for a lot of people there just isn't that sense of having hit bottom. we still don't really know why we're in iraq -- there's got to be some reason why the admin went to such lengths, making up this yellowcake stuff and hyping up hussein's remote-control balsa-wood planes as though they were continent-hopping, anthrax-spraying stealth drones, and playing this whole game of intimidation and discrediting with the plame affair. the republican cover story for this seems to be, oh, well, this was just a confluence of mistakes and oversights and well-intentioned missteps, but the more hinkiness gets piled up surrounding the record of how and why we went to war, the less plausible this story gets. in any case, the republicans in power can certainly not be counted on to investigate themselves (frankly, i don't trust the dems to investigate themselves, either, that's why we have an adversarial system of government) and in an environment where the repubs control the legislature the dems need to come up with different tactics to keep the flame under the repubs' feet.
i dunno what the rules are but if they can shut down the senate again, i say go for it. keep shutting that mug down till we get a real investigation that everyone on all sides can feel comfortable with.
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 11/02/05 at 10:01 am
I have no problem with shutting down the senate. Hell maybe we should shut it down for a year. The more the senate is shut down, the less they can spend.
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: Indy Gent on 11/02/05 at 10:03 am
I agree with GW to the point that this latest hissy fit is all for naught. All the Dems did in closing was to further delay the passage of the federal budget, which working Americans need for continual economic survival. What does this action do to help the Dems' cause? It will not change GW's mind, and can only defeat the purpose of those that are opposed to the war in Iraq. I'm not in favor of GW or the war either. But this is a act of cowardice, not bravery, from Harry Reid. ÂÂ
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: danootaandme on 11/02/05 at 12:15 pm
I agree with GW to the point that this latest hissy fit is all for naught. All the Dems did in closing was to further delay the passage of the federal budget, which working Americans need for continual economic survival. What does this action do to help the Dems' cause? It will not change GW's mind, and can only defeat the purpose of those that are opposed to the war in Iraq. I'm not in favor of GW or the war either. But this is a act of cowardice, not bravery, from Harry Reid.
It got abipartisn group to find out what the Senate "Intelligence" Committee has been doing besides covering its tracks on the pre-war "intelligence" debacle. Without this move they would
just keep drawing it out as they have been. Sometimes it takes a birch to the backside and this is
what the Dems have (finally) done.
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: Mushroom on 11/02/05 at 12:57 pm
I am curious....
What would the reaction in here be if the Republicans had done the same thing in opposition to say abortion?
I bet there would be screams to lynch them from a lot of people in here.
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: McDonald on 11/02/05 at 1:08 pm
I am curious....
What would the reaction in here be if the Republicans had done the same thing in opposition to say abortion?
I bet there would be screams to lynch them from a lot of people in here.
So what you're saying is the pendulum swings both ways....?
We already knew that!
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: Tia on 11/02/05 at 1:37 pm
I am curious....
What would the reaction in here be if the Republicans had done the same thing in opposition to say abortion?
I bet there would be screams to lynch them from a lot of people in here.
funny because i remember they DID do that in '95, shut down congress, and it was really unpopular in the short run, but it worked out for the repubs in the long run because it gave clinton a chance to chase monica around the oval office. thong-gate TOTALLY happened during the '95 shutdown. so it's funny how things work out.
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: danootaandme on 11/02/05 at 2:37 pm
I am curious....
What would the reaction in here be if the Republicans had done the same thing in opposition to say abortion?
I bet there would be screams to lynch them from a lot of people in here.
The repubs did it, and all for the outrage of consensual sex. Now let's see outrage at lying about
consensual sex, outrage at lying that has brought about tens of thousands dead. Hmmmm, what you figure?
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/02/05 at 4:05 pm
GWB asserts that we know all there is to know, that there were WMDs in Iraq, and that this move was a hissy fit.
Seems like every day we learn a bit more, but uncovering the truth with this admin is like pulling teeth (from a hen). Federal agancies have been instructed to use any technicality to hold back info, clearly top officials have at the least hidden the truth, and clearly, Bush, Rove, Cheney, Libby, and a good many others have lied throuth there teeth.
My MD is good friend with a recently retired CIA analyst who said that it was clear from the beginning that Sadam had NO WMDs, that we would only "find" them if we put them there.
The Dems used the rules to their advantage, so the Repugs threw a hissy fit.
Subject: Re: Dems Shut Down Senate!
Written By: Tia on 11/02/05 at 4:49 pm
The Dems used the rules to their advantage, so the Repugs threw a hissy fit.
i thought bill frist was actually going to cry.