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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Libby Indictment
Written By: Meghan88 on 10/28/05 at 2:28 pm
Well...Lewis "Scooter" Libby has finally been indicted and has resigned. Any thoughts or comments?
Subject: Re: Libby Indictment
Written By: LyricBoy on 10/28/05 at 2:55 pm
I say, "off with his privates". Anybody who would "out" an undercover agent should be shown no mercy. It is an act very close to treason.
Subject: Re: Libby Indictment
Written By: Don Carlos on 10/28/05 at 3:26 pm
While only Libby was indicted I would say that theres a bridge in Brooklyn that I will offer to anyone who doesn't belive this was a conspiracy involving at least Karl Rove as well as Libby. And while both Cheney and Bush probably gave specific orders, I would be very surprised if one or the other didn't say, a la King Henry "Who will rid us of this imputant ambassador". Henry, by the way, did penance (was flogged) for the murder of Thomas a Becket.
Subject: Re: Libby Indictment
Written By: danootaandme on 10/28/05 at 4:18 pm
The big problem here is that he wasn't indicted for outing the agent, he was indicted for obstruction of
justice and perjury, and Rove is still doing what Rove does.
Subject: Re: Libby Indictment
Written By: Dagwood on 10/28/05 at 6:40 pm
I think this will go all the way to Cheney. And, if what they are saying is true, it should. Cheney needs to step down.
Subject: Re: Libby Indictment
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/28/05 at 8:15 pm
Bill O'Reilly was on about, "Oh poor little Scooter! Don't you mean-spirited Democrats be mean to poor Scooter. You think it's amusing to see a man's life ruined. His entire stock portfolio might be liquidated to pay legal bills...."
What an azz()le!!! Poor citizens of New Orleans dying of dehydration on rooftops drew this line of response from O'Reilly, "Hey, if you don't take personal responsibility for your own life, that's what you get---left for dead on a rooftop! Let the be lesson to you!"
"Oh, but poor, poor Scooter Libby. I better not hear any of you vicious liberals being insensitive to Cheney's chief of staff!"
I guess if you're rich, white, conservative, and politically powerful the standards of "personal responsibility" are ever so slightly different!
Subject: Re: Libby Indictment
Written By: deadrockstar on 10/28/05 at 11:23 pm
The big problem here is that he wasn't indicted for outing the agent, he was indicted for obstruction of
justice and perjury, and Rove is still doing what Rove does.
I agree 100%. Today's announcement wasn't very satisfying to me either. But at least the investigation is still ongoing.
There is still a chance of justice being done..
Subject: Re: Libby Indictment
Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/30/05 at 4:03 pm
Bill O'Reilly was on about, "Oh poor little Scooter! Don't you mean-spirited Democrats be mean to poor Scooter. You think it's amusing to see a man's life ruined. His entire stock portfolio might be liquidated to pay legal bills...."
What an azz()le!!! Poor citizens of New Orleans dying of dehydration on rooftops drew this line of response from O'Reilly, "Hey, if you don't take personal responsibility for your own life, that's what you get---left for dead on a rooftop! Let the be lesson to you!"
"Oh, but poor, poor Scooter Libby. I better not hear any of you vicious liberals being insensitive to Cheney's chief of staff!"
I guess if you're rich, white, conservative, and politically powerful the standards of "personal responsibility" are ever so slightly different!
Yeah, I actually heard that. Don't ya feel sooooo sorry for him. I also heard O'Reilly saying that the public doesn't care about this story. I'm sorry but I think the public VERY MUCH cares. It is just basically O'Rielly downplaying the significance of this whole episode.
Subject: Re: Libby Indictment
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/31/05 at 1:48 am
Yeah, I actually heard that. Don't ya feel sooooo sorry for him. I also heard O'Reilly saying that the public doesn't care about this story. I'm sorry but I think the public VERY MUCH cares. It is just basically O'Rielly downplaying the significance of this whole episode.
O'Reilly is a Jedi, like Obi Wan Kenobe. He can say to his viewers, "you don't care about this story!," and his viewers look at each other and say, "We don't care about this story, do we, honey?"
"Nope! We sure don't!, now when are we gonn hear more about this week's missing blonde?"
Subject: Re: Libby Indictment
Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/31/05 at 12:54 pm
Well, Cheney can always hire Harriet Miers to replace Libby.
Subject: Re: Libby Indictment
Written By: Tia on 10/31/05 at 1:09 pm
O'Reilly is a Jedi, like Obi Wan Kenobe. He can say to his viewers, "you don't care about this story!," and his viewers look at each other and say, "We don't care about this story, do we, honey?"
"Nope! We sure don't!, now when are we gonn hear more about this week's missing blonde?"
ugh, god. i was in the silver diner yesterday just trying to have a little bacon&eggs and reading the indepth wash. post story about the libby indictment and this dude next to me looks over my shoulder, sees the story and is all, do people in washington really care about this? and i say yes, people around here are kinda politics geeks for obvious reasons. he says, well, i'm from north carolina and no one around there cares at ALL, why does it matter? and i'm, well, it goes back to the war and whether you'd be okay with a relative going over and dying for a lie. and he says, are you a veteran? i say no, i went straight to college after high school. and he says, well, *i'm* a veteran, kinda smug-like, and then says again that no one cares about the indictment, it's all politics. we go back and forth, i don't even wanna argue about it, i just wanna eat my eggs! but he wouldn't drop it, is saying, i don't even think the war is about iraq at all. it's about saudi arabia, we're afraid islamic radicals are going to overthrow the house of saud and cut off our oil. and i say, well, the war in iraq doesn't seem to be stemming the radicalism in the region that much, you know. i didn't even get into the hinky ethics of going to war with one country because you're concerned about some OTHER country. i mean, gawd, doesn't that seem a bit CALLOUS to you, mr. veteran bill o'reillytalkingpoint guy?
oi. i have to be honest with you, i'm a little weary of people who just say, "i'm a veteran" without explaining why it's relevant to a particular discussion, just using it to score points. i mean yes, it's noble to serve your country but just because you were in the military, that doesn't automatically make you an authority or beyond reproach.
okay! flame me now!
Subject: Re: Libby Indictment
Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/31/05 at 1:14 pm
ugh, god. i was in the silver diner yesterday just trying to have a little bacon&eggs and reading the indepth wash. post story about the libby indictment and this dude next to me looks over my shoulder, sees the story and is all, do people in washington really care about this? and i say yes, people around here are kinda politics geeks for obvious reasons. he says, well, i'm from north carolina and no one around there cares at ALL, why does it matter? and i'm, well, it goes back to the war and whether you'd be okay with a relative going over and dying for a lie. and he says, are you a veteran? i say no, i went straight to college after high school. and he says, well, *i'm* a veteran, kinda smug-like, and then says again that no one cares about the indictment, it's all politics. we go back and forth, i don't even wanna argue about it, i just wanna eat my eggs! but he wouldn't drop it, is saying, i don't even think the war is about iraq at all. it's about saudi arabia, we're afraid islamic radicals are going to overthrow the house of saud and cut off our oil. and i say, well, the war in iraq doesn't seem to be stemming the radicalism in the region that much, you know. i didn't even get into the hinky ethics of going to war with one country because you're concerned about some OTHER country. i mean, gawd, doesn't that seem a bit CALLOUS to you, mr. veteran bill o'reillytalkingpoint guy?
oi. i have to be honest with you, i'm a little weary of people who just say, "i'm a veteran" without explaining why it's relevant to a particular discussion, just using it to score points. i mean yes, it's noble to serve your country but just because you were in the military, that doesn't automatically make you an authority or beyond reproach.
okay! flame me now!
I'm a veteran ;D ;D ;D
(Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Subject: Re: Libby Indictment
Written By: Tia on 10/31/05 at 1:16 pm
I'm a veteran ;D ;D ;D
(Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Subject: Re: Libby Indictment
Written By: Meghan88 on 10/31/05 at 3:54 pm
O'Reilly is a Jedi, like Obi Wan Kenobe. He can say to his viewers, "you don't care about this story!," and his viewers look at each other and say, "We don't care about this story, do we, honey?"
"Nope! We sure don't!, now when are we gonn hear more about this week's missing blonde?"
LMAO. That's so true!
Subject: Re: Libby Indictment
Written By: Don Carlos on 10/31/05 at 4:07 pm
I'm a veteran ;D ;D ;D
(Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Yes, and she served her country honorably. Every night was party night, or just about.
(sorry honey, couldn't resist).
I'm not a vet, thank god I missed Vietnam. Like all the current leader-leakers, I had better things to do (and no desire to kill small people wearing black pajamas). Nevertheless, I certainly think that my highly informed and well educated views are more important and more accurate than some SC redneck whose family tree has no branches, whether he's a vet or not. Sorry for the slam, I know that not all SCians are like that.
Subject: Re: Libby Indictment
Written By: Tia on 10/31/05 at 4:16 pm
Yes, and she served her country honorably. Every night was party night, or just about.
(sorry honey, couldn't resist).
I'm not a vet, thank god I missed Vietnam. Like all the current leader-leakers, I had better things to do (and no desire to kill small people wearing black pajamas). Nevertheless, I certainly think that my highly informed and well educated views are more important and more accurate than some SC redneck whose family tree has no branches, whether he's a vet or not. Sorry for the slam, I know that not all SCians are like that.
haha! nice.
yeah, silver diner guy was a dork, plain and simple. i'm like don't like my town? allow me to show you the way to the airport, my carolina friend. gah. i have very limited experience with the military but i went down to fort, um, gah, i can't remember now but it was in georgia, to visit a friend for the weekend. there was PLENTY of drinking, ahthehyewwhot. real nice guys, in fact, down-to-earth types, and i gotta be honest, i had these preconceptions and expected everybody to be all gung-ho chuck norris types. this one guy had every single pearl jam album ever made, a rack of pearl jam CDs. so i'm all, totally neutral like, hmm, big pearl jam fan, huh? and he straight away shoots back, yeah! so i like pearl jam! so what?! what about it? all defensive. i guess people were razzing him.
aaaannnnnddddd with that, i derail another thread. how bout that libby indictment, huh? stay on target, tia. stay on target.
Subject: Re: Libby Indictment
Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/31/05 at 7:05 pm
Yes, and she served her country honorably. Every night was party night, or just about.
(sorry honey, couldn't resist).
I'm not a vet, thank god I missed Vietnam. Like all the current leader-leakers, I had better things to do (and no desire to kill small people wearing black pajamas). Nevertheless, I certainly think that my highly informed and well educated views are more important and more accurate than some SC redneck whose family tree has no branches, whether he's a vet or not. Sorry for the slam, I know that not all SCians are like that.
Hey, I did more than just party just about every night. I did read a lot during the day. ;D ;D You know, tax payers money hard at work. ;) :D :D ;D ;D ;D