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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Let a Thousand Reactors Bloom
Written By: zcrito on 09/25/05 at 5:08 pm
I first saw this mentioned elsewhere and thought it was interesting.
First, China plans to build many of these new pebble-bed reactors that are considered much safer than the standard fuel rods, water cooled systems used today (and at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl), and second, the heat generated by these new types of reactors can be used to make something valuable -- hydrogen. Hydrogen that could then be used to power autos and free us (the whole World) from a 100-year-old dependency on fossil fuel.
"pebble-bed reactor: A reactor small enough to be assembled from mass-produced parts and cheap enough for customers without billion-dollar bank accounts. A reactor whose safety is a matter of physics, not operator skill or reinforced concrete. And, for a bona fide fairy-tale ending, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is labeled hydrogen."
Here's the article...
Subject: Re: Let a Thousand Reactors Bloom
Written By: saver on 09/25/05 at 5:45 pm
The eco-wackos sure fought to end the nuclear BOOM(NO PUN INTENDED), and now that they shot themselves in the foot, they are paying for it!
Bring on the NUKE PLANTS!
Subject: Re: Let a Thousand Reactors Bloom
Written By: limblifter on 09/25/05 at 7:14 pm
The eco-wackos sure fought to end the nuclear BOOM(NO PUN INTENDED), and now that they shot themselves in the foot, they are paying for it!
What in the world are you talking about? ???
Subject: Re: Let a Thousand Reactors Bloom
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/25/05 at 7:22 pm
The eco-wackos sure fought to end the nuclear BOOM(NO PUN INTENDED), and now that they shot themselves in the foot, they are paying for it!
Bring on the NUKE PLANTS!
Here, here!  Just don't anybody goof up or we'll all have to get out of town for the next 24,000 years!*
*Oh, don't forget to leave a note for when your funny-looking descendents DO return to make sure everyone walks around in space suits for the next 72,000 years.  You know, just in case.
Subject: Re: Let a Thousand Reactors Bloom
Written By: saver on 09/25/05 at 8:42 pm
I am talking about the eco wackos who are afraid of NUCLEAR POWER replacing what we currently have.
Usually it's from the Libs in Berkley etc. and they are so full of nonsense calling for protests and all. Yet they want a cleaner environment.
The goof ups? When was the last time you heard of a plant goofing up? Right..Chernobyl..thought so...did you take the time to find it was HUMAN error?
Did you know how many Nuclear plants are in France and around the world?
How many of them have had 'problems'?
How many protested San Onofrey and where is that DISASTER that they were up in arms about?
Get real is what I say to them...I heard the arguements and they don't keep me up at night.
Subject: Re: Let a Thousand Reactors Bloom
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/25/05 at 11:50 pm
I am talking about the eco wackos who are afraid of NUCLEAR POWER replacing what we currently have.
Usually it's from the Libs in Berkley etc. and they are so full of nonsense calling for protests and all. Yet they want a cleaner environment.
The goof ups? When was the last time you heard of a plant goofing up? Right..Chernobyl..thought so...did you take the time to find it was HUMAN error?
Did you know how many Nuclear plants are in France and around the world?
How many of them have had 'problems'?
How many protested San Onofrey and where is that DISASTER that they were up in arms about?
Get real is what I say to them...I heard the arguements and they don't keep me up at night.
Of course it's "human error"! Humans are the ones who split atoms. Who else would be crazy enough to bust up the very essence of matter. There is a thin sphere of a few miles that can sustain life. It's on planet Earth, and there's nowhere else in the known universe that can do the same. Make it uninhabitable and the universe--the known universe--is a dead void. That's why the prospect of nuclear war is frightening to us liberal kooks!ÂÂ
Whether you're religious or secular, you should be awestruck by the incomprehensible sterile vastness of outerspace, and we ought to treat our life-giving hunk of rock and water with a modicum of respect. That means not splitting atoms, for chrissakes! We're d*mned lucky we didn't destroy the inhabitability of our precious planet over the last sixty years. Keep betting, and eventually the house is gonna win!
Do you have a way to get rid of nuclear waste? Do you have a design for a fail-proof reactor? You know, this is serious sh*t. I don't know what else to tell you.
I suppose you should just call me a liberal wacko, and sleep soundly all night!
::) :P
Subject: Re: Let a Thousand Reactors Bloom
Written By: saver on 09/26/05 at 12:32 am
I respectfully listen to liberals, so I adress the ones(as wackos) who put unnecessary fear into others by condemning the things that can improve the precious life/existance we share...
Nuclear war, of course who needs it, but SOMEONE is abusing the power and resorting to it or threats of use..not good.
The simplest water could be used to aid in powering windmills and generate electricity, but when someone COOSES to abuse it, tears down a bridge to flood a whole town..
There are vehicles that blow up by themselves causing havoc, maybe a part was human error, but the nuclear reactors, if built and inspected correctly can benefit many for good..the error of the biggest accident was SOMEONE not attending to the the maintenance properly..
As for stiorage, that has been planned out the amount of nuclear waste to supply electricity for a family of 4 for 20 years can fit inside a SHOEBOX!
If they gather it all up and put this into the mountain or underground facility for storage, look how much we would have.
Trucks driving the highway are constantly transporting hazrdous emitting waste and you may be driving next to them or live on their route.
Get this... a radiation danger freak? You get more radiation from the 'honey' you sleep next to than a microwave or various nuke appliances!
You eat charged watse every day in the form of uranium than you may wish to know...I once soaked some Total Bran in a bowl and flecks of IRON settled in the bowl!
We've got the plans for workable reactors and getting better, is anything completely fail-safe, sure the reactor would have to be watched, BUT IT HAS BEEN DONE ALL THESE YEARS IN EUROPE nad where did they get the plans, FROM US.
Afraid of attacks, then line up the military to protect each one, if we're not at war, that could be their job.
Hope this answered your initial inquiry.
Subject: Re: Let a Thousand Reactors Bloom
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/26/05 at 1:44 am
I respectfully listen to liberals, so I adress the ones(as wackos) who put unnecessary fear into others by condemning the things that can improve the precious life/existance we share...
Nuclear war, of course who needs it, but SOMEONE is abusing the power and resorting to it or threats of use..not good.
The simplest water could be used to aid in powering windmills and generate electricity, but when someone COOSES to abuse it, tears down a bridge to flood a whole town..
There are vehicles that blow up by themselves causing havoc, maybe a part was human error, but the nuclear reactors, if built and inspected correctly can benefit many for good..the error of the biggest accident was SOMEONE not attending to the the maintenance properly..
As for stiorage, that has been planned out the amount of nuclear waste to supply electricity for a family of 4 for 20 years can fit inside a SHOEBOX!
If they gather it all up and put this into the mountain or underground facility for storage, look how much we would have.
Trucks driving the highway are constantly transporting hazrdous emitting waste and you may be driving next to them or live on their route.
Get this... a radiation danger freak? You get more radiation from the 'honey' you sleep next to than a microwave or various nuke appliances!
You eat charged watse every day in the form of uranium than you may wish to know...I once soaked some Total Bran in a bowl and flecks of IRON settled in the bowl!ÂÂ
We've got the plans for workable reactors and getting better, is anything completely fail-safe, sure the reactor would have to be watched, BUT IT HAS BEEN DONE ALL THESE YEARS IN EUROPE nad where did they get the plans, FROM US.
Afraid of attacks, then line up the military to protect each one, if we're not at war, that could be their job.
Hope this answered your initial inquiry.
Ohhhh, maaaan! We gotta take you somewhere to get deprogrammed, bro'! I mean this kinda malarky reminds me of The Atomic Cafe.
Subject: Re: Let a Thousand Reactors Bloom
Written By: saver on 09/26/05 at 4:07 am
Deprogrammed from what????!
I've got some serious education on my side...show me what you disagree with??
The facts are within.
My main source Dr. Bill Wattenburg who worked at Lawrence Livermore labs...Seen the Nuclear program from the INSIDE OUT and has told off more people who argued the points mentioned with the FACTS.
More can be found on him thru Pushback.com
Just like when he addressed the hearings on the adding of MTBE into gasoline for California..politicians were riled against him when he used his FACTS to point out how it would be most harmful to the environment BUT THIER SCIENTISTS pursuaded the vote to leave it in..TEXAS wisely said the stuff is hazrdous and guess what 4 years later...the same morons came back to report 'UH... WE NEED TO CHANGE THIS MTBE ADDITIVE..IT'S VERY CANCEROUS..BLAH BLAH BLAH"
So go ahead ...give me your points of conflict here and we'll see how you think?
welcome to the 'REAL' cafe ..Again, I won't say there are not any dangers..but come on, look at the proof, then you can answer your own questions..
Subject: Re: Let a Thousand Reactors Bloom
Written By: saver on 09/26/05 at 4:27 am
Here's a little more fodder for the cause:
We must begin planning for six new nuclear power plants, to be operational no later than two years from now. Don’t like this, or don’t think it’s a safe idea? Then you had better read this:
Nuclear Power Plant Safety and Pollution
If you think that nuclear energy is dangerous and causes radioactive pollution, guess again.
For instance, our power plants burn billions of tons of coal each year, and since this coal contains radioactive uranium and thorium, burning coal actually puts 2,000 tons of radioactivity into our atmosphere each and every single year! Don’t believe us? Then read this report by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
According to Bill Wattenburg, the Kyoto conference’s goals of reducing carbon-dioxide (CO2) emissions can be met by closing down 2–4 coal-fired power plants (out of the hundreds in the US) and replacing them with nuclear power plants, while at the same time reducing total radioactive emissions. Given a typical coal-fired plant, producing 1000 megawatts, it burns 2.3 million tons of coal per year, produces 200,000 thousand tons of fly ash a year, 7.5 million tons of carbon-dioxide (CO2) per year, 200,000 tons of sulfur oxide, 25,000 tons of nitrous oxide, and 1000 tons of carbon-monoxide (CO).
Intel and Sun CEOs Propose Nuclear Plantsâ€â€Here is some ammunition for them
Dr. Bill Wattenburg outlines several innovative, new ideas on how to produce more energy for California and reduce our energy rates.
Safety of shipping nuclear waste
Sandia National Labs has done extensive testing for the safety of the containers used to transport spent nuclear fuel, including slamming a locomotive into a cask at 80MPH and setting another one on fire. Video of the tests go to pushback.com
Subject: Re: Let a Thousand Reactors Bloom
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/26/05 at 4:01 pm
I have heard about these "mini-reactors", and what I heard sounded good. I do favor alternatives to fossil fuels, but unfortunately, the fed gov (now) is more interested in giving subsidies to the oil industry (given Lil' Georgie's background, is this a surprise? The man has drilled more dry holes than half the dentists in the country! )
The idea of mini-technology is very attractive. We looked into solar power but just don't get enough sun to make it pay. My daughter in San Berinadino has a small solar array which generates about 25% of their electricity, but in Vermont it would be less than 10%. We do subscribe to "cow power", a system which generates electricity from cow dung, and I happen to think that wind turbines on ridge lines are a whole he11 of a lot more attractive than oil refineries, and smell much better.
"New-clee-ar" (refering to another thread) is very scarry though.
Subject: Re: Let a Thousand Reactors Bloom
Written By: saver on 10/01/05 at 4:57 am
Here's the NUKE NEWS I made mention of earlier to soothe your little old thumpin hearts:
Analysis of current and important events
Myths & Fraud
Nuclear plants release more radiation than any other form of power generation
False! U.S. coal-burning power plants (51% of our energy production) emit over 2,000 tons of radioactive uranium and thorium into the atmosphere every year. This is far more per year than the total radioactivity released by all U.S. nuclear plants, ever. This report by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory provides the details.
Nuclear power plants produce a large volume of radioactive waste
Not even close. The share of the waste generated by a typical family of four over 20 years fits in a shoebox with normal U.S. power plants. And if the plants reprocessed the fuel to reuse it on site, the amount for the same family would fit in a pill bottle. Generating the same amount of energy would require a freight train–full of coal, natural gas, or oil, and would produce hundreds of tons of air pollution when burnedâ€â€along with radioactive waste in the case of the coal plant’s slag pile.
Radiation is un-natural.
Sorry, but it is completely natural. As this report on natural radioactivity shows, less than 1% of our exposure to radiation is from nuclear power and fallout.
Texas energy companies were responsible for all of the rate gouging in Calif.’s energy crisis
Nope. Publicly owned “municipal†utilities were some of the biggest gougers around.
All scientists agree that “Global Warming†is real and a big problem
Not by a long shot. More than 2,000 scientists have signed the Heidelburg Appeal, and more than 15,000 have signed onto the Petition Project. Both of these dispute the sky-is-falling statements by other scientists and the media, and point out that there is a great amount of uncertainty in the current climate modeling, and that we are not even sure that the small warming measured is not due to natural Earth or Sun cycles.
Glad I could help..