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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: real or not?
Written By: saver on 07/29/05 at 12:20 pm
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim terrorists are so quick to commit suicide
Let's see now...
No Jesus,
No Christmas.
No television,
No cheerleaders,
No baseball,
No football,
No hockey,
No golf,
No tailgate parties,
No Wal-Mart,
No Home Depot,
No pork BBQ,
No hot dogs,
No burgers,
No chocolate chip cookies.
No lobster,
No shellfish, or even frozen fish sticks,
No gumbo,
No jambalaya.
No Beer.
Rags for clothes and towels for hats.
Constant wailing from the guy next-door because he's sick and there are no doctors.
Constant wailing from the guy in the tower.
More than one wife.
You can't shave.
Your wives can't shave.
You can't shower to wash off the smell of donkey cooked over burning camel dung.
The women have to wear baggy dresses and veils at all times.
Your bride is picked by someone else.
She smells just like your donkey.
But your donkey has a better disposition.
Then they tell you that when you die it all gets better!
I mean, really, is there a mystery here?
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/29/05 at 1:00 pm
Oh please! That is the most racest thing I have ever heard.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Don Carlos on 07/29/05 at 2:23 pm
Oh please! That is the most racest thing I have ever heard.
Not just racist, also sexist, ethnocentric, xenophobic. Its this kind of thinking that makes us the most hated people in the world.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Mushroom on 07/29/05 at 3:12 pm
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim terrorists are so quick to commit suicide
Let's see now...
I cut this down quite a bit, but I am going to comment on the most stupid parts of this anti-Islamic post:
No Jesus,
Actually, Islam does have Jesus. He is not the Messiah, but he is the 2nd most important prophet in the Islam religion.
No television,
I guess you have never heard of this television station called "Al-Jazeera". You must be living in a cave somewhere, because everybody else in the world knows of it.
No football,
And yes, they have Football. In fact, Football is the most popular sport in the world. But here in the US, we mistakenly call it "Soccer".
No hot dogs,
No burgers,
No lobster,
No shellfish,
Well, Hot Dogs, Lobster, and Shellfish are against Islamic dietary laws, in the same way that it is against Jewish dietary laws. Beef sausage is very popular though. And they have one of the ancestors of hamburgers, which is a ground beef Kabob.
Then they tell you that when you die it all gets better!
And are not Christians taught the same thing? That after death, they will reside in Heaven forever, where they will have no needs and no wants?
The rest of the posts I did not even bother to respond to. But if people think that Muslims are backwards, remember that Bagdad in one form or another was a cosmopolitin city when Europeans were living in mud huts. And they invented both our form of writing and counting, in addition to most of our modern scientific principals.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: ChuckyG on 07/29/05 at 5:02 pm
should I remove this thread or leave it up with the rebuttals?
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Harmonica on 07/29/05 at 5:12 pm
And yes, they have Football. In fact, Football is the most popular sport in the world. But here in the US, we mistakenly call it "Soccer".
Funny how the most popular sports in the world, Soccer, rugby and wrestling are the least popular sports in the United States.
American Football and Basketball among the most popular sports in the United States, are just not very big anywhere else. I mean they have those sports, but they are nothing compared to the likes of Soccer.
Baseball seems to be the only nuetral sport.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: JamieMcBain on 07/29/05 at 5:40 pm
should I remove this thread or leave it up with the rebuttals?
It should be gone.... ::)
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: ADH13 on 07/29/05 at 5:50 pm
Islam is a lame excuse that terrorists use to try to justify their actions... true Muslims do not believe in suicide, violence or hate.
As far as I'm concerned, the terrorists could have just as easily claimed christianity, judaism, buddhism or hinduism as their "reason for killing". It is b.s. though.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: limblifter on 07/29/05 at 5:58 pm
should I remove this thread or leave it up with the rebuttals?
I vote to remove the whole thing.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: philbo on 07/29/05 at 5:59 pm
should I remove this thread or leave it up with the rebuttals?
I'd say leave it - it's not often I agree with every word Mushroom writes ;)
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: saver on 07/29/05 at 7:32 pm
Note to site master/others:
This in no way a personal opinion..the text was pasted from a SATYRICAL piece from an internet writer (I guess looking for your exact reaction ie..racist,sexist all of the above....)
which is why I didn't sign it ..My opinion posts will be started with In my opinion/feeling stc..when it is meant for a long debate or open discussion.
Thank you for the response...keep it or ?????...
Many times I've edited out web postings that were questionable..this one-since it was current I slid online.....
I feel like going back to just general talk on tv and music...enjoy or destroy
SAVER :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X
No need to waste your time griping ...GLAD WE DIDN'T FIND ANYONE TO AGREE
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Brian Damaged on 07/29/05 at 10:59 pm
Maybe keep the thread and ban the poster.
This in no way a personal opinion..the text was pasted from a SATYRICAL piece from an internet writer (I guess looking for your exact reaction ie..racist,sexist all of the above....)
I don't buy it.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: EthanM on 07/29/05 at 11:07 pm
I'm curious where this came from... and if it's satirical, who is being satirized? Because if this is satirizing muslims it's not funny at all and really no matter what its not funny at all. If its satirizing hateful and ignorant perceptions of Islam it really needs to do a better job of not sounding sincere.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/29/05 at 11:39 pm
Maybe keep the thread and ban the poster.
I don't buy it.
Yeah, I think Saver was trying to backpedal. I don't doubt that piece of rubbish came from some right-wing blog. It reminded me of the kind of thing those juvenile "mancow" type radio hosts say.
Bigotry never helps. Part of the problem is Americans get too many of their ideas about Islam from the tiny terrorist element that uses the rhetoric of Islamic extremism. Remember too that no ethnic group has been more consistantly ridiculed and villified in Hollywood movies than Arabs. It doesn't help that most Americans cannot tell a Hindu Sikh from a Muslim. Swarthy men in head dresses face more negative bias in white America than anyone else. It's very sad.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: saver on 07/30/05 at 12:11 am
As I am Not under secrecy of sources( like some journalists/newsreporters)..I can only show the full text of the comments;
Perhaps Maxwell is right..I take that it's a 'DAILY JOKE LOG' Mancow or others may use for their fodder of the day this was only titled HaHa's for July 28..so it's a daily thing whomever wants to read or use may do so..as it contains other jokes/stories for ones perusal...
I'm NOT sure if it can be accessed just by entering Ha Ha's?
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:18 AM
Subject: Ha Ha's for July 28
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.
Hammers -- are Male, because they haven't changed much over the last 5,000 years, but are handy to have around.
TODAY'S JOKE (or is it)
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim terrorists are so quick to commit suicide
Let's see now...
No Jesus,
No Christmas.
No television,
No cheerleaders,
No baseball,
No football,
No hockey,
No golf,
No tailgate parties,
No Wal-Mart,
No Home Depot,
No pork BBQ,
No hot dogs,
No burgers,
No chocolate chip cookies.
No lobster,
No shellfish, or even frozen fish sticks,
No gumbo,
No jambalaya.
No Beer.
Rags for clothes and towels for hats.
Constant wailing from the guy next-door because he's sick and there are no doctors.
Constant wailing from the guy in the tower.
More than one wife.
You can't shave.
Your wives can't shave.
You can't shower to wash off the smell of donkey cooked over burning camel dung.
The women have to wear baggy dresses and veils at all times.
Your bride is picked by someone else.
She smells just like your donkey.
But your donkey has a better disposition.
Then they tell you that when you die it all gets better!
I mean, really, is there a mystery here?
Two Eskimos in a kayak were chilly, so they started a fire, which sank the craft, proving the old adage you can't have your kayak and heat it too.
Reach out and touch someone. People love that human touch -- holding hands, a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.
One day a brunette came out and saw a blonde. The brunette was interested in what the blonde wanted because she kept looking into the mailbox. The brunette was interested in what the blonde wanted. The next day the blonde was by her mailbox again. The brunette finally asked "What are you waiting for?" The blonde responded "My computer keeps telling "You've got mail!"
You can "do" your nails with a pocket knife.
Do you need a silencer to shoot a mime?
Here's hoping you have a great day and a better one tomorrow !
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: danootaandme on 07/30/05 at 7:37 am
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim terrorists are so quick to commit suicide
Let's see now...
No Jesus,
Many of the items on the list are not true, this being one. Jesus is highly respected as a major prophet
and teacher. They even believe in the virgin birth. You mean you didn't know that? I am not surprised
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: C.NOIZE on 07/30/05 at 10:27 pm
No Wal-Mart,
No Home Depot,
Those aren't reasons to be willing to commit suicide...they're just the opposite.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/31/05 at 12:47 am
Those aren't reasons to be willing to commit suicide...they're just the opposite.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: philbo on 07/31/05 at 1:39 pm
They even believe in the virgin birth.
Why on earth would they believe that? Even the Christians didn't come up with that idea till a couple of hundred years later.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Satish on 07/31/05 at 6:57 pm
That message was intended as a joke. Those are stereotypes which most people know aren't true. I don't think anyone should take it too seriously.
You could probably come up with similar jokes about Christian fundamentalists in the United States.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Marian on 08/01/05 at 4:26 pm
That message was intended as a joke. Those are stereotypes which most people know aren't true. I don't think anyone should take it too seriously.
You could probably come up with similar jokes about Christian fundamentalists in the United States.
Good point.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: chaka on 08/01/05 at 5:46 pm
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim terrorists are so quick to commit suicide
Let's see now...
No Jesus,
No Christmas.
No television,
No cheerleaders,
No baseball,
No football,
No hockey,
No golf,
No tailgate parties,
No Wal-Mart,
No Home Depot,
No pork BBQ,
No hot dogs,
No burgers,
No chocolate chip cookies.
No lobster,
No shellfish, or even frozen fish sticks,
No gumbo,
No jambalaya.
No Beer.
Rags for clothes and towels for hats.
Constant wailing from the guy next-door because he's sick and there are no doctors.
Constant wailing from the guy in the tower.
More than one wife.
You can't shave.
Your wives can't shave.
You can't shower to wash off the smell of donkey cooked over burning camel dung.
The women have to wear baggy dresses and veils at all times.
Your bride is picked by someone else.
She smells just like your donkey.
But your donkey has a better disposition.
Then they tell you that when you die it all gets better!
I mean, really, is there a mystery here?
God,have you realized just how rude all that sheeshe you've written is?
and even if it was a joke you shouldn't of posted it,we should all respect muslims,there probably are some here on the boards and I'm not sure if they can see the funny side of that load of crap.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: saver on 08/01/05 at 6:14 pm
To the moderator and those who understand the posting as from a humorists attempt at lame stereotypes;
Chucky , I admire your views for the site and respect you for leaving up the thread. If an apology for submitting it is due, I apologize if it offended any Muslims or sympathizers to them. As it was not my writing, I cannot apologize for the remarks or whatever intentions the person had in mind.
If any deletion was to be made based on the sites rules and etiquette I noticed how over time there has been much disgust with various politicians and equally qwould have to call for the post removals as it may offend my views along with other politician supporters ...I would feel then that reason to delete a thread by rules standards would be considered if a total bogus statement is made that, say calls a politician a rapist or molester etc...
without proof.
We know times when threads HAVE contained those statements and remained active.
So thank you again chucky, readers..the post was bad humor don't take offense some have without reading the earlier explanation.
Just skip it if you don't like it..like in television/radio and you hear someone you don't like to hear..move on.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Apricot on 08/01/05 at 7:58 pm
should I remove this thread or leave it up with the rebuttals?
Leave it up for angry scoffing.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Brian Damaged on 08/02/05 at 8:26 am
What is sad to me is that even if they thought it was a joke at first, now that they see people are offended, they rather leave it up and make excuses for it instead of apologizing honestly and taking it down. These days everybody is cares more about their right to say stuff than they care about how hurtful it is or how destructive.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: saver on 08/02/05 at 5:54 pm
8/2/05 KCAL news reports of of a town that posts a billboard along the highway,(possibly in California), for HOOTERS restaurant that reads 'Only a rooster gets a better piece of chicken!'
People found this offensive and wanted it taken down...response: FREEDOM OF SPEECH....IT STAYS!
From Hitler to modern day advertising and shock radio...if everything offensive was taken away...positive constructive thinking would not have a spring board ...
no further comments needed the 'joke' post was offensive...just it was found and posted ...then reposted to keep it in context....
someone else made light of the fact women in some foreign countries subservantly walk 20 feet behind men/their husbands...maybe it's for a show of some
BIZARRE brainwashing belief of respect but in a humor column a writer added: After being curious as to why women of this advanced time in history,
seem to lower their self worth by continually following this neanderthal 'custom' of walking 20 feet behind their man for the reason, a woman simply stated: LANDMINES!
;D ;D ;DThat's a good one!
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: danootaandme on 08/02/05 at 5:58 pm
Why on earth would they believe that? Even the Christians didn't come up with that idea till a couple of hundred years later.
And you know as wierd as it sounds there are millions who still believe it. I once got an earful from a
very faithful Catholic friend who got pi$$ed off when I said that the Vatican doesn't even believe that
anymore. ::)
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 08/02/05 at 6:10 pm
I think it shall stay. Looking at the responses, it is prooven that whoever wrote this is an idiot and a racist. ::)
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: limblifter on 08/02/05 at 6:40 pm
8/2/05 KCAL news reports of of a town that posts a billboard along the highway,(possibly in California), for HOOTERS restaurant that reads 'Only a rooster gets a better piece of chicken!'
People found this offensive and wanted it taken down...response: FREEDOM OF SPEECH....IT STAYS!
Freedom of speech for what? A joke in poor taste. C'mon, even you can't believe that something as tasteless as that joke can fall under the umbrella of freedom of speech. ;D
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: saver on 08/02/05 at 7:06 pm
Freedom of speech for what? A joke in poor taste. C'mon, even you can't believe that something as tasteless as that joke can fall under the umbrella of freedom of speech. ;D
It all does..how about the protesters of the minutemen calling the minutemen racists? Where is the proof yet they do...and have whatever right to shout whatever at them without physical damage...
or as bad jokes go.a nameless comic tells jokes waaaay more offensive..does he still work OF COURSE..it is in the context of comedy..the statement was in the context of 'Jokes for the Day' it's freedom no matter how you slice it..
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: limblifter on 08/02/05 at 7:50 pm
It all does..how about the protesters of the minutemen calling the minutemen racists? Where is the proof yet they do...and have whatever right to shout whatever at them without physical damage...
or as bad jokes go.a nameless comic tells jokes waaaay more offensive..does he still work OF COURSE..it is in the context of comedy..the statement was in the context of 'Jokes for the Day' it's freedom no matter how you slice it..
Great. So what i'll do is start up a thread and talk about how black people hate to work because they'd rather sell drugs and get white girls pregnant.
BUT!! I'll be sure to put a disclaimer on the bottom of the page saying that I didn't actually write it, but thought i'd share it with everyone as a joke ;)
What you posted wasn't a joke. It was an ignorant observation, from an ignorant person. And you knew that it would cause a stink. Why else would you put it in the political section of the boards? Because you wanted to get a reaction from people.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: saver on 08/02/05 at 8:44 pm
The shortened text was added to the political column because it was printed at a time when questions of Muslim practices was hot...as you see the reaction a lot of readers had was to their possible religios beliefs. If it was a 'WHAT DO YOU GET WHEN YOU CROSS A TERRORIST WITH??? joke...it wouldn't show up on a remembering the 2000's site the topic included the play on religious beliefs whether ignorant/correct/ or open for talk, therefore fitting in this column.
Any reaction to it is always most welcome.
If I knew WHO wrote it , I still would post it to maybe generate mail to the person to 'get with it' as manyhave responded..just as they did with Vincente Fox making a 'black worker' reference = WHICH WASN'T even meant as a joke and I guess he didn't clearly retract it..but it was a story COMING from a politician...
Do we see RAP musicians/singers or whatever they call what the trash is they put out, ever saying how the artists would like others listening that the messages contained of bangin' ho's are 'not really ' what they condone or they are singing the song because it has a good beat.
Let's not get into 'spoon feeding' people or society will be in a lot of trouble.
I brought something out to the table(like a tofu turkey), if you like it great, if you don't have something else, or if you want to discuss why you don't llke fresh meat and if it's because killed animals are vile and disgusting let's hear it... ÂÂ
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: danootaandme on 08/03/05 at 5:52 am
The shortened text was added to the political column because it was printed at a time when questions of Muslim practices was hot.
Any reaction to it is always most welcome.
Wait, I thought you said this was a joke gone bad, now you are saying that is was questions of Muslim practices. It is obviously not a serious questioning of Muslim practices, and you do not seem to be welcoming of the reactions you've gotten.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Brian Damaged on 08/03/05 at 8:34 am
It all does..how about the protesters of the minutemen calling the minutemen racists? Where is the proof yet they do...and have whatever right to shout whatever at them without physical damage...
or as bad jokes go.a nameless comic tells jokes waaaay more offensive..does he still work OF COURSE..it is in the context of comedy..the statement was in the context of 'Jokes for the Day' it's freedom no matter how you slice it..
Why is it only important to think about if you have the right to say something, and not to think about if it is helpful or hurtful? There are a lot of things people have the right to do that are still hurtful. I have the right to sleep with my best friends girlfriend behind his back. I have the right to tell my girlfriend that she is fat and that she needs to loose wieght. Me and my friends at work have the right to make jokes about somebody at work and make fun of his schooling and clothes and joke about how we make a lot more money than him.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: saver on 08/03/05 at 2:07 pm
You are then adding morality into the issue....hI am defending the 'rights' as to whenever something is done...whether good or bad...it is a right to exhibit them.
Yes, morally...I would never say anything to hurt or harm another...that's how I lead my life..whether for religious or spiritual reasons, karma etc...I've lived and found it is part of my being.
So morally, there is no arguement..somethings are best unsaid....If this sight for post was set up to be MORALLY correct..we wouldn't see a lot of the things on it...As it was called a message board...well......I took it as an open board to put anything on the table for discussion.
And it served its purpose.
I wonder if we'll someday see an added site for debates only or not need one since people can post things they come across and respond in this method.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Brian Damaged on 08/03/05 at 2:45 pm
That does not make any sense to me at all. You are saying that morally you would not do anything hurtful, but legally you can, so you did. You think if people only put up things they thought was moral, no one would post anything? That makes no sense. You think most people put up things they think are morally wrong? I think you are confusing personal moral standards with political correctness or something and I am not talking about that.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: saver on 08/03/05 at 5:25 pm
I was addressing the question as to whether the moderator should leave the post up...and took the stand that by way of freedom of speech/posting..if something was said that offended it COULD remain up...if it was something that caused aggravating circumstances calling for violence against a group..MORALLY THAT would be an issue to debate...especially if it could not be backed up...
The post in question was taken from a joke sheet that was posted in full (which also included something to do with why men are happier people..followed by another inane remark.
Haven't you saw something revolting and shown it to others...that's what took place here, with no personal opinions added.
It was left for commentary.
If it is confusing to you about the difference I made the comment on how if everything was politically correct, this site would be edited heavily as far as 'oh..the French are wimps, Bush has a low IQ'..and the like of other postings that have appeared here.
I don't thinlk Bush has a low IQ and what if I took offense to that? Morally, hey Bush may not be making the right decisions.Or we have proof the French haven't backed our side in issues.
That would be idealistically the types of postings we would be required to enter if we stuck to the morality of posts.
So, I defend posting anything anyone wants WITHOUT INCITING HARM if you didn't get the follow up that the list was someone's(not mine)-you're trying to shoot the messenger-...do you go after the newstand owners for the smut some magazines have in them?.....*One other side note..when I was 16 I bought a National Lampoon Magazine that had a page or two of comics titled 'Handicapped Olympics'....in one panel it showed the relay torch race being done by people in wheel chairs with no legs and they showed how one guy fell out of the wheel chair and they were replacing him with another guy from the bench!.........How morally wrong to add such a feature! Yet this was a National Magazine, PAID professional artists and writers that were HIRED to depict this.
Some (maybe very insensative people) laughed and others who knew the struggle of such people were appalled .But it was printed.
Lastly, there is an issue brewing in LA California about an outdoor sign near the LA Airport that has residents up in arms...There is a strip club that has the typical sign 'NUDES, NUDES, NUDES!" Anyone driving to pick up clients from the airport will have seen its prominence...AS OF TODAY..They have added the additional sign 'VAGINAS ARE US'...can they do it...YES, THEY CAN, is it MORAL-the minute anyone exits the airport and is welcomed to the city, this is one of the first things they'll see....SOME PEOPLE ARE OUTRAGED..OTHERS SAY THEY HAVE THE PERMIT, SO IT CAN STAY...who's to say WHAT to do with it...
So if we're decided to be governed by morality laws, nothing -even in bad humor - should be posted..if we are talking CAN..then YES we CAN.
That was what I was addressing...if something is being said which is morally wrong, then you challenge it(which writers have done so far),....should it be printed, if it is morally wrong...what was the purpose of a 'right' if it can't be used in all cases.
I try to know all my rights if I am involved in a particular country because the land is run by laws..go into a court and tell the judge a guy chrged you$1000 for a car without a motor and if the dealer obeyed all the rights given, will the judge rule in YOUR favor because it just wasn't MORALLY right to do that to you.
In this case I feel the right of freedom to say what was said should be observed..that was all.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Brian Damaged on 08/03/05 at 7:41 pm
If it is confusing to you about the difference I made the comment on how if everything was politically correct, this site would be edited heavily as far as 'oh..the French are wimps, Bush has a low IQ'..and the like of other postings that have appeared here.
Sometimes I have trouble with language, but I really cant even figure out what you are trying to say when you write most of the time.
You are talking about political correctness and morality laws, and I am not talking about that. I am talking about what YOU think is right. YOU said you think it's wrong to be hurtful, but then YOU decided to do it anyway. That's what is strange. Of course you can put up anything the moderater lets you put up. Its just not constructive, especially how you did it. If you wanted a real discussion, you would say "I found this, what do you think", but you did it the way you did it to make people upset. You did not "see something revolting and show it to others". You just repeated it, and you showed it like it was your own words. Then you went back and changed it after the fact when people got upset. Yes, you can do it legally, I am not saying you cant. You can leave it up as long as the moderaters let it stay up, I just think you did it deliberitely to make people angry and upset, and I think that's sad, that's all. I know it's not cool to be respectful and to try to have serious discussion on these boards, but that's what I do when topics are serious to me. I don't expect everybody to agree, but I'm just saying my opinion.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: saver on 08/03/05 at 9:03 pm
Once again to clarify your other inquiry(as I stated in the legnthier explantion when poeple began picking apart the text), If I believed it, I would have said so..I simply posted it as there was no other empty board to throw it on and say look at this...It would be like finding a magazine of naked women and showing everyone..OF COURSE IT WASN'T MINE UNLESS I SAID 'HEY WANT TO SEE MY MAG?"
As I putit on the site with the EXPRESSIVE 'TOPIC HEADING' REAL OR NOT?
If you thought I put it up to express myself, THAT what I am trying to explain as I will NOT be offensive in anything i SAY/WRITE...for those who called it 'backpeddlin or taking it all back'..Therre was nothing to take back and I explained how It was not MY work..Just a s a reporter in the news tells you about an 'awful' crime...do they have to tell you that is their opinion or do they just tell the story and let you form your opinion.
Do you call the station to disagree with the reporter or do you go to the subject/creator of the story.
Wisely, I would contact the subject of the story..
Saying I am against negative attitudes is true but I did not present the item to say how I felt. Just as the person who mayhave found the magazine that demeans women. It is in their possession as was the article I submitted.
Backpeddling would be a true call if I outright said 'hey everyone .I think..' I agree, I didn't say 'what can you say about this'..but I thought it would lead to open discussion which it has and may continue..if not that posting someone elses as well...(like perhaps the so-called Bush Lies ala Michael Moore)...some were true and some weren't and discussion and heated arguements were raised from it...
So in my final description of the post..I posted it for discussion, it served it's point. I'm not calling anyone anything. People do and live how they'd like.
If I don't like it I'll SAY something WITH EMPHASIS...if I find something that demeans anyone and is off based, if necessary as of now, I guess I will have to state here's what I found or did you see what (?) said...I thought people would recognize it had to be an igniorant take on the subject of suicide killers..
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Brian Damaged on 08/03/05 at 9:19 pm
Well, I guess me and everybody who read it, including the owner of the site, are just too stupid to understand that this was oviously a quote. It's so ovious when you write 'real or not' that that is a quote from a magazine and not your real opinion and not your own idea of a joke. I don't know that you wanted peoples serious debate about whether no WalMart makes Muslims evil. Oviosly someone who reads sophisticated intallectual magazines like the one that came is too smart to deal with us! LOL.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: saver on 08/04/05 at 11:03 am
I think MANY realize it was a 'cheap' sarcastic put down..(when attacking a persons ways, such as they did with Michael Jackson-*do you really think he changed this name of his ranch to Never-PANTS'....???) But people would print it, say it and add other ridiculous items...
You really don't think people cared what others thought do you?
I trust those reading the print out reacted properly unless they took it sooo serious that the post would rile people up to say: 'Youu know those suicide Muslims don't even have baseball!"...
If people had a problem with it that's THEIR PROBLEM...
The forum is open to post messages.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Brian Damaged on 08/04/05 at 11:33 am
Just because some of the comments are stupid and jokey doesn't mean it cant be bigoted and hateful. And it doesn't matter if other people post things without caring what other people think. So what? Do you look at other peoples actions to tell you what is ok to do? Is something is ok just because somebody else did it? That is sort of like the way a child acts. Are you a child? Can you think for youreself? The forum is open to post messages that are responsible and respectful. Even the owner of the site was wondering if your message should stay up, so don't act like I am so crazy.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: saver on 08/04/05 at 5:28 pm
Of course I can tell whether something is bigoted and hateful...Now you ask if I do things because others do and if that is right?
Well, I submitted the article for posting DIDN'T I?
That is far from childlikeas you described.
I give kudos to the moderator for leaving the post up because if this was some 'social club' where only politically correct members gather..you would hear the complaints go up like mad for gving in to the 'hurt' ones whowon't sleep at night because they read something that was written by a misguided humorist!
Give me a break.
I am thankful the moderator displays..by leaving the offensive(?) post up that he may come to determine his readers and contributors are of rational thinking to look at something and say 'that is so wrong' without giving in to people who are on the fringe of ABSOLUTELY pure and clean thoughtful postings only will be accepted.
I saw the piece to be something someone who might have had a generalization of stereotypes in mind when they wrote it...SO WHAT??
This is a messageboard for all to contribute to whatever ones thinking to hold up to the PUBLIC for comment if the case may be...
I recently heard another broadcaster on a large radio station get criticized as he took open calls which included a white man speaking like a black man-clearly in character for whatever reason...people called in furious over why he would let such a thing go on...his answer WHO CARES???
Callers said this was uncalled for as he giggled through the call...which he thought was 'funny' in itself..whether from such a bad joke of the situation or ?? and they told him how it was offensively wrong but he told them TO WHO? To the complainer it was but the forum was open on a place that accepts PAY for their programming from big money advertisers and he left the forum open to ANYONE who would call in...Hmmm sounds like something I went through, I don't know this guy and WOW, I SAID THE SAME THING WHO CARES???
Iam not/have not calling you crazy..you maybe took offense and feel how you do...the post is still up, more sensible heads prevailed.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Class of 84 on 08/04/05 at 10:02 pm
Gosh, I thought it was funny. ;D
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 08/05/05 at 11:00 am
And yes, they have Football. In fact, Football is the most popular sport in the world. But here in the US, we mistakenly call it "Soccer".
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 08/05/05 at 11:04 am
You could probably come up with similar jokes about Christian fundamentalists in the United States.
Why "in the United States?" Something wrong with the Christians in Canada and England?
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Mushroom on 08/05/05 at 11:28 am
Why "in the United States?" Something wrong with the Christians in Canada and England?
Don't you know? There are no "Fundamentalists" in England. They were all shipped over here in the 16th and 17th Century.
Next week, the topic is why England has no criminals, because they were all shipped to Australia.
*said with tongue very much in cheek - but with a basis in historical fact*
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Brian Damaged on 08/05/05 at 11:37 am
I never said the moderator should delete the message.  But I think it was put up the way it was just to enflame people and make people argue, not to have a discussion.  And that is childish and mean spirited.  And considering that a lot of people agree with that kind of attitude these days, it is harmful.  That has nothing to do with "politically correct".  People like to use that silly idea to justify rudeness and bigotry and just plain meanness.  "I'm not 'politically correct'.  That is so silly.  "Yes, I called her a  b**ch, so what -- I'm not "politically correct".  Yes, I call black people n****r, I'm not "politically correct" -- anyway, THEY use that term thereselves, in all THEIR rap music, so I'm not gonna let THEM tell me I should be "politically correct".  Back in the days, at least people used to just admit when hated and disrespected other people. Now they just claim they refuse to be "politically correct".  People don't even hate with integrity anymore.  That's pathetic.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: saver on 08/05/05 at 7:13 pm
I see you're rapped up with the thought of something being 'hateful' or 'kind'. There are other shades involved in the world of communicating.....did you ever tell someone you wished they would die? That is verrrry hateful, then did you turn around and still be friends or talk to them after that?
It happens.
I stated how the post was not for the reason of hatefulness...you feel it was ...Have you ever been in a bookstore and under 'humor' see the loads of books(since the 70's at least) are filled with a compilation of POLISH,ITALIAN,GERMAN,CHINESE JOKES? Do you know how many of them made it to messageboards? TONS!!!
I've read many and have only 1 in my possession...Did I feel this was hateful. No.Should I look at it as hateful?
I measure it by..will this cause anomocity to whatever race they are picking on? Apperently,Poles became a large butt of the jokes in the 60's and 70's..ow it's the SAME JOKES BEING WRITTEN AND TOLD about 'blonds'..Should I now give a rats behind if l or tellers of these 'falsehoods' are hateful..Maybe you need to have you're levels of sensitvity checked if this is the issue as whatever was said about why the MUSLIM TERRORISTS WHO HATE AMERICANS AND HAVE BLOWN THEMSELVES UP SENSELESSLY TO MAKE THEIR POINT 'JOKINGLY' commit suicide.
I appreciate those who supported the idea that it was understandably a farce.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Brian Damaged on 08/05/05 at 7:49 pm
For someone who doesn't care, you waste a lot of time trying to explain.ÂÂ
I could just say "I think you're a meanie", and you could say "Well I don't care what you think, doo-doo face". And that could be the end of discussion. But you have to keep writing back all this long rambling stuff that doesn't make sense or is wrong. So I have to write back. Next time just say, screw you, I don't care. It's not hard. You can use whatever words you want as long as they not bad words that will get you banned.  And that will be the end.
But since you did wrote back one more time, now I have to correct you, and thats a pain. But I have to.ÂÂ
1. No, I dont think I ever told anybody "I wish you were dead." I have never heard of anyone more than 3 years old saying anything like that. Do you have anger issues, or are you just in touch with the 3 year old inside of you?
2. Yes, I know some messageboards have ethnic jokes. So what. Some messageboards say "America for the White Man only. Kill the invaders." Will you put that up next?
3.I'm not saying you "should" care if your comments are hateful. You should think about that question yourself. Maybe while you are thinking about the anger issues that make you wish your friends were dead.
4.The message you put up was not listing things about TERRORIST lifestyle, it is about MUSLIM lifestyle. The idea is "no wonder they become terrorists, look how stupid and empty MUSLIM life is". Oh, I know it's a joke. Did you ever see a photograph of a lynching? With the people laughing in the background? It's a joke.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Brian Damaged on 08/06/05 at 12:23 am
Okay, fine..final posting on this matter...comment response:
The wish you were dead line-asked if used was metaphorical!!!
Obviously a little slow for you to pick up, I could have used 'Get lost,or any 'adult' phrase that may sound like a put down..the point being YOU'VE HAD TO HAVE SAID SOMETHING TO SOMEONE WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN EXTREME BUT YOU KNEW IT WAS JUST AN EXPRESSION?????
Unless you're some control freaky angel who knows
It is a metaphor? Really? Ok. I'm sorry. ::)
Yes, it must have been a little slow for me to pick up. I mean I was too slow for me to pick up. No, I was too slow to pick IT up. Or something. That must be a metaphor too. Like control freaky angel!  :D
I'm sorry. Do you still wish I was metaphorally dead, or are we cool now? Or maybe that would be too politically correct. :-\\
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: saver on 08/06/05 at 1:23 am
Okay, fine..final posting on this matter:
Due to a double computer line, when modifying my last comment to you the FULL text was deleted...I will sum up:
1. The wish 'you were dead line' - if ever said to anyone was a metaphor- NOT AT YOU but to highlight there must have been 'someone in your life to whom you had said 'get lost', or any adult phrase that may sound like a put down....then may have turned around and contiued a relationship with;a BOSS? ACQUAINTANCE? A STORE CLERK?
2. The messageboard was open for anything as long as it didn't promote hatred or incite harm to anyone..I DOUBT BY READING ANYTHING INCLUDED, KEPT ANYONE UP AT NIGHT AFTER READING IT, INCLUDING MYSELF.
How I felt about posting it..it was posted to raise discussion from anyone who disliked it, to the disposition of the person writing it,or maybe how we should be aware there are people out there writing this. A range of comments were from how awful of someone saying that, to why post it, and another: I see that it WAS a intended to be funny to those who laugh at stereotype(not in so much words)..but it was understood.
Killing invaders worth posting..well, again THAT is hatred tied to inciting violence...If I come across anything worthy of a topic of conversation and eye opening and awareness..BY ALL MEANS I WILL SUBMIT IT.
There's nothing to feel guilty about, I know in my heart that omething another does may sound off color to ignorant, there would most likely be hatred in my heart against THOSE WHO VOW TO KILL AMERICANS JUST FOR BEING AMERICANS!!! And I would not feel bad chastising them to make the point we are dealing with evil people.
No not all Muslims, the radical ones! The writer had a follow up posted kjoke which I am refraining from copying to avoid more misunderstanding outbursts as he clarified his view as: radical Muslims who have hatred in their hearts to kill anyone disagreeing with their beliefs..then he continues on with a hateful name foir them...that's his choosing whoever he is...but now to avoid the nitpickers who missed it the first time how he was addressing the 'enemy' who were led to suicide attacks...Just because it started with why 'Muslims'..etc..he must've gotten some message about his connotation. ÂÂ
3. Sorry, no anger issue with me...I may have told someone to go soak their head in a bucket, but I've enough control over hate issues that they are reserved for only a few categories countable on one hand from the death penalty to terroists to name a couple.
You aren't among the list...
4. Last time I checked ..how many of the killers were Muslim?? Do you want to include all terrorists maybe some have baseball in their country or a Jesus...
If a photo of a lynching with people laughing in the background were uncovered, would you find me laughing? Most probably not,I would not find any humor in it ...however there may be 'fringe ' people who would..WHATEVER IT WAS THAT CAUSED IT WAS THEIR PROBLEM.. AS I LEAVE THE SAME COMMENT WITH YOU IN CLOSING: YOU HAVE SOMETHING WRONG WITH IT, THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM.
I've wrung out the reasons every which way I could to defend why the post was made and it's reasoning ...and they have proven themselves...
With that, I end this discussion with you, I've enjoyed the banter, I wish you g'day!  ÂÂ
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: Brian Damaged on 08/06/05 at 3:10 am
No! That is not fair! You cannot say "this is final comment" and then come back later and add a new final comment and take away the other final comment and pretend it did not exist. That is dishonest. It is a good thing that my message shows the first final comment you made, so now everybody can see that you changed your mind and added stuff after you promised you were not going to say any more. Are you going to try to add another final comment now? Or is that your last final comment? I hope so, because I am getting tired of always pointing out things you say that don't make too much sense.
1. The wish 'you were dead line' - if ever said to anyone was a metaphor- NOT AT YOU but to highlight there must have been 'someone in your life to whom you had said 'get lost', or any adult phrase that may sound like a put down....then may have turned around and contiued a relationship with;a BOSS? ACQUAINTANCE? A STORE CLERK?
Okay, but that is if you are angry at somebody you know, which is very different from this. Unless you are saying that the person who wrote that list was angry at some muslim friends of his when he wrote this? If this is not the case, then your metaphor does not have anything to do with this situation.
2. The messageboard was open for anything as long as it didn't promote hatred or incite harm to anyone..I DOUBT BY READING ANYTHING INCLUDED, KEPT ANYONE UP AT NIGHT AFTER READING IT, INCLUDING MYSELF.
How I felt about posting it..it was posted to raise discussion from anyone who disliked it, to the disposition of the person writing it,or maybe how we should be aware there are people out there writing this. A range of comments were from how awful of someone saying that, to why post it, and another: I see that it WAS a intended to be funny to those who laugh at stereotype(not in so much words)..but it was understood.
This reason does not make sense. If people were up at night or not has nothing to do with it being a good thing to post or not. Bigots are not necessarily insomoniacs.ÂÂ
Like I said before, if you wanted opinions, why didnt you say "I found this what do you all think"? But you did not. You put it up like it was your own opinion just to make a ruckus. You were just being a troublemaker putting up hateful enflammatory stuff just to make a big stink, and people reacted, and that is what you wanted. So why are you complaining when you got what you want? Maybe you have fear of success issues to go along with your anger issues.  ;) There is no stigma with getting therapy these days, saver. Sometimes it can be good to have somebody to talk to. I wish I had somebody to talk to, or I would not be on this stupid computer all day. No, I'm only joking. ::)
Killing invaders worth posting..well, again THAT is hatred tied to inciting violence...If I come across anything worthy of a topic of conversation and eye opening and awareness..BY ALL MEANS I WILL SUBMIT IT.
You are very nyeve if you think that posting anti-muslim jokes in this day and age does not promote ignorant stereotypes and hate and violence.
There's nothing to feel guilty about, I know in my heart that omething another does may sound off color to ignorant, there would most likely be hatred in my heart against THOSE WHO VOW TO KILL AMERICANS JUST FOR BEING AMERICANS!!! And I would not feel bad chastising them to make the point we are dealing with evil people.
The owner of this website is not ignorant, and HE even thought something was weird about it.
No not all Muslims, the radical ones! The writer had a follow up posted kjoke which I am refraining from copying to avoid more misunderstanding outbursts as he clarified his view as: radical Muslims who have hatred in their hearts to kill anyone disagreeing with their beliefs..then he continues on with a hateful name foir them...that's his choosing whoever he is...but now to avoid the nitpickers who missed it the first time how he was addressing the 'enemy' who were led to suicide attacks...Just because it started with why 'Muslims'..etc..he must've gotten some message about his connotation. ÂÂ
Like I said before, the list was about MUSLIM lifestyle, not TERRORISTS. Oh yes, after the fact, maybe in the part you did NOT put up, maybe the writer says no, not all of them are like that. But that's probably just to be politically correct. Isn't that ironic? Did he say something like, yeah there are probably a few muslims that aren't murderers, right? This sounds like people who say they hate black people and then say... well, there not ALL bad, there is that nice Cosby fellow, but why won't those other black people act more like him?
4. Last time I checked ..how many of the killers were Muslim?? Do you want to include all terrorists maybe some have baseball in their country or a Jesus...
Somebody smarter than me will have to tell me what that means.
3. Sorry, no anger issue with me...I may have told someone to go soak their head in a bucket, but I've enough control over hate issues that they are reserved for only a few categories countable on one hand from the death penalty to terroists to name a couple.
You aren't among the list...
THat is good news. I am still worried about the fear of success, tho.
If a photo of a lynching with people laughing in the background were uncovered, would you find me laughing? Most probably not,I would not find any humor in it ...
Saver, you do not know how happy I am to hear that you say that you would PROBABLY not be laughing at a lynching picture. What about just torture, tho? Would that make your mouth turn up just a little bit?
probably not,I would not find any humor in it ...however there may be 'fringe ' people who would..WHATEVER IT WAS THAT CAUSED IT WAS THEIR PROBLEM.. AS I LEAVE THE SAME COMMENT WITH YOU IN CLOSING: YOU HAVE SOMETHING WRONG WITH IT, THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM.
So if people want to do stuff like hang up and castrate innocent people and laugh about it and take pictures, well, that's their problem. Don't give me any of that bleeding heart moral conviction pushing your morals on other people crap. Hey, I'm not goinf to say I would DO stuff like that MYSELF because I PROBABLY wouldn't, but that doesn't give me the right to judge how other people get their kicks.ÂÂ
Is that about right? That is a very interesting philosophy. It sounds like a Darwinist on steroids.
I've wrung out the reasons every which way I could to defend why the post was made and it's reasoning ...and they have proven themselves...
YOu don't have to have proof. This is America. Everybody is entitled to there opinion.
With that, I end this discussion with you, I've enjoyed the banter, I wish you g'day!  Â
I am glad to entertain you. But please do not write any more. I'm tired.
Subject: Re: real or not?
Written By: STAR70 on 08/09/05 at 6:48 pm
should I remove this thread or leave it up with the rebuttals?
ban the poster's IP address?