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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/23/05 at 3:41 pm
Question: How do House members intend to vote on the Central America Free Trade Agreement when it comes to the floor?
US Congressional Switchboard Toll-free Numbers 1-877-762-8762 1-866-808-0065
Barton, Bass, Beauprez, Biggert, Blunt, Boehner, Bonilla, Bono, Bradley, Brady, Burton, Calvert, Cannon, Cantor, Carter, Castle, Chocola, Cole, Conaway, Cox, G. Davis, T. Davis, DeLay, L. Diaz-Balart, Doolittle, Drake, Dreier, Ferguson, Flake, Fortenberry, Goodlatte, Harris, Hastert, Hastings, Hayworth, Hensarling, Herger, yde, N. Johnson, S. Johnson, T. Johnson, Keller, Kennedy, S. King, Kirk, Kline, Knollenberg, Kolbe, LaHood, Latham, R. Lewis, Linder, Lungren, Marchant, McCaul, McCrery, McKeon, Myrick, Neugebauer, Northup, Nussle, Oxley, Pence, Pitts, Porter, Pryce, Radanovich, Ramstad, Reichert, Ros-Lehtinen, Ryan, Ryun, Sessions, Shaw, Shays, Shimkus, L. Smith, Thomas, Tiahrt, Weller, Westmoreland, Wicker and H. Wilson. (83)
Leaning Yes
Akin, Boozman, Culberson, Cunningham, Dent, Gilchrest, Gohmert, Granger, Istook, Leach, J. Lewis, Lucas, Pearce, Poe, Schwarz, Shadegg and Terry. (17)
Cubin, Foxx, Goode, Hunter, Jones, Kingston, LaTourette, McHenry, Norwood, Otter, Paul, Rehberg, M. Rogers (Ala.), Simpson, Souder, Sullivan, Tancredo, Taylor and J. Wilson. (19)
Leaning No
Aderholt, Barrett, bonner, Brown-Waite, Coble, Foley, Hayes, McCotter and Simmons. (9)
Bartlett, Bilirakis, Blackburn, Brown, Camp, Crenshaw, M. Diaz-Balart, Duncan, Ehlers, Emerson, English, Everett, Feeney, Fitzpatrick, Forbes, Franks, Gerlach, Gibbons, Gillmor, Gingrey, Green, Gutknecht, Hefley, Hobson, Hoekstra, Inglis, Kuhl, Mack, McHugh, McMorris. G. Miller, J. Miller, Murphy, Musgrave, Osborne, Petri, Pickering, Putnam, Rohrabacher, Sensenbrenner, Sodrel, Upton, Walden, Walsh, C. Weldon, Wamp, Whitfield and D. Young. (48)
Declined to Answer
Buyer, Garrett, Issa, Nunes, Platts, Regula, Tibert, Turner and Wolf. (9)
No Response by Presstime
Alexander, Bachus, Baker, Bishop, Boehlert, Boustany, Bergess, Capito, Chabot, J. Davis, Deal, Fosella, Frelinghuysen, Gallegly, Graves, Hall, Hart, Hostettler, Hulshof, Jenkins, Jindal, Kelly, P. King, LoBiondo, Manzullo, Mica, C. Miller, Moran, Ney, Peterson, Pombo, Price, Renzi, Reynolds, Rogers, Mike Rogers (Mich.), Royce, Saxton, Sherwood, Shuster, C. Smith, Stearns, Sweeney, Thornberry, D. Weldon and C.W. Young. (46)
US Congressional Switchboard Toll-free Numbers 1-877-762-8762 1-866-808-0065
Cuellar, Dicks, Jefferson, Moran and Tanner. (5)
Leaning Yes
None. (0)
Abercrombie, Allen, Baird, Baldwin, Barrow, Becerra, Berry, Blumenauer, Boucher, Brady, C. Brown, S. Brown, Capps, Capuano, Cardin, Cardoza, Carnahan, Case, Cleaver, Costello, Crowley, Cummings, A. Davis, DeFazio, Delahunt, DeLauro, Dingell, Doggett, Engle, Evans, Farr, Fattah, A. Green, Grijalva, Gutierrez, Harman, Hastings, Herseth, Higgins, Hinchey, Holden, Holt, Honda, Hooley, Jackson, Johnson, Jones, Kaptur, P. Kennedy, Kildee, Kind, Kucinich, Lantos, Larsen, Lee, Levin, Lewis, Lynch, Maloney, Markey, Marshall, Matsui, McCollum, McDermott, McGovern, McIntyre, McKinney, McNulty, Meehan, Meek, Melancon, Michaud, G. Miller, Mollohan, G. Moore, Nadler, Napolitano, Neal, Oberstar, Obey, Olver, Pallone, Pascrell, Pastor, Pelosi, Peterson, Pomeroy, Rahall, Rangel, Ross, Roybal-Allard, Ryan, Sabo, Salazar, Linda Sanchez, Schakowsky, Schiff, Schwartz, B. Scott, Serrano, Slaughter, Smith, Solis, Spratt, Stark, Strickland, Stupak, Tauscher, Taylor, B. Thompson, Tierney, Towns, M. Udall, T. Udall, Van Hollen, Visclosky, Woolsey, Weiner, Wexler and Wu. (121)
Leaning No
Ackerman, Baca, Berman, Boren, Butterfield, Carson, Clyburn, Langevin, McCarthy, B. Miller, Payne, D. Price, Rothman, Loretta Sanchez, Watson and Watt. (16)
Bean, Berkley, S. Bishop, T. bishop, Clay, Cooper, Costa, D. Davis, J. Davis, L. Davis, S. Davis, Doyle, Edwards, Hinojosa, Inslee, Israel, Kilpatrick, Meeks, D. Moore, J. Murtha, Ortiz and Snyder. (22)
Declined to Answer
Chandler, DeGette, Eshoo, Frank, Kanjorski, Lofgren, Lowey, Matheson, Menendez, Reyes, D. Scott, Sherman, Skelton, M. Thompson, Wasserman Schultz and Wynn. (16)
No Response by Presstime
Andrews, Boswell, Boyd, Conyers, Cramer, Emmanuel, Etheridge, Filner, Ford, Gonzales, Gordon, Hoyer, Jackson Lee, Larson, Lipinski, Millender-McDonald, Owens, Ruppersberger, Rush, Velazquez, Waters and Waxman. (22)
Yes/Leaning Yes: 105
No/Leaning No: 165
Undecided: 70
Declined to Answer/No Response 93
Note: In addition to the partisan tallies above, the House's one independent, Rep. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, plans to vote "no." Also, Ohio's 2nd district is vacant due to the resignation of Republican Rep. Rob Portman to become U.S. trade representative.
US Congressional Switchboard Toll-free Numbers 1-877-762-8762 1-866-808-0065
Source: National Journal/Congress Daily, Tuesday, July 19, 2005 http://nationaljournal.com/pubs/congressdaily
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: danootaandme on 07/23/05 at 5:30 pm
My guys are against it :) How about yours?
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/23/05 at 5:59 pm
How about yours?
My representative is under "no response by presstime" so I don't really know. I'll be calling him on Monday and telling him if he wants my vote in 2006 he'll vote against CAFTA.
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/24/05 at 12:49 pm
My main man John Olver is against it, but I my eyes would pop out of my head if I saw he was for it!
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/25/05 at 1:02 am
My main man John Olver is against it, but I my eyes would pop out of my head if I saw he was for it!
Is he your representative?
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/25/05 at 1:22 am
Is he your representative?
And how! Check him out, you'd totally hate him!
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/25/05 at 1:44 am
Check mine out.
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/25/05 at 1:49 am
you'd totally hate him!
No kidding. Look at his press releases:
Is he bragging about failure? Talking about how he is bringing home the pork for his district in Massachusetts? And I thought Ted Stevens (R-AK) was king porker.
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/25/05 at 9:18 am
No kidding. Look at his press releases:
Is he bragging about failure? Talking about how he is bringing home the pork for his district in Massachusetts? And I thought Ted Stevens (R-AK) was king porker.
Politics get tough in Massachusetts the farther west you go. Boston is both the state's capital and the states principal metro area. The elongated geographical shape of Mass with Boston on the coast causes a political nearsightedness in which those of us west of Worcester disappear! Western Mass is beautiful but more sparsely populated and generally poorer than the rest of the state. Thus the successful W.Mass politician will put up a big fight to get resources flowing out from Boston.
The Amherst area rivals Cambridge for the most liberal part of the state a most liberal state. I'm not big on the way the PIRGs operate, but if Olver had a crummy score from MASSPIRG, he'd get thrown out on his ear. Not MASSPIRG per se, but the positions MASSPIRG advocates are vital to voters in Olver's district.
Now, you've got some of the pork barrel stuff which may contradict some "Public Interest" positions and vex many of Olver's constitutents. Unfortunately, that's politics. My economic interests are pork, and your pork projects are economic interests. Just ask your ole pal Newt Gingrich! If you don't bring home the bacon, you can clean out your desk and go back to the farm come next election day!
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/25/05 at 11:35 pm
Of course, mine is for it (Hastert) ::)
It must be nice to be have your representative be the speaker of the house.
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/26/05 at 2:00 am
It must be nice to be have your representative be the speaker of the house.
Denny Hastert? I'm not envious!
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/26/05 at 5:25 am
How did Hastert get elected in Illinois?
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: Don Carlos on 07/26/05 at 3:22 pm
My lone Representative (soon to be Senator) Bernie Sanders was against NAFTA and is now opposed to CAFTA. You left him out of your tabulation.
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/27/05 at 11:21 pm
CAFTA passed by a final vote of 217-215. Just f***ing great.
Idiots reign supreme.
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/28/05 at 9:16 am
By the voters ;D
No, people traditionally think of Illinois as a democratic state, but in reality, a majority (area-wise) of the state is republican. It's mostly the Chicago area that is dem. and there is enough pull just by sheer number of voters to swing the state. I think 11 of the 19 representatives are located in Chicago & suburbs (think Cook County, Richard M. Daley).
That's the usual way. Democrat where people live next to people. Republican where people live next to livestock. Pop Daley may have been a Democrat, but he was one of THE biggest azzh()les in 20th century American politics!!!
(Maybe he was one of the biggest azzh()les...period!)
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: Mushroom on 08/02/05 at 12:00 pm
That's the usual way. Democrat where people live next to people. Republican where people live next to livestock. Pop Daley may have been a Democrat, but he was one of THE biggest azzh()les in 20th century American politics!!!ÂÂ
(Maybe he was one of the biggest azzh()les...period!)
Honestly, I think that George Wallace has him beat by a long shot.
What amazes me is how people here in Alabama (both White AND black) stil revere that racist prick!
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: John Jenkins on 08/02/05 at 2:23 pm
CAFTA passed with "Aye" votes from 202 Republicans (including my Representative, Ed Royce) and 15 Democrats.
To those who criticize the bill for liberalizing trade, I would say that I wish the bill had gone further. CAFTA expands sugar import quotas and its apparel provisions contain restrictive “rules of origin†requiring use of U.S.-made textiles, which will add to the cost of production in the region. Both of these provisions will make products more expensive for U.S. consumers; but, on the whole, CAFTA benefits consumers and enhances important U.S. foreign policy goals by promoting freedom and democracy in Central America.
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: danootaandme on 08/02/05 at 5:53 pm
CAFTA benefits consumers and enhances important U.S. foreign policy goals by promoting freedom and democracy in Central America.
Yeah, but there will be fewer consumers of the products when all their jobs go south. When will
the starry eyed learn that this has nothing to do with freedom and democracy. It is economics that will
benefit the plant owners, but will not do anything for the workers here or there.
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/02/05 at 10:00 pm
Idiots reign supreme.
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: John Jenkins on 08/03/05 at 12:09 am
Yeah, but there will be fewer consumers of the products when all their jobs go south. When will
the starry eyed learn that this has nothing to do with freedom and democracy. It is economics that will benefit the plant owners, but will not do anything for the workers here or there.
When the economies of Central America and the Dominican Republic grow, their consumers will buy more American products. Just like NAFTA, this is a situation in which, if they benefit, we benefit as well.
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: danootaandme on 08/03/05 at 6:32 am
When the economies of Central America and the Dominican Republic grow, their consumers will buy more American products. Just like NAFTA, this is a situation in which, if they benefit, we benefit as well.
God, I don't have enough time to answer this. Suffice to say that anyone who has been around more
than 2 minutes has seen that NAFTA is a disaster to the working person in the USA, and hasn't done much for the workers in Mexico. Everyone from Ralph Nader to Pat Buchanan says that. Why everyone from GWBush2004 and Maxwell Smart agree(and they agree about as often as snow in Tahiti) that this is another bombshell for everyone but the upper, upper echelon. Could that be you? Or are those just stars in your eyes?
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: John Jenkins on 08/03/05 at 2:41 pm
God, I don't have enough time to answer this. Suffice to say that anyone who has been around more
than 2 minutes has seen that NAFTA is a disaster to the working person in the USA, and hasn't done much for the workers in Mexico. Everyone from Ralph Nader to Pat Buchanan says that. Why everyone from GWBush2004 and Maxwell Smart agree(and they agree about as often as snow in Tahiti) that this is another bombshell for everyone but the upper, upper echelon. Could that be you? Or are those just stars in your eyes?
You imply that you might have a strong rebuttal to my argument, but the only “facts†that you use are the opinions of Nader, Buchanan, and two contributors to this MessageBoard. To me, the opinions of Economics Nobel Prize laureates, such as Milton Friedman, carry more weight than your sources. And, when you claim that everyone perceives that NAFTA is a disaster, are you ignoring Bill Clinton and Al Gore?
It is a fact that the unemployment rate has decreased from 6.9% for 1993 (the year before NAFTA) to its current level of 5.0%. I acknowledge that it is also a fact that, since NAFTA, approximately 400,000 Americans have qualified for trade adjustment assistance under a special program for workers displaced by imports from Mexico. But that is a small number when spread over a decade and when compared to the millions of jobs being eliminated and created every year in the U.S. economy.
The economies of the United States, Canada, and Mexico have all become stronger since 1993, and NAFTA is a major reason why.
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: Brian Damaged on 08/03/05 at 2:50 pm
Honestly, I think that George Wallace has him beat by a long shot.
What amazes me is how people here in Alabama (both White AND black) stil revere that racist dweeb!
Well, a lot of people elected him because he WAS racist, so that should not be surprising.
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: danootaandme on 08/03/05 at 4:57 pm
It is a fact that the unemployment rate has decreased from 6.9% for 1993 (the year before NAFTA) to its current level of 5.0%. I acknowledge that it is also a fact that, since NAFTA, approximately 400,000 Americans have qualified for trade adjustment assistance under a special program for workers displaced by imports from Mexico.
The economies of the United States, Canada, and Mexico have all become stronger since 1993, and NAFTA is a major reason why.
The wages and benefits paid to the American worker have decreased since NAFTA was passed, and will continue to do so, and the trade adjustment assistance only goes so far, what jobs can one retrain for if there aren't any jobs to be had, and the jobs retrained for pay lower wages than the ones lost. The economy is working for someone, like the households of Friedman, Clinton, Gore, Bush, Cheney,but not the worker.
Subject: Re: Is your representative for or against CAFTA?
Written By: Mushroom on 08/05/05 at 9:05 am
I am curious, what is wrong with CAFTRA?
I see nothing wrong with something that promotes free trade and investment in "Thrid World" countries. And some of the oversight will be done by the UN's World Trade Organization and the International Labor Organization. This can be a large boost to countries like Dominican Republic Honduras, and Nicaragua.
Of course, to me some reasons to support this is Ralph Nader and the John Birch Society. Ralph Nader opposes it, calling it a "failed neoliberal model as NAFTA". John Birch opposes it, seeing it as an expansion of UN powers against the US.
I actually find a lot of this rather ammuseing. Maxwell, how does it feel to be in agreement with such an extreme Right Wing organization as the John Birchers?
And how can anybody oppose the expansion of the economies in impoverished nations? Unless they are really "US First" believers? I honestly believe that a lot of the oposition is really fear of the hypothetical "loss of US jobs".