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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Bush had said bring them to justice..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: saver on 07/07/05 at 3:22 pm
I you recall when GWB talked of getting into it with terroists and how we will find them and bring them to justice I find this VERY wrong.
Sirs, (and the like), these are, as put 'TERROISTS', THEY ARE TO BE KILLED.
Did we capture NAZIS and bring them to justice, NO , WE KILLED THEM..this is a war.
Very disappointing to hear him say this. The fight,' WAR' is ON!!!  >:(
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justcie..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: MooRocca on 07/07/05 at 7:51 pm
I you recall when GWB talked of getting into it with terroists and how we will find them and bring them to justice I find this VERY wrong.
Sirs, (and the like), these are, as put 'TERROISTS', THEY ARE TO BE KILLED.
Did we capture NAZIS and bring them to justice, NO , WE KILLED THEM..this is a war.
Very disappointing to hear him say this. The fight,' WAR' is ON!!!  >:(
Maybe he thinks with a little therapy they can be rehabilitated and returned to society.
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justcie..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: ChuckyG on 07/07/05 at 8:11 pm
I you recall when GWB talked of getting into it with terroists and how we will find them and bring them to justice I find this VERY wrong.
Sirs, (and the like), these are, as put 'TERROISTS', THEY ARE TO BE KILLED.
Did we capture NAZIS and bring them to justice, NO , WE KILLED THEM..this is a war.
Very disappointing to hear him say this. The fight,' WAR' is ON!!! >:(
No, Bush has been saying we'd bring the fight to them, and make Iraq the battleground. I never thought that would work, and surprise, it's not working. It's just giving more incentive for the terrorists to recruit new members.
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justcie..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/07/05 at 8:23 pm
No, Bush has been saying we'd bring the fight to them, and make Iraq the battleground. I never thought that would work, and surprise, it's not working. It's just giving more incentive for the terrorists to recruit new members.
Israel is everywhere guarded by vigilent anti-terrorism personnel. Everybody is watched and suspected over there. And yet, the bombings go on and on and on.
It's too bad our discourse is so juvenile you cannot attribute some of the problem to our political policies around the globe without being accused of sympathizing with terrorist bombers.
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justcie..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: Taoist on 07/08/05 at 4:39 am
I you recall when GWB talked of getting into it with terroists and how we will find them and bring them to justice I find this VERY wrong.
Sirs, (and the like), these are, as put 'TERROISTS', THEY ARE TO BE KILLED.
Did we capture NAZIS and bring them to justice, NO , WE KILLED THEM..this is a war.
Very disappointing to hear him say this. The fight,' WAR' is ON!!! >:(
Spoken like a true fanatic!
Who needs justice when you can replace it with murder?
I can imagine your statement being made in a cave in Afghanistan:
Enlightened Muslim: "But Osama, shouldn't we bring the American infidels to justice for their crimes, a fair trial would let the world see how magnanimous we are and how evil the criminals are"
Fanatic: "No, let's just kill them"
The saddest thing is that people like you really believe you are different from the "terrorists"
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justcie..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/08/05 at 5:56 am
The saddest thing is that people like you really believe you are different from the "terrorists"
Hmm....tell me Taoist, you wouldn't happen to be posting on this Chinese messageboard, would you?
Chinese Internet comments on London explosion, July 7, 2005 (original in Chinese):
They deserve it, the sooner the better.
Wish next time it hits Tokyo!
No bombing on the innocent. But no Brits are innocent.
American's running dog is paying its due price.
Brits deserve it!
Iraqis can rest in peace now.
Good job!
Thank you, and thank Osama bin Laden.
Good job, Osama.
You should taste it, Brits, you bombed Yugoslavia and Iraq!
French did it, ha ha ha
Why not yesterday? Then they wouldn't get their Olympic bid.
Why now? Bomb it in Olympic Games!
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justcie..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: danootaandme on 07/08/05 at 6:05 am
Spoken like a true fanatic!
Who needs justice when you can replace it with murder?
I can imagine your statement being made in a cave in Afghanistan:
Enlightened Muslim: "But Osama, shouldn't we bring the American infidels to justice for their crimes, a fair trial would let the world see how magnanimous we are and how evil the criminals are"
Fanatic: "No, let's just kill them"
The saddest thing is that people like you really believe you are different from the "terrorists"
Yup.That kind of thinking fostered the rise of the KKK, and was used by timothy mcveigh as a reason to justify baby killing. That kind of thinking is the lazy persons way to justify his actions. It is hard work to live by principles, but that is what democracy is all about.
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justcie..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: Don Carlos on 07/08/05 at 4:39 pm
Spoken like a true fanatic!
Who needs justice when you can replace it with murder?
I can imagine your statement being made in a cave in Afghanistan:
Enlightened Muslim: "But Osama, shouldn't we bring the American infidels to justice for their crimes, a fair trial would let the world see how magnanimous we are and how evil the criminals are"
Fanatic: "No, let's just kill them"
The saddest thing is that people like you really believe you are different from the "terrorists"
Hmm....tell me Taoist, you wouldn't happen to be posting on this Chinese messageboard, would you?
Chinese Internet comments on London explosion, July 7, 2005 (original in Chinese):
They deserve it, the sooner the better.
Wish next time it hits Tokyo!
No bombing on the innocent. But no Brits are innocent.
American's running dog is paying its due price.
Brits deserve it!
Iraqis can rest in peace now.
Good job!
Thank you, and thank Osama bin Laden.
Good job, Osama.
You should taste it, Brits, you bombed Yugoslavia and Iraq!
French did it, ha ha ha
Why not yesterday? Then they wouldn't get their Olympic bid.
Why now? Bomb it in Olympic Games!
But you miss Taoist's point (not surprising), so I'll illaberate (hopefully so that you will get ther message). If we reduce ourselves, and compromise our values to the point of emulating the Islamic fanatics, than we become no better than they are. you may be willing to sacrifice the values of western civilization to a momentary expidient,, but I think they are of transcendant value, and not to be cast away lightly. It we do so, and win, where would we be, and what would we have fought for?
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justcie..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 07/08/05 at 7:14 pm
Terrorism has NO PLACE in the modern world...and TERRORISTS like those in Al-Qaida cause MISERY and SORROW that should NOT and DOES NOT have to happen!
When we killed NAZIS in World War II..it was done to STOP one of the worst dictators of modern times!!
What do you think would have happened had we NOT stopped Hitler.....The Third Reich would have CONQUERED all of the Western World...possibly even here in America(there WERE Nazi symphathisers here!)and every Jewish person in those countries would be KILLED!! Six million is bad enough...
AND in Iraq YES Saddam WAS killing his own citizens....by mustard gas and bio-chemical weapons!! And NO ONE would have been able to oust him..they and their families would meet the same grisly fate.And his sons were just as depraved as he was...their idea of training Olympic athletes how to win? TORTURE! And both sons were porn nuts and pedophiles!!
As for Israel vs the Arabs...that has been going for TWO THOUSAND years....with no end in sight. Israel has a right to exist as a homeland for Jewish people..and it's also holy for those of us who are Christians....Jesus was born there,his ministry on Earth was there,and He died for our sins there. And I want to visit there,someday,and I won't let terrorists stop me!
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justcie..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: saver on 07/08/05 at 9:38 pm
Sorry to hear how some people are blind to the FACT that we do not treat everyone on the same level....people of this sort who cannot agree to kill scum of the earth-by- all counts, (not the 'they may not have done it' cases). are interesting to still listen to when you ask SHOULD WE KILL HITLER?MANSON?
What is the point, I can't see it..this is MY view and would do the world or MY world well and not living off my dime, without being alive in it.
If you want them to live have fun knowing you're helping people beyond help.
WE KILL TERRORISTS SO THEY DON'T KILL US..AND SOME WITH SUCH A SAD MISGUIDED RELIGIOUS MISSION-for those who aren't aware of it:kill anyone who doesn't think they were sent here from heaven to kill those who do not believe they are here to honor THEIR GOD.....need to be dealt with by society who never did ANYTHING to step on their rights as a human race.
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justcie..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/08/05 at 10:32 pm
Hmm....tell me Taoist, you wouldn't happen to be posting on this Chinese messageboard, would you?
Chinese Internet comments on London explosion, July 7, 2005 (original in Chinese):
Who cares? That's how many Chinese people out of 1.1 billion?
You can find comments like that on any number of messageboards world-wide. What's your point?
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justcie..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: ADH13 on 07/08/05 at 10:37 pm
Well, the phrase "brought to justice" is a little vague. It's kind of hard to comment on it unless you refer to a specific form of justice.
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justcie..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/08/05 at 10:39 pm
Sorry to hear how some people are blind to the FACT that we do not treat everyone on the same level....people of this sort who cannot agree to kill scum of the earth-by- all counts, (not the 'they may not have done it' cases). are interesting to still listen to when you ask SHOULD WE KILL HITLER?MANSON?
What is the point, I can't see it..this is MY view and would do the world or MY world well and not living off my dime, without being alive in it.
If you want them to live have fun knowing you're helping people beyond help.
WE KILL TERRORISTS SO THEY DON'T KILL US..AND SOME WITH SUCH A SAD MISGUIDED RELIGIOUS MISSION-for those who aren't aware of it:kill anyone who doesn't think they were sent here from heaven to kill those who do not believe they are here to honor THEIR GOD.....need to be dealt with by society who never did ANYTHING to step on their rights as a human race.
Yeah, but what happens when another country decides the Americans are the scum of the earth because of our foreign policy?  The right-wing goes around with nationalist blinders saying America always acts in good faith for the betterment of humanity.  People like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh go on about American capitalism being a benign force and any human suffering is the fault of some dictator, some left-wing regime, the Russians, or the French.  Believe the rhetoric and box your mind in.
When you have the facts on your side, pound the facts, when you have the law on your side, pound the law, when you have neither, pound the podium!  And that's what the Bush boosters do all day!
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justcie..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: ADH13 on 07/08/05 at 10:56 pm
I have mentioned this before, and my intelligence was insulted as a result, but I never did get an answer, so I thought I'd try again... maybe someone here has a little engineering knowledge or is just mechanically inclined, which I am not.
From what I understand, the car bombs in Iraq are "dirty bombs" which means they are exploding bits of metal, screws, nuts, etc. Would it be possible for our military to create some form of body armor that would withstand these attacks without our troops being seriously injured? This would make it much easier for our troops to approach vehicles and let the terrorists kill themselves in these "suicide bombs" without injuring our troops. It seems to me that will all the money we are putting into this war, and all the technology America has at its disposal, it wouldn't be all that far-fetched.
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justcie..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: Im Batman on 07/08/05 at 11:59 pm
Bush also told the terroritst to, Bring it on!
Looks like they did.
Thanks, moron.
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justcie..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/09/05 at 1:02 am
I have mentioned this before, and my intelligence was insulted as a result, but I never did get an answer, so I thought I'd try again... maybe someone here has a little engineering knowledge or is just mechanically inclined, which I am not.
From what I understand, the car bombs in Iraq are "dirty bombs" which means they are exploding bits of metal, screws, nuts, etc.  Would it be possible for our military to create some form of body armor that would withstand these attacks without our troops being seriously injured? This would make it much easier for our troops to approach vehicles and let the terrorists kill themselves in these "suicide bombs" without injuring our troops. It seems to me that will all the money we are putting into this war, and all the technology America has at its disposal, it wouldn't be all that far-fetched.
Yeah, but that would entail spending budget money on soldiers in the theater of conflict, you know, rather than forking it over to fatcat civilian contractors. So I gues that's out!
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justice..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: saver on 07/09/05 at 1:53 pm
The terroists would do this sort of stuff even if we weren't there...if there were no war in Iraq they would still try to kill anyone they want Brits or whomever, we just will keep the rats in their cages.
Car bombs are a toughie to know each vehicle content...
just don't let any car near you to play it safe...and you see the innocents who didn't realize tostop when approaching soldiers, they were taken out....
Another question..not really to start a thread for but... Do they know where the enemy are getting the idiots from who WANT to kill temselves with suicide bombs?
Maybe there is like a mental institution they are taking people from and this is how they eliminate them and the US at the same time??
Some radicals may be students but not very bright, so they must have tofind thses goofs somewhere or be making the incentive worth something to someone...if they find that out, then they might be able to cut off the pipeline of idiots with these destructive impulses???? ??? ???
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justice..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: ADH13 on 07/09/05 at 2:25 pm
The terroists would do this sort of stuff even if we weren't there...if there were no war in Iraq they would still try to kill anyone they want Brits or whomever, we just will keep the rats in their cages.
Car bombs are a toughie to know each vehicle content...
just don't let any car near you to play it safe...and you see the innocents who didn't realize tostop when approaching soldiers, they were taken out....
Another question..not really to start a thread for but... Do they know where the enemy are getting the idiots from who WANT to kill temselves with suicide bombs?
Maybe there is like a mental institution they are taking people from and this is how they eliminate them and the US at the same time??
Some radicals may be students but not very bright, so they must have tofind thses goofs somewhere or be making the incentive worth something to someone...if they find that out, then they might be able to cut off the pipeline of idiots with these destructive impulses???? ??? ???
Well, first of all, most of the car bombers aren't iraqi. They are syrian, saudi, etc. I'm not sure how modern of a society these countries live in, but in Afghanistan, television was banned by the Taliban. This meant that the Afghans knew of the western world only what the taliban wanted them to know. The taliban could have told them that we were all hairy and 10 feet tall with fangs, and the Afghan people would have probably believed it. Depending on what media outlets the people of Syria, Saudi, etc. have access to, the terrorist bombers are not necessarily stupid, just very uninformed through no fault of their own. I sometimes wish we could bring some of the children here to the US for a visit so they can see exactly what it is their elders are teaching them to hate. I'll bet it would change their mind. They'd probably like the US, where you can walk down the street regardless of your race/nationality/religion without being shot at, or even given a second glance.
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justice..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 07/09/05 at 9:59 pm
Terrorism is SENSELESS KILLING,period.
and not all terrorism in America comes from nutjobs like Bin Laden(a better name for that horse's a** is 'Osama Big Loser')
Timothy McVeigh.....the Unabomber.....any nutcase that bombs abortion clinics 'in the name of Jesus'...teenage crazies who go on shooting sprees at their own high schools!!
Add to that gangs like the Bloods,Crips,Mexican Mafia...the Hell's Angels, Warlocks, and Pagans motorcycle gangs...and the REAL Mafia...as well as the KKK, Aryan Nations, and the Order...
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justice..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: saver on 07/10/05 at 2:33 pm
Guess it depends on howmany are affected by the crime??
But as I felt anyone in gangs and crazies SHOULD get automatic 40 years if/when crime is committed.
Need enough to swell and feel it's time todo something serious about it. :-[
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justice..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: Taoist on 07/11/05 at 4:34 am
Well, first of all, most of the car bombers aren't iraqi. They are syrian, saudi, etc. I'm not sure how modern of a society these countries live in, but in Afghanistan, television was banned by the Taliban. This meant that the Afghans knew of the western world only what the taliban wanted them to know. The taliban could have told them that we were all hairy and 10 feet tall with fangs, and the Afghan people would have probably believed it. Depending on what media outlets the people of Syria, Saudi, etc. have access to, the terrorist bombers are not necessarily stupid, just very uninformed through no fault of their own. I sometimes wish we could bring some of the children here to the US for a visit so they can see exactly what it is their elders are teaching them to hate. I'll bet it would change their mind. They'd probably like the US, where you can walk down the street regardless of your race/nationality/religion without being shot at, or even given a second glance.
Unfortunately you appear to have the same problem.
Have you ever been to the middle east?
You talk of THEIR media but I've seen Fox news, I've heard the BS spouted by some people on this forum about my country. Of course, these people "are not necessarily stupid, just very uninformed through no fault of their own".
It would be great to bring some of "them" over to the US to see what it's really like. Likewise taking some Americans over there to see what lies the US media spreads.
Maybe the best way to stop terrorism would be to perform a "tower of Babel" on the whole world. Scatter all the people of the world around until they realise that human beings are all alike.
btw - As for walking down the road without being shot at, the US is one of the worst places in the world for this!
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justice..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: saver on 07/11/05 at 9:46 pm
It's the price of freedom we pay to carry weapons anywhere...if they could only require 'education' to go with it BUT you'd probably have the ACLU yelling, they can own whatever they want..if they shoot a hundred people, THEN you can take it away from them :o :-\\
PEACE FOR ALL...but then SOME get greedy..(can that be counted as a crime..guess not but you see greed kills).
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justice..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: ADH13 on 07/12/05 at 12:22 am
Unfortunately you appear to have the same problem.
Have you ever been to the middle east?
You talk of THEIR media but I've seen Fox news, I've heard the BS spouted by some people on this forum about my country. Of course, these people "are not necessarily stupid, just very uninformed through no fault of their own".
It would be great to bring some of "them" over to the US to see what it's really like. Likewise taking some Americans over there to see what lies the US media spreads.
Maybe the best way to stop terrorism would be to perform a "tower of Babel" on the whole world. Scatter all the people of the world around until they realise that human beings are all alike.
btw - As for walking down the road without being shot at, the US is one of the worst places in the world for this!
You may not like Fox News... and if Fox News was the ONLY media outlet you were allowed to have access to, that would be one thing. But many networks cover the middle east, not just from the US but from other countries as well.
And as far as walking down the road without being shot at, are you trying to imply that an American tourist is safer walking down the streets of Iraq or Afghanistan than an Afghan or Iraqi tourist is walking down the streets of the US? :o
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justice..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: Taoist on 07/12/05 at 5:00 am
You may not like Fox News... and if Fox News was the ONLY media outlet you were allowed to have access to, that would be one thing. But many networks cover the middle east, not just from the US but from other countries as well.
Yes, but how many people watch them?
People tend to watch/read whatever media gives them the information they LIKE.
As I said, I have spoken to many Americans who have a completely screwed up view of the world (ie they talk real crap about my country, a place where I KNOW what is going on)
America is not unique in this respect, and that was my point, neither is the middle east.
Your view of the middle east is based on the media you watch. Most of the ME has access to Al-Jezeera, a widely respected and unbiased media station. The US media puts Al Jazeera down as biased because they don't tow the American line.
And as far as walking down the road without being shot at, are you trying to imply that an American tourist is safer walking down the streets of Iraq or Afghanistan than an Afghan or Iraqi tourist is walking down the streets of the US?
Hmm, well Afghanistan and Iraq are currently war zones so are not a very good comparison to the US. Also a US "tourist" in Iraq would be more rightly called a soldier or if not in uniform, a SPY! In times of war, enemy citizens in your country get shot or at least interned (remember Japanese Americans in WWII)
What's more, maybe you read about the poor Arab guy who was shot dead at a gas station because some American retard with a gun thought he looked like OBL.
My comparison was with any number of civilised countries (Western Europe, Canada, Austrailia, etc.)
Far more people are murdered (ie shot in the street) in the US than most other countries in the world, including Iraq before the war!
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justice..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: Powerslave on 07/12/05 at 5:14 am
When we think about the Middle East, we are always presented with the problematic states. A few weeks back, a lifestyle program did a segment on vacationing in Oman. Not only did it look extremely beautiful, but it's also peaceful, progressive and tolerant. It certainly didn't look like the "Middle East" we're normally shown.
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justice..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 07/12/05 at 6:09 am
Yes, but how many people watch them?
People tend to watch/read whatever media gives them the information they LIKE.
As I said, I have spoken to many Americans who have a completely screwed up view of the world (ie they talk real crap
about my country, a place where I KNOW what is going on)
America is not unique in this respect, and that was my point, neither is the middle east.
Your view of the middle east is based on the media you watch. Most of the ME has access to Al-Jezeera, a widely respected and unbiased media station. The US media puts Al Jazeera down as biased because they don't tow the American line.
Hmm, well Afghanistan and Iraq are currently war zones so are not a very good comparison to the US. Also a US "tourist" in Iraq would be more rightly called a soldier or if not in uniform, a SPY! In times of war, enemy citizens in your country get shot or at least interned (remember Japanese Americans in WWII)
What's more, maybe you read about the poor Arab guy who was shot dead at a gas station because some American retard with a gun thought he looked like OBL.
My comparison was with any number of civilised countries (Western Europe, Canada, Austrailia, etc.)
Far more people are murdered (ie shot in the street) in the US than most other countries in the world, including Iraq before the war!
Aha I get it now - you're of Middle Eastern origin, which is fine.
You know fine well TAOIST this country has done FAR MORE than any other to welcome ethnic groups so cut the whingeing about Britain.
Point 1. You refer to 'your country' OK so why exactly are you living in the East Midlands in the UK - one of the highest concentrations of Foreign nationals in the UK?
Point 2.  Afghanistan and Iraq have been War Zones for friggin' years - long before the current crisis, (add in Africa/Zimbabwe/Ireland/Israel) simply because there are too many major religious fundamentalists there, who have now polluted the UK with their crazed brainwashing of British born Muslims. If we aren't careful we could have a mass war breaking out here before long because there are so many crazed, spiteful lunatics around gagging for a semtex session, and proved last week.
Rationality, diplomacy and sense are not words these people understand.
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justice..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: Powerslave on 07/12/05 at 6:15 am
You know fine well TAOIST this country has done FAR MORE than any other to welcome ethnic groups
That's a pretty big call.
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justice..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/12/05 at 8:01 am
As I said, I have spoken to many Americans who have a completely screwed up view of the world (ie they talk real crap about my country, a place where I KNOW what is going on)
What country is that?
Most of the ME has access to Al-Jezeera, a widely respected and unbiased media station.
It's got to be something in the water.
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justice..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: Taoist on 07/12/05 at 9:28 am
Aha I get it now - you're of Middle Eastern origin, which is fine.
Err, no! - Where on earth did you get that from? ::)
You know fine well TAOIST this country has done FAR MORE than any other to welcome ethnic groups so cut the whingeing about Britain.
When exactly did I whinge about Britain? In fact I didn't mention Britain.
Perhaps you should go back and read my posts ::)
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justice..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: Taoist on 07/12/05 at 9:34 am
What country is that?
The UK but that's not relevent to my point.
My point was, people, on this forum, have views reagarding another country which obviously come from the media (unless they just make things up) which are wrong.
How do I know they're wrong? Because I can simply go outside and see!
So, if your media is wrong wrt the UK, how can you be sure it's correct wrt the middle east?
Odyssey hit the nail on the head, these people (ie eastern terrorists) have a false idea about the west, US, etc. which leads them to bomb us. Likewise people in the US, UK, etc. have an equally wrong idea about the middle east which leads us to bomb them.
Education is the key, if people understood then perhaps they would not be so quick to murder innocent people.
But those people who think this is all one way are as ignorant as those they condemn.
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justice..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 07/12/05 at 1:19 pm
Err, no! - Where on earth did you get that from? ::)When exactly did I whinge about Britain? In fact I didn't mention Britain.
Perhaps you should go back and read my posts ::)
I aint getting into a fight with you Taoist - you need to clarify the meaning of your posts, you seem to be biased to knowing a lot about Middle East issues - and also claiming it as 'my country'. Perhaps re-read your own posts and you might see why I am making such assumptions about you.
I see the Midlands are currently at the centre of major searches just now, with regard to the lowlife scum bombers. ::)
Subject: Re: Bush had said bring them to justice..sorry...WRONG!!!!
Written By: philbo on 07/12/05 at 4:18 pm
Most of the ME has access to Al-Jezeera, a widely respected and unbiased media station. The US media puts Al Jazeera down as biased because they don't tow the American line.
It used to be, but isn't any more... I said something similar on another forum, and it was pointed out to me that Al Jazeera has lost a lot of the journalists it used to have, and is probably closer to a kind of ME Fox News than the respectable (and respected) independent they started off being. Having said that, Al Jazeera is probably still as close to an unbiased news source as you get there.