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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: ChuckyG on 06/09/05 at 2:20 pm
scroll down and read the original, then the spliced video footage O'Reilly runs
You'll notice Biden calls for an independant investigation. However when O'Reilly runs the clip, he removes that part to make it sound like Biden only wants to shut down the camps. Then O'Reilly suggests the independant investigation, as if that was his idea.
Newsweek has a source change it's mind, and they're branded traitors by the right-wing. O'Reilly manufacturers his own news clips like a comedy show, but presents it like fact and the right wing is silent.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/09/05 at 2:47 pm
I didn't view the link because with O'Riely this is nothing new. The man is a big a pathological liar as our "president". I can't remember qwhere, but I saw a clip of him denying that he ever told a guest to "shut up", followed by that remark to at least (as I recall) 5 different guests. The man has no conscience, no scrupples, no morals. He is a totally reprehensible cad, clod, ideologue, who should be ignored into oblivian. And yet "fair and balanced" Fouix new gives him his own show, and people actually listen?
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: saver on 06/09/05 at 2:54 pm
Reminds me how the LA Times made it sound like GWB said 'no' to a roposal raised in his first term that enraged the simple minded..turns out, the TIMES CLEVERLY LEFT OUT THAT THE 'dEMOCRATIC' SENATORS HAD THE LAST WORD ON IT AND DENIED THE APPROVAL.....
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/09/05 at 3:19 pm
Reminds me how the LA Times made it sound like GWB said 'no' to a roposal raised in his first term that enraged the simple minded..turns out, the TIMES CLEVERLY LEFT OUT THAT THE 'dEMOCRATIC' SENATORS HAD THE LAST WORD ON IT AND DENIED THE APPROVAL.....
While I can't verify this rather nebulous accusation, what we have here is a classic example of the old axium,"the best defense is a good offense". No attempt to defend the rehprehensible dolt that is the subject od this thread, just launch an unsubstantiated attack on anyone in range to divert attention. Lets keep our focus on that slitheringn snake (and sexual predator) Bill O'Riely. Defend him if you can.l
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: saver on 06/09/05 at 9:44 pm
Never cared for him before or after his soiree that he cannot comment on ..If /when I listen, I see IF they are fair about the reporting..both sides etc.. he has his spin and I've read many who argue with it as he claims to have a no spin zone??
Not enough to make me hooked. ???
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: JamieMcBain on 06/09/05 at 10:46 pm
Gee... big surprise..... ::)
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/10/05 at 12:37 pm
Speaking of Biden, FOX News has tried to say that "Biden came out against Howard Dean." In fact, Biden said he supported Howard Dean, thought Dean was doing a good job as Democratic party chair, but thought Dean should tone down some of the rhetoric.
Hannity didn't even bother making a splice. He just played a clip of Biden that flatly denied Hannity's claim that Biden was against Dean, and claimed the fact that Biden said Dean's rhetoric was too angry showed that Biden was against him, even though Biden said in the same clip he thought Dean was doing a good job!
That's FOX for ya!
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/10/05 at 12:50 pm
Fair and Balanced my @$$!
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/10/05 at 3:27 pm
Fair and Balanced my @$$!
Yes, well that's long been the sentiment of any observer with a brain!
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: limblifter on 06/10/05 at 10:23 pm
"No Spin Zone" eh? As much as the conservatives down south would like to just quote from the Globe And Mail, and talk about our "Liberal" BIAS. Up here we like to be presented with the facts....Not "conservative" BS! And ya wonder why FOX News is doing so poorly up here. ::) Go ahead and start your boycott, I DARE YA!!!!
This man is a disgrace. And what disturbs me more than anything is that there are actually people out there who are blind enough to actually believe in him!
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: Im Batman on 06/11/05 at 12:46 am
What does it say about Republican voters that their two main sources for "news" are a serial phone sex addict in O'Rielly and a prescription drug junkie, and three times divorced, Rush Limbaugh?
And these people voted for Bush because "moral values" was the most important issue for them?
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/11/05 at 2:04 pm
What does it say about Republican voters that their two main sources for "news" are a serial phone sex addict in O'Rielly and a prescription drug junkie, and three times divorced, Rush Limbaugh?
And these people voted for Bush because "moral values" was the most important issue for them?
O'Reilly and Limbaugh are not in their positions because of any journalistic prowess. They are big white men with domineering personalities. Limbaugh and O'Reilly and so many others in the right-wing media are mere moutpieces for corporate/Repulican/Evangelical-Right interests. If anybody is into advocacy journalism, it is FOX News, head and shoulders above PBS.
The excuse for picking on PBS has been that PBS receives federal funds, thus they owe it to the public to be "fair and balanced." Examine PBS and you will find, in fact, a predominance of yet MORE right-wing, Wall Street-oriented voices. PBS was "fair and balanced" before Roger Ailes ever met Rupert Murdoch. PBS had a lot of liberal programming, for "Front Line" to "Sesame Street," but they also invited as far back as the 1970s right-wingers such as William F. Buckley and John McLaughlin as hosts of their own programs. Nixon attacked the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in its infancy. Nixon hated the idea of taxpayer supported broadcasting that could rip the rich and the powerful...and Nixon himself! Wall Street moguls and Texas oil billionaires dreaded a broadcast media they could not control through advertising. Thus, corporate America always got its say on PBS.
What the Right is doing now is killing ALL liberal points-of-view on public broadcasting in the name of stopping a "liberal bias," which demonstrably doesn't even exist. Wall Street and Big Oil are full of fascists who will brook no opposition.
We don't need this "fair and balanced" nonsense. We need objectivity.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: Im Batman on 06/11/05 at 6:28 pm
Since the news is reported by human beings, it is only human that some biases may get through. All we ask is that the newsmedia be fair in its coverage.
Of course, The FOX News Channel feels no obligation whatsoever to be fair.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/11/05 at 11:49 pm
Since the news is reported by human beings, it is only human that some biases may get through. All we ask is that the newsmedia be fair in its coverage.
Of course, The FOX News Channel feels no obligation whatsoever to be fair.
Hey, all journalism is "advocacy journalism," it's just that the politico-corporate establishment mandates advocacy on behalf of Wall Street and the Christian Right shall be celebrated, and advocacy on behalf of the poor and afflicted shall be demonized.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/12/05 at 4:55 pm
Oh come on all you bleeding heart liberals, don't you know that "what's for General Motors" (read big oil, Wall Street etc) is good for America? Why are you so upset about losing a little bit of democracy, liberty, compassion, TRUTH? "I don't care if it rains or freezes, log as I got my plastic Jesus rid'en on the dashboard of my car..." And don't you know that war is good for the economy? I vest you children.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: Im Batman on 06/12/05 at 11:51 pm
Actually it's what's good for Haliburton is what's good for America.
Enlist now so your blood can be the grease that oils the Bush/Cheney industrial war machine.
WoooHooo! Support The Troops!
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/13/05 at 12:39 am
Oh come on all you bleeding heart liberals, don't you know that "what's good for General Motors" (read big oil, Wall Street etc) is good for America? Why are you so upset about losing a little bit of democracy, liberty, compassion, TRUTH? "I don't care if it rains or freezes, log as I got my plastic Jesus rid'en on the dashboard of my car..." And don't you know that war is good for the economy? I vest you children.
So, conversely, if General Motors is going down the crapper, America is going....where?
--very scared of reality!
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: Im Batman on 06/13/05 at 2:54 pm
C'mon, building up Chevey's was never as much fun as building up the war machine.
Praise Jesus for Bush!
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/13/05 at 4:35 pm
Actually it's what's good for Haliburton is what's good for America.
Enlist now so your blood can be the grease that oils the Bush/Cheney industrial war machine.
WoooHooo! Support The Troops!
Haliburton, the new GM. That was my implication, although I was quoting Herbert (the vaccum man) Hoover. Next car I buy will be able to burn vergetable oil - used at that. The technology is there.
Yeah, support our troops. Body armour? Humvee armour? Whats that? Never heard of it. Is there such a thing? And after they're out, VA benefits? What are those? Budget breakers - which is to say that they interfere with our tax cuts agenda. After all, most of them never really "defended freedom" in a war zone.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/13/05 at 8:14 pm
C'mon, building up Chevey's was never as much fun as building up the war machine.
Praise Jesus for Bush!
Do you mean "Chevey" or "Cheney"?
Don Carlos wrote:
Haliburton, the new GM. That was my implication, although I was quoting Herbert (the vaccum man) Hoover. Next car I buy will be able to burn vergetable oil - used at that. The technology is there.
Yeah, support our troops. Body armour? Humvee armour? Whats that? Never heard of it. Is there such a thing? And after they're out, VA benefits? What are those? Budget breakers - which is to say that they interfere with our tax cuts agenda. After all, most of them never really "defended freedom" in a war zone.
That quote was attributed to both Presidents Coolidge and Hoover, but it was actuall GM President Charles Erwin Wilson. From Wikipedia:
"At one point (General Motors) was the largest corporation in the United States ever, in terms of its revenues as a percent of GDP. In 1953 Charles Erwin Wilson, then GM president, was named by Eisenhower as Secretary of Defense. When he was asked, during the hearings before the Senate Armed Services Committee if as secretary of defense he could make a decision adverse to the interests of General Motors, Wilson answered affirmatively but added that he could not conceive of such a situation "because for years I thought what was good for the country was good for General Motors and vice versa." Later this statement was often garbled when quoted, suggesting that Wilson had said simply, "What's good for General Motors is good for the country." At the time, GM was the one of the largest employers in the world – only Soviet state industries employed more people."
Six decades later GM's credit rating is at junk bond status.
Anyway, the point is those at the pinnacle of corporate power always believe they know what's best for the country, and the country has always listened. The difference between GM then and Halliburton now is Halliburton is not the bread-and-butter for a major portion of the nation's workforce. Furthermore, the reason why GM (and the manufacturing sector in general) provided so well for the American working class is because it was unionized. The working men and women made the corporations accountable to them.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: ADH13 on 06/14/05 at 1:07 am
Well, first of all, I don't think ANY news outlet is 100% fair and balanced. But I don't think O'Reilly is worse than the others. First of all, The O'Reilly Factor is not a straight news program, it is HIS show. Usually when he brings an issue to the table, he has guests from both sides, even though he is clearly conservative. (So it makes sense that liberals wouldn't like him)
So let's talk about regular news.
Abu-Gharaib (sp?) has been a big topic of criticism. Lately, so has Guantanamo Bay. In the last couple weeks, I have heard the news reporting MORE CRITICISM OF OUR GOVERNMENT because a BOOK GOT WET than I have heard criticism of INSURGENTS WHO CAR-BOMB OUR TROOPS!!
Liberal or conservative - be honest with yourself! Does that sound fair and balanced to you!??!
This is how it sounds to me: "Oh well, five more Americans were killed today.... but <gasp> a terrorists's book got wet! Can you imagine how awful!?"
Give me a break.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: ChuckyG on 06/14/05 at 7:26 am
Well, first of all, I don't think ANY news outlet is 100% fair and balanced. But I don't think O'Reilly is worse than the others. First of all, The O'Reilly Factor is not a straight news program, it is HIS show. Usually when he brings an issue to the table, he has guests from both sides, even though he is clearly conservative. (So it makes sense that liberals wouldn't like him)
Especially when he takes what they said, and changes the meaning completely. It is definitely worse, because it presents itself as fair and balanced (or no spin) when clearly it isn't.
I guess torture is ok when the US gov't does it, is that what you were trying to say? You seem to think the ONLY thing that happened is that a Koran got wet. Try reading the Pentagon report, a lot more than that has happened, and that's only the stuff they confirm.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: ADH13 on 06/14/05 at 12:57 pm
Especially when he takes what they said, and changes the meaning completely. It is definitely worse, because it presents itself as fair and balanced (or no spin) when clearly it isn't.
I guess torture is ok when the US gov't does it, is that what you were trying to say? You seem to think the ONLY thing that happened is that a Koran got wet. Try reading the Pentagon report, a lot more than that has happened, and that's only the stuff they confirm.
I am certainly NOT saying torture is OK when the US does it. What I'm saying is, if you want to be fair and balanced, criticize our government for whatever you want, but criticize the other side too. I'm tired of hearing about how the mean American government keeps violating the rights of the poor little terrorists, but nothing against what the POOR LITTLE TERRORISTS are doing.
And just to bring my point a little closer to home. Do you agree with anyone shooting someone in cold blood? Probably not.
So, fine: create an outrage when the white cop kills the black man.
And create the SAME outrage when the gangbanger kills the cop!
That's all I ask.
Again, I don't think any media outlet is 100% fair and balanced.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/14/05 at 1:47 pm
Well, first of all, I don't think ANY news outlet is 100% fair and balanced. But I don't think O'Reilly is worse than the others. First of all, The O'Reilly Factor is not a straight news program, it is HIS show. Usually when he brings an issue to the table, he has guests from both sides, even though he is clearly conservative. (So it makes sense that liberals wouldn't like him)
So let's talk about regular news.
Abu-Gharaib (sp?) has been a big topic of criticism. Lately, so has Guantanamo Bay. In the last couple weeks, I have heard the news reporting MORE CRITICISM OF OUR GOVERNMENT because a BOOK GOT WET than I have heard criticism of INSURGENTS WHO CAR-BOMB OUR TROOPS!!
Liberal or conservative - be honest with yourself! Does that sound fair and balanced to you!??!
This is how it sounds to me: "Oh well, five more Americans were killed today.... but <gasp> a terrorists's book got wet! Can you imagine how awful!?"
Give me a break.
Yes, the O'Reily Factor is his program, but that doesn't give him the right to distort what he quotes others as saying, as was the point of the first post on this thread, and especially to the point of totally changing the meaning of the quote.
admittedly, I read only the local morning paper, but it is quite thorough. All the reports re Guantonamo that I have read deal with Pentagon investigations, allegations by released prisoners, or comments/testimony of comgressmen, so its not the "liberal" media bashing the gov't, but simply reporting on what is going on. Are you suggesting that the American people should be the only ones who DON'T know about this stuff?
My paper, at least, gives far more space to news of the insurgancy than to the prisoner abuse issue, and, in fact, publishes a daily running count of US deaths, along with both the latest from the battlefields and what the military/gov't put out there, along with news re the Iraqi gov't. I think it was just yesterday there was a long article about no military solution, for example. Further, frequent editorials comment on the continuing war. In addition, the paper covers the departure of Vermont Nat. Guard units, their return, and the funerals of native sons.
So, at l;east in terms of the rutland Herald, which you can read on-line, give ME a break.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: ADH13 on 06/14/05 at 2:31 pm
Yes, the O'Reily Factor is his program, but that doesn't give him the right to distort what he quotes others as saying, as was the point of the first post on this thread, and especially to the point of totally changing the meaning of the quote.
admittedly, I read only the local morning paper, but it is quite thorough. All the reports re Guantonamo that I have read deal with Pentagon investigations, allegations by released prisoners, or comments/testimony of comgressmen, so its not the "liberal" media bashing the gov't, but simply reporting on what is going on. Are you suggesting that the American people should be the only ones who DON'T know about this stuff?
My paper, at least, gives far more space to news of the insurgancy than to the prisoner abuse issue, and, in fact, publishes a daily running count of US deaths, along with both the latest from the battlefields and what the military/gov't put out there, along with news re the Iraqi gov't. I think it was just yesterday there was a long article about no military solution, for example. Further, frequent editorials comment on the continuing war. In addition, the paper covers the departure of Vermont Nat. Guard units, their return, and the funerals of native sons.
So, at l;east in terms of the rutland Herald, which you can read on-line, give ME a break.
Well, I agree with you on one point. The newspaper, generally comes across as more fair and balanced than shows like "The O'Reilly Factor" and "Larry King Live", etc. When you are printing a story instead of reading it, the audience doesn't get the tone of voice or facial expressions that generally show bias. (Assuming it's a straight article, not an editorial)
All I am trying to say is that there is spin EVERYWHERE and I'm sure you know that. Liberals are outraged by right-swing and Conservatives are outraged by left-swing. Most of us are intelligent enough to form our own opinions.  Remember, this is America. Nobody is forcing you to watch. ÂÂÂ
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/15/05 at 4:02 pm
Well, I agree with you on one point. The newspaper, generally comes across as more fair and balanced than shows like "The O'Reilly Factor" and "Larry King Live", etc. When you are printing a story instead of reading it, the audience doesn't get the tone of voice or facial expressions that generally show bias. (Assuming it's a straight article, not an editorial)
All I am trying to say is that there is spin EVERYWHERE and I'm sure you know that. Liberals are outraged by right-swing and Conservatives are outraged by left-swing. Most of us are intelligent enough to form our own opinions. Remember, this is America. Nobody is forcing you to watch.
True enough, and we all interpret what we see, hear, and read according to our own biases. But I still say that it is the job of the media to report news in as factual, and non-editorial way possible, while recognizing that the selection of facts reported is an editorial, and interprative process. I also still say that deliberate attempts to distort thew opinions of others is a blatant violation of the ethics of journalism, just as it a violation of the ethics of academia.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: ADH13 on 06/15/05 at 7:23 pm
True enough, and we all interpret what we see, hear, and read according to our own biases. But I still say that it is the job of the media to report news in as factual, and non-editorial way possible, while recognizing that the selection of facts reported is an editorial, and interprative process. I also still say that deliberate attempts to distort thew opinions of others is a blatant violation of the ethics of journalism, just as it a violation of the ethics of academia. ÂÂÂ
Again, I agree with you in theory when you say it is the job of the media to report news in as factual, and non-editorial way possible. However, I can't really imagine that being possible without speaking in a complete monotone, just simply stating facts (no adjectives, no preludes such as "and in a shocking turn of events"). If that type of reporting were available, I highly doubt anyone would watch it. Even still, I don't consider shows like "O'Reilly" and "Hannity & Colmes" & "Larry King Live" to be news reporting. I consider them to be political "talk shows". I feel that O'Reilly is fair and balanced in comparison to other shows OF THAT TYPE. He does usually have representatives from both sides on the show.
Personally, I am sick and tired of hearing how BAD BAD AMERICA keeps violating the poor little terrorists, so I don't watch the news anymore either, although probably for opposite reasons than yours. But at least we agree on one thing: the media coverage is screwed up!
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/16/05 at 1:11 am
Again, I agree with you in theory when you say it is the job of the media to report news in as factual, and non-editorial way possible. However, I can't really imagine that being possible without speaking in a complete monotone, just simply stating facts (no adjectives, no preludes such as "and in a shocking turn of events"). If that type of reporting were available, I highly doubt anyone would watch it. Even still, I don't consider shows like "O'Reilly" and "Hannity & Colmes" & "Larry King Live" to be news reporting. I consider them to be political "talk shows".  I feel that O'Reilly is fair and balanced in comparison to other shows OF THAT TYPE. He does usually have representatives from both sides on the show.
Personally, I am sick and tired of hearing how BAD BAD AMERICA keeps violating the poor little terrorists, so I don't watch the news anymore either, although probably for opposite reasons than yours. But at least we agree on one thing: the media coverage is screwed up!
A lot of the detainees at "Gitmo" haven't even been tried, much less convicted of anything.
Nobody--nobody--I can think of on the progressive side of the media feels sorry for terrorists. Most liberals and I have a fundamentally different way of looking at the world than our conservative friends. Conservatives tend to utter slogans, worship icons, and call this "patriotism." Liberals--the smart ones--view the world in terms of political science. That is, power--who has it and who doesn't, and the cause and effect of a country's policies on its citizens and the other nations of the world.
Bill O'Reilly less analytical than he is a knee-jerk histrionic who comes to conclusion by way of emotion rather than logic. "Fair and balanced" is a meaningless phrase in the hands of the reactionaries at FOX News Channel.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: ChuckyG on 06/16/05 at 9:25 am
Personally, I am sick and tired of hearing how BAD BAD AMERICA keeps violating the poor little terrorists, so I don't watch the news anymore either, although probably for opposite reasons than yours. But at least we agree on one thing: the media coverage is screwed up!
Let me read to you what one FBI agent saw. And I quote from his report: On a couple of occasions, I entered interview rooms to find a detainee chained hand and foot in a fetal position to the floor, with no chair, food or water. Most times they urinated or defecated on themselves, and had been left there for 18-24 hours or more. On one occasion, the air conditioning had been turned down so far and the temperature was so cold in the room, that the barefooted detainee was shaking with cold....On another occasion, the had been turned off, making the temperature in the unventilated room well over 100 degrees. The detainee was almost unconscious on the floor, with a pile of hair next to him. He had apparently been literally pulling his hair out throughout the night. On another occasion, not only was the temperature unbearably hot, but extremely loud rap music was being played in the room, and had been since the day before, with the detainee chained hand and foot in the fetal position on the tile floor.
yeah... sounds like a total daycare center. Of course if you get your news from "fair and unbiased" news sources, you might think the only thing that has happened so far, is a few Korans got wet.
back on subject...
Fox News intentionally distorts video footage to support it's claim, but as long as it's done to make it more interesting it's ok? Even if it puts words in the mouth of the person stating it?
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/16/05 at 2:58 pm
All I am trying to say is that there is spin EVERYWHERE and I'm sure you know that. Liberals are outraged by right-swing and Conservatives are outraged by left-swing. Most of us are intelligent enough to form our own opinions. Remember, this is America. Nobody is forcing you to watch.
Of course there is, but spin in the selection and arrangement of the facts to present is one thing - but spin in an attempt to willfully distory facts to support one's ideological agenda is another, and it is my view that the right wing media is much more guilty of that than is the left.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: JamieMcBain on 06/16/05 at 3:02 pm
I wonder what Bill O'Reilly has to say about this.... ::)
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: ADH13 on 06/16/05 at 4:02 pm
Let me read to you what one FBI agent saw. And I quote from his report: On a couple of occasions, I entered interview rooms to find a detainee chained hand and foot in a fetal position to the floor, with no chair, food or water. Most times they urinated or defecated on themselves, and had been left there for 18-24 hours or more. On one occasion, the air conditioning had been turned down so far and the temperature was so cold in the room, that the barefooted detainee was shaking with cold....On another occasion, the had been turned off, making the temperature in the unventilated room well over 100 degrees. The detainee was almost unconscious on the floor, with a pile of hair next to him. He had apparently been literally pulling his hair out throughout the night. On another occasion, not only was the temperature unbearably hot, but extremely loud rap music was being played in the room, and had been since the day before, with the detainee chained hand and foot in the fetal position on the tile floor.
yeah... sounds like a total daycare center. Of course if you get your news from "fair and unbiased" news sources, you might think the only thing that has happened so far, is a few Korans got wet.
back on subject...
Fox News intentionally distorts video footage to support it's claim, but as long as it's done to make it more interesting it's ok? Even if it puts words in the mouth of the person stating it?
Chucky, I know we completely disagree on political views, however, you have just somewhat reinforced the exact point I am trying to make. I'm sure you recall the way the news was reported after 9/11. I don't recall anyone complaining about their books being destroyed. Think back to Columbine. I don't remember anyone mentioning books being ruined/lost/whatever.
If the detainees were being abused physically, deprived of food, etc, then why are these "wet books" newsworthy?? Why am I hearing about it every day on the news? My guess is this: many people are becoming "numb" to hearing news of death, physical abuse, etc. From a media standpoint, it probably isn't controversial enough. The "wet book" issue, however, is supposed to create an outrage among the religious. Remember, outrage is what the media wants, regardless of it's politically correctness.
Again, O'Reilly isn't a straight news show. It's a talk show, based on opinionated testimony from both sides of the spectrum. I have a much bigger issue with the spin on supposedly straight news.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/16/05 at 7:46 pm
Of course there is, but spin in the selection and arrangement of the facts to present is one thing - but spin in an attempt to willfully distory facts to support one's ideological agenda is another, and it is my view that the right wing media is much more guilty of that than is the left.
It's groovy in Guantanamo! Rep. Duncan Hunter says the detainees at Gitmo get Noodles Jefferson and two kinds of fruit. He even showed a sample of their evening meal on TV. It's a regular Club Med down there!
Senator Durbin was not saying Guantanamo is like a nazi death camp. He merely said the FBI report on some interrogation tactics were reminiscent of nazi practices.
I wouldn't conjure the image of Auschwitz as Durbin did. Whereas smart people are analytical enough to reconcile the difference between death camp and Gitmo and get Durbin's point, the right-wing plays on histrionics. The Right spins the issue away from the mistreatment of detainees and to an erroneous conclusion that Durbin is comparing us to nazis. Thus, Durbin made a rhetorical mistake.
The Geneva Conventions on human rights (which A.G. Alberto Gonzales called "quaint") were drawn up after the world got a look incomprehensible cruelty of nazi death camps. The signing nations decided it was morally evil to torture and starve captives. Nations agreed amongst one another not to do it. Thus, we all must be vigilent so we do not recede into the bad old days just because we're mad at our enemies and cruelty seems more facile than humane treatment.ÂÂÂ
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: ChuckyG on 06/17/05 at 9:13 am
Chucky, I know we completely disagree on political views, however, you have just somewhat reinforced the exact point I am trying to make. I'm sure you recall the way the news was reported after 9/11. I don't recall anyone complaining about their books being destroyed. Think back to Columbine. I don't remember anyone mentioning books being ruined/lost/whatever.
has nothing to do with this at all. nada zilch, I totally don't understand why you would even mention it.
If the detainees were being abused physically, deprived of food, etc, then why are these "wet books" newsworthy?? Why am I hearing about it every day on the news? My guess is this: many people are becoming "numb" to hearing news of death, physical abuse, etc. From a media standpoint, it probably isn't controversial enough. The "wet book" issue, however, is supposed to create an outrage among the religious. Remember, outrage is what the media wants, regardless of it's politically correctness.
No need to guess why it's newsworthy. Just need to think back more than two weeks. Two months ago Newsweek ran an article that mentioned a government report mentioned desecration of the Koran as one of the things they've been doing to inmates at Gitmo (as Bush calls it). Riots erupted when a popular figure in Pakistan repeated the allegation. The neocons went nuts and claimed that Newsweek was inventing allegations and causing people to get killed over it. When the US government agents basically confirmed it, they then downplayed it by claiming it was such a minor thing, and this book thing isn't so bad. Of course they neglect to mention the other worse torture methods being enacted and witnessed by the military.
So why are we focused on the Koran? Because the neocons want the focus shifted from the real abuses, and Newsweek makes a convient scapegoat. They can blame the "liberal press." If the Koran thing might not be true, then they can question all the other abuses that were reported as well. Even though abuse of the Koran is now confirmed, how much airtime did that get? I still see the neocon appologists claim that it never happened.
Again, O'Reilly isn't a straight news show. It's a talk show, based on opinionated testimony from both sides of the spectrum. I have a much bigger issue with the spin on supposedly straight news.
Really? He claims to be fair and balanced. Isn't that false advertising? He presents both sides of the spectrum, he just distorts one side completely.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: ChuckyG on 06/17/05 at 9:17 am
notice the earlier quote from Durbin?
here's the distortion from a newspaper on the issue. not a talk show, not an editorial.
Gitmo called death camp
Nowhere in the original quote, did Durbin call it a death camp. He talked about the torture methods being used. That's intentional distortion of what has been said, a false claim. Typical claim made by right-wing news sources.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: JamieMcBain on 06/17/05 at 9:51 am
Doesn't surprise me.... ::)
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: Billy Florio on 06/17/05 at 3:51 pm
notice the earlier quote from Durbin?
here's the distortion from a newspaper on the issue. not a talk show, not an editorial.
Gitmo called death camp
Nowhere in the original quote, did Durbin call it a death camp. He talked about the torture methods being used. That's intentional distortion of what has been said, a false claim. Typical claim made by right-wing news sources.
its the Washington Times Chuck......while I know many people in Washington who do read it, its an openly right leaning newspaper.
Though, even my democrat friends in Washington admit that sometimes they prefer it to the Washington Post
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: ChuckyG on 06/17/05 at 4:05 pm
its the Washington Times Chuck......while I know many people in Washington who do read it, its an openly right leaning newspaper.
Though, even my democrat friends in Washington admit that sometimes they prefer it to the Washington Post
oh, I know it's a right-wing rag, just like the New York Post. I'm just pointing out another example of opinion parading itself as news/fact in a right leaning news source.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: ADH13 on 06/17/05 at 4:42 pm
has nothing to do with this at all. nada zilch, I totally don't understand why you would even mention it.
The reason I brought this up, is that back then injury and death were enough to stir up an outrage, therefore very newsworthy. I'm actually surprised that everyone isn't in agreement on this Koran issue because really, it has nothing to do with which side of the spectrum we are on. I'm sure the liberals are just as outraged as I am that people are being killed. (The difference is that you guys blame Bush and I blame the insurgents)
Do you know that last night somewhere on the Northern coast of California, there was a 6.something earthquake in the ocean? Nobody was injured, there was no damage whatsoever. There was no tsunami siren. I heard it on the news about 25 times in 1 hour. Then in a nonchalant voice, "four more marines were killed in iraq today by suicide bombers..." This bothers me. And it should bother you too.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: ChuckyG on 06/17/05 at 7:46 pm
The reason I brought this up, is that back then injury and death were enough to stir up an outrage, therefore very newsworthy. I'm actually surprised that everyone isn't in agreement on this Koran issue because really, it has nothing to do with which side of the spectrum we are on. I'm sure the liberals are just as outraged as I am that people are being killed. (The difference is that you guys blame Bush and I blame the insurgents)
Do you know that last night somewhere on the Northern coast of California, there was a 6.something earthquake in the ocean? Nobody was injured, there was no damage whatsoever. There was no tsunami siren. I heard it on the news about 25 times in 1 hour. Then in a nonchalant voice, "four more marines were killed in iraq today by suicide bombers..." This bothers me. And it should bother you too.
it bothers me that ANY American is even in Iraq. Iraq didn't attack us, didn't posses weapons of mass destruction, no chemical weapons, none of the reason we invaded. We shouldn't be there. If we weren't there under the false pretenses sold to us by the Bush administration, no US soldier would die. I doubt the National Guard Reserves would be fighting OVERSEAS instead of defending the borders. It's not news anymore that a US soldier died overseas, simply because it happens every day, and probably will happen increasingly more often as the failed policies of the Bush administration continue to be implemented.
The outrage should be directed at the White House which claims that increasing violence is a sign of SUCCESS! Success is seeing more people killed more often. I'm not disappointed that the media doesn't make a big deal out of the continuing deaths, I'm disappointed they didn't do their job in questioning the administration during the build up to the war, and after the "Misson Accomplished" rhetoric was over, when the administration displayed a complete lack of knowledge of what to do.
The right wingers were complaining that the media only played up the deaths overseas, and none of the successes. They claim they were turning the lights back on, and that the people were safer than ever. Yet there's less people with electricity and running water now than after we first invaded. Oil can't flow for more than a day before the oil lines are shut down. Are the Iraqis better off now? Fox news and the president think so, the Iraqi people don't though. Unless you interview the select few allowed into the green zone.
It's funny, the right wing complains if the media reports the deaths and plays up that angle (don't show the coffins coming home!), but then complains when the deaths go unrecognized. Can't have it both ways.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: ADH13 on 06/17/05 at 11:26 pm
it bothers me that ANY American is even in Iraq. Iraq didn't attack us, didn't posses weapons of mass destruction, no chemical weapons, none of the reason we invaded. We shouldn't be there. If we weren't there under the false pretenses sold to us by the Bush administration, no US soldier would die. I doubt the National Guard Reserves would be fighting OVERSEAS instead of defending the borders. It's not news anymore that a US soldier died overseas, simply because it happens every day, and probably will happen increasingly more often as the failed policies of the Bush administration continue to be implemented.ÂÂÂ
The outrage should be directed at the White House which claims that increasing violence is a sign of SUCCESS! Success is seeing more people killed more often. I'm not disappointed that the media doesn't make a big deal out of the continuing deaths, I'm disappointed they didn't do their job in questioning the administration during the build up to the war, and after the "Misson Accomplished" rhetoric was over, when the administration displayed a complete lack of knowledge of what to do.ÂÂÂ
The right wingers were complaining that the media only played up the deaths overseas, and none of the successes. They claim they were turning the lights back on, and that the people were safer than ever. Yet there's less people with electricity and running water now than after we first invaded. Oil can't flow for more than a day before the oil lines are shut down. Are the Iraqis better off now? Fox news and the president think so, the Iraqi people don't though. Unless you interview the select few allowed into the green zone.
It's funny, the right wing complains if the media reports the deaths and plays up that angle (don't show the coffins coming home!), but then complains when the deaths go unrecognized. Can't have it both ways.
Actually, I don't think the right wing complains if the media plays up the deaths unless they are outright blaming Bush, since there are some of us who actually blame the suicide bombers and the insurgents. Anyway, I have tried very hard (with the exception of my first post) to keep political views on the war out of my argument about the media. The media will always try to create an outrage, whether it be against our own government or the other side. Thus, the wet Koran to create an outrage among the religious, the "white cop killed the black thug" bit to create an outrage among blacks, the "gay guy killed by the straight homophobe" to create an outrage among gays... it just goes on and on. Sure, the left is more likely to take the side of the religious, the black thug and the gay guy... so I could say that type of reporting is geared toward the left, and gripe about it.
In any case, I don't disagree with you that there is spin in the news. The only thing I am questioning is why, out of all the media outlets, you would choose a political talk show to accuse of being biased. Yes, I know he calls his show fair and balanced, based on the fact that he gives conservatives and liberals equal time to debate the issues. It's not like he only has conservatives on the show. And he doesn't claim to be a straight news source.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/18/05 at 3:46 pm
it bothers me that ANY American is even in Iraq. Iraq didn't attack us, didn't posses weapons of mass destruction, no chemical weapons, none of the reason we invaded. We shouldn't be there. If we weren't there under the false pretenses sold to us by the Bush administration, no US soldier would die. I doubt the National Guard Reserves would be fighting OVERSEAS instead of defending the borders. It's not news anymore that a US soldier died overseas, simply because it happens every day, and probably will happen increasingly more often as the failed policies of the Bush administration continue to be implemented.
The outrage should be directed at the White House which claims that increasing violence is a sign of SUCCESS! Success is seeing more people killed more often. I'm not disappointed that the media doesn't make a big deal out of the continuing deaths, I'm disappointed they didn't do their job in questioning the administration during the build up to the war, and after the "Misson Accomplished" rhetoric was over, when the administration displayed a complete lack of knowledge of what to do.
The right wingers were complaining that the media only played up the deaths overseas, and none of the successes. They claim they were turning the lights back on, and that the people were safer than ever. Yet there's less people with electricity and running water now than after we first invaded. Oil can't flow for more than a day before the oil lines are shut down. Are the Iraqis better off now? Fox news and the president think so, the Iraqi people don't though. Unless you interview the select few allowed into the green zone.
It's funny, the right wing complains if the media reports the deaths and plays up that angle (don't show the coffins coming home!), but then complains when the deaths go unrecognized. Can't have it both ways.
You hit the nail on the head. It wasn't that long ago that "Admin spokespersons" were basing the media for focusing on the deaths of US personnel and accusing it of "negativity" for ignoring the positive, yet the election was well covered (not that it mattered much in ending the insurgancy no matter how impressive it was). And why is it that the Admin refuses to allow photos of all those coffins coming home (a rhetorical question)?
In any case, I don't disagree with you that there is spin in the news. The only thing I am questioning is why, out of all the media outlets, you would choose a political talk show to accuse of being biased. Yes, I know he calls his show fair and balanced, based on the fact that he gives conservatives and liberals equal time to debate the issues. It's not like he only has conservatives on the show. And he doesn't claim to be a straight news source.
O'Reiley does have both liberals and conservatives on his show, and the few times I have seen it, he has NOT given equal time. Rather, he has shouted down the "liberal" guests and given the conservatives wide latitude. If I were treated like that in a "debate" I would just get up and leave.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: ChuckyG on 06/18/05 at 9:20 pm
In any case, I don't disagree with you that there is spin in the news. The only thing I am questioning is why, out of all the media outlets, you would choose a political talk show to accuse of being biased. Yes, I know he calls his show fair and balanced, based on the fact that he gives conservatives and liberals equal time to debate the issues. It's not like he only has conservatives on the show. And he doesn't claim to be a straight news source.
O'Reilly gives liberals equal time? Is that before or after he shuts off their microphones, or cuts their segments from running on the show (it's not live, it's memorex). Not to mention, that he generally gets the lamest liberals he can find to be on his show. I doubt very much, that anyone with any kind of reputation on the left would ever step foot on his show, after having seen it once.
O'Reilly is just one example. What about the link to the Moonie rag I posted after that. Or how about Frist repeating the lies of that Washington Times story in Congress today?
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: JamieMcBain on 06/20/05 at 7:32 pm
He also tends to get mad and yell at guests, and cut off their interviews if they don't agree with him.
I am glad that I don't watch Fox News or O' Reilly for that matter, Tucker Carlson (when he was on CNN) is no better. ::)
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: ChuckyG on 06/21/05 at 11:55 am
how about Drudge and Hannity... these guys are inventing news as well
Since we all know Clinton cheated on his wife (and last week according to Drudge, he raped her when he conceived Chelsa), it only seems to reason he's cheating on her again right? Why not just photoshop an image of Clinton at a rally and concoct a story around it.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: Im Batman on 06/25/05 at 1:56 am
O'Rielly is so damned predictable.
Whenever he goes into his "I oppose extremism on both sides," that means one thing. He is going to slam the left. He never trashes the right with this lead in.
Subject: Re: O'Reilly intentionally distorts footage on his show, where's the outrage?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/25/05 at 5:08 am
O'Rielly is so darned predictable.
Whenever he goes into his "I oppose extremism on both sides," that means one thing. He is going to slam the left. He never trashes the right with this lead in.
In O'Reilly's world:
Right-wing extreme = Timothy McVeigh
Left-wing extreme = Hillary Clinton
That's right, he opposes extremism on both sides!