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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: GWBush2004 on 05/31/05 at 11:05 am
Breaking on ABC and CNN now. He and his family admit it through his lawyer. It will be in the upcoming Vanity Fair.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: W. Mark Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: Indy Gent on 05/31/05 at 11:25 am
Two questions:
1) Who is W. Mark Felt? and 2) What is his real motive in becoming "Deep Throat"? :-X :-\\
Subject: Re: Breaking news: W. Mark Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: GWBush2004 on 05/31/05 at 11:34 am
1) Who is W. Mark Felt?
There was an article on 'Deep Throat' in the Smithsonian magazine a few months back. They knew it was an FBI insider.
Felt was the #3 man in the FBI back then.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: W. Mark Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: Mushroom on 05/31/05 at 11:42 am
Two questions:
2) What is his real motive in becoming "Deep Throat"? :-X :-\\
This is a quote from the article GW referenced:
Felt said he was "only doing his duty" and did not seek to bring down Nixon over the cover-up of a break-in at Democratic Party offices in the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C.
Of course, my favorite long-time suspect was always Diane Sawyer. ;D
Subject: Re: Breaking news: W. Mark Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/31/05 at 11:55 am
So there you have it. This would appear to end the speculation once and for all.
And I agree with him about "doing his duty".
Subject: Re: Breaking news: W. Mark Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: GWBush2004 on 05/31/05 at 12:00 pm
And I always thought it was Linda Lovelace. What a shocker. ;)
Subject: Re: Breaking news: W. Mark Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: Indy Gent on 05/31/05 at 1:01 pm
Just as long as it wasn't Castro or Jimmy Hoffa, that's fine with me. :)
Subject: Re: Breaking news: W. Mark Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: Im Batman on 05/31/05 at 2:59 pm
Until Woodward and Bernstein confirm it, I'm not buying into it.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: W. Mark Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/31/05 at 4:11 pm
Until Woodward and Bernstein confirm it, I'm not buying into it.
Me, too. They haven't yet. I saw on CNN that they made a statement that they will still reveal who it is after the person dies and they have not yet been "released of that contract".
Subject: Re: Breaking news: W. Mark Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: danootaandme on 05/31/05 at 5:03 pm
I was so hoping that it was Pat Buchanan, and until it is confirmed by Woodward and Bernstein I will hold
out hope, but W. Mark Felt would have been in a position to be the throat. For a while I had thought it was
J. Edgars husband Clyde Tolson, but he died in 1975 and Woodward and Bernstein would have been able to confirm that upon his death.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: W. Mark Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: saver on 05/31/05 at 6:37 pm
Whew! :o Finally, I can sleep tonight after years of waiting for the revelation! ;D
Out of all the sleuths who tried to bust the identity..did anyone win the pool?
Was he even on anyones list?
If so, let's hire them to find Bin Laden! :D
Subject: Re: Breaking news: W. Mark Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: GWBush2004 on 05/31/05 at 8:58 pm
Until Woodward and Bernstein confirm it, I'm not buying into it.
Me, too. They haven't yet. I saw on CNN that they made a statement that they will still reveal who it is after the person dies and they have not yet been "released of that contract".
I was so hoping that it was Pat Buchanan, and until it is confirmed by Woodward and Bernstein I will hold
out hope.
Woodward and Bernstein have confirmed it.
Link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/article/deepthroat31.html
Subject: Re: Breaking news: W. Mark Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: JamieMcBain on 05/31/05 at 9:23 pm
Up next.....
- Finding The Loch Ness Monster
Jimmy Hoffa's dead body
- Revealing the mystery behind the pyramids
Easter Island
William Hung's career
killing of JFK
Subject: Re: Breaking news: W. Mark Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/31/05 at 11:49 pm
This is a quote from the article GW referenced:
Felt said he was "only doing his duty" and did not seek to bring down Nixon over the cover-up of a break-in at Democratic Party offices in the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C.
Of course, my favorite long-time suspect was always Diane Sawyer.  ;D
Nah, that was just Henry Kissinger's nickname for her!
This is no surprise. It was leaked earlier that it was an FBI agent, then it was just a question of which one. I don't see it making a heck of a lot of difference at this point, unless you're a disappointed conspiracy nut!
Subject: Re: Breaking news: W. Mark Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: Powerslave on 06/01/05 at 7:08 am
I don't see it making a heck of a lot of difference at this point, unless you're a disappointed conspiracy nut!
This won't disappoint the conspiracy nuts too much. They'll just say that Felt was forced into admitting it was him by someone "higher up" who knows who Deep Throat really is, and doesn't want anyone to find out.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: W. Mark Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/01/05 at 7:26 am
Who is W. Mark Felt?
Subject: Re: Breaking news: W. Mark Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/01/05 at 10:51 am
Woodward and Bernstein have confirmed it.
Link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/article/deepthroat31.html
I heard that after I turned off the computer last night.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: Im Batman on 06/01/05 at 2:44 pm
What I would really like to see is the Mark Felts, Bob Woodwards, Carl Bernsteins, and Ben Bradlys of today (if they exist) come forward to leak the crimes of this administration to the world.
Even if they did come forth, the mainstream media is too busy covering the American Idol final.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: ChuckyG on 06/01/05 at 3:50 pm
What I would really like to see is the Mark Felts, Bob Woodwards, Carl Bernsteins, and Ben Bradlys of today (if they exist) come forward to leak the crimes of this administration to the world.
Even if they did come forth, the mainstream media is too busy covering the American Idol final.
We've already got some Bush insiders like Richard Clarke coming forward, and the Downing Street memo. Still hasn't changed anything. The media just repeats the Bush administration lies.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: Mushroom on 06/01/05 at 4:13 pm
We've already got some Bush insiders like Richard Clarke coming forward, and the Downing Street memo. Still hasn't changed anything. The media just repeats the Bush administration lies.
Of course, Clarke lost some credibility when it came out that the same information was given to the Clinton administration, and absolutely nothing was done. In fact, if memory serves me right, was not the Clinton adminstation offered Osama, and they refused to take him into custody?
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: ChuckyG on 06/01/05 at 4:22 pm
Of course, Clarke lost some credibility when it came out that the same information was given to the Clinton administration, and absolutely nothing was done. In fact, if memory serves me right, was not the Clinton adminstation offered Osama, and they refused to take him into custody?
That's an often repeated talking point by the neocons. Yet when Clinton attempted to bomb Osama and failed, they claimed he was diverting attention from his own problems.
What's more interesting, is watching the conservative talking heads rally and claim that Felt is a traitor to the country for not revealing the scandal through proper channels. I'm sure leaking stuff to Drudge during the Clinton years isn't the same thing.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: MooRocca on 06/01/05 at 4:37 pm
In fact, if memory serves me right, was not the Clinton adminstation offered Osama, and they refused to take him into custody?
The people who offered him didn't have him.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/01/05 at 5:54 pm
What I would really like to see is the Mark Felts, Bob Woodwards, Carl Bernsteins, and Ben Bradlys of today (if they exist) come forward to leak the crimes of this administration to the world.
Even if they did come forth, the mainstream media is too busy covering the American Idol final.
If they did, this White House would hand them an anthrax sandwich. Don't doubt it. We're dealing with a mafia-style crime syndicate here!
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/02/05 at 9:37 am
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/02/05 at 10:51 am
The difference is that Nixon was doing something ILLEGAL!!!! Clinton was having an affair.
There was an interesting editoral in today's newspaper. http://www.rutlandherald.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050602/NEWS/506020320/1018/OPINION
What I find interesting is that Felt's biggest critics were the ones who either lost their jobs or were sent to jail because they were caught!
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/02/05 at 12:28 pm
The difference is that Nixon was doing something ILLEGAL!!!! Clinton was having an affair.
There was an interesting editoral in today's newspaper. http://www.rutlandherald.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050602/NEWS/506020320/1018/OPINION
What I find interesting is that Felt's biggest critics were the ones who either lost their jobs or were sent to jail because they were caught!
Felt rivaled Hoover, it's some kind of miracle he made it to be 91!
I'm not sure about DC, but in a lot of states adultry is technically a crime. Of course, many of our greatest presidents had "mistresses," but Clinton and Monica only qualifies as "foolin' around."
The sick thing is what Nixon was doing was Sunday school compared to what Karl Rove and the Repugnicans get up to these days. The Dems are no saints either.
I think publically financed elections with no outside funds allowed would go a loooong way in cleaning things up. Then again, when you're dealing with lawyers and lobbyists (and other crooks and sociopaths) they always figure out how to get around the law!
Boy, those right-wing cartoons sure are pathetic!
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: ChuckyG on 06/02/05 at 12:31 pm
I don't get it. Clinton killed Linda Tripp? really? I must have missed that in the news
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/02/05 at 12:39 pm
Felt rivaled Hoover, it's some kind of miracle he made it to be 91!
I'm not sure about DC, but in a lot of states adultry is technically a crime. Of course, many of our greatest presidents had "mistresses," but Clinton and Monica only qualifies as "foolin' around."
The sick thing is what Nixon was doing was Sunday school compared to what Karl Rove and the Repugnicans get up to these days. The Dems are no saints either.
I think publically financed elections with no outside funds allowed would go a loooong way in cleaning things up. Then again, when you're dealing with lawyers and lobbyists (and other crooks and sociopaths) they always figure out how to get around the law!
Boy, those right-wing cartoons sure are pathetic!
I agree. We do need another Felt along with another Woodward and Bernstien. I really would LOVE to see that happen.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/02/05 at 2:51 pm
The difference is that Nixon was doing something ILLEGAL!!!! Clinton was having an affair.
There was an interesting editoral in today's newspaper. http://www.rutlandherald.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050602/NEWS/506020320/1018/OPINION
What I find interesting is that Felt's biggest critics were the ones who either lost their jobs or were sent to jail because they were caught!
Interesting, but not surprising.
Felt's critics accuse him of "breaking the law" by not going through the chain of command, but both FBI director Pat Gray, his immideate boss, and Attourny General John Mitchel were indicted for Watergate-related crimes, so goint to the top, would have gotten Felt a one way ticket to oblivian, or worse, especially with that psychopath E Gordon Liddy around. One needs to ask, would the "tapes" have been discovered without him? They were Tricky Dicky's downfall.
I agree, The current admin is so corrupt, so deep in interest peddling, and Goddess knows what all, that we do need another Deep Throut and another Bernstien and Woodward, and another impeachment - but that would give us Cheney?
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/03/05 at 8:43 am
Boy, those right-wing cartoons sure are pathetic!
You let your politics get in the way of your sense of humor. Conservative cartoonists are no more or no less funny on average than the liberal cartoonists.
I don't get it. Clinton killed Linda Tripp? really? I must have missed that in the news
Deep-six, as in the media ignored her.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: ChuckyG on 06/03/05 at 8:49 am
You let your politics get in the way of your sense of humor. Conservative cartoonists are no more or no less funny on average than the liberal cartoonists.
Deep-six, as in the media ignored her.
They did? wow... I guess we never heard her allegations, or saw her on the nightly news? You must not have been watching television in the US at the time of the impeachment trials.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/03/05 at 11:57 am
You let your politics get in the way of your sense of humor. Conservative cartoonists are no more or no less funny on average than the liberal cartoonists.
I have seen poignant and funny conservative cartoons and dumb ones from the liberal perspective. The one you just posted happened to be a dud. On the major issues, those concerning power, conservative humor bombs because the elements of satire do not work when it's the king mocking the peasants.
Deep-six, as in the media ignored her.
Tripp's name was in the news for months. What you mean is the media didn't act as you wished.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/03/05 at 4:25 pm
Deep-six, as in the media ignored her.
The media ignored Linda Tripp? Than wht did people on this board up at the top ask "who in hades is W. Marke Felt but NOBODY asked Linda Tripp, who is she? I'd say a "Deep throut" wanna-be, and probably a frustrated slut to boot - what an ugly woman!
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/03/05 at 5:43 pm
The media ignored Linda Tripp? Than wht did people on this board up at the top ask "who in hades is W. Marke Felt but NOBODY asked Linda Tripp, who is she? I'd say a "Deep throut" wanna-be, and probably a frustrated slut to boot - what an ugly woman!
Not to mention Katherine Willey and Juanita Broderick. Heresay city!
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/03/05 at 6:53 pm
The media ignored Linda Tripp? Than wht did people on this board up at the top ask "who in hades is W. Marke Felt but NOBODY asked Linda Tripp, who is she? I'd say a "Deep throut" wanna-be, and probably a frustrated slut to boot - what an ugly woman!
"Deep Throut"? or should that be "Deep Trout"? It does smell a little fishy around here. ;) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/04/05 at 4:22 am
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/04/05 at 8:11 am
I think you and Patrick Buchanan could get along. He opposed the Iraq war and opposes CAFTA.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/04/05 at 9:30 am
I think you and Patrick Buchanan could get along. He opposed the Iraq war and opposes CAFTA.
Yeah, but Pat's a bigot and his social values are medieval! He has said the French Revolution was the beginning of the end for "Christian" values, thus by extension one must extrapolate a disapproval for the Enlightenment and the Protestant Reformation. The man is a pathological reactionary!
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/04/05 at 9:52 am
I also oppose CAFTA.
I'm starting to think more and more that Patrick Buchanan is right and George Bush is wrong.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/04/05 at 1:25 pm
I also oppose CAFTA.
I'm starting to think more and more that Patrick Buchanan is right and George Bush is wrong.
Perhaps you see how your interests and the interests of corporate executives are not the same. Dubya thinks first and foremost about what's good for corporate executives, Buchanan thinks first about what's good for White Christian Americans.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/04/05 at 1:46 pm
Perhaps you see how your interests and the interests of corporate executives are not the same.ÂÂ
I've always seen how 100% unrestricted free trade hurts America. Especially when China sends their crap to America with a 3% tariff while America's goods go into China at a 44% tariff. NAFTA and CAFTA are not good things, and I'm upset that Bush is making CAFTA one of his top four issues to resolve before the end of the cogressional year.
I believe that you can not have full protectionism or full free trade. Each extreme hurts America. You need to be in the middle leaning a little more towards free trade. Bush's support of full free trade is making America lose it's status slowly but surely as the most wealthy nation on God's green Earth. Bush also sounds a bit socialist when he talks of "spreading the wealth around" which is code for letting big business fire all their American workers and take their jobs to third world nations with child and slave labor. We lost our good manufacturing jobs with NAFTA, and now we're in danger of losing our textile industry with CAFTA if the house of representatives doesn't throw it out. For Christ's sake ten years ago Americans were complaining about a 60 billion dollar a year trade deficit because of Japanese automobiles, now we're looking at a 55 billion dollar a month trade deficit that is killing the value of our dollar. We need a good manufacturing section in the economy, not an entire service industry economy.
Do you want fries with that?
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/04/05 at 1:56 pm
I've always seen how 100% unrestricted free trade hurts America. Especially when China sends their crap to America with a 3% tariff while America's goods go into China at a 44% tariff. NAFTA and CAFTA are not good things, and I'm upset that Bush is making CAFTA one of his top four issues to resolve before the end of the cogressional year.
I believe that you can not have full protectionism or full free trade. Each extreme hurts America. You need to be in the middle leaning a little more towards free trade. Bush's support of full free trade is making America lose it's status slowly but surely as the most wealthy nation on God's green Earth. Bush also sounds a bit socialist when he talks of "spreading the wealth around" which is code for letting big business fire all their American workers and take their jobs to third world nations with child and slave labor. We lost our good manufacturing jobs with NAFTA, and now we're in danger of losing our textile industry with CAFTA if the house of representatives don't throw it out. For Christ's sake a ten years ago we were complaining about a 60 billion dollar a year trade deficit because of Japanese cars, not we're looking at a 55 billion dollar a month trade deficit that is killing the value of our dollar. We need a manufacturing section in the economy, not an entire service industry economy.
Do you want fries with that?
True enough. But when Bush talks about "spreading the wealth around" he means spreading it around to the other corporate bigshots who contribute bigtime to the GOP.
We've pretty much lost our textile industry altogether and the trend is working its way up to "white collar" jobs. If you pit American workers against Chinese workers, American workers will lose every time.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: saver on 06/05/05 at 1:24 am
Do you see anyone trying to hit them where it hurts?- The pocketbook?
Wal-mart selling the MADE I CHINA products --I refuse to knowingly buy Chinese made...
Just recently saw this: while shopping in a grocery store, a display for the STAR WARS TOYS like a talking YODA with 500 different sayings etc... ALL MADE IN CHINA!!!!
We have to stop buying, they'll feel it!
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/05/05 at 6:32 am
Do you see anyone trying to hit them where it hurts?- The pocketbook?
Wal-mart selling the MADE I CHINA products --I refuse to knowingly buy Chinese made...
Just recently saw this: while shopping in a grocery store, a display for the STAR WARS TOYS like a talking YODA with 500 different sayings etc... ALL MADE IN CHINA!!!!
We have to stop buying, they'll feel it!
Boycott Wal-Mart! It's a free market and I'll take my money to any business I want, and that business better not be importing 18 billion dollars worth of goods from communist China every year!
Wal-Mart could be so good if they'd just sell goods made in America only. Now that would be America's superstore!
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/05/05 at 10:30 am
Was World War II worth it?
By: Patrick J. Buchanan
In the Bush vs. Putin debate on World War II, Putin had far the more difficult assignment. Defending Russia's record in the "Great Patriotic War," the Russian president declared, "Our people not only defended their homeland, they liberated 11 European countries."
Those countries are, presumably: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Finland.
To ascertain whether Moscow truly liberated those lands, we might survey the sons and daughters of the generation that survived liberation by a Red Army that pillaged, raped and murdered its way westward across Europe. As at Katyn Forest, that army eradicated the real heroes who fought to retain the national and Christian character of their countries.
To Bush, these nations were not liberated. "As we mark a victory of six decades ago, we are mindful of a paradox," he said:
For much of Eastern and Central Europe, victory brought the iron rule of another empire. V-E day marked the end of fascism, but it did not end the oppression. The agreement in Yalta followed in the unjust tradition of Munich and the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Once again, when powerful governments negotiated, the freedom of small nations was somehow expendable. ... The captivity of millions in Central and Eastern Europe will be remembered as one of the greatest wrongs in history.
Bush told the awful truth about what really triumphed in World War II east of the Elbe. And it was not freedom. It was Stalin, the most odious tyrant of the century. Where Hitler killed his millions, Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot and Castro murdered their tens of millions.
Leninism was the Black Death of the 20th Century.
The truths bravely declared by Bush at Riga, Latvia, raise questions that too long remained hidden, buried or ignored.
If Yalta was a betrayal of small nations as immoral as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, why do we venerate Churchill and FDR? At Yalta, this pair secretly ceded those small nations to Stalin, co-signing a cynical "Declaration on Liberated Europe" that was a monstrous lie.
As FDR and Churchill consigned these peoples to a Stalinist hell run by a monster they alternately and affectionately called "Uncle Joe" and "Old Bear," why are they not in the history books alongside Neville Chamberlain, who sold out the Czechs at Munich by handing the Sudetenland over to Germany? At least the Sudeten Germans wanted to be with Germany. No Christian peoples of Europe ever embraced their Soviet captors or Stalinist quislings.
Other questions arise. If Britain endured six years of war and hundreds of thousands of dead in a war she declared to defend Polish freedom, and Polish freedom was lost to communism, how can we say Britain won the war?
If the West went to war to stop Hitler from dominating Eastern and Central Europe, and Eastern and Central Europe ended up under a tyranny even more odious, as Bush implies, did Western Civilization win the war?
In 1938, Churchill wanted Britain to fight for Czechoslovakia. Chamberlain refused. In 1939, Churchill wanted Britain to fight for Poland. Chamberlain agreed. At the end of the war Churchill wanted and got, Czechoslovakia and Poland were in Stalin's empire.
How, then, can men proclaim Churchill "Man of the Century"?
True, U.S. and British troops liberated France, Holland and Belgium from Nazi occupation. But before Britain declared war on Germany, France, Holland and Belgium did not need to be liberated. They were free. They were only invaded and occupied after Britain and France declared war on Germany – on behalf of Poland.
When one considers the losses suffered by Britain and France – hundreds of thousands dead, destitution, bankruptcy, the end of the empires – was World War II worth it, considering that Poland and all the other nations east of the Elbe were lost anyway?
If the objective of the West was the destruction of Nazi Germany, it was a "smashing" success. But why destroy Hitler? If to liberate Germans, it was not worth it. After all, the Germans voted Hitler in.
If it was to keep Hitler out of Western Europe, why declare war on him and draw him into Western Europe? If it was to keep Hitler out of Central and Eastern Europe, then, inevitably, Stalin would inherit Central and Eastern Europe.
Was that worth fighting a world war – with 50 million dead?
The war Britain and France declared to defend Polish freedom ended up making Poland and all of Eastern and Central Europe safe for Stalinism. And at the festivities in Moscow, Americans and Russians were front and center, smiling – not British and French. Understandably.
Yes, Bush has opened up quite a can of worms.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/05/05 at 5:20 pm
Good Lord, this thread has wandered far from the topic.
Subject: Re: Breaking news: Mark W. Felt is Deep Throat
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/05/05 at 7:39 pm
Good Lord, this thread has wandered far from the topic.
Most of them do. ::)