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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/30/05 at 7:37 pm
James Gilchrist says he's not a racist. He denied this charge on FOX News.
He does believe Latin immigrants are declaring war on America when they plant their flags on American soil.
He said it was his understanding that when you plant the flag of a foreign country on American soil, that is an aggressive statement of dominance. It is declaring war, according to Gilchrist.
If Mr. Olafsson flies a Swedish flag on his lawn, is he "declaring war" on America?
Furthermore, he called everyone who objects to him and his Minutemen "socialists and communists."
This is the kind of guy FOX News likes to court as a representative of the immigration issue. Aren't you proud how popular FOX News is with the American people?
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 05/30/05 at 11:01 pm
No.... not really..... ::) Guys like James Gilchrist are the reason why natural selection was created, unfortunatly, the planet has too many idiots like Gilchrist around.
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 05/30/05 at 11:05 pm
"Government must defend us against INVASION by others"
-U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 4.
They have every right to do what they are doing under the first amendment, and it's about dang time someone did something about the border that Bush and our "representatives" won't. Even Chavez (spelled correctly?) opposed illegal aliens. Besides, they're just undocumented border patrol agents.
Illegal immigrantion=increased crime, lower wages, less jobs, more drugs, more guns, more people, less people per capita speaking English, and a drain on our social services.
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/31/05 at 12:37 am
"Government must defend us against INVASION by others"
-U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 4.
They have every right to do what they are doing under the first amendment, and it's about dang time someone did something about the border that Bush and our "representatives" won't. Even Chavez (spelled correctly?) opposed illegal aliens. Besides, they're just undocumented border patrol agents.
Illegal immigrantion=increased crime, lower wages, less jobs, more drugs, more guns, more people, less people per capita speaking English, and a drain on our social services.
Nah, Gilchrist & co. show themselves to be just more dumb gun-toting rednecks. This bogus "Minutemen" operation is a darling of the Right because it sets the rabble of the world against one another and keeps them distracted from the real enemy: GLOBAL CAPITALIST EXPLOITATION!!!
Whenever somebody goes on about how he's not against immigration, just "illegal" immigration, you know he's really bigoted xenophobe. It never fails!
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 05/31/05 at 12:51 am
Whenever somebody goes on about how he's not against immigration, just "illegal" immigration, you know he's really bigoted xenophobe. It never fails!
So these people should be able to break our laws? That kind of sounds like what you're saying.
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/31/05 at 4:06 am
So these people should be able to break our laws? That kind of sounds like what you're saying.
Yeah, well, that was your "two-bits" to my "shave-and-a-haircut." It's just like Limbaugh and Hannity, don't listen to nobody, just shout the same angry slogans over and over and over!
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/31/05 at 12:40 pm
So these people should be able to break our laws? That kind of sounds like what you're saying.
Our laws are sacrosanct? Have you ever heard of the Chinese Exclusion Act? How about laws against Misegination? How about Plessy V Furguson (Supreme Court activism?). How about laws against "sodomy"? Laws are enacted by flawed human beings, and can be changed by flawed human beings. They are neither fixed nor immutable. Immigration law is no exception.
"Government must defend us against INVASION by others"
-U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 4.
... less people per capita speaking English...
While a beutiful language, English IS NOT our official language and never has been. El Espaniol es tambien una magnifica lengua de alta cultura con una rica tradicion en los artes del teatro, poetica (es, enb mi opinion, mas poetica del Ingles). Tambien qiero dijo que el Ingles norte american es mas rico por las palabras Espeniol que tiene, y hey muchos. Viva multi-lingualism.
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: Im Batman on 05/31/05 at 3:06 pm
Thus is the dilema the Republicans have painted themselves into a corner over.
On one hand, The GOP must cow tow to their big business bosses who demand cheap immigrant labor.
On the other, pander to the xenophobia of your white male, base.
Yep, Bush and the Repugs have stepped into a huge pile over this one.
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: saver on 05/31/05 at 3:52 pm
Nah, Gilchrist & co. show themselves to be just more dumb gun-toting rednecks. This bogus "Minutemen" operation is a darling of the Right because it sets the rabble of the world against one another and keeps them distracted from the real enemy: GLOBAL CAPITALIST EXPLOITATION!!!
Whenever somebody goes on about how he's not against immigration, just "illegal" immigration, you know he's really bigoted xenophobe. It never fails!
Twist what YOU THINK it means all you want.
ILLEGAL is ILLEAGAL...there is no rhetoric...if there are laws that were broken then they are changed to suit whomever, we change them when we feel necessary...due to human flaws..
I have to go with END illegal immigration, it hurts US and the economy..I'm not willing to pay for these SNEAKS and their benefits when other LEGAL immigrants/citizens need it.
We are in AMERICA, OUR LANGUAGE IS AMERICAN ENGLISH...capice?que? Go further back to support the Indian dialect...maybe 'grunting' as the first man.
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: Im Batman on 05/31/05 at 4:40 pm
So the question remains, why dosen't Bush and the Fed go after business that hire illegal immigrants, rather than the immigrants themselves? Without low wage labor in the US, there would be no need for those to cross the boader.
How about these business hire Americans at a living wage with full benefits? Then you would see the US workers willing to work in the hotels, kitchens, etc., that are now adays the domain of illegals.
It's much easier for Bu$h Co. to keep fanning the flames of racism to keep their supporters eyes off of the real issue.
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: danootaandme on 05/31/05 at 4:52 pm
Our laws are sacrosanct? Have you ever heard of the Chinese Exclusion Act? How about laws against Misegination? How about Plessy V Furguson (Supreme Court activism?). How about laws against "sodomy"? Laws are enacted by flawed human beings, and can be changed by flawed human beings. They are neither fixed nor immutable. Immigration law is no exception.
While a beutiful language, English IS NOT our official language and never has been. El Espaniol es tambien una magnifica lengua de alta cultura con una rica tradicion en los artes del teatro, poetica (es, enb mi opinion, mas poetica del Ingles). Tambien qiero dijo que el Ingles norte american es mas rico por las palabras Espeniol que tiene, y hey muchos. Viva multi-lingualism.
You go DC. How many people who march in St. Patricks Day Parades know about the history of the Irish in the USA. How many people chowing down on Italian food know what was said about the Italians when they came in record numbers? And the Jews of Europe and the Slavs. It is the same old song. It was xenophobia then and it is the same now.
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: danootaandme on 05/31/05 at 4:58 pm
James Gilchrist says he's not a racist. He denied this charge on FOX News.
He does believe Latin immigrants are declaring war on America when they plant their flags on American soil.
He said it was his understanding that when you plant the flag of a foreign country on American soil, that is an aggressive statement of dominance. It is declaring war, according to Gilchrist.
If Mr. Olafsson flies a Swedish flag on his lawn, is he "declaring war" on America?
We have one of those(I know, there are so many) guys here in Malden. He moved into town, put up a flag pole and flew the confederate battle flag. Well, you can imagine how that went over and the neighbors used some friendly persuasion to let him know that that was not welcome here. He huffed and puffed about his right to flay the flag, yup, we all agreed, but stressed that we would prefer it if he took it down. He did, but it has been a couple of years now and he has left the pole up and preferred not to fly Old Glory, leaving the pole up and flagless. I bet he thinks he loves his country and would be the first one to tell you who he believes should be here and who shouldn't ...Idiot.
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: JamieMcBain on 05/31/05 at 9:17 pm
Yeah, well, that was your "two-bits" to my "shave-and-a-haircut." It's just like Limbaugh and Hannity, don't listen to nobody, just shout the same angry slogans over and over and over!
I am glad remote controls were invented,,,, ::)
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/31/05 at 11:58 pm
Thus is the dilema the Republicans have painted themselves into a corner over.
On one hand, The GOP must cow tow to their big business bosses who demand cheap immigrant labor.
On the other, pander to the xenophobia of your white male, base.
Yep, Bush and the Repugs have stepped into a huge pile over this one.
My sediments exactly! I don't think Dubya and the bigshots lose any sleep over it. They know the game. The Repugs know they'll never lose nearly the number of voters by not cracking down on immigration as they will by cracking down on immigration. If they draw up a Pat Buchananite No Way Jose policy, they'll alienate too many Latinos who might otherwise vote GOP. What's more is they'll anger the bosses who rely on illegals for cheap labor. The white male xenophobes will p*ss and moan about the Administration being soft on illegal immigration, but the Repugs can always shout about how much worse the problem will be under a Democrat.
Again, it's not about enforcing the laws, it's about drawing the attention of the American proletariat away from the vagaries of the American fat cats and towards some hungry Mexicans coming over here trying to earn a day's pay!
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: Im Batman on 06/01/05 at 2:41 pm
All at the same time, corporate stooges like O'Rielly and other right wing flame throwers put out the ridiculous notion of militarizing the boarder, as a distaction from the real issue of American companies explotation of labor.
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/01/05 at 6:06 pm
Twist what YOU THINK it means all you want.
ILLEGAL is ILLEAGAL...there is no rhetoric...if there are laws that were broken then they are changed to suit whomever, we change them when we feel necessary...due to human flaws..
I have to go with END illegal immigration, it hurts US and the economy..I'm not willing to pay for these SNEAKS and their benefits when other LEGAL immigrants/citizens need it.
We are in AMERICA, OUR LANGUAGE IS AMERICAN ENGLISH...capice?que? Go further back to support the Indian dialect...maybe 'grunting' as the first man.
Yeah, but you're happy to take advantage of cheap produce and other consumer benefits of the bosses exploiting migrant labor. The reason why America has an illegal immigration problem starts with the imperial exploitation of Latin America. The grinding poverty and overpopulation that exists throughout Latin America didn't really start until imperial invaders destroyed the organic cultures and civilizations that developed there over hundreds and thousands of years. The Mixtec, the Inca, the Maya, the Olmec were not utopian pastures of plenty. They had their problems, and when they ran out of resources, they downsized and dispersed to form new societies over subsequent generations. That's not an option now. Post-imperial political structures have a stranglehold on the people of Latin America. The Latin Americanization of the U.S. is on the way now. In that hell, you can't win, you can't break even, you can't even quit the game. (as Allen Ginsberg said).
The United States must look at changing its own wicked ways thrust upon poorer nations if it wishes to solve the "immigrant" problem!
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/02/05 at 3:13 pm
Yeah, but you're happy to take advantage of cheap produce and other consumer benefits of the bosses exploiting migrant labor. The reason why America has an illegal immigration problem starts with the imperial exploitation of Latin America. The grinding poverty and overpopulation that exists throughout Latin America didn't really start until imperial invaders destroyed the organic cultures and civilizations that developed there over hundreds and thousands of years. The Mixtec, the Inca, the Maya, the Olmec were not utopian pastures of plenty. They had their problems, and when they ran out of resources, they downsized and dispersed to form new societies over subsequent generations. That's not an option now. Post-imperial political structures have a stranglehold on the people of Latin America. The Latin Americanization of the U.S. is on the way now. In that hell, you can't win, you can't break even, you can't even quit the game. (as Allen Ginsberg said).
The United States must look at changing its own wicked ways thrust upon poorer nations if it wishes to solve the "immigrant" problem!
While I can't be a fan of the pre-Columbian western hemisphere societies, it is certainy clear that the native peoples were exploited and their "organic" cultures destroyes by imperialism, and that process is continuing.
"The discovery of gold in America, the extripation, enslavement, and entombment in the mines of the native population, the beginning of the conquest and plunder of India, and the conversion of Africa into a warren fot the commercial hunting of blackskins, characterise the rosy dawn of the era of capitalist production. These idyllic proceedings are the chief moments of primitive accumulation. Hard on theit heels follows the commercial wars of the European nations which has the globe as its battlefield...."
Karl Marx, Capital Vol 1 Ch. 31
In its modern manifestation it includes the ongoing genocidal non-war against Cuba, the Contra war against the Sandinistas, the overthrouth of Arbenz in Guatemala, the 1973 coup in Chile...
And this is our idea of "democracy"?
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/02/05 at 10:27 pm
While I can't be a fan of the pre-Columbian western hemisphere societies, it is certainy clear that the native peoples were exploited and their "organic" cultures destroyes by imperialism, and that process is continuing.ÂÂÂ
If the Inca had discovered how to exploit petroleum, there would have been an Incan George W. Bush! The Incans and the Aztecs were as imperialist and exloitative as they could be. They just never got to the point where they could override nature with technology.
"The discovery of gold in America, the extripation, enslavement, and entombment in the mines of the native population, the beginning of the conquest and plunder of India, and the conversion of Africa into a warren fot the commercial hunting of blackskins, characterise the rosy dawn of the era of capitalist production. These idyllic proceedings are the chief moments of primitive accumulation. Hard on theit heels follows the commercial wars of the European nations which has the globe as its battlefield...."
Karl Marx, Capital Vol 1 Ch. 31
One society that was never subjugated by European empires was Japan. What did it get us? Pearl Harbor! Let that be a lesson to you, Yankee!
In its modern manifestation it includes the ongoing genocidal non-war against Cuba, the Contra war against the Sandinistas, the overthrouth of Arbenz in Guatemala, the 1973 coup in Chile...
And this is our idea of "democracy"?
Open for American capitalist plunder = democracy
Not open for American capitalist plunder = not democracy
Simple as that!
The Ronald Reagan azzkissers still regard him as a hero for illegally funding those far-right terror squads in Central America!
Subject: Re: Minuteman Project founder is a crank!
Written By: saver on 06/02/05 at 11:26 pm
Not sure if I would have a problem paying more as the money will stay in this country...
Yes, they should go after the companies....but look at how many illegals are making their way over here..I'm for legal immigration..it's a great land to be part of.
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