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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: So it's come to that....
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/28/05 at 3:05 pm
The town meeting in Brookline, Mass., has banned corporal punishment in a non-binding resolution, which I suppose means you're not allowed to tie 'em up either!
The resolution is toothless, mind you, it's not a matter of enforcement, more a policy of "encouragement." Please don't spank the children, we would rather you not, mmmkay? That's the order of the day! Sorry, Junior, you can't turn pop in for dusting your britches.
This is the sort of thing that drives conservatives bonkers! No liberal sissies from the town meeting are gonna tell ME how to discipline MY kid!
Subject: Re: So it's come to that....
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/28/05 at 4:51 pm
The town meeting in Brookline, Mass., has banned corporal punishment in a non-binding resolution, which I suppose means you're not allowed to tie 'em up either!
The resolution is toothless, mind you, it's not a matter of enforcement, more a policy of "encouragement." Please don't spank the children, we would rather you not, mmmkay? That's the order of the day! Sorry, Junior, you can't turn pop in for dusting your britches.
This is the sort of thing that drives conservatives bonkers! No liberal sissies from the town meeting are gonna tell ME how to discipline MY kid!
Right! Lets all beat tyhe little buggers senseless. Teach them from the git go that it is sheer power, not reason, consistancy, ans self discipline, that rule the world.
My 21 month-old has NEVER been hit, never been yelled at. She has been scolded, and her mom has loadly said OUCH when, during nursing (the baby was teething). Bailey asks to play with new things in my house, which isnt baby proofed, and obeys when I or Cat say "don't touch". When she finishes playing with toys she says "put away" and returns the object to where she found it. She has never thrown a temper tantrum. Why? Because her mother is always very calm with her, always very loving, and very consistant.
Anyone who has ever trained an animal knows that beating does no good, and does much harm. Should we treat our kids worse than we treat our dogs?
Subject: Re: So it's come to that....
Written By: cancemini2real on 05/28/05 at 11:36 pm
I wished they would have banned corporal punishment, back in the day when I was in elementary and middle school! All the teacher,at the time,have to do is threaten to tell the parents! But now today's kids are so spoiled with the cell phones,the i-pods,video games,internet and those skin revealing clothes, they walk around acting like they're so grown and they can do whatever and disrespect their parents and teachers! I can understand not spanking a child under 2 or 3 years old, because they do not know right from wrong, at these ages, they are very curious about the world around them. But kids 4 and up, should have been taught right from wrong and the consequences of wrong doing. I personally don't think taking away that video game or i-pod, or banning the cell phone or internet is going to make a kid behave, but I don't think beating a kid senseless isn't going to solve anything, if it's a minor offense such as refusing to go to bed or not eating those brussel sprouts. Does Montel Williams still send misbehaving kids and teens to bootcamp? ???
Subject: Re: So it's come to that....
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/29/05 at 4:27 pm
Right! Lets all beat tyhe little buggers senseless. Teach them from the git go that it is sheer power, not reason, consistancy, ans self discipline, that rule the world.
My 21 month-old has NEVER been hit, never been yelled at. She has been scolded, and her mom has loadly said OUCH when, during nursing (the baby was teething). Bailey asks to play with new things in my house, which isnt baby proofed, and obeys when I or Cat say "don't touch". When she finishes playing with toys she says "put away" and returns the object to where she found it. She has never thrown a temper tantrum. Why? Because her mother is always very calm with her, always very loving, and very consistant.ÂÂ
Anyone who has ever trained an animal knows that beating does no good, and does much harm. Should we treat our kids worse than we treat our dogs?
Unfortunately, there are plenty of idiots who pound on their dogs, too. I don't believe in corporal punishment myself and wouldn't use it if I was a parent. Neither of my sisters use it with their children.
I don't believe in hitting people in general. There are some cases in which self-defense may require striking another person, but those cases are rare. If you don't go copping an attitude and looking for trouble, you can go for decades without belting another person. I wouldn't want to give my kid the idea that hitting people is a way to get a point across. Period.
Subject: Re: So it's come to that....
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/29/05 at 4:31 pm
I wished they would have banned corporal punishment, back in the day when I was in elementary and middle school! All the teacher,at the time,have to do is threaten to tell the parents!
I know what you mean, but I also think we have a problem because adults act more and more like rude teenagers. I live in a college town and see lots of people in their early 20s. Growing up doesn't seem to be a priority anymore. Making money and impressing the opposite sex, yes, maturity, no.
Subject: Re: So it's come to that....
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/29/05 at 5:37 pm
I wished they would have banned corporal punishment, back in the day when I was in elementary and middle school! All the teacher,at the time,have to do is threaten to tell the parents! But now today's kids are so spoiled with the cell phones,the i-pods,video games,internet and those skin revealing clothes, they walk around acting like they're so grown and they can do whatever and disrespect their parents and teachers! I can understand not spanking a child under 2 or 3 years old, because they do not know right from wrong, at these ages, they are very curious about the world around them. But kids 4 and up, should have been taught right from wrong and the consequences of wrong doing. I personally don't think taking away that video game or i-pod, or banning the cell phone or internet is going to make a kid behave, but I don't think beating a kid senseless isn't going to solve anything, if it's a minor offense such as refusing to go to bed or not eating those brussel sprouts. Does Montel Williams still send misbehaving kids and teens to bootcamp? ???
My point was that kids even under 2 CAN understand right from wrong, if their parants make those choices clear. They can begin to become human beings. In any any case, hitting kids is going to get their attention, but not going to teach them the right lessons.
Subject: Re: So it's come to that....
Written By: cancemini2real on 05/29/05 at 8:18 pm
A few of my Clients,at work, really needs corporal punishment! And that's just my opinion! Bootcamp, anyone?
Subject: Re: So it's come to that....
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/30/05 at 2:40 am
A few of my Clients,at work, really needs corporal punishment! And that's just my opinion! Bootcamp, anyone?
You might be surprised at the popularity of such a program!
I was looking for a pic to go with this post so I googled "corporal punishment." There were a lot of cheap looking dominatrixes...and this demented thing I just had to post!
Subject: Re: So it's come to that....
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/30/05 at 3:07 pm
Yeah, hit kids to teach them that it is wrong to hit people. Makes sense to me - NOT.
Subject: Re: So it's come to that....
Written By: QueenAmenRa on 05/30/05 at 4:33 pm
While I wouldn't want some one spanking my child at school, I wouldn't have a problem with spanking my child (if I have any) as a LAST RESORT.
I have worked at a day care (with all ages) since August. Of course, we do not use corporal punishment at the day care. We try talking with the children or other means of solving a problem, with "time out" being a last resort. But you can tell the kids (especially ranging from age 3-6) who aren't getting the proper punishment at home.
Now if and when I have a kid, I would not just go spanking their bottom or locking them in their room at every little wrong thing done or temper tantum thrown ( >:( ooh bad parenting, dont remind me!) I know there are many other ways to solve a problem, but if it came down to spanking, I would not use a belt or paddle. Just a couple little smacks on the bottom and a good talking to (not angry yelling mother!!!)
Subject: Re: So it's come to that....
Written By: QueenAmenRa on 05/30/05 at 10:07 pm
They can begin to become human beings.ÂÂ
What are you saying? Babies aren't human beings until they learn right from wrong?
Subject: Re: So it's come to that....
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/31/05 at 1:11 pm
What are you saying? Babies aren't human beings until they learn right from wrong?
I'm sorry. That is NOT what I was saying. The first time I held Bailey Elisabith (my first grand daugter) she was just hours old, and clearly a little human being. I used the term in a figurative way. Children go through stages of growth and maturity. The most difficult for kids and parants are the teen years. My analogy is that they, as babies, toddlers, preteens, they want to please. Then, as teens, they enter a dark tunnel in which they sewarch for their independance and identity. If we, as parants, are lucky, they (we) emerge from that tunnel as "menches", a Yiddish word meaning "human being" but with implications of "a good person" (all 4 of mine, praise the Goddess, the God, the Powers, did. They are all special people, and most importantly, they are good people). I think I had a hand in that, as did my ex wife, Cat, my sister, my mother, my father, and even my ex mother-in-law from he11.
I know its a small sample, but none of them were ever spanked. There were times when I wanted to spank my son - temper tantrums for example. Why did he have them? He was allergic to simple sugars. We discovered that, substituted maple sugar sweets, and the tantrums disappeared. Spanking, while a natural reaction, wouldn't have helped. Itwould have hurt. Violance, and especially violance against children, is never the answer.
Sorry I was so glib, and didn't explain myself more fully.
Subject: Re: So it's come to that....
Written By: Gis on 06/01/05 at 5:40 am
I think we have to remember here there is a very big difference between a tap on the back of the legs and beating a child black and blue !
I have nothing against a child being tapped or lightly slapped but I don't believe in them being hit hard, more than once, or with an implement.
I think when it comes to never slapping, but reasoning with a child it does have alot to do with the nature of the child and the way that the parent reasons.I have seen examples where it does not work at all !
Subject: Re: So it's come to that....
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/01/05 at 6:12 am
I'm sorry. That is NOT what I was saying. The first time I held Bailey Elisabith (my first grand daugter) she was just hours old, and clearly a little human being. I used the term in a figurative way. Children go through stages of growth and maturity. The most difficult for kids and parants are the teen years. My analogy is that they, as babies, toddlers, preteens, they want to please. Then, as teens, they enter a dark tunnel in which they sewarch for their independance and identity. If we, as parants, are lucky, they (we) emerge from that tunnel as "menches", a Yiddish word meaning "human being" but with implications of "a good person" (all 4 of mine, praise the Goddess, the God, the Powers, did. They are all special people, and most importantly, they are good people). I think I had a hand in that, as did my ex wife, Cat, my sister, my mother, my father, and even my ex mother-in-law from he11.
I know its a small sample, but none of them were ever spanked. There were times when I wanted to spank my son - temper tantrums for example. Why did he have them? He was allergic to simple sugars. We discovered that, substituted maple sugar sweets, and the tantrums disappeared. Spanking, while a natural reaction, wouldn't have helped. Itwould have hurt. Violance, and especially violance against children, is never the answer.
Sorry I was so glib, and didn't explain myself more fully.
Exactly! A small child who throws tantrums may be reacting to something in his diet or his environment. It is very 19th century to say, "this child is willfull and ill-behaved, we must beat him into submission." If the child reacts badly to refined sugar, for instance, and the parent continues to dish out Count Chockula, you may never figure out why he blows his stack all the time, and only damage his psyche through violence.
Very astute parenting, DC!