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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Kansas... only 80s years behind the times
Written By: ChuckyG on 05/05/05 at 3:52 pm
Subject: Re: Kansas... only 80s years behind the times
Written By: bbigd04 on 05/05/05 at 4:05 pm
I can't believe that there is even a "debate" on this. This so called intelligent design is not even real science, while evolution has piles of evidence supporting it. Just another right-wing attempt to insert religious doctrine in public schools.
Subject: Re: Kansas... only 80s years behind the times
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/05/05 at 8:03 pm
"Who could imagine they would freak out somewhere in Kansas...."
--Frank Z.
The decision in Kansas to offer creationism equal time with evolution was a big-time wake up call to sensible people. That's because evolution is science (theory-based) and creationism is religion (faith-based). Do we want our students to learn "faith-based" algebra, "faith-based" physics, "faith-based" biology, "faith-based" chemistry, "faith-based" engineering? Of course not! So why is anyone willing to take the explanation for the origins of the universe on the basis of faith?
It's, it's, it's KOOKY!!!
These horsesasses want to do away with the "bias" against religion in public schools. Well, there should be bias against religion in the science curriculum!!! Religion isn't science! The Bible, for instance, is a collection of ancient documents written between 3000 and 1700 years ago. It is not observation of phenomenon, forming hypotheses, testing theories, and re-testing theories. That is how scientists built upon Darwin's theories in the past two centuries. Darwin's theories are generally accepted because they have stood up to scientific scrutiny. Now, maybe Darwin was wrong, but if Darwin was wrong, his theories need to be disproved by scientific method. Some ancient Greek theories were disproved by Newton's theories, some of Newton's theories were disproved by Einstein's theories. That's the way it happens in science. We don't give an ancient myth the same currency as scientifically-based theory because, again, faith is not science.ÂÂ
"The bible says it, I believe it, and that settles it," will not get you into the astro-physics program at M.I.T.
::) ;D
Anyway, these creationist crackpots aren't going to have much effect on school curricula, they are there as a shill in the bogus culture wars. Again, creationist hub-bub serves the universal American Right goal of getting the hayseeds to vote against their economic interests. That's why the controversy is kept alive.
Subject: Re: Kansas... only 80s years behind the times
Written By: Powerslave on 05/06/05 at 5:48 am
Subject: Re: Kansas... only 80s years behind the times
Written By: ChuckyG on 05/06/05 at 8:24 am
Anyway, these creationist crackpots aren't going to have much effect on school curricula, they are there as a shill in the bogus culture wars. Again, creationist hub-bub serves the universal American Right goal of getting the hayseeds to vote against their economic interests. That's why the controversy is kept alive.
however, you miss what they're doing. They've organized and begun taking over school boards. The reason this even came to trial, is because the creationists now out number the evolutionists on the school board. "Focus on Family", the radical Christian movement that helped re-elect Bush, has been doing this around the country. Giving out information on how to run and win seats on school boards to attempt this kind of political maneuvering. All within the grey areas of the seperation of church and state, and allowing non-profits to support political campaigns.
The larger problem, is that text book publishers tend to write their text books to appeal to the biggest markets, and since states like Florida, California and Texas all standardized on one textbook for all schools, they tend to set the tone of what goes into the text books. A win by these nutballs, helps to undermine the text books in schools across the country, because the publishers will focus on trying to win the contracts for the three nutiest states in the country.
Subject: Re: Kansas... only 80s years behind the times
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/06/05 at 11:19 am
however, you miss what they're doing. They've organized and begun taking over school boards. The reason this even came to trial, is because the creationists now out number the evolutionists on the school board. "Focus on Family", the radical Christian movement that helped re-elect Bush, has been doing this around the country. Giving out information on how to run and win seats on school boards to attempt this kind of political maneuvering. All within the grey areas of the seperation of church and state, and allowing non-profits to support political campaigns.
The larger problem, is that text book publishers tend to write their text books to appeal to the biggest markets, and since states like Florida, California and Texas all standardized on one textbook for all schools, they tend to set the tone of what goes into the text books. A win by these nutballs, helps to undermine the text books in schools across the country, because the publishers will focus on trying to win the contracts for the three nutiest states in the country.
Yeah, I see what you mean. I think I'm in a bit of denial about the power of these theocratic bullies 'coz it's sooooo scary! I mean, this guy Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family is even more powerful than Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. Dobson seems to have less of a penchant for the kind of outright hate-speech that discredits Falwell and Robertson. A lot of blue state liberal types haven't even heard of Dobson and let alone know how COLOSSAL his radio audience is, and how much political steam he's picking up. When they find out a peruse the right-wing Christian AM stations, they ask, "How can you stand it?" Sometimes it requires a metaphorical clothespin-over-the-nose, but at least I'm not unaware of the sway extremists like Dobson have over huge swaths of the population!
:o :o :o
Subject: Re: Kansas... only 80s years behind the times
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/06/05 at 3:24 pm
The agenda of the religious right is clear. The bible superceeds human intelligance and human reason - both, if you are religious, God given (or Godess given). If you reject science and the scientific method, than you need to explain in biblical terms why this machine I am typing on (not very well) actually works. Neither Moses or Jesus had one, yet we can communicate in seconds (I have dial-up) around the world, or is this the work of the devil?
As to evolution, we may not understand all its complexities (we certainly don't), but it is a fact which we use to our advantage (?) to create the breeds of domestic animals. As I said before, get rid of all the dogs between St Bernards and Chihuahuas and you have two creatures that couldn't possibly breed, ergo, to spicies. THAT'S evolution.
Subject: Re: Kansas... only 80s years behind the times
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/06/05 at 5:24 pm
It seems to me "intelligent design" theory isn't a theory, but, again, a statement of faith. They're dressing up the preacher in a lab coat, so to speak. This just a way for the funny-mentalist loonies to impose stealth Creationism. The above article reports the scientfic community is boycotting this Dopes Monkey Trial, and I may say without irony, God bless 'em!
??? :)
Subject: Re: Kansas... only 80s years behind the times
Written By: danootaandme on 05/06/05 at 6:00 pm
Everyday more and more reasons to keep my passport up to date and on hand, and one foot always pointed north
Subject: Re: Kansas... only 80s years behind the times
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/06/05 at 6:09 pm
Everyday more and more reasons to keep my passport up to date and on hand, and one foot always pointed north
"Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...Thank God!"
Subject: Re: Kansas... only 80s years behind the times
Written By: ChuckyG on 05/06/05 at 9:02 pm
Everyday more and more reasons to keep my passport up to date and on hand, and one foot always pointed north
That only lets you visit. Moving there on a permanent basis is much more difficult.
Subject: Re: Kansas... only 80s years behind the times
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/06/05 at 11:10 pm
That only lets you visit. Moving there on a permanent basis is much more difficult.
That's what they say in Mexico City about going north!
Subject: Re: Kansas... only 80s years behind the times
Written By: danootaandme on 05/07/05 at 7:59 am
Einstein, kept his eyes open and knew when it was time to go. I'm not an Einstein, but I will remain planted here in Massachusetts, and never assume that "it can't happen here".
Subject: Re: Kansas... only 80s years behind the times
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/07/05 at 2:41 pm
Einstein, kept his eyes open and knew when it was time to go. I'm not an Einstein, but I will remain planted here in Massachusetts, and never assume that "it can't happen here".
"Can't happen here?" It
Happening here!
Subject: Re: Kansas... only 80s years behind the times
Written By: Powerslave on 05/07/05 at 3:54 pm
Carl Sagan is spinning in his grave.
Subject: Re: Kansas... only 80s years behind the times
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/08/05 at 2:20 pm
Carl Sagan is spinning in his grave.
So is Clarance Darrow, not to mention Charles Darwin.