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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/01/05 at 4:44 pm
In announcing his impending retirement, Henry Hyde, that paragon of Christian values who admitted to an adulterous affair when in his 40-'s (he called it a "youthful indiscretion"), also admitted that the impeachment of Bill Clinton was, at least in part, payback for the disgrace and resignation of Richard Nixon. During that ordeal I remember well Repubs saying "everybody does it". That was not excuse enough for Bubba, but they are saying it again with regared to poor Tom DeLay. Why are our Republican friends silent about this stuff?
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: danootaandme on 05/01/05 at 6:03 pm
In announcing his impending retirement, Henry Hyde, that paragon of Christian values who admitted to an adulterous affair when in his 40-'s (he called it a "youthful indiscretion"), also admitted that the impeachment of Bill Clinton was, at least in part, payback for the disgrace and resignation of Richard Nixon. During that ordeal I remember well Repubs saying "everybody does it". That was not excuse enough for Bubba, but they are saying it again with regared to poor Tom DeLay. Why are our Republican friends silent about this stuff?
They are silent because there is no defence for the truth, when it finally comes out. Hilary was right when she said it was a right wing conspiracy. The Nixon thing festered in their guts, and we are living with the putirification.
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/01/05 at 11:37 pm
Maybe it was Nixon payback for Henry Hyde-the-sausage, but for the Gingrich congress it was a Stalinesque power-grab. The Gingrich-DeLay-Dubya Republicans are not your grandfather's Republicans. They DO NOT believe in Democracy. They believe they and their military-petroleum-corporate paymasters are ENTITLED to be the unquestioned rulers of the United States and the supreme emperors of the globe. They know they may never reach their ultimate goal, but they see themselves as obliged to get as close to it as possible as it is their divine mission.
Remember, they have no qualms about trashing the planet because after Armageddon in the Middle East comes the Rapture. Heaven is for Christians only, and Jews who convert on or before the Rapture. The rest of us will be cast into the eternal fires of hell.
Hey, I'm not making this up! They REALLY believe it! Well, I don't know if guys like Gingrich actually do. Some of 'em may be nihilists at heart.
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: danootaandme on 05/02/05 at 6:05 am
Maybe it was Nixon payback for Henry Hyde-the-sausage, but for the Gingrich congress it was a Stalinesque power-grab. The Gingrich-DeLay-Dubya Republicans are not your grandfather's Republicans. They DO NOT believe in Democracy. They believe they and their military-petroleum-corporate paymasters are ENTITLED to be the unquestioned rulers of the United States and the supreme emperors of the globe. They know they may never reach their ultimate goal, but they see themselves as obliged to get as close to it as possible as it is their divine mission.
Remember, they have no qualms about trashing the planet because after Armaggedon in the Middle East comes the Rapture. Heaven is for Christians only, and Jews who convert on or before the Rapture. The rest of us will be cast into the eternal fires of hell.
Hey, I'm not making this up! They REALLY believe it! Well, I don't know if guys like Gingrich actually do. Some of 'em may be nihilists at heart.
Once again a ditto to Max
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/02/05 at 11:11 am
Once again a ditto to Max
Great minds think alike!
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/02/05 at 11:47 am
Maybe it was Nixon payback for Henry Hyde-the-sausage, but for the Gingrich congress it was a Stalinesque power-grab. The Gingrich-DeLay-Dubya Republicans are not your grandfather's Republicans. They DO NOT believe in Democracy. They believe they and their military-petroleum-corporate paymasters are ENTITLED to be the unquestioned rulers of the United States and the supreme emperors of the globe. They know they may never reach their ultimate goal, but they see themselves as obliged to get as close to it as possible as it is their divine mission.
Remember, they have no qualms about trashing the planet because after Armaggedon in the Middle East comes the Rapture. Heaven is for Christians only, and Jews who convert on or before the Rapture. The rest of us will be cast into the eternal fires of hell.
Hey, I'm not making this up! They REALLY believe it! Well, I don't know if guys like Gingrich actually do. Some of 'em may be nihilists at heart.
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/02/05 at 2:05 pm
They are silent because there is no defence for the truth, when it finally comes out. Hilary was right when she said it was a right wing conspiracy. The Nixon thing festered in their guts, and we are living with the putirification.
Yup. But they are load enough when they find some Democrate F'ing up. I guess they are as hyporitical as the party they support.
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/02/05 at 11:18 pm
Yup. But they are load enough when they find some Democrate F'ing up. I guess they are as hyporitical as the party they support.
I think you mean "loud," but "load" is more like it!
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/03/05 at 2:18 pm
Yeah, the hypocrites are load(ed) with crap. Loud on some issues, and silent on others.
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: Indy Gent on 05/09/05 at 4:37 pm
Why would Henry Hyde impeach Clinton just as revenge for the smearing of Nixon? And more importantly, what would he get from a Clinton impeachment anyway? Sounds like Hyde was trying to save his own "hyde".
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/09/05 at 9:47 pm
Why would Henry Hyde impeach Clinton just as revenge for the smearing of Nixon? And more importantly, what would he get from a Clinton impeachment anyway? Sounds like Hyde was trying to save his own "hyde".
The real impetus for impeaching Clinton was a Democrat occupied an office that the American Fascist Party believes it is divinely entitled to. The Fascists and their pseudo-Christian political minions believed they could stir up enough hatred to get the guy tarred and feathered. They were wrong.
If a Democrat got the presidency again, they would have to have him assassinated, which is too risky. It was a much easier bit to practice administrative theft of presidential elections, which the Fascist party has done successfully twice.
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/10/05 at 4:24 pm
Why would Henry Hyde impeach Clinton just as revenge for the smearing of Nixon? And more importantly, what would he get from a Clinton impeachment anyway? Sounds like Hyde was trying to save his own "hyde".
It wasn't just Henry Hyde that wanted revenge, it was the whole Repub party. They seem to have believed that Dems did similar things but got away with it. Maybe they did. The Repubs couldn't nail Jimmy Carter for anything other than "lusting in his heart", which clearly wasn't enough, so they had to entrap Bubba for real lusting. And they were such hypocrits - Hyde himself admitted to and extra-marital affair.
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: Indy Gent on 05/10/05 at 4:32 pm
Now come on, guys. A whole political party can't affect an election twice. It would have been nipped in the bud after the first time. Democrats had Jeb Bush and the state of Florida to blame for the first GW Bush election, but they can't blame anybody but the ignorance of the majority of voters. If more teens would have voted, Kerry would have won, if only by a slim margin. So there's no need for the old, impausible Facist-rigged elections. :D
It wasn't just Henry Hyde that wanted revenge, it was the whole Repub party. They seem to have believed that Dems did similar things but got away with it. Maybe they did. The Repubs couldn't nail Jimmy Carter for anything other than "lusting in his heart", which clearly wasn't enough, so they had to entrap Bubba for real lusting. And they were such hypocrits - Hyde himself admitted to and extra-marital affair.
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: GWBush2004 on 05/10/05 at 6:01 pm
Democrats had Jeb Bush and the state of Florida to blame for the first GW Bush election
The democrats put more of the blame on those "confusing" Palm Beach County, Florida ballots. Makes you wonder about the intelligence of the average democrat voter.
Nixon was never impeached, Clinton was.
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/11/05 at 12:07 am
The democrats put more of the blame on those "confusing" Palm Beach County, Florida ballots. Makes you wonder about the intelligence of the average democrat voter.
Nixon was never impeached, Clinton was.
Nixon knew he was gonna get it in the neck, so he bailed.
Clinton stuck it out and got the job done!
If you want to know the truth about that election, the information is all at your Google searching finger tips. I could go over it again and again until I'm blue in the proverbial mouth, but like an old boozer in denial of his drinking, you'd just roll on with your little delusions in tow!
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: GWBush2004 on 05/11/05 at 9:12 am
If you want to know the truth about that election, the information is all at your Google searching finger tips
On Tuesday November 7th, 2000 millions of giddy and excited Americans patriotically shuffled to the voting booths to cast their votes for the next President of the United States. Overnight, it became clear we had a close race on our hands between the Presidential hopefuls Al Gore and George W. Bush. So close in fact, that it all comes down to the state of Florida -- the winner of this state becomes our next President.
Late in the day of November 8th, George W. Bush pulled away with a significant lead and will most likely go on to win. But wait! It was around this time a number of Al Gore supporters in Palm Beach, Florida stepped dutifully forward to say they were "confused" by the ballots and began demanding they be allowed to recast their votes.
Always pursuing both sides of the story, we got ourselves a copy of the Official Ballot of Florida, the one you see below:
Although it appears rather obvious, even with this low quality reproduction, one only needs to follow the arrow next to the candidate of your choice and punch a hole to cast your vote. Apparently, many Floridaians were terribly baffled by these simple instructions. Shortly after the news broke, many Democrats, including Jesse Jackson (who seems always available for comment) came down to raise "awareness" of this grave injustice.
By Thursday, November 9th, lawsuits against the ballot started filing into the courts asking for an official "do over".
In the meantime, we decided to take matters in our own hands. We are simply not sure if we're missing something here, so we decided to conduct our own test. We asked a small group of children, too young to officially take part in the Nation's election, to cast their votes using the same Official Ballot the people in Palm Beach used, and sought to find out how they handled themselves.
The Test
The test was rather straightforward. We showed each child the ballot and explained to them the instructions and asked them to find the right candidate and mark appropriate circle. To make the test a bit more strenuous and to simulate as close as possible the actual voting experience, we told each child as they were presented with the ballot to cast their vote for Al Gore. This seemed to be the hurdle that many of the people from Florida had difficulty with.
8 years old
Here we see Caley casting her vote. To the left is Hunter who will go on cast his vote next. Although there were no booths nor curtains for privacy, Hunter was more interested in our camera than in trying to look over Caley's shoulder. We are certain that no illegal activity transpired.
Here is Caley after her successful vote for Al Gore. We altered the contrast and color of the picture a bit to better highlight her vote.
Actual Ballot Cast by Caley:
Name: Caley
Age: 8 Years Old
Approximate time to cast Vote: 10 seconds
Result: Correctly found and cast her vote for Al Gore
Read more at the following link: http://www.fadetoblack.com/floriduh/
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/11/05 at 11:30 am
On Tuesday November 7th, 2000 millions of giddy and excited Americans patriotically shuffled to the voting booths to cast their votes for the next President of the United States. Overnight, it became clear we had a close race on our hands between the Presidential hopefuls Al Gore and George W. Bush. So close in fact, that it all comes down to the state of Florida -- the winner of this state becomes our next President.
See, the best they can come up with after over four years is that oafish butterfly ballot and calling Democrats "dumb," or whatever.
The still haven't impeached the research of journalist Greg Palast, as in this example:
Nor have they been able to realistically dismiss the critique of the famous prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi in his short book None Dare Call it Treason, some of which is presented in the following Nation article:
Heck, Bugliosi isn't even a liberal!
But it's not really a bad thing that they stole the election. You shouldn't think so if you mean what you say about wanting a "far right" government. In that case, the people entitled to be in power merely appropriated the office for the right man.
After all, Clinton revived the economy from the debacle called "Reaganomics." The only portion of the population who didn't fare better financially is the wealthest few percent and, in particular, the top margins of the top 1% who saw their holdings multiply several times during Reagan and Bush I. But those are the people who matter, those are the people for whose benefit the rest of us must work. It's the Divine right of DuPonts! Surely it is a far better thing for GOP operatives to intervene on bhalf of God's plan, rather than let the great unwashed appoint the next chief executive!
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/11/05 at 1:18 pm
While the silly flap over the butterfly ballot caught most of the attention, it was the purged voter roles targeting blacks that was the real problem, and those assinine hanging chads. But Repubs don't like to talk about disenfranchising minority voters. They love doing it, just not talking about it.
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/11/05 at 4:15 pm
While the silly flap over the butterfly ballot caught most of the attention, it was the purged voter roles targeting blacks that was the real problem, and those assinine hanging chads. But Repubs don't like to talk about disenfranchising minority voters. They love doing it, just not talking about it.
They just talk in terms of illegal aliens, criminals, and ballot cheaters. What they really mean is people of color and known liberals!
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/13/05 at 1:58 pm
They just talk in terms of illegal aliens, criminals, and ballot cheaters. What they really mean is people of color and known liberals!
But they love to use this dung to scare people inro believing that the Dems are trying to steal elections, while they do so.
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/13/05 at 4:41 pm
But they love to use this dung to scare people inro believing that the Dems are trying to steal elections, while they do so.
That's right, don't let them Dems cheat us out of an election that was rightfully ours to steal!
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: Indy Gent on 05/13/05 at 4:59 pm
I think Nixon knew he was guilty and didn't want to go on trial, so he resigned before impeachment. Both Bush and Clinton voters aren't as intelligent as they want to believe. And Nixon was voted a second term because George McGovern was a nutcase.
The democrats put more of the blame on those "confusing" Palm Beach County, Florida ballots. Makes you wonder about the intelligence of the average democrat voter.
Nixon was never impeached, Clinton was.
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: GWBush2004 on 05/13/05 at 5:35 pm
And Nixon was voted a second term because George McGovern was a nutcase.
That is garbage. Nixon won reelection in 1972 with a 49 state landslide. He won every state except Massachusetts. I highly doubt anyone that the democrats could have put up would have been able to topple that.
Subject: Re: Henry Hyde to retire - admits Clinton impeachment payback for Tricky Dicky
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/14/05 at 3:07 pm
That is garbage. Nixon won reelection in 1972 with a 49 state landslide. He won every state except Massachusetts. I highly doubt anyone that the democrats could have put up would have been able to topple that.
The Eagleton Debacal? Clearly, anyone born in 1960 has a clearer perception of the 1972 election than someone who actually voted in it, as I did. After Henry Kissinger engineered the 1968 election by betraying both Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrie (and committing both treason and genocide in the process), the Dem 1972 campagin clearly shot itself in the chest (not just the foot). But to deny that the Plumbers, and the dirty tricks, and Watergate also played a role is just historical amnisian of the worst sort. Talk about garbage. Both '68 and '72 were also a stolen elections. Henry was just a bit more sophisticated about it. He should be charged with genocide and crimes against humanity.