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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Supersize Me
Written By: DevoRule on 04/24/05 at 7:24 pm
What did you think of it? It made me never want to eat McDonald's again!
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: whitewolf on 04/24/05 at 7:45 pm
I never eat at McDonald's anyway, they put protein worms in their burgers.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: sputnikcorp on 04/24/05 at 10:36 pm
i was mcdonalds free for four months until the last three weeks, i take my son to the playland there. first it was coffee, then fries, now i'm back to eating a double quarter pounder meal, supersized... :\'(
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/24/05 at 11:21 pm
I still have a thing for Rotten Ronnie's about once a week. I'm a fast food sinner, I know, but here in the Happy Valley where my friends dine on organic Thai and soy lattes, Chicken McNuggets are a relatively harmless way to be naughty. Much safer than unsafe sex with strange women one meets on the internet!
I loved the movie "Supersize Me," my favorite scene is when he pukes at the car window. Didn't like his girlfirend, though, I find Vegans annoying in general, and she reminded me of a particular someone from my recent past.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: karen on 04/25/05 at 4:26 am
The film will be on TV here this week. So if I remember to watch it I'll let you know!
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Powerslave on 04/25/05 at 8:09 am
I can't get over how America allows McDonalds in hospitals. That's just wrong. "Super Size Me" was great, really funny and disturbing at the same time.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/25/05 at 9:58 am
I never eat at McDonald's anyway, they put protein worms in their burgers.
The only time we eat at McDonald's is when we are on the road and we stop there for breakfast (I must admit that I do like their Egg McMuffins) or when we are "forced" to-meaning if that is the only place, which really bugs me. But, I NEVER, NEVER get a burger.
As for the movie, it really gave an insight to what most people already suspected about Micky Dees. My step-daughter used to work there and got free food-and as a result, gained a lot of weight. She has since left and is FINALLY taking the weight off.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: whitewolf on 04/25/05 at 10:49 am
The only time we eat at McDonald's is when we are on the road and we stop there for breakfast (I must admit that I do like their Egg McMuffins) or when we are "forced" to-meaning if that is the only place, which really bugs me. But, I NEVER, NEVER get a burger.
As for the movie, it really gave an insight to what most people already suspected about Micky Dees. My step-daughter used to work there and got free food-and as a result, gained a lot of weight. She has since left and is FINALLY taking the weight off.
A friend of mine used to work there and she got free meals, she passed out one day from mal nutrition, she ate breakfast at home and lunch and dinner at mcDonald's
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/25/05 at 11:58 am
The only time we eat at McDonald's is when we are on the road and we stop there for breakfast (I must admit that I do like their Egg McMuffins) or when we are "forced" to-meaning if that is the only place, which really bugs me. But, I NEVER, NEVER get a burger.
As for the movie, it really gave an insight to what most people already suspected about Micky Dees. My step-daughter used to work there and got free food-and as a result, gained a lot of weight. She has since left and is FINALLY taking the weight off.
When my metabolism slows down as I cruise into middle age, I'm going to have to cut down on a lot of those fatty foods. I enjoy the taste of McD's because it's all starches, saturated fats, and refined sugars! I don't like the burgers, though. I get the chicken nuggets which are EVEN WORSE!
I don't do it more than once a week, usually late at night now that the drive-thru is 24/7.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Apricot on 04/25/05 at 1:06 pm
Our drive-thrus aren't 24-7. Later hours, but not all night. Midnight-2 AM is usually the limit.
Happy birthday, by the way.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Kryllith on 04/25/05 at 1:20 pm
There was a rebuttal to Supersize Me done not too long ago. Someone did pretty much the same thing (ate only McDonald's food for a month), but rather than sitting on his butt he also included a decent exercise routine (both aerobic and anaerobic). The result: he ended up weighing less at the end of the month and wound up in pretty good shape. Just goes to show that subsisting on fast food alone isn't so bad if you take steps to compensate.
That being said, the last time I had anything from McDonalds was about 18 months ago, when I dropped by for an egg mcmuffin, hash browns, and OJ. The last time I can recall having a burger from them was 1995, though I imagine I might have had something more recently while driving... nothing in the last 4 years though. Usually if I go for fastfood I go to Subway and skip the burger joints. Of course, that's something to do with location too. Stick me in California and I'll be eating In & Out quite a bit.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Apricot on 04/25/05 at 1:48 pm
We have a Subway, but it's at a horrible location in town, no matter who you are. And it has horrible staff too.
Plus, subs just get a bit boring for me. I excercise enough that it doesn't really affect me.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Don Carlos on 04/25/05 at 3:08 pm
Once, when I was a starving graduate student, my parents took my oldest on a trip to Washington. they went to a restaurant and placed their orders. After a time, Becky asked "where is our food? Where my parents take me, you get it right away." Dad asked her "Where is that?" "McDonnalds" she said, load enough for EVERYONE to hear. She got quite a laugh.
Lately, though, we don't do Micky Dee's, or any of the others. We also avoid the toll roads (evan when they are more direct) because mostly all they have is fast food franchises at their rest stops. A less direct interstate lets us eat where WE want, so those are the routs we take.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: NullandVoid on 04/26/05 at 7:05 am
I have not touched any kind of fast food since that movie.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Mushroom on 04/26/05 at 9:32 am
To me, the real problem is not about "Fast Food", but about the diet in general of the people.
I admit, I eat fast food almost every day. Where else can I sit down during my 35 minute lunch, and get decent food quickly? And it is affordable.
But I also am fairly active. I walk a lot, and on weekends like to go camping and do other things. I am not a "Couch Potatoe". And I frequently get other things, like fish and chicken. And one thing a lot of people do not think about, I get diet drinks. On a normal "super size" meal, almost half the calories are from the drinks alone.
I think the largest problem in this country is not diet, as much as lack of exercise. I admit, I am a tad overweight. By "a tad", I mean 10-15 pounds. Considering that I have not been able to run in 15 years, that is not to bad. At my peak, I was 165 and ate 4 meals a day. Then again, I ran 20+ miles a week, and was very active in other areas. Now I eat 2 meals a day, and am as active as I can be. I weigh about 200, which is not bad considering my disabilities and body frame.
I believe that a lot of Americans are "lazy". They look for diets, instead of taking the healthier solution of exercise. They see weight as the sign of good health, and not other things like build and muscle mass. Unless they make "lifestyle" changes, they will always bounce between diets, and always wondering why they can't keep the weight off.
And exercise does not need to be strenous. This weekend I got on the bike and drove 250 miles to go camping. I spent the next day in Mobile, seeing the museum and then spent 4+ hours wandering around the USS Alabama memorial. Trust me, spending 4 hours walking through a WWII era battleship is work! Then I drove the 250 miles back home. A decent 2 days and I felt a lot better when I got home.
As for the movie, I have no desire to see it. I lived in a rural area, and I know what goes on in slaughter houses. I also worked fast food, so I know what happens in those kitchens. That does not bother me. What bothers me most about that movie is that it tries to blame "somebody else" for the problem. The problem is not fast food, but that people are often lazy slobs, who want a scapegoat for the problem of thier being fat pigs.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Gis on 04/26/05 at 12:32 pm
Loved it. I don't eat burgers anyway due to having watched a programme at school on how they make them I haven't eaten a burger or a sausage since !
I thought McD's were scrapping the supersize option...........mind you as I have said before the Extra Large option in the U.K is the equivalent of the Medium in America so i guess that won't really affect us here anyway.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: McDonald on 04/26/05 at 12:52 pm
I thought the movie was the most boring documentary I have ever seen. He was boring, his GF was boring, his doctor was boring, the guy who ate McDonalds everyday was the most exciting person in the film. Everyone else may as well have been piles of whale sh*t.
That said, I try never to eat at McDonalds or any other fast food joints. Sometimes it's unavoidable. One has to eat, and sometimes there isn't any time or money to get anything else. Today is one of those days. I have several hours between now and my Web Design class, and I got about four bucks and change in my pocket (yes, I'm a broke-ass college kid). Today it will have to be fast food.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 04/27/05 at 5:28 am
Firstly..that person above shouldn't be allowed to use that crass (advertising a poxy product) Avatar.
The 'Supersize Me' film is being shown as a weekly documentary starting tomorrow (Thursday) here in the UK.
I think I'll give it a miss, it'll only tell us what we all know already.
McDonalds food is sxxt and should be avoided at all costs.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: JamieMcBain on 04/27/05 at 9:52 am
I have seen the film, and I still eat there. ::)
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: goodsin on 04/27/05 at 12:16 pm
We have a term for the male ejaculate in the UK, "mess". I saw someone in a magazine the other day, claiming it was an abbreviation of "Mcdonalds Employees Special Sauce", which gives you an impression of many people's opinion of their standard of food... ;D
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 04/27/05 at 12:23 pm
We have a term for the male ejaculate in the UK, "mess". I saw someone in a magazine the other day, claiming it was an abbreviation of "Mcdonalds Employees Special Sauce", which gives you an impression of many people's opinion of their standard of food... ;D
HAHAHA I'll go along with that!!
(go's away to puke up in the meantime)
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: goodsin on 04/27/05 at 12:42 pm
HAHAHA I'll go along with that!!
(go's away to puke up in the meantime)
Sorry! Mcdonalds must be loved by many, but to me (and many others), they represent the negative stereotype of US culture. Easy, cheap, bad for you, everywhere. We even have an expression- "Mcjobs"- for low-paid, low-prestige, low-paid work, deriving from the employment conditions seen in Mcd's. It seems a fairly common occurrence for Mcd's employees to sell drugs across the counter also; 2 out of my 4 local ones have sacked people for this, although this might be to do with the demographic they employ, rather than a reaction to working conditions.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 04/27/05 at 12:45 pm
Sorry! Mcdonalds must be loved by many, but to me (and many others), they represent the negative stereotype of US culture. Easy, cheap, bad for you, everywhere. We even have an expression- "Mcjobs"- for low-paid, low-prestige, low-paid work, deriving from the employment conditions seen in Mcd's. It seems a fairly common occurrence for Mcd's employees to sell drugs across the counter also; 2 out of my 4 local ones have sacked people for this, although this might be to do with the demographic they employ, rather than a reaction to working conditions.
..and UK culture, trust me. Sunday lunch is taken in Mc craps by many people these days.
It's the employees I feel sorry for.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: McDonald on 04/27/05 at 5:11 pm
Firstly..that person above shouldn't be allowed to use that crass (advertising a poxy product) Avatar.
The 'Supersize Me' film is being shown as a weekly documentary starting tomorrow (Thursday) here in the UK.
I think I'll give it a miss, it'll only tell us what we all know already.
McDonalds food is sxxt and should be avoided at all costs.
Just for your own sake, I should inform you that my surname is McDonald, which is why I use the avatar. I despise the McDonald's corporation and I never eat there.
If you still don't like my avatar and want it removed... well, go tell the teacher on me and maybe I'll be forced to give it up until the end of class.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: ElDuderino on 04/27/05 at 5:18 pm
I am guilty of eating there, though not on a regular basis.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Sugafairey on 04/27/05 at 7:12 pm
Supersize me. Oh god, that film really McBothered me. I thought it was brilliant, but made me feel sick to my McStomach. Especially when that doc said that the main fella's liver would pack-up if her kept doing the McPlan.
My mum used to call it MUCK~Donalds. I think she had good reason.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/27/05 at 9:32 pm
We have a term for the male ejaculate in the UK, "mess". I saw someone in a magazine the other day, claiming it was an abbreviation of "Mcdonalds Employees Special Sauce", which gives you an impression of many people's opinion of their standard of food... ;D
Hmmm... your post reminds me of a college chum who had quite an unusual story to tell, that involved one of his McDonald's coworkers and a vat of tartar sauce, back in 1975.
I've never ordered a Filet-O-Fish at Mickey D's since. :P
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Sugafairey on 04/28/05 at 3:57 am
Hmmm... your post reminds me of a college chum who had quite an unusual story to tell, that involved one of his McDonald's coworkers and a vat of tartar sauce, back in 1975.
I've never ordered a Filet-O-Fish at Mickey D's since. :P
A friend of mine from school worked at McHell too. She said that one morning someone threw up into one of the fryers. It did not get cleaned out.
Would you like fries with that?
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 04/28/05 at 10:22 am
A friend of mine from school worked at McHell too. She said that one morning someone threw up into one of the fryers. It did not get cleaned out.
Would you like fries with that?
Ohh how lovely... deep fried spew..well I guess at least any nasty bacteria or other nasties in his belly would be destroyed with the intense heat!!
Deep Fried crispy vomit anyone??  :o
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: karen on 04/28/05 at 10:23 am
Deep Fried crispy vomit anyone??  :o
No thanks, I've already eaten
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Alchoholica on 04/28/05 at 10:33 am
I once went in to a McDonalds in Blackpool to use the Bathroom (Blackpool isn't exactly lovely anyway)
I went in to what could only be described as a stationary Porta-loo and almost immediatley walked straight back out. In the middle of the floor was a Large Turd, somebody had Urinated all over the washbasins and in the only cubicle there was a pair of trousers with underwear in them and the remains of what must have been a Supersized Meal.
I walked out and found an attendant and informed him that not only was the bathrom disgusting, but there was a Large McTurd sitting in there.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 04/28/05 at 10:33 am
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/28/05 at 10:55 am
I once went in to a McDonalds in Blackpool to use the Bathroom (Blackpool isn't exactly lovely anyway)
I went in to what could only be described as a stationary Porta-loo and almost immediatley walked straight back out. In the middle of the floor was a Large Turd, somebody had Urinated all over the washbasins and in the only cubicle there was a pair of trousers with underwear in them and the remains of what must have been a Supersized Meal.
I walked out and found an attendant and informed him that not only was the bathrom disgusting, but there was a Large McTurd sitting in there.
You probably shouldn't have told them about that. It might have been added to the McBerger that day. :P
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Apricot on 04/28/05 at 2:47 pm
I have not touched any kind of fast food since that movie.
Meh, I don't think it has to be to THAT extreme. In moderation, it won't hurt you in the long run.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Don Carlos on 04/28/05 at 2:53 pm
You probably shouldn't have told them about that. It might have been added to the McBerger that day. :P
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Sugafairey on 04/28/05 at 3:52 pm
These McHell stories are so vile but it's like a car crash, i have to keep coming back to check them and although they are all foul, i find myself chuckling. I'm addicted!
Am I sicker than McDonalds?
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/28/05 at 4:49 pm
In the middle of the floor was a Large Turd, somebody had Urinated all over the washbasins and in the only cubicle there was a pair of trousers with underwear in them and the remains of what must have been a Supersized Meal.
Kind of makes you wonder what happened to the "artist" who set that tableau for you.
I mean, did he run from the 'loo naked and screaming? Or sneak out quietly, covering his bits with a couple of McBurger buns?
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: philbo on 04/28/05 at 5:08 pm
Unfortunately, I forgot to set the video: Supersize Me was on tonight at the same time as the Question Time with the three party leaders - which had to take precedence.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 04/28/05 at 5:45 pm
Just for your own sake, I should inform you that my surname is McDonald, which is why I use the avatar. I despise the McDonald's corporation and I never eat there.
If you still don't like my avatar and want it removed... well, go tell the teacher on me and maybe I'll be forced to give it up until the end of class.
Oh well that makes very good sense then doesn't it ::)
You: "I despise the Mcxxxxxx's corporation and I never eat there."
But you happily advertise their garbage by using the mc.crap logo. Yeah that makes great sense... HAHAHAHA ::)
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: McDonald on 04/28/05 at 9:26 pm
Oh well that makes very good sense then doesn't it ::)
You: "I despise the Mcxxxxxx's corporation and I never eat there."
But you happily advertise their garbage by using the mc.crap logo. Yeah that makes great sense... HAHAHAHA ::)
I don't like the corporation, but I love the name, which happens to be MY name. And as a regular on these political boards, I've never heard any complaints until you decided to venture in here. If my avatar inspires someone to go eat at a McDonald's festerant, that's their own stupidity and I could give a rat's @ss. It's none of my business, and it's none of yours. Do you honestly think that my avatar's being there or not will affect McDonald's profits in the slightest?
I still can't get over your choice of words on your original bitchrant. You said I "shouldn't be allowed to have ."
Were you the annoying kid at school that everyone hated for being a losery tattle-tale?
If not, then allow me to suggest that you let the site administrator do his own job. Like I said before, I've been using this avatar ever since I came here. It has appeared on nearly 700 posts and no complaints until now.
This is a non-issue. So please just drop it.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: saver on 04/28/05 at 9:47 pm
I once ate 3 Big Macs a day for a week to see if I could do it and broke out in sesame seeds! :D
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 04/29/05 at 3:49 am
I don't like the corporation, but I love the name, which happens to be MY name. And as a regular on these political boards, I've never heard any complaints until you decided to venture in here. If my avatar inspires someone to go eat at a McDonald's festerant, that's their own stupidity and I could give a rat's @ss. It's none of my business, and it's none of yours. Do you honestly think that my avatar's being there or not will affect McDonald's profits in the slightest?
I still can't get over your choice of words on your original bitchrant. You said I "shouldn't be allowed to have ."
Were you the annoying kid at school that everyone hated for being a losery tattle-tale?
If not, then allow me to suggest that you let the site administrator do his own job. Like I said before, I've been using this avatar ever since I came here. It has appeared on nearly 700 posts and no complaints until now.
This is a non-issue. So please just drop it.
.."This is a non-issue" ..huh?? doesn't look like it judging by your response ;D HAHAHA
Well you need to get over my original "Bitchrant???" (stupid term btw used by rebellious kids) AND GROW UP KID ;)
Can you appreciate that this Scottish Name is associated with many things including Scottish tartan plaids etc etc etc.
You choose to play on that pathetic logo just because it uses your surname. awwwww.
Can't your imagination stretch any further to perhaps associate the name with anything else one wonders. Clearly not ;D
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 04/29/05 at 5:19 am
..was just thinking, this'll make a good avatar for you
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Sugafairey on 04/29/05 at 5:31 am
..was just thinking, this'll make a good avatar for you
there is a t-shirt shop in my town that sells shirts with Ronald McDonald on it, underneath him, in really cheesy cute writing it says 'Satan'.
Never fails to make me & my flatmate chuckle.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 04/29/05 at 5:34 am
personally I think that RMcD clown is the spookiest looking guy ever.
I mean you could have nightmares about this clown.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Sugafairey on 04/29/05 at 5:38 am
personally I think that RMcD clown is the spookiest looking guy ever.
I mean you could have nightmares about this clown.
My ex-boyfriend once woke up in a cold sweat saying that he'd had a nightmare where the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Ronald McDonald (Satan, lol) had kidnapped me and were holding me ransom.
though, R McD does bear more than a passing resemblance to IT.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 04/29/05 at 9:04 am
My ex-boyfriend once woke up in a cold sweat saying that he'd had a nightmare where the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Ronald McDonald (Satan, lol) had kidnapped me and were holding me ransom.
though, R McD does bear more than a passing resemblance to IT.
Yeah we'll tie them both up, and add Mr Blobby, from UK screens, who needs booting off the nearest cliff
Mr Blobby the most irritating foam-rubber-suited creep..ever!!
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/29/05 at 10:05 am
When I was student teaching, Ronald McDonald came to our school. I was "volunteered" for his show and I had to do a Vanna White type thing-revealing letters and I was hamming it up. I think he was impressed by that and said something that we should go out for coffee sometime. Now, I have been asked out by a bunch of clowns before but this one definately took the cake.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 04/29/05 at 10:08 am
Whahahah hahah ha ;D
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: McDonald on 04/29/05 at 10:36 am
.."This is a non-issue" ..huh?? doesn't look like it judging by your response  ;D HAHAHA
Well you need to get over my original "Bitchrant???" (stupid term btw used by rebellious kids) AND GROW UP KID ;)
Yeah, it's almost as lame and annoying as using all caps to type incomplete sentences... Or actually typing out "HAHAHAHA" as if that couldn't be accomplished by a simple emoticon (which would be much less an eyesore than the former).
By the way, when did you become the expert on verbal etymology? Are you sure the word "bitchrant" was coined by some punk kids, or are you just continuing to talk out of your arse? Or were you simply trying to employ the age factor to discredit my level of intelligence as compared to yours... I think you'll have to do better than that. Sure, I use an occaisionnal off-colour term, but don't think you can automatically paint my face white and dress me in all black because of that.
Can you appreciate that this Scottish Name is associated with many things including Scottish tartan plaids etc etc etc.
You choose to play on that pathetic logo just because it uses your surname. awwwww.
Can't your imagination stretch any further to perhaps associate the name with anything else one wonders. Clearly not ;D
Actually I think the logo is quite befitting, as not only is my name of Gaelic origin, but I'm also an American citizen. McDonald's, if you didn't already know, is an American cultural symbol, however disgusting the food may be. And since the main purpose of this site is to discuss cultural subjects (many of which are of a nostalgic nature, and point me to one American who didn't go insanely happy as a child when he discovered he was going to McDonald's) the avatar is perfectly appropriate.
I'm very aware of my surname's history and origin. I, in fact, have owned a kilt with the family tartan design since I was about 10 years old (my dad's always been into our Scottish/Irish heritage) and have been attending the Highland games annually.
But enough about me, let's talk about you... How mature is it to wantonly and contentiously point out that someone else "shouldn't be allowed" to have an avatar??? It's just an avatar. That's why it's a non-issue. It was childish and in bad taste for you to single it out in the first place. Who does that?
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 04/29/05 at 11:12 am
Yeah, it's almost as lame and annoying as using all caps to type incomplete sentences... Or actually typing out "HAHAHAHA" as if that couldn't be accomplished by a simple emoticon (which would be much less an eyesore than the former).
By the way, when did you become the expert on verbal etymology? Are you sure the word "bitchrant" was coined by some punk kids, or are you just continuing to talk out of your arse? Or were you simply trying to employ the age factor to discredit my level of intelligence as compared to yours... I think you'll have to do better than that. Sure, I use an occaisionnal off-colour term, but don't think you can automatically paint my face white and dress me in all black because of that.
Actually I think the logo is quite befitting, as not only is my name of Gaelic origin, but I'm also an American citizen. McDonald's, if you didn't already know, is an American cultural symbol, however disgusting the food may be. And since the main purpose of this site is to discuss cultural subjects (many of which are of a nostalgic nature, and point me to one American who didn't go insanely happy as a child when he discovered he was going to McDonald's) the avatar is perfectly appropriate.
I'm very aware of my surname's history and origin. I, in fact, have owned a kilt with the family tartan design since I was about 10 years old (my dad's always been into our Scottish/Irish heritage) and have been attending the Highland games annually.
But enough about me, let's talk about you... How mature is it to wantonly and contentiously point out that someone else "shouldn't be allowed" to have an avatar??? It's just an avatar. That's why it's a non-issue. It was childish and in bad taste for you to single it out in the first place. Who does that?
Oh dear, are you in a bad mood?
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Sugafairey on 04/29/05 at 12:36 pm
Yeah, it's almost as lame and annoying as using all caps to type incomplete sentences... Or actually typing out "HAHAHAHA" as if that couldn't be accomplished by a simple emoticon (which would be much less an eyesore than the former).
By the way, when did you become the expert on verbal etymology? Are you sure the word "bitchrant" was coined by some punk kids, or are you just continuing to talk out of your arse? Or were you simply trying to employ the age factor to discredit my level of intelligence as compared to yours... I think you'll have to do better than that. Sure, I use an occaisionnal off-colour term, but don't think you can automatically paint my face white and dress me in all black because of that.
Actually I think the logo is quite befitting, as not only is my name of Gaelic origin, but I'm also an American citizen. McDonald's, if you didn't already know, is an American cultural symbol, however disgusting the food may be. And since the main purpose of this site is to discuss cultural subjects (many of which are of a nostalgic nature, and point me to one American who didn't go insanely happy as a child when he discovered he was going to McDonald's) the avatar is perfectly appropriate.
I'm very aware of my surname's history and origin. I, in fact, have owned a kilt with the family tartan design since I was about 10 years old (my dad's always been into our Scottish/Irish heritage) and have been attending the Highland games annually.
But enough about me, let's talk about you... How mature is it to wantonly and contentiously point out that someone else "shouldn't be allowed" to have an avatar??? It's just an avatar. That's why it's a non-issue. It was childish and in bad taste for you to single it out in the first place. Who does that?
some of us can't use emoticons because their java is broken so we have to make do with HAHAHA.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 04/29/05 at 12:40 pm
Quote from: McDonald on Today at 10:36:34 AM
Yeah, it's almost as lame and annoying as using all caps to type incomplete sentences... Or actually typing out "HAHAHAHA" as if that couldn't be accomplished by a simple emoticon (which would be much less an eyesore than the former).
By the way, when did you become the expert on verbal etymology? Are you sure the word "bitchrant" was coined by some punk kids, or are you just continuing to talk out of your arse? Or were you simply trying to employ the age factor to discredit my level of intelligence as compared to yours... I think you'll have to do better than that. Sure, I use an occaisionnal off-colour term, but don't think you can automatically paint my face white and dress me in all black because of that.
Actually I think the logo is quite befitting, as not only is my name of Gaelic origin, but I'm also an American citizen. McDonald's, if you didn't already know, is an American cultural symbol, however disgusting the food may be. And since the main purpose of this site is to discuss cultural subjects (many of which are of a nostalgic nature, and point me to one American who didn't go insanely happy as a child when he discovered he was going to McDonald's) the avatar is perfectly appropriate.
I'm very aware of my surname's history and origin. I, in fact, have owned a kilt with the family tartan design since I was about 10 years old (my dad's always been into our Scottish/Irish heritage) and have been attending the Highland games annually.
But enough about me, let's talk about you... How mature is it to wantonly and contentiously point out that someone else "shouldn't be allowed" to have an avatar??? It's just an avatar. That's why it's a non-issue. It was childish and in bad taste for you to single it out in the first place. Who does that?
Ho hum ;)
ME..That's who.  ;)
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Sugafairey on 04/29/05 at 12:47 pm
"Who does that?"
ME..That's who.  ;)
I write it because my java is broken and I don't really like smileys.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Mushroom on 04/29/05 at 1:36 pm
..was just thinking, this'll make a good avatar for you
Of course, don't forget who the original "Ronald McDonald" was. In case somebody did not know, it was former Today Show weatherman Willard Scott!
Maybe this should be the pic used instead?
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Sugafairey on 04/29/05 at 4:23 pm
Of course, don't forget who the original "Ronald McDonald" was. In case somebody did not know, it was former Today Show weatherman Willard Scott!
Maybe this should be the pic used instead?
thats going to give me nightmares
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/30/05 at 12:06 pm
We have a Subway, but it's at a horrible location in town, no matter who you are. And it has horrible staff too.
Plus, subs just get a bit boring for me. I excercise enough that it doesn't really affect me.
Subway blows. I asked for an Italian sub there once, got a baloney sandwich on a giant hot dog roll. If I want a sub, I go to the little Greek mom & pop around the corner. I get bread with an actual texture, and they won't look at me like I'm from outer space if I ask for oregano!
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/30/05 at 12:18 pm
When I was student teaching, Ronald McDonald came to our school. I was "volunteered" for his show and I had to do a Vanna White type thing-revealing letters and I was hamming it up. I think he was impressed by that and said something that we should go out for coffee sometime. Now, I have been asked out by a bunch of clowns before but this one definately took the cake.
You turned down Ronald McDonald? I'll bet you had Grimace and Hamburgler fighting for your favors too! A lot of gals would kill for the chance to be whisked away to McDonaldland in Ronalds magic clown car! Toot-toot!
Speaking romantic overtures with Ronald, I used to have a pic from the net of a lady doing something with Ronald. I don't have it anymore, and I can't remember where I got it. Some McD's had a statue of Ronald seated on a bench. The woman had her head in his lap so it looked like....
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/30/05 at 12:24 pm
You turned down Ronald McDonald? I'll bet you had Grimace and Hamburgler fighting for your favors too! A lot of gals would kill for the chance to be whisked away to McDonaldland in Ronalds magic clown car! Toot-toot!
Bad, bad! You should be smack with a french fry for that one.
Speaking romantic overtures with Ronald, I used to have a pic from the net of a lady doing something with Ronald. I don't have it anymore, and I can't remember where I got it. Some McD's had a statue of Ronald seated on a bench. The woman had her head in his lap so it looked like....
I have seen that too but I can't remember where.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: McDonald on 04/30/05 at 2:49 pm
Quote from: McDonald on Today at 10:36:34 AM
Yeah, it's almost as lame and annoying as using all caps to type incomplete sentences... Or actually typing out "HAHAHAHA" as if that couldn't be accomplished by a simple emoticon (which would be much less an eyesore than the former).
By the way, when did you become the expert on verbal etymology? Are you sure the word "bitchrant" was coined by some punk kids, or are you just continuing to talk out of your arse? Or were you simply trying to employ the age factor to discredit my level of intelligence as compared to yours... I think you'll have to do better than that. Sure, I use an occaisionnal off-colour term, but don't think you can automatically paint my face white and dress me in all black because of that.
Actually I think the logo is quite befitting, as not only is my name of Gaelic origin, but I'm also an American citizen. McDonald's, if you didn't already know, is an American cultural symbol, however disgusting the food may be. And since the main purpose of this site is to discuss cultural subjects (many of which are of a nostalgic nature, and point me to one American who didn't go insanely happy as a child when he discovered he was going to McDonald's) the avatar is perfectly appropriate.
I'm very aware of my surname's history and origin. I, in fact, have owned a kilt with the family tartan design since I was about 10 years old (my dad's always been into our Scottish/Irish heritage) and have been attending the Highland games annually.
But enough about me, let's talk about you... How mature is it to wantonly and contentiously point out that someone else "shouldn't be allowed" to have an avatar??? It's just an avatar. That's why it's a non-issue. It was childish and in bad taste for you to single it out in the first place. Who does that?
Ho hum ;)
ME..That's who.  ;)
::) Yeah, obviously. And it speaks volumes. (btw, clever response on your part ;))
And to the one who's having Java difficulties... you can type the necessary code right into your post if you can't get the buttons to do it for you. I didn't know if you knew that. Anyway, Tumnus wasn't having Java issues, because he's included emoticons in several of his posts.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Sugafairey on 05/01/05 at 5:15 am
::) Yeah, obviously. And it speaks volumes. (btw, clever response on your part ;))
And to the one who's having Java difficulties... you can type the necessary code right into your post if you can't get the buttons to do it for you. I didn't know if you knew that. Anyway, Tumnus wasn't having Java issues, because he's included emoticons in several of his posts.
cheers, i might give it a go next time i feel the need to emote.
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Trimac20 on 05/01/05 at 7:54 am
Don't you people have anything better to do?? Now leave us alone to stuff ourselves with Big Macs, piles of fries and gallons of coke. WE know McDonald's is bad for you, etc.etc (although here in oz they are starting a 'healthy campaign', salads, breakfast cereal...can you believe that, breakfast cereal?!). But they do contribute to all that corporate/globalisation crap.etc. But I enjoy the odd Maccas now and then...though I prefer the newer 'healthier gourment range' they have now...I've lost my stomach for the burgers, they are tasteless and they put too much tomato sauce. I stay clear away from the fries though...they are just scary...
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: jiminy on 05/14/05 at 8:20 am
I never eat at McDonald's anyway, they put protein worms in their burgers.
What exactly are protein worms?
I just might have to start me a protein worm farm :D
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: RockandRollFan on 05/14/05 at 12:54 pm
What exactly are protein worms?
I just might have to start me a protein worm farm :D
Be sure it's not near a nuclear plant, 'lest they become Glow-worms :D
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: cancemini2real on 05/14/05 at 3:10 pm
Just like Chase bank and Bank one merged! Maybe Mickey-D and Starbuck's will merge and lay-off all of their skinny employees. You think?
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: Apricot on 05/15/05 at 11:48 am
Can you appreciate that this Scottish Name is associated with many things including Scottish tartan plaids etc etc etc.
You choose to play on that pathetic logo just because it uses your surname. awwwww.
Whoa, what did I miss here?
I think it's funny, now that I know what the name means. McDonald didn't strike me as someone who WOULD like the company.
I find it a bit of funny irony, his avatar. ;D
Subject: Re: Supersize Me
Written By: McDonald on 05/16/05 at 8:23 pm
Whoa, what did I miss here?
I think it's funny, now that I know what the name means. McDonald didn't strike me as someone who WOULD like the company.
I find it a bit of funny irony, his avatar. ;D
This person deserves a medal. Thanks for the vote of confidence. I can hardly believe I went as far as to devote even a few minutes of my time to that guy over something as trivial as an avatar, but a man is born to make mistakes.