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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: DevoRule on 04/21/05 at 7:22 pm
I'd say Both. Conservatives have an angrier agenda but Liberals often seem to have more of a temper, esp about little things. Conservatives are usually level-headed about really small things but blow up at stuff bigger than insults.
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: Dagwood on 04/21/05 at 7:36 pm
I'd say both, also. Just about different things.
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: Miss Tainted on 04/21/05 at 7:37 pm
Both pretty much but Liberals can get some what fiesty.
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: Todd Pettingzoo on 04/22/05 at 1:04 pm
It depends I guess. Different types on both sides. Some extreme Conservatives come off as complete lunatics, and some extreme Liberals make Limbaugh look like Gandhi.
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: McDonald on 04/22/05 at 1:07 pm
I put both. I'm seriously angry, all the time, because my country is getting f*cked in the @ss 27/7 by the Neo-Cons.
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: Don Carlos on 04/22/05 at 3:02 pm
From my experience, liberals are more tolerant and less angry. That does not apply to me. I am very angry at the direction my country is taking and is imposing on the world, and I would say thaty if you are not angry, you're not paying attention. Illegal, unjustifiable war, tax cuts for the rich while the middle class shrinks, a "war on poverty" that means killing (leterally) the poor, a budget surplus (for the first time in my lifetime) turned into a massive deficit, new, degrading rules threatening our environment. Liberal or conservative, we should all be up in arms.
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: DevoRule on 04/22/05 at 4:28 pm
From my experience, liberals are more tolerant and less angry. That does not apply to me. I am very angry at the direction my country is taking and is imposing on the world, and I would say thaty if you are not angry, you're not paying attention. Illegal, unjustifiable war, tax cuts for the rich while the middle class shrinks, a "war on poverty" that means killing (leterally) the poor, a budget surplus (for the first time in my lifetime) turned into a massive deficit, new, degrading rules threatening our environment. Liberal or conservative, we should all be up in arms.
Definitely. I am angry at the GOP, but I'm generally a forgiving person. I find it hard to forgive the oil barons and thieves that we call politicians.
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: JamieMcBain on 04/22/05 at 6:27 pm
Both, it's the Conservativies who are the most scariest when they are angry.
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/22/05 at 6:28 pm
Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: ADH13 on 04/22/05 at 6:34 pm
I think it depends on the situation, and also the person. I believe that my being angry hurts nobody but myself (the person I'm angry at probably couldn't care less how I feel) so I usually don't let things get to me. When it comes to politics, I tend to get highly irritated, but not angry.
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: Tanya1976 on 04/23/05 at 1:24 pm
From my experience, liberals are more tolerant and less angry. That does not apply to me. I am very angry at the direction my country is taking and is imposing on the world, and I would say thaty if you are not angry, you're not paying attention. Illegal, unjustifiable war, tax cuts for the rich while the middle class shrinks, a "war on poverty" that means killing (leterally) the poor, a budget surplus (for the first time in my lifetime) turned into a massive deficit, new, degrading rules threatening our environment. Liberal or conservative, we should all be up in arms.
I agree. I voted Conservatives, though both parties are angry. It's very situational.
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/23/05 at 1:46 pm
The partisan Fascist media puts up clowns such as Limbaugh and Hannity to accuse liberals/Democrats of being the ideology of anger and hatred. Objective observation of the last 50 years of political dynamics tells the opposite story. The big-time haters in the Democratic party, the Dixiecrats, jumped ship in the '50s and '60s when they realized the federal government wasn't going to let them keep their Jim Crow hate-the-n***ers legislation.
I don't believe in anger philosophically. I often feel enraged at the American Fascist Party (Republicans) for turning a potentially democratic republic into a corporate-fascist theocracy, and enraged the 'fraidy cat Democrats for being submissive and cowardly. I know when my rage emerges it does not help me make my way in the world.
Yet, I can't help thinking the liberals are not "angry" enough. Sure, we bitterly despised Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush, and any real liberal resented the bejesus out of Clinton for continuing the war on working class people. However, too many of my fellow liberals seemed to believe the Fascist* movement was transient and that the political pendulum would swing back leftward. They had too much faith in the cyclic nature of politics and the good sense of the American people to put their foot down and say "enough is enough." Liberals tend to believe mankind is essentially "good" and people will do the right thing in general. We just couldn't believe America could develop a mendacious propaganda system worthy of Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia. We just couldn't believe the corporate Fascists and the politico-Christian control freaks could really take our democracy away from us. We were wrong.
We need to do more than a Howard Beal "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" We need to rescue our republic by force, extra-legal force if necessary!
*Heck, they didn't even understand enough political science to call the Reaganistas what they were, "Fascist."
Also the rightwing press brooks much more anger from "conservatives" than from "liberals." Last week Dennis Miller (the serpent of Eden) called Jimmy Carter a "little creep." Nothing came of it. If a liberal on national TV (even a pseudo-liberal such as Alan Colmes) called George HW Bush a "little creep," there would be hell to pay. The fascist commentators would beat the drum about it for weeks. The only network on which you would hear commentators call a Republican ex-President (other than Nixon) a "little creep" is Air America radio. Air America has only about 50 affiliates and is barely kept alive by its ad revenues and philanthropic donations.
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: Don Carlos on 04/23/05 at 3:00 pm
We need to do more than a Howard Beal "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" We need to rescue our republic by force, extra-legal force if necessary!
Let the revolution begin!
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: Apricot on 04/24/05 at 2:10 pm
I'm one of the only Liberals around here, so I'm gonna say Conservatives.
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: Don Carlos on 04/24/05 at 2:17 pm
I'm one of the only Liberals around here, so I'm gonna say Conservatives.
Well, I guess that has to do with how you define liberal. I don't mind being called a radical though, if that's what you are implying. By the way, radical means "going to the root cause".
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/24/05 at 4:24 pm
I'm one of the only Liberals around here, so I'm gonna say Conservatives.
Actually, it is the conservatives who are outnumbered on this board, and it really bugs the heck out of 'em!
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: C.NOIZE on 04/25/05 at 10:00 pm
The liberals are by far angrier people. Take the ACLU, for example. They are the angriest people in politics today. They get angry at the smallest and least important details. I mean, comeon. Saying "under God" in the Pledge of Alligence does not infringe on anybody's rights. And it's the same with most of their agenda. Just getting angry at everything. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's an angry know-it-all liberal.
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: Apricot on 04/26/05 at 5:38 am
Actually, it is the conservatives who are outnumbered on this board, and it really bugs the heck out of 'em!
I mean in town where I am. I'm outnumbered, but it doesn't really bug me. It would, of course, if they finally go on an Inquisition, then I'm screwed! ;D
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: Apricot on 04/26/05 at 5:40 am
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's an angry know-it-all liberal.
I'm not really bothered by know-it-alls, what bothers me is idiots. My uncle.. Oh, God. He takes one opinion that the church/his work feed to him and takes it to the max. He doesn't just oppose gay marriage, he assumes they're all pedophiles and rapists and should all be killed {seriously, he brings it up at least once every four family gatherings}. And all sorts of crap like that. I can endure know-it-alls, what I can't stand is people like that.
Subject: Re: Who are angrier - Liberals or Conservatives?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/26/05 at 6:24 pm
The liberals are by far angrier people. Take the ACLU, for example. They are the angriest people in politics today. They get angry at the smallest and least important details. I mean, comeon. Saying "under God" in the Pledge of Alligence does not infringe on anybody's rights. And it's the same with most of their agenda. Just getting angry at everything. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's an angry know-it-all liberal.
Most people who call themselves "conservatives" are not conservative at all. They are Fascists, religious fanatics, or just plain d*cks! I say "most," but by far not "all."
I never liked the "Under God" part of the pledge either. My solution would be this:
Any kid who doesn't like "Under God" shouldn't SAY "Under God." If the school tries to force a kid to say "Under God" when he or she doesn't want to, then the ACLU has a far better case.
BTW, no matter how "conservative" you are, if your civil liberties are being violated, the ACLU will fight for your rights! The problem is, most self-proclaimed conservatives are the ones trying to take away our rights, and impose their silly superstitions on our lives.