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Subject: DISGUSTING:Your tax dollars at work, convincing you to support a political cause

Written By: ChuckyG on 01/07/05 at 11:47 am


disgusting.  bad enough they can't justify this excuse of a bill on it's merits, they have to pay somone to support it.

so let's get this straight, my taxes are now being spent, to tell me how my tax dollars should be spent?

Subject: Re: DISGUSTING:Your tax dollars at work, convincing you to support a political cause

Written By: GWBush2004 on 01/07/05 at 11:56 am

Yeah, more government spending.

Maybe newly elected Tom Coburn and Jim DeMint, the only members of the US Senate to recieve an A ratings from the Club for Growth, a group pushing for tax reforms, less taxes, and less government spending.  Tom Coburn wants to stop ALL pork spending (Alaska rates the highest,) and I hope he does it.  Bush, the center-right president, won't do it.

Subject: Re: DISGUSTING:Your tax dollars at work, convincing you to support a political cause

Written By: philbo on 01/07/05 at 3:25 pm

Hmm... sounds like George might have got that idea from Tony ;)

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