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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: BREAKING NEWS: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said to be under arrest in Iraq.
Written By: GWBush2004 on 01/04/05 at 9:42 am
The #1 most wanted man in Iraq....
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi reportedly arrested in Iraq
04.01.2005, 07.18
DUBAI, January 4 (Itar-Tass) - Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi, whom the US occupation authorities declared to be the "target number one" in Iraq, has been arrested in the city of Baakuba, the Emirate newspaper al-Bayane reported on Tuesday referring to Kurdish sources. Al-Zarqawi, leader of the terrorist group Al-Tawhid Wa'al-Jihad, was recently appointed the director of the Al-Qaeda organisation in Iraq.
The newspaper's correspondent in Baghdad points out that a report on the seizure of the terrorist, on whom the US put a bounty of 10 million dollars, was also reported by Iraqi Kurdistan radio, which at one time had been the first to announce the arrest of Saddam Hussein.
There have been no official reports about the arrest of the terrorist. Al-Zarqawi, 38, a Jordanian, whose real name is Ahmad al-Khalayleh, aims to turn Iraq into a "new Afghanistan". According to Arab press data, Al-Tawhid Wa'al-Jihad group has divided Iraq into several emirates. The group's independent subdivisions at a strength of 50 to 500 militants operate in the cities of Al-Falluja, Al-Qaim, Diala, and Samarra.
The personnel of the group is on the whole 1,500-strong and includes Iraqis and citizens of Arab and Islamic countries. There are demolition experts and missilemen among them.
The group has depots of weapons and explosives in various parts of the country. It intends to frustrate the upcoming parliamentary elections that are scheduled for the end of this month. Al-Tawhid Wa'al-Jihad threatens to do away with Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi and members of the interim government.
Also on:
Also currently on the Drudge report: www.drudgereport.com
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said to be under arrest in Iraq.
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/04/05 at 10:06 am
wow... such authortative news sites. I can't wait to see Weekly World News in there too.
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said to be under arrest in Iraq.
Written By: Screwball on 01/04/05 at 11:02 am
wow... such authortative news sites. I can't wait to see Weekly World News in there too.
Www.drudgereport.com is a creditable source. He has been the first to break many huge stories including Christopher Reeves death. As for the others, I am not sure, but they look legit to me. I notice that you always attack GWB no matter what he posts. Why do you find it amusing to troll your own message board?
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said to be under arrest in Iraq.
Written By: GWBush2004 on 01/04/05 at 11:20 am
What is interesting is that the first source to talk about this (which was yesterday) was a Kuwait radio channel. That Kuwait channel was the same one to first report on Saddam Hussein being captured, long before we in America heard about it.
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said to be under arrest in Iraq.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/04/05 at 11:29 am
Well, the wire report he printed comes from Russia's Tass news bureau, which is generally credible for bulletins. We'll have to see what the wires say abot the al-Zarqawi story in the next 48 hours.
Drudge is just a gossip who ganks from everybody else and prints unverified half-truths. He's also a partisan rightie because that was the thing to be in the late '90s.
Chucky posts relatively few items, and of course he "trolls" his own board. We'd all start misbehaving if he didn't keep an eye on us!
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said to be under arrest in Iraq.
Written By: philbo on 01/04/05 at 11:50 am
Www.drudgereport.com is a creditable source.
Possibly, but it's not always a credible source - it's been right a few times, sure, but also wrong (or exceptionally partisan) on other occasions.
I notice that you always attack GWB no matter what he posts.
No, he doesn't - usually only when GWB posts something that's been cross-posted unchecked or is otherwise bollocks: in the run-up to the election, there were an inordinate number of "news" stories, photoshopped pix etc. all presented as fact and left for the rest of us to debunk... of course, once debunked, no retraction or apology was ever presented. It ain't Chucky who's trolling.
It is interesting now that Tass is considered a reputable news agency... but I guess where stories that don't affect Russian credibility are concerned, they're probably as good as anybody.
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said to be under arrest in Iraq.
Written By: Screwball on 01/04/05 at 12:02 pm
Possibly, but it's not always a credible source - it's been right a few times, sure, but also wrong (or exceptionally partisan) on other occasions.
No, he doesn't - usually only when GWB posts something that's been cross-posted unchecked or is otherwise bollocks: in the run-up to the election, there were an inordinate number of "news" stories, photoshopped pix etc. all presented as fact and left for the rest of us to debunk... of course, once debunked, no retraction or apology was ever presented. It ain't Chucky who's trolling.
I guess your right. I have only been looking at the boards again for the last couple weeks, so i am not familiar with past posts. It just seemed to me that Chucky didn't look at the story, and just posted an attack. I can understand if the story had been proven false, but as of yet, it has not.
Drudge now reports on his own site the US government told MSNBC they have NOT captured him, so i again stand corrected...
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said to be under arrest in Iraq.
Written By: GWBush2004 on 01/04/05 at 12:53 pm
Drudge now reports on his own site the US government told MSNBC they have NOT captured him, so i again stand corrected...
It says ONE says it is "dubious." Dang. I'm still hoping he is captured, and that the US military doesn't want to confirm it as of now, or is planning on keeping it a secret so they can use torture on him without the media reporting on it or the international red cross whining about it.
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said to be under arrest in Iraq.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/04/05 at 1:59 pm
It says ONE says it is "dubious."  Dang. I'm still hoping he is captured, and that the US military doesn't want to confirm it as of now, or is planning on keeping it a secret so they can use torture on him without the media reporting on it or the international red cross whining about it.
D*mned nosey media and NGOs daring to second guess the absolute power of the U.S. government to do what it wants, when it wants, to whom it wants! Yeah, we should just start disappearing these suspects and giving theme electric shocks until they say what we wanna hear! That's what all the best governments in the world do, ain't it?
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said to be under arrest in Iraq.
Written By: philbo on 01/04/05 at 5:14 pm
Can someone PLEASE explain to me WHY our government is so focused on these people who are doing this, that and the other to Iraq and seem to not give a rat's behind about Bin Laden anymore? Why are we spending BILLIONS on the "Iraq conflict" and not on catching the person responsible for the ONLY acts of terrorism to occur on American soil?
Misdirection and diversion... that, and Bin Laden's hiding so we can't find him (hence the need for misdirection and diversion).
Still, it's a damn expensive diversion...
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said to be under arrest in Iraq.
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/04/05 at 6:33 pm
Www.drudgereport.com is a creditable source. He has been the first to break many huge stories including Christopher Reeves death. As for the others, I am not sure, but they look legit to me. I notice that you always attack GWB no matter what he posts. Why do you find it amusing to troll your own message board?
no, I only attack "credible" news sources, such as Drudge. Drudge links to a lot, A LOT, of questionable news stories, and is wrong way more than he will ever be right. Drudge doesn't "break" hardly anything. Aside from the Monica thing half a decade ago, nothing major has been leaked there that doesn't show up somewhere else first.
I'm not a big fan of seeing "newsflashes" from that site reposted as they come up
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said to be under arrest in Iraq.
Written By: saver on 01/04/05 at 6:48 pm
I heard about 12:30pm PST from Sean Hannity program thinking it was just a rumor.
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said to be under arrest in Iraq.
Written By: GWBush2004 on 01/04/05 at 11:17 pm
Can someone PLEASE explain to me WHY our government is so focused on these people who are doing this, that and the other to Iraq and seem to not give a rat's behind about Bin Laden anymore? Why are we spending BILLIONS on the "Iraq conflict" and not on catching the person responsible for the ONLY acts of terrorism to occur on American soil?
Umm...Abu Musab al-Zaraqwi is suppose to be more dangerous then Osama from what I heard. Our military would rather catch him as of now then Osama.
I still hold out. I think he really was caught and the American military won't confirm it, either they can't now, or they want to be able to do with them what they want without threat of the media or the international red cross interfering. I'm sure al-Zarqawi has plenty of information, especially since they roadside bombs and car-bombs are set in advance.
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said to be under arrest in Iraq.
Written By: GWBush2004 on 01/05/05 at 5:58 am
About 2.5 hours ago Al-Jazeera is saying Zarqawi is caught....here is the story:
Al-Zarqawi captured in Iraq
Abu Mus'ab Al Zarqawi, on whom the U.S. put a bounty of US$10 million, has been arrested in the Iraqi city of Baakuba, the Emirate newspaper al-Bayane reported on Tuesday citing Kurdish media.
According to Al-Bayane’s correspondent in Iraq, the report on Al Zarqawi’s arrest was also reported by the Kurdish media, the first to announce Saddam’s seizure.
However, no official report on arresting Al Zarqawi, declared by the U.S. occupation authorities as its "target number one" in Iraq has yet emerged.
The real name of Al-Zarqawi, 38, Jordanian is Ahmad al-Khalayleh.
Al Zarqawi’s armed group's has divided Iraq into several emirates. It’s independent subdivisions at a strength of 50 to 500 fighter operate in Fallujah, Al-Qaim, Diala, and Samarra.
The overall number of the group’s fighters is 1,500, including Iraqis and citizens of other Arab countries.
Al Zarqawi group also includes demolition experts and missile men.
The U.S. occupation forces have been accusing the group of using several houses across Iraqi cities as weapons stores.
The group seeks hampering Iraq’s upcoming elections, scheduled for Jan. 30.
Link: http://www.aljazeera.com/cgi-bin/news_service/middle_east_full_story.asp?service_id=6517
--Don't you just love their use of the word "occupation."
-I stand by what I said. The russian wires, China newspapers, and now Al-Jazeera are saying he is caught. To many sources all at once. I think the US military has him, is beating the living sh** out of him to find out where bombs and maybe bin Ladin is, and we may not know for days or even weeks. I think we in America will be the last to know for certain, but don't let the lack of US reports fool you.
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said to be under arrest in Iraq.
Written By: GWBush2004 on 01/05/05 at 8:10 am
Also new from Israel: http://www.israelnn.com/news.php3?id=74710
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said to be under arrest in Iraq.
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/05/05 at 10:30 am
About 2.5 hours ago Al-Jazeera is saying Zarqawi is caught....here is the story:
-I stand by what I said. The russian wires, China newspapers, and now Al-Jazeera are saying he is caught. To many sources all at once. I think the US military has him, is beating the living sh** out of him to find out where bombs and maybe bin Ladin is, and we may not know for days or even weeks. I think we in America will be the last to know for certain, but don't let the lack of US reports fool you.
Look at the people you are quoting! You wouldn't take any of these newswires at face value on any other news story reported, but this one you believe? Do you think maybe they're just repeating the same rumour? Don't you think Faux News would be jumping up and down like the good little Bush lackeys they are trumpeting the triumphant Bush Regime on their quest to find Bin Laden Zarqawi?