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Messageboard Archive Index, In The 00s - The Pop Culture Information Society

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Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/07/10 at 11:05 am

Sorry, but I disagree. The commentary is lame, especially in the Dutch version.

There's a Dutch version? Awesome. :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/07/10 at 11:14 am

Buenos Dias.

Cameron Diaz?
Buenos Aires?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/07/10 at 11:15 am

Buenos nachos!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/07/10 at 11:18 am

Buenos nachos!

Hello, nacho man!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/07/10 at 11:18 am

Nacho nacho man. I wanna be a nacho man.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/07/10 at 11:23 am

Nacho nacho man. I wanna be a nacho man.

Ah yes, the episode where, for a little while, Homer's best friend was Flanders. Took him to the football game.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/07/10 at 12:35 pm

¡Buenos días, hombre de viejos de jammin que reúne carritos de la compra! :D


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/07/10 at 12:36 pm

I wanna be a Nacho Man.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/07/10 at 12:44 pm

Ah, George Carlin.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/07/10 at 12:47 pm

In a few weeks will be his 2nd Anniversary of his passing.  :(

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/07/10 at 1:05 pm

In a few weeks will be his 2nd Anniversary of his passing.  :(

Ah yes. Two years already? Sad face.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Henk on 06/07/10 at 3:23 pm

There's a Dutch version? Awesome. :D

So I was right and karen was wrong..? You were talking about the lame game show? ::)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Henk on 06/07/10 at 3:24 pm

There's a Dutch version? Awesome. :D

And it isn't awesome.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/07/10 at 3:25 pm

Ohh, no. That's something else entirely. I was referring to the Beach Boys/Fat Boys song. Although thinking of the game show just reminds me of Paul Daniels...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/07/10 at 4:13 pm


I was saying good day to the jamminoldies cartman  :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/07/10 at 4:13 pm

Greetings Midasman.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/07/10 at 4:40 pm

Ahoy hoy, BoboMel! :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/07/10 at 4:54 pm

We are going to sleep soon. At least until we wake up.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/08/10 at 5:37 am

Good Morning.  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/08/10 at 8:56 am

Today is Tuesday.  You know what that means...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/08/10 at 9:36 am

Today is Tuesday.  You know what that means...

that tomorrow's Wednesday?
that yesterday was Monday?
that Hell's Kitchen is on tonight? and so is Jillian Michael's show!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/08/10 at 9:58 am

Tuesday is Guest Star day!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/08/10 at 2:32 pm

I wanna be a Nacho Man.

Nachos sound good right now!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/08/10 at 2:32 pm

Nachos sound good right now!

no they don't  8-P  :P

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/08/10 at 2:33 pm

I've never seen nor eaten a white castle burger.... we don't have them in the west coast.... and what they sell in the frozen foods are cheese burgers so I've never had those either.

I've never had one either.  Sad.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/08/10 at 2:33 pm

no they don't  8-P  :P

You shut it!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/08/10 at 2:34 pm

You shut it!

when nachos are involved it definitely stays shut!  :P

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/08/10 at 2:35 pm

when nachos are involved it definitely stays shut!  :P

;D ;D ;D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 3:07 pm

I am wondering what to get up to now...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/08/10 at 3:09 pm

Today is Tuesday.  You know what that means...

that tomorrow is Hump Day? ;)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/08/10 at 3:10 pm

Good Afternoon it is 409pm *BEEP*

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 3:41 pm

Good Afternoon it is 409pm *BEEP*

No need to swear Howhard... :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/08/10 at 3:47 pm

No need to swear Howhard... :D

I was just pretending I was a time clock.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 3:48 pm

I was just pretending I was a time clock.

As opposed to what kind of clock?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/08/10 at 3:49 pm

As opposed to what kind of clock?

a clock radio.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 3:49 pm

a clock radio.

I always thought that was more of a radio than a clock.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/08/10 at 3:51 pm

I always thought that was more of a radio than a clock.

It tells you the time and you can listen to music as well.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/08/10 at 3:53 pm

that tomorrow is Hump Day? ;)

Not for you :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 3:53 pm

It tells you the time and you can listen to music as well.

What if it went tick tick woof woof? Would that be a watchdog?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/08/10 at 3:54 pm

What if it went tick tick woof woof? Would that be a watchdog?

I've never heard of a clock radio that went woof.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 3:55 pm

I've never heard of a clock radio that went woof.

What about if a dog swallowed a clock?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/08/10 at 3:57 pm

What about if a dog swallowed a clock?

that could happen.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 3:57 pm

that could happen.

Sounds delicious.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/08/10 at 3:58 pm

Sounds delicious.

they might have to cut the dog open.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/08/10 at 4:08 pm

they might have to cut the dog open.

or follow it around with a baggie  ;) ;D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 4:10 pm

Obviously the dog wouldn't be quite as delicious...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/08/10 at 4:19 pm

Obviously the dog wouldn't be quite as delicious...

Unless it was a hot dog

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 4:20 pm

I had to go to the dentist today. Makes me wonder.. how bad the state of the workforce must be in Poland that everyone decides to work over here instead...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 4:23 pm

Janet Street Porter takes ten seconds to read out a sentence..

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/08/10 at 4:24 pm

Janet Street Porter takes ten seconds to read out a sentence..

Death by hanging?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 4:25 pm

Death by hanging?

Nein.. that wasn't long enough of a sentence.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 4:28 pm

Starting with the 710150th decimal digit, there is a run of seven consecutive 3s.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/08/10 at 4:30 pm

Nein.. that wasn't long enough of a sentence.

Death due to circumnavigating the globe while hopping on 1 foot, swallowing wrenches and shouting "Rise, Damascus, rise from the ashes of Suriname's lighting attack" in 35 different languages?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 4:30 pm

Death due to circumnavigating the globe while hopping on 1 foot, swallowing wrenches and shouting "Rise, Damascus, rise from the ashes of Suriname's lighting attack" in 35 different languages?

That would be a plan...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/08/10 at 4:34 pm

That would be a plan...

Revenge of the Surinames...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/08/10 at 4:40 pm

Revenge of the Surinames...

Hey some of my family's from Suriname!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 4:41 pm

We are liking Suriname.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/08/10 at 4:43 pm

Hey some of my family's from Suriname!

Revenger of the snozberries?

We are liking Suriname.

We do.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/08/10 at 4:44 pm

Suriname the child of the Cruises :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 4:45 pm

Drinking a pint of water before bed. Not necessarily a good idea...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 4:46 pm

Suriname is an anagram of aneurism.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/08/10 at 4:50 pm

Suriname is an anagram of aneurism.

name's Uri.
is manure.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/08/10 at 4:51 pm

Revenger of the snozberries?We do.

I am full of venge!  ;D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 4:52 pm

There are seven anagrams of Suriname permissible in French-language Scrabble: manieurs, numerisa, ruinames, surmenai, unirames, uranisme, urinames

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 4:52 pm

snoz is full of awesome. :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/08/10 at 4:53 pm

Drinking a pint of water before bed. Not necessarily a good idea...

You are correct. Apple Juice works better.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 4:53 pm

You are correct. Apple Juice works better.

A pint's-worth?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 4:53 pm

Nos dda, all.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/08/10 at 4:54 pm

anagram of Awesome

same woe

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/08/10 at 4:56 pm

If something isn't an inside joke, is it an outside joke?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/08/10 at 4:58 pm

Can you play tennis with 18 people on each side?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/08/10 at 4:59 pm

Can you tell the difference between a grain of rice and a dead ant painted white?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/08/10 at 5:00 pm

Can you play golf without a ball?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/08/10 at 5:02 pm

Drinking a pint of water before bed. Not necessarily a good idea...

but isn't the best way to get a home made water bed???

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Henk on 06/08/10 at 5:04 pm

Can you play tennis with 18 people on each side?

That certainly is worth trying. :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/08/10 at 5:04 pm

but isn't the best way to get a home made water bed???

Thanks for sharing your unfortunate experiences in this matter ;)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/08/10 at 6:27 pm

We are awake!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Step-chan on 06/08/10 at 7:29 pm

Been home from work for nearly an hour.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/08/10 at 11:59 pm

We are awake!

bobo is royalty now?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/09/10 at 7:20 am

Good Morning.  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/09/10 at 8:56 am


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/09/10 at 11:06 am

A new Indiana Jones film? 5th one? cool?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/09/10 at 12:18 pm

A new Indiana Jones film? 5th one? cool?

For reallies?  Could be

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/09/10 at 1:12 pm

For reallies?  Could be

That's what I head this morning.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/09/10 at 1:14 pm

That's what I head this morning.

Hope that didn't hurt.  :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/09/10 at 1:23 pm

Hope that didn't hurt.  :D

must learn how to spill...um..I'm mean smell...no that's not right either...spell. ;)

Hope the 5th is better than #4.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/09/10 at 1:26 pm

I wonder what will be the highest sequel number of a movie we'll see in our lifetime.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/09/10 at 1:30 pm

I wonder what will be the highest sequel number of a movie we'll see in our lifetime.

Glitter XXXVI  :  A 97 year-old mariah Carey attemps comeback while singing a duo with Gaga Hung, the grandchild of Lady gaga and William Hung  :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/09/10 at 1:54 pm

Glitter XXXVI  :   A 97 year-old mariah Carey attemps comeback while singing a duo with Gaga Hung, the grandchild of Lady gaga and William Hung  :D

We won't be able to read their poker faces

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/09/10 at 2:00 pm

Glitter XXXVI  :   A 97 year-old mariah Carey attemps comeback while singing a duo with Gaga Hung, the grandchild of Lady gaga and William Hung  :D

oh my.  :o

it'll be a sequel to a sequel. Love story 22 when Gaga Met Will.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Step-chan on 06/09/10 at 2:20 pm

Need to take the CD out.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/09/10 at 2:22 pm

oh my.  :o

it'll be a sequel to a sequel. Love story 22 when Gaga Met Will.

Will that one be subtitled "Bad Romance" or "She Bang" ?  :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/09/10 at 3:40 pm


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/09/10 at 3:45 pm

oh my.  :o

it'll be a sequel to a sequel. Love story 22 when Gaga Met Will.

The bad part is, we still have to go through Glitter II to Giltter XXXV until the last one!

Glitter XXV:  a drugged out Mariah Carey falls in love with Miley Cyrus

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/09/10 at 7:02 pm

Good Evening.  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/09/10 at 7:04 pm

Hello Hello!  How are my favorite people?  :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/09/10 at 7:06 pm

Hello Hello!  How are my favorite people?   :D

Good,How are you?  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Step-chan on 06/09/10 at 7:14 pm

Chicken's Lair...


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/09/10 at 7:15 pm

Who's Chicken?  ???

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/09/10 at 7:16 pm

*clucks thoughtfully*

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/09/10 at 7:16 pm

*buck buck*

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/09/10 at 7:18 pm

*buck buck*


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/09/10 at 7:20 pm


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/09/10 at 7:29 pm

23.2 seconds. That's intriguing.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Step-chan on 06/09/10 at 10:31 pm

Who's Chicken?  ???

The video Midas posted...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/09/10 at 11:19 pm


Mmmm...cookie dough.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/10/10 at 1:03 am

Mmmm...cookie dough.

Cook edo

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/10/10 at 6:53 am

Good Morning.  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/10/10 at 9:12 am

Mmmm...cookie dough.

Had one of those mini-Drumstick™ cones last night that had cookie dough ice cream innit.  They call 'em Lil' Drums. :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/10/10 at 10:19 am


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/10/10 at 11:10 am

Had one of those mini-Drumstick™ cones last night that had cookie dough ice cream innit.  They call 'em Lil' Drums. :D

mmmmmm drums!!!!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: 2kidsami on 06/10/10 at 11:46 am

mmmmmm drums!!!!
we have a case of just the plain old fashioned drumsticks in the freezer - the girls love em

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/10/10 at 1:09 pm

Cook edo

Mmmmmm Cook Edo...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/10/10 at 1:09 pm

Had one of those mini-Drumstick™ cones last night that had cookie dough ice cream innit.  They call 'em Lil' Drums. :D

we have a case of just the plain old fashioned drumsticks in the freezer - the girls love em

God that sounds good.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/10/10 at 1:10 pm

Ash is around! I loves my Ash!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/10/10 at 1:15 pm

Ash is around! I loves my Ash!

I loves my Bobo!  How are you darling?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/10/10 at 1:48 pm

Ash is around! I loves my Ash!

Bobo loves ass!  ;D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/10/10 at 1:55 pm

Bobo loves ass!  ;D


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: karen on 06/10/10 at 2:36 pm

I helped out at Elizabeth's school Team 1 picnic today.  Someone donated a huge tub of ice cream - super-nice farm stuff.  The mums all convinced each other it was healthy to have some.  It contains calcium!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/10/10 at 2:52 pm

I helped out at Elizabeth's school Team 1 picnic today.  Someone donated a huge tub of ice cream - super-nice farm stuff.  The mums all convinced each other it was healthy to have some.  It contains calcium!

And Vitamin D!  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: karen on 06/10/10 at 2:58 pm

And Vitamin D!   :)

Good point!

I added some strawberries to mine so it was even healthier!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/10/10 at 5:57 pm

Good point!

I added some strawberries to mine so it was even healthier!

Girl, you are so on top of it!  That totally erases the calories.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/10/10 at 6:35 pm

Good Evening peeps.  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/10/10 at 6:40 pm

I loves my Bobo!  How are you darling?

Sorry. I got sidetracked yesterday evening. I am good. If slightly... you know...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/10/10 at 6:41 pm

Hey Boboes.  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/10/10 at 6:41 pm

How is Howhard?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/10/10 at 6:42 pm

How is Howhard?

I'm doing good. :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/10/10 at 7:21 pm


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/10/10 at 7:39 pm

Quite proud of myself for remembering this. :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/10/10 at 10:15 pm

Good Evening.  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Step-chan on 06/10/10 at 11:42 pm

Got a Dragon Quest 9 poster!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/11/10 at 12:21 am

Quite proud of myself for remembering this. :D

Nice one!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/11/10 at 7:41 am

Hey Guys.  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/11/10 at 9:25 am

Got a Dragon Quest 9 poster!


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Step-chan on 06/11/10 at 11:29 am

w00t the w00t!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/11/10 at 12:14 pm

Happy Friday peeps!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/11/10 at 12:29 pm



Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/11/10 at 12:33 pm

I said a get-get-get on down; get, get, get on down!


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/11/10 at 12:36 pm

and to top off your friday morning/noon/night entertainment



Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/11/10 at 1:05 pm



I said a get-get-get on down; get, get, get on down!


and to top off your friday morning/noon/night entertainment



Awesome.  A few years ago I created a short megamix of these three tracks from recollection of a memory of a similar medley I heard on a mixshow in 1985.  I'll have to upload it to share this weekend.  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/11/10 at 1:11 pm

Awesome.  A few years ago I created a short megamix of these three tracks from recollection of a memory of a similar medley I heard on a mixshow in 1985.  I'll have to upload it to share this weekend.  :)

fantastic... I'd love to hear it!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/11/10 at 2:04 pm

Happy Friday peeps!

Happy Friday.  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/11/10 at 2:09 pm

Can he do it?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/11/10 at 2:10 pm


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/11/10 at 2:10 pm

Can he do it?

Do What?  ???

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/11/10 at 2:12 pm

Adam Gilchrist almost passed his top score in Twenty20 cricket. But then he failed.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/11/10 at 2:15 pm

Can I Do It?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/11/10 at 2:15 pm

fantastic... I'd love to hear it!

I shall try to do it tonight!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/11/10 at 2:17 pm

Hey Midas.  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/11/10 at 2:19 pm

Heya Howard! :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/11/10 at 2:20 pm

Heya Howard! :)

Can you do a Pathmark remix?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/11/10 at 2:26 pm

Can you do a Pathmark remix?

I could if I knew a Pathmark song.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/11/10 at 2:30 pm

I could if I knew a Pathmark song.

There's the commercial from the 80's.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/11/10 at 2:33 pm

2086 pages. The number 2086 is awesome. :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/11/10 at 2:34 pm

2086 pages. The number 2086 is awesome. :D

How about 6802?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/11/10 at 2:35 pm

Not so much. But it has its... beauty.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/11/10 at 2:37 pm

I almost have a contributor trust rating of 216.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/11/10 at 2:44 pm

I almost have a contributor trust rating of 216.

I have less than 216 minutes 'til I leave for home. :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: karen on 06/11/10 at 3:15 pm

Flash, Flash, I love you but we only have fourteen hours to save the earth

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/11/10 at 4:01 pm



Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/11/10 at 4:12 pm

What nerve of Thierry Henry asking for a hand ball!

France = Not win.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/11/10 at 4:13 pm

Highly amused after seeing the "Hand of God" soccer goal on the TV. First words from the commentator: "And they're appealing for offside".

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/11/10 at 4:25 pm

Tomorrow, England Vs USA, wonder who bobo will cheer for.  :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/11/10 at 4:59 pm

Tomorrow, England Vs USA, wonder who bobo will cheer for.  :D

These guys.


Ok. So I have another excused to post this again.  :D ;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Step-chan on 06/11/10 at 8:48 pm

Hold me closer, closer
Let me be

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/11/10 at 11:47 pm

fantastic... I'd love to hear it!

Wham! - Fantastic Hit Megamix (Midas' Fusion Mix) - available for 7 days/100 downloads!


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/12/10 at 6:36 am


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/12/10 at 7:08 am

Hey Bobo. :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Henk on 06/12/10 at 7:46 am


And goal again.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/12/10 at 1:21 pm

Wham! - Fantastic Hit Megamix (Midas' Fusion Mix) - available for 7 days/100 downloads!


YAY!!! gotta wait a few hours tho...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/12/10 at 1:24 pm

Hey Snoz.  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/12/10 at 1:31 pm

Hey Howard!  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/12/10 at 1:32 pm

How's it been?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/12/10 at 2:25 pm

How's it been?

sorry I missed this its graduation weekend so I'm working the command post for the commencement ceremonies today and tomorrow.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: karen on 06/12/10 at 7:07 pm

sorry I missed this its graduation weekend so I'm working the command post for the commencement ceremonies today and tomorrow.

are they playing Pomp and Circumstance over and over again?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/12/10 at 7:35 pm

are they playing Pomp and Circumstance over and over again?

yep.... 3 ceremonies today.... but heard it more than 3x because the processional is long so it loops...and loops... and loops some more!  ::)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Step-chan on 06/12/10 at 8:07 pm

It's pouring rain out right now.(Not to mention Tornado weather)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/13/10 at 6:42 am

Good Morning Dudes And Dudettes.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/13/10 at 6:46 am

Greetings Howhard. How are things?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/13/10 at 6:49 am

Greetings Howhard. How are things?

I'm pretty good,can't complain.  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/13/10 at 5:27 pm

Germany 4, Auzzies 0.
Germany looked good.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: gibbo on 06/13/10 at 5:29 pm

Germany 4, Auzzies 0.
Germany looked good.

I didn't stay up to watch the match. 4 nil eh?  Well....that doesn't surprise me... :-\\

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/13/10 at 5:31 pm

I didn't stay up to watch the match. 4 nil eh?  Well....that doesn't surprise me... :-\\

Auzzies did get a red card and played with 10 men for about 1/4 of the game.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/13/10 at 5:33 pm

Very tiring day. Thankfully the Bobomel are only awake for another two and a half hours. If that...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/13/10 at 5:43 pm

Very tiring day. Thankfully the Bobomel are only awake for another two and a half hours. If that...

150 minutes or less >= bobo's awake time

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/13/10 at 6:49 pm

So You And the Bobomel going to sleep together? ;)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/13/10 at 6:55 pm

So You And the Bobomel going to sleep together? ;)

Oh dear Howhard...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/13/10 at 6:55 pm

Oh dear Howhard...

Oh Dear Bobomel.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Step-chan on 06/13/10 at 9:51 pm

Round 2 I go!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/13/10 at 10:04 pm

Goodnight And Sleep Well.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Step-chan on 06/14/10 at 1:50 am

I don't know why I subjected myself to videos of that horrific video game.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/14/10 at 6:44 am

Good Morning.  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/14/10 at 10:07 am

So You And the Bobomel going to sleep together? ;)

This is pretty invasive and uncalled for.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/14/10 at 10:27 am

This is pretty invasive and uncalled for.

It's a "Howard-ism" , often crossing the line that separates funny and poor taste.
Then Howard says sorry...
Then 10 minutes later he does it again.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/14/10 at 10:59 am

It's a "Howard-ism" , often crossing the line that separates funny and poor taste.
Then Howard says sorry...
Then 10 minutes later he does it again.

I know what it is.  It's becoming old and tiresome.  And it's not just in this thread.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/14/10 at 12:01 pm

So You And the Bobomel going to sleep together? ;)

This is pretty invasive and uncalled for.

It's a "Howard-ism" , often crossing the line that separates funny and poor taste.
Then Howard says sorry...
Then 10 minutes later he does it again.

I know what it is.  It's becoming old and tiresome.  And it's not just in this thread.

aw see now I'm gonna have to go and defend Howard... I hate it when I have to do that....

If howard's comment about Frank and Bobo is over the limit then we should stop with the Sir Billzy and Howard comments too... I mean its either okay to make the jokes or its not....we can't say its only okay when anyone but howard does it...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/14/10 at 12:05 pm

aw see now I'm gonna have to go and defend Howard... I hate it when I have to do that....

If howard's comment about Frank and Bobo is over the limit then we should stop with the Sir Billzy and Howard comments too... I mean its either okay to make the jokes or its not....we can't say its only okay when anyone but howard does it...

Exactly.  You guys (Midas and Frank) make off color jokes ALL the time.  And egg Howard on all the time.  Please. 

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/14/10 at 12:15 pm

aw see now I'm gonna have to go and defend Howard... I hate it when I have to do that....

If howard's comment about Frank and Bobo is over the limit then we should stop with the Sir Billzy and Howard comments too... I mean its either okay to make the jokes or its not....we can't say its only okay when anyone but howard does it...

I get your point.  I think it's a culmination of recent posts from him - not just in LTE.  Srsly, kids can view this board.  Get it over to the other board. 

And don't be hatin'  :D  I like Howard, he just tends to get extreme in his Howardisms at times.  :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/14/10 at 12:16 pm

Exactly.  You guys (Midas and Frank) make off color jokes ALL the time.  And egg Howard on all the time.  Please. 

Read my post above.  Have a nice day :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/14/10 at 1:37 pm

I get your point.  I think it's a culmination of recent posts from him - not just in LTE.  Srsly, kids can view this board.  Get it over to the other board. 

And don't be hatin'  :D  I like Howard, he just tends to get extreme in his Howardisms at times.  :D

I do agree that the scantilly clad pics are way over the top and the discussion about his *ahem* needs  should be tempered...

I always think - will I be okay with karen's kids reading/seeing this?  then I post..... okay I don't always think that... but I usually do! 

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/14/10 at 1:45 pm

I do agree that the scantilly clad pics are way over the top and the discussion about his *ahem* needs  should be tempered...

I always think - will I be okay with karen's kids reading/seeing this?  then I post..... okay I don't always think that... but I usually do! 


I haven't been inappropriate for about 90 posts now  :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/14/10 at 2:20 pm


I haven't been inappropriate for about 90 posts now  :D


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/14/10 at 2:23 pm


I know!  I'm overdue!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/14/10 at 2:25 pm

I wonder when was the last time I was inappropriate...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/14/10 at 2:33 pm

I wonder when was the last time I was inappropriate...

I remember some joke involving a dinosaur, I think ;D  but in actuality, I thought it was appropriate :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/14/10 at 2:34 pm

I wonder when was the last time I was inappropriate...

depends... look down... are you sitting there in your underwear or are you wearing pants today?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/14/10 at 2:40 pm

depends... look down... are you sitting there in your underwear or are you wearing pants today?

Shorts actually, but yes, that's a good point.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/14/10 at 2:40 pm

I remember some joke involving a dinosaur, I think ;D  but in actuality, I thought it was appropriate :D

I don't! :D Remember, that is...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/14/10 at 2:45 pm

I don't! :D Remember, that is...


How is BoboMel this evening?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/14/10 at 3:04 pm

Sorry. We were temporarily absent. All is well. Still trying to figure out what day it is.. and there's only three hours of it left..

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/14/10 at 3:06 pm

Sorry. We were temporarily absent. All is well. Still trying to figure out what day it is.. and there's only three hours of it left..

It's Fronday!  A monday that is actually a friday!  8)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/14/10 at 3:12 pm

It's Fronday!  A monday that is actually a friday!  8)

If Thursday is my Friday this week would that make today Muesday?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/14/10 at 3:16 pm


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/14/10 at 4:01 pm

I know!  I'm overdue!

Not anymore! :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/14/10 at 4:08 pm

I get your point.  I think it's a culmination of recent posts from him - not just in LTE.  Srsly, kids can view this board.  Get it over to the other board. 

And don't be hatin'  :D  I like Howard, he just tends to get extreme in his Howardisms at times.  :D

Yeah, what Midas said. He does go overboard in other boards at times. But we get the girls point.

Frank = bad boy
Midas = bad boy
Snoz & Ash = The voice of reason. 

(did I really write that?)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Henk on 06/14/10 at 4:12 pm

Yeah, what Midas said. He does go overboard in other boards at times. But we get the girls point.

Frank = bad boy
Midas = bad boy
Snoz & Ash = The voice of reason. 

(did I really write that?)

Hear, hear!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/14/10 at 4:14 pm

I wonder when was the last time I was inappropriate...

...waiting for a Howard remark if he reads this...waiting...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Step-chan on 06/14/10 at 4:15 pm

Back on again...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/14/10 at 4:19 pm

Back on again...

Bacon again?

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Step-chan on 06/14/10 at 4:30 pm

Never thought of it like that.

I want Catterday to get here!

Edit: Fixed.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/14/10 at 4:42 pm

Hear, hear!

What?  :D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/14/10 at 6:21 pm

If Thursday is my Friday this week would that make today Muesday?

sure...why not!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/14/10 at 6:35 pm

Greetings all!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/14/10 at 6:56 pm

I get your point.  I think it's a culmination of recent posts from him - not just in LTE.  Srsly, kids can view this board.  Get it over to the other board. 

And don't be hatin'  :D  I like Howard, he just tends to get extreme in his Howardisms at times.  :D

everyone needs to enjoy a Howard-ism once in a while.  ;D

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/14/10 at 6:58 pm

...waiting for a Howard remark if he reads this...waiting...

right now I don't know of any. ;)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/14/10 at 6:58 pm

Good Evening.  :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/14/10 at 7:49 pm

Good Evening.  :)

Happy 5:50PM!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/14/10 at 8:38 pm

Doc note: I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Step-chan on 06/14/10 at 9:43 pm

I hate when bad weather messes with my net connection.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/15/10 at 5:37 am

Good Morning.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/15/10 at 9:21 am

Doc note: I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod.

Extreme Palindrome 2.0!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/15/10 at 9:30 am

The Bobomel are awake and watching the second soccer match of the day. At least, the second televised one, I'm not including Ural v. Dinamo St. Pete's in the Russian 1.Division.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/15/10 at 9:32 am

Doctor Reubenstein was shocked and dismayed when he answered the ringing telephone, only to hear a strange, metallic, alien voice say, "Yasec iovn eilacilla temeg! Nartsa raehoty lnoenoh pelet gnig, nirehtde rewsnaehn ehw. Deya! Msid! Dnadek cohssaw nietsne buerro, tcod?"

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/15/10 at 9:37 am

Doctor Reubenstein was shocked and dismayed when he answered the ringing telephone, only to hear a strange, metallic, alien voice say, "Yasec iovn eilacilla temeg! Nartsa raehoty lnoenoh pelet gnig, nirehtde rewsnaehn ehw. Deya! Msid! Dnadek cohssaw nietsne buerro, tcod?"

:o :o


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/15/10 at 9:39 am

It is Ash's birthday but not *Ash*'s birthday.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/15/10 at 10:26 am

Doctor Reubenstein was shocked and dismayed when he answered the ringing telephone, only to hear a strange, metallic, alien voice say, "Yasec iovn eilacilla temeg! Nartsa raehoty lnoenoh pelet gnig, nirehtde rewsnaehn ehw. Deya! Msid! Dnadek cohssaw nietsne buerro, tcod?"


Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/15/10 at 10:27 am

It is Ash's birthday but not *Ash*'s birthday.

I wish today was my birthday.  I always wanted a summer birthday. 

I'm sure Ash is lovely.  We should all send her warm wishes and happy thoughts.

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/15/10 at 12:04 pm

Memo ( again) to Christian Ronaldo. You are a world class player with fabulous striking skills. Stop diving!!!
We've had enough. No respect for you, man...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: karen on 06/15/10 at 12:52 pm

I wish today was my birthday.  I always wanted a summer birthday. 

I'm sure Ash is lovely.  We should all send her warm wishes and happy thoughts.

I always assumed t'other Ash was male  :-\\

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/15/10 at 1:06 pm

The only kind of ash I have a problem with is the volcanic kind...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/15/10 at 1:47 pm

The only kind of ash I have a problem with is the volcanic kind...

You don't consider me volcanic? 

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: snozberries on 06/15/10 at 1:48 pm

You don't consider me volcanic? 

I'd say you're explosive.....

Well you have an explosive personality  :D  same diff right?  ;)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Ashkicksass on 06/15/10 at 2:05 pm

I'd say you're explosive.....

Well you have an explosive personality  :D  same diff right?  ;)

You really think so?  Cause I take that as a compliment.

I think...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/15/10 at 2:20 pm

You don't consider me volcanic? 

Explosive, perhaps.. ;)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Bobo on 06/15/10 at 2:20 pm

Damn, I wish I had read what snoz said before I said it!

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/15/10 at 2:54 pm

What's up Boboi Wan Kenobi. :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Step-chan on 06/15/10 at 6:58 pm

Raining on and off all week, yeesh...

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Frank on 06/16/10 at 1:47 am

Raining on and off all week, yeesh...

rain here is normal

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Howard on 06/16/10 at 6:49 am

Good Morning. :)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Step-chan on 06/16/10 at 1:10 pm

rain here is normal

It's just when it gets severe, it plays havoc with my connection.(Usually when I really need to post something)

Subject: Re: LTE mark 2

Written By: Midas on 06/16/10 at 2:06 pm

Harley David...


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