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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: ChuckyG on 11/11/11 at 11:28 am
Primaries are less than two months away now.
Current Poll
Herman Cain currently beats "I Don't Know" by a percentage point, with Romney and Gingrinch tied after that followed by "Someone else". Based on this poll, about 30% of the Republicans don't seem to care much for any of the current crop. Each front runner seems to fall by the wayside once the media begins to look at them. Michelle Bachman is almost in last place, despite being a front runner 8 short weeks ago, Rick Perry was out front for a couple weeks and is now falling quickly.
The poll isn't who you WANT, it's who will WIN. Feel free to reply and let people know both though.
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: ChuckyG on 11/11/11 at 11:31 am
I'm guessing Mitt Romney wins it. He's the least insane of the candidates running, and most likely to pose a challenge to Obama, the rest are just way too radical for the mainstream.
Since I like none of the candidates, I'm hoping for Ron Paul, just to watch the Internet boards weep openly when he's soundly defeated.
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: philbo on 11/11/11 at 12:27 pm
I went for Romney as their most likely candidate: it's a really, seriously dire list to choose from, though (with the possible exception of a couple I've not heard of at all) - it'll be interesting to see if he calls Obama "Osama" again (unlikely, IMO, as Osama the bogeyman is dead now).
If any of them end up as president, it'll be sad inditement of the US electorate.
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/11/11 at 5:40 pm
If the course stays as it is, the only viable nominee is Mitt Romney.
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: Don Carlos on 11/11/11 at 5:52 pm
While I would just love to see either bachmann or cain, I'm betting it will be romny
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: Foo Bar on 11/12/11 at 6:37 pm
Who will get the nomination: Romney. The Republicans will be as enthused about voting for him as they were for voting for Bob Dole, and Obama will win.
Who I'd like to see get the nomination: RON PAUL. Not because he'd win in the general election, but because the debates would be awesome.
What I'd really like to see happen: The "99%" decide to form a third party and throws a Ross-Perot-sized monkey wrench into the whole kabuki show.
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/13/11 at 2:10 am
Who will get the nomination: Romney. The Republicans will be as enthused about voting for him as they were for voting for Bob Dole, and Obama will win.
Who I'd like to see get the nomination: RON PAUL. Not because he'd win in the general election, but because the debates would be awesome.
What I'd really like to see happen: The "99%" decide to form a third party and throws a Ross-Perot-sized monkey wrench into the whole kabuki show.
Maybe Ron Paul can take over from Jim Lehrer!
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: EthanM on 11/13/11 at 9:19 am
I think it's more likely that the Tea Party throws in that monkey wrench with herman cain, with romney as the gop nominee and Obama sweeping the electoral vote, although it would be really interesting to have a 5-6 candidate race. Ron Paul as the Libertarian, Cain as TP, and a 99% and maybe a green party candidate along with the traditional two parties.
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: ChuckyG on 12/06/11 at 2:47 pm
I'm guessing the person that voted Herman Cain would like to change their vote.
Interesting to note that when Cain bailed out, all the people that were backing him went straight to Newt. Is Newt going to be the "not-Romney" flavor of the month when the primaries finally start next month?
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/06/11 at 3:05 pm
I never did vote in this poll because I have no idea. Everyone kept saying Mitt from the get-go by default. I knew that the Repubs HATE him so much that they will probably go with "Anyone but Mitt." I really can't see them going with Newt either. The dude has WAY too much baggage. Jon Huntman is the only "normal" one in the bunch which is why the Repubs don't want him.
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: Tia on 12/06/11 at 3:33 pm
i voted wishful thinking. (hello, huntsman!)
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/06/11 at 8:32 pm
I might rather see Newt up there than Romney. Then again I might not. What if he wins?
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: LyricBoy on 12/07/11 at 6:56 am
Maybe I will mount a write-in campaign.
LB in 2012
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: Henk on 12/07/11 at 11:22 am
Jon Huntsman gets my vote - for no other reason than that he seems to be the least contaminated. And he's fairly young.
FTR: I don't know anything about his political points of view, and frankly: I don't care either.
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/07/11 at 11:28 am
I said Romny, and still think he'll pull it out ion the end
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: Foo Bar on 12/08/11 at 12:03 am
Jon Huntsman gets my vote - for no other reason than that he seems to be the least contaminated. And he's fairly young.
FTR: I don't know anything about his political points of view, and frankly: I don't care either.
Huntsman is unlikely to get the nod. He's too sane. He's gone on record as believing in evolution. He also believes that the scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming is the best available explanation for the observed data. He's been audibly booed during debates for these positions. He's electable in a general election, but he'll never win a primary. (A pity. Buying HUN would be like buying Cheney's HAL in 2000. And HUN could make a lot of money without needing a war. It's a decent company even if he doesn't get the nomination.)
The more I see of Newt, the more I think it might be almost as much fun to see him go up against Obama as it would be to see Ron Paul go for it. Most of his positions are strictly fabricated for the derpiest wing of the Republican base, so if I had to guess, I'd say he works for the same people Cheney was working for. Thoroughly evil, but he's at least intelligent enough to make the debates interesting.
Bah. Just wishful thinking. The three-ring reality TV show circus of debates we've seen this summer has been nothing more than a way for everyone to get up on a stage, sell a bunch of books, and funnel campaign donations to their friends and family. Notice how everyone got to be a frontrunner for a few weeks? Keep the brand name (R) in the minds of the donors, keep the money flowing in, and everyone gets their respective turn at the feeding trough for book sales and speaking engagements. The more vituperous the debates, the more money the contestants make, even as each of them is voted off the island after their 15 days of fame.
Romney will get the nomination. The campaign will be stupefyingly dull, and Obama will be re-elected by a margin slightly less than his 2008 victory.
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/08/11 at 12:40 am
Romney will get the nomination. The campaign will be stupefyingly dull, and Obama will be re-elected by a margin slightly less than his 2008 victory.
OMG. That just occurred to me.
I mean, he was governor of Massachusetts, but you don't see the governor on every newscast on every network every day.
I'd rather see Gingrich up there. At least he says weird scary sh*t to keep us entertained...but what if he wins?
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: Claybricks on 12/08/11 at 12:45 am
Startled Deer Becomes New Republican Frontrunner
Inability to Speak Considered a Plus
CONCORD, NH (The Borowitz Report) – The race for the Republican presidential nomination took an unexpected turn today as a new poll showed that a startled deer was the new GOP frontrunner.
Bucky, the red deer who is the first choice of likely Republican voters is believed to be the first woodland creature ever to lead a major party’s presidential field.
“Voters like what they see in Bucky,” said veteran political strategist Ed Rollins, who has signed on to helm the red deer’s primary campaign. “The fact that he is unable to speak is a major asset.”
In his first appearance in Concord, New Hampshire, however, the antlered candidate garnered mixed reviews for what some observers said was an unsteady performance.
Appearing frightened by the TV lights, Bucky kicked over the podium and then pranced down the hall before being subdued by a tranquilizer dart.
“Clearly he’s a little rough around the edges,” said Mr. Rollins. “But he still did better than Herman Cain.”
It was another rough day for Mr. Cain, who offered this response to a reporter’s question: “For the last time, I did not touch her down there. Oh wait, did you say ‘Libya?’”
Gov. Rick Perry also stumbled badly in a campaign appearance in Iowa, telling supporters, “If I am elected, I will find out where Iran’s nuclear weapons are. Also, where Iran is.”
Meanwhile, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted that his recent rise in the polls is not a fluke: “The American people want an adult, and no one has a stronger record of adultery than I do.”
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: Henk on 12/08/11 at 6:18 am
Huntsman is unlikely to get the nod. He's too sane. He's gone on record as believing in evolution. He also believes that the scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming is the best available explanation for the observed data. He's been audibly booed during debates for these positions. He's electable in a general election, but he'll never win a primary. (A pity. Buying HUN would be like buying Cheney's HAL in 2000. And HUN could make a lot of money without needing a war. It's a decent company even if he doesn't get the nomination.)
Nevertheless... somebody has backed me up!
And stranger things have happened in the past.
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: philbo on 12/08/11 at 6:50 am
Huntsman is unlikely to get the nod. He's too sane. He's gone on record as believing in evolution. He also believes that the scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming is the best available explanation for the observed data. He's been audibly booed during debates for these positions. He's electable in a general election, but he'll never win a primary
If proof were required that US democracy is even more, er, fudged up than pretty much any other, this is it.
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: Foo Bar on 12/09/11 at 12:00 am
If proof were required that US democracy is even more, er, fudged up than pretty much any other, this is it.
Representative democracy (i.e. constitutional republics) require an electorate composed of educated and involved thinkers. When that goes away, demogogues rule. All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again.
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/09/11 at 12:28 am
Representative democracy (i.e. constitutional republics) require an electorate composed of educated and involved thinkers. When that goes away, demogogues rule. All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again.
FOX News contemptuously referred to Elizabeth Warren, senatorial candidate from Massachusetts, as "Professor," as if to say, "We don't need none yer fancy book-learnin' around here!"
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: Foo Bar on 12/09/11 at 2:06 am
FOX News contemptuously referred to Elizabeth Warren, senatorial candidate from Massachusetts, as "Professor," as if to say, "We don't need none yer fancy book-learnin' around here!"
I tried to tell y'all that Mike Judge was a time traveler from the future, and that Idiocracy was a documentary, but nobody from my generation listened.
It's OK. Mike's classmate, Cyril M. Kornbluth, went back to 1951 and published The Marching Morons (link goes to complete text, awesome science fiction short story that's even more relevant 60 years after it was written than it was when it fell through the time portal), and nobody from that generation listened either.
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: Tia on 12/09/11 at 8:18 am
the concept behind "idiocracy" was a real zeitgeist-tapper. i wish the movie had been better, frankly, because that premise deserved to have a genius movie made out of it. but it was good enough to get the point across, which is that, yeah, idiocracy, we're pretty much there already. and the idiots are breeding.
Subject: Re: Who is going to be the Republican presidental nominee in 2012?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/09/11 at 12:35 pm
the concept behind "idiocracy" was a real zeitgeist-tapper. i wish the movie had been better, frankly, because that premise deserved to have a genius movie made out of it. but it was good enough to get the point across, which is that, yeah, idiocracy, we're pretty much there already. and the idiots are breeding.
Jeff Spicoli for Prez!