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Subject: Arab Spring Turns to Fall

Written By: LyricBoy on 09/09/11 at 7:13 pm

Read about it here

Winter is right around the corner.  Gets awful cold in the desert darkness...

Subject: Re: Arab Spring Turns to Fall

Written By: Foo Bar on 09/10/11 at 1:54 am


We were invited!  Punch was served!  Check with Poland!

Subject: Re: Arab Spring Turns to Fall

Written By: LyricBoy on 09/10/11 at 8:01 am

Here's another article from Xinhua.


Three protesters dead and 1,049 injured.  It's a familiar pattern in the Arab/Muslim world... launch a hate-filled attack and injure and kill Arabs and Muslims on a grand scale while the target of their hatred (in this case, Israelis/Jews) incur a far smaller number of casualties.

As time proceeds we shall see that the West's blind support of the so-called "Arab Spring" was a strategic blunder based on a misassessment of the revolutionaries as promoters of democratic values and peace.

Subject: Re: Arab Spring Turns to Fall

Written By: Don Carlos on 09/10/11 at 10:51 am

Would you have had the west continue to support the likes of Mubarak? 

Subject: Re: Arab Spring Turns to Fall

Written By: LyricBoy on 09/10/11 at 4:06 pm

Would you have had the west continue to support the likes of Mubarak? 

I would have had the West keep its nose out of things and let the Egyptians determine their own fate.

Like him or not, Mubarak did keep the peace with Israel as he saw war with Israel as not in the interests of his own country.  The people storming the Israeli embassy?  They don't give a damn about Egypt, all they want to do is conduct their religious-based mayhem at any cost.  That is decidedly not a value that I think the West should be promoting.

Given the established history of North Africa and the Middle East region, statistically speaking, one can expect that the replacement regimes will destabilize the region.  Say what one will about Mubarak's domestic policies or Quadaffi's past escapades, but in the 2000's, Libya and Egypt were stabilizing influences in the political scene there, especially against Muslim extremism.

We should have kept our noses out of it and then dealt with whatever outcome resulted.  Instead of actively promoting an approach that is counter to our strategic interests. 

Likewise I promote a 'hands-off' approach to Israel.  Let them solve their own security problems.  We don't need them, and they have been nothing but a source of strategic difficulty for American interests for the past 60 years.

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