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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Thank You...
Written By: Davester on 10/21/04 at 9:43 pm
  Thank you for attacking everyone but me and being my biggest promoter...
  Thank you for saving our institution, making us stronger and passing on the moral torch...
  Thank you for fundamentality weakening your military prowess and for shifting the focus from our real nuclear capability to a nation that didn't even have a facility...
  Thanks for the 80's and for taking Iraq off my hands. Its your mistake to fix, now...anyway, I needed retirement...
  Thank you America for allowing us kill you for real this time - without WMD...
  Thank you for making me a relevant player in a country where I would have otherwise been killed for speaking out...
  Thank you President Bush for making me popular again...
  Thank you for allowing me to turn my country back into an undemocratic, shell of a state without question and for your laxity. I support Bush '04....
  Thank you for showing that you don't have to be a democracy to get America's weapons, aid, and love. Also, thanks for dropping those sanctions....
  Thank you for (CLASSIFIED)....
  Thank you for all the gifts of gradititude. Bush '04!
  I sold nuclear technology to North Korea, Iran, Libya, but didn't suffer any real consequences. Thank you for not being so serious about WMD proliferation...
  Thank you for forcing my will on millions who do not want it and for dividing a nation over me...
  Thank you for supporting me even though what I do makes your life so much harder. Thank you for not crying foul about the wall and for not questioning my tactics. Thank you for being a friend and for giving me what I want, no questions asked....
  Thank you for allowing us to suck so much out of you that we, in turn, have to support your deficits...
  So from all of us here we say THANK YOU BUSH for destroying American credibility, power, and prestige so utterly that another 4 years should seal the deal.
Subject: Re: Thank You...
Written By: Tanya1976 on 10/21/04 at 11:37 pm
Thank you, D, for posting this message!
Subject: Re: Thank You...
Written By: philbo on 10/22/04 at 5:05 am
Subject: Re: Thank You...
Written By: danootaandme on 10/22/04 at 5:38 am
The truth shall set us free-when we get around to admitting it ;)
Subject: Re: Thank You...
Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/22/04 at 9:57 am
Subject: Re: Thank You...
Written By: Don Carlos on 10/22/04 at 1:36 pm
Subject: Re: Thank You...
Written By: BodaciousBoy on 10/22/04 at 6:12 pm
Yeah sure, and Kerry will go kiss North Koreas butt while depleting our military. No thanks. MY vote goes for Bush.
Subject: Re: Thank You...
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/22/04 at 8:13 pm
Nice photo album, Davester. Very poignant. I like that last one, reminds me of the Sgt. Pepper's cover art! :D
Subject: Re: Thank You...
Written By: Don Carlos on 10/23/04 at 1:45 pm
Yeah sure, and Kerry will go kiss North Koreas butt while depleting our military. No thanks. MY vote goes for Bush.
Mmmm, excuse me, but Bush hasn't done squat about North Korea. Of course not, they have the bomb. We must weaken them, by attacking Iraq.