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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/30/04 at 2:03 pm
I heard a clip of an interview with him this morning. He said that although he is voting for Kerry he stated that he loves his fans so much that he will NOT be talking any politics during his shows. It's refreshing to hear an entertainer who won't try to push thier beliefs down peoples throats :)
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/30/04 at 9:01 pm
hmmm ??? :-X
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: Mushroom on 09/30/04 at 9:19 pm
I heard a clip of an interview with him this morning. He said that although he is voting for Kerry he stated that he loves his fans so much that he will NOT be talking any politics during his shows. It's refreshing to hear an entertainer who won't try to push thier beliefs down peoples throats :)
I think that is a great way to be! I saw his Live show on A&E last week, and absolutely loved it.
I just wish that more Celebrities could be like that. I think he realizes that alienating half of his fans is not "good business".
Now if other stars (like Crosby-Nash) could do the same. I always loved their music (as CSN&Y and CS&N). But the commercials for their newest CD convinces me that I will not buy from them anymore. TNT and Viacom both banned their commercial as being "to political".
As a side note, idid you know that another of my favorite singers, Alice Cooper is supporting Bush? If the Grandfather of Goth (my term for him) can support Bush, that is saying something. :)
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/30/04 at 10:29 pm
I think that is a great way to be! I saw his Live show on A&E last week, and absolutely loved it.
I just wish that more Celebrities could be like that. I think he realizes that alienating half of his fans is not "good business".
Now if other stars (like Crosby-Nash) could do the same. I always loved their music (as CSN&Y and CS&N). But the commercials for their newest CD convinces me that I will not buy from them anymore. TNT and Viacom both banned their commercial as being "to political".
As a side note, idid you know that another of my favorite singers, Alice Cooper is supporting Bush? If the Grandfather of Goth (my term for him) can support Bush, that is saying something. :)
That's just silly. CS&N have always been political, it is part of their generation of music. Celebrities have the right to express their opinions just like anyone. If you choose not to listen to their music, watch their films, etc. because of that, your choice. But it is petty. I watch movies with Bruce Willis in them, and he is Republican.
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/30/04 at 10:46 pm
I just wish that more Celebrities could be like that. I think he realizes that alienating half of his fans is not "good business".
THAT is a very nice reply :)
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: Mushroom on 09/30/04 at 10:57 pm
That's just silly. CS&N have always been political, it is part of their generation of music. Celebrities have the right to express their opinions just like anyone. If you choose not to listen to their music, watch their films, etc. because of that, your choice. But it is petty. I watch movies with Bruce Willis in them, and he is Republican.
There is a difference between being political and being offensive.
Putting messages on the TV screen talking about Bush still not able to find his brain is more then political, it is offensive and insulting. I would not support somebody who put that in a commerical, even if it was against Kerry or Ted Kennedy. It is not political, it is immature.
And thanks R&RF. I do not have a problem with somebody stating their political leanings. But if they go into more details, they should expect some backlash. The more strongly they make their statement, the stronger backlash should be expected. Because in most cases, their fans will politically be about evenly split (like the rest of the population). Making strong statements is normally not a good career move.
If The Dixie Chicks had simply stated "We are against the war", they likely would not have alienated a large number of their fans. But they went so far beyond that, that they were in turn rejected by their base.
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/30/04 at 11:24 pm
There is a difference between being political and being offensive.
Putting messages on the TV screen talking about Bush still not able to find his brain is more then political, it is offensive and insulting. I would not support somebody who put that in a commerical, even if it was against Kerry or Ted Kennedy. It is not political, it is immature.
And thanks R&RF. I do not have a problem with somebody stating their political leanings. But if they go into more details, they should expect some backlash. The more strongly they make their statement, the stronger backlash should be expected. Because in most cases, their fans will politically be about evenly split (like the rest of the population). Making strong statements is normally not a good career move.
If The Dixie Chicks had simply stated "We are against the war", they likely would not have alienated a large number of their fans. But they went so far beyond that, that they were in turn rejected by their base.ÂÂ
You are welcome. Mushroom. I simply meant that I like Fogerty for NOT talking politics at his shows....and what happens...the libs get all pissy :-\\
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: RockandRollFan on 10/01/04 at 9:18 pm
Although I consider my political beleifs to be pointed towards the left side of the table, I think its good that people will not speak politics on their show or whatever. If they don't want to talk politics, then why should they? Also, I am sure not everyone watching these shows are really interested in politics, therefore alienating various viewers.
That is a perfect MEMO for:Linda Ronstadt, Rosie ect. :)
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/02/04 at 1:24 am
I never hear complaints from conservatives about Toby Keith, Lee Greenwood, Charlie Daniels, Darryl Whorely (or however you spell it), and the other John Cougar Mellon Scaifes going on Faux News chiming their nationalist tones. What you really mean, sir, is you wish liberal entertainers would shut up. It's like that other blonde swastika girl Laura Ingraham titled her book, "Shut up and Sing."
So maybe Fogerty doesn't want to see his records bulldozed by Mancow, or get blackballed by the brownshirts of Clear Channel. Maybe he doesn't want a bunch drunken right-wing yahoos to shout him off stage and deface his promotional posters like they did to Ronstadt. I'm not saying Fogerty ought to state his POV if he doesn't want to, but the mere fact that he is compelled to reassure the public that he won't is CRYING SHAME in the U.S.A.
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: danootaandme on 10/02/04 at 5:51 am
I never hear complaints from conservatives about Toby Keith, Lee Greenwood, Charlie Daniels, Darryl Whorely (or however you spell it), and the other John Cougar Mellon Scaifes going on Faux News chiming their nationalist tones. What you really mean, sir, is you wish liberal entertainers would shut up. It's like that other blonde swastika girl Laura Ingraham titled her book, "Shut up and Sing."
Sammy Hagar, Ted Nugent......
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/02/04 at 9:14 pm
Sammy Hagar, Ted Nugent......
I didn't know Hagar the Horrible was a right-winger, no surprise though. So is Gene Simmons...if the shoe fits!
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/03/04 at 12:02 am
So, John (Cougar) Mellencamp gets booed at a Colts game in Indiana for simply playing a song and that's okay? According to a coworker of hubby's who was there, he made no political statements, but the crowd booed him when he played "Pink Houses". What's good for the goose...
Pink Houses refers to neighborhood safe houses for revolutionary communist conspirators!
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 10/03/04 at 9:50 am
the libs get all pissy :-\\
Welcome to the real world.
The liberals of the democratic party whine more, bit** about more things, and overall are always crying about something in America. This country can never be good enough for them.
Welcome to Taxachusetts, home of liberals.
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: danootaandme on 10/05/04 at 6:23 am
Welcome to the real world.
The liberals of the democratic party whine more, bit** about more things, and overall are always crying about something in America. This country can never be good enough for them.
Welcome to Taxachusetts, home of liberals.
Wellllll..... Lookee here! There is a table out there of services that go along with the tax burden, I will try to find it. In Taxachusetts we pay, and the social services we receive tend to be much better. That includes(for all fingers pointing to welfare) unemployment, mental health, elderly services, youth programs, etc.
How tax-friendly is your state?
NEW YORK (CNN/Money) -- There are countless reasons why you choose to live where you live. The climate, the schools, the prospect for work and the proximity to a big metropolis are just a few.
But there are also state and local taxes to consider. They can make a big difference to your bottom line.
Below is a look at the average taxpayer's total state and local tax burden in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. That burden reflects what residents pay in state and local income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes and fuel taxes, among others. It also accounts for the portion of business taxes that is passed along to the consumer by way of higher prices and lower wages. (Read more about this table below.)
State-Local Tax Burdens, Calendar Year 2004
State State/Local taxes as
% of per capita income
New York 12.9%
District of Columbia 12.8%
Maine 12.3%
Ohio 11.3%
Hawaii 11.3%
Rhode Island 11.1%
Wisconsin 11.1%
Utah 10.8%
West Virginia 10.6%
Connecticut 10.6%
Minnesota 10.5%
Idaho 10.4%
Vermont 10.4%
Michigan 10.2%
Nebraska 10.2%
New Jersey 10.1%
Indiana 10.1%
Kentucky 10.0%
Georgia 10.0%
National Average 10.0%
Mississippi 10.0%
Arizona 10.0%
Washington 9.9%
Kansas 9.9%
Louisiana 9.9%
Maryland 9.9%
Arkansas 9.8%
California 9.8%
Iowa 9.8%
Montana 9.8%
New Mexico 9.7%
Nevada 9.7%
North Carolina 9.7%
Illinois 9.7%
North Dakota 9.7%
Oregon 9.5%
Pennsylvania 9.4%
Massachusetts 9.4%
Virginia 9.3%
Missouri 9.3%
Oklahoma 9.2%
Colorado 9.1%
Alabama 9.1%
South Dakota 9.0%
South Carolina 9.0%
Wyoming 8.9%
Florida 8.8%
Texas 8.7%
Tennessee 8.5%
Delaware 8.2%
New Hampshire 7.5%
Alaska 6.3%
Source: Tax Foundation, 2004
The state/local tax burden reflects what a state and its local governments collect as a percentage of per capita income. So, for example, with a state/local tax burden of 10.1 percent, the state of New Jersey and its local governments get about a tenth of what its residents make per capita.
Of course, if you live in the Garden State your personal tax burden may be higher or lower. Much will depend, as it would in any state, on whether you own your home, where in the state you live, how much you make and the source of your income.
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 10/05/04 at 6:28 am
Wellllll..... Lookee here! There is a table out there of services that go along with the tax burden, I will try to find it. In Taxachusetts we pay, but the social services we receive tend to be much better. That includes(for all fingers pointing to welfare) unemployment, mental health, elderly services, youth programs, etc.
Well duh your services would be better. It better be with those price tags! Thats why Gore isn't President also. They were talking about New Hampshire, the only northern state that voted republican in 2000, most of the people in New Hampshire are Massachusetts patriots (who tend a lot more towards republicans) who escaped the oppressive taxes.
--Look at ChuckyG's profile...he seems to think its Taxachusetts as well.
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: danootaandme on 10/05/04 at 6:37 am
Well duh your services would be better. It better be with those price tags! Thats why Gore isn't President also. They were talking about New Hampshire, the only northern state that voted republican in 2000, most of the people in New Hampshire are Massachusetts patriots (who tend a lot more towards republicans) who escaped the oppressive taxes.
--Look at ChuckyG's profile...he seems to think its Taxachusetts as well.
Georgia 10% Massachusetts 9.4% . Let he without sin cast the first stone. There is also the phenomenon of whiny New Hampshirites moving to New Hampshire, then making 1,2, and sometimes
3 hour commutes to Massachusetts because they get up there and need a job, and the jobs are here.
They come back here for their medical care, and those that send their children to private schools fight to get them into Phillips Andover.
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 10/05/04 at 10:12 am
Georgia 10% Massachusetts 9.4% . Let he without sin cast the first stone. There is also the phenomenon of whiny New Hampshirites moving to New Hampshire, then making 1,2, and sometimes
3 hour commutes to Massachusetts because they get up there and need a job, and the jobs are here.
They come back here for their medical care, and those that send their children to private schools fight to get them into Phillips Andover.
Nice try. I know the taxes in Georgia are lower, especially since you failed to mention what the 9.4 and 10% represent. Income tax? Property tax? Sales tax? What? Either way i'm moving in 2005 to Fort Worth, Texas (thank God for Lockheed) and guess what? Texas has NO INCOME TAXES. Isn't that great, longlive Texas, Alaska, Tennessee, Nevada, and all the other states that have done away with the sales or the income taxes!
Again you're stating what everyone knows, they go to New Hampshire and drive and work in Massachusetts, TO AVOID PAYING MASSACHUSETT'S TAXES. Simple isn't it? They still have to pay Massachusett's income tax (I think, not really sure, they work in Massachusetts but live in New Hampshire) but can avoid the sales and property taxes of Massachusetts i'd move to.
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: danootaandme on 10/05/04 at 10:45 am
Nice try. I know the taxes in Georgia are lower, especially since you failed to mention what the 9.4 and 10% represent. Income tax? Property tax? Sales tax? What? Either way i'm moving in 2005 to Fort Worth, Texas (thank God for Lockheed) and guess what? Texas has NO INCOME TAXES. Isn't that great, longlive Texas, Alaska, Tennessee, Nevada, and all the other states that have done away with the sales or the income taxes!
This is the problem you have, and why we get so aggravated with you. It also explains why your views are so skewed. You educate yourself on shallow soundbites, and neglect anything in depth. If you look up to the posting you will see this paragraph:
"Below is a look at the average taxpayer's total state and local tax burden in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. That burden reflects what residents pay in state and local income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes and fuel taxes, among others. It also accounts for the portion of business taxes that is passed along to the consumer by way of higher prices and lower wages. "
It would be nice to live somewhere where everything was free, but that is not the case. If you want
roads, education, healthcare, elder services, retirement, etc., it is going to cost. I am much more
interested in how the money is spent as opposed to trying to get as much as I can for nothing.
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 10/05/04 at 10:52 am
It would be nice to live somewhere where everything was free, but that is not the case. If you want
roads, education, healthcare, elder services, retirement, etc., it is going to cost. I am much more
interested in how the money is spent as opposed to trying to get as much as I can for nothing.
YES, TEXAS IS ONLY 8.7 COMPARED TO THE AVERAGE OF 10% and MASSACHUSETTS 9.4%! I can't wait to move there, good bye Georgia.
Also didn't I say Alaska, Tennessee, and Texas, and look how low on the list they are! I swear when I retire I was planning on Alaska, and that is reason more to go. I remember when I went there, everybody gets a 800 dollar check in the mail from the state government for the money they make on oil. The government doesn't keep it the people do. Would that happen in Massachusetts? Plus when I bought a whopper from Burger King for .99 cents, I remember giving them a dollar and I got a penny back which blew my mind.
<end rant>
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/05/04 at 10:59 am
Nice try. I know the taxes in Georgia are lower, especially since you failed to mention what the 9.4 and 10% represent. Income tax? Property tax? Sales tax? What? Either way i'm moving in 2005 to Fort Worth, Texas (thank God for Lockheed) and guess what? Texas has NO INCOME TAXES. Isn't that great, longlive Texas, Alaska, Tennessee, Nevada, and all the other states that have done away with the sales or the income taxes!
Again you're stating what everyone knows, they go to New Hampshire and drive and work in Massachusetts, TO AVOID PAYING MASSACHUSETT'S TAXES. Simple isn't it? They still have to pay Massachusett's income tax (I think, not really sure, they work in Massachusetts but live in New Hampshire) but can avoid the sales and property taxes of Massachusetts i'd move to.
Taxachusetts is a misnomer, an epithet that has outlived its relevance.  Taxes are lower in Massachusetts now than they were in '70s and '80s.  Of course, many communities have to charge sky high utility rates in lieu of sufficient taxes thanks to Proposition 2 1/2.  A lot of towns, like mine, regularly pass overrides just to keep essential services solvent.
Cost of living and property values are also sky high, especially in the Greater Boston area.
Social services used to be excellent in Mass.  Now they're terrible.  Food pantries and soup kitchens cannot keep up supply with demand.  Ever since so-called Welfare Reform in 1996, the rolls have dropped precipitously, but that doesn't mean independence for those who were dropped.  Many of those people just disappeared...and if you can't see it, it's not a problem, right?
Fourteen years of Republican governers have seen drastic tax cuts for corporations to keep them in the Bay State.  They leave anyway and take their jobs with them.
Meanwhile, communities all over tax-free New Hampshire are suffering crises of bad roads and bad schools.  There's movements to stop funding via property taxes and equalize school funding for every municipality.  Ha! Good luck!
Once you get out of the lower east quadrant of NH, the Massachusetts largess dries up.  Much of the state more resembles rural Maine than suburban Mass.
If you want a healthy society, you have to pay for it.
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/05/04 at 11:01 am
Well, GW, you seem to know an awful lot about places. You have something to say about Mass. NH, TX, etc. Have you ever lived in any of these places? We have quite a few people on this board who ARE from Mass. and would know first hand about the dealings in the state. We also have someone from TX who you also didn't think would know what happens in his own town. Until you have actually been there, spent some time there, don't you think that people who do live there would know a bit more about the area than you do?
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/05/04 at 11:03 am
??? <<<confused ???
Re: Pink Houses. That's a joke. Red was the adopted color of Communism, so Communists and suspected Communists got called red, later pink, or pink-o.
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: GWBush2004 on 10/05/04 at 11:03 am
New York 12.9%
Well that certainly doesn't surprise me.
Catwomen, maybe you have missed it on another thread BUT I HAVE BEEN TO EVERY STATE IN THE UNITED STATES EXCEPT WISCONSIN.
And I have lived in Texas (60's, growing up) and i'm moving back.  I can't wait too.
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/05/04 at 11:07 am
Well that certainly doesn't surprise me.
Catwomen, maybe you have missed it on another thread BUT I HAVE BEEN TO EVERY STATE IN THE UNITED STATES EXCEPT WISCONSIN.
And I have lived in Texas (60's, growing up) and i'm moving back.  I can't wait too.
Being in a state is not the same as living in one. I have been many states but I have never claimed to know the workings of the local government, or the issues that concerns the local population.
I too, have lived in TX for 7 LONG years. That is why I do not live there now.
Subject: Re: John Fogerty...MY Kind Of Liberal!
Written By: Don Carlos on 10/05/04 at 4:29 pm
GWB, welcome to Alaska. May the polar bears be kind, may the glaciars avoid your home, may the blizzards not bury you, and may you live long and enjoy the salmon runs.
Now back to the thread. First, there are entertainers who's work has always been political. Having never been much of a groupie, I don't associate music I like with artists that do it, much. The beatles, Dylan, Pete Seeger are exceptions. But I have no problem with artists blending their politics into their art. Bertolt Brecht, author of the Three Penny Opera and many more controversial plays once said "Art is not a mirror of reality but a hammer with which to shape it" (hey Philbo, did I get this one right? ;) ;) ;)). Other than that, entertainers have as much right to express their views as anyone else, in whatever venue they chose, and that goes for both Dems and Repubs (and real leftists as well).