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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: saver on 09/22/04 at 3:10 pm
Sure is emabarrassing to have a possible(yeah right) first lady wih such fire in her remarks to stuff it/shove it or whatever after her latest remarks that make her sound like a bargirl....a tough one not a 'good to see ya again'type).
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/22/04 at 3:20 pm
Sure is emabarrassing to have a possible(yeah right) first lady wih such fire in her remarks to stuff it/shove it or whatever after her latest remarks that make her sound like a bargirl....a tough one not a 'good to see ya again'type).
Another attack on Theresa! Is this the latest bull dung approacvh to avoiding the issues, like declining wages for middle and working classes, i.3 MILLION more below the poverty line, 1.4 MILLION more without health insurance, more and more dead in Iraq, and intelligence reports suggesting civil war there? Why do you repubs constantl;y bring up this trivia when the country is gooding to heII in a hand basket? Why don't you defend Lil' Georgie's record?
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/22/04 at 4:25 pm
THK is not running for President, her husband is. So she says some obnoxious things in the media, now you get a taste of what it's like to listen to Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham if you're liberal...or a conservative with a brain.
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/22/04 at 9:57 pm
WHO CARES WHAT THE WIFE SAYS??? At least she is saying something, unlike most "first ladies" who sit in the background and only get up to speak when it's something that "looks good". The only first lady I can remember having anything good to say was Nancy Reagan with her "Just say no" campaign.
Look at the favorable ratings, Laura Bush is at 67% while Teresa is in the 30's. Shes so dang annoying. Nancy was a saint, I agree there. Anyway that is a reason not to vote for Senator Kerry, we don't need another Hilliary ''Rhymes with rich'' Clinton in the White House.
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/22/04 at 10:07 pm
Oh Pesci forbid someone actually speak their mind in politics, and oh no!! Tarnation! It's a woman too!
Honestly, I feel this attitude is sexist. You can complain about that all you want, you can deny it up and down, it just looks sexist as can be in my eyes.
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/22/04 at 10:12 pm
Oh Pesci forbid someone actually speak their mind in politics, and oh no!! Tarnation! It's a woman too!
Honestly, I feel this attitude is sexist. You can complain about that all you want, you can deny it up and down, it just looks sexist as can be in my eyes.
Sexist is not liking a potential first lady running around calling people idiots, scumbags, and telling reporters to ''shove it?''
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/22/04 at 10:16 pm
Hey, I didn't make a big deal over Cheney telling a United States Senator to "f*** himself".
I like to see people being a little more honest about their opinions and feelings in politics. I think Mrs.Heinz-Kerry is awesome.
And she's got styyyle too but that is a different topic. ;)
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/22/04 at 10:22 pm
Hey, I didn't make a big deal over Cheney telling a United States Senator to "f*** himself".
And I didn't say anything about when Senator Kerry was quoted in Rolling Stone magazine as saying: ''Did I expect President Bush to f--- up as badly as he did?''
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/22/04 at 10:25 pm
Yeah but your complaining about Mrs.Heinz-Kerry now, why?
I might be a bit biased though I have to confess I have a bit of a crush on her. 8)
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: McDonald on 09/22/04 at 10:34 pm
Oh yes. How dare a woman use her notoriety to speak her mind. How dare she?! And if your stats are anywhere near correct, GW, it's sad. It's sad because it's just like the American public to favour a quiet, uninvolved housewife who does nothing but be Mrs. Geaorge W. Bush, over an independently wealthy philanthropist who's come to America from a land of opression only to succeed in life, and speaks five languages. We're lucky if Laura Bush has a pleasant command of English, and just forget about any others.
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/22/04 at 10:51 pm
Oh yes. How dare a woman use her notoriety to speak her mind. How dare she?! And if your stats are anywhere near correct, GW, it's sad. It's sad because it's just like the American public to favour a quiet, uninvolved housewife who does nothing but be Mrs. Geaorge W. Bush, over an independently wealthy philanthropist who's come to America from a land of opression only to succeed in life, and speaks five languages. We're lucky if Laura Bush has a pleasant command of English, and just forget about any others.
No one is attacking Mrs. Kerry for speaking her mind, and I think you know it too. Its sad you attack Laura for being quiet as well, can she not live the way she wants? Its just like black republicans who democrats like to label as puppets, uncle Toms, and say they are not really black. As for your philanthropist remark, read my signature. The crap you and your fellow democrats throw makes me sick, and i'm so glad you are out of power, and in every possible way, with the White House, Senate, the house, governorships, Supreme court; Americans have made their choice and it ain't democrats.
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/22/04 at 10:58 pm
No one is attacking Mrs. Kerry for speaking her mind, and I think you know it too. Its sad you attack Laura for being quiet as well, can she not live the way she wants? Its just like black republicans who democrats like to label as puppets, uncle Toms, and say they are not really black. As for your philanthropist remark, read my signature. The crap you and your fellow democrats throw makes me sick, and i'm so glad you are out of power, and in every possible way, with the White House, Senate, the house, governorships, Supreme court; Americans have made their choice and it ain't democrats.
Yes, you guys are working diligently on turning this country into a one-party dictatorship.
I see it happening here in my home state of Texas with all of this re-destricting crap.
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: McDonald on 09/22/04 at 11:15 pm
Well, I read your quote and I'm not impressed! I think you need to actually learn something about Mrs. Heinz-Kerry, besides what they tell you on Fox News, and you would know exactly what makes her a philanthropist. But judging by every other post you have ever made since I joined this forum, I am guessing you'd rather have someone else do the thinking for you. So let me be brotherly and give you a hand. The thing that makes Heinz-Kerry a philanthropist is making charity work a full time career. The thing that mkaes a Republican fat cat a non-philanthropist is that giving tax-payers' money away to corporations doesn't count as charity.
And I didn't say that there is anything wrong with huswifery, in regards to Laura Bush. But I certainly did mean that it is not as respectable an occupation for the wife of the most powerful figure in the world. And I most certainly also meant that I would rather have a first generation American success story, and a woman who speaks five languages and dedicates herself to giving to those less fortunate as our first lady and as a role model for our young girls and women! I would definitely think that would be a better role model than a woman whose only "contribution" to our society in four years was hosting a TV special on decorating the White House for Christmas!
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/22/04 at 11:55 pm
Well, I read your quote and I'm not impressed! I think you need to actually learn something about Mrs. Heinz-Kerry, besides what they tell you on Fox News, and you would know exactly what makes her a philanthropist. But judging by every other post you have ever made since I joined this forum, I am guessing you'd rather have someone else do the thinking for you. So let me be brotherly and give you a hand. The thing that makes Heinz-Kerry a philanthropist is making charity work a full time career. The thing that mkaes a Republican fat cat a non-philanthropist is that giving tax-payers' money away to corporations doesn't count as charity.
And I didn't say that there is anything wrong with huswifery, in regards to Laura Bush. But I certainly did mean that it is not as respectable an occupation for the wife of the most powerful figure in the world. And I most certainly also meant that I would rather have a first generation American success story, and a woman who speaks five languages and dedicates herself to giving to those less fortunate as our first lady and as a role model for our young girls and women! I would definitely think that would be a better role model than a woman whose only "contribution" to our society in four years was hosting a TV special on decorating the White House for Christmas!
Awesome reply. I feel the same way.
Oh and did I mention Mrs.Heinz-Kerry is an attractive lady? ;D
She's no Jackie-O..eh but she'll do...
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/23/04 at 1:15 am
Sexist is not liking a potential first lady running around calling people idiots, scumbags, and telling reporters to ''shove it?''
Since the Murdochization of our press and political discourse, there are lots of people running around out there who deserve those epithets, as for the last thing, they need to be told just how far, too.
Look at the favorable ratings, Laura Bush is at 67% while Teresa is in the 30's. Shes so dang annoying. Nancy was a saint, I agree there. Anyway that is a reason not to vote for Senator Kerry, we don't need another Hilliary ''Rhymes with rich'' Clinton in the White House.I've referred the spousal ratings to my staff statistician, Hugh K. Ayers.ÂÂ
And you're still kvetching about the Clintons. I thought the conservatives would be too happy with their recent take over of the whole government to keep bellyaching about Hillary.
No one is attacking Mrs. Kerry for speaking her mind, and I think you know it too.
I'm sorry, but I think they are. No matter what THK says, the Right is gonna dump on her. That's why I object to Kerry making ANY concessions to the Republicans. There is NOTHING he could do to stop their relentless, rotten, deceptive ad hominem attacks short of dropping out of the race and moving to Greenland.
Its sad you attack Laura for being quiet as well, can she not live the way she wants? Well, it only seems that way. Nancy, Barbara, and Laura remind me of that line from Dylan, "She talks to all the servants about man and God and law, and everybody says that she's the brains behind pa..."
Its just like black republicans who democrats like to label as puppets, uncle Toms...
Some is, som ain't.
The crap you and your fellow democrats throw makes me sick, and i'm so glad you are out of power, and in every possible way, with the White House, Senate, the house, governorships, Supreme court; Americans have made their choice and it ain't democrats.
You sound like Hannity there, it's nasty.
This election is not about Republican versus Democrat. It's about saving our democratic republic versus free-falling into a one-party corporate fascist state. I do foresee Bush either winning or usurping this election, and when he does, the America anyone over 30 can remember is over.
What our right-wing citizenry fails to realize is that we have only been saved over the past 25 years by the social capital built up by liberal governance from 1932-1980. Bush and his cronies have blown out fiscal largess with tax cuts for the rich, and an economic agenda that cedes the power of the many to the control of the corporate elite.
Over the next four years the federal courts will be packed with a far-right majority. At two, maybe three, justices of Rhenquist-Scalia-Thomas caliber will ascend to the Supreme Court. Our Bill of Rights will become a Bill of Corporate Rights. The rights of the individual as human being (not corporation) will be commensurate with the amount of wealth and property possessed by the individual.
America will descend into permanent imperial debt due to corporate mercenary military actions at the expense of the commonweal for the private profit of the elite. The only physical infrastructure we will see maintained is that which is purchased by and for private individuals. With a stripped economic infrastructure and a dearth of social benefits, our country side will become denuded, except for roving armies of bandits. Most people will flood to the major cities, where they will live desperately on the outskirts in shanty towns. Meanwhile, people with names like Bush, Cheney, and Lay will fly over it all in deluxe sports utility helicopters from gleaming skyscraper to walled off villa.
Cities such as Manilla and Sao Paolo represent the fututre state of the American state, c. 2050. So go to those polls, and vote for Mr. Bush. It's better than a guy with no moral clarity, who flip-flops and raises your taxes.
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: philbo on 09/23/04 at 4:52 am
I think THK sounds great, a real breath of fresh air - come to think of it, she seems rather like my mother (or what mum would be like if she had the odd few hundred million to throw around), if slightly less temperate in her vocabulary.
I certainly have no problems with a woman who occasionally says something inappropriate when what she actually *does* with her life is laudable. And I can wholeheartedly sympathise with her attitude to the banal, trivial and just plain stupid questions she gets asked (not to mention the ones trying to trip her up... politicians get used to this sort of thing, but ISTM that she gets riled by it, too much so for her own good - but it really does take a pretty nasty sort of person to try and turn that into an election issue).
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: saver on 09/24/04 at 4:42 pm
If Mrs. Kerry is speaking her mind(scumbag/shove it)..You could onlyimagine what would come out of her heart as it is the emotion that leads to ones words!
Now look what the opponants are grabbing at with 'Oh, Bush will probably pull a SURPRISE before the election with WE GOT BIN LADEN!"
Now we know the Dems are wishy washy!
Duh! First complaining we DON'T have him and if we DO get him it was some CONSPIRACY!!!
Kerrys' troop is drawing at straws at this point...Americans want the war stopped in a manner that we don't get drawn in that type of thing again and Kerry can't give us any hope!
It's over Johnny!
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/24/04 at 5:00 pm
If Mrs. Kerry is speaking her mind(scumbag/shove it)..You could onlyimagine what would come out of her heart as it is the emotion that leads to ones words!
Now look what the opponants are grabbing at with 'Oh, Bush will probably pull a SURPRISE before the election with WE GOT BIN LADEN!"
Now we know the Dems are wishy washy!
Duh! First complaining we DON'T have him and if we DO get him it was some CONSPIRACY!!!
Kerrys' troop is drawing at straws at this point...Americans want the war stopped in a manner that we don't get drawn in that type of thing again and Kerry can't give us any hope!
It's over Johnny!
No, our Democratic Republic will be over if Bush stays in office.
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/24/04 at 5:50 pm
And just a few days ago, Mrs. Kerry said she doesn't care about people from Arizona. Screw 'em, I guess is her attitude.
I love the title of this thread, I would love to cork Mrs. Kerry's crazy mouth.
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: Hairspray on 09/24/04 at 11:08 pm
Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Why should she put a cork in it?
It's no skin off your nose.
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: danootaandme on 09/25/04 at 6:38 am
So she mouths off, it ain't like she gets in her car, broadsides the quy and kills him.
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/25/04 at 6:50 am
So she mouths off, it ain't like she gets in her car, broadsides the quy and kills him.
At least she never killed innocent people and confessed to war crimes.
At least she never drove into the water and wait forever to call police while her friend drowned.
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: danootaandme on 09/25/04 at 8:23 am
At least she never killed innocent people and confessed to war crimes.
At least she never drove into the water and wait forever to call police while her friend drowned.
No hers was a deliberate premeditated act.
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: philbo on 09/25/04 at 8:56 am
I would love to cork Mrs. Kerry's crazy mouth.
No you wouldn't - you enjoy quoting her out of context too much, and using it as some kind of pathetic political point-scoring
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/25/04 at 9:53 am
No hers was a deliberate premeditated act.ÂÂ
Thats a pretty extreme claim. You got any proof?
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: danootaandme on 09/25/04 at 4:33 pm
Thats a pretty extreme claim. You got any proof?
I must admit it is circumstantial, her boyfriends dumps her in the morning, later that day she
runs a stop sign and rams his car, he dies. Ever feel like doing that to someone, I have, I
didn't do it, but I sure as hell felt like it.
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/25/04 at 5:00 pm
Thats a pretty extreme claim. You got any proof?
You mean, "Do you have any proof?"
And this kind of mudsling about Kerry and Kennedy, and in response about Laura Bush, is more distraction from the issues that matter.
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: Jared on 09/25/04 at 5:24 pm
The First Lady is not an elected official and has no political power. Both Laura and Theresa are irrelelvant to this election.
We need to focus on the individuals running, and saving the country from Bush and his Nazi-esque regime.
Bush was not elected to office, Gore was but Bush's brother changed the results.
This is why I think we need a law preventing blood relatives from holding office at the same time. I also feel we need a law against a blood relative of a former President from becoming President. The whole reason we have a President is to avoid thew divine right of sovereignety; unfortunately, allowing a President's son to be President is quite similar to this.
Bush is a dictator. He was not elected, has restricted freedome, circumvebted constitutional rights, has invaded a foreign country for no good reason, and is apparently anti-Muslim, given the recent Cat Stevens incident.
Theresa Heins Kerry and Laura Bush have nothing to do with any of this.
Subject: Re: put a cork in it Mrs. Kerry
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/25/04 at 6:19 pm
The First Lady is not an elected official and has no political power. Both Laura and Theresa are irrelelvant to this election.
We need to focus on the individuals running, and saving the country from Bush and his Nazi-esque regime.ÂÂ
Bush was not elected to office, Gore was but Bush's brother changed the results.ÂÂ
This is why I think we need a law preventing blood relatives from holding office at the same time. I also feel we need a law against a blood relative of a former President from becoming President. The whole reason we have a President is to avoid thew divine right of sovereignety; unfortunately, allowing a President's son to be President is quite similar to this.
Bush is a dictator. He was not elected, has restricted freedome, circumvebted constitutional rights, has invaded a foreign country for no good reason, and is apparently anti-Muslim, given the recent Cat Stevens incident.
Theresa Heins Kerry and Laura Bush have nothing to do with any of this.
I basically agree, though there were many more contributing to the conspiracy than Jeb Bush, and it was ultimately the U.S. Supreme Court who made the criminal partisan ruling that awarded Bush the presidency.