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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Mixing topics: ever wondered how God feels about Bush?
Written By: philbo on 09/22/04 at 3:55 am
Possibly the gif of the decade:
Subject: Re: Mixing topics: ever wondered how God feels about Bush?
Written By: danootaandme on 09/22/04 at 5:34 am
I was thinking the saaaammmmme thiiiiiiinnng :D Anyone for a little divine intervention?
Subject: Re: Mixing topics: ever wondered how God feels about Bush?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/22/04 at 9:33 am
A few people have thought the same thing.
Subject: Re: Mixing topics: ever wondered how God feels about Bush?
Written By: Harmonica on 09/22/04 at 11:28 am
If he feels that bad about Bush.. :(...I wonder how he feels about Kerry? >:(
Subject: Re: Mixing topics: ever wondered how God feels about Bush?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/22/04 at 11:41 am
If he feels that bad about Bush.. :(...I wonder how he feels about Kerry? >:(
He feels Paul Begala and James Carville are punishment enough for anyone!
Subject: Re: Mixing topics: ever wondered how God feels about Bush?
Written By: Jessica on 09/22/04 at 11:47 am
Possibly the gif of the decade:
I saw that on the Urban Legends site this morning.
Subject: Re: Mixing topics: ever wondered how God feels about Bush?
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/22/04 at 2:06 pm
If he feels that bad about Bush.. :(...I wonder how he feels about Kerry? >:(
Must be a lot better, Mass. didn't get hit. It sometimes actually does, and last winter wasn't too bad snow wise ;D ;)
Subject: Re: Mixing topics: ever wondered how God feels about Bush?
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/22/04 at 9:44 pm
Here is what I think they both think about eachother...
GOD: ...................(I don't exist)
BUSH: .................(I don't really believe in you I fake it to appease the evangelical voting base, I am a Straussian Social Dawinist pig who uses religion to distract the working man from real socioeconomic issues)
Subject: Re: Mixing topics: ever wondered how God feels about Bush?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/22/04 at 9:51 pm
Yeah, since we captured Sadaam. Oh, but let's put him back in power so he can continue to torture and murder people ::) I suppose Bush gets NO credit for getting rid of him, eh :D
Subject: Re: Mixing topics: ever wondered how God feels about Bush?
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/22/04 at 10:04 pm
No he doesn't, because it wasn't the right thing to do for America.
Hell, unless things change drastically, it might not have even been the right thing for Iraq. As bad as Hussein was, he did not affect America imo, and his being out of power has seemed to be worse for Iraq than his reign so far.
Subject: Re: Mixing topics: ever wondered how God feels about Bush?
Written By: philbo on 09/23/04 at 12:50 am
Yeah, since we captured Sadaam. Oh, but let's put him back in power so he can continue to torture and murder people ::) I suppose Bush gets NO credit for getting rid of him, eh :D
Certainly none at all unless and until there is something stable and better than before in Iraq.
Subject: Re: Mixing topics: ever wondered how God feels about Bush?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/23/04 at 1:00 am
Here is what I think they both think about eachother...
GOD: ...................(I don't exist)
BUSH: .................(I don't really believe in you I fake it to appease the evangelical voting base, I am a Straussian Social Dawinist pig who uses religion to distract the working man from real socioeconomic issues)
Thumbs up, dude! I would just amend God's statement to "I don't meddle in American politics." I think that's "Darwinist," unless you're from Boston, then it is "Dawinist indeed! Cheney asked Bush what he thought about Leo Strauss, and Bush said he and Laura always did like to waltz to "The Blue Danube." I'm pretty sure Bush has the Cliff's Notes for Uncle Miltie, though. Friedman, that is.
No he doesn't, because it wasn't the right thing to do for America.
Hell, unless things change drastically, it might not have even been the right thing for Iraq. As bad as Hussein was, he did not affect America imo, and his being out of power has seemed to be worse for Iraq than his reign so far.
Don't get me wrong, Saddam was veddy veddy bad man, veddy veddy bad!
But America was more than happy to use him in out game of strategic global chess. We only went after him when he stopped following orders and got h*rny for Kuwait.
The United States has no business getting on a high horse about brutal dictators as far as I'm concerned. A cursory look at history of U.S. foreign affairs will tell you why.
OR you can live in the GOP world of make-believe.
Subject: Re: Mixing topics: ever wondered how God feels about Bush?
Written By: Jared on 09/25/04 at 7:20 pm
BUSH (Looking up at God) :"Lord, I'm carrying out a new Crusade for you..d.eath to the Muslim non-believers! Isn't that what you want?"
GOD (looking down on Bush):"I KNEW I shouldn't have reincarnated Hitler..try to teach the guy his weorngness by giving him a new life......but he still goes and gets a position of power."
SATAN (looking up at Bush) :"Soon enough, Georgie Boy"
Subject: Re: Mixing topics: ever wondered how God feels about Bush?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/25/04 at 7:31 pm
BUSH (Looking up at God) :"Lord, I'm carrying out a new Crusade for you..d.eath to the Muslim non-believers! Isn't that what you want?"
GOD (looking down on Bush):"I KNEW I shouldn't have reincarnated Hitler..try to teach the guy his weorngness by giving him a new life......but he still goes and gets a position of power."
SATAN (looking up at Bush) :"Soon enough, Georgie Boy"
NEVER compare Bush to Hitler. Hitler had a mustache.ÂÂ
Say, are you trying to prevoke the wrath of certain member of this board?
Subject: Re: Mixing topics: ever wondered how God feels about Bush?
Written By: philbo on 09/29/04 at 9:14 am
Ah well, I guess it was always going to be too good to be true: