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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/19/04 at 11:49 pm
We have 5 mega corporations controlling the media, corporations control our government(in my opinion), and these same bastards are driving millions of Americans into an early grave for profit.
Due to the widening wealth gap caused by these vampires, more and more young people turn to the military because it is their only option to get by decently, and they go off and die in wars, waged for these same mega-corporations that put them in that helped to put them in that position in the first place.
These people want a complacent, consumeristic, uninformed(look at how they run the media), public at home who does not object to their adventures abroad. Unless this country takes a change of course, 30 years from now we will be living in a cleptocracy where corporations hold all the power, where we have the military as the only decently funded public institution(almost that way now), we're 10's of millions of people do not have adequate health care and housing.
Look at how they are changing the army. The army is starting to focus more and more on learning how to conduct urban warfare and riot control. These bastards want a McWorld. These corporations want to rule the world through the Almighty Dollar and control of the world's resources, and keep people down here at home. America will more and more come to resemble our old rival, the Soviet Union. A privledged upper class will live just fine, but a large underclass will be there only to prop them up, fight their imperial wars of influence abroad, and spend what little money they have until they are so deep in debt they will never get out, so these people can have their 'profits'.
This country will be a Darwinian nightmare.
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/19/04 at 11:59 pm
Right on bro'! You da man! So, I guess we'll meet you at Guantanamo Bay after the next election (is stolen). That's where we who deny the divinity of the Money God shall be quarantined!
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/20/04 at 12:01 am
Right on bro'! You da man! So, I guess we'll meet you at Guantanamo Bay after the next election (is stolen). That's where we who deny the divinity of the Money God shall be quarantined!
LOL. Are you sarcastic? Or for real? Hard to tell. ;)
If so, um, thanks.
This is just how I honestly feel about the direction of the country. Did you know 1.3 million Americans have entered poverty this year alone?
Thousands of people were unconstitutionally detained without habeus corpus after 9/11, but not a peep out of the media. The 'opposition', to Bush, is a fellow Bonesman and someone as deeply tied into the established ruling class as Bush.
What is to be done?
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/20/04 at 12:15 am
LOL. Are you sarcastic? Or for real? Hard to tell. ;)
No, you really is da man.
Have you introduced yourself to Carlos and Cat? We pretty much agree with you.
This is just how I honestly feel about the direction of the country. Did you know 1.3 million Americans have entered poverty this year alone?
Thousands of people were unconstitutionally detained without habeus corpus after 9/11, but not a peep out of the media. The 'opposition', to Bush, is a fellow Bonesman and someone as deeply tied into the established ruling class as Bush.
What is to be done?
I don't understand the paradox: According to all recent polls, more than half the electorate prefers Bush to Kerry...and yet the Republican candidates won't allow people to attend their rallies until they sign loyalty oaths. Why the insecurity? What's going on here?
:P :D
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/20/04 at 12:24 am
after the next election (is stolen).ÂÂ
Yes it will be stolen. Is this the new democratic plan, say that every election the republicans when from now on are stolen? Anyone with a brain knows Bush didn't steal the 2000 election, and lets say he did somehow know before the election that it would come down to Florida (a state which he was expected to win easily) that doesn't mean he stole it. That theory has been thrown out so many times. There is just as much proof that suggests Gore stole Pennsylvania and New Mexico in 2000, but NOOO since he was a democrat that couldn't be. Its the democratic noise machine my friend, they have you fooled. And after Bush wins in November they'll do it again, and do it every time in the future a republican wins.
I ask you Maxwell, if Bush really stole the election in 2000, when was the last time a republican won fairly in your opinion? Did Bush Sr. defeat Dukakis fairly? Did Reagan beat Mondale fairly? Or has every election the republicans won been stolen?
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/20/04 at 12:28 am
I really do not understand their insecurity.
But yeah, I have noticed Carlos and Catwoman, they are both mondo cool. I figured I'd see you reply, I've noticed you are pretty cool as well.
And you have a WASP-ish background like me.
Both my mother and father's family are 'colonial families', meaning they were here from pre-Revolution days. My mother's family came in the early 1700's, and my father's in the mid-1600s, they first came to Maryland which was largely Catholic, they were a Welsh Catholic family, fleeing the persecution of the Church of England-dominated Great Britain. I however was not raised Catholic, at some point they became Protestant. But my father's father was athiest, and his mother non-practicing protestant, and so I was raised in a home with an Athiest and an agnostic(my mother).
Anyway, I got off into a side topic about my lineage. :o lol.
Yes it will be stolen. Is this the new democratic plan, say that every election the republicans when from now on are stolen? Anyone with a brain knows Bush didn't steal the 2000 election, and lets say he did somehow know before the election that it would come down to Florida (a state which he was expected to win easily) that doesn't mean he stole it. That theory has been thrown out so many times. There is just as much proof that suggests Gore stole Pennsylvania and New Mexico in 2000, but NOOO since he was a democrat that couldn't be. Its the democratic noise machine my friend, they have you fooled. And after Bush wins in November they'll do it again, and do it every time in the future a republican wins.
I ask you Maxwell, if Bush really stole the election in 2000, when was the last time a republican won fairly in your opinion? Did Bush Sr. defeat Dukakis fairly? Did Reagan beat Mondale fairly? Or has every election the republicans won been stolen?
Psst....look up Diebold. ;)
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/20/04 at 12:40 am
Yes it will be stolen. Is this the new democratic plan, say that every election the republicans when from now on are stolen? Anyone with a brain knows Bush didn't steal the 2000 election, and lets say he did somehow know before the election that it would come down to Florida (a state which he was expected to win easily) that doesn't mean he stole it. That theory has been thrown out so many times. There is just as much proof that suggests Gore stole Pennsylvania and New Mexico in 2000, but NOOO since he was a democrat that couldn't be. Its the democratic noise machine my friend, they have you fooled. And after Bush wins in November they'll do it again, and do it every time in the future a republican wins.
I ask you Maxwell, if Bush really stole the election in 2000, when was the last time a republican won fairly in your opinion? Did Bush Sr. defeat Dukakis fairly? Did Reagan beat Mondale fairly? Or has every election the republicans won been stolen?
Reagan creamed Mondale, Bush the elder creamed Dukakis, Clinton creamed Bush the elder, thanks to Perot, then Clinton creamed Dole. Dubya's thugs stole the 2000 election in Florida. I haven't seen evidence that Gore stole PA and NM, but I'd like to see it. Imagine stealing an election only to have it stolen from YOU! Sucks to be Gore if that's the case. Sucks to be Gore, anyway...
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: Tanya1976 on 09/20/04 at 12:41 am
Thanks for posting! I'm glad you have the sense (unlike some Americans who can't see the truth) to realize that. Welcome to the neighborhood!
P.S. Gore blew it big time!
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/20/04 at 12:46 am
I really do not understand their insecurity.
But yeah, I have noticed Carlos and Catwoman, they are both mondo cool. I figured I'd see you reply, I've noticed you are pretty cool as well.
And you have a WASP-ish background like me.
Both my mother and father's family are 'colonial families', meaning they were here from pre-Revolution days. My mother's family came in the early 1700's, and my father's in the mid-1600s, they first came to Maryland which was largely Catholic, they were a Welsh Catholic family, fleeing the persecution of the Church of England-dominated Great Britain. I however was not raised Catholic, at some point they became Protestant. But my father's father was athiest, and his mother non-practicing protestant, and so I was raised in a home with an Athiest and an agnostic(my mother).
Anyway, I got off into a side topic about my lineage. :o lol.
Psst....look up Diebold. ;)
How did you know about my WASPish background?  It's not just WASP-ish, it's WASP, baby!  I've got six ancestors on the Mayflower.  I'm a descendent of Massachusetts Bay Governor Bradford, Miles Standish, and Ethan Allen!
My very Yankee grandfather turned 99 years old on Friday....it's like having a living ancestor!
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/20/04 at 12:59 am
How did you know about my WASPish background?  It's not just WASP-ish, it's WASP, baby! ÂÂ
He may have just read ''What is your hyphen?''
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/20/04 at 1:14 am
How did you know about my WASPish background? It's not just WASP-ish, it's WASP, baby! I've got six ancestors on the Mayflower. I'm a descendent of Massachusetts Bay Governor Bradford, Miles Standish, and Ethan Allen!
My very Yankee grandfather turned 99 years old on Friday....it's like having a living ancestor!
You mentioned it in the Hyphenated thread. ;)
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/20/04 at 1:19 am
You mentioned it in the Hyphenated thread. ;)
Oh yeah, I forgot about that! Duh! That was a while ago.
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: philbo on 09/20/04 at 5:17 am
There is just as much proof that suggests Gore stole Pennsylvania and New Mexico in 2000, but NOOO since he was a democrat that couldn't be. Its the democratic noise machine my friend, they have you fooled.
Please could you provide proof for that allegation: you say "just as much" proof, so I'll expect to be able to find court transcripts in the same way as for the illegality that went on in Florida. I suspect you meant the "Democrat noise machine" as a "democratic noise machine" would imply that it's the will of the people making itself heard - and it ain't a noise machine: how many times does this have to be said before it gets into your skull? Ignore hanging chads and other distractions, the voter exclusion register used in Florida was ILLEGAL and worked overwhelmingly in the Republicans' favour.
Please, PLEASE provide proof for your allegations, otherwise I (and everyone else who reads this thread) will know that you're the worst kind of mud-slinging, lie-telling, truth-ignoring blinkered hypocrite. I look forward to your reply.
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: danootaandme on 09/20/04 at 6:03 am
Please, PLEASE provide proof for your allegations, otherwise I (and everyone else who reads this thread) will know that you're the worst kind of mud-slinging, lie-telling, truth-ignoring blinkered hypocrite. I look forward to your reply.
:)Way to go Philbo! :) :)
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/20/04 at 8:59 am
Please could you provide proof for that allegation: you say "just as much" proof, so I'll expect to be able to find court transcripts in the same way as for the illegality that went on in Florida. I suspect you meant the "Democrat noise machine" as a "democratic noise machine" would imply that it's the will of the people making itself heard - and it ain't a noise machine: how many times does this have to be said before it gets into your skull? Ignore hanging chads and other distractions, the voter exclusion register used in Florida was ILLEGAL and worked overwhelmingly in the Republicans' favour.
Please, PLEASE provide proof for your allegations, otherwise I (and everyone else who reads this thread) will know that you're the worst kind of mud-slinging, lie-telling, truth-ignoring blinkered hypocrite. I look forward to your reply.
Alrighty then, first off I'm going to look real bad in this post, but theres nothing I can do about it. First off I made the mistake of saying Pennsylvania and New Mexico, when Gore really stole New Mexico and Oregon. My mistake on that.
Second, I cannot find any links on the internet about this, its unreal. Now I look stupid. But I can tell you where I read the information, it was in Bill Sammon's book: 'At Any Cost: How Gore tried to steal the election.' I read it a while back and that is where I got my information, he lays out everything, and it includes all the practices Gore did to steal the election, not just in Florida but the entire country. His actions only helped him win in Oregon and New Mexico, a state which he won by 366 votes. And personally what Gore did, trying to force all those recounts was unconstitutional.ÂÂ
In Florida (I know its not the states I was talking about):
1. Tens of thousands of voters in the Florida Panhandle, a very republican part of Florida, decided not to cast ballots when the media wrongly called the state for Gore early that night, before all the polls had closed there.
2. Over 10,000 military ballots, which always trend towards republicans, where not counted due to no mailing date.
3. Gore forced hand recounts of ballots that had no real markings. Remember how the people would hold them up to the light and look for the smallest shade of grey so they could claim it was a vote for Gore?
Now Philbo, I know you will try to discredit me because I can't link information, but there is really nothing I can do. Just buy the book is really all I can say, or find the cliff notes on it. Also what ILLEGAL activity are you talking about? The convicted felons not being able to vote? If thats the case, I think you should read Florida law, because i'm pretty sure what happened was and is legal in that state.
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: philbo on 09/20/04 at 10:14 am
No, I won't try and discredit you for not linking to the info: you've cited a source, of which I can now try and find a copy (not easy this side of the Atlantic from the look of it: I might have to get Amazon.com to post it :() I've just read throught the amazon.com reviews of the book, and it's plain to see that Bush fans think it's an accurate description of Democrat underhand practices, while Democrats call it fiction. I guess that doesn't surprise me.
Also what ILLEGAL activity are you talking about? The convicted felons not being able to vote? If thats the case, I think you should read Florida law, because i'm pretty sure what happened what legal in that state.
I know that by Florida statute convicted felons are not allowed to vote: what has been proven as far as I can tell beyond all reasonable doubt is that the lists used to remove people from the voting register were not all felons. For example the elections supervisor of Madison County, Linda Howell, was told she was excluded from the register of voters; some of the conviction dates in the data were in the future. Personally, I don't care whether the exclusions aided the Republicans or the Democrats (though because the overwhelming majority of people excluded were black, the assumption is that they would probably have favoured Gore, which is why Jeb Bush & Katherine Harris were so keen for the list to be used unexpurgated) - like I say, I don't really care who would have gained most, but I am incensed that literally tens of thousands of people were excluded from voting and hardly anyone seems to care about it.
In Florida (I know its not the states I was talking about):
1. Tens of thousands of voters in the Florida Panhandle, a very republican part of Florida, decided not to cast ballots when the media wrongly called the state for Gore early that night, before all the polls had closed there.
2. Over 10,000 military ballots, which always trend towards republicans, where not counted due to no mailing date.
3. Gore forced hand recounts of ballots that had no real markings. Remember how the people would hold them up to the light and look for the smallest shade of grey so they could claim it was a vote for Gore?
1. Gore didn't have anything to do with that: and if the result was called before the votes were counted, how can you blame anyone other than the electors themselves for believing as truth what could only be described as speculation?
2. You mean the ones that were cast after the deadline for postal ballots? I wasn't aware that there were anything like that number with *no* mailing date - ISTR that there were a bucketload that were posted too late, and the odd hundred or two for which no postmark could be found (but I could be wrong about this, it's a while back since I was reading about it)
3. Your choice of words shows your prejudice: they were trying to ensure voters were not being disenfranchised because the voting machines didn't work properly - how can you not applaud the effort of these people trying to make every vote count? Isn't that's what democracy is supposed to be about? While we're on the subject, don't you think it scandalous that the number of votes discarded (even after the hand recount) because the voting machines didn't work properly was hundreds of times the winning margin?
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/20/04 at 10:17 am
I find it truly amazing that some people will believe something that came from only ONE source but will not believe something that comes from many different sources.
BTW, El, I agree with you 100%
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: danootaandme on 09/20/04 at 10:49 am
Also what ILLEGAL activity are you talking about? The convicted felons not being able to vote? If thats the case, I think you should read Florida law, because i'm pretty sure what happened was and is legal in that state.
The actions of K. Harris and company in regards to the purging of names from the voting roles was not legal, according to federal court in which K. Harris and co. were censured. But we have been through this as infinatum. Can you hear us now?
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/20/04 at 2:18 pm
While over simplified, Eldud is on the right track. We are, more and more resembling a modern version of the last days of the Roman empire. The extent of corporate control is horrifying. Bush & company's "crony capitalism" is devestating not just our economy but our whole society. We are going to he11 in an SUV (and this is also simplistic).
What to do? Organize, vote, protest, revive the spirit of '76. As Howard Dean said, "take back America".
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: Harmonica on 09/20/04 at 2:30 pm
We have 5 mega corporations controlling the media, corporations control our government(in my opinion), and these same bastards are driving millions of Americans into an early grave for profit.
Due to the widening wealth gap caused by these vampires, more and more young people turn to the military because it is their only option to get by decently, and they go off and die in wars, waged for these same mega-corporations that put them in that helped to put them in that position in the first place.
These people want a complacent, consumeristic, uninformed(look at how they run the media), public at home who does not object to their adventures abroad. Unless this country takes a change of course, 30 years from now we will be living in a cleptocracy where corporations hold all the power, where we have the military as the only decently funded public institution(almost that way now), we're 10's of millions of people do not have adequate health care and housing.
Look at how they are changing the army. The army is starting to focus more and more on learning how to conduct urban warfare and riot control. These bastards want a McWorld. These corporations want to rule the world through the Almighty Dollar and control of the world's resources, and keep people down here at home. America will more and more come to resemble our old rival, the Soviet Union. A privledged upper class will live just fine, but a large underclass will be there only to prop them up, fight their imperial wars of influence abroad, and spend what little money they have until they are so deep in debt they will never get out, so these people can have their 'profits'.
This country will be a Darwinian nightmare.
Money is the root of all evil
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/20/04 at 2:40 pm
Money is the root of all evil
And evil is to rout to most money.
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: Mushroom on 09/20/04 at 7:53 pm
OK, then let's all make a pledge.
We will donate to charity any income that takes us over the poverty line.
After all, that is all that we really *need*, right?
Or better yet, let's take all the money away from the rich people. Barbara Streisand, she has to much money, take it away. George Lucas. Now there is the CEO of a major media corporation. Take all of his money away. Never mind that he made it himself, he is an evil exploiter, take it away.
Bill Gates, he has to much money, take it away. Same with Michael Dell. Take away his money.
Wow, I forgot about Tiger Woods. He has far to much money. I don't care if he is a minority, he is an exploiter. Take it away. Rush Limbaugh, there is another one. Take away his money.
laughs insanely
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/20/04 at 8:41 pm
I never said anything about taking anyone's wealth away. ???
Anyway, this is not partisan on my part. I see Democrats as being part of the problem in this country as well as Republicans.
This is just how I feel about the direction of our country from the way everything looks now.
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/20/04 at 10:20 pm
OK, then let's all make a pledge.
We will donate to charity any income that takes us over the poverty line.
After all, that is all that we really *need*, right?
Or better yet, let's take all the money away from the rich people. Barbara Streisand, she has to much money, take it away. George Lucas. Now there is the CEO of a major media corporation. Take all of his money away. Never mind that he made it himself, he is an evil exploiter, take it away.
Bill Gates, he has to much money, take it away. Same with Michael Dell. Take away his money.
Wow, I forgot about Tiger Woods. He has far to much money. I don't care if he is a minority, he is an exploiter. Take it away. Rush Limbaugh, there is another one. Take away his money.
laughs insanely
Let him keep his money, let's just take his ratings away! Long live Air America!
Aw, shoot, I shouldn't have said that, now I've jinxed them!
And, uh, no money isn't the root of all evil. Love of money is the root of all evil.
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: danootaandme on 09/21/04 at 2:22 pm
OK, then let's all make a pledge.
We will donate to charity any income that takes us over the poverty line.
After all, that is all that we really *need*, right?
Or better yet, let's take all the money away from the rich people. Barbara Streisand, she has to much money, take it away. George Lucas. Now there is the CEO of a major media corporation. Take all of his money away. Never mind that he made it himself, he is an evil exploiter, take it away.
Bill Gates, he has to much money, take it away. Same with Michael Dell. Take away his money.
Wow, I forgot about Tiger Woods. He has far to much money. I don't care if he is a minority, he is an exploiter. Take it away. Rush Limbaugh, there is another one. Take away his money.
laughs insanely
kneejerk rant
Subject: Re: My feelings on the direction of the country
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/21/04 at 3:12 pm
kneejerk rant
You hit it dead on.
Like I said, I never mentioned taking people's money at all.