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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/17/04 at 4:49 pm
With all these pictures people are posting here making Bush-Cheney supporters look bad I think its time we turn the tables. This picture shows a Kerry supporter and painter union thug ripping a rally sign away from a little girl (she only has a little piece of it) and you can see him crumbling it up. WARNING: Powerful stuff.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/17/04 at 5:09 pm
With all these pictures people are posting here making Bush-Cheney supporters look bad I think its time we turn the tables. This picture shows a Kerry supporter and painter union thug ripping a rally sign away from a little girl (she only has a little piece of it) and you can see him crumbling it up. WARNING: Powerful stuff.
Everything's coming up roses for the Bush campaign.  The latest Gallup poll shows Bush leading by 14 points.  They don't need to resort to such desperate tactics.  That pic is meaningless on all issues.  I'd expect it only from a campaign grasping for straws.
You do believe Bush IS way ahead and WILL win the election, right?
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: Tbullsr on 09/17/04 at 5:10 pm
Did the father beat the living crap out of that peice of crap? I certainly hope so. >:(
I hear so much about Kerry supporters keying vehichles that have Bush stickers on them. Or tearing down Bush signs or egging houses with Bush signs. For a while I wasn't sure who I was going to vote for. But thanks for helping me make up my mind liberal thugs. Truly pathetic! ÂÂÂ
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/17/04 at 5:12 pm
What pictures? This is the first I've seen ???
The picture of the women in Alabama with the Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker who got fired is one. The second being the picture posted on this website with the women getting her hair pulled at a Bush-Cheney rally in Pennsylvania because she came in and started trouble. Thats 2 examples, and I seem to think there was a third which I don't remember.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/17/04 at 5:12 pm
Did the father beat the living crap out of that peice of crap? I certainly hope so. >:(
I hear so much about Kerry supporters keying vehichles that have Bush stickers on them. Or tearing down Bush signs or egging houses with Bush signs. For a while I wasn't sure who I was going to vote for. But thanks for helping me make up my mind liberal thugs. Truly pathetic! ÂÂÂ
;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: Tbullsr on 09/17/04 at 5:14 pm
Everything's coming up roses for the Bush campaign.  The latest Gallup poll shows Bush leading by 14 points.  They don't need to resort to such desperate tactics.  That pic is meaningless on all issues.  I'd expect it only from a campaign grasping for straws.
You do believe Bush IS way ahead and WILL win the election, right?
That pic meaningless? Are you blind or just a desperate liberal? I suppose you think the pic is a fake and the C.B.S. letters are real?
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/17/04 at 5:18 pm
That pic meaningless? Are you blind or just a desperate liberal? I suppose you think the pic is a fake and the C.B.S. letters are real?
Also reall were the idiots who crashed a private Bush/Cheney party at our bar....at least when the Kerry supporters threw one a few weeks before, the Bush/Cheney supporters took the high road and respected them ;)
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/17/04 at 5:23 pm
Also reall were the idiots who crashed a private Bush/Cheney party at our bar....at least when the Kerry supporters threw one a few weeks before, the Bush/Cheney supporters took the high road and respected them ;)
You tell me to "get over" the stealing of the Presidential election in 2000, yet you can't get over some partisan dummies making trouble in a bar?
Tbullsr wrote
That pic meaningless? Are you blind or just a desperate liberal? I suppose you think the pic is a fake and the C.B.S. letters are real?
Where is the evidence of ANYTHING in that pic? Even IF the pic showed two idiots with Kerry t-shirts snatching a Bush sign out of a little girl's hands IT WOULD STILL BE MEANINGLESS TO THE ISSUES!!! Get that through your head, sil vous plait! All such a pic would demonstrate is two among millions of activist Kerry supporters are brutes. Nothing else. But the picture doesn't show even that. It's an alleged scenario that took place prior to time the picture was taken! It's like saying:
This man just got back from snorting lines of coke in the men's room.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/17/04 at 10:07 pm
You can see the Kerry-Edwards rally sign in the background, just an edge of it. Either way the man and his daughter were probably the only Bush supporters in that picture, getting picked on by the evil Kerry supports (what else is new?) I've had my Bush-Cheney yard sign stolen twice from my yard, no-doubt from some young punk who supports Kerry (and doesn't know why), who likes labor unions, gay marriage, abortion on demand, high taxes for all, anti-wal mart, Rush Limburger Sean Insannity and Bill Oh'really sayer, Nader hater, Bush hater, hater of Kerry but wants Bush out, ABB, visitor to democratic underground, Karl Rove is an evil genius who is the man behind all problems in the world believer, Michael Moore George Soros Peter Lewis and Edward Kennedy lover, and who wants to live in: Boston, San Francisco, New York, or D.C. kind of guy/girl.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/17/04 at 11:00 pm
You can see the Kerry-Edwards rally sign in the background, just an edge of it. Either way the man and his daughter were probably the only Bush supporters in that picture, getting picked on by the evil Kerry supports (what else is new?) I've had my Bush-Cheney yard sign stolen twice from my yard, no-doubt from some young punk who supports Kerry (and doesn't know why), who likes labor unions, gay marriage, abortion on demand, high taxes for all, anti-wal mart, Rush Limburger Sean Insannity and Bill Oh'really sayer, Nader hater, Bush hater, hater of Kerry but wants Bush out, ABB, visitor to democratic underground, Karl Rove is an evil genius who is the man behind all problems in the world believer, Michael Moore George Soros Peter Lewis and Edward Kennedy lover, and who wants to live in: Boston, San Francisco, New York, or D.C. kind of guy/girl.
Where did you get that photo anyway? It's just not convincing, not even for the scenario I mentioned which would only suggest there are a couple of brutes who support the Democrat ticket. So what?
I think Karl Rove has his stooges steal Bush yard signs so Bush supporters will blame Kerry supporters and get all fired up about it!
My friend, you're either becoming satirical or unhinged.
Come on, just relax. Your man's going to get sworn in again in January.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: Jessica on 09/18/04 at 12:55 am
You can see the Kerry-Edwards rally sign in the background, just an edge of it. Either way the man and his daughter were probably the only Bush supporters in that picture, getting picked on by the evil Kerry supports (what else is new?) I've had my Bush-Cheney yard sign stolen twice from my yard, no-doubt from some young punk who supports Kerry (and doesn't know why), who likes labor unions, gay marriage, abortion on demand, high taxes for all, anti-wal mart, Rush Limburger Sean Insannity and Bill Oh'really sayer, Nader hater, Bush hater, hater of Kerry but wants Bush out, ABB, visitor to democratic underground, Karl Rove is an evil genius who is the man behind all problems in the world believer, Michael Moore George Soros Peter Lewis and Edward Kennedy lover, and who wants to live in: Boston, San Francisco, New York, or D.C. kind of guy/girl.
Someone forgot to take their meds today. ::)
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cr
Written By: danootaandme on 09/18/04 at 5:59 am
I don't know, you really can't tell to much from this picture. The little girl is holding a torn sign, she's
on her fathers shoulders, the guy next to her has a piece of the sign. Any one with even half a wit
could come up with a zillion scenarios, we could all pick one. How's this, the little girl was tired and
really didn't want to be there, she's tired of holding the sign, but family values man makes her, she been picking at it and waiting to go home, she starts to rip it up, throw it down, the guy next to her feels bad for her or, can't stand the whining and gives it back to her but a piece has broken off in his hands. Oh, my
goodness, such a nice guy, I'm going to have to vote for Kerry now. ;)
How about giving us the text with the picture, or better yet video footage before you damn this guy.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/18/04 at 3:41 pm
You can see the Kerry-Edwards rally sign in the background, just an edge of it. Either way the man and his daughter were probably the only Bush supporters in that picture, getting picked on by the evil Kerry supports (what else is new?) I've had my Bush-Cheney yard sign stolen twice from my yard, no-doubt from some young punk who supports Kerry (and doesn't know why), who likes labor unions, gay marriage, abortion on demand, high taxes for all, anti-wal mart, Rush Limburger Sean Insannity and Bill Oh'really sayer, Nader hater, Bush hater, hater of Kerry but wants Bush out, ABB, visitor to democratic underground, Karl Rove is an evil genius who is the man behind all problems in the world believer, Michael Moore George Soros Peter Lewis and Edward Kennedy lover, and who wants to live in: Boston, San Francisco, New York, or D.C. kind of guy/girl.
You really seem to be going over the edge with this rant. You might want to ask your MD for some valium before you burst a vein.
My first grader walked into the room as I was looking at the picture. She asked, "What are you doing, Mom?" I said, "I'm looking at this picture, trying to figure out who made this little girl cry." She looked at it and said, "Probably whoever made her be there in front of all those people naked." (She's right, the girl probably has clothes on, but you can't tell it in the picture. So, I told her the girl is dressed you just can't see the clothes in the picture because of the way she's sitting.)
So, I asked her who she thought tore the sign... and I pointed out that the guy next to her had part of it in his hands. She looked and looked and looked, then said, "She probably tore it up, herself." I said, "You don't think this guy tried to take it away from her?" She said, "No, he looks like he's trying to cheer her up so she won't cry." (She pointed to the man's face,) "See?"
I asked her who she thought the dad was upset with, "Probably her, because she's throwing a fit up there and he's afraid she's going to fall." I said, "You don't think he's mad at the guy holding part of her sign and maybe that guy DID tear her sign?" "No. He's not even looking at the guy and he doesn't look mad at all. I already told you that he looks worried."
Then she moved her face in closer to the monitor and said, "Hey! Waitaminute! You tricked me!" I said, "How did I trick you?" She said, "That's not the little girl's sign, she's not even touching the sign! She's just tired and wants down is all." I said, "What make you think that?" She said, "The dad is holding the big part in this hand (she pointed) and a little ripped part in this hand." (she pointed again.) (I had completely missed that without my glasses on!)
So, there's how a little kid, unsullied by politics and unable to read the signs, sees the picture... EVEN when her mom tries to lead her toward "this guy tore her sign and made her cry."
After reading this I looked at the photo again, and must say "out of the mouths of babs" Your first grader is more observant than I was. This illustrates the power of pursuasion. GWB told me what I was going to see, and foolish me believed him. Your first grader was more perceptive. Encourage him/her to maintain the acquity and we will have another Sherlock Holms on out hand ;)
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/18/04 at 6:59 pm
You really seem to be going over the edge with this rant. You might want to ask your MD for some valium before you burst a vein.
Looks like our GWB pulled a Dan Rather here!
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/18/04 at 8:32 pm
Not exactly:
The dad is as big of a jerk to his kids, as the people who ripped the signs away from them. She's three. He's pulled this before, he knew it would happen, he drug her out and put her through it anyway.ÂÂÂ
Like I say, all it shows is that there are jerks in every crowd. Jerks like the ones who rip signs from children's hands, and jerks like the Dad who puts his children in danger. I wish every Kerry/Edwards supporter would be mature enough to just ignore them.
Now, this doesn't happen at pro-Bush rallies because participants have to sign loyalty oaths. You cannot get a Kerry sign into a Bush rally where Bush or other higher-ups are.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/18/04 at 9:13 pm
"out of the mouths of babs"ÂÂÂ
THAT has GOT to be a typo....because that Hollyweird witch would never have anything to do with backing a conservative ;)
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/18/04 at 9:16 pm
THAT has GOT to be a typo....because that Hollyweird witch would never have anything to do with backing a conservative ;)
Could be, but I was thinking of "Babs," as in Barbara BUSH!
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/18/04 at 9:38 pm
Could be, but I was thinking of "Babs," as in Barbara BUSH!
Nope...I was referring to Streisand...the know it all, Hates My state of Colorado (Yet vacations in Aspen and Vail), Whines...like all the liberals, about Bush, and is just a plain B*tch....THAT is the one and ONLY Babs I was talking about ;)
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/18/04 at 11:27 pm
Nope...I was referring to Streisand...the know it all, Hates My state of Colorado (Yet vacations in Aspen and Vail), Whines...like all the liberals, about Bush, and is just a plain B*tch....THAT is the one and ONLY Babs I was talking about ;)
You and I don't disagree on B.S., the difference is you seem to care what she thinks!
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/18/04 at 11:39 pm
You and I don't disagree on B.S., the difference is you seem to care what she thinks!
I appreciate that...I have a "Personal" dislike for her...being that I live in Colorado
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/19/04 at 7:45 am
MMFA comments on favorable media coverage on Porlock's counterdemonstration:
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/19/04 at 2:17 pm
THAT has GOT to be a typo....because that Hollyweird witch would never have anything to do with backing a conservative ;)
Absolutely a typo.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: Mushroom on 09/19/04 at 4:00 pm
Like I say, all it shows is that there are jerks in every crowd. Jerks like the ones who rip signs from children's hands, and jerks like the Dad who puts his children in danger.
OMG, I can't believe you just said that.
"Dad who puts his children in danger", at a Democratic political rally? Are you saying that Democrats are so violent and out of control, that they will attack anybody who opposes them?
Funny thing is, I have almost never heard of "Republicans" who start riots and throw things at the opponent's supporters. However, I have seen this over and over again from the other side. Maybe I should agree with you. If you are against Democrats, do not take your child to their rallys.
However, if you are against Republicans, feel free to take your children to their rallys.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: Mushroom on 09/19/04 at 4:16 pm
Nope...I was referring to Streisand...the know it all, Hates My state of Colorado (Yet vacations in Aspen and Vail), Whines...like all the liberals, about Bush, and is just a plain B*tch....THAT is the one and ONLY Babs I was talking about ;)
Oh dude, you don't know the HALF of it!
I was given the "opportunity" to do some computer work at her former "beach house" ranch north of Los Angeles.
That place was totally unbelievable! It was a collection of like 10-15 "cottages". Cottage heck, even the smallest of them was larger then any house I had ever lived in. There were 3 different tennis courts, what looked like a 6 or 9 hole golf course, and more antiques, electronics, and money then you could ever believe. And since this was her "private" house, almost all of the buildings were vacant most of the time.
BTW: we did not get the contract. I was there 1 time to get an idea of the lay out and what would be needed for the project. The response was favorable, and returned with my boss who was an Iranian Jew. For some reason, we never even got a return call as to the result of our bid.
This is the memory I have of "Babs" and how she lives. The classic "Limousine Liberal", taken to an extreme. More money and houses and land then she will ever be able to use, living in luxury, and whining about starving children. If she really cared, she could do something on her own. But it is easier for her to whine. She lives in mansions with her tax shelters, complaining how the "Corporate Executives" rip off the "common workers". I doubt that 1 out of 1,000,000 "Corporate Executives" live even half as well as Babs does. And most of those (Like Bill Gates) are those that founded the companies they lead.
Personally, I have no use for whining, from either side. When somebody starts to say how wrong and evil the other side is, I tune them out.
The funny thing is, I see much more of this from Liberals then Conservatives. I am still waiting for Alec Baldwin and Robert Altman to leave the US because Bush won the election. Of course, Pierre Salinger did leave to spend the rest of his life in France. But considering he has lived there for years even BEFORE the election, this does not mean a lot.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/19/04 at 4:31 pm
OMG, I can't believe you just said that.
"Dad who puts his children in danger", at a Democratic political rally? Are you saying that Democrats are so violent and out of control, that they will attack anybody who opposes them?
Funny thing is, I have almost never heard of "Republicans" who start riots and throw things at the opponent's supporters. However, I have seen this over and over again from the other side. Maybe I should agree with you. If you are against Democrats, do not take your child to their rallys.
However, if you are against Republicans, feel free to take your children to their rallys.
You're just being silly now.  A rally is a rally.  When anger runs high, there will always be a few who take it upon themselves to be violent.  It is not a partisan issue. ÂÂÂ
Mr. Porlock does what he does to get a rise out of the demonstrators.  He won't say that's why, but psychologically speaking, that is his motivation.  I'm 100% against giving Porlock the attention he seeks.  I guarantee if everybody ignored him, he would stop.
Meanwhile, the Bush admininstration so greatly hates and fears dissent they're making attendees sign loyalty oaths.  Like I say, you're not even ALLOWED into a Republican rally if you are bearing a Kerry sign. ÂÂÂ
What do you think would happen to counterdemonstrators at SBVT rallies?  If they got by security, they would get stomped for sure.  The same vitriol exists on the other side.
Many millions of people around the country feel personally threatened by the Bush Administration.  They regard Bush supporters as agents of fascism.  When they see Mr. Porlock, they attribute more power to him than he warrants.  They feel like he is the enemy.  All it takes is a few who are willing to act on these raw feelings to form a goonsquad.  I'm not saying it is right.  I am saying it is human and not limited to any political party.
Mushroom, do you respect Ann Coulter?  You talk just like her.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/19/04 at 4:36 pm
This is the memory I have of "Babs" and how she lives. The classic "Limousine Liberal", taken to an extreme. More money and houses and land then she will ever be able to use, living in luxury, and whining about starving children. If she really cared, she could do something on her own. But it is easier for her to whine. She lives in mansions with her tax shelters, complaining how the "Corporate Executives" rip off the "common workers". I doubt that 1 out of 1,000,000 "Corporate Executives" live even half as well as Babs does. And most of those (Like Bill Gates) are those that founded the companies they lead.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: Mushroom on 09/19/04 at 5:06 pm
Mr. Porlock does what he does to get a rise out of the demonstrators.
But the thing is, these were not "demonstrators". These were participants of a Kerry rally. That is a totally different thing.
I would expect this maybe if he did it in front of a bunch of the type of scum that cause problems at G-8 summit meetings, or something like that. Anarchists, Eco-terrorists, people like that I expect violence from. But these are just Kerry supporters. But they are so angry they would attack children.
What do you think would happen to counterdemonstrators at SBVT rallies?  If they got by security, they would get stomped for sure. ÂÂÂ
The same vitriol exists on the other side.
So you say. But I have seen some of those protestors. And none of them was attacked. I have never heard of attacks like this from Republicans. But then again, we are used to such tactics. We have learned to ignore them.
Many millions of people around the country feel personally threatened by the Bush Administration.  They regard Bush supporters as agents of fascism.  When they see Mr. Porlock, they attribute more power to him than he warrants.  They feel like he is the enemy.  All it takes is a few who are willing to act on these raw feelings to form a goonsquad.  I'm not saying it is right.  I am saying it is human and not limited to any political party.
Mushroom, do you respect Ann Coulter?  You talk just like her.
Well, maybe it is people saying things like this that cause that feeling. I know that while I did not approve of Clinton (mostly those were matters of personal integrity: I felt he had none), I did not feel that he was going to destroy the country or the world. I thought Carter was a weak president, but I never faulted his honest search for peace. I did not hate Gore. After all, how can I hate the man who invented the internet? And I do not hate Kerry. I just think he is CLinton Jr, who will say anything to get elected.
Your side however, sees no problem with making people villans. Reagan was a villan, Bush Sr. was a villan, Bush Jr. is a villan. Reagan wanted to destroy the world with Nuclear fire (kinda like what they claim Goldwater wanted to do) and turn the clock back 100 years. Bush Sr. wanted to turn the Middle East into a bloodbath, just to "steal Iraq's oil".
I see this over and over again. And the more I see such diatribes and insane rants, the more sure I am that I am on the right side. When the other side turns violent and angry, I know they are scared.
And yes, I do respect Anne Coulter. I also respect Tammy Bruce. And FYI, I respected Ms. Bruce before she tried to turn herself to the "conscious of the left". The attacks on her and Bernard Goldberg bother me even more then the attacks on other Conservatives.
When people who are Liberal themselves try to hold up a mirror and point out the faults of their own side and are attacked for it, I feel sorry for them. Is it any wonder why "Liberals" are afraid to dissagree with the "party line"?
BTW: I also respected Michael Moore, before be became a buffoon.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/20/04 at 1:48 am
But the thing is, these were not "demonstrators". These were participants of a Kerry rally. That is a totally different thing.
I would expect this maybe if he did it in front of a bunch of the type of scum that cause problems at G-8 summit meetings, or something like that. Anarchists, Eco-terrorists, people like that I expect violence from. But these are just Kerry supporters. But they are so angry they would attack children.
The scum that cause the problems are the political and financial elite on behalf of whom the G-8 convenes....they are the true scum of the Earth, those who steal the wealth of the world from the people.
Anyway, you insist on saying that the few who would tear a Bush sign from the hands of a child represent all Kerry supporters. To use the bad behavior of the few to tarnish the reputation of the many is a foundation of prejudice.
Mr. Porlock goes to these rallies as an agent provocateur. He uses his child as a photo op for a smear campaign for the Right. The Right relies on cheap tactics to whip the gullible and the ignorant into frenzied resentment. I only hope that little girl grows up to realize what a pr*ck the old man is.
So you say. But I have seen some of those protestors. And none of them was attacked. I have never heard of attacks like this from Republicans. But then again, we are used to such tactics. We have learned to ignore them.ÂÂÂ
Apparently the Bush campaign fears the general public so much they feel they cannot afford a "them" to ignore. Hence the required written pledge that you do indeed support Bush for re-election AND will allow your support to be publicly revealed.
Well, maybe it is people saying things like this that cause that feeling. I know that while I did not approve of Clinton (mostly those were matters of personal integrity: I felt he had none), I did not feel that he was going to destroy the country or the world. I thought Carter was a weak president, but I never faulted his honest search for peace. I did not hate Gore. After all, how can I hate the man who invented the internet? And I do not hate Kerry. I just think he is CLinton Jr, who will say anything to get elected.
Your side however, sees no problem with making people villans. Reagan was a villan, Bush Sr. was a villan, Bush Jr. is a villan. Reagan wanted to destroy the world with Nuclear fire (kinda like what they claim Goldwater wanted to do) and turn the clock back 100 years. Bush Sr. wanted to turn the Middle East into a bloodbath, just to "steal Iraq's oil".
What's all this about "my side." I described the Democratic party as a handmaiden of corporate America. I'm voting for Kerry because the Bush administration is far to corrupt, criminal, and dangerous to be in charge of the most powerful nation on Earth.
I see this over and over again. And the more I see such diatribes and insane rants, the more sure I am that I am on the right side. When the other side turns violent and angry, I know they are scared.
And yes, I do respect Anne Coulter. I also respect Tammy Bruce. And FYI, I respected Ms. Bruce before she tried to turn herself to the "conscious of the left". The attacks on her and Bernard Goldberg bother me even more then the attacks on other Conservatives.
When people who are Liberal themselves try to hold up a mirror and point out the faults of their own side and are attacked for it, I feel sorry for them. Is it any wonder why "Liberals" are afraid to dissagree with the "party line"?
I'm sorry to hear you respect Ann Coulter. I'm surprised to hear you say that. Bruce and Goldberg are one thing, Coulter is...oh, never mind!
What I find ironic is your statement about liberals and the party line. I see far less dissent and far more hierarchy and discipline among the conservative movement. Pat Buchanan has some huge disagreements with Bush, but he always makes it clear there's no way he'd ever vote Democrat. As far as liberals who criticize liberals, I am one. Period.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: philbo on 09/20/04 at 5:29 am
Having read the reports of what this jerk did, I am wholly appalled as a father that he has cynically exploited his three-year-old daughter to get some cheap publicity. It would be different if the daughter knew the significance of the sign she was holding, or was able to know she was supporting one candidate or another: but taking a three-year-old to a political rally then forcing a sign supporting the opposing party into her hand is irresponsible parenting, pure and simple. One article described him as a "father of 10" - I feel sorry for all of them, that he uses them as tools in his personal campaign.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/20/04 at 8:12 am
Having read the reports of what this jerk did, I am wholly appalled as a father that he has cynically exploited his three-year-old daughter to get some cheap publicity. It would be different if the daughter knew the significance of the sign she was holding, or was able to know she was supporting one candidate or another: but taking a three-year-old to a political rally then forcing a sign supporting the opposing party into her hand is irresponsible parenting, pure and simple. One article described him as a "father of 10" - I feel sorry for all of them, that he uses them as tools in his personal campaign.
Sounds to me like you're blaming the victim.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: philbo on 09/20/04 at 8:30 am
I'm definitely accusing the father of caring more for a cheap photo-op than for his daughter - he knew damn well what to expect (as he's pulled this sort of stunt many times before), but knowingly put his daughter into that position. That, IMO is a far, far worse offence.
So what is your position on the behaviour of the father in this instance?
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MooRocca on 09/20/04 at 8:43 am
Sounds to me like you're blaming the victim.ÂÂÂ
Sounds to me like you don't know who the victim is. Let me spell it out: The father is NOT the victim. The toddler in the photo IS the victim.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/20/04 at 2:36 pm
Sounds to me like you don't know who the victim is. Let me spell it out: The father is NOT the victim. The toddler in the photo IS the victim. ÂÂÂ
You got that right! The father should be charged with child endangerment, since he was obviously trying to provoke the kind of response he apparently got - although the response in not a certainty.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/22/04 at 9:51 pm
You got that right! The father should be charged with child endangerment, since he was obviously trying to provoke the kind of response he apparently got - although the response in not a certainty.
First off the victim is both of them. Second this is insane. Remember a week or so ago when that guy (a heckler) went to the baseball game and started annoying the players and the pitcher threw a chair and broke a women's nose. Under your logic the heckler was at fault, not the chair-thrower.
The guy going there to do what he did certainly wasn't smart, but he didn't force the Kerry supports to make as*es of themselves. To me what the Kerry supporters did was by far worse.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: McDonald on 09/22/04 at 10:59 pm
I will die of cardiac arresst if I ever see a GW post that is actually pursuant to genuine facts, issues, and concerns.
And that sad face that the father is making in that picture, looks a lot like guilt and/or shame to me... and rightly so. To use your children in such a way is shameful indeed! And perhaps the reason you don't see Democrats' children getting upset at Bush rallies, is that Democrats aren't stupid enough to bring their children!
Now, GW, I want you to go to the corner and sit there until you can think of one decent, and educated reason why we should vote for Bush. And please try not to make it a direct quote from the GOP, be an individual for a change ;).
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cr
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/22/04 at 11:08 pm
I will die of cardiac arresst if I ever see a GW post that is actually pursuant to genuine facts, issues, and concerns.
And that sad face that the father is making in that picture, looks a lot like guilt and/or shame to me... and rightly so. To use your children in such a way is shameful indeed! And perhaps the reason you don't see Democrats' children getting upset at Bush rallies, is that Democrats aren't stupid enough to bring their children!
Now, GW, I want you to go to the corner and sit there until you can think of one decent, and educated reason why we should vote for Bush. And please try not to make it a direct quote from the GOP, be an individual for a change ;).
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/23/04 at 1:20 am
I will die of cardiac arresst if I ever see a GW post that is actually pursuant to genuine facts, issues, and concerns.
Ah...this thread was designed to talk about the girl, her father, some Kerry supports, and a Bush-Cheney rally sign. You want me to just bust out and start talking about the economy or the war or terror in a thread entitled: 'Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.'? If you want to debate Kerry's before and against stance of Iraq, economy, terrorism, education, social security, enviroment, health care, and whatever else start a thread on it and don't attack me for actully staying on topic in a thread.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/23/04 at 2:02 am
And that sad face that the father is making in that picture, looks a lot like guilt and/or shame to me... and rightly so
I don't think it's guilt or shame. I think it's self-pitying self-righteousness. I think the dude fancies himself a martyr. We're living in the era of the victimized white male and the aggrieved multimillionaire crybabies!
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/23/04 at 2:04 am
What kind of a moron are you?ÂÂÂ
Take it easy, Chief. Let's everybody ease up on the personal venom a bit. I don't want the moderators to have to crack down around here.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: philbo on 09/23/04 at 5:44 am
First off the victim is both of them. Second this is insane. Remember a week or so ago when that guy (a heckler) went to the baseball game and started annoying the players and the pitcher threw a chair and broke a women's nose. Under your logic the heckler was at fault, not the chair-thrower.
No way can the father be categorised as any kind of victim in this - he is the main cause: he went and took his child in order to get precisely this sort of negative publicity and he succeeded. Your analogy is extremely weak, but if the chair had broken the heckler's nose (or rather the nose of the child he had brought along with him, rather than some unconnected bystander) it might be a closer run thing.
The guy going there to do what he did certainly wasn't smart, but he didn't force the Kerry supports to make as*es of themselves. To me what the Kerry supporters did was by far worse.
You don't have children, do you?
I don't think it's guilt or shame. I think it's self-pitying self-righteousness. I think the dude fancies himself a martyr.
Nope - it's an expression practiced in the mirror beforehand as what will look best on camera. It certainly doesn't look like he gives a damn about the little girl on his shoulders, though.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: philbo on 09/23/04 at 5:50 am
As an afterthought... what kind of world is it we live in where this sort of asinine stunt is thought of as relevant to any kind of political campaign? People are focussing on the wrong stuff, and we're getting dragged down into the back-alley of dirty politics rather than being able to discuss issues that actually matter to anybody.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/23/04 at 7:56 am
As an afterthought... what kind of world is it we live in where this sort of asinine stunt is thought of as relevant to any kind of political campaign? People are focussing on the wrong stuff, and we're getting dragged down into the back-alley of dirty politics rather than being able to discuss issues that actually matter to anybody.
Assanine stunts work. That's why Bush is going to win.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: McDonald on 09/24/04 at 12:07 am
GW, I realise that you're quite good at staying on topic in your threads... that wasn't the point. What is the point is that all your threads are, for lack of a better word this late, bull$#!t. Not one of them is consequential in any way. You know that, I know that, we all recognise that. But it's little bullshhh stories like this that will win this election for the Republicans. It's just too bad that you'll never see a penny of all that lovely they're going to make.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: philbo on 09/24/04 at 6:43 am
Asinine stunts work. That's why Bush is going to win.
And this "democracy" thing is so good, we have to invade other countries to ram it down their throats? (no, that was a rhetorical question)
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: GWBush2004 on 09/24/04 at 8:35 pm
DNC responds to picture of girl crying:
''A 3 year-old who can't control her emotions in the ordinary give-and-take of one of the most important elections of her lifetime does not belong in politics. ''So now she can't take it?'' says Carville. ''Well boo-de-hoo-de-hoo!''ÂÂÂ
It is perhaps going too far to call this girl ''vile?'' Hardly. By falsely shading the truth with his dishonest mendacious double-talking lies, President Bush has made his supports fair game. Don't like seeing 3 year-olds assaulted by a gang of Kerry supporters? Well, Bush should have thought about that when he dishonestly told false lies about the budgetary impact of his lying tax cuts for the super-duper-hyper-rich.
At least, the Kerry campaign, despite its moral superiority, is fighting back, after weeks of attacks from the dishonest Bush attack machine in tune with evil corporations. Joe Lockhart notes that one teacher described the girl as ''slovenly.'' Democrats ought to make sure this story gets around, even if their superior morality, honesty, and decency make them hesitate. Did the Bush attack machine hesitate to run the Swift boat ads?
One teacher at Upper GreenMeadow Nursery School in suburban Pittsburgh gave a painful wedgie to a 4 year-old sporting a Bush button at a class picnic. We're happy to hear it. But is it too little, to late? For too long, the lying, mendacious goon squads who control the second-grade lunch rooms and the first-grade dodgeball walls have questioned the patriotism of their classmates, enforcing unanimity and shutting them out of the debate. In the astute passage in his book ''Unto the next generation: The Loathsome, lying, brats spawned by Bush supporters'' the columnist notes how all Kerry kids are perfect, and advanced living beings.'' -Democratic Nation Committee (DNC)
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/24/04 at 8:45 pm
Oh dude, you don't know the HALF of it!
I was given the "opportunity" to do some computer work at her former "beach house" ranch north of Los Angeles.
That place was totally unbelievable! It was a collection of like 10-15 "cottages". Cottage heck, even the smallest of them was larger then any house I had ever lived in. There were 3 different tennis courts, what looked like a 6 or 9 hole golf course, and more antiques, electronics, and money then you could ever believe. And since this was her "private" house, almost all of the buildings were vacant most of the time.
BTW: we did not get the contract. I was there 1 time to get an idea of the lay out and what would be needed for the project. The response was favorable, and returned with my boss who was an Iranian Jew. For some reason, we never even got a return call as to the result of our bid.
This is the memory I have of "Babs" and how she lives. The classic "Limousine Liberal", taken to an extreme. More money and houses and land then she will ever be able to use, living in luxury, and whining about starving children. If she really cared, she could do something on her own. But it is easier for her to whine. She lives in mansions with her tax shelters, complaining how the "Corporate Executives" rip off the "common workers". I doubt that 1 out of 1,000,000 "Corporate Executives" live even half as well as Babs does. And most of those (Like Bill Gates) are those that founded the companies they lead.
Personally, I have no use for whining, from either side. When somebody starts to say how wrong and evil the other side is, I tune them out.
The funny thing is, I see much more of this from Liberals then Conservatives. I am still waiting for Alec Baldwin and Robert Altman to leave the US because Bush won the election. Of course, Pierre Salinger did leave to spend the rest of his life in France. But considering he has lived there for years even BEFORE the election, this does not mean a lot.
Well I personally LOVE what you said! Yes this DOES have to do with the REAL issues....the Hollywood liberals talk SO much CRAP about Bush it makes me sick....Clinton made ME sick but I did not whine until AFTER he was OUT! Babs is just the tip of the iceburg as far as what the hollyweird liberal represents. I would NEVER want my kids to listen to thier garbage or try and follow thier lead. they ALL suck....Rosie, Mike Farrell, Bruce SpringCRAP and the rest only having the lesson of being "Whiners" to offer kids. Thanks for being brave enough to post something HONEST about that Witch. ;)
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/24/04 at 9:00 pm
Well I personally LOVE what you said! Yes this DOES have to do with the REAL issues....the Hollywood libeerals talk SO much CRAP about Bush it makes me sick....Clinton made ME sick but I did not whine until AFTER he was OUT! Babs is just the tip of the iceburg as far as what the hollyweird liberal represents. I would NEVER want my kids to listen to thier garbage or try and follow thier lead. they ALL suck....Rosie, Mike Farrell, Bruce SpringCRAP and the rest only having the lesson of being "Whiners" to offer kids. Thanks for being brave enough to post something HONEST about that Witch. ;)
Do yourself a favor and forget about the Hollywood grudge. In the scheme of things it's nothing but a pickpocket's distraction. Hollywood liberals are inconsequential compared to the influence of the fossil fuels and financial industries. Hatred for "Babs" is about the silliest thing an American citizen could focus on at this juncture in political events. If I could reach into your mind and extract your Hollywood obsessions, I would.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/24/04 at 9:06 pm
Do yourself a favor and forget about the Hollywood grudge. In the scheme of things it's nothing but a pickpocket's distraction. Hollywood liberals are inconsequential compared to the influence of the fossil fuels and financial industries. Hatred for "Babs" is about the silliest thing an American citizen could focus on at this juncture in political events. If I could reach into your mind and extract your Hollywood obsessions, I would.
Right...Linda Ronstadt stops what she was PAID to do (Sing) to praise the idiot Michael Moore...who has tried to bust his way into rallies for Bush. NOW the music industry Libs are trying to influence kids and get thier votes as well. I am focused on these morons because they are full of CRAP....just like Billary was :P
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/24/04 at 10:46 pm
Right...Linda Ronstadt stops what she was PAID to do (Sing) to praise the idiot Michael Moore...who has tried to bust his way into rallies for Bush. NOW the music industry Libs are trying to influence kids and get thier votes as well. I am focused on these morons because they are full of CRAP....just like Billary was :P
Why should Moore have to "bust" his way into rallies for Bush? Why not just let him in? The worst he could be is unwelcome, right? If he's disruptive, security could just chuck him out, and that would be more bad press for Big Mike. I think you're feeling a bit of the resentment for Moore that we liberals felt about Limbaugh ten years ago. Of course, our gripe was much more legit as El Rushbo was taking aim at society's most vulnerable members. Oh, and Limbaugh makes Moore look like St. Augustine when it comes to lying.
Anyway, if all those casino yo-yos had behaved like grown-ups and said, "OK, that's her political opinion, I don't agree, but it's a free country," few people would even KNOW she loved "Fahrenheit 911." But noooo! They knee-jerk ballistic like the wet-brained dittoheads they are, and now the ENTIRE world knows Ms. Ronstadt's political pursuasions. And you know what? Linda's alright with me!
So you've got curses and epithets for these entertainers you don't like. I don't know why you think the outrage is worth it, but you're welcome to it.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/24/04 at 11:38 pm
Why should Moore have to "bust" his way into rallies for Bush? Why not just let him in? The worst he could be is unwelcome, right? If he's disruptive, security could just chuck him out, and that would be more bad press for Big Mike. I think you're feeling a bit of the resentment for Moore that we liberals felt about Limbaugh ten years ago. Of course, our gripe was much more legit as El Rushbo was taking aim at society's most vulnerable members. Oh, and Limbaugh makes Moore look like St. Augustine when it comes to lying.
Anyway, if all those casino yo-yos had behaved like grown-ups and said, "OK, that's her political opinion, I don't agree, but it's a free country," few people would even KNOW she loved "Fahrenheit 911." But noooo! They knee-jerk ballistic like the wet-brained dittoheads they are, and now the ENTIRE world knows Ms. Ronstadt's political pursuasions. And you know what? Linda's alright with me!
So you've got curses and epithets for these entertainers you don't like. I don't know why you think the outrage is worth it, but you're welcome to it.
My nephew was AT that Ronstadt concert..she pulled an Ellen and took up time to spew her personal/political feelings....as for fat boy....he is pushy...like Rush....but I'm just going to ignore his fat butt....just like all those disruptive Kerry fans who tried to ruin a Bush party. They all embarressed themselves by causing enough crap to get escorted out by the cops :)
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cr
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/24/04 at 11:49 pm
Funny, Conservatives seem to have no problem with celebrities like Bruce Willis, Charleton Heston, etc. expressing their political views...
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/25/04 at 12:16 am
My nephew was AT that Ronstadt concert..she pulled an Ellen and took up time to spew her personal/political feelings....as for fat boy....he is pushy...like Rush....but I'm just going to ignore his fat butt....just like all those disruptive Kerry fans who tried to ruin a Bush party. They all embarressed themselves by causing enough crap to get escorted out by the cops :)
Ayi-yi-yi! We're back to the Kerry rabble at the bar again. Was that some kind of pivotal moment in your life?
Oh, and it's always good to have a nephew or an uncle was "there," wherever "there" happens to be.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/25/04 at 9:28 am
Ayi-yi-yi! We're back to the Kerry rabble at the bar again. Was that some kind of pivotal moment in your life?
Oh, and it's always good to have a nephew or an uncle was "there," wherever "there" happens to be.
Okay...at least I have my proof that she rambled on just like Ellen did. AND....One MORE TIME...for those of you who didn't catch this before:
Had all the crap being done by Liberals been done by Conservatives I would be just as pissed...as for the bar incident...which you seem to be growing tired of hearing....it happened and it showed the Libs to be idiots (The ones who were there)...As for celebrities...Yeah sure there are ones from both sides..and YES I AM a Conservative, so of course I'm going to back them. Heston, for believing people have the right to own guns...YES! Rosie who is dead set against them but tries to FORCE her "Bloated" opinion on everyone....even enough that when guest Tom Selleck disagreed with her she had him thrown of her pathetic little show....NO!
When ASKED my opinion, I give it...instead of just trying to make everyone love and vote for Bush. Maybe the Kerry people...yes, at the bar....should've taken some notes as to having class enough to leave the Bush people ALONE. Like I said though, it must piss off the Libs because even though it's a small incident in the town I live in...it DID happen. Sorry, I dislike Moore, Springcrap and all the little celebrity cronies of thiers but it's my right to. I respect your opinion...why can't YOU respect mine :D
Subject: Kerry in 2004
Written By: Davester on 09/25/04 at 1:24 pm
  I'll trade my crying little girl for your crying little girl...
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cr
Written By: ElDuderino on 09/25/04 at 1:47 pm
Davestr, But she is not blond-haired and blue-eyed! She is an Iraqi!
Didn't you know one American life is equal to a thousand Iraqi lives?
Also, killing innocent civilians in Iraq is collateral damage, and killing civilians in America is terrorism.
You need to be educated. Watch more Faux news. ;)
/End Sarcasm
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: ReddHedd on 10/01/04 at 11:20 pm
Sorry to tell you, but this guy has pulled the same fraudulent stunt in the last four presidential campaigns. There have been stories on him in the papers every single time -- it's just that the national media didn't know about him until after this photo got posted. AND the guy in the union shirt next to him who supposedly tore up the sign turned out to be one of his sons. This guy is a Republican supporter who has run for public office a bunch of times in his home town and has never won once. He's a fraud -- and he staged all of this and made his daughter cry. She was three years old. I find that absolutely shameful. He's a stinky father who used his own children as props to perpetrate a lie. Shameful.
Next time, fact check. ;)
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/02/04 at 12:53 am
Okay...at least I have my proof that she rambled on just like Ellen did. AND....One MORE TIME...for those of you who didn't catch this before:
Had all the crap being done by Liberals been done by Conservatives I would be just as ticked...as for the bar incident...which you seem to be growing tired of hearing....it happened and it showed the Libs to be idiots (The ones who were there)...As for celebrities...Yeah sure there are ones from both sides..and YES I AM a Conservative, so of course I'm going to back them. Heston, for believing people have the right to own guns...YES! Rosie who is dead set against them but tries to FORCE her "Bloated" opinion on everyone....even enough that when guest Tom Selleck disagreed with her she had him thrown of her pathetic little show....NO!
When ASKED my opinion, I give it...instead of just trying to make everyone love and vote for Bush. Maybe the Kerry people...yes, at the bar....should've taken some notes as to having class enough to leave the Bush people ALONE. Like I said though, it must tick off the Libs because even though it's a small incident in the town I live in...it DID happen. Sorry, I dislike Moore, Springcrap and all the little celebrity cronies of thiers but it's my right to. I respect your opinion...why can't YOU respect mine :D
Springcrap ???
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/02/04 at 12:54 am
Sorry to tell you, but this guy has pulled the same fraudulent stunt in the last four presidential campaigns. There have been stories on him in the papers every single time -- it's just that the national media didn't know about him until after this photo got posted. AND the guy in the union shirt next to him who supposedly tore up the sign turned out to be one of his sons. This guy is a Republican supporter who has run for public office a bunch of times in his home town and has never won once. He's a fraud -- and he staged all of this and made his daughter cry. She was three years old. I find that absolutely shameful. He's a stinky father who used his own children as props to perpetrate a lie. Shameful.
Next time, fact check.  ;)
The whole thing was a stunt, eh? Where did you find this out? I'm intrigued!
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: ReddHedd on 10/02/04 at 9:23 pm
I live nearby and it's not exactly an enormously populated area. Plus, if you do a Lexis search on this guy, you'll find each and every article from the Charleston Gazette documenting the "The other guy's supporters ripped up my sign" claim, with a lovely photo of this guy with his kids -- his sons when they were younger in two cases, and then this years' lovely photo with his 3-year old daughter. All occurred during Presidential election years and when this guy dragged his children with him to political rallies of the opposite party to make this claim. He is a serial fraud purveyor. What, do you think, are the odds that this person had signs ripped up every single Presidential election over a 12 to 16 year period (I can't remember now whether it was the last 3 or 4 elections...it's been a while since this happened)? And in a state where people are generally still polite and mannerly in most cases and where being mean to a small child would get you pummeled senseless by the grandmothers in the audience, no matter what side you were on? I mean, really, this guy is using his own children as props in this every four years. Shameful. I've heard from a number of people who were at that rally that no one actually saw anyone grab this fellow's sign (and he was right up front on the rope line area) and that police investigations into it for assault charges could not prove that anyone was involved, and that the local union (to which the t-shirt referred) had no record of that particular person ever being a member -- no one even knew who the guy in the photo was. That's when they started getting suspicious and looking into who the young man was -- and discovered the whole thing looked like it was a fraud. No charges were ever filed against anyone. And the guy refuses to speak to anyone in the media now about what happened. But I have it from several people who live in his town that the union guy was one of his older sons. Shameful.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/02/04 at 9:45 pm
I live nearby and it's not exactly an enormously populated area. Plus, if you do a Lexis search on this guy, you'll find each and every article from the Charleston Gazette documenting the "The other guy's supporters ripped up my sign" claim, with a lovely photo of this guy with his kids -- his sons when they were younger in two cases, and then this years' lovely photo with his 3-year old daughter. All occurred during Presidential election years and when this guy dragged his children with him to political rallies of the opposite party to make this claim. He is a serial fraud purveyor. What, do you think, are the odds that this person had signs ripped up every single Presidential election over a 12 to 16 year period (I can't remember now whether it was the last 3 or 4 elections...it's been a while since this happened)? And in a state where people are generally still polite and mannerly in most cases and where being mean to a small child would get you pummeled senseless by the grandmothers in the audience, no matter what side you were on? I mean, really, this guy is using his own children as props in this every four years. Shameful. I've heard from a number of people who were at that rally that no one actually saw anyone grab this fellow's sign (and he was right up front on the rope line area) and that police investigations into it for assault charges could not prove that anyone was involved, and that the local union (to which the t-shirt referred) had no record of that particular person ever being a member -- no one even knew who the guy in the photo was. That's when they started getting suspicious and looking into who the young man was -- and discovered the whole thing looked like it was a fraud. No charges were ever filed against anyone. And the guy refuses to speak to anyone in the media now about what happened. But I have it from several people who live in his town that the union guy was one of his older sons. Shameful.
The photo itself looked completely suspicious to me. The same right-wingers on this board also posted a bogus story that Kerry was at the Vietnam Memorial and he cussed out and flipped the bird to an adversary in front of a group of children. That story came from one of the Rightie propaganda sites, newsmax.com, I think. Total fabrication.
You see what these guys do with a bogus pic like the one at the start of this thread. They use it to tar ALL Kerry supporters, and by extension, ALL Democrats as being vicious out-of-control child maulers. As I said, if the story had been true...and it's not...all it would demostrate is there are a few meanies among the millions of pro-Kerry activists. Another GOP partisan pointed out he had never seen counter-demonstrators mistreated by Republicans, and extended an invitation to liberals to come to pro-Bush rallies. Odd logic at a time when the Bush Administration requires attendees to sign loyalty oaths!
So this is a view into how the great Fox News/Limbaugh con works. Start with the bogus and extrapolate from there!
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: GWBush2004 on 10/03/04 at 9:54 am
So this is a view into how the great Fox News/Limbaugh con works. Start with the bogus and extrapolate from there!
Say it enough to make it true, eh? I'm so sick of the attacks of Fox News by the same clowns who watch nothing but CBS or CNN. It gets old. And now Limbaugh is in the crosshairs? Don't you listen to Air America? I don't try to discredit the no-doubt total garbage that comes out of their like people do with El Rushbo.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: Don Carlos on 10/03/04 at 4:12 pm
Say it enough to make it true, eh? I'm so sick of the attacks of Fox News by the same clowns who watch nothing but CBS or CNN. It gets old. And now Limbaugh is in the crosshairs? Don't you listen to Air America? I don't try to discredit the no-doubt total garbage that comes out of their like people do with El Rushbo.
As usual, you avoid the specific issue and instead attack generalizations. Clearly, the foto is a fake, in and of itself, and now we learn that the violent uninion member and Kerry supporter was the guy's son. You can't refudiate those facts, so you change the subject. You must be one of those trial lawyers you Repubs hate so much for winning suits against big companies for the little guy. Your comments are disigenuious at best.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: philbo on 10/03/04 at 4:21 pm
I think you're being too kind, DC: he's a terminally blinkered sort who is incapable of seeing anything that doesn't reinforce his preconceived stereotypes - notice that he's started a whole host of Kerry-bashing threads which have shot down one by one without him admitting he was wrong even once. He's been proven wrong so many times, yet still comes out with the same old hackneyed c**p as though it were incisive debate. Looking at what's been posted on this board, it's hard to believe that GWB (the candidate, not the sycophant) has any major following whatsoever...
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: Don Carlos on 10/03/04 at 4:24 pm
I think you're being too kind, DC: he's a terminally blinkered sort who is incapable of seeing anything that doesn't reinforce his preconceived stereotypes - notice that he's started a whole host of Kerry-bashing threads which have shot down one by one without him admitting he was wrong even once. He's been proven wrong so many times, yet still comes out with the same old hackneyed c**p as though it were incisive debate. Looking at what's been posted on this board, it's hard to believe that GWB (the candidate, not the sycophant) has any major following whatsoever...
Well, I'm pulling my punches so as not to get banned. After all, we need to show resprct for fellow posters, so have to be somewhat reserved in our posts. But thanks for your support.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/03/04 at 7:05 pm
Say it enough to make it true, eh? I'm so sick of the attacks of Fox News by the same clowns who watch nothing but CBS or CNN. It gets old. And now Limbaugh is in the crosshairs? Don't you listen to Air America? I don't try to discredit the no-doubt total garbage that comes out of their like people do with El Rushbo.
Actually, I watch far more Fox than CNN. It's sort of like a Wall Street Jerry Springer and far more amusing than the stuff proffered by Lou Dobbs and Larry King. I never watch CBS, and I've never been a fan of Dan Rather.
I listen to Al Franken whenever I can catch him. I think Air America has an affiliate down in Atlanta. If not, they're alwasy on the internet at airamerica.com. I invite you to listen to Al Franken or any other A.A. program and refute it to your heart's content.
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: philbo on 10/04/04 at 4:19 am
Well, I'm pulling my punches so as not to get banned. After all, we need to show resprct for fellow posters, so have to be somewhat reserved in our posts. But thanks for your support.
Maybe that's the tactic: get the opposition so riled by your unthinkingly boorish behaviour that they lose their rag and get banned for bad language ;)
As for respect - I would agree, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to respect the lies and innuendo that have been posted in this forum in place of any kind of reasoned debate. Take this thread as one example of that...
Subject: Re: Kerry supporter rips Bush-Cheney rally sign away from little girl and she cries.
Written By: philbo on 10/04/04 at 8:25 am
Like the "Kerry gets hit on the head with soccer ball" when it's OBVIOUS to anyone who's ever played (heck, even watched) soccer that he's "heading" the ball ::)
It's even more obvious to someone who's seen several different versions of the same pic that it's been photoshopped...