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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/02/04 at 6:33 pm
Michael Savage played a clip of Michael Moore on "The Tonight Show" yesterday, the content of which included Mr. Moore stating that when Kerry gets into office they're going to "abolish hate radio", referring to conservative talk radio. I can't find any online transcripts because according to the NBC-sponsored Tonight Show website, "we don't sell tapes or transcripts of past broadcasts.", nor does the Savage site have any info about transcripts.
Has anyone else heard anything about this? If the accounting of the comments I received is indeed accurate, I find it frightening but not surprising that someone like Moore wants to restrict the free speech of those that disagree with him to the point of legally abolishing their right to do so (via some restriction on the medium used) - the point isn't whether he can do so (obviously he can't, and I've not ever heard a comment by Kerry in that regard), rather that, in his extreme hypocrisy, he believes that's acceptable...
Subject: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: danootaandme on 09/02/04 at 6:47 pm
Michael Savage played a clip of Michael Moore on "The Tonight Show" yesterday, the content of which included Mr. Moore stating that when Kerry gets into office they're going to "abolish hate radio", referring to conservative talk radio. I can't find any online transcripts because according to the NBC-sponsored Tonight Show website, "we don't sell tapes or transcripts of past broadcasts.", nor does the Savage site have any info about transcripts.
Has anyone else heard anything about this? If the accounting of the comments I received is indeed accurate, I find it frightening but not surprising that someone like Moore wants to restrict the free speech of those that disagree with him to the point of legally abolishing their right to do so (via some restriction on the medium used) - the point isn't whether he can do so (obviously he can't, and I've not ever heard a comment by Kerry in that regard), rather that, in his extreme hypocrisy, he believes that's acceptable...
Maybe he made it up, or took it out of context, "cut and splice" I haven't heard about it and neither has anyone I asked.
Subject: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/02/04 at 6:56 pm
Michael Savage played a clip of Michael Moore on "The Tonight Show" yesterday, the content of which included Mr. Moore stating that when Kerry gets into office they're going to "abolish hate radio", referring to conservative talk radio. I can't find any online transcripts because according to the NBC-sponsored Tonight Show website, "we don't sell tapes or transcripts of past broadcasts.", nor does the Savage site have any info about transcripts.
Has anyone else heard anything about this? If the accounting of the comments I received is indeed accurate, I find it frightening but not surprising that someone like Moore wants to restrict the free speech of those that disagree with him to the point of legally abolishing their right to do so (via some restriction on the medium used) - the point isn't whether he can do so (obviously he can't, and I've not ever heard a comment by Kerry in that regard), rather that, in his extreme hypocrisy, he believes that's acceptable...
Moore was probably being sarcastic.  He knows you don't like him, and he doesn't care.  It's ironic Savage was playing Moore.  Savage does the same thing on the Right that Moore does on the Left, he shoots his mouth off.  There's a difference though.  Savage is an hysterical raging racist who can't control his temper.  The guy's got about as much sense as red ant on a hot skillet.  I wish he still had his show on MSNBC.  I think he's the perfect embodiment of the angry right-wing American male.  Savage is not so much a right-wing commentator he is as a personification of the mindf**k put over on Americans by the rest of the right-wing commentators.
I'd rather watch Savage than Joe Sourdough!
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: ChuckyG on 09/02/04 at 8:40 pm
This should have been a seperate topic, so I split it off... neat function, never did that before.
as for my take....
I doubt very much Michael Moore was talking for Kerry, and I doubt he was serious when he stated it. The first amendment protects free speach, and he knows it would never work.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/02/04 at 8:43 pm
This should have been a seperate topic, so I split it off... neat function, never did that before.
as for my take....
I doubt very much Michael Moore was talking for Kerry, and I doubt he was serious when he stated it. The first amendment protects free speach, and he knows it would never work.
Thanks for splitting this off, ChuckyG...and you guys are probably right...
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: Dagwood on 09/02/04 at 9:31 pm
Even if Kerry does win, he wouldn't be stupid enough to investigate something like that. Too many people on both sides of the aisle would be unhappy about that.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/02/04 at 10:41 pm
Michael Moore doesn't say he speaks for Kerry. Anybody who believes Michael Moore and John Kerry are plotting to censor Rush Limbaugh needs to be on a Thorazine drip. And can we get one of those for Zell Miller, too?
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/02/04 at 11:52 pm
Michael Moore doesn't say he speaks for Kerry.ÂÂ
NO....he speaks for himself and that is just fine....as long as he doesn't try to speak for ME ;)
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/03/04 at 1:31 am
NO....he speaks for himself and that is just fine....as long as he doesn't try to speak for ME ;)
Would he?
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/03/04 at 8:52 am
Would he?
Moore, the blow hard whose last movie was not fully accurate, the guy who spent time at the oscars talking about HIS political opinions instead of accepting his award and talking about TAHT....the guy who Linda Ronstadt worships so much that she follwed his lead last month and talked about HER political opinions instead of doing what she was paid to do...SING to paying customers? THAT Michael Moore? NOPE....I can think just fine without him pushing his crap down my throat ;)
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/03/04 at 4:20 pm
Michael Savage played a clip of Michael Moore on "The Tonight Show" yesterday, the content of which included Mr. Moore stating that when Kerry gets into office they're going to "abolish hate radio", referring to conservative talk radio. I can't find any online transcripts because according to the NBC-sponsored Tonight Show website, "we don't sell tapes or transcripts of past broadcasts.", nor does the Savage site have any info about transcripts.
As a teacher, I always let my students know that ALL my statements, either about the history I teach or about current political issues, reflect my bias. That's my first amendment right and my academic freedom. I also rell them that they are free to disagree with me, argue with me. challegne me, without repercusion. That's what academic debate is about. IF Moore advocated censorship, I deplore it utterly and veimently. OUR right to disagree with the powers that be, or their critice, which is easier, HAS TO BE INVIOLATE. If Moore did call for cencership he is an idiot, but I'd like to see some proof that he did. In fact, with a Bush Admin, I would think he would be among the first to be censored.
On the other hand, we already have laws against libel and slander. Spealing an opinion is, to me, sacrocanct, but speaking lies is, and should be, a crime. Free speech entails a responsibility, one that too many have ignored.
I would add, as a historian, that doing history is the art of selecting those facts that one thinks are important, and ignoring the others. It is a matter of interpretation. So the competition of interpretations is what engages us as we think about the past, the present, and the future. Think about this in terms of the issues we face: Are the tax cuts benefiting you, and stimulating the economy? Are we safer now from terroriosm than in 2000? Is "nation building in Iraq" worth the 900+ US lives lost? As the questions. Vote on your answers, no matter what they are.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: Bobby on 09/03/04 at 4:54 pm
I don't really know about Michael Moore. Is he really for the people?
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: danootaandme on 09/03/04 at 4:56 pm
Since all here are concerned about censorship then I am assuming we are all agreed that the
hastily passed Patriot Act is a anathema to democracy and should be flushed.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/03/04 at 6:45 pm
I don't really know about Michael Moore. Is he really for the people?
IMO, he is a bloated blow-hard who likes to try and force his ideals down peoples throats....but hey, if you talk to Linda Ronstadt, he's a HERO :P
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/03/04 at 8:29 pm
IMO, he is a bloated blow-hard who likes to try and force his ideals down peoples throats....but hey, if you talk to Linda Ronstadt, he's a HERO :P
Oh, and who is for "the people"? Rush Limbaugh?
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: danootaandme on 09/04/04 at 6:00 am
When I think of Michael Moore I think of "Roger and Me" and believe he did a great service
to the American worker when he made that film. When I think of Rush Limbaugh and fans
I think of the time he flashed a picture of a pig on screen and referred to it as Chelsea Clinton.
I believe she was thirteen at the time. A grown man taking potshots on national television at
a thirteen year old under the guise of political commentary! Then the family values audience
laughed! That I would think should have been enough for anyone with a child to tune him out,
turn him off. Continued shame on all of them. >:(
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/04/04 at 9:13 am
Oh, and who is for "the people"? Rush Limbaugh?
Nice try but I don't much care for Rush either...I am specifically talking about Michael Moore because that is the Topic. My opinion on Moore will not change, he's a pompous jerk who uses hollywood and his camera to run...well, walk slowly around trying to tell people what to do. He will NOT "Guilt" me into coming over to his side just because he thinks he is right....I'm not and never will become one of his zombie-like groupies :)
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: Dagwood on 09/04/04 at 10:52 am
When I think of Rush Limbaugh and fans I think of the time he flashed a picture of a pig on screen and referred to it as Chelsea Clinton. I believe she was thirteen at the time. A grown man taking potshots on national television at a thirteen year old under the guise of political commentary! Then the family values audience laughed! That I would think should have been enough for anyone with a child to tune him out, turn him off. Continued shame on all of them. >:(
I agree with you, Danoota. Politicians put themselves in the public eye and will be ridiculed by detractors. That doesn't mean open season on their families. I think this was incredibly rude of Rush and is one reason I never liked him...besides that, I don't believe in blind party faith...and his listeners seem to think that is how it is.
(I felt bad for Chelsea. She had an awkward time during her early teens, but she grew up to be a beautiful girl. People teasing her should have been b!tch slapped.)
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/04/04 at 1:34 pm
When I think of Michael Moore I think of "Roger and Me" and believe he did a great service
to the American worker when he made that film. When I think of Rush Limbaugh and fans
I think of the time he flashed a picture of a pig on screen and referred to it as Chelsea Clinton.
I believe she was thirteen at the time. A grown man taking potshots on national television at
a thirteen year old under the guise of political commentary! Then the family values audience
laughed! That I would think should have been enough for anyone with a child to tune him out,
turn him off. Continued shame on all of them. >:(
I agree with what you and Dagny have said. I never much cared for Rush or for that matter anyone who does crap like that. I would include Streisand in the mix for her labeling Colorado the Hate State years ago....just because someone doesn't agree with you gives you no right to be mean to them. Especially how she lumped us all in her statement. Moore is the same way...trying to FORCE people to do what HE believes in ::)
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: Bobby on 09/04/04 at 3:34 pm
It seems the majority of people don't like him (or what he says). My opinion of him was lowered when he politically ranted at last years (?) Oscars - I think the films are what they should be talking about.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/04/04 at 3:46 pm
I agree with what you and Dagny have said. I never much cared for Rush or for that matter anyone who does crap like that. I would include Streisand in the mix for her labeling Colorado the Hate State years ago....just because someone doesn't agree with you gives you no right to be mean to them. Especially how she lumped us all in her statement. Moore is the same way...trying to FORCE people to do what HE believes in ::)
How the h*ll is he trying to FORCE anybody to do what he believes in? Yes, he does walk around in public with a camera and confront people, so what?
Rush Limbaugh is SOOOO hated, he can't walk around in public. He can has to stick to protected environments with security and rich lackeys.
I know you said you don't like Rush, and I'm not suggesting you should like Michael Moore.
Right now, I see John Fund, who was Limbaugh's ghost writer, talking about election fraud being a problem of the Democrats, and saying there are no real problems with electronic voting machines. He's got a book called Stealing Elections. The Republican party propaganda machine is so slick and so well-funded, they call black white and day night, and have the media eat it up.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/04/04 at 4:06 pm
Moore might be abrasive to some, and his documentaries one-sided, so what?
Nice try but I don't much care for Rush either...I am specifically talking about Michael Moore because that is the Topic. My opinion on Moore will not change, he's a pompous jerk who uses hollywood and his camera to run...well, walk slowly around trying to tell people what to do. He will NOT "Guilt" me into coming over to his side just because he thinks he is right....I'm not and never will become one of his zombie-like groupies :)
That's no reason to attack him personally. Refute his slant on things by reasoned analysis of facts. And what makes you think that those who agree with his views are "Zombie-like groupies"? Thats just another personal slam.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/04/04 at 8:25 pm
Moore might be abrasive to some, and his documentaries one-sided, so what?ÂÂ
That's no reason to attack him personally. Refute his slant on things by reasoned analysis of facts. And what makes you think that those who agree with his views are "Zombie-like groupies"? Thats just another personal slam.
Abrasive and one-sided...that is where I should've left it ;)
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/04/04 at 9:30 pm
Abrasive and one-sided...that is where I should've left it ;)
Abrasive, yes, one-sided, well, sure. They are Michael Moore's "editorials." I don't agree with everything Michael Moore says, and he doesn't expect people to agree with everything he says. As for Zombie-like groupies, you've got Rush Limbaugh's dittoheads, and all the jackweeds nationwide who've been "Hannitized." I hear these clods call up Washington Journal (C-Span) and ape the same flapdoodle they hear in the right-wing media all week.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/04/04 at 9:36 pm
Abrasive, yes, one-sided, well, sure. They are Michael Moore's "editorials." I don't agree with everything Michael Moore says, and he doesn't expect people to agree with everything he says. As for Zombie-like groupies, you've got Rush Limbaugh's dittoheads, and all the jackweeds nationwide who've been "Hannitized." I hear these clods call up Washington Journal (C-Span) and ape the same flapdoodle they hear in the right-wing media all week.ÂÂ
Sure enough, I see your point....I think this may be as close as we get :)
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: Dagwood on 09/04/04 at 9:48 pm
Abrasive, yes, one-sided, well, sure. They are Michael Moore's "editorials." I don't agree with everything Michael Moore says, and he doesn't expect people to agree with everything he says. As for Zombie-like groupies, you've got Rush Limbaugh's dittoheads, and all the jackweeds nationwide who've been "Hannitized." I hear these clods call up Washington Journal (C-Span) and ape the same flapdoodle they hear in the right-wing media all week.
I am sure MM has his share of zombie followers. Just like Rush and Hannity's, it's not the entire left...just the loud part of the left. I can guarantee you there are people who like Rush and Hannity that don't agree 100% and aren't "dittoheads" or "Hanitized". (although, I don't like either of them.)
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: danootaandme on 09/05/04 at 8:22 am
(I felt bad for Chelsea. She had an awkward time during her early teens, but she grew up to be a beautiful girl. People teasing her should have been b!tch slapped.)
Bit off topic, but I have to put in a word. I feel very strongly about the way she was treated since she was
so young at the time. Saturday Night Live crew also had a field day with her. Whatever people say about Bill and Hilary, they have to give credit to how they raised their daughter, and we have to give credit to Chelsea. I read an article in which the Secret Service said how she treated them with respect, knowing their job was a tough one, and realizing that it was a fine line that they had to walk. She would have discussions with them so that she could have her space without compromising their ability to do their jobs. Very diplomatic, even in her high school years. That is not always the way with children of other first families. They did specify that that is not the way of the bushes. Chelsea is definitely a young woman to watch.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: Davester on 09/05/04 at 11:41 am
When people are being thrown out of places where they're performing (Linda Ronstadt) and being fired from Slim Fast commercials (Whoopie Goldberg), for expressing their views and the right to "free speech", we don't need the help of Michael Moore and John Kerry...
Seriously, though, RnRF, what's your real beef with Moore? His intended usurpation of a constitutionally guaranteed right, or that he is a misleading political activist that capitalizes on people's natural instinct to trust; brainwashing people into thinking like him?
Michael Moore's work does have its problems, I just don't think the conservative faithful will be so affected as to go to the effort of reclaiming their senses of personal will in order to surrender them again in two seconds to their prior opposition.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/05/04 at 4:15 pm
  When people are being thrown out of places where they're performing (Linda Ronstadt) and being fired from Slim Fast commercials (Whoopie Goldberg), for expressing their views and the right to "free speech", we don't need the help of Michael Moore and John Kerry...
  Seriously, though, RnRF, what's your real beef with Moore? His intended usurpation of a constitutionally guaranteed right, or that he is a misleading political activist that capitalizes on people's natural instinct to trust; brainwashing people into thinking like him?
  Michael Moore's work does have its problems, I just don't think the conservative faithful will be so affected as to go to the effort of reclaiming their senses of personal will in order to surrender them again in two seconds to their prior opposition.
I just tire of him especially after last years Oscars......Linda Rondstadt got booed out of a show in Vegas. As for those things, they involve celebrities being remunerated for work. Just as the rest of the freakin' workforce, it is best to keep one's religious and political affiliations and beliefs OUTSIDE of the workplace. I personally do not think they went overboard in Vegas by booting her from the hotel, but they had every right to fire her - she was not paid to make a political point, she was paid to perform.
As for Whoopi, as a spokesperson for a company, the image you project is EXACTLY what it is you're selling, and by coming out publicly about her political beliefs, she thereby alienated the other 50% of the population that disagrees with her - thereby reducing her effectiveness as a spokesperson for the company - a company that is employing someone for the purpose of being their spokesperson (via advertising), has every right to hire and fire based on the public's perception of the celebrity - Whoopi didn't get fired for being political, she got fired because her public political statement lessened the effectiveness of her as a spokesperson.
When she is a benign public figure she appeals to everyone, when she comes out in favor of or against something, that can alienate the consumers who will inevitably disagree with her.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/05/04 at 4:57 pm
Abrasive and one-sided...that is where I should've left it ;)
Thanks for agreeing. Can I ask you, are the SBVFT any more "abrasive and one sided" as Moore? Not having seen FH/9-11 I can't comment on the film, but I would just say again that all documentaries, histories, political ads, etc are biased simply by the inclusion or exclusion of facts. It is a fact that Bin Laden's relatives were "hurried" out of the country on 9/11. I don't know why nor does anyone (I presume) on this board. Nor do I know if, or how seriously, they were questioned.
I again return to my point from above. Attack the message, if you find it wanting, with fact and logic, but lets agree to avoid gratutious slams. We can disagree about politics and/or religion, but lets keep it civil, and not emulate Dick Chaney, Zell Miller, and Ahhhnold. I think to there credit, the Dems did not engage in Bush bashing to anywhere near the extent thanm Repubs engaged in Kerry bashing at the respective conventions. To me, that says something about this election.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: danootaandme on 09/05/04 at 6:00 pm
I just tire of him especially after last years Oscars......Linda Rondstadt got booed out of a show in Vegas. As for those things, they involve celebrities being remunerated for work. Just as the rest of the freakin' workforce, it is best to keep one's religious and political affiliations and beliefs OUTSIDE of the workplace. I personally do not think they went overboard in Vegas by booting her from the hotel, but they had every right to fire her - she was not paid to make a political point, she was paid to perform.
As for Whoopi, as a spokesperson for a company, the image you project is EXACTLY what it is you're selling, and by coming out publicly about her political beliefs, she thereby alienated the other 50% of the population that disagrees with her - thereby reducing her effectiveness as a spokesperson for the company - a company that is employing someone for the purpose of being their spokesperson (via advertising), has every right to hire and fire based on the public's perception of the celebrity - Whoopi didn't get fired for being political, she got fired because her public political statement lessened the effectiveness of her as a spokesperson.
When she is a benign public figure she appeals to everyone, when she comes out in favor of or against something, that can alienate the consumers who will inevitably disagree with her.
I can see the argument of Slim Fast letting her go, but Whoopie has never been a "benign public
figure" she has always been political and outspoken. What these companies must do is be more
careful to hire the people who reflect the image they want to portray. People who are upset about
Bruce Springsteen have sung his songs but haven't listened to him, he is another one who is been
very political and very outspoken about his ideas. And it's not like they are running for Governor, or
President, or mayor of Carmel or anything. Why is it when left leaning entertainers speak up it is
irritating, but when right leaning entertainers for office the are treated as the second coming?
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/05/04 at 6:24 pm
I can see the argument of Slim Fast letting her go, but Whoopie has never been a "benign public
figure" she has always been political and outspoken. What these companies must do is be more
careful to hire the people who reflect the image they want to portray. People who are upset about
Bruce Springsteen have sung his songs but haven't listened to him, he is another one who is been
very political and very outspoken about his ideas. And it's not like they are running for Governor, or
President, or mayor of Carmel or anything. Why is it when left leaning entertainers speak up it is
irritating, but when right leaning entertainers for office the are treated as the second coming?
I think it's a big disapointment to the Right that Springsteen and Willie Nelson are so far to the left. They have to make do with nincompoops like Darryl Whorely (or whatever his name is), Toby Keith, and Sarah Evans.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: Dagwood on 09/05/04 at 9:18 pm
Bit off topic, but I have to put in a word. I feel very strongly about the way she was treated since she was
so young at the time. Saturday Night Live crew also had a field day with her. Whatever people say about Bill and Hilary, they have to give credit to how they raised their daughter, and we have to give credit to Chelsea. I read an article in which the Secret Service said how she treated them with respect, knowing their job was a tough one, and realizing that it was a fine line that they had to walk. She would have discussions with them so that she could have her space without compromising their ability to do their jobs. Very diplomatic, even in her high school years. That is not always the way with children of other first families. They did specify that that is not the way of the bushes. Chelsea is definitely a young woman to watch.
I agree. They did a wonderful job with her. She seems to be an outstanding young woman. I don't ever recall seeing a negative story about her behavior. She is a good kid, despite spending her early teen years in the limelight.
I was glad when Pres Clinton asked the press to leave her alone when she went to Stanford, that they did. She deserved to be able to go to school without being hounded.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/05/04 at 9:22 pm
I can see the argument of Slim Fast letting her go, but Whoopie has never been a "benign public
figure" she has always been political and outspoken. What these companies must do is be more
careful to hire the people who reflect the image they want to portray. People who are upset about
Bruce Springsteen have sung his songs but haven't listened to him, he is another one who is been
very political and very outspoken about his ideas. And it's not like they are running for Governor, or
President, or mayor of Carmel or anything. Why is it when left leaning entertainers speak up it is
irritating, but when right leaning entertainers for office the are treated as the second coming?
I don't really live in a cave but I seriously rarerly, if ever, hear of many right leaning entertainers....given our liberal media :-\\
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: Dagwood on 09/05/04 at 9:31 pm
I don't really live in a cave but I seriously rarerly, if ever, hear of many right leaning entertainers....given our liberal media :-\\
I don't think it is the media, I think it is that they choose to be quiet about it. There are a few that show up now and then.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/06/04 at 12:22 am
I don't really live in a cave but I seriously rarerly, if ever, hear of many right leaning entertainers....given our liberal media :-\\
As Eric Alterman inquired,
"What liberal media?"
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: danootaandme on 09/06/04 at 11:01 am
I don't really live in a cave but I seriously rarerly, if ever, hear of many right leaning entertainers....given our liberal media :-\\
Ron Reagan, Clint Eastwood, Sonny Bono, George Murphy, Fred Grandy
Fred Thompson, Arnold Schwartznegger. It seems Republicans don't like to hear about
politics from liberal entertainers but get all drooly when right leanings entertainers run for office.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/06/04 at 12:24 pm
Ron Reagan, Clint Eastwood, Sonny Bono, George Murphy, Fred Grandy
Fred Thompson, Arnold Schwartznegger. It seems Republicans don't like to hear about
politics from liberal entertainers but get all drooly when right leanings entertainers run for office.
Doesn't Rush Limbaugh count as an "entertainer," or is that only when he's challenged to a debate?
And, again, what liberal media?
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: Dagwood on 09/06/04 at 12:30 pm
Doesn't Rush Limbaugh count as an "entertainer," or is that only when he's challenged to a debate?
And, again, what liberal media?
Rush Limbaugh is anything but entertaining.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/06/04 at 1:20 pm
Rush Limbaugh is anything but entertaining.
I've heard him only a few times, when I was trapped in the car and was Rush or twang, but I have to agree. He is outragous, and obnoxious and rude to people who disagree with him. A bag of hot air, but I guess some people think hot air is entertaining (???)
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: Mushroom on 09/06/04 at 1:24 pm
Oh, and who is for "the people"? Rush Limbaugh?
Well, at least I can't ever remember hearing him scream about the shutting down of other people's opinions. When "Air America" started up, and actually wished them well. I don't remember him screaming for the closure or censorship of anybody, that includes the radio shows of Jessie Jackson and Tammy Bruce. Yet, a lot of them have screamed for the closure of his show for years.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: Mushroom on 09/06/04 at 1:32 pm
When I think of Michael Moore I think of "Roger and Me" and believe he did a great service
to the American worker when he made that film.
I think the problem with Mr. Moore is that he had one truely important movie. Ever since then, he had been trying to recapture that.
He had a lot of influence, and even got a lot of respect from the "Right Wing" after that movie. He was over the top in how he did it, but he did get people talking.
The problem since then is that he has gotten more "over the top", and has started to become grossly offensive in how he does it. Now, he seems to feel that by insulting people and calling them liars, he will maintain his fame (and don't forget, he has gotten grossly wealthy from his movies and books).
Maybe someday he will realize that you do not attract people to your point of view by attacking them. I listen to some people on "the left", when they say things in a civil manner. Even when Tammy Bruce was the darling of the Left, I listened to her show. She was articulate, non-offensive, and would listen to other peoples views, even if she did not agree with them.
Maybe that is why I do not listen to people like Moore, or Frankin, or many others. When I am called a "stupid white man", or other such things, why should I listen? I am already the enemy after all.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: RockandRollFan on 09/06/04 at 2:59 pm
I think the problem with Mr. Moore is that he had one truely important movie. Ever since then, he had been trying to recapture that.
He had a lot of influence, and even got a lot of respect from the "Right Wing" after that movie. He was over the top in how he did it, but he did get people talking.
The problem since then is that he has gotten more "over the top", and has started to become grossly offensive in how he does it. Now, he seems to feel that by insulting people and calling them liars, he will maintain his fame (and don't forget, he has gotten grossly wealthy from his movies and books).
Maybe someday he will realize that you do not attract people to your point of view by attacking them. I listen to some people on "the left", when they say things in a civil manner. Even when Tammy Bruce was the darling of the Left, I listened to her show. She was articulate, non-offensive, and would listen to other peoples views, even if she did not agree with them.
Maybe that is why I do not listen to people like Moore, or Frankin, or many others. When I am called a "stupid white man", or other such things, why should I listen? I am already the enemy after all.
He's kinda like the liberal version of Rush...but he has a camera and makes movies full of lies....I also called Rush once and told him I was a liberal and asked if he thought I was a jerk for being one....he said "Of course not"...I DOUBT Mr. Moore would be as kind :P
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: RockandRollFan on 10/07/04 at 6:49 pm
Moore, a supporter of Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, is touring the country and imploring "slackers" who usually don't vote to head to the polls this year, saying they could make the difference in the presidential race.
The Michigan GOP on Tuesday asked four county prosecutors to file charges against Moore, citing an election law provision that prohibits a person from contracting with another for something of value in exchange for agreeing to vote.
As of Wednesday evening, no prosecutions had been announced.
During Moore's program, habitual nonvoters are invited on stage to pledge to vote. First-time student voters are offered gag prizes such as clean underwear.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/07/04 at 9:03 pm
Moore, a supporter of Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, is touring the country and imploring "slackers" who usually don't vote to head to the polls this year, saying they could make the difference in the presidential race.
The Michigan GOP on Tuesday asked four county prosecutors to file charges against Moore, citing an election law provision that prohibits a person from contracting with another for something of value in exchange for agreeing to vote.
As of Wednesday evening, no prosecutions had been announced.
During Moore's program, habitual nonvoters are invited on stage to pledge to vote. First-time student voters are offered gag prizes such as clean underwear.
Oh, you're making a joke. I thought for a minute you were serious. The first three paragraphs don't add up.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: RockandRollFan on 10/07/04 at 10:56 pm
Oh, you're making a joke. I thought for a minute you were serious. The first three paragraphs don't add up.
Well...IMHO, His diet paln is a joke....his "Talent" is a joke and his hatred is a joke. He IS the 2000's version of Jabba The Hut....NO Joke!
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: McDonald on 10/07/04 at 11:15 pm
This should have been a seperate topic, so I split it off... neat function, never did that before.
as for my take....
I doubt very much Michael Moore was talking for Kerry, and I doubt he was serious when he stated it. The first amendment protects free speach, and he knows it would never work.
Jeez, Chuck. I never realised you were the owner of the freakin' site! LOL. I'll remember never to piss you off to badly...lol. Not that I ever would dream of it :P.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/07/04 at 11:52 pm
Well...IMHO, His diet paln is a joke....his "Talent" is a joke and his hatred is a joke. He IS the 2000's version of Jabba The Hut....NO Joke!
Oh yeah, the Michael Moore Diet Plan. It's gonna blow the South Beach Diet out of the water, if it jumps in at the same time.
Here's your MMDP starter kit:
But seriously, RnR Fan, it's a free country with a free market of ideas, and Michael Moore's sell. People want to hear what the man has to say. What's the problem?
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: RockandRollFan on 10/07/04 at 11:56 pm
Oh yeah, the Michael Moore Diet Plan. It's gonna blow the South Beach Diet out of the water, if it jumps in at the same time.
Here's your MMDP starter kit:
But seriously, RnR Fan, it's a free country with a free market of ideas, and Michael Moore's sell. People want to hear what the man has to say. What's the problem?
Well...had the Conservatives gotten a Hollyweird guy to make a Hate-Clinton movie packed FULL of lies....they would've jailed his butt...it's just hypocrisy I tells ya, Max ::)
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/08/04 at 12:10 am
Well...had the Conservatives gotten a Hollyweird guy to make a Hate-Clinton movie packed FULL of lies....they would've jailed his butt...it's just hypocrisy I tells ya, Max ::)
If that was true, Ken Starr would still be in the clink!
I keeps tellin' youse consoivatives over and over and over again, "Fahrenheit 9/11" didn't do anything the Faux News Channel, Rush Limbaugh, and the Regnery books don't do day in day out, year in year out.  The Left starts playing the same game and Right just screams like stuck pigs.  That is one sorry state of affairs.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: RockandRollFan on 10/08/04 at 8:58 am
If that was true, Ken Starr would still be in the clink!
I keeps tellin' youse consoivatives over and over and over again, "Fahrenheit 9/11" didn't do anything the Faux News Channel, Rush Limbaugh, and the Regnery books don't do day in day out, year in year out.  The Left starts playing the same game and Right just screams like stuck pigs.  That is one sorry state of affairs.
I HATED Ken Starr! I don't think ALL Libs love Moore...but I also know that the Fox news channel people don't go all over the country on a tour to promote thier little BS shows!
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: ChuckyG on 10/08/04 at 9:37 am
Jeez, Chuck. I never realised you were the owner of the freakin' site! LOL. I'll remember never to tick you off to badly...lol. Not that I ever would dream of it :P.
oh don't worry about that... we only ban spammers and people who personally attack others (or violate other system rules repeatedly).
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: ChuckyG on 10/08/04 at 9:40 am
I HATED Ken Starr! I don't think ALL Libs love Moore...but I also know that the Fox news channel people don't go all over the country on a tour to promote thier little BS shows!
they don't have to. They own several media outlets and newspapers to do that.
you've got to let go of the Moore fixation. Most people on the left ignore O'Reilly, Limbaugh and the rest of the right's most ridiculous talking heads. I think the Republicans spend more time listening to Moore than anyone else does.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: Cheeky Ferret on 10/09/04 at 2:25 pm
Dude where's my country is a like a breathe of fresh air. I have learned a hell of a lot from Michael Moore about the relationship between Bush and the Bin Laden family... I have been so shocked I am shocked as I honestly didn't think anything Bush could possible do could shock me any more.. :o :o :o :o :o :o
I love the man. I am sick of listening to the justifications of us terrorising middle eastern countries for little to no reason and i am glad that the truth is outing finally.
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/09/04 at 8:14 pm
I HATED Ken Starr! I don't think ALL Libs love Moore...but I also know that the Fox news channel people don't go all over the country on a tour to promote thier little BS shows!
Uhhh...you might wanna do a little research before leaping to that conclusion. You think? Maybe? Just a little?
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: RockandRollFan on 10/10/04 at 10:31 am
Uhhh...you might wanna do a little research before leaping to that conclusion. You think? Maybe? Just a little?
What...I Hate Ken Star...okay that's done...I don't think all the libs love Moore....okay...done....OH...okay...Fox news doesn't go around promoting themselves (According to ChuckyG, and I agree, they don't Have to)...okay. I was simply saying that I don't like Moore AND I didn't like Ken Starr. Gee, I thought the libs would like my honesty...but I suppose I have to LIKE Moore before I can be respected ::)
Subject: Re: Micheal Moore Censoring Talk Radio
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/10/04 at 10:48 am
What...I Hate Ken Star...okay that's done...I don't think all the libs love Moore....okay...done....OH...okay...Fox news doesn't go around promoting themselves (According to ChuckyG, and I agree, they don't Have to)...okay. I was simply saying that I don't like Moore AND I didn't like Ken Starr. Gee, I thought the libs would like my honesty...but I suppose I have to LIKE Moore before I can be respected ::)
No, it was about thing about people from Fox News NOT going around promoting themselves...that was the questionable part.