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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: Mushroom on 08/17/04 at 10:03 am
I found this interesting tidbit on-line today.
In short, it states that the key to the 2000 results in FLorida came from voters in Israel.
The thing that frustrated people in 2000 is that after election day results were counted, Gore was ahead by 202 votes. However, after the overseas ballots were counted, Bush was ahead by 537 votes. A lot of people think this was largely due to campaigning among the over 12,000 expatriate Americans living in Israel.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: LyricBoy on 08/17/04 at 11:54 am
I found this interesting tidbit on-line today.
In short, it states that the key to the 2000 results in FLorida came from voters in Israel.
The thing that frustrated people in 2000 is that after election day results were counted, Gore was ahead by 202 votes. However, after the overseas ballots were counted, Bush was ahead by 537 votes. A lot of people think this was largely due to campaigning among the over 12,000 expatriate Americans living in Israel.
My understanding is that military people overseas (for whatever reason) tend to vote pro-Republican, and that military absentee ballots were the bigger factor.
Who knows though? The Zionist lobby pumps money to all of the candidates.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: Don Carlos on 08/17/04 at 2:37 pm
I think it is abundantly clear that the US has not been a melting pot but a salad bowl. Lots of groups have emerged, each with its own agenda based on specific issues, and the Jewish community does overwhelming support Isreal, as should be expected. How that tanslated into votes in Florida in 2000 is hard to tell, but I'm sure it wasn't "Jews for Buchanan".
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: Mushroom on 08/17/04 at 6:53 pm
My understanding is that military people overseas (for whatever reason) tend to vote pro-Republican, and that military absentee ballots were the bigger factor.
Who knows though? The Zionist lobby pumps money to all of the candidates.
The point of the article is that while the military is a big factor, the one that probably tipped the ballance is the vote of "Expatriate Americans", most notably the ones who currently reside in Israel. That was a group that had largely been ignored in the past.
And whatever you may believe, I do not believe in a "Zionist Conspiracy" or anything like that. Remember these are American citizens. Just like Johnny Depp, who is an Expatriate living in France. Mr. Depp is also allowed to vote in US Elections because he is still a US citizen.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/17/04 at 7:11 pm
If you can link the same info to a reputable source, not newsmax, I'll read it. I don't want to give that site another "hit."
The problem with the military overseas votes is that Bush people only wanted ballots from certain Republican-voting counties counted, not ALL military votes counted. That's why the Dems objected.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 08/17/04 at 7:16 pm
The point of the article is that while the military is a big factor, the one that probably tipped the ballance is the vote of "Expatriate Americans", most notably the ones who currently reside in Israel. That was a group that had largely been ignored in the past.
And whatever you may believe, I do not believe in a "Zionist Conspiracy" or anything like that. Remember these are American citizens. Just like Johnny Depp, who is an Expatriate living in France. Mr. Depp is also allowed to vote in US Elections because he is still a US citizen.
Indeed, when will the liberals stop whining about Bush winning in 2000 ::).....let's move on :)
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/17/04 at 7:21 pm
Indeed, when will the liberals stop whining about Bush winning in 2000 ::).....let's move on :)
Yeah, stop whining about the crime of the century!
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: Mushroom on 08/17/04 at 7:24 pm
I think it is abundantly clear that the US has not been a melting pot but a salad bowl. Lots of groups have emerged, each with its own agenda based on specific issues, and the Jewish community does overwhelming support Isreal, as should be expected. How that tanslated into votes in Florida in 2000 is hard to tell, but I'm sure it wasn't "Jews for Buchanan".
From what I have seen over the years, the Jewish comminity tends to split over Conservative/Liberal ideas.
The more Orthadox tends to be Conservative, and votes that way.  They also tend to be more "Pro-Israel".  The less Orthadox Jews tend to be more Liberal, more Socialist, and less "Pro-Israel" then they are "Pro-Jewish".  Of course, this is not a kind of a blanket statement, just things I have noticed.
I have read before that the 2 states which have the most expatriate citizens living in Israel are New York and Florida.  Since New York is traditionally a Democrat state, the botes there do not matter much.  But as we saw in 2000, just a few hundred votes in a key state like Florida can change the entire outcome of an election.
The military vote is one that the Democrats rarely look for as a general rule.  For the most part it is Republican, because that is the party which gives them the most support.  While Carter and Clinton let them largely languish, Reagan and Bush gave them lots of support, both morally and in "new toys".
As my company's "Voter Registration NCO" in 1998, I can fairly make the statement that the party affiliation of the servicemen is pretty much equal Democrat to Republican.  This support rarely makes it's way to have one change party over it.  But it does tend to make them want to back the candidate that will "do the most for them".
I think that Buchanan did have an influence in the 2000 election though.  As a spoiler, he collected a lot of support because of his "Pro-Israel" stance.  The fact that he was an Independent made him a more favorable choice.
I for one do not accept the idea that voted meant for Gore were counted as Buchanan by mistake.  And there is a valid reason for this.  In looking at the 2000 results state-by-state, Buchanan got roughly the same number of votes as Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate.  For the most part, both of them were VERY close in numbers state-by-state.  In fact, added together, Buchanan beat Browne in 34 states.  That is just a little over half, and Buchanan was not included on 2 balots (Washington DC and Michigan.
Then when you look at the votes in Florida, Buchanan got 17,484 and Browne got 16,415.  Both of them catered to roughly the same crowd.  Looking at this, I can comfortably state that the votes for Buchanan in most cases really were cast for Buchanan.  Othewwise, I would expect to see a surge of votes far in excess to those that Browne got.  The spread of 1,069 votes is actually much smaller then the spread between them in most other states.  In fact, the votes recieved by Ralph Nader (97,488) is much more likely the REAL "spoiler" of the results there.  This is one reason why there is almost nothing being said about Nader in the press now, they do not want him to be a spoiler again.
If anybody wants to check this out, here is a link to a breakdown, state by state, of all the maajor parties.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: Mushroom on 08/17/04 at 7:29 pm
If you can link the same info to a reputable source, not newsmax, I'll read it. I don't want to give that site another "hit."
The problem with the military overseas votes is that Bush people only wanted ballots from certain Republican-voting counties counted, not ALL military votes counted. That's why the Dems objected.
I am so sorry Max, I forgot that you consider Newmax an unreliable source which is all propaganda and lies.
OK, how about this. Is MSNBC reputable?
How about the Chicago Sun-Times?
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/17/04 at 8:24 pm
Indeed, when will the liberals stop whining about Bush winning in 2000 ::).....let's move on :)
Well, there are some people who can't stop whining about Clinton and he has been out of office for 4 years now.
The thing is, the election was stolen-which is a very serious crime. It is documented that people were denied their right to vote, votes were not counted and discarded. In other words, the voice of the "people" was silenced. Unfortunately, the perpatrators will not be held accountable and that is what the real crime is. Because ALL of us pay. It really makes our democracy a joke. The sad point about it is that it can be done again. How would you feel if you went to the polls on election day and told that you could not vote? That is what happened to many, many people-most of them were black. Yeah, you could have that corrected but by then, election day was over and they couldn't vote. That is a violation of their Constitutional Rights. I'm sorry but I can't just look the other way when a crime was committed and justice was not served!
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 08/17/04 at 8:32 pm
Yeah, stop whining about the crime of the century!
The crime of the century was my son being murdered.....I was just saying my feelings.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 08/17/04 at 8:39 pm
Well, there are some people who can't stop whining about Clinton and he has been out of office for 4 years now.
The thing is, the election was stolen-which is a very serious crime. It is documented that people were denied their right to vote, votes were not counted and discarded. In other words, the voice of the "people" was silenced. Unfortunately, the perpatrators will not be held accountable and that is what the real crime is. Because ALL of us pay. It really makes our democracy a joke. The sad point about it is that it can be done again. How would you feel if you went to the polls on election day and told that you could not vote? That is what happened to many, many people-most of them were black. Yeah, you could have that corrected but by then, election day was over and they couldn't vote. That is a violation of their Constitutional Rights. I'm sorry but I can't just look the other way when a crime was committed and justice was not served!
I may talk about Clinton but it's because HE got away with releasing CRIMINALS....I am gonna probably vote for a guy who acted when our nation was attacked over a guy who says he is reporting for duty...and then he'll go drink champagne with Jane Fonda. Bush may bother many...even I don't like all he does, BUT he is the lesser of two evils...Kerry is a flake and a fake. This is nothing personal, just how I feel.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 08/17/04 at 10:41 pm
Yeah, stop whining about the crime of the century!
Good God how many times do we have to count those ballots? And even if Gore did win the popular vote in the state of Florida (which he didn't) the electoral vote could still go for Bush, especially by such a thin margin.
And wasn't the crime of the century 9/11?
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 08/17/04 at 10:43 pm
Good God how many times do we have to count those ballots? And even if Gore did win the popular vote in the state of Florida (which he didn't) the electoral vote could still go for Bush, especially by such a thin margin.
And wasn't the crime of the century 9/11?
It's the war of politics....we aren't right about everything and neither are the liberals....it's a tie and this election will come and go
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: danootaandme on 08/18/04 at 6:19 am
I will keep hammering this point until one of you guys has the cajones to answer it.
What about the 56000 African American votes? The bushs' engineered it, the Senate
let us down, the american people let us down, and now it is being ignored. Address
the issue.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 08/18/04 at 6:41 am
I will keep hammering this point until one of you guys has the cajones to answer it.
What about the 56000 African American votes? The bushs' engineered it, the Senate
let us down, the american people let us down, and now it is being ignored. Address
the issue.
Okay i'll bite:
05/11/2001 - Updated 10:36 AM ET
By Dennis Cauchon and Jim Drinkard, USA TODAY
George W. Bush would have won a hand recount of all disputed ballots in Florida's presidential election if the most widely accepted standard for judging votes had been applied, the first comprehensive examination of the ballots shows. However, the review of 171,908 ballots also reveals that voting mistakes by thousands of Democratic voters  errors that legally disqualified their ballots  probably cost former vice president Al Gore 15,000 to 25,000 votes. That's enough to have decisively won Florida and the White House. Gore's best chance to win was lost before the ballots were counted, the study shows. Voters' confusion with ballot instruction and design and voting machines appears to have changed the course of U.S. history.
Who won Florida?
Who would have won if Al Gore had gotten the manual counts he requested in four counties?
Answer: George W. Bush.
Who would have won if the U.S. Supreme Court had not stopped the hand recount of undervotes, which are ballots that registered no machine-readable vote for president?
Answer: Bush, under 3 of 4 standards.
Who would have won if all disputed ballots - including those rejected by machines because they had more than one vote for president - had been recounted by hand?
Answer: Bush, under the 2 most widely used standards; Gore, under the 2 least used.
Source: USATODAY.com http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2001-05-10-recountmain.htm AND http://www.nytimes.com/images/2001/11/12/politics/recount/
--How many times do I have to say it, A STATE CAN CAST ITS ELECTORAL VOTE FOR WHOEVER THEY WANT. California this election will probably be over 60% for Kerry, but California if it wanted to could cast all its 55 electoral votes for Bush. But it doesn't matter, this 20,000 black voters in Florida couldn't vote is B.S., and not one black person has ever steped forward to my knowledge.
Gore: ''We should re-count all the Jewish, black, and hispanic vote in liberal counties of Florida, and whoever wins between me and Bush should win Florida.'' -Mad TV (just a joke.)
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: danootaandme on 08/18/04 at 7:35 am
You did not address my question. I am much to incensed to write rationally about this so I will copy and paste
this article from Greg Palast. The facts in this article are all on the congressional records.
Five months before the election, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris ordered the removal of 57,700 names from Florida’s voter rolls on grounds that they were felons. Voter rolls contain the names of all eligible, registered voters. If you’re not on the list, you don’t get to vote.
If you commit a felony in Florida, you lose your right to vote there, and you‘re “scrubbed†from the rolls. You become a non-citizen, like in the old Soviet Union. This is not the case in most other states; it’s an uncivilized vestige of the Deep South.
My office carefully went through the scrub list and discovered that at minimum, 90.2 percent of the people were completely innocent of any crime – except for being African American. We didn’t have to guess about that, because next to each voter’s name was their race.
When I questioned Harris’ office about the high percentage of African Americans on the scrub list, they responded, “Well, you know how many black people commit crimes.â€Â
But these people weren’t felons, so why were they scrubbed?
The Florida Republicans wanted to block African Americans, who largely vote as Democrats, from voting. In 1999 they fired the company they were paying $5,700 to compile their felony “scrub†lists and replaced them with Database Technologies , who they paid $2.3 million to do the same job.
There are a lot of Joe Smiths in the Florida phonebook. DBT was hired to verify which Joe Smith was a felon and which was not. They were supposed to use their extensive databases to check credit cards, bank information, addresses and phone numbers, in addition to names, ages, and social security numbers. But they didn’t. They didn’t use one of their 1,200 databases to verify personal information, nor did they make a single phone call to verify the identity of scrubbed names.
So where did DBT get their data?
From the Internet. They went to 11 other states’ Internet sites and took names off dirt-cheap. They scrubbed Florida voters whose names were similar to out-of-state felons. An Illinois felon named John Michaels could knock off Florida voter John, Johnny, Jonathan or Jon R. Michaels, or even J.R. Michaelson. DBT matched for race and gender, but names only had to be similar to a certain degree. Names could be reversed, and suffixes (Jr., Sr.) were ignored, but aliases were included. So the felon John “Buddy†Michaels could knock non-felon Michael Johns or Bud Johnson Jr. off the voter rolls. This happened again and again.
Although DBT didn’t get names, birthdays or social security numbers right, they were very careful to match for race. A black felon named Mr. Green would only knock off a black Mr. Green, but not a single white Mr. Green. That’s how DBT earned its $2.3 million.
Why didn’t DBT use their own databases?
They didn’t, because the state told them not to. Choicepoint vice-president James Lee was grilled by a Congressional committee, headed by Cynthia McKinney, and he admitted everything, but said DBT was following state directives. Florida state officials told DBT to knock off voters by incorrectly matching them with felons.
Congresswoman McKinney led this commission to her own peril. Choicepoint is in her Atlanta district. She was destroyed in the last election by fabricated quotes and a vicious propaganda campaign.
Is this the only way votes were stolen?
No. There were 8,000 Floridians who had committed misdemeanors, but were counted as felons. Their votes were scrubbed. Katherine Harris’ office illegally scrubbed people who’d served time in other states, then moved to Florida, and Jeb Bush’s office illegally barred these people from registering to vote at all.
The biggest wholesale theft occurred inside the voting booths in black rural counties. In Gadsden County, one of the blackest in the state, thousands of votes were simply thrown away. Gadsden used paper ballots which are read by an optical reader. Ballots with a single extra mark were considered “spoiled“ and not counted. The buttons used to fill out the ballots were set up – with approval from Bush and Harris – to make votes appear unclear to the machine. One in eight ballots in Gadsden was voided by the state.
The same ballots were used in Tallahassee County, which is mostly white. There only one in 100 votes was “spoiled.†What made the difference? In Tallahassee, ballots were read on the premises, and if they were marked incorrectly, voters were sent to revote until they got it right. In the black counties, the votes were trucked off immediately. There were no machines on site. Voters weren’t told that their votes were spoiled, and they certainly weren’t permitted to re-vote.
When Ted Koppel investigated voter theft in Florida, he concluded that blacks lost votes because they weren’t well educated, and made mistakes that whites hadn‘t. He didn’t even bother to ask how the machines were set up. This is the kind of reporting we get in America. In Britain, this story ran 3 weeks after the election, when Gore was still in race. It was in the papers and on TV. In the US, it was seven months before the Washington Post ran it, and then it was only a partial version. After the election, Gadsden County replaced its voting commissioner. In 2002 they only lost one in 500 votes. So you can say blacks in Gadsden got smarter in one way – they elected a black elections chief.
What happened to Choicepoint?
Bush is handing them the big contracts in the War on Terror; immigration reviews, DNA cataloging, airport profiling, and their voting systems are being rolled out across the country.
It wasn’t reported in mainstream press, but the NAACP sued Harris and the gang for the black purge, and won. The state threw up its hands immediately and said, ‘You got us! We’ll put these people back as soon as we can.’ We’re still waiting.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 08/18/04 at 7:40 am
Gee that doesn't biased. The south doesn't allow felons to vote, gasp. That law in Florida was done LONG before the general election, and no one before hand knew Florida would be the key factor. Again, even if Gore won that state's popular vote, the electoral vote can still go for Bush, how many times must people say it? THE POPULAR VOTE MEANS NOTHING. Happy now?
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: danootaandme on 08/18/04 at 7:48 am
Gee that doesn't biased. The south doesn't allow felons to vote, gasp. That law in Florida was done LONG before the general election, and no one before hand knew Florida would be the key factor. Again, even if Gore won that state's popular vote, the electoral vote can still go for Bush, how many times must people say it? THE POPULAR VOTE MEANS NOTHING. Happy now?
Once again, the 56000 WERE NOT FELONS. They were people who had the same name as felons. That was
There only crime. jeb and company removed the names of non-felons, 56000 of them. That is the issue. Forget
the issue of who won or lost. Address the issue of the removal of the names of African Americans from the polls, for no other reason than the fact that they were African Americans.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: chickengurl on 08/18/04 at 9:07 am
I am so curious about this problem with the Florida votes....is there documented proof that peoples votes went uncounted simply because they were African American? I honestly don't have a problem with felons votes not being counted, if that is the law in that state...you break the law, then you take your lumps...and if Gore lost because these particular votes went uncounted... :o well...uh, I would think maybe he would want to distance himself from this clique.ÂÂ
It just seems that in this country, if we are in error, it gets ferreted out, and dealt with...Like with the 911 Commission...and the investigation of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal...if Bush really did "steal" the election, the left wing liberals would not rest, until it was proven...they are a squeaky wheel that gets plenty of grease, especially from groups like the ACLU...They would have been all over this, like a crow on roadkill...
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: danootaandme on 08/18/04 at 9:15 am
I am so curious about this problem with the Florida votes....is there documented proof that peoples votes went uncounted simply because they were African American? I honestly don't have a problem with felons votes not being counted, if that is the law in that state...you break the law, then you take your lumps...and if Gore lost because these particular votes went uncounted... :o well...uh, I would think maybe he would want to distance himself from this clique.
It just seems that in this country, if we are in error, it gets ferreted out, and dealt with...Like with the 911 Commission...and the investigation of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal...if Bush really did "steal" the election, the left wing liberals would not rest, until it was proven...they are a squeaky wheel that gets plenty of grease, especially from groups like the ACLU...They would have been all over this, like a crow on roadkill...
This is what drives me nuts. Yes it is documented. There were congressional hearings. I want people to address the issue of legally registered voters being removed from the rolls, but you continue to want to believe that since they were AfricanAmericans they must have been felons. No they were not. Your naivete of what happened in 2000, and the willingness to accept it is astounding.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/18/04 at 10:07 am
Gee that doesn't biased. The south doesn't allow felons to vote, gasp. That law in Florida was done LONG before the general election, and no one before hand knew Florida would be the key factor. Again, even if Gore won that state's popular vote, the electoral vote can still go for Bush, how many times must people say it? THE POPULAR VOTE MEANS NOTHING. Happy now?
Oh, GWB, you know better than that! The "popular vote" is the basis of our democratic republic. In some states the electoral vote can countermand the popular vote. In others not. If the electoral college cancelled a state's popular vote there would be great outrage as this would be contrary to our democratic principles. Why do I have to explain this? You know it already. You are only going to the lengths one has to go to defend the indefensible.
I'll wager if the roles were reversed, you would be screaming for the ouster of the electoral college. If any state certified a Democrat victory over a Republican-won popular vote, you wouldn't then say "THE POPULAR VOTE MEANS NOTHING." I mean, you can try to say you would, but save your breath! Please!
Danoota wrote
What happened to Choicepoint?
Bush is handing them the big contracts in the War on Terror; immigration reviews, DNA cataloging, airport profiling, and their voting systems are being rolled out across the country.
Well, maybe it won't be so bad if the federal government lets Choicepoint complete the work the government paid for. Katherine Harris got the results she wanted and told Choicepoint not to bother with the "verification" process. You know, "my mind's made up, don't confuse me with facts."
Believe me, Danoota, I have cited Palast's investigative reporting here many times. You're never going to get the pro-Bush people to 'fess up to the crimes of 2000. Remember, in the topy-turvy world of right-wing rhetoric, if a source presents evidence contrary to your argument, they are biased.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: chickengurl on 08/18/04 at 11:07 am
DanootaAndMe wrote:
This is what drives me nuts.  Yes it is documented.  There were congressional hearings.  I want people to address the issue of legally registered voters being removed from the rolls, but you continue to want to believe that since they were AfricanAmericans they must have been felons.  No they were not.  Your naivete of what happened in 2000, and the willingness to accept it is astounding. ÂÂ
I do not want to "believe" anything of the sort...I never said I think that all African Americans MUST be felons...I would assume that the felons in Florida are NOT ALLl of ANY race...sheesh....I can see why you are so frustrated..this is the problem we have with "band-wagoning" we get unbalanced (either to far left, or right) and cannot see anything clearly...ready to cry "discrimination" where there is none...please go back and read my post again...  All I said was that the if the felons (not matter what their race, religion, sex, eye color, or nose picking style)  are not allowed to vote, so be it, if it is the law in Florida.  If people are denied the right to vote based on the color of their skin, then you wanna believe I would be outraged too...and where is the ACLU???  This would be a feast for them...Do you have a link of these hearings?  I want to see for myself...then you can bet I will be ready to cry "injustice" right along with you...
I loathe injustice, and I also loathe the habit of "crying wolf"...and blaming others for the mess we make of our own lives...if I commit a felony, and loose my right to vote...I take my lumps...If I sleep with dogs, and get fleas, I don't blame the dogs for having fleas...nor do I blame their owners for not giving the dogs a flea bath...I take responsibility for MY OWN CHOICE in sleeping with them...If I am not hired for a position I had applied for, I do not assume it is because I was a married, Christian, caucasian, middle-aged mother, but rather that someone else was more qualified...If people don't like me, I do not assume it is because I am beautiful ::)...I would imagine it is because i am not likeable, or self-absorbed.
If legally registered voters are being excluded, without just cause...this is wrong...if people are registering more than once...this is wrong too...
We will hear nothing else, as long as our fingers are stuck in our ears, while we are singing "three blind mice" as loud as we can... ???
We cannot think or see with clarity when we are in continual agitation...we must strive for balance, so that the pendulum is not "stuck" to either the left or the right. ÂÂ
Let's see the documentation...and I would still like to know, where is the ACLU? It's not like them to miss out on this... :-\\
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: danootaandme on 08/18/04 at 11:40 am
If you would, please read the entire article that I copied in my previous posting. It states the actions that were taken. It also states that approximately 56000 people were illegally denied the right to vote on the basis of race. This will take you to the ACLU suit against Katherine
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: Don Carlos on 08/18/04 at 1:52 pm
Another part of this is that two Florida courts held that felons who committed their crimes in other strates, which restore their right to vote after release (and many states do) could NOT be scrubbed from the lists and did not have to ask the Florida gov. for clemancy to get their vote. This was the case for, if memory serves, about half of the real felons on the scrub list.
Early in the evening on election day I recall one of the networks giving Florida to Bush as a result of exit polls, especially in I think it was Dade county - the one with the butterfly ballots. Buchanan did much better there than he expected, and himself stated his belief that many of those votes were cast in error. He may support Isreal, but he is also very anti-semitic.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/18/04 at 8:32 pm
Another part of this is that two Florida courts held that felons who committed their crimes in other strates, which restore their right to vote after release (and many states do) could NOT be scrubbed from the lists and did not have to ask the Florida gov. for clemancy to get their vote. This was the case for, if memory serves, about half of the real felons on the scrub list.
Early in the evening on election day I recall one of the networks giving Florida to Bush as a result of exit polls, especially in I think it was Dade county - the one with the butterfly ballots. Buchanan did much better there than he expected, and himself stated his belief that many of those votes were cast in error. He may support Isreal, but he is also very anti-semitic.
It's amazing to me how Gov. Bush can defy court orders forbidding civil rights violations and have nothing come of it. Scary sh*t!
The Chrisitan fundamentalist support for Israel is ultimately anti-Jewish from a theological point of view. According to prophesy, only when Armageddon comes will the Jews be converted to Christianity and be saved. Jews as Jews deny the messiah and cannot go to heaven.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: chickengurl on 08/18/04 at 10:50 pm
DanootaAndMe ...I can not belive everything that I read...and I cannot take Palast's word as fact...he is a reporter with an opinion...as is Michael Moore, and Mancow etc...I spent quite a few hours searching for transcripts in the congressional records, msn, msnbc, abc, cbs, newsweek, time, cnn, the U.S. district court...and could find nothing on this issue...where are the facts, as apposed to the rhetoric?...we have to have the facts, and not base our opinions on anothers opinions...if anyone has some hard facts, could you please post...I want to know the truth...and though I spent only 4 or 5 hours searching the internet, I know there must be some concrete proof, because people do not complain without just cause. :-\\
http://thomas.loc.gov/ search congressional records
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/18/04 at 11:01 pm
DanootaAndMe ...I can not belive everything that I read...and I cannot take Palast's word as fact...he is a reporter with an opinion...as is Michael Moore, and Mancow etc...
Michael Moore isn't a reporter, he's a film maker. Mancow isn't a reporter, he's an idiot. Greg Palast IS a reporter, and I have yet to see his reporting refuted with facts, just a lot of angry finger-pointing, or as Dubya said, "We hate that sonofab*tch!"
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: RockandRollFan on 08/18/04 at 11:39 pm
Michael Moore isn't a reporter, he's a film maker.
And a crappy one at that...he tells half truths and leaves out a LOT of facts...HE is an idiot :P
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 08/18/04 at 11:55 pm
And a crappy one at that...he tells half truths and leaves out a LOT of facts...HE is an idiot :P
On a sidenote, Nader today submitted nearly triple the signatures required to be on Ohio's ballot, he collected around 14,400 in a state that requires 5,000 signautes. He also just yesterday and today made ballots in Utah, Tennessee, New York, Iowa, Washington D.C., and New Hampshire. He is expected to be on 43 state ballots and D.C. I am not going to hide it, I am glad Nader will be on in Ohio, Pennslyvania, Florida, Iowa, Wisconsin, and many other KEY battleground states.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: chickengurl on 08/19/04 at 12:17 am
Okay...fine...I stand corrected... :P but Pa-leeese, is there a link on the net, anywhere, with a court transcript, or some unbiased report? I have searched untill supper is way-late, for any info...
Anyone can sue anyone for anything, and allegations are just gossip, and nothing more without PROOF...what are the findings? I want to know the truth, so I can write my congressmen, and senators...and anyone else that may matter, in this cause. If people are being stiffed, concerning their votes, we need to sound the alarm, in a concise, and orderly way.ÂÂ
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: danootaandme on 08/19/04 at 5:40 am
Okay...fine...I stand corrected... :P but Pa-leeese, is there a link on the net, anywhere, with a court transcript, or some unbiased report? I have searched untill supper is way-late, for any info...
Anyone can sue anyone for anything, and allegations are just gossip, and nothing more without PROOF...what are the findings? I want to know the truth, so I can write my congressmen, and senators...and anyone else that may matter, in this cause. If people are being stiffed, concerning their votes, we need to sound the alarm, in a concise, and orderly way.
Sadly, it is tough to find an unbiased anything these days but try these. If you google Katherine
Harris NAACP settlement you will find more, but it is an event the right wing press has chosen
not to weigh in on, for obvious reasons,
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: GWBush2004 on 08/19/04 at 6:08 am
Sadly, it is tough to find an unbiased anything these days but try these. If you google Katherine
Harris NAACP settlement you will find more, but it is an event the right wing press has chosen
not to weigh in on, for obvious reasons,
Don't know about working for change but I believe nothing that cBS puts out.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: Don Carlos on 08/19/04 at 2:27 pm
Don't know about working for change but I believe nothing that cBS puts out.
No surprise there, nor that you swallow everything Rush reports. You know the difference between Rush and a zeppilin? One is a fat gas bag, the other is an air ship. ;)
The 2000 Florida election was probably the dirtiest in our nation's history, and is a horrendous travisty. The improperly scrubbed list, the ignoring of court rulings, the dubious vote count, all make it soi corrupt that the Sup Crt should have simply disenfranbchised Florida in 2000.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: danootaandme on 08/19/04 at 6:45 pm
Don't know about working for change but I believe nothing that CBS puts out.
The slant any paper puts on it may differ, but they all have agreed to the facts. How many class action suits are resolved in less than 6 months? Obviously they wanted this out of the way as quickly and as quietly as possible. As contentious as we can be on some(most) issues I do hope that we can all agree to speak up and make sure that this doesn't happen to any voter again. Personally, I believe it will happen, and it will be allowed to happen over and over again.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/19/04 at 7:42 pm
The slant any paper puts on it may differ, but they all have agreed to the facts. How many class action suits are resolved in less than 6 months? Obviously they wanted this out of the way as quickly and as quietly as possible. As contentious as we can be on some(most) issues I do hope that we can all agree to speak up and make sure that this doesn't happen to any voter again. Personally, I believe it will happen, and it will be allowed to happen over and over again.
Unfortunately, I think are right. That is the sad part of all of this. There wasn't enough outrage when it happened in the right places. Things could have been done to make sure that it NEVER happened again but "they" (whoever "they" may be) didn't and I think that is the way "they" want it. Who cares if people lose their right to vote as long as the outcome is in "our" favor. The ends justifies the means.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: danootaandme on 08/20/04 at 6:57 pm
20,000 black voters in Florida couldn't vote is B.S., and not one black person has ever stepped forward to my knowledge.
Well bushleaguers, you have seen the proof. The class action suit that went uncontested. My college educated, property owning, small business man, grandfather had a gun stuck in his mouth by the sheriff in his town and was told that (expletive deleted) don't vote. That was in the 1920s. People click there tongues about how horrible it was and isn't it great how far we have come. They make excuses that only a few of the people were like that, most of the people were good, but afraid to speak out. My father left the south so that he could vote without being lynched, beaten, or "disappeared" Well here is your chance to speak out. What do you say about the people who engineered this travesty? What do you say about the Governor who sends armed lawenforcement officers to "speak" to elderly African Americans who lived through the mayhem that was the struggle for the right to vote and saw people lynched, beaten, firehosed, and "disappeared"? Do you stand up for them? Or do you turn a blind eye? What do you do?
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/20/04 at 9:34 pm
Well bushleaguers, you have seen the proof. The class action suit that went uncontested. My college educated, property owning, small business man, grandfather had a gun stuck in his mouth by the sheriff in his town and was told that (expletive deleted) don't vote. That was in the 1920s. People click there tongues about how horrible it was and isn't it great how far we have come.  They make excuses that only a few of the people in the south were like that, most of the people were good, but afraid to speak out. My father left the south so that he could vote without being lynched, beaten, or "disappeared" Well here is your chance to speak out. What do you say about the people who engineered this travesty? What do you say about the Governor who sends armed lawenforcement officers to "speak" to elderly African Americans who lived through the mayhem that was the struggle for the right to vote and saw people lynched, beaten, firehosed, and "disappeared"? Do you stand up for them? Or do you turn a blind eye? What do you do?
As far as the Republican party is concerned, all those racist southern sheriffs were Democrats. That's how deep in denial they are.
It's time for us to realize civil rights were hard fought and won, and we may have to fight to continue to guarantee them. When rich white people want their way, they'll stop at nothing but physical force.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/21/04 at 8:12 pm
As far as the Republican party is concerned, all those racist southern sheriffs were Democrats. That's how deep in denial they are.
It's time for us to realize civil rights were hard fought and won, and we may have to fight to continue to guarantee them. When rich white people want their way, they'll stop at nothing but physical force.
Unfortunately civil rights have not be WON. As long as people are being discriminated because of the color of their skin, their religion, their sexual orination, gender, nationality, political beliefs, and sometimes age, then the fight has not been won. Yes, small victories have been made but I think we still have a long way to go until this battle is won.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/21/04 at 9:54 pm
Unfortunately civil rights have not be WON. As long as people are being discriminated because of the color of their skin, their religion, their sexual orination, gender, nationality, political beliefs, and sometimes age, then the fight has not been won. Yes, small victories have been made but I think we still have a long way to go until this battle is won.
That's my point. Our schools, universities, and media tell us "Civil Rights" is an historical struggle America won. It serves us better to understand "civil rights" as an ongoing struggle. We must vigilantly guard each victory and recognize there are forces who jealously wish to rescind each victory in civil rights.
You hear the Rush Limbaughs of the America deny the racism of of GOP, the corporate power structure, and the imperial interests of the our government. Meanwhile, the same GOP-operatrive propagandists will trash the Democratic party as the party of slavery and Jim Crow, and refer to racism only as a blight forced upon white males on behalf of minorities by liberal Democrats in order to secure the votes of said minorities by making them perpetually dependent on government programs. In other words, racism=affirmative action.
Meanwhile, Republican thug, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, and his stooge, Katherine Harris, strip African Americans of their civil rights--the right to vote--against numerous court orders with impunity. In fact, Secretary of State Katherine Harris, who belongs in federal prison, parayed her role in the heist of the Presidential election into a big promotion. She's now in the U.S. House of Representatives. IMHO, what makes this situation unique is sunlight. What Bush and Harris did was exposed. Similar vile antics in other states, I'm afraid, have gone undetected.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: danootaandme on 08/23/04 at 4:50 pm
Well bushleaguers, you have seen the proof. The class action suit that went uncontested. My college educated, property owning, small business man, grandfather had a gun stuck in his mouth by the sheriff in his town and was told that (expletive deleted) don't vote. That was in the 1920s. People click there tongues about how horrible it was and isn't it great how far we have come. They make excuses that only a few of the people were like that, most of the people were good, but afraid to speak out. My father left the south so that he could vote without being lynched, beaten, or "disappeared" Well here is your chance to speak out. What do you say about the people who engineered this travesty? What do you say about the Governor who sends armed lawenforcement officers to "speak" to elderly African Americans who lived through the mayhem that was the struggle for the right to vote and saw people lynched, beaten, firehosed, and "disappeared"? Do you stand up for them? Or do you turn a blind eye? What do you do?
Thought I would revive this question. Waiting for an answer.
Subject: Re: Key election swing state - Israel?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/23/04 at 7:07 pm
No surprise there, nor that you swallow everything Rush reports. You know the difference between Rush and a zeppilin?ÂÂ
Oh, I thought you were talking about